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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1900)
T MK MORNING ASTOK1AN. WEDNKSUAlu APBIL 4, liOtl SaUjPdVotorian;- JOHN T. I.IOHTKR, Editor. Toll-phone Main 661." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mull, er year $6.00 Sent by mall, pvr month.... 60 Pervtd by carrlor, per month (0 SEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mail. rT year. In advance l!.00 Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications-of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad Tertlsera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. Thre Is again talk, serious talk, of a new paper in Portland. It Is said that 1200,000 has been contributed or col lected from some unknown source for that object, and that the money is now iri the bank waiting the settlement of certain preliminaries of a non-pecun lary nature connected with the ven ture. The politics of the paper, from the history of past conditions In Port land, will, naturally, be democratic. Mas the proposed establishment of this new paper In Portland any thing to do with the remarkable change of policy lately observed In the pre ent leading paper of Portland? Is It due to the circulation of rumors re specting preparations going on for the new paper that such coarse, ungrate ful, brutally unjust and wholly un true reflections on the republican par' ty appeared as a leading editorial in the present Portland paper yesterday? The iKstal deficit last year amount' d to nearly 17,000,000. The postofflce department lacked that much of pay ing running expenses. It has been been found after careful investigation and calculation that if the mail matter which was carried at second-class rates had paid the lawful rates re quired under a strict construction of the postal regulations there would have the postal regulations there would have been a comfortable surplus to the credit of the department Instead of a deficit. The enactment of the Loud bill for the correction of the abuses of "second-class" mail privi leges is the only rational and adequate remedy for the postal deficit. The business Interests of the country em phatically condemn the plan to get rid of the deficit by crippling the rail way mail service. The compensation for tarrying the mails has declined over 50 per cent since 1S73. It cannot be reduced below the present rate with out seriously Impairing a service that Is now conceded to be the fastest and finest In the world. The object of the bill Is to confine the second-class mail privileges to the legitimate newspapers and petlodicals which they were ori ginally intended to cover and to throw out the tons of serial novels, almanacs, books and advertising circulars which purport to be "family Journals," which hav be"ii unlawfully receiving the benefit of pound rates and which are the direct cause of the annual deficits in postal revenues, ranging from 110, (00,000 to $12,000,000. CITT OWNTRSHIP CONTAGIOUS. Municipal ownership is in the air and is proving itself the most deep-seated and catching contagion that has made its appearance in the political world. The old politico medicos are powerless to mollify its attacks upon the people even quarantine it to one particular locality. The Register Is not at all alarmed, cn the contrary rejoices over this nation-wide contagion, which we confidently believe will prove effective germicide in the extinction of the' 'microbes" which infest our present rotten and rapidly putrifylng social and economic system. Scarce ly a day passes that we do not read of accounts of the triumphs of the people in different cities in securing municipal ownership of street railways, electric lighting plants, water-works, telephones, etc., until now the agita tion is including our railroad, express and telegraph system. East Dubuque (111.) Register. Modern and enlightened evolution in municipal government, which means the government nearest our homes and firesides, has established in the public minds one great principle relating to that sphere of government, If Us ad ministration is to reach the highest measure of efficiency and service to the people; and that principle is that the governing body of a city, charged with the high duty of providing necessary public service utilities should not "farm out", such utilities to private corpo- -: i ,1 rations. T-hla principle has bo self In . thoughtful minds that it ts here to stay. Government In every hr.imh approaches . nearest ' the idenl when It I self-administrative; and thoiv Is no better point for the ap1 plli-atlon of this than in that govern' mont that has to do with our home and llrtiside. Water, light, protection to life and property, and perhap but with more grounds for difference of opinion urban transportation, are all i-rtme necessities In a populous community and shiuld be provided for the tax payor at the minimum cost. HALF DEVIL AND ILVLF CHILD. Post Intelligencer. No treatment of the extraordinary speches of Mr. Uryan can be so ade quate as to set his words before our people In cold type. They are their own best antidote. If a man should say that Seattle is built a mile below pea level and that the waters of the Pacific are about to break In and engulf it, argu ment would be bootless. Not less ex travagant are the statements of Mr. Bryan, who seems to throw away an other restraint of reason and sanity with every mile that he covers in his wild Might. At Spokane he said: The war against Agulnaldo is one of subjugation, which will result In turn ing American bayonets against Ameri can breasts In furtherance of the lm perialistic policy of the national ad' ministration. This Is mere sound and fury. Does any sane hearer of Mr. Bryan believe it any more than he would the ravings of a mailman 7 Does Mr. Uryan believe one word of It himself? Throughout the world you will find kings and aristocrats praying for the success of the republican party. There is an echo of the faubourg and the sansculotte about this; and Indeed the rhetoric of Mr. Bryan would be more appropriate for a beer-hall social ist meeting in some European capital than for an assembly of thinking American freeman. It is he who has caught the taint of absolutism; of the recklessness, violence and appeal to baseness that it engenders. When the rich want the constitution amended, they have only to secure a decision of the supreme court. There speaks the gospel of the Chi cago platform. What think the people of that shameless charge? If you want a despotism under the flag In the Orient, you can only expect that the soldiers, sent across the Pa clflc will return, and you people on the Pacific coast will first feel their bay onets. I have come all the way from my Nebraska home to try to Impress upon the people of Washington the dangers of an imperialistic party. I warn you that when you send soldiers across the seas and accustom them to bloodshed, they will return In time, and turn their guns against you in order to enforce the doctrines of an imperial govern ment which are now advocated by the republican party. The work of giving freedom, educa tion and complete local self-government to the Philippines, to which we are pledged and to which our bravest and best are consecrated, is "planting a deHpotlsm." In the companion pic ture Mr. Bryan surpasses himself. The image of the First Washington regi ment, for Instance, bayoneting their friends and families under orders from Mr. MfKlnley provoke not so much amazement or anger as Inextinguish able laughter. This fellow Is only a barnstormer after alL The policy of the republican party is as tyrannical, despotlcal and damnable People tainted with scrof- j ula very often develop con-!; sumption. Anemia, running ! f 1L I,. ,...4!,,- T Hi ii ic coi, 3iaiy tiupuuiu, imperfect digestion, ant enlargement and breaking' down of the glands of the j neck, are some of the more ' prominent of scrofula svrr.p J toms-are forerunners or con- sumption. These conditions J can be arrested, consumption j prevented and health rc-, stored by the early use of s Scott's Emulsion I; Your doctor will tell you so. ', i At ill drarrtal ; ftx. lad SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist, New York. Scrofula and Consumption lfotiscTDrk is haid voAyjtiioat Qold Dii Cleaning Silver laMad at maria. md rutthln. hi4 Um llr wwraitlr, ln hol wrvkt na b Htcrily Aai I ttv nliutn. After .ark steal tbe ellvar ehAulrf kinui un MftKltllt far la. Bar pom) tad coverall iakt vara w.ier, vkkk t kwpooatuU el Gold Dust Wishing Powder Is added; ttt tea hi m the raae aaill tW vaiar feu w koillae polal, ih.a lift ant aack place with wire pooa tad lay oa aofi llaeacioik, wlalni aaiait viik cktneia alia. Tke piece eaclee 4 iU k kijhljf politk. aad leak like at. ! U Mtae tNa mr trm antM fen aa newt