The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 27, 1900, Image 3

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New Spring
f Ne Goods Arriving Dally...
C. H, Cooper
1'OltTLAND, April r7.-W.nlrm Or.
I' in ntul We uli'iii Washington, fair,
llh fnU In rnrly morning; warmer
durtntr afternoon mid flight of today,
All contract, for nJvertlhliig In
tho AntoiUn ure mudo on u uur.
intee of circulation four IIiiivm
Urer Hum flint of tiny rP"
published or circulated In Clat.
Hop count)'.
I'll fur tale at Gaston', .table.
3ff . U "(ho only" restaurant. Whits
Cook. '
T. H. Carr I over from Gray, rlv
rr on business.
Iinrt cup of coffe In th clly at th.
Model restaurant,
Home, for sale at Gaston', .talil. on
Fourteenth itrecL
Mr. E. M. Rosenthal of i'urtlnnil I.
veiling In Astoria.
II. W. Ilnylry of Kelso U In the city
on a brief business trip.
Rest li-ocnt meal, Rising Bun Res
taurant, 111 Commercial street.
Postmaster W. N. Messerv, of Oray.
river wm In the city yesterday.
Henry Jacob and Horry T. Lewis are
In the city from Hun Francisco.
- Jeff', restaurant tht largest and
bt. A trial will convince you.
John O. Hlumhnrd of San Francisco
Is In the city, a guest at the' Occi
dent. Be the twenty-five, beautiful young
ladle at the Hplnsters' Convention to
a. II. Hathaway of Seattle la In A.'
tiMia on business, a guest at the, Oc
cident. F. a Gilbert, of Rainier la In the
city, looking over the; local lumber .It
.nation. Wanted. To rent a centrally located
furnished house. Address X. car. A.
toriaa. It A. Ilawklna of Ilwaco was In
Astoria yesterday, registered at the
Andrew Asp and Janne Kerttula,
natives of Russia were admitted to
cltltemthlp yesterday.
Do not fall to procure seat, for the
Spinsters' Convention this evening.
Ktile now on at Orlllla A ltevd'..
A small place at Clatsop for .ale or
rent. Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap
ply to A. Tags, Parlor Candy Store.
Oeneral produce flsh and commission
store and employment agency. Old
metal and rubber bought Mt Duan.
Mrs. nillman, proprietress of the
Tlghe Hotel, hft last night for San
Francisco on a short visit for her
Herring A Cook, Commercial street,
betwen Tenth and Eleventh, la the
only first cla. all-night lunch house
In Astoria.
The schooner Bertha Miner ha. the
distinction of being the tlrst vessel to
leave Honolulu with a clean Mil of
heulth slnco the appearance of the
plugue nearly nix month, ago, She Is
expected at the Hound within the next
few days.
Ladles' Tan Crown Sailors,
CO cents
Rose, and Foliage.
Children". Trimmed Hats,
50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00
Ladle." Cotton Covert, Suit.,
11.75 to $2.25
Wool Suits, ;
$3.75 to $10.00
Our iiniiiciiHO flock in now ulmoht com
jiloto in all ilcjuirtnidik
Leading: House of Astoria
FOR ItKNT.-FurnlMwd house-keep,
lug rooms. Apply at 159 Ninth street.
Aurtlon sulti this afternoon and
evening at the New York Novelty store,
Ladles Invltm! to attend.
The Model I. the neatest resturnnt
In Astoria; the meal, are the finest
for the money, and the service the
K. D. Barrett. James T. Muylan, D.
W. Hewitt, L. II. Clorham, J. V. Muiis
field mid A. E. Cooper were down from
l'orllund yesterday.
Cream Pure Itye. America', finest
whisky The only pure goods; guar
antned rich and melhw. John L. Carl
son, sole agent.
Uus Campbell, a native of (ireat
Britain, and Alfred Anderson, a native
of Hwedn, were granted final rltls-n
ship papers yestcrduy.
