t 7 Vf tHK MORNING AH lORI AN, .Hl'MAl, APitlL 55tf,' 900. -tiP-i'.'i) Wi New Sprliig Good IT fa Net Goods Arriving Dally.. C H Cooper The Leading House of Astr 'a TODAT'i W BATHER. .OHTLAND. April !. Washington, '(ing.iii and Northern Idaho, fair to day. All contract for ndvcrtUliitf In tltg Astoiltu. urc mud on mmir. Aiitc ol circulation four time lui-Kcr than that of uny purer published or circulated In Out Hop county. AROUND TOWN. -, mi .legislations to date, Charles !avnporl I In th city. ligs fur sale at Ooaton' atabl. It. F. Anderson of Eugene la In the tlty. ("haa, Mlnienmai-r of Salem la In the "city. W. Una la over from Chinook on bualnesa. Girg Sprangenbrg of Denver la (A th clly. Heat cup of coffee la th city at tha Model reataurant "W. A. Graham A Ilwaco waa In the rlty yesterday. ' Jacob Itotahard wa up from War ronton yeeterdar,1 Homi for aala at Gaston' aUbla on Fourteenth afreet. ( '. 3. N. Jlerkard waa over from Lewie and Clark yesterday. . .. ( net 11-cent meal, Rlnlnf Bun Rea taurant, (11 Commercial street Jeff's restaurant th larieat and bt A trial will convince you. W. A. Smith of Cathlamet la In Aa torla to remain a couple of dayt. Councilman John Bvensen haa Jle lx)rd of hi cigar atore to Chrla. John' aon. Mr. t P. Ilaradla and aon have ar rived In the city from Skagway, Alaska. Wanted. To rent a oentraJly located furnished houae. Addrea X, car A. torlan. . . . John I'oole and T. U. Johnaton are among the Portlandere stopping at the Parker houae. J. Q. A. Rowlbylcft on the State yesterday for San Francisco on a brief butlneas trip. A marrluge license waa Issued yea titnlnv to C. K. Marchand and Mia Maud Brown. rt. M, Wooden of Jewell waa In Aa torla yesterday attending to business and political mattcra. Mr. and Mra. L. llolman of Chicago are In the city on a brief vlalt, guest at the Occident. , , Mr. and Mra Dewlt Clinton of Portland are npendlng the day with relative In thla city. Charles Weekln waa over from Chi nook yesterday looking after hi bust ness attatra In tbl,oUy. . The funeral of the Tale "John W. Hume will tiike place thla forenoon at 10 o'clock at the family residence on weat Bond atreet. The ceremonle will take place under the auaplcea of Quln tin lodge, D. P.O.-H. .-.. THE BEE HIVE MILLINERY LaUla' Tan Crown Sallora, , fiO cents Roaea and Foliage. Children' Trimmed Hat, 50c, 65c, 76c, $1.00 SUITS Ladlee' Cotton Covert Suit, 1.75 to $2.25 Wool Sulta, $3.75 to $ 0.00 ASTORIA- 'i'i 4i) (j;i -tl 4 ii Our immotiHO (lock in now almoHt com plt;to in all (iirtiiibiiU. FOR UKNT.-Furnlshrd house-keep. lug rooms. Apply at 169 Ninth street. The Model la the neatest reslurant In Aatorla; the mra la are the finest for the money, and the aervlc the beat. a h.Im.ui V..HHI. , Vr.llliirtt. rliiHP fll. nilUIVIT .'HUB) alon ranniuttie ror couniy rununimiua -r. waa In town yterdy, Mr. and Mra. C. P. Knox of Han Franelitco are In the city on a vlalt, Kiirnii at the Parker houae. MIm Jalt Mcllen waa aeverely In- Jurtnl ymtfrilay by Ulng run down by a bicycle In I'nlontown. The ateanter Cornelia Cook left out fur the Port Townaend cannerla of J. W. Cook yeaterday morning. The will of thn lute A. II. Sale haa iMfti admitted to probate. J. r. Hale wa apixilnted executor without bonda, A .....II r.1K ! flu I inn tnr uli or rent. Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap . ... . . t. i n i u biam piy 10 A. i riur vuu wwii. The State left out for Ban Francle co ycnterday morning with her unual mUcellanwua cargo and good paaaen ger Hat. Oeneral produce, nh and commlaalon atore and employment agency. Old metal and rubber bought 4(0 Puane ireeL II. D. nice,-It. J. Holman and Thea Cobler were down from Portland yea terdty on! bualneaa. gueat at the Oc cident. Uerrinf 4 Cooki Commercial! trtreat. betwen Tenth and Eleventh, 1 the only flrat claaa aU-nlght lunch 'bou la Aatort. F. M. Kagy. n-preaentlng the N tlva Bon nubllahlng company Of Port land I In Aatorla, reglalered at the Parker houae. Crram Pure Ilye. America' flneat whtaky The only pure gooda; guar anteed rich and mallow. John L. Carl aon. eole agent. Michael Neaa. a native of Norway, and Aumiat Uurmeater, a native of Germany, took out final clttacnahlp paera yeaterday. Mra. D. McAllen, who haa been vlalt- tng her hua'oand In thla city, returned to Portland yeaterday, accompanied by her aon, Lavelle. The weather condition permitting, the Hrltlah ahlp Inverncaa-ahlre, with a cargo of wheat for Europe, will go to eea thla morning. Harper Whlaky la liquid music, bot tied poetry, ripe, mellow, refreahlng and dullcloua. 