The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 20, 1900, Image 3

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The Latest
Sole Agent for Autorlu.
All contracts for udvcrtiamK l
t)ii Aatoilun are mud on n nuur.
wntwo of circulation four time
luritvr tlmn tliul of tiny rP:r
rublUhcJ or circulated i Clut.
top county.
I'OHTLANI), May 20.Orf(jon, fair
Tim river aland 17 feel t Inchca at
1'lgs (or a)a at Oaaton'a atablt.
llorsr fur aula at Uaaton'a atabla.
O. I Urowi-r o( Cliudwrll la In tin
('. II. Hunch U over from II
Waco. John W. Hnydry ot Hirlla I In An
turla. J. II Harrison of Dcfp river I In
tha city.
C. C. Clark of SiasMe waa In town
A. n. Pitwvra down from Knup
la ymicrday.
J. fl- Kamont of Hkiunkawa la In
town on business.
O. W. l.lmlsay of FIUla, Washing
Ion, la In iho city.
II. IlamtMTRi-r of llakcr City la In
Axtorla on lulnn.
Mr. It. I). Kwtt of flraye river waa
In the city ytrrlay.
K. M. Mi.ltam of Oregon City la In
tha city on buslm.
Mr. and Mra. A. B. Graham, of
Marshland, are In the city.
If you want lea cream Uiat la made
of pure crvam try the Tarlor.
Drat 11-rrnt mral, Rlalnv Bun Ilea
laurant, 611 Commercial atreet.
Mr. ami Mra. I). D. Klnirery of Mo
Minviiio am visiting In the city.
JefTa restaurant the largeat and
txtit. A trial will convince you.
Mlse Clara. Chajw. of Loa Angele. la
In the city, a guwit at the Occident.
Sweet cream at tha Parlor 10 centa
a pint Just wiiat you want for br
lioa. Wanted. To rent a centrally located
furnished houae. Addreaa X, car Aa-
PlmilnM mtlo nf tvt I H I n it gal fnat
ti'KlnliiK Hnturduy, May lit, at Mini
Mr. nnd Mra. J. O. Petersen of Oar
diner are In the city, gut-eta at the
A amall place at Clateop for aale or
rent. Hultulile for chicken ranch. Ap
ply to A. Taint, Parlor Candy Store.
Mis De To him returned from rterk
ley, Cnl., where sho hue Just completed
her third yeur at the University of
WHEREAS. It lias come to my notice that certain clothing stores have cappers In logging cainps. saw mills and cigar stores, who urge their
said cappers receive from a hat to 10 or 15 per cent in cash, 1 have
RESOLVED, to make war on the Capping System by putting the knife deep into prices on Clothing, Hals and Furnishings.
Look for the Ticket with
Figures on Each Article.
Nent Grey chock suit, a good wearer, at f 6.50
Grey or Brown Cassimer, at .... . $7.75
Fino Brown Cheviot, at $9.75
Blue Serge or Grey Worsted, at . . . . $9.75
Fancy Worsted, blue or brown weavw . . . $10.75
Grey Striped Fancy Worsted $9.75
And the
Men's Pants
Rudolph Allii-m. a native of Or
many, waa wiltiilttrd to cltlacnxhlp In
the county court ycslerduy.
Hellm Anderson fikernpiirnafole, a
native of Finland, waa granted hi flrnt
('Itlaeiiahlp piter yesterday.
A. O. Harker. I. WUo. John F.
O'Hheo, J. A. Krwnian tuid In Moore
were down from Portland yesterday.
The Norwegian steamship Thyra I
allll lying In the lower harbor. Hhe
will probably cro out aomo time to
day. Herring A Cook, Commercial atreet.
be l wen Tenth and Eleventh, la tba
only Drat claaa all-night lunch houaa
In Aatorla.
