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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
THE HURN1NQ AST0K1AY rKlLUi, MAY 4, 1100 JOI.N T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main tSl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mail, per V1- ..W.00 Sent by mall, jwr month .60 rV-rod by carrier, per month W SEMI-WEEKLT. tVnt by mall, per year, In advance i00 Post free 10 subscribers. AH communications Intended for pub tcatiun should be directed to the editor. Busiress communication! of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorian." The Astorian guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be bad on ap plication to the business manager. The Southern states are getting their share of the prosperity against which they igTtorantly voted. All the states producing cotton, and the states con suming all but K.MS bales out of l.C0. bales of cotton consumed in the South last year, voted against McKin ley. but the "advance agent" has brought better times to them as veil as to others, larger wages, better prof its ani happier homes. The South is actually getting eight cents for cotton at many points, and with t.Si cents quoted at New York, the highest price since October 5, the South is now working Into ck-th a larger share of the cotton It produces than in any previous year. The Southern con' sumption above mentioned was one- eightb of the entire crop in the cot ton year ending with last Auguest, and a greater quantity than the whole Northern states consumed as late aj lfs&Z; in fact, until twenty years ago the consumption of the whole country had never been as large as that of the South alone was last year. Yet the actual consumption this year is reckoned by The Financial Chronl de" as CtLOM bales in five montha. or 19 per cent larger than last year. After two hundred years or more It looks as if that strong and remarks We old document, the Westminster confession of Faith. must go. The iresbrterian world, led by Dr. Hillis and other eminent divines, is stirred to Its depths concerning the matter. Dr. Parkhurs; has gone so far as to tail fttis church creed ' a. libel on the infl lie grace of Cxi." Whatever may be gone, the associations connected with eea never be obliterated. It may see too harsh and repulsive for this strecneiy liberal day, but the fact remains that by Its fruits should It be judged It was formulated by sad be-j me the guide of the cleanest, asoal God-rearing and altogether Just set of men this world has ever seen. Narrow they may have truly been, but lean in their homes, chaste of life, loyal and patriotic as citizens and oiispicuous as lovers of liberty-the incarnation of every force that has sped civilization to its present height. Orim, perhaps forbidding, it was the anchorage of giants, the faith of a race which hated confusion and held Piety and hones living above all else. The woild needs nothing else so bad ly today. It is doubtful if the chaotic Emersonian sentiment of the present day leligious world will bind as fast or produce so strong and admirable a type of man. If the people of the South were ac tuated by principle or eonsistency, rather than by passion or prejudice in their political alignment, the wannest supporters of the republican party's Puerto P.ican policy would be found in that section. That there is an over wbelmirg sentiment in the South fav orii.g the annexation of the Hawaiian islands and the retention of the Phil ippines no cl'se observer of the s:gns of the time? can doub' In the list of prominent r;ews;aper eci'.ors who hae discussed the 'jvestion of ex r.nEion in the May number of the National Jla-azin-, no argument is stronger for the retention