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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1900)
4 rah aswuian tm;sa, maucu itf you. EOosiery Ladles' Mark Llalt thresil Host, lac striped and lac? ankles; por pair ?5c and tOc Belt Buckles I fr n nn ff p5 Gilt, 0x1.1114, Gun Metal, rnamelcd ( TJ 7 7 (-7 f 12V) and 30c Misses' and Boys' Cotton Rll.bod Hose, high H)lice hee4 and double kneo; wr pair ' Soc and $1.25. Beits Ladles' Black Satin Pulley Belts, the latest; each 15c and 25c. Headquarters For Dry Goods on the Lower Columbia. ASSESSKD A HEAVY FINS. Police Judge Nelson Makes the Sun day Morning Hoodlums Pay for Their Fun. For some unaccountable reason the early hours of Sunday morning lost were selected by a number of tramrs, who had crept Into the town on Sat urday night, as the time for an orgie and, as a result, the police had an unus ually large number of cases for Police Judge Nelson to consider yesterday. Ralph Brand. J, W. Allen. George Burke. John Cass and Frank Hayden, all able bodied men except Allen, who hs lost an ami, were arraigned for a5rancy. With the exception of Allen all the prisoners admitted they were drunk on Sunday morning and also ad mitted they had no means of support, but claim d to be willing to work and to be trying to secure work. Allen, on account of the loss of his arm, said he was incapaclated from doing man ual labor but was looking for a light Job. They all plead guilty to the charge against them. Judge Nelson said that no man need be ashamed to plead guilty to being out of work providing he was willing to work when the opportunity was offered him. Usually, the Judge said, the sawmills and logging camps had placed orders with him for men and It hart been his custom to give parties charged with vagrancy the option of going to work or going to Jail. Just now there was no demand for labo and hence he was forced to either send the defendants to Jail or get them out of town. He then asked the prisoners If they would leave town at once, providing he suspended sentence, and they all assured him they would be xlad to ko. The Judge then fined them 120 each and suspended sentence for tenty-four hours. Peter Nelson, a peaceable looking Swede and a working man, was the next victim. He is a boy in years and unable to talk Kngllsh fluently. He was charged with assaulting and beat ing an unknown man on Sunday morn ing and also with resisting the officer who arrested him, giving the latter quite a tussle. Nelson's brother acted as his Interpreter and the prisoner readily pleaded guilty to both charges. Judge Nelson said that it was evi dent from the man's manner and ap pearance that he was accustomed to being in police courts and that under ordinary circumstances, had the pris oner been charged with assault and battery merely, he would have let him j go with a reprimand. COMPLETE VINDICATION. WASHINGTON. March 2. The report of the court of inquiry at Manila to tlx the responsibility for the loss of the cruiser Charleston was made pub lic today and Is a complete Indica tion of the officers and men on the Charleston. Time was wacn Cancer was considered at incurablt as Irprosy. Physicians and friends could give little relief or encouragement to one afflicted, with this terriWe disease. Even now doctors know of no remedy for this IrarfurumlaUy J while admitliiiK it to bt a blood disease, they still insist that there is no hot outside of a surreal oitcrstlon. ami tdvine you to have the Cancer cut out, but at the same time cannot assure you that it will not return. Yon may cut or diaw out the sore, but another will come in iu place, for the disease is in the blood is dccp-iatrd and destructive, and beyond the resell of the nrKon's knife or caustic, flesh-destroying plasters. The blood must be purified ami strengthened, Hie system relieved of all jxiisonous, effrU matter More the Cancer sore will heal. S. S. S. is the onlv medicine that can overcome this powerful and rutitaiuinatiiiK pontou and force it out of the blood, It builds up and invigorates the old, and supplies new, rich, life-giving blood. S. S. S. is purely vegrtahle remedy ; no mineral can be found in it; the roots and herbs from which it is made contain powerful purify tug profiles that