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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1900)
Tilt MOItMNO ASLUtUAA WEDNK.SUAi, .u 3TORH CL03R3 AT 7 P. M. EXCEPT SATUUDAT. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS A Great Clean Up Sale This Weclt... DIG CUT IN PRICES TO CLOSE GUT THE STOCK Headquarters for Pry Goods on the Lower Columbia. RESORTING TO FALSEHOOD Monopoly's Agents, Beaten a Every Turn, Try a New Trick. Awertioa the Water Commission His Ever Sail That It Would Not Build a Public Lljbtint Plant Absolutely False. Thi? grandstand play made by the "West Shore Mills Company In offer lng V turn on the street lights last nlpht and tonight will fall very flat when the bill for the lame Is ordered paid by the council. The West Shore 5ll!ls Company is In the business of selling lights and If the city desires to illuminate its streets for one or two nights and pay the company the price It asks, there Is no reason why the lights should not be furnished. Astoria is abundantly able to pay for all It orders in the way of public conveniences but because it sees fit to pay extortionate rates for lights for two nights, under a peclal demand, that is no sign the city should continue to submit to extortion. In their extremnity, having failed to bulldose the city council or frighten the citizens with the cry of dark streets, the agents of the West Shore Mills Company have resorted to bare faced falsehoods in a desperate at tempt to once more open the cUy treasury for pillage to the corporation that has so long plundered the tax payers by extortionate charges for the poorest electric light service ever furnished In the state of Or-gon, ' public or private. The West Shore Mills Company no longer arrogantly demands of the council an outragjous price for public lights and with equal arrogance re fuses to agree to furnish lights of any stipulated candle-power. The com pany itself says nothing but its agents are hunting around trying to find some compromise, any kind of a compromise, that will Induce the council to let the West Shore Mills Company once more flz its grip upon the city's funds. As sail, after trying the sympathy dodg; the dark streets with scores of footpads scare; the "it can't be done" cry, and having them all fall to move the council from its position, the West Shore Mills Company's agents are now trying what downright, malicious false hood will do. They will fall again, for the coun cil has had time to get at the real sentiment of the taxpayers upon the lighting question and its members ful ly sustain their action ' In breaking loose from the West Shore Mills Com pany and demanding that the water commission lo its duty, the duty for which It was created, namely, the building of a public electric plant suf ficient to supply this city and all the Inhabitants thereof with electricity for any and all purposes whatsoever, be it public or prlvatj lighting, public or private motive power, or what ever other use to which electricity may be put. The agents who nre circulating the falsehoods for the benefit of the West snore Mills company, which pays at of Dyspepsia Promptly Relieved and Cured Baldwin's Dyspepsia Cure. by Mr. M. P. Butters, eretary and treas urer of the But-re-Pws and Lum ber Company of L.uddlng'ton, MJoh, says: "In the summer of 1S97 I was taken with a vry evore stomach and bowul trouMe. After trying various rmile and vetting iftenmt health resort without benefit, cur Dyspepsia Capsules arid HwJth Tab let ww e recommended to me, and thy gave me Immediate relltl." "Without question Baldwin's Dys pepsia Capsules and (Health Tablet! ax the safest, surest and most effective cure for dyspepsia, indigestion, weak ttomach, loss of appetite, depressed feeling, palpitation of the heart and all derangement of th stomach, however light or severe." Baldwin's Dyspepsia Capsules and HeaJth Tablet axe made by the Ed ward L. Baldwin Co. of San Francisco end axe guaranteed to cure or money refunded. Dyspepsia Capsules, 60 cents. Tablets 25 cents. Medical Man ual for self treatment maJled to any address on receipt of two-cent stamp. Baldwin's Remedies are wold by rnAN'rr hakt. Successor to Th. Olsen, 600-2 Com. St. thorn for their work are not known but are strongly conjectured, . are busy spreading abroad the report that the water commission has already decid ed that It will not build a public elec tric plant and has so notified the council. That statement is unqualifiedly false from start to finish and every mem ber of the water commission will say so. The parties who are publishing and circulating the statement know it to be falsv and knew It to be false be fore they gave It utterance. The deliberate, willful, premeditat ed falsehood was conjocted and Is be ing circulated in an endeavor to try to discourage the council and swerve it from its duty to the people- But It won't do the work. The truth is that the water commis sion has said nothing to anyone, ex cept the representatives of the council, as to w hat they would or would not do in the matter of erecting a public elec tric plant. To the representatives of the council It is said, upon good authority. the water commission has said