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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1900)
THE M0RX1N0 ASTOttlAN. WEDNESDAY, MAY , lt(K) JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 6S1. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. of their own time and unrestricted methods for carrying on such repair " j and improvements. Time and again, without th fiirmollty of any permit or other legal authority, prominent thor oughfares in Astoria are absolutely blocked for hours, public traffic sus- pended, and the lives and limbs of pass Ing cltlsons endangered by the opera tlons of those people. A stop must be put to tluce perilous and high-handed DAILY. Sent by mall, per year 18.00 i Sent by mall, per month SO Served by carrier, per month SO , proceedings. Let these corporations h required to apply to the police depart SEMI-WEEKLY, Sent by mall, per year. In advance TosWce free to subscribers. All communications intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to 'The Astorlan." ment for authority before moving the appliances and rearing their unsightly structures. Let a sufficient fee be charged for all preml's Issued to Jus tlfy the employment by the city a competent superintendent to Inspee i all machinery used and to wurn pedes- ! trii.ns and iasslr.g teams from falling 1 .1.,!...; . .... 1, . - . i .... . . . : ttia "i.vmuii Mi-vivii'iu. x nese, Th Astorlan guarantees to its ad-' witn Mhor wholesome regulations, vertlsers the largest circulation of any . as to the extent of space an . An .V rAdtml,!. I . .... ... rPiuiia- iiuuiisucu mi me iviii..nwr) witmn which the strt-ets may I lw illl'H.I.'il fi.l Glt.h tllr,u,c.i. will ..... I river. Advertising rates can he had on ap plication to the business manager. The water commission is solely res ponsible fr the position Astoria new finds herself In on the street lighting I to reduce the risks and Inconvenience , to which the city is now subjected by these franchise-grabbers, until the luws can be so. revised and modernised a to compel them to put their con trivan-es under the streets, the same question. That body has possessed the power for years, and has had all the barking that could be desired In public ' nities. sentiment, to have emancipated Astoria from the clutihes of the monopoly that has long oppressed the city. After once proceeding so far as to have draw ings and specifications prepared for the additional machinery required to utilire the water power now going to waste which every humble consumer is now taxed outrageously to pay for in the rates charged for the water he drinks and otherwise uses the com mission, without a word of public explanation and without any justifica tion in the law or public necessity of the situation, sold out to the lighting company and that monopoly now threatens to leave the city in darkness unless its attempt? fresh extortions as they are required to do In other weil-governeU and progressive comma Agulnaldo is again reported in the north of the Island of Luion, where he is making every effort to concen trate his scattered and dlsorganiied followers. He doubtless still takes great comfort from the eulogiuma of such American candidates as Lyman, Bryan and others. These leaders all unite in declaring the Filipino rebel a brave, honest and patriotic man and worthy to be ranked with the great martyrs of liberty. They pronounce his cause a Just and holy one, akin to that of the revolutionary fathers who took up arms against the oppressions of King George. They tell the rebel leader and the ignorant and treacher- are yielded to. The water commission ous mob he Is seeking to rally that they has had ample warning for weeks past I have only to hold out a little longer. that the question of public lighting was going to arise in precisely the atti tude in which it has now been presented. It has been urged repeatedly through the newspapers and by personal ap peals made by members of the city council to be prepared for the emer gency which now confronts the city. The expense for putting in the new system of water worlrs was enormous