to m a. a. v am sam oomrun, Htm Vert Dn Shilohs Couqh and onsiininlion cure ThU ts beynnd quratlon the saewt svcceaatul Couxb Medi cine errr known to aeience: a lew duara invariably cur the worvt cawa of Courh, Croop ml Hicnchitia, while it won derful uiTe in the cure cf Conmimption it without a pat allelin thehistonrof mrjii in. Mac it nit dikcuvery it has been al on a euarantee. a ttst which no other medicine can Hand. If y.u have a Cough, we ea.rnetly ask you to try il. la I'mtrd Slatraand Canada c., 60c and ! , and in Knj;land Is. W., a. U. and a.Cd. 50IX PROPRIETORS S.C.WELLS J LEROY. N.Y. HAMILTON, C Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. as that of any despot of ancient or modern times. Tbe republican says: "God help the rich: the poor can work." No man and no party has anything to fear (mm opopsltlon such as this. Those democrats who retain reason and respect for the decencies of thought and speech must writhe under the lashing of self-respect as they sit up on the platform with this man and call him leader. His sympathy with the Malay seems to have imparted to him some likeness to a people whom Kip ling called "half devil and half child." It takes but a minute to overcome tickling In the throat and to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures ail forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and its after effects. Chaa. Rogers. OOVERXMENT PROPOSALS. Proposals for fresh beef and mutton: Omce Chief Commissary, Vancouver Barracks, Washington. April 3. 1S00. Staled proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and fresh mut ton for six months beginning July 1, lirtiO. will be received here and at offices of commissaries at Fort 8tevens, Ore gon; Boise Barracks, Wallace and Camp Osborn, Idaho; Forts Casey, Flagler, Walla Walla, Wright and Vancouver barracks. Wash., and Ekag way. Fort Wrangle and Valdex, Alas ka, until 11 a. m., May 8, 1900, and then opened. Information furnished on ap plication. Envelopes containing pro posals should be endorsed "Proposals for Fresh Beef and Fresh Mutton," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Major James N. Alli son, Chf. Corny. FIFTEENTH STREET MENT. IMPROVE- Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of said city has detrmlned and Intends to Improve all that portion of Fifteenth street in the city of As toria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon. as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shive- iey, irom the south line of Exchange street to the north line of Irving ave nue, excepting the Intersection of said portion of said street with the cross streets, by planking the same to the width of twenty feet through the cen ter thereof with sound red or yellow fir plank, 3 Inches in thickness by 12 inches wide, the planking to be placed upon the stringers now on said portion of said street after removing the pre sent old planking. I he costs and expenses of said im provement shall be defrayed by special assensment upon the lots, iands and premises fronting upon, adjacent to and otherwise benefitted by said Im provement which said lands are hereby Included In a special assessment dis trict to be asr-ssed according to benefits pro rata to defray the costs and ex penses of said Improvement and which said district Includes the lots. lands and premises benefited by said im provement and is as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the southwest corner of lot ten (10) In block twenty (20) and running thence north through the mid dle of blocks i0, 17 and 115 to the north west corner of lot three (3) In block 115, thence vast on the north line of blocks 115 and 114 to the northeast cor- er of lot four (i) In block 114. thence south through the middle of blocks 114, 16 and 21 to the southeast corner of lot nine (9) In block 21, thence west on the south line of blocks 21 and 20 to the place of beginning and containing lots l, z, 3, 10, n, and 12, in blocks 116, 17 and 20 respectively, and lots 4, S, , 7, 8 and 9 in blocks 1X4. 16 and 21 re spectively, all In that part of the city or Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley. This notice Is published In the Dally Astorlan for eight days In pursuance to a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of Astoria, the first publication of this notice being on Wednesday, the 4th day of April, A, 1900, - .