practi cally this: If the water commission became convinced, after a thorough in vestlgatlon. that it could build, main tain and operate a public electric plant of sufficient capacity to meet the re qulrements of the city charter that Is, to furnish electric light and power to the city and Its inhabitants and could operate such a plant at a' profit. the same time reducing the cost eiectric ngnt ana power to consum ers at least one-third to one-half, compared with the West Shore Mills Company's present rates, IT WOULD BUILD A PUBLIC PLANT. There Is not the slightest doubt but what the water commission will be convinced, upon investigation and understood that is what it Is now doing that not only can a public elec tric light and power plant be built, maintained and operated here at profit and a great saving to consum ;' ers in the cost of light and power, but it will also be convinced that It can build a plant of quadruple the capa city and efficiency of that now being operated by the West Shore Mills Com pany for less money than tha: cor roratlon has Invested. No better testimony us to the eenn oniy and expediency of building a pub lie lighting riant could vbc asked than that voluntarily offered by F. W. New mi. rornier superman-lent of the street railway of Astoria, and an acknowl edged electrical expert, in conversa tion with a cltiren of Astoria, who was In Portland the other dqy, Mr. Newell. In speaking of the public lighting question, said that a public light plant could be built and operat ed by this city at a profit that would furnish all the light, for public and private use, needed by the city and citizens, at one-half the West Shore if Ills Company's chargss. He further aid that with the new improved its,- t hlncry, such generators as are now in use and with the Hiommy practiced in the distribution of the electric light current, a plant of far greater capa- city than that of the West Shore Mills Company could be built by Astoria for one-half the cost of the Trulllnger's plant. air. rveweii is certainly both com petent and acknowledged authority on electrical matters and especially so as to the cost of building and operating a lighting and power plant. He could have no object In wilfully misrepresent' lng this matter and no one who knows him will for a moment believe that he has done so or that he has spoken without good reasons 'or his state-ments. Some months ago, long before there was any thought of a controversy over public lights, a representative of the Thomson-Houston Electrical Com pany was In this city for a portion of or.e day, not for the purpose of doing business, as the city was outside his territory. He visited the West Shore MIllx Company's plant and looked it over and expressed himself as follows "While these people (the West Shore Mills Company) are using our system, they are away behind. They have a splendid engine, but as to the rest of the machinery, It Is out of date. Why? It costs as much In fuel to make the machines th?y are jslng generate enough current to (five good lights as it would to run eight of our new ma chines, and they would give about six teen times as much current as the machines now In dse here. I could put in a plant here for a very little money, that would double the service In Astoria at one-half the present cost per light to your people." Now, the man certainly was not biased, certainly could hope to gain no personal advantage by making such statements, and was as certainly competent to Judg of elt-trial ma- Iniorvlew was unsolicited and tlv statements he made, if untrue, can easily be disproved by the water com mission if they imk for information from the proper aouivoa, but until dlsprowd should have no little weight In dividing the public lighting ques tion. San Francisco is today making the tame fight that Astoria Is making foi public lighting, and the i-lltrcns submit to dark streets without a murmur, on ly asking that the city own It lights. ChU-ago has paid. In saving to tax payers on public lights, for Its public plant five limes over since it was Inaugurated. fcvery city, town or hamlet, east or west, that has put in a public lighting system, has made it pay and. despite the machinations of corporations and their hired agents, have maintained ttv plants. Th: boldness of some of the West Shore Mills Company's agents In put ting words Into ollUlals' mouths and In making plans whereby they claim tho city must submit to tho West Shore Mills Company's extortion or be forever In the dark, Is surprising. As was said the other day, the taxpayers are under no obligation to make Mr. Trulllnger's Investments pay. That his Investments have paid In the past he will not deny and. as one who was once in a position to know truthfully says, the taxpayers cannot be ex pected to make good losses due to bad management by paying extortionate rates for street lights. It the taxpayers be patient. Cltve the water commission a reasonable time lu which to Investigate and then Jeclde. One thing Is certain the peo ple will not sanction the council re luming to the West Shore Mills Com pany's contracts and lights, and It i believed that It is equally certain ttey will be given a public lighting system. THE METHODIST COXFKRENCK. Dr. Frank M. Bristol's Stirring Re sponse to a Toast at Northwestern University Banquet. CHICAGO. May 22.