ly Increased by the additions made in contemplation of an electric lighting plant. Water consumers are now pro- ..II: . .... iuiMS wueresi ana ginning funds to take care of the over issue cf bonds made necessary for these unutilized Im provements. It that way the people of Astoria are actually being taxed twice for the same object. They pay a lighting tax In the water rates collect ed and then are required to again put up the extortionate charges demanded by the private lighting monopoly, all through the inaction or Indifference of the water commission. This is, indeed, a peculiar situation. It is one that the people should not and will not tol erate any longer. X0 one questions the high character and personal good when the votes of their sympathizers in this country will put a stop to the unrighteous warfare MeKinley is wag ing against them, and recall from their country the men who are despoiling them of their homes and seeking their enslavement. These are doubtless the opinions of the five hundred or so bolomen and Iadrones, who attacked an American garrison endeavoring to promote peace and Industry in one of the lower provinces the other day and almost exterminated It. Candidate Lyman would like to be placed in con trol of the public schools of Clatsop county so that he may have a chance to lecture our children and incuiate in their tender minds the truths as to the Philippine contest and the cru elties perpetrated by the monsters whom the administration has employ ed to go over there and conmit mur der and rapine. Doubtless Candi dates Lyman and Bryan are entitled to their opinions as to the rightful nc-ss of the Filipino uprising against the men and officers of the American army, who went to Manila to extricate Dewey from the predicament he was lKs to endorse the opinions held In common by these candidates by elect ing either of them to any public office and, second, if it were not for sym pathisers like Lyman and Hryan, Ag uinaldo would have given up his fiRht long ago and his people would be very much nearer the enjoyment of liberty, while many American soldiers, Includ ing the late lamented Lawton, would have been spared to their families and their country. Agulnuldo has repeat edly stated that he Is holding out lu his warfare against our soldiers with the hope that such of his sympathizers as Candidates Lman and Uryan may be successful u,t the poll. U Is they the Lynmns an I Itryans, that are real ly maintaining the war, while their Tasalo allies do the actual killing and torturing of their fellow countrymen W e do not believe that Candi date Lyman is a proinr person to have ehatxe of the training of American children nor that Candidate Hrynn Is a proivr ierson to be the chief ruler of the Mlitieal welfare of their fathers ami oiner auuu relatives. And so we believe will be the expressed opln ion of the ieople of Clatsop county and of the country at large when they get a chance to record their opinion at the polls in June and November. AL LREPCEL1CAXS AUK IN LINK. standing of the individual members of left in y the defeat of the Spanish the water commission, but It Is cer tainly apparent that they are woefully neglecting the important public Inter ests committed to their c harge. It they cannot afford to devote the time from their private affairs to attend to the public business they have voluntarily undertaken, as honorable men and good citizens they should resign their connection with the commission and let others more energetic and public spir ited take the places they are occupying to the city's j.