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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1900)
Tllh MOItNINU ASl'tMllAN.' 'lUUSDAVli MAKCIl 27, '900. 1 New Spring Goods II Rew Goods Arriving Dally it C. H. Cooper The Leading: House of Astoria . TODAY' WHATJIBIt oltTI.ANl), March I7.-Wntt.rn Or--fun anil WVnlnrn WasliliiKton, fair inlay. awounITtovvn. Oias. Davis of Chlimok li In l ho city. A. IrfHmurd I In Anturla from ArcaU. W. (1. IVrklnn of Msr-hM.1 U In the rlty. JofTa U "ihs only" restaurant. WWU M. Win f Ilwaro Mnt flumlsy In Astoria. J. T. Itorchrr of Knuilnn In curst a I tht Occldrnt. Tli Clillran bark Francisco will IcaVS out today. Too H. 1 1 row ii I reKllr kt the Occl Irnt from Hpokuno. airs. Xlracs Amu ha returned hrr home In Wisconsin. to "Mine host" K. M. Orlmt waa up from rVasttls yesterday. Unit lJ-eeni mrat, Rlsinf Sua rtstaa raat, (II Commsrcial strtsL I torn In thin city, March 24. to the wife of (Iwtrge lllrkrnnriaw, a ion. Alexander Duncan, th well-known rmhlent of Seaside, U tn the city. M. Illixh, tli well-known Jeweler of I'orlland, was In tht city yenterday, JefTi restaurant th largest txvit A trial will eonvlnca you. and Iiorn-ln thla city, March li, to th wife of IU-rl 8al of Rcaxlde, a (laugh. trr. C. II. Whiwler la In the city from Nhalein on business connected with his enw-mlll, Mra. MukbIo Ihiwncy of Portland la visiting with )ur sister. Mr. Apprr- mm, In thla city. John S'or.llun I had several fin kit badly lacerated at the Aatorla Itoi fin lory yenterday. lr. Alfred Kinney haa ben In Port land on irofealnnal tmnlniss and la eMctrd back today. For Kent. Thrss furnished rooma for housekeeping, on (round floor; 414 Rxchanga street, near Ninth, t'harle Nlcme, a natlvo of Finland, waa (ranted final cltlsenahlp papers by Judge Oray" yesterday. Clami, to doi.; Smolt, to pound; Teg tables, fruit, milk, brtad etc. Ntw Market, 480 Du&n Street, near Tenth. The ranch of the lute Frod llcarman at Reaalde waa aold by AdmlnlHtrator Parker yenterday for 11,(33, A email place at Clataop for eale or rent Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. TatX Parlor Candy Store. The schooner Louis waa towed to Knappton yesterday, where ihe will take on a cargo of lumber, Judge Gray will not be at his office until Thursduy afternoon being abaent with the excursion party .it Tho Dallea, Herring & Cook, Commercial street, between Tenth and eleventh, la the only first-class all-night lunch houie tn Astoria, ' Yesterduy was the banner day for tax collection at the sheriff's office, the receipts up to 5 o'clock amounting to over (8,000. Cream Pure Rye. America's finest whiskey. The only pur foods; guar anteed rich and mellow, John L. Carl son, sole agent Roslyn coal lasts longer, Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stores and ctilmney flues than any other. George W. B&nborn, Agent Telephone 1JU. Be good to yourself and good to your friends. When you treat a friend to whiskey, give him the best Harper whiskey Is the beverage for your friends and for you. Bold by Foard It Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. The schooner LUIa and Mattle (a still bottom up on the sands In the Tilla mook bay. No important work has yet been done to rescue her. If Our iininutmo rttxk in now nlii)ont coin Iulo iu all lciartiiii iiN. J it II Tho steamer le Norte arrived In from Hun Francisco yeaterdny morn log with a miscellaneous cargo for Aatorla and Portland. The Kev. Filward Curren, pastor of the First Congregational church of this city, haa tendered his resignation and will lake a chars, In Alaska. The Hrlimh ship Thornbank, from Hiuila Hoaalla, arrived In Hunday In ballast. Hhe will load wheat at Port land for the United Kingdom. Tho launch Iris Is now on the run between Astoria and Warrenton, pre pared to handle freight and passengers. She will connect with the Portland steamers. Ttoslyn coal la the best and most eco nomical coal for household use tn As torla. Try It ones and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone Hit The funeral of ihe lute Charlea Ward which was held from the residence of his daughter yenterday afternoon, waa largely attenJed. The remains were Interred In Clataop cemetery. Neither