Cream Pure Hya. America' flneat
whisky The only pure gooda; guar
anteed rich and melljw. John L. Carl
son, aula agent
Rimlyn coal laa'.a longer, la cleaner
and make leaa trouble with atovc and
chimney nura than any other. (orgu
W. Hanborn, agent. Telephone 1.111.
The 8tar reataurant, t"t Commercial, now open for bualneea. Meal
If. cent up, Tho beat to be had In the
city. Give It a trial for your dinner
Ik m' t full to try coco cola. It I the
moat pu'iular new drink thl aeaaon at
the I'urlnr. Thoao who ri-ceive coco cola
ticket can get them redeemed at the
Parlor free.
Roalyn coal la tha beat and moat eco
nomical coal for houaehold uae In Aa
torla. Try It onca and you will hava
no other. Ooorge W. Sanborn, agent
TeUpbona U1L
A letter waa received from Snlem
y.Htfiiliiy nniioiincliig tho death of Ho
I'lilu H.iPKon ut the Inaane Bylum.
The woman waa committed from thl
county four year ago.
The Ila helora" Club will repay with
Intereat many of the cruel thing eold
ahojt It member at the Bplnatcr'
Club when they take the nuce at Klh
er'a opera houae on tho !lh.
k .1 1 . . i W U. I,un ru'i.l vn.l t.v Inenl
railway oltldal announcing that the
Northern Paclilo had r'durid It pa-
wnger rate to three cent per mile
throughout Oregon and waamngtnn.
Bervlcea at the Methodlat church
will be held aa uaual Imlity. Dr.
Whltuk.r, prMident of the 1'ortiunJ
t'nlvemlty, will preach both morning
and evening. Ur. Whitaker will aoon
leave the lr'gon conference to fill the
pulpit of Plymouth church, Hoaton,
Mr. John Kodd haa recenUy com
menced tha operation of a com
plete and modern bottling eatabtlah- vln Iho well-known nroduct
of hla brewery la bottled for the trade
and conaumera. Free delivery to cui-
tomera In the city. Telephone It
Bcholllcld St Ilauka are aole agenU
for the celebrated Ulue Ribbon flour.
It la manufactured by Gardner Pro.,
Btayton, Oregon, and consumer are
cautioned to notice that thl name and
addreaa appear on every aack aa It la
undciatood that Imitation are being
offered In the cltv. Telephone 81.
13. E. Prodle, aaaUtttint keeper at the
N'trth Head llghthouae, Is In the city
on a brief vlalt. Mr. Prodle wu trntm-fern-d
from Tillamook Hock aeveral
montha ago, the change being In the
nature of a promotion In recognition
of the fact thut he la one of the moat
valuable men engaged In the light
houae service In the Thirteenth district.
Finest Ones in Proportion.
reduced from
What a luxury
Pears' soap is!
The cheapest soap
in all the world besides.
Eater Haker and Edna Lawrence of
Cray river are registered at the Aa
tir Houae.
Mia Pearl Kate, daughter of Dr.
Kates, returned from Portland last
night, having been under treatment
of an eye and ear specialist for several
week past.
Judge Oray went to Warrenton ye
terday afternoon to Inveetlgate the
lirtigreaa being made In the conat ruc
tion work on the new balance draw
which la being placed In the bridge at
that place.
F. M. Vathcna, who hold an Im
portant poalilon with the Penn Mutual
Life Insurance Company at Portland,
In In the city on a visit with hi aon,
Oniric A. Mathena, the "cltlaena"
candidate for coroner-
Thre will be service In the Congre
gational church at 11 a. m. Rev. i". U
Parker will prtach at the morning
arj evening services. He Is a speaker
of more than ordinary ability and
will no duulit attract an unuaually
lurge gathering.
8pe'lal nieetlnga will le held In the
Salvation Army hull tonight and to
morrow. Prlgiuller Marshall, ala(cd
by Major and Mrs. Harris, will con
duct (lie services. (JooJ music and
ainrflng will L amcnK the attrac
tions. Everybody Is Invited to attend.