-reat detriment. The accident which precipitated a wagon, team and four men bodily over the railing and down the fifteen feet of distance to the rocky beach along the L'niotitown roadway yesterday, teaches a lesson which should not b? lost by the city authorities. It is the second or third recent narrow escape from fatal consequences coupled this time with the destruction of consid erable private property due to the reckless and indiscriminate occupation of the public highways by the tele- pnone, telegraph and electric light companies with the object of stringing wires and erecting their poles and oth er fixtures. There does not appear to be any intelligent supervision govern ing the character of appliances used for handling the huge and cumbersome timbers which constantly obstruct the streets and sidewalks, nor over the work men engaged In placing them in the desired position. In few cities, if any, of this country are these corporations, In addition to the valuable ease ments and privileges they enjoy with out compensation, allowed tha selection navy and to protect the European res Idents of that city and their property from the outrage and pillage of the savages who surrounded it. Candidates Lyman and Bryan are entitled to hold these opinions if they wish to. But two things are very certain: First, the people of this country do not pro- When your throat and lungs are perfectly healthy you needn't worry about the germs of consumption. They don't attack heathy people. It's the weak, debilitated, in flamed membranes that are first affected. Hard coughs and colds weaken your throat and lungs and make con sumption more easy. If your lung! arc weak scon's Riiisioii is the best remedy you csn take. It soothes and heals and jives tone and strength to these delicate mem branes. In this way you can prevent consumption. And you can cure it also if you haven't had it too long. Keep taking it until your lungs are strong and your weight restored. At all dnnrirti; ex. tnt ft oo. . SCOTi' & UOWH L, Ocuuu, New York. St. Louis GlobeDemocrat. republicans all over the country are In harmony on all the Issues. Those of New Jersey, In their state conven tlon to choose delegates at large to the Philadelphia convention, gave a hearty indorsement to President MeKlnley, not only on the issues which were at the front at the time of his nomination four years ago, "but In the wisdom and exalted statesmanship with which he has dealt with the new and com plex problems of great national con sequence which have since arisen." Practically all the slate conventions which have been held have taken the same ground. New Jersey was formerly about as reliably democratic as South Carolina or Missisippl. In the Whig party's days that state usually was carried by the whlgs, but ever since the election of Taylor back In 1S it has been democratic with scarcely a break un til a few years ago. It was carried by Pierce in 1S",2, by Buchanan In 1K6 and the Douglas-Breckinrldge-Bell fu sion In 1S60. Only three states itav their electorlal votes to McClellan I 1S64, and one of these was New Jersey voted for Grant in 172, because thought he was less republican tha reeley, whom the democrats Indorsed that year. The only other time hich It chose republican electors was in 1S35, but It has been carried by th republicans so many times In state and congressional canvasses recently that i may be relied on to go strongly repub lican In 1W0. The harmony among the republicans all over the country on all the Issue: hich will be up in the canvess this year is of vital consequence to the par ty. the schism which a few democrats were predicting on account of the ex pansion ana Puerto Rlcan questions is nowhere fn sight. The party In all the states will be In line on all (jues tions which will be mentioned in the platform, or which will be discussed anywhere on the stump. Union among the republicans, of course, means vie tory. The only hope which even the most visionary of democrats had for a possible triumph for his side depend ed on a feud among the republicans on some of the issues which have come to the front in the past year or two, This hope must now be dropped. There will be greater unity In the party than prevailed in 1?9, because the majority of the ssceders at the St. Louis con vtntlon of that year are back in the party this year, and the magnitude of the victory at the polls will be greater than it was then. results to his theories. When the fourth congressional district republican convention met this week the friend of Senator Hoar attempted to do mors than express a brave word of appre ciation of the noble veteran. They worked lu a resolution expressing con fidence In his course only to have It bulled and a substitute adopted which expressed cunllilonce in the adminis tration. Moreover, the substitute won by what the clialimait said was a unanimous vote, and even If he were not absolutely accurate it is evident W. C. A. Pohl, c in hum. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Caskets ntul Funeral Supplies constant' ly on hand. Corner Utli and lhiane 8ts, Astoria, Ore THE HHIYKE. Stranger, visiting In mo nty will fltul tlto Lmvre an attractive resort wherein to HIM'lnl tint ttVMiiiiur Tin t ,,,,.. sil-i,.. .i. .. .i. . .,, i....... . .' . ' MH-. 1 k,u ,,M" "e lilies' Uivliestru U still on (lis hills ami bvn very few or they would have presents nUMIv a musical program of After their i , 1 ' ""nusonio mh)I anil 1 billiard rooms are s feature In eoiinoctlo num. . with the house, i'lilatuhle lunrlirl will i be served at nil noura J. A. Fastabend, ntul Builder. ma le a lorous protest Ilrst feeble effort they wer peded As It was In the district so we may fairly ussiune It Is In the state as u whole, for the district, like the stale. is strongly republican and reflects the GcUCffll party ft ling. It also Includes Worees- ! ter, iv'i.ator Hoar's home, Weymouth, Contractor the present congressman, wits elected 1 by a vot- of 14.411. asninst SS.tsi for j his democratic opponent. Hut wo are j quite ready to agree with the Herald; tl at If FoiuVr Hoar himself were now j a candidate for re-election he would probably have a majority of the legis lature. That, however, would be not because of but it In syite of his record on expansion. He is the kind of man (or whom allowances would be made on account of Ins long publlo service and Its generally acceptable charac ter. Hut a few more voles like that for Quay will lower the hltth regard In which he has been held by the nonet folks of Massachusetts. WHITE COLLAR LINL Columbia River and Tuget Sound Nr. igatlon Company. Hallcy Oatsert leaves Astoria daily "l'i ounuay at I p. m. l.eves Portland dally except Bun dar at I a. m. White Collar Llns tickets and O. R. A N. tickets Interchangeable on Ualley Oatsert and Hassaln. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria. Aft U. a SCOTT. Tslephons UL President i'lrds of a ft uther seldom flock to gether when a man goes gunning. Some people believe In luck Just be cause they never huve any. 1. It I N rxms EM EXT HE FC3 ED TOR HOAR. SENA Chicago Times-Herald. in cornmen;ing on therepubllcan BUte convention of Massachusetts the Boston Herald says that good care was taken not to test the sincerity of the McKinley enthusiasm by pronouncing the name of Senator Hoar. "But," it continues, "if some one had ventured to speak a brave word of appreciation of the noble veteran, we are disposed to think that even this carefully selected convention would have manifested an affection for him that would have ur prlsed the managers. In our Judg ment, they make a mistake who im agine that he has In any great degree forfeited his popularity with the plain people by bis course." Quicker than the writer could have expected the test for which he hinged Th. Fredeiikson PIANO TUNER INSTRIWION ON 'CELLO AND VIOLIN rhons W71 H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Coods Shipped to Our Cars Will Koceivs Special Attention. n! Jo) aFI DKPAKT tIJi.m i hionuo I'orllmut Hix ciKi.Ti iitumiiiiloii, a 'id til iHilutt Kaat. : i. HI. TIM 8 KIIIIOULOi From loriUml. f hs Orrlii Eirvm, ti iiiuiiuini m am! VI S)mkui, III Don. vr, hmuM City, flit ratio, SI. Poil. Mll uklK,lll iHlillll r'tum Attoria IKtlAN IIUAM.MIlPi AH Hailing D.w, .ub I it I to rlrnnit. For Han frsiioiet-Ml M X 3. t, IS, 1H.XI.W Aklivi 4 p. m. Rs in. 7 an Ki Sunday Sam Ki tjnii'tajr 7. m. Tu,Titur aud Hat. Ull'rl l4r lljr l xua. m. Columbia Rlvwr Htimtr To Portland ao4 Way Landings, From Horllsnil WII.UMKrU HiVKU Orviiun t il v, Ntihor, I ""hill A Wr-Und . VVIIUm.tu Van kill KKtrs. Oregon fltjr, Itoylon, nj Miiuuitfi, I luKi Mo, Uy S) 0. m KittuutUy 5MWNIvr. KlparliiuUwIiton. Sam WI1.I.4M kti K in v ni inn, iuiii j runiatiii o t'urvll S.iurd.jr t,d wiy luidlns. I Kl p tn, KoVt and rrl. I.v Uwtata . a is a.ny : 0 p, ni. Mud, Wr.l KrMajr O. W. LOUNSDKRRY. W. H. HURUIURT.A,n, Osn. I'asa. AgU. rortland. Or. W SOUTH Arrlvs T:M p.m DeDot Klfth and U'SVS J I HtiertS. Overland Bxprtss Trains for Halem, Hosi'tiutg, Ash land, haoisnii'iitii. 