8old by Foard eV Stoke Company, Aatorla, Or. The tug Samaon arrived from San Franclaco yeaterday morning with the bur go Waatuchla In tow, having had a atormy trip of aeven day. noalyn coal laata longer, 1 cleaner and make leaa trouble with atove and chimney fluea than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent Telephone 1311. Tho flrat carload of canned ealmon hipped from Aalorla thla aeaaon wa consigned yeaterday by the Booth Packing Company to lta Chicago houae. The conalanment conslata of the Arat of the aprlrig catch. Usually,' William Humo ha been the flrat to place Co tumble, river flan on the Eastern mar kot, but he made no apeclal attempt to maintain the record thl eanon BEST ' 15-CENT MEAL; SUN RESTAURANT. RISING Ladles' Heavy Mercerlxed Sateen Sklrte, two rulllea In black ana colors , .. , . ; $2.90 i . Pulley Delta, . 25c, 35c, 50c and 85c ' : i . , ' Summer Coreeta, r ; 25c, 50c and $1.00 ; Vf ;. ' Children' Tan and Red' Shoe, ' .,."'! ' !75ciind $1.00 OREGOIS rears Economical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. The Star reataurant, (2(, Commercial atreet, will open for bunlneaa today. MenU 15 cent up. The brat to be had In tha cliy. Give It a trial for your dinner today. Mr. John Kopp he recently com menced the operation of a com itate and modern bottling eatabllah- ment, where the well-known product f hla brewery la bottled for the trade and connutners. Free delivery to cu tomera In the rlty. Bcholneld ii Hauke are sole agenta for the celebrated Illue Ribbon flour, It la manufactured by Gardner Uroa., Btayton, Oregon, aud corumcr are cautioned to notice that thla name and address appear on every sack aa It la umk'tstood that Imitation are being tomera In the city. Telephone SI. Jwnnlo Violet, a aolled dove of the lower end of lon, and George Tog gle, a laborer, were fined $10 each In the police court yesterday for fighting. The pair spent the previous nlKht In jull and returned to their respective cells to serve out the alternative Ben- tence of five days. Roth pleaded guilty. The treasury department has given notlre that on April IS Hunter shoal buoy No. 0, a red, flrst-claaa apar, was established In ?0 feet of water, aa a guide In the newly dredged channel over Walker Island bar. Ahles point post light N..E., Hunter's point post light W. VJn , Handy Island (E. tan gent) N. N. W. M W. Notice to prop-my ownera building residences and stores. We now carry complete line of mantles, grate and tiling, electric, gas and combination chandeliers, and all supplies pertain ing to electric and gas lighting. Photo graph's cheerfully sent on application. FRANK HOLCOMD m CO.. H5 Wash ington St., Portland, Or. The ' ' cltlsens" county' central com- miii.'. whlrh waa selected yeaterday afternoon at a meeting of the candi dates t the city hall. Is composed of the following gentlemen , Qrvrge land, Olaf Anderson, J. C. Campbell. J. H. Smith. C. C. Utxlnger, R. M. Wooden, of Jewell: K. M. Coe, of Sven-' son, and K. M. Grimes of Seaside. It has been decided. to appoint Percy B, Bovey eeeretary ana uiar Anaerson treasurers . Four bills were opened by the street committee of the common council yes terday afternoon for the Improvement of Seventh street between Aator and lkmd streets and of Commercial atreet between F:ihth and Tenth atreeta. The bids were aa followa: Commercial ,treet-C. O. Palmberg. H.O; N. Clin ton & Son. $1.4(18: W. A. Goodln. $1,838; L. Lebevk, $1,62S. ' Seventh street C. O. Palmberg. $88; N. Clinton. $620; W. A. Ooodln, $64; U Lebeck, $493.75. The following candidatea filed accep tance of nominations by the republi can county convention with the coun ty clerk yeaterday: F. R. Sokes and J. E. Young, for the legislature; inos. Llnvllle. for sheriff: H. J. Wherlty, for clerk: H. C. Thompson, for treos urer; C. W. Carnohon, for assessor; R. C. F. Aatbury, for surveyor: J. T L-e. suia-rlntendont of schools; E. P, Parker, for coroner. A number of precinct nominees also Ated their ac