1 TUN MORNING ANJ'OUIAN. TIIEMA. MAY ?. 900. ri KNOX HATS. The Latest Summer Blocks... C. H.COOPER $ Sole Agent for Aistorlu. Alt conlmcU for uJvriiHiii In Hid AmIoiIuii mi-o mudi on m Kuur. tinU'tf of circulation four lime turner limn Hint of ny r"P!r publUlicJ or circulated in Out. nop county. TODAY'S WKATIIISIl. !t'KTIAND. War 23.-Oifstn and Waahlimt'm. fair ami warmer today. AROUND TOWN. I'ljtt for aalo at OMton'i tabl.. llumoa (or nolo at Oiuton'i labU. Mr. D. (. Atbury of McMlnnvlllo la vuuin In lh rlty. II. A. Ilattklna l over from Ilwaco, gurat at the UcMonU II. A. 8lmrry of (iol.l Hill la In A lortu on a lirlrf buslnna visit. If you wnl tr en-am that la made of puro cream try the 1'arlor. Ueat li-cunt rural, Itlalng Bun 1U laurant, til Commercial street. Jen", restaurant tha larfat and twat. A trial will convlnca you. Th ni-xt ri-aular mwtlnat f 111 rlty council will bo Mil on Tuntilay, J un ""' Hwert rrvam al tlx I'nrli.r 10 cent a Mni Juat what you waul for ber rlva. A. W. Drtimmimil ami family are d.iwn from I'ortlniiit, gumta al the Oo clili'iit. WantedTo rent a centrally located furnlahod houa. Addrcaa X, cart A- torlan. U'V. Henry Mart-oil will il-llv.r a tt.rtiMraiice hi lure toiilKlit at V, C. T. U. hnll. Cloainir out al of millinery at coat, Ix-icliinlua' Halurday, May 19. at Mn Mcltao'a. V, O. Elliott anil A. It. Richmond wrra milium thn I'ortlund bualneg men In town yeaiorday. K. Olutwhl. with HI Hlchrl A Co., wholranlo rlaar tlrutera. waa calling? on Ma Astoria trade yeatenlay. The barkrntlne Addenda arrived In Rundiiy and will take on a load of lumber at Knapton mllla at once. A amall placa at Clataop for aala or rent Hultabla for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. Taur. Tarlor Candy Btora. Mra. Duncan Stewart returned fmm California on the Columbia Holiday, after an absence of ovir three month D. Q. Ovorholt and daughter, Mini Lily, of Canyon City, are In the rlty di'b'irutrl to the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellow. Roalyn coal la tha beat and moat eco nomical coal for household uaa In As toria. Try It once and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 131L The HrlUhh ahlp Forthbank came down the river Hunduy In tow of the Ocklnhuma and anchored In tha lower hurhnr. Hhe can Ira a raricn of 78.Mii' buNh'da of whi-nt valued at 122,540, bound for tho United Kingdom. TWST 15-CRNT MEAL; SUN RESTAURANT. RISINO .V win WHEREAS, It has come to my notice that certain clothing stores have cappers in logelng camps, saw mills and cigar stores, who urge their said cappers receive from a hat to 10 or 15 per cent in cash, 1 havs RESOLVED, to make war on the Capping System by putting the knife deep into prices on Clothing, Hats and Furnishings. Look for the Ticket with a.RIEE)e. ' Figures on Each Article. SAMPLE NO. 1. HEN'S SUITS. Neat Grey chock suit, a good wearer, at Grey or Brown Cassimere, at Fine Brown Cheviot, at . . . Blue Serge or Grey Worsted, at . . . Fancy Worsted, blue or brown weaves . . . Grey Striped Fancy Worsted . . . ' . . And the Finest Ones in Proportion. Men's Pants it Hi Hi Horn To tha wife of Hen Ander ami In thla city, Hunduy, Muy J', a UuuKhter. Herring A Cook, Commercial atreet. betwen Tenth and IClaventh, la tha only flrat claaa all-night lunch houaa In Astoria. Cream Pure Rye. Amertci'a finest whisky The only pure gooda; guar aiitood rich and iiiiiIIjw. Julin L. Carl on, aole agent Curl Hpulin, who la comiiHicd with I ln Kllllmitin aitlnion rinnery, la down from Alimkii. Iniikliig over the altuu tioii In thla city. There will he a lecture given by Rev, llinrv Murcotle lonluliL Ht the W. (' T. I', hull, iM'Kliinlng at t o'clock. All are liivllml to he prraent. Roalyn coal ln'a longer, la cleaner and MiuU.i leaa trouble with atovea and chimney tinea than any other, (ieorge V. Hanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. Miiiinger Heiiu hna arrunged for the ttn uriiiKo of thn Kvll Kye Compiiny, In (heir great exlravuiiitiiin, at KihIut'I oi.eia houaa one week from tonight. irunt Trulllnger who hna len aerv lug aa deputy under PlicrlfT Llnville, eritered uhiii lila new dutl; aa deputy under County Clerk Wherlty yeater duy. The Star reataurant, tit Commercial atreet, now oen for bualneaa Meala If. centa