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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1900)
1V TUK MO UN IN U JAHJ'UltlAN WfcimSiM . r APJUL 9IH. JZiiH-j 'J,- - New Spring Goods r New Gocds Arriving Dally C. H. Cooper j I lib 1JMV .YA--J)rS TODAY'S WBATJIKR. rOUTLAND, April L-Wi-iilerrt Or on nd Wmturn Washington, flr to day. Wurnur In ftrrnoon. arounITtown. M. P. Calkmlt-r li ovr from ICimpp toi. n. A. Btuart of Beat lis li Kt th Oc cltlrnt. Jrfl I "th only" restaurant. Whit cooki. Mayor Harrett 9 rVailde wu In th ritr yriterd.y. J. Tuner of KlavM wa In Ih city yratanlay. . K. W. Wiiiiun aa over from Knapp .'lX'rilay, V. K. (IrwiiB of HcanliU was In ih city yesterday. The Ilov. It. U Knapp of South Henl la In Aitorta. Th circuit court will convene to day In adjourned session. Pest lt-cent mral, Rising Bud res taurant, 111 Commercial itrt. 8, O. Clark la over from Hwaco on iustnes, a guest at th Occident. Mr. and Mr. Robert WakefleUl of I'priland are quests at the Occident. Jeffs rsUurant-tht largest and best. A trial will convince you. The steamer Haxrlaon loft out for Tillamook early yesterday morning. C. Uelknap of Chinook la In the city Attending to private business matter, Wantrd-Tenant for well furnlahed and well lighted room. 47 Eichang street. r, J. McOowsn I In the city on bus! m connected with hi cannery Inter- rat. For Rent. Three furnlahed room for houaekcoplng, on ground floor; 411 Bxfhange street, near Ninth. A small place at Clatsop for aala or rent. Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap rly to A. Tagg, rarlor Candy Store, Clam, la dot.; Smelt, to pound; Teg table, fruit, milk, bread eta New Market, 460 ttuane Street, near Tenth The lale of Arran, with a cargo of wheat for Falmouth for order, enter d the harbor from Portland yeater day afternoon. A aeven-room furnlHhed houie with all modern convenience, for rent for one year. Apply at 637 Grand avenue, front to 11 a. m. Herring A Cook, Commercial street, toetwen Tenth and . Eleventh, I the only first claaa all-night lunch houie In Astoria. Cream Pure Rye. America' finest whiskey. The only pur good; guar' antecd rich and mellow. John L. Carl on, sole agent Jlosljj coal last longer, I cleaner and make lee trouble with stoves and chimney flue than any other. George w. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311 Tho launch Iris 1 now on the run between Astoria and Warren ton, pre pared to handle freight and passengers, Khe will connect with the Portland toamer. floslyn coal Is the best and most eco nomical coal for household use In A torlo. Try It once and you will have no other. Qeorge W. Sanborn, agent Tebphone 1311. De good to yourself and good to your friends. When you treat a friend to whiskey, give him the best Harpor whiskey Is the beverago for your frt'lnds and for you. Sold by Foard A Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. The secret of good living Ilea, In wholesome and well-cooked food. When a restaurant ha established a reputa tion along this) lln It la the place to patronise. The Model ha this reputa tion. , Near, Foard k Stoke. , Men WanUd To leartt barber, trad. Only" eight week required; gpeolal In ducement thl season; illustrated cata logue,, map of city and aouvenlr mail ed free.' Holer" Barber' College, Ban ' FranAo Calif omlaTf " ' 7' (.ad ..i iiM) ti w (eW7f. Our ImmonHo rlock in now almost com jilcte in all (lfurlmoiU. bvawiu iivujv vi r v ( j, "Well, I have bought my thket fr th Kiillogg Iwture," Ticket are being sold with great rapidity for the Kellogg iwturo. The greatest thing the Astoria people wilt vr s and hear will be the Kel- log lecture. That great Kellogg lecture will be glv en at the Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday evening, April I. The "Hplnster Club" will meet this afternoon at J. o'clock In the basement of the Presbyterian church, The Poseidon came down from Port land yeaterday and anchored In the lower harbor. She carries a cargo of wheat for the I'nlted Kingdom. Dan O'N'ell took up his duties at the Occident hotel yesterday, and wa kept busy receiving old friend and ac qualniance throughout the day. The Young Men's Ilepublicaa Club, of this city, ha engaged Ktrong'a Or chestra to furnish the music for the smoker to come off Friday night of thl week. The Columbia crossed out for Han Francisco yesterday forenoon. She took pn at thl port 400 case of sal mon, 2)0 sack of oyster, 20 ease of cheese and 1,000 bundle of hooks. The damage suit of John Ilentltla versus the Clatsop Mill Co., la which the plaintiff pray for IM.OOO and mat of suit for - Injuries received at the mill In February last, will coma up bt f;- Judge McOrld and a Jury In the clnult court today. Tho Oriental liner Monmouthshire Is eiiwcted at thl port tomorrow, pro, vldlng