The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 06, 1900, Image 4

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Outterick Patterns
For Summer.
Juno Patterns. Delineator's, Metropolitan's and largo
Semi-Annual Catalogue, ;it our Pattern Counter.
The Hulterick's characteristics aro stylish, practical
ami simple in const met ion.
Delineator Monthly Fashion Magazine 15c single copy;
yearly subscription f 1.00. '
Largo Catalogue showing over 1-00 late styles, 15c
each. No charge for Metropolitan of Fashion.
Headquarters for Dry Goods on the Lower Columbia.
Rlort Received of the Release of a
Number of Spunlsh Hnd American
WASHINGTON. May 5.-The Navy
department has made public a rerort
from Lieutenant J. H. Gibbons, at
tached to the Brooklyn, dated Cavite,
March 4, upon an expedition con
ducted by him In the south of Luzon,
In the latter part of February last,
which resulted In the release of 512
prisoners, mostly Spaniards, who had
been held by the Filipinos for many
According to the report. Lieutenant
Gibbons was placed in command of the
U. S. transport General Alava, with a
detail of otTlcers and men from the
Brooklyn, on tha I3th of February, and
proceeded to the vicinity of San Nar-
clso. Gulf of Hagay, at the southern
extremity of Luion, In search of these
prisoners. OT Guinayabsn, some of
the prisoners who had eseaped came
aboard, reporting that 36 Spanish pris
oners, who were disabled, had been left
by the Insurgents at that town, and
tho remainder of the prisoners, includ
ing some Americans, were being car
ried to Piris.
The Alava at once made for Plris,
and landed a party of ?0 marines, un
der command of Lieutenant Brown. V.
S. M. C, at the head of the bay. The
insurgent guard lied, and the prisoners
were released and brought aboard
the ship. There were among them 10
Americans, 72 Spanish officers, one ac
companied by his wife, 17 priests. 21
merchants, four Filipinos, four Spanish
soliders, including the wife of one.
There was a good deal of hardship
.connected with the expedition, and
Lieutenant Gibbons' report states that
h? cannot speak too highly of the en
ergy and xeal shown by the men.
Pronounces It a Mistake to Mount Our
Heavy Guns on Disappearing
NEW YORK. May 5.-A special to
the Journal and Advertiser from
Washington says:
G-neral Miles makes a sharp criti
cism of the engineering department in
the disappearing gun carriage matter,
in which he characterizes the argu
ments of General John M.' Wilson, chief
of engineers, as "academic."
General Miles also takes occasion to
pay his respects to the futility of the
furious fire of Sampson's fleet at the
ancient artillery of Spain at Santiago.
General Miles points out that the dis
appearing gun carriage had been used
in this country to the exclusion prac
tically of all others. General Miles
"The conclusion to mount upward of
90 per cent of our modern high-power
coast defense guns in deep pits on dis
appearing carriages was apparently
reached after a long-continued aca
demic discussion of the subect In suc
cessive annual reports of the chief of
engineers. This conclusion Is not be
lieved to be based upon any practical
results of fire from shipboard on
land fortifications obtained in war
"Old Morro castle, the eighteenth
century masonry work exposed on a
block less than 200 feet above tidewa
ter and armed with four eighteenth
century smooth-bore cannon, withstood
on one occasion the concentrated fire
of our fleet at close range for three
hours with the result that one corner
of the masonry was struck and dam
aged, but the parapet wall remained
intact and not a man or a gun was
Injured so far as known.
"I dorm It most unfortunate that we
should take up, develop and place
almost sole dependence upon type
of mount that has been tried and
practically abandoned abroad."
'JoverniT of Utah W ill Issue an Ad
dress Soliciting Subscriptions.
SALT LAKE, May 5. In response to
many Inquiries from citizens of the
I'nlted State and from numerous
firms and corporations outside of Utah,
addressed to the governor and other
citizens of Ctah, making generous
proffers of financial assistance for the
stricken families of the victims of the
Scofield mine disaster. Governor Wells
will issue an address stating, in view
the appalling magnitude of the mortal
ity and the very large number of de
pendent women and children requiring
care and sustenance, that contributions
will be most gratefully received from
kindly disposed and sympathetic pto.
pie everywhere, and that all subscrip
tions should be sent to Hon. Janvs
T. Hammond, secretary of state and
chairman of the Central Relief Fund,
who Is authorized to attend to the
equitable distribution of the funds to
the sufftrers.