Harper Whisky Is lltjuld music, bot
tied portry, ripe, mellow, refreshing
and delicious. Hold by Foard A Stokes
Company, Astoria, Or.
Roslyn coal lasts longer, la cleaner
and make, less trouble with stoves and
chimney flue, than any other. George
W, Sanborn, agenL Telephone 1311.
The final account of F. J. Taylor as
administrator of the estate of Henrlck
I'atree, deceased, wa. set for hearing
May 21 In the circuit court yosterduy
The United States battleship Iowa
passed the mouth of the river shortly
after midnight yesterday morning, on
her way to Tort Orchard from, San
A dance will be give by the local
ooval reserve on Dewey Day, May 1,
at the armory. A may-pole dance by
11 girls will be a future. Admission
75 cents.
Roslyn coal 1. the beat and most eco
nomical coal for household use In A
torla. Try It once and you will have
no other. George W. Sanborn, agent
Telephone 1311.
A tramp steamer wa. reported off
the mouth of the river yesterday but
a no steamer are scheduled for thl.
port at thl. time It 1. believed that .he
was due fur the Sound.
The Harlow minstrel, will arrive
In Astoria on the noon train Sunday
In two private car. At t o'clock In
the afternoon they will be entertained
by the local order of Eagle, at the
I'ythlun Castle building.
Notice to property owner, building
residence, and store.. We now carry
a complete line of mantles, grate, and
tiling, electric, gas and combination
chandotlcra, arid all supplies pertain
ing to etecii lo and gas lighting. Photo
graph', cheerfully sent on application.
lngton St., Portland, Or.
The Hrltlsh bark Inverness-shire will
probably leave down from Portland to
day. She has been loaded for several
days, but has been detained on account
of a shortage In her crew. She will be
ready, however, today, and will leave
down In tow of the Oklahama. The de
parture of the Invcrnes.-shire will leave
three ships and a bark In the Portland
harbor. The German ship Najade will
probably finish some time today, and
sho will be followed by the John Cooke
and the Asplce, both of which aw work
ing wheat, and will be reudy by Sutur
day evening. The Forthbank shifted
from tho stream to the Klovator dock
to discharge her ballast preparatory to
tuklng on her cargo of wheat.
Ladles' Heavy Mercerised Sateen
Skirts, two rultles In black and colors,
Pulley Belt.,
25c, 35c, 50c and 85c
Summer Corset.,
25c, 50c and $1.00
Children'. Tan and Red Shoes,
75c and $1.00
No. soap in the
world is so cheap.
No soap in the
world is so lasting.
The event of the .-ason; Spinsters'
Convention at Fisher', opera house
this evening.
Susan ft. Anthony will not address
the PnliiNter' Convention tonight
There will be plenty of wit and wisdom
without her.
With the closing of Olsen's bowling
alleys the old A. F. C, alleys are the
only ones now remaining open to the
public Home time ago an attempt was
made to engage the latter alleys for
the exi'luxlve use of private parties
but this plan failed.
The steam launch Edith, which is
huvlng new boilers placed In at the
Astoria Iron Works, will be ready for
service by the first of next week. She
will tu t as a tender to the Megler ran-n.-ry
at Krooktlcld. In addition to her
boiler, a new 7-foot emit Iron wheel
will be supplM.
The street approach to the O. It.
N. dock bus been completed and the
handling of freight will henceforth be
greatly facilitated. Mr. Lounsberry,
the local representative of the com
pany, Stale, that over 100,000 feet of
lumber have been used In the con
struction of the entrance way.
The Incnased business of the
company can now be much more eas
ily handled.
C. II C'h-ment, state organiser of the
Fonsti-rs of America, I. In the city In
the Interest of Court Astoria, No. 8.
He will remain In the city about two
weeks, booming the ordT. On Tues
day evening, Muy 8th, the grand court
i. Ulcers and a team front the several
Portland courts will visit Court As
toria and will assist In the Initiatory
cxerclsi. The local court will give a
bunquet In honor of the visitors.