up. The beat to be hud In the city. Give It a trial for your dinner today. iMi'l fall to try coco cola. It la the moat popular new drink thia ean at the I'urlor. Tlmae who receive coco cola lb keta can got them retleemed at the 1'arlor free. Itcaervcd aeut auln for the "llucho Iota t 'lub" ulll open al (Jrllllu & Heed' on Frlduy next. 1'rleea of admlaalon will tie 40 centa for rvm-rved aeala and Si centa for gutlery. Tin entertainment to be given by the Ibiiihi-liic'a 1'Uih nt the otiera hoiiae nexi Friday evening will be for the lu-m-fl! of lh milillr, llhrarv. Thime who appre-iiMe the advantagea afford ed by the library, ahould encourage the enterprise to tha fulUal extent. Mr. John Kopp hna recently com menced the operation of a com plete and modern bottling eatabltHh menu where the well-known product of hla brewery la bottled for the trade and coniumera. Free delivery to cue- tomera In the city. Telephone ZL Scholfleld & Ilauke are aole agenta for the celebrated Rlue Ribbon flour. It la manufactured by Gardner Ltroa., Siayton, Oregon, and coneumera are oautloned to notice that thla name and add rose appear on every aack aa II la unilciatootl that Imitatlona are being offered In the cltv. Telephone 81. The habit of tome flahermen of bring ing their boat a Into any dock, regard Icfta of ateamera' rlghta at the plaoa of landing, la going to nault In an all round amaah up aome of then dnya. The flHhermcn tnke too many llbertlea, any the ateumbout men, and the flxh crinen ay the ateamboat men take too much room. Lettera rvmuln uncalled for at the poat-otttce aa followa: lintel Adama, Kilma Anderaon, Jumea Dougherty, Kit Kllla. Thorn. Frnucla. Mat a. Fora mnn, W. 8. Harnd, Andrew Htangalnd, (Sen. R. Walton. Theo. Wolf. Rattle JohiiNon, Mra. Mary Johnaon. Olko K. Knalell. Jitukob Klmbaa, Win. Lahrle men. Ulen lela. Mra, A. M. Muckay, Harry I'erklna. Foreign 1'eter An deraon. r reduced from Pears' Economical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. Married, In thla city, May 20, by Rev. L. J. Trumbull, J. M. Mallun and Mra. J. W. Orllllth, Chiirlia V, Anderaon, a native of Hweilen; Mlkei l.loni(ult, a native of lluaalii, and Jarnea Fltxpatrlek, a nntive of Ireland, wem granted full cltlaenahlp jiapera yeaterday. The A. Dunbar Company'g alore waa made conpluua yeaterday by the fact that ltd front waa elaborately trimmed In the color ot the Odd Fel Iowa and Daughter of Itebekah, whoaa grand IimIkm U In aeaalon here. The vlaltor appreciate the compliment ahown to them. The brand new aleiirn launch, The Ciitleiider, the prettleat and fuateat of the rceeiit addltlona to the momiulio ll.u t aiiiiinv from thla nort. made a ii pec I nl trip on Hunduy to Ilwaro with a party or annul thirty uu-yciiata. me pnaai-ngera n-ixTted an all round good time both on the boat and awheel on almre. Hereafter the Cullender will do mill aervlee exclusively except on Hut urdaya, when ahe will make a trip to Deep river. The frletida of Kdward Jonea, th logger, who wa crushed to death on Iin p river on Friday night laat, while coupling rura. are liiillKimiit at the manner In which the undertaking e labllahinent In Aotorla I run. They any that the body hml to be left ly ing for nearly thri-e hour alone on the wharf before the two frlenda who accompanied It could tlnd anyone con nected with the undertaking eatubllah ineiit o tuk charge of It. The finning achooncr Ji-aale came In to port yeaterday afternoon al 4:30 with about aeven tona of halibut, all of which hud Ik-en caught atnee luxt Sat urday morning. The Jeaale left out about a month ago and would not have returned without a full load had It not been for the fact that her up ply of Ice gave out. The echooncr pciit moet of lur time In crulalng aboul for protltublo tlelda and did not make her catch until reaching the bunk off Cope Flattery. Hhe waa a aweet young thing, and the paaaengera on the aireet car looked umuaed when ahe laid her pretty, cur ly head upon hla manly brcaat. One '.lly hand atole upward and aoftly cureaaed hla cheek. He Old not aecm to be In the leant embarraaeed by there attention i. J eiullt-d lovingly In ac knowledgement of them. The other In the car looked on approvingly, and even amlled at the token of affection on the part of the two. Kvidently