act directly iHn the blood svstent and make a safe and permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured IIuhimiihK why not you Cancer is not always inherited ; vour family may be Irce from anv latin, vet vour uuhhi mnv uecome so pmiuirti miu a severe ' - ... i .....i.i. ,. .1: .... ....... nun KiuuiHiril loriu oi me ui!wac mnr develop from a sore or ulcer on your tongue or other put of your body; a slight liruixe or hurt, a little pimple on the evelid, lip or nose, a small lump on the jaw or breast, a harmless looking wart or tuoje, and other causes so insignificant as to attract little or no attention. If you have an olwtinate sore, don't rely upon salves or ointments to cure it begiu with 8. 8. 8. at once ; it will cleanse your blood mid prevent the formation of cancerous cell, Mr. K. Sliirrr, I.a riala. Mv, writ ; " A mll iimilccsme on mr Jaw about one tiu'h lwkw the car on the Irfl ulc of mr lav. At firat it gave mr uo iruunle, and I did not think il waa anything: rrtoua until the jaw Iximn tonwttt and became lunch Untamed. At the same time I lie ante Iwiran I" arad and eat into the flrti. and irave me intense pain I uiol everything I could lirar of. tail not him any rood. I then began thr mr of S S. S . and after taking aeveral Mile the Cancer hralrd. and lhei U now no sign of the disease. Thii waa two year ago, and I atu Mill enjoying crfrvt health " Send for our special book ou Cancer ; it contains much information that will interest Ton ; it is free. Write our physicians about your case, aud for anv advice or information wanted ; they have made a life study ot cancer and all blood diseases. v e make no cnarge wnat- ever for this. Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. GA. Impure Blood Invites Disease. WK. beg to nunmint-e that aftr a careful survey of the many business) towns or Oregon McAIXKN A MoDONNKLL. have decided to remain In Astoria for the present, as th future prospects and present business outlook compare favorably with any teen. Cnnseiiiitinlly we have replenished our Astoria hoimo with the latest unit best lino of .Dry Goods wr assorted. You can confidently buy of ui as ws protect you in styles and prices. Thanking you In advance for your future pal rutin. a In the past, w remain, respect fully yours, WtiCA.! Ifw V'aaagaj 4 j i filcAIIen 0 McDonnell A Delicious and Pnlutoble Drink Absolutely Pure Tti North i'ittitUt ll-ew..r, .if whir b f itottltxl ueer for family use of keg Hr.Johu Ki p i is pMr-ietof, nmkea Im r sui'plieil at auy time, delivery in 'or ilonies' io uinl rxporl find I die tut turn. f4orth Pacific Brewery THAT ANTI-TRUST PLANK. Democratic Leaders Displeased With th Criticisms of the Lincoln Platform. NEW YORK. March 26. A special to the Times from Washington says: Democratic leaders are displeased with the criticisms of the nntl-trust plank in the democratic platform adopted recently at Lincoln, Neb. They say that the complaints that It Is In dlflnite, are absurd. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, chair man of the national committee. In speaking of the nssertion that the plank proposed no remedy for the so called trust evil, said: ' "That complaint la nonsense. The people who make It seem to think that It Is the duty of conventions to frame bills. The platform Is not supposed to contain statutes or to draft legislation, and if It ever does so It goes beyond Its function. A platform approves or condemns policies. The anti-trust plank In this platform puts the party which adopted it on record as opposed to trusts and In favor of action against them. That is sufficient. The legis lation to carry out Us demands Is a matter not for the platform makers, but for congress." Mr. Jones was asked whether he thought the Nebraska plank condemn ing municipal ownership could prop erly be Inserted in a national platform in view of the fart that it Is a matter affectlpg only local communities. "A national platform," said the sena tor, "can express approval of or sym pathy with anything. As to that plank I thins democrats generally look with approval on the attempts nude to brin;r the United States to the Euro pean standard In this respect. While I was in Europe last summer I found that our backwardness in