Colonel Hughes has returned from
his hunting trip. He explains, with a
wicked smile, that he has been out to
get In training for "his friends, the
enemy" In the coming political cam
paign. Colonel Hughes declares that
the fact that he failed to kill any
bears or mountain lions cannot be dis
torted to Infer that he will meet with
similar luck with his distinguished but
mlHgulded opponents.
The Cornllla Cook, formerly the Jes
sie IJorthwick. Is tied up at the O. R.
& N. dock awaiting favorable weather
conditions to enable her to pass out
on her trip to J. W. Cook'. Port Town
send canneries. Captain Carr will be
In charge of the steamer from this
port. The Cornelia Cook Is a prim Ut
ile croft, her owner, contending that
she can not bn beaten on the coast for
speed, capacity and power taken Into
consideration. Captain Carr wa for
merly In the lighthouse service, subse
quently serving as first officer on the
George W. Elder.
Elder, Nome City and Dispatch Soon
to Leave This Fort.
The steamship George W. Elder
which arrived In from San Francis
co on Monday, Is now undergoing a
thorough overhauling preparatory to
her entering the Cape Nome trade next
month. Resides the renovation to her
machinery she will be equipped so as
to carry four hundred .passwngers in
addition to un immense amount of
freight. Her Balling date has been
set for May 15, and tho management
state that she will leave promptly at
the time mentioned.
The new steam schooner Nome City
Is also slated to leave on the 15th of
next month. Resides her great freight
capacity, she will carry 350 passengers.
The Dispatch, which has been engag
ed to enter the Cape Nomo trade by
the O. R. & N. Company, will leave
this port on or about the 1st of June.
It is muted that she will carry at
least 500 passenger) and as much
freight as is offered up to the limit of
her capacity.
The oiiHsenger accommodations on
ull three boats will be taksn up nnny
days before the sailing dutcs of the
respective vessels. Already there are
indications that as much freight as
can be carried will be offered and It
Is a foregone conclusion thot the O. R.
& N. Company will be obliged to in
crease Its facilities It It Intends to
meet the demands of the early-summer
runh to the new Eldorado on the
A largo number of Astorians have
engaged piisBage on the vessels at
ready scheduled to leave and these,
together with those who prefer to take
chances on an earlier passage from
Seattle, will comprise Quite an exodus
by the time the season has fairly
Or the science of drugless healing
Specialties chronic and nervous dis
eases. ' Examination f ree.
Cor. Fourteenth St. and Franklin Ave.,
. ... ... t fit i 'Astoria, Oregon.
1 to B p. m., Monday, Wednesday and
' Friday. ;
A Condition, Not a Theory, Con
fronting Clatsop County.
Rc.mbi Wby the Clly s.d County Vote Will
Be SurprUlagly Small The Duly
of All Uoo4 Citlic.i.
If the republican, of CUttsjp coun
ty expect to elect their legislative and
county ticket this year It Is time they
were at work strengthening the party
lines. The republicans of Clutsop
county have to meet conditions this
year that have never existed before
and theNtt conditions work against the
party and in faVor of the opposition.
It Is a wise man who gives his op
ponents the benefit of every doubt in
entering a contest, planning to meet
arid overcome ' the advuntages thus
conceded. If they do not happen to
exist then he has a reserve strength
for use when and where most needed.
The fit el dllllculty the republicans
must fuce Is in the falling off of the
vole In this county.. Every Indication
point, to the fact that the registra
tion in this country will be fully 300
v otei short of the total vole cast at the
lust election. The republican party
being In the majority, It naturally fol
lows that the greater part of the loss
of the legitimate vote will fail upon It
For Instance, It is a well-known fact
that JOS registered voters from this
county have gone to Alaska and of
that number no less than 80 were re
publicans. Again, the fishermen from
broad, booked as voters here In j
former years, are not here this year, j
and probably will not be here, and,
as Is well known, the republicans al
ways commanded a fair proportion of
this vote. These are but straws, but
they show the direction of the wind.