sho ha a favorable passage. She will bring 270 Chinese and Japa nese passengers, 00 of whom are elat ed for Victoria, It. C. The remaining passenger will land at Portland. Th rvuubllcana at Jewell hM thflr primaries lust Saturday evening and selected N, E. Foster and W. U. I'res cott a delegate to the county con vention, and nominated P. O. Wage a road upervlsor: J. N. Foster for Jus tic of the pear, and C. E. Foster for constable. At the meeting of the water com mission lust night the following spec tal rates for the spring season were adopted: ' lilmort)' cannery, 1200; Kin ney' cannery, li'00; Fishermen' Co operative cannery, 1125; A. llooth Packing Company, $136; Columbia Ttlv er Packer Association, 1100; O, W. Sanborn, 1100; water for tannery, 110 per month for each rack. The report published to the effeot that the Rov. I. Peart, pastor of the Methodist church of thl city, had ten dered hi resignation, I Incorrect. The Rev, Peart made an announcement from the pulpit last 8unday that unless his health Improved very materially he would he obliged to resign from the pastorate. No resignation ho yet been submitted nor ha the matter of Mr. Peart' retirement com up In an ofllclul way In any sense. Mr. Peart states that he may decide to ask to be relieved from hi charge, but nothing to thl effect Tia yet been suggested to the church authorities. Tha United States civil service coin mission announce that a special ex amtnatlon will be held by- it post-office board of examiner In thl city on May t for the position of clerk and carrier In the post-olMce in Astoria. The ex amination will consist of spelling, arith metic, letter writing, penmanship, copying from plain copy, geography of the United State and reading ad dresses. The arithmetic will consist of tests In tha fundamental principles. extending as far a common and deci mal fractions and embracing problem. The ago limitation for thl examina tion will be: Clerk, not less than 18 years; carries, between 21 and 40. Ap pllcunta for male clerk and carries must htivo the regulation medical cer tificate. Applicants for carrier must bo at least 6 feet 4 inches In height, and weigh not less than 126 pound. The examination Is open to all cltisons of the United States who may desire to enter the service, and to comply with the requirement. All such person are invited to apply, and applicant will be examined, graded and certified with entire Impartiality, and wholly without regard to any consideration save their ability as shown by the grdo they attain In the" examination, but frorn" those '6cf tilled the' depart ment usually pelect, for appointment eligible who, are .residents, ol .thaidl; trlct in which the vaeancle exist OIVBN UP AS 1XHT, ' Llnds'.rom nd Robinson Supposed to He at the bottom of the Kuy. Fully a down boats were out all of yesterduy drugging- eddies In the river In the hope of finding the bodies of the !Cot Astoria boys, Hugo Mud- strom and Warren Robinson, who went out In a sail boat on Huturduy night lust and have not been seen since, It Is now almost a certainty that the boy were drowned, a sufficient time has elapsed for them to mak known their safety to their parent had they ! n rescued by a pasulng boat or awnm ashore. It is suld the hoat In which the boys started on their lll-fatud trip wss con sidered, even oy good boatmen, a dan gerous triift, tho sail being much too lurgo for It'tt also of the boat, but thl very fad nmd It the fastest bf at, In that respect, on the river and consequently It was a favorite with the boys who had often suited it, even In rough weather, and made safe landing. Ko far as Is .known, the upturned boat found on Flavel beach has nt been Identified as the boat In which the boys started out, but there . Is little doubt that It Is the same one. Hi far as recovering the bodies Is con cerned.old river men sny that they may never come ashore. According to the men who know the river, if the boat upset when the tide was running full out the chance are the bodies will be carried arrosa the bar and out to oe, Previous to the building of the Jetty bodle caught by the flood tide were usually washed ashore near Seaside or some neighboring beach, but now the current carries them straight out to the wean. If the boat overturned at the ebb of the tide, which is said to be unlikely, then the river men say the bodies will probably come ashore near where they went down. The greatest sympathy I extended the families of tho two lost youth and friends will continue the work of trying to recover the bodlc. believing that the certainty of the death of the boy will be easier for the parent to bear than the suspense and hope caused by uncertainty as to their fate IS ENGINEER LOVELACE DEADT Coroner Pohl Says He Is Not Fully Satisfied That