of the Phil ippines than that of Henry Wa:eron, of the Louisville Courier Journal. Mr. Waterson takes the ground that, with th completion of the Nicaraguan canal, no sec tion of the country stands to realize as much from the markets of cur island possessions as the South. Through the policy of expansion, Mr. Waterson says, the states of Georgia, Louisiana. Alabama, Virginia, the Car olina, and others stand to regain the "prestige and opulence" they once en jojed. There is little doubt therefore, that the South in voting for Bryan this time win do ao with the full ss asr&nce and secret satisfaction of feel- Ing thai hi defeat Is fore-ordalued and that the republican party will be a tie to compute its grvat policy of ex pnlon ur.Jor (he next administration. Yet the votes and voices of Southern senators and rcprmn-ntaiivis In con gress were given the other day in favor of eatablixhing a precedent In the government of :-ur island posses sions that if admitted would place the government of those sections of the Union in the hands of ignorant and even barbarous natives and delay the peace and civilization upon which our only prospect of trade can dtpend. If the constitution extends over Puerto Ki oo as a matter of law and Jus tice, then by the same principle It must be held to so urply to the Thil Irp'n.'S, As everybody Is aware, the negroes, Mal.i)j and Mongolians con stitute the majority of the inhabitants of the Philippines. In many islands nothing but the superior weapors and discipline of civilization keep down a majority of barbarians. Only in a few of the islands could the more civilized Malay and mestizo inhabitants with the hites claim a majority, and even of that majority probably nine-tenths could not read. It Is this amazing de mand that Ignorance shall be charg ed with entire responsibility for the future of the Philippine islands, and that negrv and Mongolian blood shall be permuted to rule over whites, as tbey are no', permitted In democratic states in the South, which puts the demucrats In this country in the most disgraceful and indefensible position ir.ey nave ever lanen. slavery was hostile to advancing civilization, and ye; was sheltered by the constitution. The theory of state sovereignty made a great nation impossible, but was honestly believed to be the theory of the constitution by many. Excuses can be found for the democrats who fought in gray uniforms. But the very men who took up anna against the republic would have been the first, if livinff today, to Jenuace with ail the passionate earnestness of their na tures the proposal to turn over the Philippine Islands to the rule of Ala utjs, -uongonans, metixos, savages In l a m it the woods and mountains, and a oopu lation almost wholly destitute of even the rudest education. CALI. FOR CONGRESSIOXAT. ic. TION IN KE.NTCCKT. Says the Su Louis Globe-Deraocrs It will be hard to prove that the entire republican party of Kentucky flred the one bullet that killed Got- beL" That, however, is what the Goebel ites wuuJl like to prove. Tne coarse of that faction of the democratic par ty, for not all Kentucky democrats are in sympathy with lawlessness and misrule, when not absurd, has been treacheavue and scandalous in th ex treme. Governs Taylor, who realis ed the situation better tbaa any oat aider, pursued the right sours at the first in summoning th state militia to check their revolutionary attempts, but outsiders. ho apparently could not conceive that any body of Amer ican alliens could descend to in jAi.uicai iniamy tnese men have reached, felt that the governor was too radical in his course. They must see their error now. The nvr. nor who was elected bv & bie ma. onty of the vote of the decent, law- abiding men of both parties, consented to send the ,.i.!ir hom. . . 