It will be the business of the re
publican leaders to make good this loss
to the party's legitimate voting
strength and here Is where the hard
work will have to be done. It Is of
no use to shirk responsibilities or to at
tempt to gloss over matters. The repub
lican party In Clatsop county can win
In June If every republican does bis
duty and every true republican should
be told and made to realise the neces
sity of his doing his duty and his
whole duty to the party to which he
belongs. ,
No dependence should be placed on
this being a presidential year. The
national campaign will not have start
ed until long after the June election
and none of the parties need hope for
any accession of strength from the
enthusiasm which will later mark the
fall elections. The June election Is a
little fight all by itself In Clatsop
county and will be Influenced only by
local conditions and local considera
tions. The popuilsts have no ticket In
the field this year and the majority of
that party's adherents will feel them
selvefl free to vote for whom they
please In the county election. The re
publican ticket should appeal to them
an tha best ticket for the county's
Interests but It must not be forgotten
that the populists have been acting
with the democrats, thinly disguised
this year as "citizens," and they will
naturally lean toward their old allies,
unleas It Is shown to them, as it can
be. that in so doing they are Injuring
themselves at home without aiding
their cause abroad.
The legislative and county right In
Clatsop county is plainly and purely
between the republicans and demo
crats. Tho so-called "cltlxens" ticket
was too openly made to tool anybody.
The democrats have simply tried to
borrow strength by borrowing the
name of "cltlxens ticket" The en
dorsement and nomination of the two
republicans on the ticket was made
merely to throw dust In the eyes of
those voters who, unattached to any
political party, prefer to vote an In
dependent ticket if they believe It to
be genuine. The "citlsens" ticket was
A Wonderful Medicine.
For BMmt and Nervout Disorders. uch
Vlnd and Pain In the Stomach, Sick Headache, ,
Giddineaa, Fulnena and Swelling after meals,
Dm nesaand I'rowsiness. Cola t.hi Is. Hush- 1
ints of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of
Breath. l.otivrneiH. rilutcliesonthe akin, Uts- i
I turhed Sleep, K'rihtful Dreams, and all Nervous
and Iremblingaeiisattona, etc. I hese ailments 1
sll arise from a disordered or abused condition
of the stomach and liver.
Beechatn a Pills will quickly restore Females ,
to complete health. Thev oromptlv remove any
' obstruction or irregularity of the system. Fori 1
Weak Stomach. Impaired Dlte.stlon, Sick
neadacne, Disordered Liver, etc.,
'hey act like rnsalc a few doses will work won
ders upon the Vital Organs; Strengthening the
muscular oysicm, restoring inciong iosi vuiu-
piex.un, Bringing pa, ;& ine urcn cuc vi i,ii'cti.c, .
and arousing with I ha fioaahud of
tiaaitn ina whoia pnyaioai mnaroy i
, af tha human trama. For throwing
off favarm they mro specially ra- i
nownad. These are "facts" admitted by
thoussnds, In all clasaea of aociety, and one 1
of the best guarantees to the Nervous and
uehiutated la that Heechaan a mis nave tne
Largeat Sale of any Patent Medicine In the .
orld. 1 his has been achieved
Without tho publication of testimonials.
Beecham'a Pills have for many years been
the popular family medicine wherever the
Eng Hah language is spoken, and they sow atand
without a rival, . 4.
10 centaand 23 cents, at all drug stores, -
mude by democrats, who disbanded
their convention to make ft and did
not even reconvene to Indorse the so-
callwl citizens' nominations, less than
ten democrats being present when the
so-called endorsement watt made.
The independent candidates will
count for but little. Nearly all of
them, so far, are rrn who have been
kicked out of every recognized party
and ure beggars on the political high
way for any crumbs that may fall from
either or any of the party table. The
average, voter has no confidence In the
Independent candidate. He knows
that In nine case, out of ten
he has made every endeavor to
get on a party ticket and very Justly
argues that If his party considered hi in
unworthy of a nomination, the Inde
pendent cundldale Is not worthy of his
vote. How much more Is this true In
the case of an Independent candidate
who ha been kicked out by all the
parties, having been everything and
nothing for the sake of a political job?