The United State marshal at Port
land haa taken the llrltlah ship East
African In custody under a llliel for
llo.mKt. died ly J. J. Moore of Ban
Krunclaco. The suit grow out of the
loa of a cargo of coal by fire In De
cember laal.
There wa an eight-handed row be
tween sixteen bibulous flahrrmcn on
Hond atrei-l yesterday afternoon. Out
side of one hhu k eye and one man
falling overboard, while attempting to
lie to his boat, the damage waa con
fined to torn clothe and a waste of
profanity. There" were no arrests.
Tom IloU'nril m loent flMllermnn f..ll
off the dock In the rear of Fisher Proa."
store yesterday afternoon, out was
eually rescued from the river. A few
minute later, while he was attempt
I n it to get away from the dock on hi
skiff, he again fell overboard, and,
after voualng about In the water for
a few moments, nuinuued to get him-
aelf out on dry land.
KxrurxlonK to Seaside by Portland
p.-ople will evidently b more popular
thla year than ever before. Although
the seai'in has barely opened, one ex
cursion haa already been given and
now It I announced that the letter
carriers of Portland are arranging for
an excursion on the first Sunday In
July, In which many hundred of peo
ple are expected to Join.
At a meeting of the United Modern
Vigilantes last evening arrangement
were perfected for giving an excellent
free entertainment next Thursday
evening, to which the public gener
ally I to be Invited. Thla I a mod
ern order to which both ladle and
gentlemen are admitted on equal foot
ing, and la an Oregon Institution, with
headquarter at Portland.
Charles W. Fulton returned lnet
night from St. Helens, where he has
bevn engaged In defending a suit
airalnHt the A. & C. railroad company,
brought by D. J. McKay and others
to recover the value of cattle killed on
the road. The 'case wo tried before
Judge McDrlde and a Jury In the cir
cuit court, a verdict for UK being
given. Mr. Fulton atatea that the case
will be appealed to the supreme court.
The Nome City was reported to have
left Son Francisco yesterday afternoon,
having been released by the quaran
tine olllccr. The Nome City la a new
screw st'iuncr, built at Falrhaven,
Cat, and shows the following dlmen-1
slons: Length, 230 feet; Ream, J8 feet;
depth, feel; gross tonnage, 1.6'iO; ,
net. 1.294. Her official number Is 130.
859, and her signal letters are K. P.
V. E. She Is expected to arrive at this
port on tyonday or Tuesday next.
15 to 25 per
It I reported that the two-masted
schoonrr Petrel, which wa brought
here from Portland and fitted out for
a fishing trip to the halibut banks off
Cape Flattery, I adrift In Neah bay,
a wreck. It I also reported that two
of the three men who formed the crew
of the vessel, are drowned. The Petrel
wu one of the oldest schooner sailing
from the Columbia river ports, and j
won aa good u condemned some
month ago, (
State Health Officer Fulton " posted
the following notice In the pilots ofllce
yeaterday: "All vessel coming from
Sun Frunclsco must until further no
tice, be anchored In the lower harbor
for Inspection." The order wa mode
because of the report that the bubonic
plague had broken nut In San Fran-clm-o.
It la stated that the Columbia,
which Is due at an early hour to
day, will be allowed to go to the dock
without detention In quarantine In the
lower harbor.
Aa soon a a launch can be pro
cured for the purpose. Deputy Flh
I'irirnissioncr ijouanery win siari oui i
on the lower Columbia to enforce the
law requiring all fishermen to have
number on their boat. Deputy ;
Iiughery fully expected to enter upon
the work yesterday Immediately after ,
Id return from the trip up the Clack-,
amas river, but not a launch waa
available for the purpose. There are
a. 'ore tif fishing bout on the river .
whic h do not bar number although '
(he law explicitly demand that thla.
regulation b' atrlctiy compiled with.
Warning ra been repeatedly glveu by .
the flih commissioner and the press,
and If. within the next few days,
niany fishermen ar arrested and are '
forced to pay the penalty, they wlli '
pave only themselves to blame.