6 c I -ne Oc-ebelites a chance to rediem their Promises that the civil law should take its course without interference I TV. ; .... . j 'iva nas itagia'iviy uroKen and the course of the Goebelites is mors high-handed, if possible, then ever, the law is distorted, snd its execution a mire travesty. Deputy sherirTs appointed from the worst ele ment of Louisville, crowd the courts at Frankfort, and reputable citizens have been seized on the perjured testi mony of men wl-.hout character, and held on infamous charges. This condition of affairs moves so stanch a republican papir as the Dayton (O.) Journal to de-.lare: It is indeed time for the president to take a hand and turn the whole tate of Kentucky over to a congres sional Investigating committee with full power. Every effort to open-the way for these people to settle their own difficulties has been closed up by some outr.tgeoug abuse of opportunity by th.-se democratic demagogic out laws." In this the "republican form of gov etcrrer.l" all states of the Union are s-jpposed to have that now prevails in Kentucky? Corrects aU blemishes of IM' J the face, removes blot UlSnurn S dies, pm cl. u. sun- cum, freckles and makes) fybertine I1, a beautiful comDlexion. Is also the best tooth wash, and excellent for deranged stomach. (5)0-, p) rtr fl PI Ci CT3 The Best Washing Powder. Cleans Everything from Cellar to Garret KarPs Clover Root. Tea Bmttf tNa Complexion. P-jHSee the Rood. rmiKink,i.intiii limlW tipatioa, tniiUioa. and aj Eruption ol !e Skin. Aa mermU Lin Nira Tonic Sold oa) xoiot (Tiaraa lj mii aracrwts at 13c, SOc. and 11.00. s. c. writ 4 CO.. tenor, M. f. Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. Fisher's Opera House L. E. SEL1G, Lessee and Manager. Monday, Hay 7 CHARLES H. HAYSTEAD PRESENTS ..ROBERT GERMAIN. 15 THI BIACflKCL raODl'CTION txnnrmnnn itrvfuwvv Einobs o' OVUVAAAVUUUUVVAnriAAAAV; .BY HAL REJD. Author of "Ho man Hearts). " "Old Hickory," "Knobs O Teaas t." A rfmUtfon 71 Trfl Ift lVntl " ' 3U WDI3j Seat Sale Opens Saturday Morning at Griffln A Reed'.. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Treasury Department. Office. Super vising Architect, Washington. D. C. April 21, V. Sealed proposals will be received at this omce until I o clock and then opened, for the wharf' and disinfecting and bath houses at the L". S. Quarantine Station, Astoria, Ore- gon. in accordance with drawings snd te,?",i?w!r! I iw'i ai liiis viiiw vr ie oiuce oi vne custodian of the station. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR The fiftv-ccnt size a iust riht for the baby. A little or it in the bottle three or four times a day will supply precisely the fat all thin ba bies need. If your baby does not fain in weight as fast as you would like, try Scott's Emulsion The result will please you. If 1L - L.f . it 11 i uie Dairy nurses, uic mouier I should take the emulsion. 1 fl at it maxes tne oaDys rood richer and more abundant; only buy the dollar size-it's more economical. Both mother and child will fed at occe Kj ftrenetheninc, upbuilding tod U-proudtin $ proptvik. At all di Ji tvm ; mt. and ft m. SO0TT A lKaKkcaBnMttiaTTcik. Fop the Baby OOVERXMKNT PROPvAlA Custom House. AiorU. Veon; Col- ' lectors OtTuv. April 2. I Supplies for Ittv.-nue Vrsels: Seal- ed proposal for supplying ship rhand- j lerv rations, and coal to vessels of the i I'dlt'xl States Revenue Cutter Service, rviuUrly stations), or temprarlly, at!afafm fnr Astoria. Oregon, and delivered on board ' I H H fr'rfl l 1 H snid al ;h.i! Mac durinir the' - HWl ti.