the chamber of commerce nor the Push Club held meetings lust night on account of the absence of moat of the active members on the ex- rurslon to The Dalles. The secret of good living ties In wholesome and welt-cooked food. When a restaurant has established a reputa tion along this line It Is the place to patronlie. The Model has this reputa tlon. Near Foard A FUh Commissioner Reed left last evening for Hoseburg to visit the sol diers' home. Hcfore returning he will visit the Vmpqua to examine, the ihores with a view to establishing a fish hatchery, Men Wanted To learn barber trade, Only eight weeks required; special In duc-nunts this season; Illustrated cam logue, map of city and souvenir malt ed free. Moler's Uarbrr College, Ban Francisco, California. Letters for the following persons re main uncalled for at the postoltlce: Mrs. II. M. Adams, MUs Millie Carry John Conway (2). David Forbes, Mrs. Fred Hill, T. U. Maher, Ale Paletta. ForelRn Olof Hyntrom, August Ran. The State of California crossed In from Sun Francisco yesterday morn Ing at 4:10. She carried a quantity of freight for local merchants and, after discharging the same, proceeded to Portland. Her passenger list was comparatively small. The attorneys for Cook A Knyard 4le1 with the county clerk yesterday an answer to the amended complaint submitted by the Columbia River Packers Association and, also, a peti tion for an Injunction against the as sociation to prohibit It from fur ther operating on the Jim Crow sands. The Abergeldle wllr carry to Hong Kong, among other Items of her cargo, the body of a deceased Chinese who died In Portland a few days ago. It waa hard enough for the heathen to "pos In his checks," but when the shipping clerk entered on the ship's manifest "Chinese corps, no value," he was adding rude Irony to cold fate, The Abergetdie cleared at the custom house yestorday. She carries a cargo consisting chiefly of flour and news papers for Yokohama, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe, Nagasukl and Manila. The cargo Is valued at $146,451.45. R. E. Carruthcrs haa been appointed tem porary Inspector of customs and Is now on duty at Flavel on board the Abergeldle. A number of the local naval reserve boys took a most enjoyable cruise down the river on Sunday. While on the Washington side a heavy squall was encountered and the excellent manner In which the boat was handled gives evidence of both the training as well as the rapid progress made in learning the Intricacies of expert sail ing. it. K Jeffrey returned from Califor nia Sunday evening. Mr. "Jeff" had been absent for several weeks for his health and Is much improved. He drifted Into ono of the native fogs while at San Francisco and, tor sever al days, suffered severely from Its ef fects. After getting Into the tone of sunshine, however, he soon recovered and Is, on the whole, much satisfied with the benefits received from the trip. Now that the small boy Is convinced ho cud get five cunts apiece for rats, dead or alive, at the chief of police's ollce, thsy are beginning to turn In the defunct rodents In a way tho-t argues a boom In the chewing gum and candy trade. One frightful trial to roost boys Is the sinning of the rcept for the till hie, which he must do w hen the chkf pays hint. A sepurste receipt foi each lot of rats Is necessnry and be Nidi many of the collectors of rodents are loo young to write their names. The ruts should be receipt enough for the bounty on themselves. There now remains no doubt that the captain of the Lllla ui'd Muttle, whim mysterious disappearance, a fortnight ugo, was attributed to foul play. Is now In Han Francisco, While no authentic Information as to his pri-ie-nce lu thut city bus been received there Is every reason to believe thut he left this city for Portland a week ago Huturdny morning and left that city for Hnn Francisco by train. He was seen In this city on that morning by Captain Sclirader to whom he slat ed that he hid sold the I.Hu ami Mat tie and was going south at once. ii. O. Magoon, of the Kllcrs I'luno ll june, of Portland, In order to Intro duce their different makes of pianos In Aslrlu, will poalilvely offer for sale oil Tuesday and Wedneaday of this week, three