ceptance. Mr. Young's . acceptance was made by telegraph from Albuqur que, N. M. Everyone who has seen Barlow's minstrels the past week In Portland seem to have a word of praise for this company. They "open at Fisher'! opera house tomorrow evening. They em brace a number of the best entertaln ra' on the mlnritrel stare. Under the management of Harry Ward, this mer ry band of corkologlcal artist has already won an enviable reputation on ha t-.mri. and come endorsed .by a number of big cities In which their per formances have been given this sea in See the sTand Darade tomorrow at noon. Secure your seats at Griffin & Reed's. .. Mr. E. O. Miller of Portland, field secretary for Oregon of the prohibition party, desires to meet the temperance people of Clatsop county next inurs. dav at 1 d. m. In the W. C. T. U hall, corner of Eleventh and Bond streets, for the purpose of holding a nmmtv ennvpndon. There has been some effort made lately to encourage temnerance sentiment In Astoria and Its friends expect a general house warmlnir next month on the occasion of a visit from John O. Woolley, who Is ; probably the leading temporance id tnr nf the United States at the pivint tint -. WhV production of "The Passion Pinv"' nt FiBher's opera house last nlcht under the auspices of the Epls copal church of, this city, was not as larirelviattended aa waa hoped oy tnose who had spent much valuable time In tha Drcllmlnary and flnal arrangements for the. entertainment. The traveling manager took occasion, prior to the n,,iimHnn. to berate Ill-advised crlt- lep who had concluded t,hat "Passion Play" was Irreverent merely because of "an Ignorant Idea that; the name chosen was suKgcstlve of a production not In accord with the better order of Christian teaching." .Indeed, the manager grew exceedingly bitter too bltter-at times, and attributed yie nail atendanct to the criticism re ferred to. "If 'Passion Play' can be Jutly criticised," said he,,, "you should tell your pastor that you do not be llcve in his teachings, and then throw the bible out of lbs wloJow. The main features .of the evjmlng were preci.d"d by a number of plcturea of the miscellaneous order. These were r.dinirlv fine In every sens. The "Passion I'lay" picture which follow edanimated Illustration of the life of Christ were, however, rather disap pointing. The figure were, too dim to be fully comprehended arid the me chanlcal process was far, below the best standurd. The latter defect, how ever, moy not have been due to the anparatus employed. But that the en tertalnment, as a whole, was not quite aa satisfactory as It might have been whatever may hav been the cause -la a fo t which, In all truth, ought to be plainly stated. FOR SUMMER TRAVEL. What Transportation Llnea Will Dq to Promote Seaside Excursions, Comemnclng within a few days, ef forts will be nut forth by the railroad and steamboat people Interested In HwMo, Si'asldo and other ocean re sorts, to promote travel to these points. It Is understood that an effort will be made to run Sunday excursions at low rates of fare from Portland and other points, and It Is also understood that an arrangement has been mode whereby parties desiring to visit Il waco can buy round-trip tickets, tak ing the boat from Aatorla across the river on the arrival of the train from Portland, and then a twenty mile rail road ride down the river on the other side. ' The Nahcotta will commence her regular Sunday trips to Ilwaco In the near future. If the travel Justifies It, a larger boat will lie put on the run later. In speaking of the proposed seaside excursions for the summer, a gentle man connected with one of the trans portation componlea said yesterday: "I can see no reasons why these Sun day excursions should not be a big success. There are hundreda of people In Portland who will Jump at the chance of being able to spend their Sundays at the seaside. We have thought of some special attractions, like a band concert for instance, to draw the ,Wr-at-home' people, es pecially, buiyflothlng has been decided upon: The f trip from Portland to arty one of the poean resorts near Astoria can be easft made lit 1 day, gtVfng the visitor' tvle time on the btcfl without stt Aig too early In ftb mnrninr oi Vittlns home too late, at "I night ThVallroad ride Is Just long enough to be thoroughly enjoyable and I believe Sunday excursions will not only become popular but will pay big money, even at a low rat of fare. 