Herman Wise' ad speak for Itself. J
lie doe not have to hire capper and
pullers-ln to catch the unwary; he
adopt the modern method of newspa-,
per advertising; he has made start
ling reduction In ' all department, '
which Is a surer way to get reduc-;
Hon than the old. antiquated ld--a
of hiring eapper to iak for one store j
and kn'x'k another. Wise I up to date, 1
that' why he has the biggest clothing
business on the Columbia river. Read
hi price.
With Norrls & Rowe Rig Trained
Animal shows, In this city next Tues- ;
day afternoon ar.d night, under their
large waterproof tents, which will he
located centrally, I a "stauc struck",
canine, who answers to the name of
Hamlet. The dog la a cros betwetn
a "Yallur" and a cur dog, but I par- ,
tlculnrly bright and affectionote. Ham
let "joined out" with the show at New
Westminster last s.aaon of his own'
volition. The dog wna noticed around '
the tent alt day with a "wiah-I-waa-1
In-the-hhow" look In his eye- After the
performance In the evening when the
m.-n were Ion. ling the cars, they f und
Hamlet seated on the front steps of the
buggugo car. They tried to make hhn
go uway but he determinedly remained ;
whr he was seated and the endeav
ors of the men to get him to go were
of no avail; so a a last resort they
placed him Inside with the other dog
oiors. Hamlet made friends of hi
canine companions und was aoon the
favorite of nil the attaches. He was
taken in hand by Professor Norrls and
he showed a willingness and aptitude
for learning tricks that waa nothing
short of phenominal. Hamlet Is now
one of the atar performer with Nor
rls & Rowe's show. Unlike the other
dogs he I given the freedom of the
tents; can go and come when he
pleases, but Hamlet never abusca the
trust and confidence put In him. He
Is a great dog and no mistake.
Edgar Jones, Well Known In Thla
City, Meets Death In a Deep
River Logging Camp.
The body of Edgar Jones, a logger,
well known In this city, waa brought
to the morgue from Goddard'a log
ging camp on Deep river lost night.
Jones was coupling cars and was
caught between the buffers and crush
ed to death. An inquest may be held
on Monday.
W. A. Geer to the Astoria Company
2525.19 acres of land in Clatsop coun
ty. Consideration, $6,345.90.
John Matter and wife to E. Z. Fer
gusonone acre and water-frontage
rights at Warrenton. Consldeiation,
Or the science of drugless healing.
Sleclaltles chronic and nervous dis
eases. Examination 'ree.
Cor. Fourteenth St. and Franklin Ave.,
Astoria, Oregon.
1 to 8 p. m., Monday, Wednesday and
6 oi
the Cappers Tell You
are paid for their dirty work.
cent. In
Fourth of July Committee Receiving
Great Encouragement in It
Preliminary Work.
Chnlrman Wise and hi committee of
hustlers are on the warpath. They are
cleaning up the musketry and piling
up ammunition; o look out for a rat
tling old-fashioned celebration. Citi
zens all over town are offering sug
gvstlofi, which shows that the peo
pls are taking an Intereat In the mat
ter. It has been suggested that the com
mittee offer a handsome flag to the
town or settlement receiving the larg
est number of votes. In a content, on
the Fourth of July ; some also be
lieve that the Goddess of Liberty
should be elected by ballot, subscrib
er to be permitted to cast one vote
fr each fifty cent subscribed.
The committee la considering the ad
visability of ordering streamer to be
made, which, with the consent of the
owner of steamboat plying between
Astoria and outlying towns, are to be
placed on the flag-pole, where every
body can read the fact that Astoria
will celebrate the Fourth. Such
streamers on the Uatrert and Hassalo
would undoubtedly attract the atten
tion of the people living along the
river and cloth advertisements, taut
ened to either one of the cars or loco
motive of the passenger trains, would
lo similar service with the people along
the line of the railroad. An effort will
be made to have the commanding of
ficers ot Fort Steven and Fort C'anby
bring over i strong detachment of Un
tie Sam's brave defenders, to partici
pate In the monster parade and to
fire the salute. Elaborate floats will
b made one of the features of the
No other place on the river lias as
yet decided to celebrate, and It only
requires the prompt and cheerful res
ponse of enterpriHlng Aatorlaiis to
rr-akc the celebration a howling suc
cess. The general committee will meet
again tomorrow night to compare notes
ard to lay in a new supply of vim
and enthusiasm.