plunos and one or gan at 110 above cost. This will In rlud stool, scarf and piano, delivered at your home, ICIther time or cosh sale, with the privilege of an exchange at any time within one year from date, Mr. Magoon Is locaud on Commrrclal street, corner of Ninth. Call early and muki your selection. According to a dispatch In the Ore gonian from Bout a Il.nd P. J. Mc Uowan Is back of a proportion to es tnbllnh a log boom on North river. The present boom on that river was built by the settlers and muni come out. It obstructs navigation, according to an nrdi-r of the war department. Mr, MKiownn already owns a good site for a boom near his cannery on North liver, and this will be utilised. The boom Is expire led to cost 113.040, and A, K. Wade, 1C. J. Morgan and other North river loggers are supposed to be Intereated In it. North river is a good logging stream for over eighty miles, and tributary to It Is one of the fnest belts of spruce timber In the slate. . It appears that the suggestion re gardlng asking aid from Carnegie for the Astoria public library came a lit tlo late. The wide-awuke ladies com prising the library board have left no alone unturned to aid the work so dear to them. About two months ago, upon the suggestion of Mrs. Samuel Klinore, the board voted to ask aid from Mr. Carnegie and requested Mrs. Klnmre to write a letter to that effect This wss done and the signature of the mayor and city clerk, verified be fore a notary, as to the veracity of the statements regarding the library and its work, was appended. The ladles have been hoping to bear favorably re garding their appeal, but have kept very quiet about It , as to raise no false hopes. It Is sincerely hoped that they will not be disappointed. That such rtllclent hands are guiding the li brary Is a source of much satisfaction. JUDGE GRAY EXPLAINS. His Kcusons for Attacking Curtis and His Record. Astoria, Oregon, March 2G. Editor Morning Astorian: A controversy with an editor of a newspaper, or any person that can collect a few type to gether and scatter the productions of their erratic brain broadcast over the land, Is neither a profitable or pleas ant tusk. My only apology to the pub lic for being a "political meddler," as Mr. Curtis has quite courteously call ed ni- la that I am an American fill sen, uid I do not propose that sny editor, or editorial trust, shall have a monopoly on public thought or speech, and strangle me by ridicule or misrep resentation of the facts. If I can help It. His public or political record as an editor and a politician are subjects thut the Intelligent and representative cltisens of Clatsop county have known aud suffered for years. Occasionally he has shown Indications of becoming a rational, influential member of this communityjust before elections but his good resolve Is forgotten the day after, and to h I witn Clatsop coun ty and the d d fools, Is one of his fre quent remarks. He says "whatever may be my political reputation no man can vny that I am a political meddler, or that I Interfere with matters that do not concern mt. That Is Just what's Ihe matter. As a self-conceited cen sor, he does Inlerefcre In the Herald, not only with public and political af fairs, but with business and often with private matters, to the great det- iment of the community. Then he kicks like a Bteer" when criticised for doing so. And again he kicks when his oivn political record or peculiar methods are shown up. My records es a public man and of ficer are subject to comment and I have not tho least objection to any truthful criticism of my ofllclal acts. And If I am to be called a "political meddler" because I do not allow Mr. J. Curtis or some other self-con stituted political boss to think for me. I can't help It, and he may And out that there may be more meddlers In Clatsop county. As I Intend to go with the excursion to The Dalles this evening, I will defer answering the re maining questions Mr. Curtis has ask ed me, and I promise not to dodge them, as he did those I asked him. J. H. D. QRAY. MERRY PARTY OFF FOR THE DALLES Representative Astorians Left On Lorllne Last night. EXCURSION A CRfAT SUCCESS Names of Took Composing lbs PirlyTo Be Royally Ealcrtilacd it the (lattwir