'Astoria will get her. share of the visitors, of course," he said, "and there will spring up amusements for them here just as soon as mere r people enough to demand them. The 25-cent rate to Astoria will bring a erest many Sunday visitor In sum mer as It I and with changee in time, etc.. for the special benegt of excur slonlsts this number will be largely Increased. "I can't aay when the matter will be finally decided. There Is plenty of time as it Is early In the season yet. THE WEEK'S RUN OF SALMON Catch Proved Unusually Good for This Time of the Year. The fish catch during the week end- tnr inat. nitrht was unusually large for thin time of the year aiftl steadily Increased during the clos ing days of the week, arguing that from this time on the run of salmon may be expected to steadily Increase until It reaches the maximum for the season. In all. over 1.500 boats, and conse quently more than 3,000 fishermen, are at work around Astoria, a larger force than has been on the river at this cerlod of the fishing season for several years oast. The large number of boats that are out Is proof conclusive that the fishermen are making money. The abundance of fish renders it very un For Bilious ind Nervous Disorders, such ; wind nd. rain in the aiomicn.sict neadicnt, : Glddlnnt, Fulnct tnd Swclllni after mcala.Dif. j ln.....H IW.,.i.... PnlH Chill. Fln.hln.. n ' Heal, Lou of Appetite, Shortneaaof Brtiih.Cot Kveneta. Blotchee on the Skin, Dltturhed Sleep, Frightful Dreamt, and all Nervous end Trembl ing Senaationt, etc. Theie alltnenit all ariae from s disordered or abused condition of the stomach and liver. saswonaififf a? ruim9 taaen aa airecteu, win i quickly restore Femelei to complete health. Th;y ' nt th avil.m. Srnr a I Weak Stomnch, Impaired Dltrestlon, Sick nosuawnv, Lfiao, ucicu ui v c r , cu.. they act Ilka tni jlc a lew doses will work won ders upon the Vital Orient ; Strengthening the Muscular System, restoring the long-lost Com plexion, bringing back the keen edge of Appetite, J .... I I M U f, i. nu amusing nn incnineniiu aaf ,. 1 Ihtwholm phymhiul mnmray of the human i a I .L : mi A iranic rur inniin vn ic.u a nicy ai, aiviaur renowned. These are" facta " admitted by thou sands, In all classes of society, and one of the beat suaranteea to the Nervous and Debilitated It ihsi Btmchmm'm PWm hmvm thm Large mt Salt of any Patent Mad clna in thm World. Thla hat bawn achieved without tht publitatlon of tattlmonlala, tht fact being that Bamcham't Plllt reaommend Ihem telvea. Beecham'a Plllt have for many years keen tlx popular family medicine wherever the English ungual It spoken, tnd they sow tttnd without a rival. 10 eentt tad 23 centa, si all drug stores. Annual eaie looa.aoo aoiaa. likely that the price of salmon will ad vance over cents, but at that figure the fishermen are making a good thing out of It. I Commencing next week the Fisher men's Union will undertake the work of freeing the fishing grounds of snogs. This Is a costly work but It must be done and well done, and the fisher men have learned by experience that the bent way to have the work well done Is to do It themselves. The Union own a complete diving outfit, air pumps and all, and among Its mem bership are several experienced divers. The barge O. K. will be chartered and the divers will work from this. It Is estimated that It will cost over $50 a day to "snag" the fishing grounds. The seals and the sea Huns are giv ing less trouble for the reason that tne fishermen now go out prepared to slaughter everyone of these pests they run across. A large number were kill ed last week, among them a number of spotted aeals whoae hides were sold In re. As a usual thing the fisiwraen waste no time In skinning the seals they kill. During the past few days the packers have been filling the oval cans, for whit! Astoria Is famous. The excel lence of the pack In oval w ' now; accepted by dealers and consumer everywhere as being the finest salmon In the world.' This year the quality of all the salmon packed Is far super ior to the fish of former years taken In the general run. The Fishermen's