Murderer Held for a Month and Then
Hanged for Fear He Would
SEATTLE. May 5. Among the pas
sengers from Latuya bay on the Ber
tha, which arrived today, were a man
named Nelson and his wife, who re
ported to the authorities at Juneau
a sensational case of murder and lynch
ing whi-'h occurred at Latuya bay last
November. According to their story
they and two others white men were
at dinner one day when Steve Stev
ens walked out and returned with a
revolver, shit and killed the other
white man, wounded the woman, but
before he cojld do further damage was
disarmed by Nelson. The latter and
another white man, aided by an Indian,
kept Steverts a prisoner for a month,
meanwhile trying to communicate with
the au:horities at Juneau. Finally
fearing Scvrrts would escape and mur
der the all, he was hanged. Nelson
and his wife came to Juneau and gave
themselves up.
Agonizing Scenes Mark the Close of
the Terrible Utah Mine Dis
aster. SALT LAKE. May 5.-A special to
the Herald from Ccofield, Utah, says:
A vol'im-i of agonizing scenes and in
cidents attended the burial of one
hundred and nine victims of the mine
disaster today. Wholesale burial has
gone on all day. Bodies were taken to
the cemetery by trains of wagons and a
man stood at the gate and checked
from a long list the names of the
bodies in the caskets that were taken
The graves were all kept open until
after services had been performed over
them. While various !odg:-s were offi
ciating, the Mormon church represent
atives were dedicating the graves of
their dead. Fifty more bodies are yet
to be. burled.
irenls encountered taking to the moun
tains. Leaving one company to gar
rison the Island, the expedition pro
e.HNird to MasbMe.
The cable to the Southern tsUnds Is
broken and the details of the recent
fighting are not obtainable at present.
Has Taken Over the St. Paul Du
luth, of which Dan Lament Will
Bo President.
ST. PAUL, May 5.-The Northern
Prtvllle will take Absolute control of
the St. Paul & Dviluth road Monday.
A. B. Plough, until Thursday manager
of the St. Paul & Duluth, has re
turned from the East, and In nn Inter
view Mild:
I have resigned as vloe-pivsldeiu
and manager f the Duluth. and will
K succeeded by Daniel S. Ijimont, of
New York, us director and vice presi
dent, and Mr. Kendrlek. general man
ager of the North rn Pacific, will as
sume the duties of general mtiniiKor."
Cloe of the Dewey Celebration In St.
Louis Mrs. Dewey and the Ad
miral Co to Memphis.
ST LOl'IS, May 5. With the parade
of the military and civic organizations
of Missouri this afternoon and an In
formal ivception by the Iyal Legion
tonittht the two days' celebration In
St. 1auIs in honor of Admiral Dewey
came to an end.
Probably 500,000 people s'.ihh! patient
ly for hours along the line of march to
see the admiral and heered him wild
ly ns he was driven by In the parade.
Tomorrow morning the admiral and
purty leave for Memphis. Tennessee,
where a two days' celebration will be
held In his honor.
Mining Shark After Robbing Every
body Succeeds In Fooling His
Victims After Arrest.
Banks, a British Columbia mountain
eer, arrested here Thursday for sell
ing fake gold mines to Wall street
financiers, has escaped from Jail. He
succeedej In Inducing his prosecutors
to believe that he really owned the
claims which he sold them.
They withdrew complaint against
him and started for Vancouver. B. C.
to complete arrangements for accom
panying him to Atlln, leaving him to
follow next day.
Ing the malarial Infection. The Brit
ish government wants to prov It;
hence this daring experiment by two
They have built a mosquito-proof
hous. and will stay In It during the
hour when malaria-bearing mosqui
toes are about.