So, In planning their work, the repub
lic. need not greatly fear the Inde
pendents. They will get the vote, of
a few personal friends but will not
count fur much for or against any of
the regular candidates for the office
they seek.
While uttering a word of warning
on the situation, politically, two things
may be said to the republicans. The
first Is that delays are dangerous and
the sooner an active and aggressive
campaign Is commenced, the better
will it be for the success of the ticket
Secondly, candidate working togcth
er, each for himself and all the oth
ers, will do more good work, each for
himself, than If they start out to make
their own fight regardless of the res(
of the ticket.
a a -
Thirdly (and this caution deserves
a paragraph by itself) the people will
no longer s:and "ring rule" or "ring
leaders." Deny, If you please, that
there are political rings In Clatsop
county, you cannot convlnoe all the
voters of that fact. This Is especial
ly true of the out-of-town voters. They
believe the rings exist and they think
they know the leaders, and they are
ready to down any candidate on any
ticket believed to be supported by the
men the opposition sees fit to desig
nate as the ring leaders.
a a a
And there . Is the danger. The cry
of a "republican ring" In Clatsop coun
ty Is being used, naturally, by the op
ponents of the republican party, but
the cry Is beard within the party ranks
and It behooves the nominees on the
republican ticket to convince the doubt
ful of their own party, which they
can do easily enough, that they are
not the creatures of any ring, nor will
they will be tools of any ring
If elected.
a a
The tendency to avoid discussing
charges of a ring, etc., leaving It to
the opposition to charge and the re
publicans to content themselves with
a simple denial, has been a mistake In
the past that should be avoided In the
future. Everybody knows of the
charges. Then why should not the can
didates meet them boldly and disprove
them? For that matter, they should
not even watt to be charged with be
ing connected with an Imaginary
"ring," but make It clear that
they come to the voters with clean
hands and on their own merits,
a a a
The republicans of Clatsop county
are not going to have a "walk over"
tor their legislative and county ticket
this year.
Neither are they in danger of de
feat, with proper work on the port
of the candidates and party leaders.
The ticket will be elected without
trouble If the proper effort Is put
forth, but that certain conditions ex
1st this year that have not existed
hertofore. that these conditions tend to
count against republican success In
this county, is a matter of fact which,
while In no way presaging defeat, calls
for serious consideration In order that
the obstacles may be met and over
come. There Is no use shutting the
eyes to plain fwcts. The greater the
obstacle, the greater the effort need
edthat Is all.
Nothing must be taken for granted
by the republican candidates this year.
If the men on the ticket work together
to the end, they will surely win, but
It is no year for Individual campaigns
or shirking any of the hard work the
opposition Is Bure to cut out for all
of the republican nominees.
Rasmus A. Olsen to H. E. Steffensen
-one-third of lot 7, block 13, Upper
Astoria: l.
United States to heirs of Hugh Fra
ser. deceased 157.2'J acres In section 35,
T 4'N. R 8 W; patent.
Donald McDonald to William Fraser
quitclaim deed to tract of land In
section 35. T 4 N, R 8 W; II.
Alpin Fraser to William Fraser
quitclaim to same property: Jl.
John McDonald to William Fraser
quitclaim to same property; SI.
Mary Chandler to William Fraser
qultclulm to same property: SI.
John Fraser and Alexander Frser
to William Frasor quitclaim to some
property; 1.
William Fraser to Cora E. Wheeler-
same property; S5.
Solflline! Solflllne!
If you are sick and tired of rubbers,
which protect your feet from wet or
cold, and wish to save continual re
soling of your shoes: if you wish to
longing the life of same at least fifty
per cent. If you wish to save greas
ing your belts In your manufactury,
go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria,
and try a case of Solflllne on your
shoes and harness. Buy yoj'c shoes
only of those who have that scientific
remedy. 1 Take no- .other.