Union will bold a special meeting In the near future to discuss several matters but there has so far not been the slightest disagree ment or cause for complaint. THE TEACHERS MEET. Institute at Warrenton Proves a Most Profitable and Enjoyable Occasion. The teachers' Institute held yester day in the Warrenton school louse, was a success so far as the willingness of the teachers present to carry out the program, as planned by County Superintendent Lee. could make It Considerable disappointment waa felt over the absence of many teachers, especially those who were expected to address the institute. The teachers present from Astoria were the Misses Gardner, Nlckerson, Olsen and Powell; Mesdamea Lemon and Bueey, and Professors Clark and McCue. The Warrenton teachers were Miss Judgson and Miss Annie Powell. Miss Llllte Lewis, of John Day. Miss Preset) f.1, of Fort Stevens, and Profes sor Wlriche, of New Astoria, were also In attendance. Professor McCue opened a discussion on the'eubject "The value of the School -i Library. Professor Wlnche nnkrt' rf I the "Practical Workings of the State, Couree of Study." The Institute was delightfully enter tained by Mrs. J. W. Hawkins, of Knanoa. Mrs. Hawkins Is a profes sional elocutionist and gave some fine readings. Miss Sweeny and Miss Leslie Llnd of Warrenton completed a very pleasant afternoon with a number of solos. Miss Llnd Is a member of the Llnd family, made famous by the great Jennie Llnd, and is a true song bird. SOCIETY NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thing entertain eri a. few of the "SDlnsters" at a "Chafllng Dish Supper" after their convention on Friday evening last 6) The Assembly Club will nive another of their delightful parties Friday even lng of this week. A large gathering of the "four hundred" Is expected. The "Knob Hill Tennis Club" was given a dellgheful supper at Mrs. P. A. Stokes" residence last Saturday even ing. The table was beautifully deco rated and a very delightful evening was spent by all. Master Lloyd Van Dusen celebrated his eighth birthday by giving a party to his young friends yesterday after noon, at the residence of his parents on Franklin avenue. 0 9 Miss Bennett will entertain a party of young people, for a few days, at the Seaside home of Mrs. W. S. Kinney Mrs. H. D. Thing and Mrs. A. A. Finch are to chaperone the party. A very pleasant time Is anticipated by all. Golf Is to be the principal amuse ment 9 The engagement Is announced of Miss Nellie Nlckerson, formerly of As toria, and Mr. Bertram La Mulrt, of Eureka, California. Miss Nlckerson Is a sister of Mrs. P. A. Stokes and Miss Nrr Nlckerson of this city. Mr. La Mulrt is a rising young business man of Eureka. The wedding will be some time during the month of June. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. When built will prove the link be tween prosperity and many people. The farmers In the extreme east, as well as those In the extreme west, will perhaps profit by it most. It will prove a blessing to humanity In general, lm proving the condition of the nation, as Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters has that of the Individual. The Bitters are for everybody, but particularly for those who do not possess health. There have been many cases of dyspepsia and Indigestion cured by this medicine. Nothing to equal this remedy ha ever been discovered for ailments of the stomach, liver, bowels or kidney. Tou will find that It will clearse the blood and sharpen the appetite. See that a private revenue stamp covers the neck of the bottle. Have You One of Our Savings Book . . . winanllmt IHl 'I Mill Silk front Shirts Bodies to match A 1 kind, worth $1.60 oar price $1.00. NewKTavle, splendid value, worth 1.25, our price 75c Ke also have similar ooes in boys' sizes Novelties In Boys' Suits Arriving Dally REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Total Number of Narnos on the Roll to Date. Astoria Precinct No. 1 18! Astoria Precinct No. 2 l Astoria Precinct No. J 182 Astoria Precinct No. 4 212 Astoria Precinct No. 5 214 Astoria Precinct No. 162 Astoria Precinct No. 7 125 John Day Precinct 20 SvenBen Precinct M Walluskl Precinct H New Astoria Precinct 101 Warrenton Precinct S3 Clatsop Precinct 3 Seaside Precinct " Melville Precinct Chadyell Preclnst Toungs River Precinct tl Olney Precinct 35 Knappa Precinct Clifton Precinct W cstport Precinct 21 Vespar Precinct U Jewell Precinct 24 Mlshawaka Precinct ! ElsU Precinct Push -Precinct 13 Total to date W4 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' H. C. Hilton and wife to John J. Ryan east half of southwest quarter of section Z.T7N, Kiw: sw. H. E. Steflensen and wife to Kasmus A. Olsen north S Ofeet of lot 8, block 13, Adair's; J1.000. Oscar C. Church and wife to A. H. Church tract of land in section 23, T. 8 N, R 8 W; $500. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. A N. which went Into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours, and gives a double dally service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2. leaving Portland at 9:15 a. m. is known as the "Chicago-Port land Special." It equipment is new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now In service from the Pacific coast to the East. ' The "Overland Express' leaves Port land at 6:20 d. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East together with the best of service to all local points on the O. R. & N. lines. SOLFILINE. Solflllne! Solflllne! If you are sick and tired of rubbers, which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoes; If you wish to longing the life of same at least fifty per cent If you wish to save grea lng your belts In ycur manufacture go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria, and try a case of Solflllne on your shoes and harness. Buy your shoes only of those who have that sclentlflo remedy. Take no other. Address. PETERSON & BROWN, General Agents, Astoria, Ore go. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all par ties holding Clatsop county warrants endorsed prior to June first, 1898, to present the same to the county treas urer at his office at 14 Tenth street for payment. Interest ceases after this date. H. C. THOMPSON, County Treasurer. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, this 23d day of April, 190& NOTICE. All members of Qulnlln lodge, No. 180, B. P. O. Elks, are requested to as semble at their hall this Sunday morn ing at the hour of 10 o'clock to attend the funeral of our late brother, J. W. Hume. H. L. HENDERSON, F. J. CARNEY, B. R. Secretary. ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER R. R. COMPANY. Beginning Sunday, April 29th, the A. 1C. R.R. evening train out of Port land will leave the Union depot at 6:65 p. m. Instead of 7:00 p. m. J THEIWJABLE There's a Xmas Present in It for You .... Jwnanfmt witanimt fur irutmt Sweaters A f 1.60 Wool Sweater 90c Better grades at 11.50 to $2.00 Fine Woolen Sweater $2i0 Worsted Sweaters, plain or striped $3.00.oH00 Also Bicycle Hose BOYS C0LORED OR WHI SHIRTS Boys' Separate fancy V$ta OSTEOPATHT. Or the science of drugless healing. Specialties chronic and nervous dis eases. Examination free. DR. C. J. RAMSET, Cor. Fourteenth St and Franklin Are., Astoria, Oregon. 1 to S p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. FOR SALE. 120 acres in section 18. T 7 N, R W. suitable for Immediate logging. Esti mate two million feet spruce and fir. besides hemlock. DR AUGUST C. KIJiNET, Astoria, Oregon. NOTICE TO WHEELMEN. The Bicvcle Commission will seise all wheels unlicensed on and after May L 1900. Obtain your license Immedi ately and save trouble. By order of the commission. . Engagements would be more lasting' if matrimony didn't step In and spoil so many of them. SAY, Charlie, I changed laundries last week, and our clothes came home looking fine. The Columbia Is so prompt about return ing the laundry, and the work on our shirt-waists and shirts and collars Is Just right. We must speak to our friends about the Columbia; they call for and deliver all goods without extra charge. Phone 98L Columbia Steam Laundry . J. yr. D ALTON, Prop. .. Work called for and delivered. - Fisher's Opera House L. E. SELIG, Lessee and Manager. .MONDAY, APRIL 30. THE GREAT BARLOW 'HINSmELS'-. MANAGEMENT. ' 1 ,. HARRY WARD 35-Whlte ArtlJts-35 2-Krass Car.ds-2.. New first part, new costumes, new aongs and new dances. II GR&HD STREET PARADE AT flOOS Admission Reserved seats. 1i eenia; gallery, 60 cents. Seat sale opens Sat urday morning at Griffin Reed's.