adopting municipal ownership was a mattwr for amusement and wonder. They consid er us behind the times." Hsu has not been deposed, but that he has simply provided himself with an ofilcial heir In case the Illness from I which he Is suffering should prove fa tal. The empress dowager has left a loop-hole for escape. Should she find public sentiment opixwed to the deposi tion of Kunng Hsu she can continue to govern in his name. The seltctlon of the boy as "heir to the late Emperor Tung t'hlh." who died twenty-five years a go. hus amused a great deal of hostility throughout Chi an. RK KNl'K lU'TTTIt MAKINK. frvsHH-tive Extension of the Service to Philippine Archipelago. NtCW YORK, March 26.-.V special to the Herald from Washington says: Townsend and Downey, shipbuilders of New York, who endeavored to ob tain a contract for building one or two protected cruisers for the naval ser vice, will probably receive the contract for building a revenue cutter for the lakes. The cutter wll probably be christened the Mackinaw. Proposals will be Invited shortly for the construction of a revenue cutter for the Pacific clast. The department is anxious to obtain authority to build two revenue cutters for Puerto Rico. As soon as the civil government super sedes the military in the Philippines, steps will be taken to secure author ity for the construction of revenue cut ters for that archlpelugo. THE OLD WOMAN'S CRAFT. Chin-s-s Empress Dowager Training Another Boy for Ostensible . Ruler. tm.i. ...,,..- ruiu tinir th flftlcers 1 howe,:r? h ; hj;;;; "is so: , ,-a , thing we will not tolerate. Making aU the Herald from Washington says: . j-.i ii, i Reports received by the state depart- due allowances for your condition, lack " 10 "7 1 c?, , J . . i-.o-.'nrt nil ment from Mr. Conger, United States of knowledge of our language and all 1 ...... ... the rest, I will fine you tM, for resist lng the orticer and $10 for the assault, but will suspend the latter fine dur ing your good behavior." Nelson, who is out on 120 cah ball went away with his friends and it la understood he will let the bail money forfeit for the line. His only com ment upon the proceedings as he reach ed the street were made in English. He said: "Veil, I'm mixed." POLICEMAN AS A TARGET. Mrs. McMallen Attempts to Switch From Cold Steel to an Officer. j Mrs. Nora McMallen, who conducts ' a shooting gallery on Astor street, j between Sixth and Seventh, occupies ; a cell in the city Jail with a charge of using obscene and abusive language ' lodged against her. How she can be j detained on such a charge Is not read- j lly understood as the woman commit- ted a much greater offense. j She had been engaged in a wordy j row with a Chlnuman and the atten- envoy at Peking, show that subsequent to the iHsuance of the decree declaring Ru Chun heir to the late emperor ; Tung Chili, a decree was published dl ! rectfng the princes and presidents of ! the various boards and ministers to wear full court dress, j Fearful of the effect of the t formal coronation of the little boy who I has been selected to occupy the throne, the empress dowager and those who ! support her policies have been anxious ' to make China understand that Huang A NOTED JUDGE SAVED BY PERUNA, Had Catarrh Nine Years All Doctors Failed. 1 w I It Fit; Consignments of New Lumber for building purposes, re batvg ttitintantly received Imm lh bt producing foreuls of th tuunlry. our supply of yellow fir, fpraoe, and red oak hardwood, shingles, lath, and minimis are never al lowed to run low, and we can aj. ways fill larg or small ordtra promptly with the beat seasoned lumber at prices that defy com petition. W. B. EDWARDS, OI'KtCK. HICVI5NTM KT. tHtCK Men were made to IUten as well as talk. It Is a gre.t thing to make a fortune. There is mil thing greater, and that is to keep it w hen made. 6- .'- icrr "The World I Owes Every Man a Living" HOX. GEOTtOE KER8TEN, OP CHTCaOo. It Is bei'.er to be Impudent than servile. Th- magic of the fimt love is the Ig norance that It can never end. Sealed proposals will be received at the o!flce of the light-house engineer, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock m., April 3, 19O0. and then opened for fur nishing and delivering provisions for light-house tender Columbine during fiscal year to end June 30, 1901, In ac cordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other Information may be had upon appli cation to W. C. Lang flu, captain, corps of engineers, U. S. A., engineer Thir teenth Light-house District. Scowjgay I Iron and Brass Works, ISth St. and Franklin At. Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props SEMI-STEEL, .ItXGa.NESE and rnOSrtlOK BKO.NZE a Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS 'Phone 2431, Astoria, Or. Iqq & rams' lion. Geo Eertten, a well-known Jus tice of the Peace of Chicago, say: MI was aQllcteU with catarrh for nine years. My catarrh waa located chiefly In my head. I tried mur.y remedies without avail. I applied to several doc tors, bat the- were not able to cure me. I learned of the remedy, IVru na, through the dally newspapers. After taking the remedy for 18 weeks I was entirely cured. I consider my cure per manent, as it has been two and a half years since I was cured." The Governor of Oregon Is an ardent admirer of Pe-ru-na. He keeps it con tinually In the house. In a recent letter to Dr. Bartman he says t "I have bad occasion to use yonr Pe-ru-na medicine in my family for colds, and It proved to be an excellont remedy. I have not had occasion to use it for other ailments. X j Tours yery truly, W. M. Lord." f Pe-ru-na Is known from the Atlantic J ' to the Paclfl . Letters of congratula tion and com mendation, testi fying to the mer its of Po-ru-na as a catarrh remedy are pourin g in from every Stato In the Union. Dr. Ifnrtman is receiving hun dreds of such let ters dally. All classes write these letters, from the highest to the lowest. Any man who 3 -7 ' a! Mr. Joseph West brook, of ht. Edward, Neb.,aaj: ' I uwtl'e-ra-na In my family for all llttln a Inientu and It has never failed me yet." Sauce The Original Worcestershir- BEWARE OF IMITATIONS " Is adapted for every variety of dish from Turtle to Beef, from Sain, tion of Officer Philips was attracted j to Steaks, to all of which it gives a famous relish." by the altercation. When the omcer iauu biiuoihmi eas a a. made inquiries of Mrs. McMallen aa to j JOHN DUNCAN 5 SONS, Agents, N. T. the difficulty, the woman directed her ; mm mmm m m m mmmm vocal batteries at Phillips, using the most abusive language. The omcer ; ... a s s w w.mnm.taAi unt onflenvored to rjaetfy ' M IKmuiiav.u.tu . - the woman but instead of desisting she w grasped a revolver oft the shelf and, j setting tne trigger, orueieu iuui ; ac- 1 but Z ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRI80N STS. Eur ip -an p an, .Vx: ti$;,'i0 pit dsV. American a-i, 11.00 to 2.Uu per day. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manaer- J. C. PKNUKOAST, Chief Cler from the building. The officer eeeded in taking this from her .. t m ,-,,1 ( .. . . .1 ..I vd 11 n ahoteun and brandished I it threateningly. Officer j'WWM,WamwmmHWWWHWW Phillips was too quick for her, however, and In an Instant he had the woman j under control apd dragged her to the police station. REAL- ESTATE TRANSFERS. WEDDING CARDS WEDDIN3 CARDS U ft SMITH I M I, A Willi I II M WW., ! VISITING CHADS Andrew Olsen to Harry Olsen lots oMciidccc rnQftZ S and 12 Inclusive and NW quarter of . BUinESS V"("J quarter of section 7, T 6 N, R 7 W; , pjg United States to Jonn uran, jr. acres In section 17, T 6 N, R W; patent. ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Building, 4th and Washington over Lilt's, PORTLAND, OBKOON. VISITING CARDS wishes perfect health most be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh is well-nigh universal j almost omnipresent. Pe-ru-na la the nly absolute safeguard known. A cold la the beginning of ca tarrh. To prevent colds, to cure colds, la to cheat catarrh ont of lta vlotlms. Pe-ru-na not only oarer catarrh, trot prevents It Bernard King, NaUonal Military Home, Leavenworth, Kan., also sayst I will write you a few lines for publi cation to make known what Pe-ru-na has done for me, 1 took a severe cold, which I negleeted. It developed into catarrh and lironchltis and In a short time Im-csiiip clirmili'. I tried every thing I suwndvertUed, which did me no good. I cs w the great ionic (Pe-ru-na) advertised. I Unlii one bottle. I