7:10 p.m) Ogdvn. Han Vian riNt'O, Mojavs. us Angeles, 1)1 I'asa, i JO a,m New oiirans ana lliu East At Woodburn (dwily sxerpt Hun day), iiioiiiing train oomioctswlta train for Mt. An gel, BllNcrwm. Itrnwnsvllls. HprliistloUl, ana Nation, and sven log train for Mt. Aiil and Bllvir ton. T:S0 n.tu) Corvallls passon l;Mp.ra I "" 4:t0 p.m tilterf.lan passeu- ;i:lta.m jger Pally. Ially sioept Sunday, Rabat tickets nn sals botwasn Psrt. land, HncrnitiMito and Han Kranolsott, Nt rains 111 first class and HI sseon. class, liirludlng sleper. Rate and th ki ts to r.astarn points id KurotH), Also Japan, China, llono lulu and AiiNtralla. Can b obtains frtuu J. II. Klrkland. Ticket AsoiiL 114 Third street. YAMIIII.I. DIVISION. Passenger depot fo.1 of JefforsoB Bt Iavs for Oswsga dally at T:W. I:M a. m.; 1130, I.M, 1 :, tilt, I n, 1:01, it jo p. tn.; ami s:uo a. in, on Humus only. Arrlvs at I'orttand dally at M It 1:30, I0 60 a. m.j I 34. I.ll, 4 io, 7:40. 10 00 p. m.: II 40 a. m. dally ts rept Monday; 1:30 and 10.09 a. m. on Sundays only. Leave for Pains dully, sicept Bun dsy, at 4:30 p. m. Arrlvs at rortland A, , . at ID a. m. LLlif rasssnger train l-avts Dallas for rr If . Alt lie Mondays, Wednesdays and lrt. days at 1:44 p. m. Itsturns Tuesdayt, lllTPnPOTIlip Thui-sdays and Saturdays. IN I tnto I INu ,5,, Bun , , , CinTO R, KOEHLER. Manager. hfllj I N C II. MARKHAM. lien Peoi'lo are eontemntatln I 1.. .. ..." :. v --. . m ...j., niieiurr un Dullness or Dleosure. 1 f f l a I they naturally want ih. J.i (IrPflrnn Slliirr I IflO obtainable . fr srI comfoV. .nJ v 1 v ' ' " v 1 fc Safety Is concerned. Employea of tha ifesM Karl's Clover Root Tea Brjlatlfim the Complrtlon, Purlfvt the H 'xl,lvr, Kw-ih.LkarSfcln. lumC'on jtlpaii.m, Imlitl.m, and ill Kruptioni i.l liie pkin. An airrmhla Laimive Nrrv Ionic. Sold on Kiiirantee by ail drugKMi at 25c., 60c. and 1.00. 8. C. WCLL A CO.. I.IHOY, N. y. soir eaopaicToaa No. R33 Duans St., Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr Res. Tel. 1131, Dr. T. N. Itnll DENTIST. (71 Commereltl Btrsst, ASTORIA. ORB. Ovsr Schlusssl'i Clothing Stors. THE PROOF oi tha puddlag ood tha proof of IS IN SAMPLING of tha pudding U ta tki sovttea ood tha proof of liquors Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. That's an arrumsnt that's el naive fomonatrauoa. Ours will stand tns tost. HUGHES & CO. ?V S. MS t4 r X JOLLY FOUR they are, and all are smokers of our cigars. Those who know good things won t have anything else, and henos the fondness shown for our goods by wII Informed votarlin of tha We touch them wlnnlngly In the right spot and never mar previous pleasant Impressions by giving out something uiiiereiii irom mi regular line-Our nranu, uememDer mo; "Uenera! Steed man," five cents. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES i ui.i io m-rve me puuiio and our trains are operated so as to make closa eon. nectlmis with diverging lines at all Junction points. I'ullman 1'alace Sleeping and Chair .i" on uirouan trains. Dining cor service unexcelled, served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you sj) vTjr The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at St. I'aul for Chicago, Milwaukee and an points tAi. For any further Information call on an m-nei aseni. or correspond with JA8. C. lOND. Ocn. l ass. Agt, or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent. 14 Stark 6U Tortland. Or. Railroad. TUB Dill EOT ROUTS TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Meals I Olves choice of two favorite routes, Tl the l nlon racinc rut Mall Llns, or the ltlo Urande hcctila Lines. LOOK AT THK TIME 1 DllV9 to Suit Like 2J Duyg to Denver 3 Days to Chit-Ago 4J Days to New York. Fres reclining chairs, tinholstsrsd tourist sleeping cars, and rullman tal- ace sleetwrs. orated on all trains. For further