In the "Note and Comment" column
of yesterday's Oregonlan appeared sev
erai Utile references to tho lack of
Interest In a Fourth of July celebra
tion on the pr.rt of Portland busi
ness men- The Astoria committee,
therefore, very promptly sent an In
vitation to the editor of the Oregonlan,
and, through him, to all the 'people of
the metropolis, to Join Astoria In one
grand festival.
The committee stated that inasmuch
aa Astoria has aaalsted Portland for
Beverul successive seasons in her cele
bration, the -people of this city would
appreciate it very much if their Port
land cousins returned the compliment
by celebrating with the people of Ore
gon's great seapcrt.
The committee stated that the fares
were low and spirits high, and sug
gested that Portland people appoint
an honorary committee to act with the
committee In this city.
Republican Candidates Magnlflclently
Received at Knappa Lost Night.
The people of Knappa turned out In
force lout night to greet the republican
candidates. The Knappa hall was
filled long before the meeting was call
ed to order and the hearty enthusiasm
displayed clearly shows where the eo
pl of that place are in this campaign
Professor John C. McCue made the
principal speech of the evening, fol
lowed by Sheriff Llnvllle, Dan J. In
galls and other county candidates. The
tenor of the arguments made was that
in the past few years the republicans
of Clatsop county had not only given
the people a most efficient service but
had, at the same time, greatly reduc
ed the running expenses of the
A grand rally will be held at Chad
well tomorrow evening, when nearly
all of the republican candidates will
be present
This Is the question now agitating
the minds of our leading politicians,
and while several prominent men have
ben suggested, the final selection will
undoubtedly be the man who will serve
the party Interests to the best ad
vantage. This is also true of medi
cine. When your stomach becomes
weak and you suffer from dyspepsia,
indigestion, constipation and flatulency,
or when In need of a medicine to
build up your system and restore your
appetite, you will make no mistake if
you try that sovereign remedy, Hostet
ter'a Stomach Bitters. It is backed
up by fifty years of cures, and Is rec
ommended by many prominent physi
cians. It is also an excellent medi
cine for malaria, fever and ague, and
can be had ot any druggist. Be sure
to give it a trial.
i in b A -r"11 V kssMBua fcanMJ LtMUMasji aVHaaaaaM
Boys9 Suits
Opened Today
Sample Use cf leiles
Ladles' Tailored Suits.
MATERIA LS Cheviots; Covorts and Itodfern Suiting,
also a nice line of Wash Suito suitable for ."I)IKIN(,"
St'jmrato Skirt, Flash Petticoats, Up-to-Dato Shirtwaists,,
Tea Gowns, and Wrappers.
DRESSMAKERS 1'lcaso take no offense thoy aro
only traveh-rs'g sample purchased at a discount of 25
per cent off that is tho reason that we got them. Tho
garments will le closed out at once. SEE THEM.
mcallen & McDonnell
Where and When the People's Caudl
dates Will Meet With the
The republican county central com
mittee haa decide upon the date and
places for pollti:al meetings up to the
dose of th- carr.paljrn as follows;
Chadwcil. Monday, May 2L
Olney, Tuesday, May 22.
Warrnton, Wednes lay, May 23.
Hver.sen, Thursday, May 24.
Weatport, Saturday, May 26.
New Astoria. Friday, June 1.
Astoria, Saturday, June Z.