the Engineer "X ... U Alive, Coroner Pohl Is by no mean sail fled that tbe suicide found in the river and burled bl W It; Lovelace, au ex Southern Pacific engineer, wa not In verity, the right man. It will be remembered that the body aa Identified a that of Lovelace by Mr. Sympson and other but shortly .after the burial a letter appeared in the Portland Oregonlan saying that Lovelace was alive, well and at work at V lento. The letter to the Oregonlan wa not written by Lovelace but by a friend who failed to sign his name. In pursuance to the testimony of fered at the Inquest, Coroner Pohl cor responded with parties In California in order that the wife of Lovelace, sup posed to be with her parents In Cocra- mento, might be made aware of her husband's death. Answer he has re reived Indicate that Lovelace had no wife In Sacramento, unless he was married very shortly before bis death, If he Is dead, but the coroner ha aa- certalned thnt Lovelace did have a divorced wife and three children now living In Lathrop, CsJ., the eldest of the children being 17 years of age. He has also ascertained other facts con cerning the deceased which be de clines to make public. . "I Intend to find out whether or not Lovelace 1 alive," sold Coroner Pohl last night. "It 1 my duty to 'do so a an official and beside I am by no mean convinced that the letter con cerning Lovelace printed In the Ore gonlan wa not the work of Irrespon sible persons or some friend of the dead man who desired to screen hi name from connection with the sui cide. It seems strange to me it Love lace la alive that he ha not taken the trouble to assure reople of the fact. However, I will know in a day or two whether the man we burled a Love lace 1 Lovelace or not." A FRATERNAL OPENING. Finnish Brotherhood Society Christens Bentllla's New Cigar Stand. Tho Finnish Brotherhood Society wound up their regular meeting last night by an act of supreme generosity1. The meeting adjourned to christen the now cigar stand recently purchased by them for John Bentllla who waa crip pled In an accident at the Clatsop Mills. The brotherhood recently de cided to fit up a stand for Mr. Ben- tllliu giving him fixtures, stock and a month' rent, at a cost of over $1,000. When tho member of the brotherhood had assembled at the place, which 1 located at the old Dunbar store, Pres ident Fred Wlckman made the presen tation speech. Mr. Bentllla returned thanks In a most sincere and eloquent manner, and then, being ordered be hind the counter, . the llrst purchases from the new stock were made. It Is not an exaggeration to say that fully one-third of Mr. Bentllla' splendid stock was carried away by his friends and that -the cash register was thor oughly Initiated. ' MR. McCUE NOT A CANDIDATE. To Whom It May Concern:' ! : . A my name ha been mentioned In connection with the legislative' noml- nailori' before the republican, county convention, I deem 1 air to my friends to isay . that . t will not under any con sldereratlon be a candidate. JOHN C. MoCUE. t rears Pretty boxes and odors arc used tcj" sell such soaps as no one would touch if he saw them un disguised, ijcware of a soap that depends on something outside of it. Pears', the' -' finest soap in the world is scented or. not, as you wish; and the money is in the merchan dise, not in the box. AM sort vf store ll it, enpecUily druggists; all sort of people ax twing it- ANOTHER RAILROAD RUMOR. Official Deny That the A. ft C. Sched ule Will Be. Changed. A report was set In circulation yes terday to the effect that the Astoria ft Columbia River, railroad manage ment had determined to change the schedule time of trains between this city and Portland. To be more defi nite, It should be. stated that the ru mor clique had It all arranged that the evening train leaving here for Port land at 1:10 would take its departure about three hour earlier so that As torlans might arrive In Portland In time to take In the theatrical perform ances. No doubt the management would re joice to make such an exquisite ar rangement to pleaae the exquisite set. and there Is still less doubt that the arrangement would be highly appre elated by those who deem It necessary to go to Portland to. relieve their care fully-preserved wallet, but the cold material fact remain that the rail road company ha made no such ar- ngtmcnti ttlQ tiftg hollilrt of that nature In contemplation". TWO high official of the road declared yeater day that they had no Intimation con cerning the rumored change of schedule One stated that It was possible that, during the summer months, a Satur day special schedule might be adopted for the convenience of thoee desiring to come to the seashore from Port land, but even this,, he said, had not yet been finally determined upon. He declared that, as far as the regular service was concerned, no change would be made as far as he knew.' REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Total Number of Names on the Roll to Date. Astoria Precinct No. 1 .....1&3 Astoria Precinct No. 2 143 Astoria Precinct No. 3 139 Astoria Precinct No. 4 181 Astoria Precinct No. 6 171 Astoria Precinct No. 1 110 Astoria rreclnct No. 7 02 John Day Fret loot 20 Svensen 33 Walluskl 24 New Astoria 7 Warrenton - 27 Clatsop 30 Seaside . 