-l ir ..n.llvi? June M 11I. Will h i-.Hl at ih, unlll 1 o't-lnrk p. m. of Saturday. May IS, 1H0, at hlch time and place they will b pub licly opened. The Cil furnished to be j anthracite or bituminous of beat qual- ' Itv; uniform Iti character: to weigh ! !.SW pounds to the ton; to be delivered j ou board the vessels at such limes and in su'-h qunntitlr a may be required. ' at Kvalitlcs readily accessible to said Vessels, and to b sutje-t to Inspection as to quality and wrlRht. Hidders will name the prk-rs for steaming and stove cival. and also their faclll- j ti- for furnishing the vessels with fresh water, and th'ir charges there- t for. Ulank forms of proposals, mlth st-hedules showliig articles of ship! chandlery and c'mpon-nt I arts of ra- tlons. may be had upon application at this omce: propisals must be subn'i;tej on these forms. Sep arate bids will also be received the same time and place fr lubrica ting and illuminating oils. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. and no contract ill be put In force un til congress shall have made an appro priation for the purpose. JOHN FOX. Collector. PROPOSALS FOR LIGHTING STREETS. Notice is hereby given, that until J o'clock p. m. on Monday, the 7th day J of May. 1. the committee on streets ' anl public ways of the common council I of the City of Astoria, will receive j sealed proposals for lighting the strets of said city for one or more years, which said proposals 111 be reported to the said council for consid eration on said tb day of liar. 1)00. The right Is reserved to reiect any and all bis and bids muu be accompan ied ny a certmei ehecu, payable to the order of aald cvmmlttee. for one fifth of the amount o the bid for light ing the streets for one year as a forfeit to the city of Astoria In case the bid should be ac-.-epted and the bidder should fail to enter Into contract with the city in compliance with the same. O. C. 'VTZINGER, W. J. COOK. LOCI9 AG REN. Committee on Streets and Public Ways of the Common Couacil of the City of Astoria. Dr. T. X . BaU ASTORIA, OI Chrmr Utd tWmIHmt I "The World Owes Every Man a Living" Bat hat sort of living is it you get with a poor store or range in yoor kitchen? Boy a Star Estate Range Tier insure good living W. J. Scully, Agent M31b 431 BOND SO jrS tjtr -m SrJ,5 INSTRUCTIONS tlVEI. MisH Bertha riartln's Decorative Art Room. "r Boom S20 Dfkom D,lldBf, td Fancy and Staple Groceries IX ADDITION Feather and Paper Dusters, Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Telescopes, and Lunch Baskets. Brooms, Whisps, Scrub Brushes, etc. Crockery and G'asoware. Aa V, ALLEN. Teit iH Commercial btretts W. C. A. Pohl, Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director j Caket an. I Funeral Supplies constant ly oo liaml. LYrner lltb and iHiati Hl, Astoria, On THE' iniVKC. Htringert visiting in tue nty will find !tLe Loiivre u attractive reri lierrln to spend the evening. The Amnie Sisters 1-a.lice Orchestra Is still on (he bills a presents nichtlv a ninaical program exoeptknal merit, HamUonie pool ami Mlliara rooms anea feat lire In (vuuecll wuu tne noow. ralatable lumlire w . be served at all ooure J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder ' PH to )a of tt astodsag to um tad rhs proof f hquors IS IN SAMPLING Tfcat'a aa argiisssnt tWi's diMtvsa dmooaxra'-toav Oars will ataad th tea. HUGHES & CO Th. Fredeiikson PIANO TUNER INSTRLVilOS OX 'CELLO AXL) VIOLIN rhons WT4. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone J!L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Cart Will Receive Special Attention. No. Ut Duana BL. Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Ugr Res. Tel. L LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAIS1NQ AMD M0VINO A SPECIALTY tVHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget BountS Kav l gallon Company. Bailey Gatsert leavsa Astoria daily xcepi ounaay at 7 p. ra. Leaves Portland dally except lua day at 7 a. m. Whiu Collar Lin tickets and O. ft. A N. tickets tnterchangsabia oo Balls? vaiaeri ana nasaaio. A. J. TATLOR. Astoria, Agt u. o. uwtw. TSispnoaa us. Prealdssst. mmmtmHll STREET 3 d mm souciteo Till List of 5tfctst Cabroid. try Materials. liititls Specialty. CkoictSelectiot of S snpii Desigis. Stasipisg Seatly Dose. saa WaibiBftoa ltla.'Pollt S, Or. OniZalDDi . - iila TIMH KHIIIHILIIS Knmi lurilauii. PKCART h'"il" I'nrtUml Hav rial, la lliinlliiiiluii, la tltnaha, rklrnfii rn'ii all ulula Kl. I Its, m Th OfKrUml Kiiircu. vl lluiilluil HI sun via rnokan. lo l'"i. r. Kaiiaaa('U,l hi ras HI. I'. "I Mil oaukos.amlaJI pulnls I HI. fisia Aalurla OCUAN TOAMSMirS lAII lUllliit ita tub I lari ki i nan. i Fur Hu fraiisiaiiu-Nill ; Maf 1, 1,11. I,2. CoU'mMa Ulnar laamsrs To fartlaM aa4 War Laadlaia T a m Ii Hun Jay Mu.ilar snim Portland (an Ei Suuof wILLAMKITK HlVRH KaHuiutajr 4rta (((, Hawtwri, HalMii War-land a. WUIaaMtl sad V I kill VUara. I B p Bl, Tua.TUur . . . di..W ud sl .uiwr's ijvm, , and rn. wajUuillma. Kllvtrls I . . , dlxj 5kt Rlw, 30k.. 1 KlpatlaloUwUlaO. aju a i daily Sam WIM.iMm K lilvrii I: Op' m. Moii. Wad rrlda; Tun. Thui Hortlaiiil Hi I'nrv.lll. SalurOajr and I uxtinsa. O. W, LOUNBUSItRT, Agsnt. Astoria. w. ii. iiuntnunT. Un. I'aas. Ait. rortlaoJ, Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When peopls art eonlemDiailn a trip, whether on business or pleasurs. they naturallr want (ha twat unu obtainablt as far as spied, comfort and ssfrijr Is concerned. Employes of ths WISCONSIN CKNTfUL LINES are paid lo serva ths publlo and our trains are orwraied so as to maks close coo nectlons with dlyersln lines at all Junction points. I'ullman l'alace Sleeping and Chair on mruugn trains. Mninf car servtcs untieelled. Ueala served a la carta, In order to obtain ths flrat-claaa yr. vice, ask ths ticket aent in n AH The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will maks direct connections at 8t. Taul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. Tor any further Information call on mnj new sa-ent, or correspond with JAB. C. fOND, Osa. lass. Att. or JAB. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wla ueneral A rent, 14 Stark it, Portland, Or. IioxuRioos Travel THE "Northwestern Limits" iMa. electric lighted throuehout hnih iZHTl and out. and steam heated, are viu out eiceptloa. the Onset trains la the -oriu. jmy tmooajr tne latest, newest and beet Ideas for comfort, convenience and luiury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are tka m2 complete and splendid produeton of the wwi.uia B I v. These Splendid Trains Connect With Tke Gret Northerg The Northcra I'aclflc and Tke Caoadlaa I'aclflc at rr. paul ro CHICAGO aod the CAST. No extra charge for thee nin.H. accommodations and all classes of tick r.1! ,aa"a.bu ror Ptesate on the onnwesiern umltcd." All Sin .."PJ?. br th. ... ii : . syeiem. . . mead, . F.C. 8AVA0B, General Agent. Ticket AgL Portland. Ore. Ml H A familiar name for the Chicago V Iwaukee ft fit. Paul Hallway, known v,.r wie union as tne Oreat Hall, av running the "llonP i ini,.. train, every day and night vetween Bt Paul and eblcacow and Omaha and Chicago. 'The onl n.rf.t .r the world. UndersUndT Connw t Ion, ,re wade with all transcontlnent al lines, assuiinsr to Ma.nn .k. .... arvlce known. Luxurious ccaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verhr ' ' viiicr line. w mat your t cket reaa vi. Hwaukee" when arolna- .... (Irk. arr,. -u at- " " U ii i Lvrva niai stai na i -mnm tm a tt vw lllCIIle n1floW.t7dre;'.mPhle,' r ,h" ,nf0r w. CASEY, C. J. EDDT. TrT' Alt.. Oen. AgL, Portland. Oregon. Portland, 6r. GBE5L- TICKS '"flJll'POlHTS EAST Through Palace and Yimrla di.. ers dining and library observatiiw Tears! iL tn. " arri PortltB4 For rates, etc, call or address . W. LOUNSBBRRY, Agent O. R, 4 N, Astoria. 