Sympathies of the Scho 1 Children Will
Be Sent to .Vgulmildo to Teach
Philadelphia a Lesson,
WINDSOR, Out., May 5. On May
24, tjueen Victoria's birthday, the
Imlsor boar-.l of education will send
tw delegates to .Manila with a reso
lution of sympathy from i!..'00 children
for Agulualdo. the leader of the Filipi
nos. This action Is in offset the course
taken by the Philadelphia school chll
di n, whi have sent ivprrsctallw to
Paul Kiucer with a i, solution of syin
paihy. The Windsor school attend
ants will cnnY'is tli- city for funds
t-i defray the expensiS of their dele,
This resolution. In addition to sym
pathy, win shov "admiration for the
brave stand of the Filipinos against
the unjust war wiwed lUtilnst them
by th. Americans."
Arrangement for the message and
dispatch of the deb gales were com
pleted by school Uvard members lust
"VYe"ll show the Yankees," said the
secretary jf the beard. Alexander
Black, "that two count lies can pluy
at the sympathy gam-."
Recommends Pe-ru-na For Catarrh
American Troops In Philippines Are
Not Waiting for Bryan's
MANILA, May 5. Colonel Hardin's
expedition recently landed two com
panies of the Twenty-ninth Infantry
on ths island of Marinuque. The troops
have already taken four towns with
out opposition, the f,.-w armed insur-
With new and exclusive designs in
...Dainty Lace Curtains...
Prices lower than ever
- . 65c up to $2.50 a Dair
Sash Curtains in Dots, Stripes and Figures
7 15c a yard
mcallen & McDonnell
Ethelbert Wins Easily Twenty Thou
sand People Witness the Event.
NE WYORK, May 5.-Etherbert, of
Perry PelmoiK stables, won the metro
politan handicap at Morris Park to
day before 20,000 people. He was a
favorite In the betting and won by
three lengths, Box taking second place
by a neck from Imp. Time, 1:4.
SALT LAKE. May 5. In addition to
the donation to the fund for relief of
h. Scolleld sufferers, the Colorado
Fuel & Iron Company has subscribe!
$',000 and the Rio Grande Western
Railway Company $20,000. These two
lubscriptlons come from New York to
the superintendent of the Pleasant
alley Coal Company.
Two English Doctors Will Spend the
Summer on the Pontine Marshes.
LONDON. May ". The government
of Great Britain this week sent two
men to the deadliest spot on earth,
with instructions to stay there all
summer and see If they can keep them
selvei alive. If thy return, the most
fatal disease next to consumption will
be at the mercy of science.
The men who risk their lives are Dr.
Sambon and Dr. Lowe, of the School
of Tropical Medicine, attached to the
Colonial off'ce.
The disease they are going to Inves
tigate is malarial fever, which kills
more people annually than cholera, bu
bonic plague or any other scourge save
The most readly spot selected Is the
Roman Campagna, where no man can
stay on a summer night without con
tracting malaria. Many doctors de-
Forest Orovi) I'niveislty Wins From
the Suite I'nivcrslty.
ENONE, Or.. May 5 -Tlie final Je- i
bate of the series Tor tn,. iuter-colle-rfiate
championship Oregon t'Vk
place this evening befi.r i the Puclllc
I'liiversity at For-st OioVc and the
I'niverslty of Otvgosi. The question,
lesolved. ll a: the gv. eminent owner
ship and operation of teitltorlul mll
wnys would bettor subserve the public
welfare than does the present system
of ownership and operation by private
corporni I His. The St ite I'niverslty
had the atllrmatlvj ;inl the Pacific
I'niversity the negative. The Puiillo
I'niverslty won th. decision.
Hon. M. II. Mcl'ord.
Iton, Myron It. MeCord, K-(lorernor
&f New Mexico, lu a letter to Dr. Hurt'
man, from Washington, l. C,
lVnr Sir At the suttKtlon of a friend
I was advised (o use IVru n for catarrh,
and after using ono bottle I begun to
fool better lu every way. It Iip1hhI me
In many resiHct. I in troubled with
colds, coughs, sore throat, etc, but a
oon as I had taken your ntnilelno 1
bi;an to improve and toon got well. I
Uko pleasure In recommending your
great remedy to all who are aflltctcd
with catarrh.-M. II. MoCord.
The spring presents a much more
tarorable opportunity (or the perma
nent cure of ehronlo catarrh, especially
old, stubborn cases. Now U the time to
begin treatment. Insist upu having
Pe-ra-na. Thero are no successful sr.u
titutos for this remedy. Heud to Br.
Hartmitn, Columbus, Ohio, tor tree
Urrh book.