74 Melville 19 Chadwell 31 loung's River 14 Olnly 28 Knappa 39 Clifton 68 West port II V'espar 8 Jewell 12 Mtehawaka 14 Elsie 22 Push 16 Total to date ..: 1573 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. James W. Welch and wife to Rosle Ingleton north 60 feet of lot 11 and 12, block 61. Shiveley'; $250. J. R. GilHt rap, trustee, to A. E. and J. A. Cot bet t lots 23 and 24, block 14. Bay View annex: $300. Reginald W. Thompson, administra tor, to Louise Cutler 40 acre in sec tion 14. T 7 N. R 10 W; $100. William E. Mulhallan and wife to The Astoria Company southeast quar er of section 24, T 5 N. R 7 W; $500. THE LATEST WAR NEWS. The latest war new la eagerly sought after. To some It bring hap piness, a they read of valiant deed accomplished, while to others, the same message bring sorrow, when they note the death or capture of their loved ones. There Is also much sor row and suffering throughout our own country by those who have been cap tured by that greatest enemy Dys pepsia. For this, however, there la a remedy and that 1 Hostetter" Stom ach Bitters, which also cure indi gestion, confltlpatlon, biliousness, ner vousness and Insomnia, and as a pre ventative for malaria, fever and ague it Is unequalled. It ha a record of fifty year of cure to back It up and a trial will convince you that your case is not Incurable, a you will find after taking a few doses your stomach will be urehgthened. , . COUNTRY DELEGATES. , . The meeting of country delegates to the republican convention will be held In Corruther' hail atf'TiSO p. m.'on Fri day, April I, the daV before tt ventlon. A full attendance 1 reqwe ed, COUNTRY BOLFILINB. Solflllne! Solflllnet If you are sick and tired of rubber, which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoes; if you wish to stop . greoalng your harness and pro longing the life of some at least fifty per cent If you wish to save greas ing your belt In your manufactory, go to Peterson ft Brown, at Astoria, and try a case of Bolflllne on your shoes and harness. Buy your shoe only of those who have that scientific remedy. Take no other. Address, PETERSON ft BROWN, Uenersl Agent, Astoria, Orego, TO PARIS IN 100. The passenger department of tbe Chi casto, Milwaukee ft St. Paul railway has taken advantage of the current In terest In the Paris Exposition and baa printed for free distribution one of the most charming book of the season, en titled, "Glimpses Across the Sea." It content d'-s'.'rlbe a recent voyage aV-ro the Atlantic made by Sam T, Clover, Journalut and author, and In cludes his diversified experiences In London and Paris. Tbe "Gllmpe" are entertaining and instructive to the prospective western patrons of the Chi cago, Milwaukee ft St Taul railway, who may be contemplating a trip to Europe. The enterprise ft the railway company in augurating such a happy departure from the ordinary methods of advertising is commendable. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let. All druggist refund the money If It fall to cure. E. W. Grove' slg nsture I on each box. iSc PEACE DECLARED. Why devote all your time reading about the Boer war and the gold field of Alaska? There are other matter of vital Importance; you may make a trip East and will want to know how a travel In order to have the beat er vice, use the Wisconsin Csntral Rail way. between St Paul and Chicago. For rates and other Information writ JAMES A. CLOCK, General Agent Portland, Oregon. Male Help. Wanted. Reliable men to sell our lln of high grade lubricating oils, grease and specialties. Salary or commission. Address: Central Re fining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. NINTH STREET IMPROVEMENT. Notice I hereby given that the com mon council of said city has deter mined and intend to Improve all that portion of Ninth street In the city f Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, from the north line of Bond strvet to the south side of Astor street, to the full width thereof and on the established grade. Said improvement is to be made by filling in from curb to curb with dirt so as to bring said portion of said street to the established grade, and laying stringers thereon and planking the same with covering plank 4 Inches In thickness by 12 inches wide, and by the construction of slde wulks and gutter on e&ch side of said portion