- , . . - w H. E. NELSON Auditor and Police Judge of. the City H . ii wr; Hi i mm mvi mm mM 9 k mJ rS My son hits been troubled for years with thronle diarrhoea. Sometime hko I persuaded him to take some of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and IMarrhoea remedy, After using two bottles of the !i-cent site he was cured. I give this testimonial hoping somo one similarly aflllcted may read it ant b benefited. THOMAS C POWER, Glencoe, O. For sale by Charles Rogers. Those that cannot themMvee ob serve, can at least acquire the obser vation of others. Mr. R. Churchill, Berlin. Vt.. says: "Our baby was covered with running sores. beWltt's Witch Haxrl 8alv curvl her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Lewar of worthless counterfeits. Charles Rogers. Circumstances are beyond the con trol of man; but his conduct Is In hi own power. J. Is. Clark, Peoria. III., says: "Sur geons wanted to operffke on me for piles but I cured them with Dewltt's Witch Haxel Salve." It Is Infallible for pile and skin diseases. Beware of counter felts. Charles Rogers. Destiny Is our will, and our will It our nature. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says: "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol dyspepsia cure complete ly cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never falls to give immediate relief In the worst cases. Charles Rogers. Good wishes do not always bring good fortunes. DeVltf Little Early Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, Invigorate the system. Famous little pills for Con stipation and liver troubles. Charles Rogers. Freedom will lead to prosperity, and despotism to destruction. Male firmness Is very often obstinacy. Women have always something bet ter, worth all qualities. They have tact. "One Minute Cough Cure Is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It Is unequaled for whooping cough. Children all like it," writes H. N. Williams. Gentryvllle. Ind. Never falls. It Is the only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Cure coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneu monic, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevent consumption. Charles Roger. To study man from the past Is to suppose that man Is ever the same animal. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalla. Mo., saved hi child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors nad given her up to die with croup. Its an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron- criitis ana tnroat and lung trouble. Relieves at once. Charles Rogers. When men are pure, laws are use less: When men are corrupt, laws are broken. "I was nearly dead with dysoeDsla. tried doctors, visited mineral springs. and grew worse. I used Kodol dys pepsia Cure. That cured me." It di gests what you eat Cure indigestion. sour stomach, heartburn and all form of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. The most successful legislators are those who have consulted the genius of the people. As a cure for rheumatism Cham berlain's Pain Balm la gaining a wide reputation. It. Ii. Johnston, of Rich mond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 1862. In speaking of It he says: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It acta like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Charles Rogers, SAUCE The Original WORCESTERSHIRE That's It Beware of Imitations Jcatt Duocaa't Scot, Agents, New York No More Back Ache r .inKL j CONSTIPATION. INn.AMATIONe'fut BLADDER, aid ALL KID Hit DSFaSCS , s Purine the blood by eliminating all poisonous matter, stimulating the M- ctvtlons, regulating the bowel and aid ing nature In throwing oft that which makes a yllow skin. The effeot on the COMPLEXION la quite pronounced, a a few day' us will demonstrate. A St'IlK CURE FOR CROUP. Twenty-fv Years' Constant Us Without a Failure. The first indication of croup la hKurseneaa. and In a child subject to that disease It may be taken as a sure sUn of the approach of an attack, rot lowing this hoarseness If a peculiar rough cougo.. u Chamberlain Cough Itemed Is given as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appenrs, it will prevent the attack. It I used In many thousands of home In this broad land and never dlMD' points the anxious mothers. W have have yet to learn of a single Instance In which It has not proved effectual No othir preparation can show auch a record twenty-five year' constant use without a failure. For sale by Charles Rogers. THE IQI YKC. Stranger visiting in the city will find the Iouvre au attractive resort wheroin to siend tbe evening. Tbe Am me Mister Ladius' Urcbestra la still on the blili and presents nightly a musical program ol exceptional merit. Handsome pool and billiard rooms an a feature lu euunection with the house. Palatable lum lirj will be served at all oour L. LEBECK Carpenter and Dullder General Contractor HOUSE RAI5INU AND MOVINO A SPECIALTY H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephoo tt. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped V) Our Car Will Recetv Special Attention. No. KM Duane Bt, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr Rm. TeL UL W. C. A. Pohl, CHIN CO.OUI. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Caskets and Funersl Snpplie constant ly on hand. Corner lltli and Duane Sta, Astoria, Or J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder THE Palace Cafe H. W WBirrLK, PrtfV. Flint lestaerant Irlg tf Sai Friwiw OPEN DAY AND MGHT Attentive Service, Firnt-CliiM Cuisine, Private llooma (or Ladies. 533 Comseroial Street, Astoria, THE PROOF of the pudding U In tin eatias and the proof of Hquor IS IN SAMPLING That' an argument that' ceo elusive a demonatnatloa. Our will stand tb teat HUGHES & CO. WHITE COLLAR LINL Columbia River and Puget Bound Nay igatlon Company, Bailey Gatzert leaves Aatorla daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar Lin ticket and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Calley Gatsert and Hassalo, - A. J. TATLOR, Aatorla, Agt V. 5. SCOTT, - Tlphon UL xresiaeni. TiMH CHitmii.a5 from forlUiiil. DHTART AsatTl Halt Lake, IHur. Ft. ! ... iir .... tr.,J "lit rut Mall I p. ol. nty, Hi. Uula, . ' ' HiMikitii I J p. D). Witlla Walls, HtMikaae. Montana MliiliMMill, HUI'hiiI, yi. Iniltith, Mllwaukne, . n,, ( hli'imo suit Kaul, Krom Ailnrla kKDAN ITRAM5MIP3 All Haillnt HaW aiit. Jih'I to rlmii(K. For Man h'rMiici-HNl Mur, 4,11,11. H.Jl.'W Colt'mMa Rtvaf a in "- . in a Tj i Porilaad lal Mu tlay Wsy Lsadinia Hlaainer 4 in U Kmm ISirtland " WILLAMRrrg RiVKIt J T." .. '4Mb. m i IUImu A Waf-Uiiil a. Wlllaat Vsia . , - Ta. in. bill Rlvara. J VI. Tuea.Tliur (Orf .n City. Iytoo, A tllt yrl. ml Sai, naf iJtuunifa, KlturU dly I t. m. 5.... River. Hliuwltk) Uarliton. . dally am Tuft, Thai s-iuMa; wn.MMgT.K Itivril 4:p,m. ruriianu in iunraiu man, wag tuit way lUKllnta. frtiiajr O. W. LOUN8DERRT, Agent, Aatorla. W. It. IIURLOURT. Oen. Pass, AgU Portland, Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, (hey naturally want the best ervlc obtainable a far a speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employe of tb WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid in soi-ve the publlo and our train are oporuted 10 a to make close con nectiuns with diverging line at all Junction points. Pullman Palace 81eeplng and Chair Cars on through train. Dining car service unexcelled. Meal served a la Cart. In order to obtain the tint-etas er vice, ask the ticket agent to sell yon a ticket over. .... TheWIsconslQ Central Lines. and you will make direct connection at Bt. t'aui rnr Chicago, Milwaukee and all point ICaat. For aoy further Information call on any ticket as-imt, or correspond with JAS. C. ONO, Gen. Pas. Agt. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wl. General Agent, Hi Htark Bt, Portland, Or. IiuxuHious Travel THIS ''Northweatorn I.linll." train. electrln lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the flnrt train In the world. They embody the latest, newest and best ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling DUblto. and altnirnthrp am tha mn.t complete and splendid producton of the enr Duuaers art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern Tbe Xorthcra I'bcIHc and Tbe Caoadlon I'm I He AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and tbe CAST. No extra rharv fnt tHa afitiAHkw accommodations nd all claasei of tick trm rn avniiaoie ror pasa on the fiimnurj ''NnrihwAi(ffi T la.!. aii w - - ... i aVlllllaiJ4, afl trains on this line are protected by the iiiiKruKHina; nines: system. w. ii. Mi; AD, F.C. BAVAOH, General Agent. Ticket Agt Portland, Ore. A familiar nama trr ih. rhi..n Milwaukee lc St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as th Great Rail- way running tne "nonecr Limited' train every day and night vetween St. Paul and Chlcsarn. an1 rimnha Chicago. "The only perfect train In me worm.