--Esnr(t do j Corps," was urged by Rev. Frank M. Bristol, pastor of the Metropolitan 1 Church of Washington. D. C. as the1 reason why the faculty and interests of the Northwestern University should use evry means to secure the election of Its alumni who an? candidates for ecclesiastical offices before the Metho dist general conference. "Esprit du Corps." was the title of the toast to which the Washington dl vine responded last night at the an nual banquet of the Northwestern Un iversity Alumni Association at the Au ditorium Hotel, and the ringing words with which President McKinley's pas tor charged yie alma mater with lack of interest and neglect of Its alumni stirred the two hundred banqueters present. Including scores of delegates to the Methodist conference, tJ enthus iastic applause. The subterfuges and subtleties of the politician to an honorable limit, were decided by Dr. Bristol to be necessary to this end, and he exhorted that class rplrlt and college pride should bring workers Into the field to secure for Northwestern' alumni the positions! bought. "We cannot talk like this In the conferences," said Dr. Bristol, "but we can do so with safety here." OUR NAVY USES PE-RU-NL Paymaster Collier says: ul Have Taken re-ru-na It Will Do All Thati.9 Claimed For It" KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Taolllo llrcwory, of whloh HottM Imht for family use or Mr. John Kopp Is pror-lotor, bmkt beer beer supplied at any time, delivery in for doniM'lo ami riporl trmlo. the flty frws WM. 4,. COLUER, PAYMASTER OFTIIB U. & NAVY. One of the most responsible positions In the practical management of the United States Navy is the Paymuter't Office. Only men of great eieoutlvo and clerical ability can fill such s position Such s man Is the Hon. William A. Col Iter, AsiUtant Paymaster of tho United Btatcs Navy. In recent letter of his lo Dr. IUrtman he says: Wasiujjotos, D. C, Jan. 23, 1SW. I have takon I ru-na and take pleas ure In recommending It to thoso needing s Orst-clais tonic, feeling assured that It Will do all that is claimed for It. Yours trnly, Wm. A. Collier. r' :-: College pride." said Dr, Bristol, hould extend to assisting all alumni who were aspirants for honors at pub lic hands," and he urged as sufficient reason that the school produced no unworthy men. A reference to the abilities of Con gressman Boutelle, who Is an alumnus of Northwestern, provoked hearty ap plause. Prof. A. B. Stuart acted as toast master and unlike most of alumni ban- iui.-is, me assemDiage snowed: a pre ponderance of the older alumni. The presence in the city of the dele gates to the Methodist conference In fluenced the holding of the banquet at the present time, it was usually held In mld-wlnter. Presllent H. W. Rogers answered to tha toast, "The University," giving review of what the school had accom plished- Bishop Fowler related the In cldents of school life. President W. H. Crawford, of Alle gheny College, also an alumnus, an swered to the toast. "After Sixteen Years," while "The Brotherhood of Scholars," was responded to by Presi dent Eli McEnglish, of the University or the Pacific. President Arthur Brlggs, dean of Iowa Theological School, answered to "After Dinner." AMERICAN BRIDGE COMPANY. Officers Elected at the Meetlnsr Hell In New York Yesterday. NEW YORK, May 22,-The Amer ican Kriage company, organized to control the bridge manufacturing in dustry in the United States, has elected these officers: President, P. Roberts, Jr.; treas urer, William Connell. The full board of directors will consist of 21 mem bers and Include A. B. Case, of the Carnegie Sted Company. The company takes over the prlnci- al bridge, works In the country. HUNDREDS BOUND FOR NOME- Steamships Selling More Tickets Than They Have Room for Passengers. ' 17'" W. 6ergeajit Buck Taylor, Nw York City, Sergeant Buck Taylor, ono of the famous Rough Riders, is a personal friend of Governor Itoosovelt, of New , York. lie accompanied Governor Koose relt on his great stumping tour through upper Ner York state. lie was pro moted through gallantry In the field Inring the late war. Tab Sergeant baa the following to say of Pe-ra-nat I think there Is no bettst medicine on earth than Po-ru-na, fot catarrh. It has cured me. It would take volume to toll you all the good II has done me. Pe ru na is the best c tarrh cure on earth, and I know, for have tried nearly all of them. Kotpvct- fully. Buck F.Taylor." Major Algernon A. Maboo, of the Tenth Volunteer regiment, stationed at Macon, Ua., In a recent letter to Dr. Hartraan from Washington, D. C, says: "I think there la no better medicine on earth than your Te-ru-na for catarrh. It hu? c. y. -- j - . surely cured me. It ' V'. j -- would take a ol ume to tell you all Major Mabton. the good It has done me. Pe-ru-na Is the greatest remedy ever prepared, and I think I bare tried them all." A. A.Mabson. Pe-ru-na attained great popularity among the officers of the army as well as the nayy during the late war with Spain, A great many letters were received from field and