of said street. Said Improve ment In matter of detail, except a herein otherwise provided, shall be con structed In conformity to the provi sions of general ordinance No. l&ol. en titled "An ordinance in relation to the Improvement of streets," approved January 3, 1S95." except that either red or yellow Mr may be used so long as the same is good and sound lumber. That the cots and expenses of said Improvement shall be defrayed by spe cial assessment upon the lots, lands and premises fronting upon, adjacent to and otherwise benefitted by said Im provement which said lasds are hereby included In a special assessment dis trict to be assessed to defray the costs and expenses of said improve ment and which said district Includes the lots, lands and premises benefited by said Improvement and Is as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of lot 6 In block 6 and running thence north to the northwest corner of lot 3 In block 8, thence east to the northt eaat corner of lot 2 In block i5, thence south to the southeast corner of lot 7 In block 65. thence west along the south line of said blocks 9 and 65 to the place of beginning and containing all of lots 1, 2. 7 and 8, in block 65 and lot 3, 1, 5 andfi, in block 9. all In that part of the cltyot Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney. This notice is published in the Dally Astorlan for eight days in pursuance to a resolution duly adopted by the common council of the city of Astoria, the first publication of this notice be ing on Wednesday, the 4th day of April A. D. 1900. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. The mystery of mysteries is to view machinery making machinery. The depository of power Is always unpopular; all combine against It; It always fall. The World's Medicine. t PILLS Ff mil BUIoum mad Mmrvoua Dim onto) Sick Hmmdmeke, Conmtlpmllon, Wmk Slommch, Int. paired Olommllon, Dlaordmrad Uvmr, and F mmaJm AHmanta. Aaaaal tale ever 6,000,000 boxes. 10 cents and 35 cents at arog stores. BwchMn'i PilU har the Urtront Mir of nj Pro- I prwury VodK-im in Ih world. Thii hat bon f rh,f(l wtlkovl Ih Hklk'atla r tMI. lata. Th. Frederikson PIANO TUNER ' ' iNSTftUvAlON ON 'CELLO AHD Y10LTN rheaeXU A w THE BEE HIVE Best Boat Specially Prepared for Fishing Boats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. Fancy and Staple Groceries IN ADDITION Feather and Paper Dusters, Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Telescopes, and Lunch Baskets. Brooms, Whisps, Scrub Brushes, etc. Crockery and Glassware. . V ALLENj Tenth and Commercial Streets Golambia EleetFie & Repair Go Successor tr COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoIlerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Lagging BnglncM Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of tbe Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Section" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. W. R SCHEIBE, A fall Ho tt Pio aad jaaofcars' Articles. 474 Commercial Bt ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS Karopflaaplan,50oV$l,Mp9rdaT. American plan, t00 to i00 per day. WEDDING CARDS tfEDpiHs cam Wt g. SMITH & CO., vtsi CflDS . ENGRAVERS BUSINESS CARDS 22 and 23 Washington Buildlnjr. , 4th and Washington 8ts, over Utt's, COPPEg PLRTE PRINTERS PORTLAND, OREGON. VISITING CARDS KOPP'S BEST - i A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paoiflo Brewery, of which air John Kopp is pror-ietor, make beer tor domeetio and export trade. florth Pacific Brewery Pacific N avigation Company Steamers "R. P. Elmore," "W. H. Harrison" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, liobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply t j . Samuel Elmore Co. Oeneral Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. OOHN A CO Agents, Oregon Railroad A Navieation Co., TILLAMOOK Ore. A. A C. R. K Co. PORTLAND, Ore, H2pt PORTLAND j j.- J,: ";; PORTUAND, OR. !.f ' 7 J. TH Only FIrat-Closs Hotel In Portland trunnnfutuin'viAvnnnnnnnnnnnJinmnrvw j SPRING has come and found us prepared and waiting for you with the latest in ladles, MltiHes, Men, ft Boys Shoes In all the new and correct styles In toes, shape and soles. A givat variety Victoria Iwiwns, India Linens, Figured Iemltlcs, Hgured and Corded Jiquin from 6c to 30c. , Scotch Madras, 12c. Scotch Flannels In delicate Spring Shadings, 25c. MII.I.INKKY Tuscan Straws, pasted shading In flowers and ribbons. Paint 5 MARKET Loggers' .."Seniles Kc;t la Sleek Built and Repaired Manufacturer of the Always Reliable "U Belle Astoria" Cigar Schelbe's Opera Star Scbelfce's Special And Othar Braadi OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager- X J. C. PKNDEGAST, Chief Cler Bottled beer for family nse or keg beer supplied at any time, delivery ia the city free.