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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1900)
THE MORNING ASTORU1Y, FRIDAY, MAY 2ft, 1100 girtilvr ltovlmt; JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 661. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Fcnt by mull, per year tO.VO Sent by mall, per month 80 Ecrvtd by carrier, per month SO SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year. In advance 1S.O0 Fostge free to subscribers. AU communications intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds n4 remittance must be to 'The Astorlan." Tho Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on' the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. THE GOEBEL ELECTION LAW. ASTORIA, May 23. Editor Astorlan: I fed that you will have the klnd to allow me room to make some crit icism on your editorial on the Goebel election. Speaking of It, you fay: "The law Is an outrageous violation of human rights and liberty." Now, I desire to ask you in all candor to in form us whose rights nave been vio lated by the Goebel election law? You must know that the sia'e board of canvassers, created by the Goebel law, decided, when they canvassed the vote, that the republican candidates for state offices hud been elected, and thereupon. Issued certificates of elec tion to them. Then all operation of the election law ceased. Goebel, the dem ocratic candidates for governor, then proceeded with the necessary steps to contest the election of Taylor. This contest, under the constitution, must b; conducted before the legislature. This method of contest was provided for in the constitution of Kentucky a century ago, and Its fairness has never been called lu question. You say: "It Is the republicans who are abused this time by the law." (the Goe bel law). But this is not the fact The democrats lost the election under the Gotbel law, and had there not ex isted another law under which they could contest the election of Taylor, that gentleman would have become the governor DE JURE as well as DE FACTO. So, that after all this hue and cry raised all over the land by Uie republican papers about the in famy cf the Goebel election law, the fact remains that it operated against the democrats and in favor of the re publicans. TRANSIENT. It Is Impossible to see how the Ken tucky case has bem improved by the explanation the writer of the above gives. In fact, if his statement is correct, Kentucky's Infamy and dis grace is all the worse. An outrage which could not be inflicted under the Goebel law as iniquitous and unjust as that measure is and was designed to be, upon the testimony of Kentuck iana themselves. Col. Watterson among the number another law in Kentucky has been found capable of doing. Taylor's majority was so pronounced that it became necessary to resort to some expedient other than the Goe bel law to defeat the will of the ma jority and install a usurper in the place he legally occupied, and the in strument was found in a method in vented und'-r the provisions of Ken tucky's constitution, a century old. Nice state Kentucky must be and a fine example of popular government, when such things can not only be le gally done, but justified on ancient constitutional grounds. The point the . Astorlan sought to make was that Kentucky had a law which was an instrument of oppression and wrong, but that it need not be a matter of concern or alarm to people elsewhere Young Girls How easy it is for young girls to go into the "decline." They eat less and less, become paler and paler and can harldy drag through the day. They are on the steady down ward course. Iron does them no good; strychnine and bit ters all fail. They need a food that will nourish them better, and a medicine that will cor rect their disease. Scott's Emulsion is both of these, elegantly and per manently combined. The Cod-Liver Oil make the blood richer, and this jives better color to the face. The hypophosphitej of lime and soda act as a strong tonic to the nerves. Soon the weight increases, (he digestion improves and health returns. At aM irazsisti ; foe ud f i oo. SCOTT A BOWNE, ChemiMa, Nww York. In the country so lorg as they kept their Hrs.ns and property outside of ;h:it stat and so the supreme court bus ruloO. It is Kentucky