"To the mountains our people In In
creasing numbers yearly look for those
day of relaxation anil recreation nec-
I v nnai km is tuv n uinuii
chine In fair working coniition. The
i languorous sloth of the seashore proves
very seductive while It lasts, but
! many have decided that the an
' nual outing should provide not only
' radical change of air and surround-
lugs, but also such stimulation of
j lugging energies as will provide brawn
j and vigor for the return to labor. For
this they urge the mountain climb and
ramble, the balsam of the mountain
pines, and the clear, unadulterated
mountain air.
"Li thia ilrection the Shasta Route
now affords a wealth of attractions.
The entire line of road from Ashland
to Redding is studded with charming
and accessible hotels and camps, where
are cheer and comfort and healing at
reasonable cost and where you can
hunt, fish, ride, loaf, or play with
equal facility-
"Or If you look for healing waters,
none better can be found, hot or cold,
than the springs of Ashland, Colestin,
Anderson, Dartlett, Byron and Paso
"Before visiting Europe, the people of
the Northwest should see the glories
of Yosemlte valley, and the wondrous
groves of Mariposa and Calaveras;
the Parisians are likely to make In
quires concerning these attracUve re
sorts." Send to Mr. C. H. ilarkham, general
passenger agent, Portland, for new
booklets on Castle Crag.- Shasta
Springs, McCloud river, Yosemlte, and
excursion rates thereto.
MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. & N.
which went Into effect April 22nd.
shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours,
and gives a double daily service be
tween Portland and Chicago.
Train No. 2, leaving Portland at 9:15
a. m. Is known aa the "Chicago-Portland
Special." Ita equipment Is new
throughout, making It fully the equal
of any train now in service from the
Pacific coast to the East
The "Overland Express' leaves Port
land at 6:20 p. m. and furnishes com
plete service both via Huntington and
Spokane to the East together with the
best of service to all local points on
the O. R. & N. lines.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul
Railway Co. will place In service April
29th a New Train between St. Paul and
St. Louis, called the "Flying Dutch
man." The train will have through
sleeping cars and be first-class
throughout. Ask any ticket agent for
particulars or address
C J. EDDY, General Agent
Portland, Oregon.
A live hustler with small capital can
secure business paylnir $25 per week.
A V. MELTON, Tigfe Hotel.
acquaintances to trade at
Take A One Dollar and a Half Hat at . . . $1.10
Take a Two Dollar Hat at 1.60
Take a Two Dollar and a Half Hat at . . . 1.95
Take a Three Dollar Hat at 2.55
Take a Three Dollar and a Half Hat at . . . 2.75
Take a Four Dollar Hat at 3.15
Under wear, Overshirts, Trunks, Valises, Everything Cut
Prices are Smashed nam.
Solfllinet Soinilnel
If you are sick and tired of rubbers,
which protect your feet from wet or
cold, and wish to ave continual re
soling of your shoe; If you wish t
longing the life of lama at least fifty,
per cent If you wish to save greaa
Ing your belts In your manufactory,
go to Peterson & Brown, at Aatorit,
and try a case of Solflllne on your
shoes and harness. Buy your hoa
only of those who have that sclent! Qo
remedy. Take no other.
General Agents, Astoria, Orego.
The above heading gives the'
What name? Rambler, of course. We
have the exclusive agency. Call for
our prices and terms.
Hope and happiness are so chummy
that when one dies the other commit
suicide. i
Wear Pretty
Wearing Apparel
And can get it laundered as nice as
nice can be at the
Columbia Steam Laundry
J. W. DALTON, Prop.
Work called for and delivered.
Strangers visiting in tne city will find
the Louvre au attractive resort wherein
to speud the eveuing. The Amme Sisters
Ladies' Orchestra is still on the billa and
presents nightly a musical program of
exceptional merit, Handsome pool and
billiard rooms are a feature iu coDDection
with the house. Palatable lunches will
be served at all noura
Dr. T.N. Ball
S7S Commerdil Street.
Over Schluaael's Clothing Star.
those stores, for which work
Look out for the Ticket with
Figures on Each Article.