hospital corps. Indicating that this popular climatlo remedy ha become well nigh Indispensable to the in. Pe-ru-na Is not only a National remedy, but has proven itself a National blesalng Letter from every quarter are received dally testifying to the virtue of Pe-ru na In cases of catarrh that had long sine given up all hope of cure. Coughs, colds, Influenza, la grippe and acute catarrh yield at once to the action of Po-ru-ua, No case of catarrh can entirely renlst tli curative virtues of Pe-ru-na, a every case is either cured or permanently bene fited. A lecturo on catarrh and Its cur by Dr. Uartman sent free by Tho Pe-ru- na Drag MTg Company, of Colunibu,0 North Pacific Brewery " - Ml III II " I - Agricultural Implements CARRIED IN STOCK AND FOR SALE AT BOTTOM PRICES BY FISHER BROS. WEDDING CARDS WE0DIN3 caros w (i SMITH l M V VI. Willi It V WW, ENGRAVERS, VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CAROS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS il and S3 W'aslilu' ton Hulltllnff. ttli and Wsililnifton Hts.-ovi-r FJtfs. rollTUNIMMiKOON. VISITING CARDS SEATTLE, May 22. Nine men, who ;ft here for Nome on the steamer Ix-rdwn, arrived here today, having been p'Jt atfhore at their own reauiet Eat Clall.un. They charge that ie company sold more tltkets than chlnery, its cost and efficiency. His there were berths on the steamer. Lo- zn hue mm mm Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., 5a n . rnncisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Mr Kribcd C'lipital, Piiid up Capital, AsM'ttf, A.i-fts in United StatcH, Surplus to Policy Holderf, $:,000,000 1,000,00(1 2,r,4r,n i 1,718,792 Has Ih-h Underwriting on tlio I'ik ific (nH cm i Ivinty-two years, SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Kifiidciit A hi-, Astoria, Or. cal agents tonight settled the claims of the nine dltwatlsfled ones. Six hundred more fortune seekers will h-ave for Cape Nome tomorrow by the Hteamxhlp Garonne. AFT Ell THE "BOXErtS." PKKIN, May 22. The authorities apparently have begun to realize that thi; "boxer" movement Is too serious to remain lonirer undealt with. Troops are being Kent to the disturbed dln- trlr ts with InHtruetions to rigidly sup press the outrages. Six leaders of the movement In I'ekln have been arrested. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. will place In service April 29th a New Train between Bt. Paul and fit. Louis, cf'-'d the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be flrst-class throughout. Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDY. General Agent, Portland, Oregon. m Jl A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & Pt. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Oreat Rail way running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night vetween Bt Paul nnd Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. ''The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connec tions are mnde with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to passengers the belt service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United Htates or Canada, All ticket amenta iell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mHiln, address, J. W. CAS BY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt., Gnn. Agt., Portland, Oregon. A Portland, Or. it mi Ihes tin -o Balsvn '. Ciibeh; rr i fllRC i ; he . yM v 4 ui ara superior wi with We Rent New Typewriters Many now improvemcnta nddtd. Soo our latest Wo. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Calulogtm Krr ... L. M. ALEXANDER A CO. l'xoltinvn 1'nritlr ('e"t IValrra '.l.'.Hlmk M , Portland, Ors. K.W. M'KKIIINIKJ.ih-sI Agiil. PacificNavigatipnCompanv Mcnmcr-"K. V. Minnie," "V . II linn Ison ' Only Hue-Astoria to lliltmu k, (.nrlrnlJI, l iiy ( it), llnhnnnlllc. Oiibtvtiiig at Anions will the Un gob ltilltol & Natlyatlon Co. ami aim tlio Asio'ts A 'liiinlm Kim It, It. lor r-D Pim lt-n, I'l illmd ud all points rant, lor Irclwhl ami i siM rgrr rslt-s p ly NatttMol nirtioro Co. Orneral Agrnls. AMOIUA. OHE. C01IN k CO., Ag-tits, Or-M n lii.llx l A Nutltatic n Co , TILL A MtXJt' Ore. A. k C. 11 11 Co, I OIHI.ASD. Oro. ? .iTL 1 1 f tf .1 a i. r-m "The World Owes Every Man a Living" Hut lmt sirt of living in It vmi get with n noi stove or rsnuu In your kitchen? !uy a Star Estate Range They insure U""d living V. J. Scully, Agent 431 HOND HTHKBT ml ira. - : ffpl t warts -SF3rmzwjt tfc" t Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fislicrnien, Fanners nnd Loggers. A V. ALLEN, Tenth anil Commercial Streets INSTRUCTIONS GlVf ORDERS SOLICITED 1 - MIsh Bertha flnrtln's Decorative Art Room. Tsll Lint ol Newest Cmbrold. cry Materials. Initials i Specialty. Choice Sclcctlo ol S omplog Ocslyas. Stamping Neatly Dm;:. Kiiiiiii HO Dull oin llulldli(, 3d sad Waahlngton SI., 1'urlluiid, lr. rlXUlAAAVULrVUVUXJUlUUlATUXfTJUO mu . IHTRI . "H-fcsr ir-Trw tv t -. b H PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. The Only PlrMt-ClanH Hotel In Portlatid ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON 8TS. EiiCMiean plan. AOr Ui II.V) our daV. AliMirlfMii (iImii, II.'Kl Ui J2.00 H-r ilny. OSCAR ANDERSON, Mitnnicir. J. C. rKNDKOAST, Chief ClfrS. 44