pa.iple on ly who must suffer from the unrlght- ei'iisnos of her laws; It Is upon her head the shame must rest among the governments of earth. This was the point, and the Astorlan thinks It pretty well sustained, particularly by the truths which the above communi cation purports to tell. ' VAST SUMS TO HE SPENT RAILROADS. RY Better proof that Improved business conditions have come to stay could not be furnished than the proposed expen diture of fifty million dollars by the railroads of this country for new equip ment and for extension of their lines. The carrier corporations are the first to feel the effects of Industrial depres sion and almost the last to receive the benefits of revived business activi ty. The fruits of restored business confidence and industrial activity must be realized In Increased production be fore the railroads can reap their share of the general prosperity. Since IS92 railroad building has been practically at a standstill. The hard times, combined with hostile populist legislation In the West, drove many roads Into the hands of receiver anJ those that were fortunate enough to escape receivers were careful to make no outlays for extensions and no ad ditions to equipment that were not ab solutely necesary to handle the busi ness. They were also seriously han dicapped by the demoralisation in freight rates following the decision of the supreme court which dissolved traffic agreements. The railroads have been waiting for evidences of permanent business 1m- j provement before entering upon any extended plans for railway building or the purchase of new equipment. They are now convinced that the traffic of the future will warrant a heavy out lay for new lines, new bridges new engines and new cars. Statistics of railway business for the first three months of 1900 show enormously in creased earnings compared with the first three months of 1S99. The in creased gross earnings of 108 systems is given as follows: First three months 1900 $153,843,998 First three months 1899 JIS.812,239 Increase for 1900 35,031,739 That railway managers are con vinced that . the prosperity of the country is permanent and that Indus trial activity will Increase rather than diminish is evidenced by their decision to invest 150,000,000 in new trackage and equipment to handle the Increased business of the future instead of par ir.g it out in dividends. This decls Ion is reached In spite of the greatly Increased cost of materials entering into railway construction. The disbursement of this 350,000,000 means employment of a vast army of laborers and increased activity in many branches of productive industry all over the Union. The Tacoma Ledger says it Is ru mored in New York that a scheme is under consideration to bring about a vast strike of Iron and steel workers, for effect upon the presidential cam palgn. Under present conditions, with workmen getting better wages than ever before, having been voluntarily advanced several times, it will be a hard matter to get up a general strike for political or other purposes. CUTTING OFF THEIR OWN NOSES. Spokane Chronicle. The census is coming, and after that the reapportionment of represen tatives to the states of the Union. Right there arises one point that must not le overlooked. Every one is supposed to know all about the thirteenth and fifteenth amendments to the constitution of the United States, but the fourteenth is almost forgotten by the masses of the people. Just at this date in the na tion's history It is worth reading over once more. Here is a part of it the firet two sections: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the state where in they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or Immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, lib erty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its Jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "Representatives shall be apportion ed among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for llfouscvvork is hard workyitiiout GoldDtisf TO WASH COLORED TABLE CLOTHS A treat mmj pcrtooi h lit M firms tad hart N d their owi wattilat, gicd color, table lUtttoutt vaihlai. To attp lota looilu mv 14 frea radloi km Unit Gold Dust Washing Powder It tot vuh vtttr, tad in la ttrt laid. It It