- understand: Connec tions are marta with all al lines, assuring to pasengera the best BBrvice snown. luxurious coaches, electric llirht. steam h eiiualed by no other line. see tnat your ticket read via "The Milwaukee" whnn orilnir n .nu . ... ni(i v j win j avillk in the United State or Canada. All nonet agent sell mem. For rates, pamphloU or other infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt., Gen. Agt., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Or, PetrAT . TICKETS to all EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleen. ers dining and library observation car. KUSUANT VKHTIBULB TRAINS. No. 4. "Flyer." leave Portland at 8:45 p. m. No. 8, "Flyer," arrive Portland at 8:00 a. m. For rate, etc., call or address O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N.. Astoria iV or A. B. C. DENNISTON, M. r, t. a., rortiand, Or. Dr. T.N. Ball DENTIST, i 178 CommeroUl 8tTMt. Ortr BohluMel' CTothlng tton," WW SOUTH ratr D.pot Fifth and Lrav I Htroft. Arrive Overland lOspreaa j Trains Mr balem, KosKtMiag, An. Iitnd, BaoianiPiito, 7:30 p.m I'guen. Han irrn- 1 11 i.n Cisco, Molav. Lo Aiigi'le. Wl raao, Netv ttrleana and 17:00 a.n I 30 a.m ilia p.mMi At Woodburn (daily except Hun. day), morning train oonnecUwItn train for Mt. An- 1-1, BlUerion. rownsvlll. Hprlngflold, and Natron, and even ing train for UL Angel and Bllvtr- ll.M 117:30 a.mjl Corvatll passen- 4;M p.m The rl tan psn- I r ll:ICp.w ll:HaJH Dally. Dally Moept Sunday, Itebat ticket on sal between Pert, land, Hacramrnto and Han Fraaciaaex Net rate 17 first class and 111 oo4 class, Including aleeper. Kate and ticket to Eastern petnU and Kurope. Also Japan. China, Ituet. lulu and Australia, Can be obtained from J. II. Klrkiatid, Ticket Agent, lie Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION, I'aurnger depot foot of Jefteroa tt Leave for Oswego dally at 7:80. : a. m. U.JO, l;M. 8: IS,. 1:11. Ii, 1:04, 11:30 p. in.: and 1:00 u m. on ymt only. Arrive at Portland dally at t tl 1:30, MO M a. m.j 1:U, 1:11, 4 M, S:o, 7:40, 10.00 p. m.; II 40 a. m. daily ax. rept Monday; 0:30 and If a. u. oa Humlay only. , Leave fur Dalu dally, ecept Bv. day. at 4:30 p. m. Arriv arfo'o4 at 1 10 a. m. Alrlle aCondays, Wednesday and tn day at 8:44 p. m. He turns Tutelar. Ihursday and Haturday. xcept Sunday. R. KOEIII.ER, Manager. C. Ii. MAnKHAJL 0n. Frt, and Pas. Agt, Oregon Short Line Railroad. THB DntBCT ROCTB TO Montana, Utah, Colorado an. all Cistern Points. Olve ehoae of twa ravorite reui , o uoioa raeme r Uail Use, v the Rio OraaAa oenas lm. LOOK AT TUB TIMI 1J Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago Days to .New York. ' Free reotlnUig ehalr. ODholtara4 imm. let MaepaaaT ear, a4 Pullmaa aeJaa laaptea, cort4 oa a4 tratn. For further laformatloa, apply to Or Astoria, nntn C O. TXRRT, W. B. COMAM, Trar. Pas Agt Oee, Agew. U4 Third BC. PomaM. Or. O. W. LOITNWIBRRT. Aaot, O. It A N ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Laeva POMTLAXU. Arra" l oo a. m. Portland Union rpot',ill:il (.a.' for Astoria nd InterJ 1:4 p. as. Imadlete point. t 7:00 p. m. ASTORLC I 7.43 am. For Portland A In-Ill :8a.M, Itermedlate point lS:MB.m. 1 10 p.m. BKABIDB DIVIBION, p. m. a.m.p,i I:MI1:Ct 5:l',ll:MAr l:00Ar ...Astoria. AT t:H 4 Warranlon.. At I .alde.... Lvl S:u t.K 8PE5CIAL BKABIDB SUNDAY TRAD LMve Astoria at l a. m. airlrea t SeaeiiJ :tt a. m. PAentrer oav return m ' how on sohedule oa same data ALii trains to and front AVaukU rua ot Flavel and Hammond via Warratx toa. All train make eloaa mnwiina. Ooble wMi all Northern raeffle train to ana rrem th eaet or Bouad poinjt. At Portland with all train. u.. Unlon depoL At Astoria with I. R. A m fn. t.. and rail line to and from Ilwaoo and North Seaoh point. ttirouo' Ticket An .i joria for '. ,amnto, Ban Freoclsoo, aO Kaattrn and Kuropetn point. J.H7 woaei omo Atorl. U4 Comae. Hal street. j. d MATO. Oen'l m nd Paaa. Ageni Through Tickets EAST AND SOUTHEAST PULLMAN PALACB SLEKPKRB, ill? II luunisu BLEEPEIta and FREB RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, i CWcaw, Kansas City and other Baatera ltie. ' ! Bf5,ith!,ta tnrootn to OMttnatilpa.' : Union Depot, feat ttae. lowwl rate Pintsoh light In ell carV 1 ,( 2 'liA04 0XttT wormatloa eaU ea , , j O-IV.LOUNBBBRRT, Agent - "V- ii rVBJUV' fr AireaVTTt w rUf Third Bt. or. AWPercad. ;fc.or