they loved each other dearly. Kvery line In. the man'a Rtrmig face allowed this; and the girl! Well, unlt-ae appearances were deceiving, she simply returned hi affection. And o they curtaxed each other until the car had brought Itself to a atop In t'piiertown, when the little mis slipped off the eat to the fliHir, and, slipping her dulnty hand Into that of her futher, she lisp ed, In her sweetest threo-y ear-old lisp: "Turn, 1'opn, time to go home." The Columbia came In from San FrunclHro at an early hour Bunduy morning and waa at once placed un der quarantine restrictions by State Hiiilth ("Ulcer Fulton and Quarantine Oltlcer Hastings- It waa found that no sickness existed on board and the steamer was permitted to proceed to I the O. R. A N. dock, where she dis charged a large part of her mlscellan- eoua cargo. Two Chinese passenger. however, were obliged to leave the vessel and go to the quarantine station aa a precaution against poKslhle infec tion from the plague, which now ex ist in San Francisco. They will be detained twelve days when. If they de velop no symptoms, they will be per mitted to proceed to Portland. All Chinese coming from San Francisco In the future will be iletnlned at the quarantine station until the embargo ih removed from San Francisco as an Infected port. i AGENTS WANTED. . l A live hustler with small capital can secure business paving $25 per week. A. W. MELTON, Tlghe Hotel. What They f 6.50 7.75 $9.75 $9.75 $10.75 $9.75 15 to 25 per N t IL, I L-J 1 Jt iVJ ODD FELLOWS GRAND LODGE Nearly a Thousand Delegates and Friends Expected This Week. About Tkrce Hmdred Ccjpmat, Crsid Lodge tti Rebckii Mcailxrt Arrive Ii the City Lt Night k Great Scarcity of Hoon. The number of delegate to the grand lodg proper of Odd Fellow of the stale of Oregon expected here In at tendance upon the meeting of 1300, 1 Z7&. In addition to the grand lodge dclcgatce proper, there will be dele gates to tho encampment and the Daughter of Debtkah grand lodge, making the total of the official vlaltor about 600 In number. Nearly every delegate will be ac companied by one or more person who coma merely a visitor to enjoy the trip. Add the accompanying friend to the delegate and the total number of visitor' to be entertained by Aatorltt for three day will be close to a thous and people. The steamboat Ca-trcrt from Port land lurft evening brought 8 accredited delegate from Kastern Oregon town and cities. They were accompanied by over fifty friends, wive, daughters and relatives of delegates, making the total arrival by the one boat about liO people that the local Odd Fellow had to provide wilh lodging, etc. Th.' Portland train urn night brought ioo additional delegate and their frh nd and till morning It I expect ed fully as muny more will arrive by a special boat and the regular train. The regulur boat and train tonight will lund the balance of the thousand expected visitors In the city. The reception committee of the local Odd Fellows are working harder than they had ever worked before In trying to hml rooms for the accommodation of the visitors. They neel fully fifty rooms yet and they need them today, lillxcna who have rooms they will rent or who are willing to entertain two or more of the visitors at their home, for lodging only, will confer a great favor on the Astoria Odd Fellow by notifying either James W. Welch, Dr. Hull or leaving word at Schelbe' ci gar store early this morning. The visiting Odd Fellows will be in Astoria al least thrte. and It maybe four days. Today the encampment will hold It grand lodge and the Daughters of Uebekah will also meet On Wednesday and Thursday the grard lodge of Odd Fellows will be held, the Uebekah probably being In session at the same time. The offi cers of the grand lodge are: Grand muster. J. IC Weathford, of Albany; deputy grand master, James W. Welch, of Astoria; grand secretary, E. E. Sharon, cf Pertlund; grand treasurer, R. E. Miller, of Portland. On Wednesday night the Odd Fel low of Astoria will give the victor an entertainment and dance at Foard A S-.okes' hall. This, so far as known, vflll be the only public entertainment for the visitors. It waa hoped that citizens, through the chamber of com merce and Push club, would provide one or more excursions for the