I When a man fools with travats or
, matrimonial ties, he always gets It
In th n-ck.
firts National Bank
At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at
the close of business, April 26, 1900.
Loans and discounts !243.!S1.??
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured H.-..4S
V. S. bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500.00
Stocks, securltes. etc MU68.24
Real Estate v 9.4H.W
Due from Banks (not
reserve agents) S90.07
Due from Stale Banks and
Hankers 2S.K4.t0
Due from approved reserve
agents M.S'd.ll!
Checks nnd other cash Items, l.lflo.63
Notes of other National Hanks 160.00
Nickels . i 46.0J
Lawful money reserve
In ilank, viz:
Specie $112,140.00
Legal-tender notes 374.00
snst ,f v-:-
' ...-'t.-.j. m r,w
Redemption fund with U. S.
treasurer per cent of circulation)
. -tCS7,3C2.39
Capital stock paid In $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 25,000.00
Undivided profits, lss ex-
p.-nses and taxes paid 29,640.59
National Bank notes out
standing 5,250.00
Due to State Banks and
Bankers 1,532.47
Individual deposits
subject to check. .$318,593.18
Demand certificates
of deposit "7,341.15
Clatsop, bs: I, S.S. Oordon, cashier of
the ubove-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement Is true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
8. 8. GORDON, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 2nd day of May, 1900.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
Jacob Kamm,
W. F. McGregor.
William M. Ladd,
Ml. Hutun Wrruar.
Miss Susan Wynur, luaeher in the
Richmond school, Chicago, 111, writes
tho following letter to Dr. Hsrtman re
garding IVru-nu. Sim says: "Only
those who lino suffered as I have, can
know what a Meting it U to lie ablo to
Qnd relief in Pe-ru-na. This has been
my experience. A friend in need Is a
friend Indeed, and every bottle of I'o-rO'
na I ever born,-lit proved a good friend
to me." Susan Wymar.
Mrs. Margaretha Dauben, 1214 North
Superior St., Racine City, Wis., writes:
k I feel so well and good and happy now
that pen cannot describe it. pe-ru-na Is
everything to me. I have taken several
bottles ot Pe-ru-na for female complaint
I am In tho change of llfo and It does me
good." Pe-ru-na has no cqunl In all of
the irregularities and emergencies pe
culiar to women caused by pelvla
Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, 0
lor a free book for women only.
When some mothers sing In order
to uuiet the baby, It only adds Insult
to Injury.
The passenger department ot the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
has taken advantage of the current In
terest In the Paris Exposition and has
printed for free distribution one of the
most charming books of the season, en
titled, "Gllmpsee Across the Hea." Its
contents describe a recent voyage
across the Atlantic made by Sam T,
Clover, journalist and author, and In
cludes his diversified experience! In
London and Paris. The "Gllmpsee"
ar entertaining and Instructive to the
prospective western patrons ot the Chi
cazo. Milwaukee & tit. Paul railway.
who may be contemplating a trip to
Europe. The enterprise of the railway
company in auguiatmg such a happy
departure from the ordinary methods
of advertising la commendable.
m mm
o Potasn
Not cum
In some cases the external signs of Contagious Blood Poison are so slight that the
victim is firmly within the grasp of the monster before the true nature of the disease
is known. In other cases the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the
swollen glands, mucus patches in the mouth, sores on scalp, ulcers on tongue, sore
throat, eruptions on skin, copper colored splotches, and fallintr hair and evebrows
leave no room for doubt, as these are all unmistakable signs of Contagious Blood Poison,
Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood poison. These poisonous min
erals never yet made a complete and permanent cure of ConUurious Blood Poison. Thev drive the disease
back into the system, cover it up for a while, but it breaks out again in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercurial
rheumatism and the most offensive sores and ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off. Mercury and
potash mako wrecks, not cures, and those who have been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches and pain.
S. S. S. acts in an entirely different manner, being a purely vegetable remedy ; it forces the poison out of the system, and
instead of tearing down, builds up and invigorates the general health. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this specific virus, and
therefore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No matter in what stage or how hopeless the case may appear, even
though pronounced incurable by the doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon to make a rapid, permanent cure. 8. 8. 8. U-not a
new, untried remedy ; an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it a sure and unfailing cure for this disease. It is the
only purely vegetable blood medicine known.