Information apply to Or C. O. TERRT. W. E. COMAN, Trav. 1'ass. Agt. Qan. AgsaL 124 Third Bt.. Portland. Or. O. W. LOUN8UKURT, Agent O. It. A N. OUICKEST, SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT LINE TO TUB EAST - SOUTHEAST IS TUB r WILL MADISON "ine world i Owes Every Man a Living" Hut wlmt Brt of living is it you fc-et with a jxioi Htove or rsne in your kitchun? Iluy a Star Estate Range They insure i?ood living W. J. Scully, Agent fey fejjja 431 BOND STREET 5r INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. -S S O 2 . ORDERS SOLICITED Miss Bertha flartln's Decorative Art Room. full Line of Kecst Embroid. cry Materials, Initials s Specialty. Choice Selection ol S'amping Designs. UVVllll Stamping Neatly Dose, f Room 820 Dakam Hailding, 3d ad TVa.Llukloa gls., FoHIuod, Or. ItoxuRioos Travel THIS "Northwestern I.(mlt.,1" nn. electric lighted throughout, both Inslds and out, and steam heated, ars with out exception, the flneat trains In tbs world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling a niuKiuiier are ine most complete and splendid producton of tbs iur uuuuera an. These Pplendld Tralna Connect With The Grcot Northern The Northern I'aclFIc and The Canadian Pacific AT T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior PORTLAND TO CHICAGO -vu.,..Uuuiiijiia ami nil Classes Ot UCK- In,, .... . cU are available for passage on ths tJ , K "Iao "", Tourist Sleepers, lamous "Northwestern Limited." All ""' "um t i.torary uars. irst- naiim un linn line ars protected bv tha I ,,vl'","i vnoira rree. Interlocking Rlock system. m 0's s,v TWO DAILY 8ULIO VRBTIDULED T ltAIMa LKHH THAN THIllSB UAYU W. JI. MUAD, y.C. BAVAOB. General Agent. Ticket Agt. rortland, Ors. Till MILWAUKEE." PORTLAND t, DENVICn. KANHAM CITY, OMAHA and t'HIC'AOO without change. Only one change to NUYV YultK, 11U8TON and other Euslvrn points. ' For rates, tickets and full Informs. tlon, call on or aildnms. O. w. LotiNsrtTrnnY. , A?, nl - N- Astorlm Or., Or J. II. LOTH HOP, On l Agt,, A familiar nnmA fni th nM- W viiivsiaui lwaukee & fit. I'aul Hallway, known all over the Union as ths Great nn. .?ryVy AND COLUMBIA I'aul nnd Hileairo. and Omnha DIVED DlllDAirv i iiwit nan niiAii v..ucaro, tne only perfect train In me worm." Understand: Conner.. Leave. PORTLAND." "ArrivaT ii'mib urn iiiiine wirn nil trlmnnnl nnnt. 1..,, - - ... l . -. - ..i ii - ---- a, nj. runiana union imooi iii ua m. electrlo light, steam heat, of a verity --..-.. ij mi uifiiir una. Iini'dlale points, I ASTOltLAT Hce that your ticket reads via "The J45 ,m,lPor Portland V in-lll:Ma. Milwaukee" when going to any point tl?.P mjJt'!rm0(,lftl9 P"lnt U:M P. BKA8IDB DIVISION. o.m. m. a.m. 7: 7:W! 6:62 6:15! p.m. 4:00 IS 1:16 l:N In the United Btates or Canada. All ticket neenla all JTor rates, pumphlots or other Infnr. K i: ". '". niatlim, address. "J,,.V'J'r ....Astoria...-. J. W. CAB Ex, C. J, EDDT. B:r.i 12:13 !. Jiuv. i iihb. All.. (Ion Ant I d m Ii. a i.. - .. --. . n I ..'nj r . . . (J ' U IIIH . . . . I .VI rortland, Oregon. Portland. Or. !..".' - ""-r". ' ur SPECIAL SEABIDIB BUNDAT Leaves Astoria at S:S0 a. m Seaslila t Al a. n I'OJMAnffara maw Mi,.. - i i nfnrriKm-. ",u,ii w any vrmiu I ILK iVTfe shown on schedule on sams date. ALL TRAINS to and from Beaaid rua TRAIN arrives at i!nflTPt!: WIUILWAT poijjTS EAST to all ot Flavel and Hammond via Warrsn ton. All trains make close connections at Qobls wlUi all Northern PacMo trains to ana from ths east or Bound points. At Portland with all trains lasvlns Union depot At Astoria with I, R. N. tJo.'a bait and rail Una ir. . .. ..Jjo. 3. "Flyer." arrive. Portland at North Beo,h point. UWm r or raies, etc., call or address : , uu mib i m. O. W. LOUNsniEuRY, ir.-7-i- --l7mnM' ffranclscft, all Aent O. R. . N.. AatnHa L"lern.:' European points. or Aj B. C. DENNISTON, 7 ' Hal straat! m lH J?? Through Palace and Tourist Hln. ers dining nnd library observation cars. nunuANT VKSTIliULB TRAINS. iNO. 4. "Fiver." leavea Pnrtton a . nr. - ' " I o.iu p. m. has been tried, with most disastrous f S S )tS---- S v.. r. at T. A., rortland, Ore. i -"cian'1 fv .S,