e4trnil bow loaf t prro ltd libit cloth wltl imp In rrnhMM ah4 this v- Tub rtd tr ettorwd aipl tat tot umt way. Tt tK ( ui rt. tm ftm W4M Jul lux Imaft ma' I feat fra M r4Ml tmi u. a. rtiatAMR company, e lot, piesident and vice-president of the United States, representatives In con gress, the executive und Judicial offl- cers of a state or .he members of the legislature thereof Is denied to any one of the male Inhabitants of such state. being 21 years of age and cltliens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation In rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall le re duced in the proportion which the number of such male cltliens shall hear to the whole number of male clt liens 21 years of ago In such state." This amendment was prepared to cover precisely the conditions that ex ist lit some of the southern democratic states. An effort Is there being made, under cover of law, to disfranchise all or nearly all of the colored voters. In Louisiana these constitute one-half of all the voters of the state; in Ala bama about 45 per rent; in Missis sippi about 60 per cent; in South Car olina they far outnumber the white men, while In Georgia the latter have small majority. If the black man is disfranchised in the south and that is the undis guised program of many democratic leaders then the fourteenth amend ment should be strictly enforced and the representation of the southern states and in the electorlal college cut squarely In two- The constitution so provides, and the constitution must be obeyed. Demo.'rats, how do you like your disfranchising policy, carried to its log ical results? An evil tongue could not do much harm if there were no evil ears to lis ten. Corrects all blemishes of injJftTn the face, removes blot illjuDIQ S ,,ies Pln pls, tan. sun burn, freckles and makes a beautiful complexion. It Is also the best tooth wash, and excellent for deranged stomach. H. C. THOMPSON REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COUNTY TREASURER VOTE FOR HARRISON ALLEN (Of Aatorla) REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY FRED WICKMAN INDEPENDENT CAN DID ATt'FOU SHERIFF FRANK R. STOKES REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR REPRESENTATIVE VOTE FOR THOMAS LINVlLLE REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR SHERIFF VOTE FOR D. J. INGALLS REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COISTT C0.H.1.MISSI0SEB J. T. LEE REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COIITT SIPKEIWEMOT OF SCHOOLS C.W. CARNAH AN REGULAR REBUBLICAS NOMINEE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company. Bailey Gatzert leaves Astoria dally except Sunday -at 7 p. m. Leaves por:ana daily except Bun- day at 7 a. m White Collar Line tickets and O. R. & N. tickets interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Agt U. B. SCOTT, Telephone I1L President, L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder Oeeri Contractor - HOUSe RAI5INQ AND AlOVINd A SPECIALTY ili' 1 lli Fisher's Opera House L, E. SELIO, Lessee and Manager. Tuesday, May 29 CHARLES I!. YALE'S MASSITE. H AKVEI.Ol'S, MECHAN ICAL, $i'ECT..CTI.AK KOMAN'CK I EVD1 EYE OR THE- MAST MKKKT MISHAPS OF NID.. V Etlil. 0FN0D indtha WONUKRITI WONUKKINUS Under the Management of the Author, SIDNEY R. ELLIS INTRODUCING l. B. VILSOM R0SAIRB8 ELLIOTT rmic B LOO DC 00 D the r.ioi9 rmscT troltc THE BCVIIDBSI.IG CLCCTR1C BHLET THE Mt.lAN VIND.HIIL Till DISArTEAltl.NG R00.1S THE CATUtrTIC DRAWBRIDGE The entire production In its entirety. No omissions o r substitutions. The same as given at the principal $1.00 tneatres throughout the country. With a wealth of New and Startling Features, Specialties, Hallets, Songs, Tricks, and Costumes. Gorgeous Scen ery, Original Music, Spedul Features. Special Engagement from the Al humbra Theatre, London. THE GREAT PHASEY TROUPE ADMISSION: Reserved Seats, $1.00 Gallery - .50 SEAT SALE opens MONDAY morn ing at Urifhn & Keecrs. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. R38 Duane St, Astoria, Or. W. 3. COOK. KKt Res. Tel. 113L J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder THE PROOF of the pudding la to the eatiai and the proof of I'quofs IS IN SAMPLING Tint's an argument that's ceo. elusive e, demonauia,uoa. Ours will stand the ieat HUGHES & CO. THE I01VRC. StranKen vUitinK in toe city will find the Louvre an attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amme Sisters Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly musical program of exceptional merit, fTanilsome pool and billiard rooms aw a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at all nours ft v. ' v:-.k Jt- Jfx 10 TIMfl 5CltlWil.liJ Ktom ton Wild. PKl'ART Cliioaii IVrll.n.l I '!. m AftlTI vilt l.ikf, IVtiver, fx north, tlmnlit. Kmi M i II y, M 1,1'iita, t'lili'ii. Ami rnu 4 p. lu. Ml lk Heiiver, rt. Alimitln p. m. v utlli, Oii.kIih, kii- T a. ui. pm nty. hi. ion i t'llll'MO HUll Kmhi, IV Hit VViklU. I vwliloii, NHikiii, Alii iifio SiHikmiw Vlyi-r, p. lu. n, "I. i ui, I llUlll, swam. Muwuukoiv t'hlc ig mill Knt. Pruto Ailurla OCUAN 8TUAM3MIP3 All Kallln Put. tub Kor mii Fraticitt-Mftll ColembU River BiMmera Tn Portland sa4 Way LanUlnia. T a m KxSuutUy to in! Mo day ' OifjroB ( It. NwlH.rj, cuutHii t ay-Laud . iiu nil r. Jn, i ud rrt, ... l Klperlttu Lew l to n. ; dully .- a. m. pm n ll,l,,F,l f. 1'... ,, ....... . ... 4:0 p, tu. Mod, Wrd r'tiuaj f, .inn - lurtiHim in i orvaiii . .luriljf tail way l.ii.llnnt. O. W. LOUNSBERRT, ... . Agent, Astoria, W. H. HURLUURT. Oen. 1'ass. Agt. Tortland, Or. GBEATBfI TICKETS WpjUDY'S'pOjflTS EAST Through Tatars and Tourist Sleep era dining and library observation car. KLKUANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4. "Flyer." leaves Portland at t:20 p. m. no. , -nyer." arrives rortland at 8:00 a. m. For rates, etc., call or address O. W. IX)UNSHEnRT. Agent O. R. A N.. Astoria. Or. or A. R. C. DENNISTON. C. P. A T. A.. Portland, Ore. I KI1AI. NOTICM, IMPKOVKMKN'T OF AVENUE. FRANKLIN Notice is hereby given, that the com nmn coun II of the city of Astoria ha dcternilnej and Intends to Improve or repulr that portion of Franklin avenue In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oreg in, as luld out and record ed by J. M. Hhlvtley from the west line of 31st street to a point llfty feet West t her 'of throughout the width of said portion of said street, by straighten ing up the existing posts or underpin ning and puling In ten new posts un der said portion of raid roadway or trestling and taking up the existing cap and strlng.-rs and replacing them In their proper position and putting In a new cap adjoining the crossing of said street with 31st street and by con structing new side walks ten feet wide on each side of said portion of said street and replanklng said portion of sold street from curb to curb with new sound II r plHnklng 12 Inches In width by 4 Inches In thickness. All material to be usej In .mliJ Improvement to be of good nound tir lumiier either red or yel low ana said work Is to be done strict ly In accordance with the nlans and specifications to be prepared therefor oy tne city surveyor. That the costs and expenses of said repair or Improvement shall be de frayed by assessment of the lots, lands and pronils? specially benefited by the same which are hereby Included In a special assessment district to be as si-Hsed to defray the costs and expenses of said Improvement and la a follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 12 In block 148 and running thence southwesterly through the middle of block 14S to the northwest corner of lot 7 In block 118, thence southerly to the southwest corner of lot 6 In block 2, thence northeasterly to the southeast cornr of lot 1 in block 2, thence In a straight lino to the place of beginning, end containing lots from 7 to 12. both Inclusive In block 148, and lots from 1 to 6, both Inclusive in block 2, all In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Or egon, as laid out and recorded by J, M. Shlveley. That the city surveyor has been di rected to prepare and deposit with the auditor and police Judge of said city estimates of the costs and expenses of said repairs and specincatlons for said proposed work. That this notice Is published for eight days In ths Morning Astorlan tn pur suance to a resolution duly adopted by snid council on the 21st day of May, 1900, the date of the first publication of this notice being on May 23, liWO, II. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ijinil Office at Oregon City, Or., May Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has Hied notice of his Int'-ntlrm to make final proof In support of his claim, arid that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Clatsop County, at Astoria, Oregon, on July 2, 1900, viz: RAIITHOLOMBW J. BURKE. H. 13. No. 12326, for the 8 half of the HE quaru-r, NE quarter of BE quar ter and Br; quarter of NE quarter of section 9, T 5 N, R 10 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of auld land, viz: John I. Eherman. of Seaside. Ore gon; James Irwin, of Seaside Oregon; George Irwin, of Beaslde, Oregon; Phil ip M, Condlt, of Seaside, Oregon. CHAB. U, MOOItEE, Register. Dr. T.N. Ball DENTIST. 17J Commercial Street, ASTORIA, ORB. Over Schlussel's ClothlntT Btor. . LRUAL NOTICM. NOTIOIQ FOR PUBLICATION, Land Office at Oivgon City, Oregon, April 29, ltHK), Notice I hctvby given (hut the following-named settler hits II I ml untie of her Intention to iiihKo flnul proof In support of her clulm, and that said proof will be iimilo before the resistor and receiver nt Oregon City, Oregon on June II, 100, vis: Miu'gatvt C. Corcoran, formerly Margaret o. Walker. II. W. 1232.for the K. t of N. W. U, N. W. U of H, W. l, Beet Ion 83 and H, IC i of 8, W. k. Hecllon 29. Tp. N It T, W. Him names the following witnesses to prove her continuous rmlduiice upon and cultivation of said land, vis: liavtd Tweeddle, of Vina Maple, Ore gon; Fdward Wlntcrbunh, of Vine M pie, Oregon; Joseph Lynch, of Mtsh awuka, Oregon; Kdward Uodde, of Jewel, Oregon. CI I AH. II. MOOltKH. Itegistcr. ADMINISTRATOR'S BALIS. Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant to an order made and entered In the county court of the slate of Oregon for I'luUop county on the SOth day of April, 1:KK the uiulurnli"ec, adminis trator of Him et(t'e of P. V. Coleman, (ImvasKtl, will, on Wednesday. Ilio (tit day of June, 1!W0. In front of the court house door, at the city of Astoria, In 'lutnop comity, state of Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the hlKheat bidder for cash, all of the following desrrlbad real estate kltuatod In said county, to-wlt: Tho north half of tho southwest quar ter, nn I the west lult of the southeast quarter of Hectlon number one, (I), In Township six t), north or Rango nine 19). west of the Willamette meridian. I 'tiled at Axtorla, Oregon, this tlrst day of May, 1900. C. W, FULTON. Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lutnd Oltlce at Oregon City, Oregon. April 21, lboo. Notice la hereby given that the fol-lowlng-immed settler hu filed notlca of his Intention to make final proof In support of hi claim, and thai said Proof will be made before the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on June t, iwo, vis: John p. uustTAYsoN. brother and heir at law of Uak Qui- tavson, dceraavd. II. i:. No. lusio, for the south half of the ,VV quarter and north half of the MV quarter of section 10. T 4 N, R 7 lie names the following wltnrasr to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said lurid vis: Jacob L'llckson, of Klsle, Oregon; Kllerd O. Erlckson, of Klale, On-uon; Nils Lahtl, of Astoria, Oregon; Jacob ltendilckson, of Astoria, Orrgori. C1IAS. B. MOOKKB, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'8 SALE. Notice I hereby elven that nn Mon. day, April 2, ituO. at 10 o'clock A. M at trio court liouao door, In tho city of Astorl. In Clataop county, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the count court of the slat or Oregon, for Clat aop county, made and entered on Feb ruary 19, 1W0, I will, as admlnlatrator of the relate of Ilendrlk 1 'a tree, de ceased, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash. th (ollowlna described property belonging to Hid estate, to-wlt: Lot two and th south west quarter of the northeast auart.r of section thirteen, Intownshlp seven norm, range ten west of Willamette merman, in said Clataon county, and alo, a contract for sale of the timber upon said land, made by the said de ceased and on Nick PotrofT with one it. tu uoie, or date of June 4, 189s. uateu aiarcn l, IW). FRANK J. TAYLOR. Administrator, CONTEST NOTICE. . ... v. AM,, U V lice, Orrgon City, Oregon, May 7. A sufficient contest affidavit having ueen meu in mis omce by w. U. Howell, ennteatant. nirnlriMt UnmA.i-n.1 i.