Address, PETERSON ' & BROWN,
General Agents, Astoria, Orego.
5 i-Toriei
And Worn-out Worried Mothers Find
Comfort in CUTICURA.
biro to the doctor, who pronounced It polaon and gave us soma medicine
to suffering mankind to write and tell yon
W. W. aW.
Complete External and Internal
.. AM Ai aa A
TL'C CrT tl 0C a hamilog skin, scajp, and bloodbomor.,withlo(blr,wrH
Ilia. uLlf LatJ all (1m fails, foTias Liaco aD C'Biat. Coar., ttoie 1'ropa., BoaUm.
"Bow la Can Baby Humors," frae.
Best Boat
Specially Prepared for Fishing Coats
Durability Guaranteed
Total Number of Names on the Roll
to Date.
Astoria Precinct No. 1..
.. 20
.. 33
.. 28
.. 33
.. 39
.. 83
.. 24
... 41
.. 21
.. 3S
.. 42
.. 69
.. 11
.. 24
.. 17
.. 25
.. 17
Astoria Precinct No. Z.
Astoria Precinct No. I..
Astoria Precinct No. 4..
Astoria Precinct No. S..
Astoria Precinct No. 6.
Astoria Precinct No. 7.
John Day Precinct ....
Svensen Precinct
Walluskl Precinct .....
New Astoria Precinct ..
Warrenton Precinct ....
Clatsop Precinct
Seaside Precinct
Melville Precinct
Chadyell Precinct
Younars River Precinct .
Olney PreclnH
Knappa Precinct
Clifton Precinct
W cstport Precinct
VesDar Precinct
Jewell Precinct
Mlshawaka Precinct ...
Elsie Precinct
Push Precinct
Total to date
Notice Is hereby given to all par
ties holding Clatsop county warrants
endorsed prior to June first, 1898, to
present the same to the county treas
urer at bis office at 164 Tenth street
for payment Interest ceases after this
date. H. C. THOMPSON,
County Treasurer.
Dated, Astoria, Oregon, this 23d day
of April, 1900.
Before marriage, a girl Is very near
and very dear to a man's heart; but
after marriage, ehe is nearer yet and
dearer still to his purse.
A father worries for fear that his
daughter will marry the wrong man;
hut th mother worries from fear that
she won't catch one at all.
Corrects all blemishes of
. the face, removes blot
WlSQOIfl S 'bes, pln ples. tnn. sun
burn, freckles nnd make.
a beautiful complexion.
It Is also the best tooth
wash, and excellent for
deranged stomach.
Fisher's Opera House
L. E. SELIG, Lessee and Manager. '
35-lVhlle Artlsts-35
2-Brass Bands-2 a.
New first part, new costumes, new
songs and new dances.
" ; a "' ' "
Admission Reserved seats,' 5 cents;
srallerv. 50 cents. Seat sale opens Sat
urday morning at Griffin & Red's. t
Which did no good. HI. hed got go bad
be would cry all night, and my wife could
sleep none, and began to look glionlljr.
Ills head got so tore that we put a night
cap on him, and folded a white cloth four
thicknesses inside of it, and Junt through
the night a kind of matter would ooze out
from bl. bead, sookod through the cloth
and cap and on to the pillow. The top
and back of hi. head was almost m sol II
tore, and looked so bully that words would
not describe It. Almost In despair I told
my wife I bad been CtmcosA Rxmidix
advertised and recommended very highly
and I was going to try them. I bought
the CrmccBA Rssoltejit, Ccticuea
Boat, and Ccticcra Ointment. We gavs
him half of the Resolvent, used part ol
the cake of Soap, and before we had tuwd
the second box of CtmcuaA Ointment ho
commenced to get better, and la now as
well and hearty a. anybody', boy. II. Is
a merry as a lark, sleeps soundly all night,
and bl. bair look, glossy, thick, and soft,
while my wife looks like a diflorent woman,
Ilookatbim andthinkloweittoyoaand
of this almost wonderful core.