6t A- B. C. DENNISTOn! 0,1 C. P. ft T. A Portland, Ore, if f r itrnrii A1IL1TAUAU WW SOUTH I), pot Kifih and f Hireeta ovrrlnnl KipreM Tialns for tfalem. ItiXfliUil. Ask In mt, haramnto, (igilep. Haa Kran rlaiii, Xlci)ve, Loe Iave Arrive 7;W p i" Angiles, i:i I'aao, a. in Nrtv ti lean and the Kaal At Woodbera (daily SIept Hun. ilayi, mrnlnff train connects with train tor Mt. An gol, BlUerioa, lirownaville. Hprlnffteld, and Nation, and even Ing train fr ML Ainel and lllver ton. 7 ;J0 .ml Curvallle passea. 114. M p m Hii'rl Ian aeea I Dally. Ill!jr tieepl Bunday. ll"btiie tt. kets on sate between rt. land, Hi ramxilo and ran rraacisea, Net raiee III Hrst class and IU oeeoad llaan, Imludlng lee(er. Kates and tl' arts to Kaatera poll and fcuroi. Alo Japan. China, Ifotto lulu and Auatralla. Ian be obtained from J. 11. KlikUud. TUkel Agent, Us Third slrrel. YAMHILL DIVIHIOM. rassrnier deot fol Of JefTereoB It Leav for 0e dally at f ie, t: a. m.; 13 JO. 1 ii. 1 II, l it, ., , II W p. in.; and IM a. tn. on Hunday only. Arrive at l'ortiand dally at il I.J), lo M a. in.; IK, 1:1a, .m, I la, io M p m.: 11 W a. ra. dally as r t Monday; 34 and It vd a. m. on Huixlays only. Le.av for talaa ilallr, Sgrept lua day, at W p. m. Arrive at l'ortiand at I JJ a. m. raaeiicr train travee Daltae fay Alrlle Mondars, Wednedayn and IVI lays at J.ii p. m. Ileturna Tuesdara, Ttiuiadays and Hatutdaye, fc'icept Uutxlay. It. KOEHl.KIl. Manager. C. ft. MARKIIAM, Oen. rrt. and j- Aft Oregon Short Line Railroad. THB DIRECT KOOTal TO Montana, Utah, Colorado md ill Cistern Points. Olves choice of two favorite routes, via the I'nlon I'sine fast Mall Llaa. er the lllo U rands Bcenlo Llnaa. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 , !) lo Salt Lak 2J Vayt to Dearer 3J Days to Chicago J Dujrs to Now York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman ace sleeirs. operated on ail train ror further loformatioai apply te 'C rJI?nJir' . W- COUAM. Trav. I'aas. Aft. Oen. AmL IX Third Bt. rtUndTor. 0. VY. LOUNSSEIUIY. "t O. R. ft K. QUICKEST, SHORTEST mj MOST DIRECT LINE to mi SOUTHEAST AND ia mi 'Slowi TW2I?A'.' Y Bour VEHTintJLED i.kmh THAN THKEB DATA PORTLAND TO CHICAQ0 Thmuch ri. t...i. di. - Dining and llufr..t I it,r. ef... class lieciming Chalre-rree. POUTI.ANI) to DENVER, KANHAH CITY. OMAHA and t hilauo without change, tnily una change to NKW York. HO8T0N and other Eastern points. For rates. MiU.i. -a .. .-.. titm. call on or address. u. w. LOUN8BBIUIT, Aepnl (I Ii a. vr ... i. s V- w'l" RO'. 0" i Agt, " "rq ut., l'ortiand. Or, ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA WYER RAILROAD. 'TORTI-AMX ArrleT a. asTPortlaod Cntobe5oTfl:T isaT p m-'wr Asi.irja and lnter-1 :fO.m imaxiiaie polaui i ASTOHU. I For PortlVm k tn.MTis aja. T.a.m. 10 pn lermeaiate polnte l:a )8ABIDB DrmjON. m. la. m :09jlMSfl a.m. p.aa. I.... Ar T: i ton ! Lv l:U I ..Astoria. I Klll:WiA 1:501 II :lw .Warrant on., l 4:00' A? ..easlde. SPECIAL BEABIDB BUND At TRaK leaves Astoria at IJ a. m.; arrives at "uHJe a. m. .Paaseaii h mar return m tawia showo oo sohedule oa same date. ALb TRAINS to and from fteaeids rua Ot Flavel and HammnnA tta Warraav. toe. All traltls make eloa MuiHMtlnau at Ooble whit all Northern Paetflo trams A Forflaad with aji (. Oaioa depot At AaMsrla with L R. ft N. Co.'e boat aeaa rai .. .A mmM . ... Woiew aeri ysegfji nCMTB a. Mk It il. T. M aW Oea'l IV and Fee Aceat