found myself so nui. li better after tak ing It I wrote you for advice, which you kindly continued to give me free of charge for Are months, Now I am happy to inform you and the publlo that I am perfectly cured of catarrh and bronchitis. I make this statement In hope that some of my comrades will tee It and tie benefited thereby." Uning Po-ru-na to promptly cure colds, protects the family against other ailmonU. This Is exactly what every family in the United S t a t e a should do. Keep I'e-rn-na in the house. Use it for ooughs, colds, la grippe, and other cli matic affoctlons of winter, and there will be no other ailments in tba house. All families should provide themselves with a copy of Dr. Ilart man's free book, entitled "Winter Ca tarrh." This books consists of seven leoture'a on catarrh and la grippe de livered at the Surgical Hotel. It con tains the latest Information on the treat ment of catarrhal diseases. Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. Hut wind sort of living hi It yon get willi a iMior stove or range In your kitchen? Huy a Star Estate Range They insure from) living W. J. Scully, Agent 4.11 MONO HTMI'RT HIPi mm . ',. , . Tiia,,, " W j &t) gH-t S &V A 'ii 0 S INSTRUCflONS GIVIN. OBDfPS SOUCMIO j f Mls Bertha Hnrtlr's j t r,.i Mr. Fil. Larson, At 11a, I nd., I, aim county, : " wlmn I begsn tskina i'u-ru-na I waa aulrurlngfrnmcs Ir.i rh of the nous and tliroui. I used two bottles of l'-ru-nn und It cured in.. 1 have not been both ered with oat arrh since and that waa eighteen moo lbs ago." PacificNavigationCompany SteanirH-"R.I'. Elmore," "W. II. linn-hum" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Hay City, llormonville. Conned ing st Astoria witn the Oregon Railroad k NaviRtion Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. B. for Han Francisco, Portlund and all points eatt. For lreilt and passenger rates flp; ly Is 8amiel Elmore & Co. General Agents, A8T0RIA.0RE. COHN & COn AneDts, Oregon Kuilrnad & Navltion Co., TILLAMOOo Ore. A. & C. R. R. Co. PORTLAND. Ore, I "'"-'j'."'.'-'"" "'M""1""1" ' I y SKI "CUPIDENE Thla reat ViIUul. mwm RESTORED tlon of s (aoioua t rench physician, will quickly cur tou of all ncr- juua or iuxwiih iu Kueruuv. orntua, auob JatMaiiliriuil Inwimnla, I ninalo toe Kiu.'k,bnilnal l:iuiuion.Nrvoua liability I KM reat Vtijauiul. Viliilluir.UiPprwrlii- l nura ftl all nr. vuua or am;mm ot lb KueruUv. rntna, auob aa Lt Manlnwil. riuiinm, vuuwrm vi n:irrj, r.ziiaunin imiiiia, vnrk-n.fle nnn (Umn'A'mtU n. 1 1 atiln all I.imm. h t w ,ilvh, Pr ant n.A.I-. tiffflui dlwiiante, wiilctif notchwVrd Win i NprrmalorrhiKa am. i 3 BEFORE shd AFTER sll tli!iuirirn(Inipot.ncr. UPlDKIKKcleauiHisUMliv.r, U4 11 ai'ineyaano maiinnury oNranao! suuapuriuea. I IPIDFH F atrmftnoni and imtorraamall ok orvana, TLa rMjw.ii nrm wt ruri by inx-iorn la bpcuune ninety ppr cent sr. tronblod with FrwMatlltta. CDPIIiRNKIa thOfl.lrmin remrdr tociirwltboutiioHratlon. aia. A written ffUKrant. riven ajiil mnn,y mtumad if atz rxixni dfa not ailtirjt a uuruiiuuinLuuca aiA)sboi,sixiurti.Ui,byiuitU. bi.U (or rata circular and leailmonutls. AiUmilAVInUIl'UElOf.O BoimSurmido,ril JW-riMeA? Sold bf CHARLES ROGERS. Decorative Art Room. Kunni H40 lifkuni Hlillilinsr. .1l l fill lift l Ncfl ftitifiiiil. tlV ntcllala. tailials s Spttlaliy. Chnict) Scliclina nl S ampiig )lit!H. Stampisi Nearly Pis. Haalilniin Ma, I 1II1 1 . It. 9 I I T 0 A'-s ! x& O uin.onjv ivAAAAAviuviiar H2xmi PORTLAND PORTLAND. OR. TI10 Only Plrttt'ClnHH Hotel In Portlmid i. ji rufiAAAAAAA .j i ni nnirutivruviriivvnruuvvuiti iitrrurwinmnjv T 'TSJl'W- We Rent Ntw Typewriters Muny iii'W iinjirovi'iiH'iilM mliU'il. Hco our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter fJew A rt CntuloKiw Fres . , , L- M. ALEXANDER & CO- Kxcliiflvn 1'flcitlc Cinwt AkiiiI X iTff-V Tel. Main 674 2-lBHliirk St., Portland, Ore, 11 Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subscribed Capita, ' - - $5,000,000 Paid-up Capital, - - 1,000,000. Ahhc-Is, - - - 2,646,114 Assets in United States, . 300,000 . , Surplus to Policy Holder?, . -. 1,718,702 Has .been .Underwriting on tliell'iicific Const over twenty-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE d CO. " .' Resident Agents, Astoria, Or.