E. MYERS, Box SO, Monroe City, Ind.
Treatment for Every Humor.
conaiauos; o; i;cricusa Doaric.f. w emus u b.u vi ,uu
aealeaaod aoftea lbs thickened euttela; Ci'Tinjau Oktmimt (60c.),
tnauatlr allay itching, toBamnMUon, and trrtuuoo, sod aoouta ana
saJ; and C en ecu KiaotTisT (SOe-), to eool and elranaa tha blood.
It is stated that the Atlantic ocean
contains may wrecked vessels which.
drift hither and thither, and a their
positions change with the winds and
tides, they are a constant menace to
ocean traffic Because of the great ex
pense they are not destroyed until they
have Inflicted actual . damage. How '
like this Is the action of many per
sons, who wait until they are 111 be
fore treating such dangerous symp
toms as indigestion, dyspepsia, consti
pation, liver or kidney troubles. Don't
allow them to menace your health.
Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters will clear
the system of all Impurities, making;
the blood rich and the nerves strong.
It cures all stomach disorders, and Is
an unequalled spring medicine. See
that private revenue stamp covers the
neck of the bottle.
The Bicycle Commission will seise
all wheels unlicensed on and after May
1, 1900. Obtwin your license Immedi
ately and save trouble.
By order of the commission.
C. R. HIGGINS, Clerk.
The passenger department of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
has taken advantage of the current In
terest In the Paris Exposition and baa
printed for free distribution one of the
most charming books of the season, en
titled, "Glimpses Across the Sea." Its
contents describe a recent voyage)
across the Atlantic made by Sam T.
Clover, journalist and author, and In
cludes his diversified experiences In
London and Paris. The Glimpses"
are entertaining and instructive to tn
Drosoective western patrons of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee St St. Paul railway.
wbo may be contemplating a trip to
Europe. The enterprise of the railway
company In auguraung such a happy
departure from the ordinary methods
of advertising Is commendable.
TORS. Notice Is hereby given that until 2
o'clock p. m. on Saturday, April 2Sth,
l!Kft, the committee on streetB ana pub
lic ways of the common council of tha
City of Astoria will receive sealed bids
for the Improvement of Commercial
stre ;t from west line of Tenth street
to west line of Eighth street, accord
ing to the provisions of ordinance No.
2511, approved on the 20th day of April,
1S00. and the plans and specifications
therefor on file with the auditor and
police Judge of e-ald city. Bids must
state the amount for which street
crossings will be constructed separate
from the remainder or the Improve
ment. The right is reserved to reject
any and all bids.
Committee on Streets and Public Ways
of the Common Council of the City
of Astoria.
Dated this 24th day of April, 1900.
rtdt I Onl''j,.r,
iUSLTf 11L.OOU A'OASON perniamw,: f
1.ured In tttoS6 days. Youoin htstn-m, 4
, home for emu priw uimtr aunt k u . 1 1 ;
Vu-j tract to pay ratlminl faroatid b-'fnt ir. I i
in. jharjw, If 6 fail to euro. If you hvo ttttf n imr
rtiry, Imlide potunh ftmi anil hiivA u-
Pfiimi. Mucous 1'utclien in rrou' It, Nor 1 it ro,
Viuipl, Copper Coloreii Simla, I Ith.j
tny partof tiitj iKHiy, llairot r vrif'W
tut it tin fccoi4j:iry 8. !.(:;. I j ; .,.J
we guarantee tecum. Vvj - i ii u v,; (
inloCKa anrl CituUenfl th woi ltl .,r a
iH W CatnUOtPllrrla 'i 1 - ) II J .. i
nao tuUV'' vut
Junnl guaranty-. Nioi i t ;
innltcfitkin. Atfriy ( . v