-..t.u , - w - --' U . . 1 1 I I J , No. 9.M7, made November 14, 1891, for or i v ik. nection 17, Township 6 N, Rane 10. llV Corv (I Ailnma ,,ni..t.... In which it Is alleged that contestant "knows the present condition of the same; also that said Cory O. Adam nas wholly abandoned said tract of land and changed his residence there from, for more than four years since maklnir Mnld f.nfrv an,t av ... date of this ailldavlt, and that he has utiiiu io cuuivaio arid improve suhl tract Of land na tirnvl,li1 h l.w that said alleged absence rrom the suld land was not duo to his employment In the army, navy, or marine corps of the United Ktates as a private soldier, oltl c.r, seaman or marine, during the war wnii npmn, or uuring any other war In Which tho United Mint,.. n,ni I,. gaged," said parties are hereby noWled to appear, respond and offer evidence luuconiH Bum allegation at 10 0 clock a. in. on .Tuna 99 IQtfl before the register and receiver at the uimea otates tana ofllce In Oregon City, Oregon, The said contestant having, In a prop er affidavit. Hied February 1, laoo set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Signed, VM. GALLOWAY. Receiver. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county. Rebecca Hall. nlulntinV vm won., P. Mall. defcndantT ' " To William P, Hall defendant In the nam nt lha ii.ii , - " ... vivkoii you are hereby required to appear ami me Koiiipmini Hied aguinst you In the above entitled suit on or before the IRth day of June, luoo, that being the time prescribed In the order of pub lication of this summons for filing said answer, and If vnu rn in and answer suld complulnt, the plaln- iiu win ujipiy io me court ror the re lief demanded in anM vn.i.i.i wit, for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff and for such further relief as may be Just and equitable. This Biuiiiiioiia is pumisnea by oruor of the Hon. J. H. J). Gray, county Judge of C.ltLtHOn rnllnlv flroirnti m.,1. I- j i b'.., ,,i,..,i. mm en- tered the 28th day of April, 1900; said order being made by said county Judge In the absence of the circuit Judge and the date of the first publication is May 4, 1900, and the said publication Is to mo cunivcuuve weeKs from the said date,' GEORGE II. DURHAM, . a a . . attorney for Plaintiff. Dated Astoria, .Oregon, April 28, 1900. I.KOAI. NOTH'ICH BUMMONtf. In the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon Tor the County of Clatsop, F. A, Klwlier and A. t Fisher, part liers, colllpilslliK the firm of liaher Brothers, pUlntiit), vs. Herbert F. L, Loiiuu, Florence Logan, Alice Logan, M Individuals. J. T. Hoes, J. K. lllg. gins, It. C, Tlioiiipaon, and K. Z. Fur gUMon, as iartiieis, comprising the firm of lt, lllHitlns A Co., A. F. Allen, A. IlH, and J. C. Irfwl, Partners, un der the firm iiaine of Allen A Lewis, FU kenatelii, Mayer Co., a corporation, and AleX. C-lltieil, defendant. To Herbert F. L Logan, Florence Logan and Alice Logan, of the above named defendant: In the name of the slate of Orfgon, you and nu ll of you r hereby re quired to appear and answer th coin plaint filed ngaliml you In the almv. entitled suit, on or before th taal day of ilin time prescribed lit th uroitr of publication of this summons, to-wlt, seven uei-ks from the first publication of till summon, ami If you fall so to answer, piaintirr will tak Judgment and decrvo agalnal you, Herbert F. L. Logan, for the sum or I3V&.6II, and th further sum of fifty dollar attorneys' fees, with Interval on 34vu at the rat of ten per cent per annum from Uarcb Iimi, and Ulotuiremeiita of suit. Aguliiat raid and all of you for th j forecloaura of the morigag get out la tne complaint, e'vui"u uy itaia iter bert F. L U'gan on th I4ttt of June, IjM, to secure tho payment of a not executed and delivered to plaintiffs un the dity of April, inyt, the bul.ince due thereon being the amount ubuv set out. For Ilia sale of land In flat sop coiinly, Oregon, described In ruoitgago na blm ka 11 and It, of Chel Bea. a laid out mid d d by M. M. I',e. Also lid IK, HO. 31, 33, and 2), la blixk 3, Logan' ub'dlUlun of block t. III Clatsop Urov. Th Bppllcatlua of the proceed after paying expense of ale, to t lie payment of td Judg. limit. For atii'h other relief a ahaJI b proper and aked for In said torn plaint. The