visi tors during their stay, but there seem to be no desire upon the part of the members of the bodies named to take up the matter and the Odd Fellows decline to go out and solicit funds to carry out uch a program, believing the citizens should take enough Inter est In the coming of Uie visitors to help entertain them. It la not too late for the cllUens to act yet. A seaside excursion would not cost much and would be greatly enjoyed. ROUND TO BE A BIG FOURTH. Committee on Finance Meeta With Great Success Everybody Will lng to Give Something What Wise Says. The report that the committee hav ing In churge the Fourth of July cele bration made Inst night was one of the most encouraging ever made In this city by a band of business men try ing to work up funds and Interest In a public celebration. Herman Wise made the report and It was as follows: "It may be because times are better In Astcrla, or because the people, feel DOIVT BELIEVE the Cappers Tell You are paid lor their dirty work. Hi. THE RELIABLE cent. In that th committee Is on that will give them a 'run for their money,' but whatever tha cause, nearly every one approached so far haa com down handsomely, "In le than an hour one section of the committee had over ii'f) on It list; so there can be no doubt now of a great celebration. Let no one say after this that As torlan ar:: close, because there Isn't a town In the country, of It size, where people put up their money more cheerfully for a worthy enterprise. All the people ask In return I that they get their inoney'a worth. "Chief Mullock ha kindly volunteer ed to secure several contestant for a log roiling match and we have ether thing In view never mentioned on the program. At Its next meeting the committee In tends to appoint a sub-committee of good river men to place a grand light marine parad?,, Mr. McAllen, with his characteristic foresight, wrote to Henator Blmon a short time ago, inviting hi co-operation In securing a warship at Asto ria for the Fourth and today bis ef fort Were rewarded with a letter from the senator In which he promises to do all in his power to that end. If suillclent funds are raised, the committee will arrange a program for two dus. so that rti crowds may be entertained on the 3rd and have the big events on the 4th. In the matter of raising fund the school children will probably be given an opportunity to contribute. In East ern cities the plan has been for the children in each room of a grammer school to arrange an entertainment to which ihey charge an admission of from Ave to twenty-five cents. The program consists entirely of exercises, songs, Hug drills, speeches, etc.. all pertaining to the Nation's birthday celebration- I5y giving these exhibi tion the children have not only been taught patriotism and made to under stand what the celebration cf the Fourth of July really means to a true American citizen, but they have added hundreds of dollars to the fund for the general celebration of the day. And, strange to say, the klndergurten have the credit of turning in the most mon ey. In Fall River. Mass., the kinder gartens thre turned In nearly $1,(00 to the Fourth of July fund, every cent of It raised by tot of from four to eixht yeats of age. Bo far as the citizens are concerned the committee d.':es not expect a man to mortgage his house in order to con tribute to the fund. '"If you can't give big. give as big as you can, but give," said Josh Billings when he discussed the Glorious Fourth. SICK AND TIRED OF LIFE. Urenham Sweeney, a Young Man Liv ing Near Ilwaco, Commits Suicide to End His Misery. While In a fit of despondency, caus ed by the recent death of his father, and the knowledge that he was a vic tim to be sacrificed by a lingering death to consumption, Brenham Swee ney shot himself through the heart with a shotgun Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, at his home near Ilwaco. Sweeney was a young man 26 year of age. He had lived In Pacific county all his life and was quite well known In this city- His mother died of con sumption, as did also five of his sis-" ters. and about a year ago the taint of the hereditary disease began to show- itself in him. From the first he felt there waa no hope and grew steadily worse, day after day. until he realized