Mr. H. I Myers, loo Mulberry St., Newark, J. J., tay : wai tffllctd with s terrible blood disease, which wis Is ipot it firt, bfrt afterward.
Spread all over my body. These soon broke out into tores, ni it i cut to Imagine the sufTerinE I endured. Before I liecame coninced thnt the
1n,,nr, ... T . ... a .. . ff I. .1 . , 1 . . . - II.. . a f (ha...
wuiu u , ,w Hwu i uiu ijkiii nuDurea amiin, wnrcn wh oci7 .,uuwu r .......
tried rarioua pitent medicinea, but they did not reach the dineaae. When I had finlahed my firl
bottle of 8. 8. 8 I waa greatly improved; and waa delighted with the reault. The large, red aplotrhi
on my chest l;an to grow paler and amaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained im
lost weight, lHtne atrongvr, and tny appetite improved. I was soon entirely well, and my akh) a
dear aa a piece of gUa."
Send for our Home Treatment Book, which contains valuable information about
this disease, vith complete directions for self treatment Our medical department is
in charge of physicians who have made a life-lime study of blood diae&sts. Don't
ut-a.M.W rv . (ill, BUT llllVIUilUUII VJI Ul, IX TTail l,l. . . . , .
ever for this. All correspondence is held in the most sacred confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA.
A Delicious and Falatuble
Drink Absolutely Pure
The North l'soltlu Utewery, of which I Doltlixl bwr for family hm or keg
Mr.John Kopp is pror-lelor.iimkea borrl beer supplied at any time, delivery to
(or domes' in nml eiHirt Irado. I Hit city lie
Jorth Pacific Brewerg
Best Boat Paint
Specially Prepared for Fishing Boats
Durability Guaranteed
Pacific Navigation Company
SUumen"R. I. Ilmorc," "W. II llim Ison '
Only line - Ahttiilu to'l lllnnnKik, tiiitibulJI, ltd) lly, llnhMinvlllc.
CoiimsHinif at Astoria with tlifOri'i.m lUllnxtd Nsvltfittlon (Vi. and
also the Astoria A ('olinnlun Itlwr K, U. for Han Frsnclwo, lVrtlanil
siul all points rant. For lrclbt snd Kawiit;'r rslfs sp; ly I
HnmMcl lllmoro V Co. (Iciicrsl Ajctils. ASTOU1 A. OltE.
COHN h C()M AenU, Or. i n lUlln sd A Navlplion fo.,
TILl.AMOOh Or. A. & l R R I'o. IDIM I.A.ND. Ore.
n kKJix i irHu
Tlio Only PlrtClnnM Hotel In Porttmitl
We Rent New Typewriters
V-SVti Many tu w iiiijdovtiiunU mlilttl.
(f t V Sro otir lattt
ft " ffl Hq. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter
' -. V Now Art CataloKiw 1'roe . . .
Kielnslve I'lirillc ('oa't iValrrs
Tel. Mulu &T4 Htntk SI , l'ortlhiid.lOra.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
IN ADDITION-lViillxr nnd rcr Dii.-Ium,
Murk ft lJa.-ktlx, Clt'lluf Hiihktls, TcltM'ijiA, hmI
Lunch I'liskcts.
I'rotdn.x, Wliisj'H, St ruh IriislifM. etc.
Crockery and j!ii.kMvnrc.
A.,V. ALLEN.J'TcnJjM Streets
Of New Zealand
VV. P. THOA.AS, Mgr., 5on Francisco.
Suhscribed Capital,
I'ui(l-ti Cnjiital,
AHHt'tH, .
Assets in United fitiiteH,
Surplus to Policy Holder?,
IIus .been Underwriting mi tbc I'ncific Confrt over.twtnty-lwo ynrs.
Ue.sident Aentfl, AMoriu, Or.
W$fTht Dost Cooks
in the Country recognize the
superiority of
;T'J 'datura
. v(.very uot,e
For flama, Sttuka, Roaitt, Soupa,
and avarv varlrl of mada dlihaa.
74srrtrtJ i moat Invaluahl.
John Duxcah'i SoNt, AmxTf, Niw Yoik,
Delivered at your office. Htorc
or residence. 60c per month