Hon. Thomn A, Mcllrlde, Judge of tho atxive-riitliled court, lug Hit th day of April, 10, ordered and illrrrlrd Unit the auinmon In th abv rlitlllud Stilt Im) served Upon you by putdlcatlon III tho Weekly Aatorian, of Astorlu, Oregon, one a week for aeven conaeiutlve wrrka, and th gam will be o pulillnlKil, the first pubilcailoa tN'Ing on the LUli day of April, lwo. J. g. a. iiowLnr. Attorney for Plalntlrfa. TIMIilCIt IwVNll NOTICK. United Hltttra Ind Ottlce, Orrgun City, Oregon, April l, HM. Notice la hereby given that in torn I'lluiUT Willi the provlnlnria of th act of congnva of June I, lt9, entitloj 'An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory,' as extended o all the pul.llo land state by act of Augutt 4. 1S92. ttaraii I Bottom, of Jewell, county of flat, sop. atate of Oregon, ho thl ilay fileit In thl oltlce her aworn siatemrnt No, Iil9, for the purtlmae of the SWU of section No, 1. in township No. I N, rang No. i W., and will offer proof to show that the lund sought Is more val uable for Its timber or stun than fur agricultural purposes, and to ealab llah her claim to said land bfr th rrgiater and receiver of thl rile at Oregon City, Oregon, on Haiurday, th 7th day of July, lwo. Bhe nanua a Witnesses: John t orcoran. of Vln Maple, Orrgon Jiimrs W. Walker, of Jewell, Oregon. I"u N. Foster, of Jrwoll, Oregon. Bernard A. Johnson of Jewell Orrgon. Any and all person claiming ad versely the alMive-deacrlbej land arc rqiieated to rile their claim In this oltlce on or before aald 7th day or July. 19O0. CHAM. U. MoollKH, Itegiaier. FINAL ACCOUNT. Notlre Is hereby given, that the un nerslgned, admiuiatraior or th ett or Ougusi Magna, (trceised, wltk th will annexed, hu filed In th county court or the state of Oregon for Clataop county, his final accojnt as such ad ministrator, and th nam has been set for hearing Monday, June 11, A. D. 1900. at 10 o clock a. in. In the county court room at ln court house, at Astoria, flats .p county, Oregon. All iierson interested therein are re quired to then and there appear ami show cause if ny. why the earn should nt ,e ftOWo, An(l tna jmn. Istrator discharged and hi bondsmen exonerated. . , , , C. W. FULTON. Administrator of the estate of Ou KUMle Magne, deceaged, with th will annexed. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Und omce at Oregon City, Oregon. , April 14, 1900. h Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing nainnd settler has filed notice or hi Intem.on to mak final proof In support of ,g claim, and that said proof will b0 made before th county clerk or ciutsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on May 28, 1900. via: frank Cook. II, r No. 1016, for the west one-half of N, W. quarter of section 3... and south one-hair of 8. W. quarter of section 2, Tp. S N., R. I W. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Frel v.. Moore, John R. Wherry and Wyait A. Wherry, all or Elsie, Clatsop county, Oregon, and John E. Gratke. or Astoria, Oregon. CHA8. II. MOORK8, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, A ..all . .AAA , . , "I" 'I J', lowing named settler has filed notice Of hlS Intention tn m-k. flnni . i. ..... . . - ' i,iii yvvui III support of his claim, and that said proof win be made before the county clerk of P niati.n t Oregon, on " " "l illo" . May 28, Joo( VI.: Fred II M.u... if '-, ... for the H. E. quarter nt anetlnn Tp. b N R. R W. ' Ho niimii iii i-..ii,....t ...i. i i . Kiiiieaaca iu prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Wtiiii, i i,p. nuBun a, i "c Kara, iyni iA,- ,Wh!,rry and John It. Wherry! - "a, i.intu vit'Kiflli CHAS. n. MOORES, Register. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Nllttca la ImvAk,, l it.. .1.. . . ... avivi ii vimi ms un- ders irned hn. . .......a strator of the estate of Charles Ward, .V, , -' "le r,,unty court of the Aii ot 0rPK'm tor Clatsop county, All persons havlnir rl..lm. .v.. a-,. a n. -i- -.uuini Alia hJl ie c,,la,,' Ward, deceased, are ', '"""en io present same to the un erHlgned duly verified as by law reo o I red. v h. .i . a ' ..... date, at his residence at the corner of nt a arnlie ftnd 1,Jleventh street, city Dated nn tha 17lh A.. i . 1900 pru, A, a., Ami ii. WARD, w lniHtJ;ator ofAth- Etat Cbarlea -Ward- iiArAflsjA.ii