that he could live only a few months longer at the most. Despondent over his own condition and sorrowing over the dtath of his father, to whom he was much attach ed. Sweeney, on Sunday morning, went to his room and loading his shot gun, placed the muzzle against his heart and pushed the trigger with his foot. Death was instantaneous. So far as known Sweeney left no messages to either friends or relatives. An Inquest will probably be held over the remains. THE NEXT VICE-PRESIDENT. This Is the question now agitating the minds of our leading- politicians, and while several prominent men have been suggested, the final selection will undoubtedly be the man who will serve the party Interests to the best ad vantage. This Is also true- of medi cine. When your stomach becomes weak and you suffer from dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation and flatulency. or when in need of a medicine to build up your system and restore your appetite, you will make no mistake If , you try that sovereign remedy, Hostet- i ter's Stomach Bitters. It is backed up by fifty years of cures, and Is rec- ' ommended by many prominent physicians- It Is also an excellent medi- I cine for malaria, fever and ague, and can be had of any druggist. Be sure to give it a trial. Boys' Suits iia a-aa (mi Opened Today Sample line cf ladles' Ladles' Tailored Suits. MATERIALS Cheviots, Coverts and Rerffern Suitings, also a nice lino of Wash Suite suitable for "IJIKINO" Separate Skirts, Flash Putticoate, Up-to-Date Shi rtwaiwts, Tea Gown, and Wrappers. DRESSMAKERS ritsse take no ofTtiiHo tliey are only travelm'a siimpk purchased at a discount of 25 per cent off that is the reason that we got them. Tho garment will he closed out at onco. SEE TIIEM. mcallen & McDonnell NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. FISHERMEN ARRESTED. ! Were Fishing Without Having Paid the State License Two of the Prisoners Escape but Are Recaptured. The police patrol established on the river by Fish Commissioned Reed, ' made It first haul yesterday. Four j unlicensed boats, with two men In each I boat, were seized and brought Into port. One of the boats belongs to San born's cannery; another to the com bine and the other two were owned by the men who were working them. The arrest was made by Deputy Fish Commissioner Loughery. When Deputy Commissioner Lough ery arrived In port with his four tap lured boats and his eight prisoner. he found a crowd awaiting him at ' the docks, the news of the arrests having been brought ashore by a half dozen swift sailing boats. Aa the deputy started to push bis 'way through the crowd, his prisoner fol lowing him, two of the latter broke away and ran. The officer made no attempt to re-capture the men at the time but later on re-arresiei both of them and they may have to pay dearly for their breach of promise to the off cer to quietly submit to arrest. The six fishermen, whose names could not be learned, were taken to the court of Justice of the Peace Brower and Informed of the charge against them, which was violating a state law by fishing without a license. At first the fishermen were disposed to regard their arrest in the light of a Joke, but when they learned that It would cost them $3.50 each to release their boats and nets the lowest fine permissi ble under the law being 130, and the license, which they should have paid, being $3.50-the arrests did not appear so much of a Joke. The arrests were due n a large meas ure to information furnished Deputy Loughery by fishermen who had paid their license and insisted that all oth er fishermen should do the same. The fishermen ere against the license law almost to a man, but those who believe in being law abiding citiiens are de termined that every man who fishes In the Columbia shall pay for the privi V T V V I For Bilimt and Nerrous Diiorder. loch is j find sad Pirn ia ihe Stomich, Sick Headache, j Giddiacu, Fninesttnd Svtliinf titer mctl,Di- Heat, Louof Appeiiie, Shortness of Breuh.Coa tiveaets. Blotches on ihe Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dresms, sod ill Nerrous and Trembl ing Scastiiont, etc. These ailments all arise from a disordered or abused condition of Ibe stomach snd liver. Bcham'm Pfllm, uken as directed, will quickly restore Females locomolett health. They promptly remove sip obstruction or irregularit; of the system. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Skk 4 M. 1 h. - ru t -. ' they act like sostie a few doses ill work won- ' dera apoa the Vital Organs; Strengthening the 1 Muscular System, restoring the loni-iost Com- 1 1 plexion, bringing back the keen edge of Appetitr. j and arousing ith the Ramebua ml HmtJlh thmwhol physical mjtvrajot ihchuman i trtme. ror throwing oH levers they are spccisliy recowned. These are " fscts " admitted by thou sands, in til classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is ihst Setcnsai' Piila hmvrn tha Is-ossf Sala ot anv Patent Matii. clna in tha World. Thia haa been 4 achlavad without tha publication t pf taatlmonlala, tho tact baing that Baccham'a Piila rocommand tham- j aves. i Beccham't Pills hse for msny years beca the populsr fsmily medicine wherever the English i Isngusge is spoken, and tbey now stand without a rival. 10 cents and 23 cents, at ill drug stores. J Annual sale t.wo.ooo boxes. acdaaintaftces to trade at SAMPLE NO. 2. HATS. Take a One Dollar and a Half Hat at . . . $1.10 Take a Two Dollar Hat at 1.60 Take a Two Dollar and a Half Hat at . . . 1.95 Take a Three Dollar Hat at 2.55 Take a Three Dollar and a Half Hat at . . . 2.75 Take a Four Dollar Hat at ..... 3.15 Under wear, Overshirts, Trunks, Valises, Everything Cut. Prices are Smashed Hard lege of o doing so long as the license; law Is In effect. The hearing of the unlicensed fisher men will be hell this afternoon. A test case. If possible, will be madu out of the arrests, as ome attorney hold that the law Is unconstitutional. EIO RALLY AT CHADWELL. Citizens at Lewis and Clark Greet the Republican Candidates. The republican rally at Chad well lust night was successful far beyond the expectations of those who had tha affair in charge. As a matter of fact, it was more of a popular gathering of interested citizens than a political meeting, for fully nine-tenths of tha voter In the precinct were present as well as voters from all parts of tha Lewis and Clark district. The Astoria party composed of can didates, speakers and party enthus iastsleft thia city In a gasoline launch, arriving at Chadwell shortly before the opening hour or the meet ing. The speakers of the evening were C. G. Fulton, Judge Taylor and Prof. 3. C. McCue- The Astoria visitors' state that the people of Chadwell are giving evidence of much hearty enthusiasm and that the big republican vote of former years will be largely increased at the com ing election. The impression was free ly expressed., they say, that the Chad well people are satisfied that the lost county administration was the most economical in Clatsop's history ami that they are not looking for a change to officers without party, platform or responsibility. RATS GROWING VALUABLE. Ten Cents Bounty to Be Paid for Their Extermination In Astoria. The city council has decided to ex tend the period for the payment of a bounty on rats and the new order will take effect today. The old bounty of five cents per heal will be paid today, but it Is under stood that arrangements will at once be made whereby this sum will be In creased to ten cents per head. The extra amount of bounty to be paid, it is understood, will be made up by pri vate subscription, the period of its payment to be determined before the sum is exhausted. The matter was brought to the at tention of the council last night by Dr. August Kinney, who urged that Immediate action be taken, owing to the renewed outbreak of the plague In San Francisco. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS- Where and When the People's Candi dates Will Meet With the Voters. The republican county central com mittee has decided upon the dates and places for political meetings up to the close of tha campaign as follow: Olney, Tuesday, May 22. W arrenton, Wednesday, May 23. Svensen, Thursday, May 24. Westport, Saturday, May 26. New Astoria, Friday, June 1. Astoria. Saturday, June 2. THE ONLY BICYCLE. The above heading gives the nf.me. What name? Rambler, of course. We have the exclusive agency. Call for our prices and terms. FISHER BROS. those stores, for which work Look for the Ticket with RBDm. Figures on Each Article.