City of the Inland Empire. It was imkej a jolly party that left this city on the Lurllne lust night for The Dalles. It was also a highly repre sentative party as it waa composed of Individuals who are among ihe lead ing cltUens of Astoria. - Many of the gtutk-mcnt were accompank-d by their wives, and a spirit of good-fellovt'shlp und pli wantry manifested Itself even befoie the gung-plaiik was drawn in and the Lurllne steamed majestlt-ully up tho river. The AstorUn was unable to secure a complete list of the names of all those who left, but the names of the following persons appeared on the pur ser's slip as having purchased their tickets, and It is understood that with the poHsible exception of two or three numis, the list Is correct: F. L. Parker. C. W. Fulton and wife, J. T., J. W. Welch and wife. Ihuuc llergmon and wile, F. A. Fisher and wife, 11. C. Thompson, Frank WoodiiclJ. Ikn Young and wife, J. K. Uiaike, Aluriln Foard and wife, li. II. Welch and wife, T. C. Dell. I). VanDusen and wife, K. V.. Ferguson and wife, J. Trenchard, .Mrs. W. L. Dogan, H. F. Allen. F. P. Kendall and wife, II. F. Prael. D. K. W arren and wife, C. C. I'tslnger and wife, J. Q. A. ltowlby, Dr. O. K. Estea and wife, M. De Linn. E. ll.iukc, John Kopp, jr., Nell Croeby, J. C. Hell. J. W. Uabbldge and wife, Harry Fisher and wife, J. II. Mansell, K. C. Holden, E. P. Parker, It. C. Kindred, Chris Peterson, It. M. Gaston, Mlns Neta Trenchard, K. A. Scherneckau and wife, Theo. Hrocker. Mrs. Wlnterholder, Alex Gilbert, wife and daughter, 8. D. Adair. Albert Dunbar, ('. W. Carnation, J. II. D. Gray and wife. P. A. Trulllnger and wife, Mrs. August Kinney, The following letter was received yes terday afternoon by President Van Du-s-n of the chamber of commerce: THE DALLES. March 24. Messrs. U. VunDuHen and F. L. Par ker. Astorln, Or. Gentlemen: I take grtat pleasure in acknowledging your vulued favor of the 2.nd Instance ad vlhlnK me of your Intended excursion to The Dalles. On behalf of the club and the rltlxens I desire to assure you that the "City at the Gateway of the Inland Empire" appreciates the visit from the cltisens of 'The City by the Sounding Sea." and we shall Jo all In our power to make your visit a pleasant und profita ble one. On behalf of our Commercial Club, we extend to you the freedom of our rooms and request that you make them your headquarters while here. Yours very truly, FRANK MENEFEE. Secretary Commercial Club. There Is no doubt that those who compose the excursion party will have a royal good time at The Dalles. The Commercial Club of that city and the citizens generally will do everything !osslble for the entertainment of the visitors. The following extract from an article published In the Tlmcs-Moun- talneer la Illustrative of tho feeling at The Dalles over the excursion: 'Few .more important events have ever token place In the h'.stoiy of our little city than this visit of Astorians. The party will number from 50 to 100 representative citizens of the seaport at the mouth of the Columbia. It will be to muny of them their first acquaint ance with this part of the great river valley and Its people, soon to be more closely united with them in a business way than evtr before. Somo of them doubtless coiiih for the pleasure of the trip, but many of them are coining to learn more of us and our region, and to see for themselves the progress of the work that Is ere long to make them and us near neighbors in a new and more Important sense. We are able to assure them that every possible fa cility will be given them to Inspect the progress of construction on the portuge railway, that will within 90 days give them and their 'City by the Sea' the nearest practicable approach to 'an open river' that has ever been possi ble or that will be possible within the next twenty-five years. Our whole population should unite in giving a roy al welcome and royal good ilme to the visit oi-s. Every man, woman and child should constitute himself, herself and Itself a committee of one on enter tainment, to send these Astorians home with pleasanter recollections of The Dalles than they ever carried away be fore from any other place or region of the Columbia river.". TO CURB LAORIPPB IN TWO DAYS i. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab:- All druggists refund the money if it falls to oure. 13. W. G raves' signature la on aoa box. 25a AN AUHl'ItD RUMOR. The Tug ftamson Met With No Acci dent While Enroute. Koine idiot, whose Identity has not yet been discovered, set In circulation Hunduy afternoon a report to th ef fect that the tug Samson, which ar rived In from San Francisco yesterday morning, had her boilers blown up between here and flan Francisco and that t vo members of the crew had lost their lives In the exploalon. No Infor mation whatever could be obtained from San Francisco or any point along the line and the opinion soon became generul that the Samson had probably gone to the bottom with all on board. Shortly after 4 o'clock yesterday morning, however, the tug put In an appearance off the mouth of the river and soon after crossed Into the har bor. Captain Stream was dumbfounded when Informed concerning the reports of disaster, being utterly at a lona to know how the rumor could have gain ed circulation. The Samson, he said, was much overdue, but the delay was caused by the heavy head winds en countered off the California coast To an Astorian representative yesterday Captain Stream explained that a terri fic gale sprang up shortly after leaving San Francisco and that he found it necessary to hug the shore. When he reached Cresent City he concluded to put In at that port an! lie at anchor until the storm had subsided, as much coul was being consumed and but little headway made. The Samson remain ed In shelter at that point for forty hours, when she resumed her Journey up the count for Astoria, making the trip in exactly six days from San Fran cisco. The Samson will go to Grays har bor today and leave for San Francisco on Friday with a bargt of lumber in tow. ARTIST SWOPE'S NEW PICTURE, The Large Oil Painting on the Walls of Kenney Sc Grlbler's Attract ing Much Attention. The well-known local artist, J. C, Swope, In placing on the walls of Ken ney A Grlbler's Star saloon an oil painting ten and a half feet by twenty four feet and containing sixteen life sized figures. The painting is an original concep tlon of Mr. Swope's, based upon the careful study of some of the greatest paintings in the world, such as "The Surprise," "The Bathers.- 'The Un forseen and others equally well known. His idea was to take from each of the great masterpieces a cen tral figure and then groupe the selec tions in a study of the nude which would be entirely original. That be has succeeded admirably the unfinish ed painting proves and the completed work will be In its way a masterpiece. The scene chosen for the picture is a portion of the coast near this city. On the shore a vessel has been wrecked and as it lies there on the sands slowly breaking up under the never-ceasing attacks of the surf, the nymphs use It is a bathing house and the beach and breakers as their playground. All the figures are full of life and the picture Is ' devoid of any suggestions that could offend the true artist or the trut lover of art. Mr. Swope receives, it is said, 1500 for the work, which will be completed during the coming month. BALLOON THAT MAY BE STEERED This latest Invention tn the way of air ships is attracting great attention. The most wonderful thing about it is simplicity. It is propelled by a small double petroleum motor, similar to that used in automobiles. Ordinary coal gas can take the place of hydrogen for the purpose of tilling the balloon, as en ly an hour is required for this work with gas, whereas hydrogen takes a day. This discovery ought to moke the road through the heavens as free from danger as does Hostetter's Stomach Bitters the road through life. Behind it lie fifty years of cures. Weakness, indi gestion, dyspepsia, debility, nervous. ness, constipation, malaria, or any dis euse aribing from a weak stomach can not withstand It It is an excellent spring tonic SOLFILINE. Solflllne! SolOlInel If you are sick and tired of rubbers, which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoes; 1! you wish to stop greasing your harness and pro longing tho life of same at least fifty per cent If you wish to save greasing ydur belts in your manu factory, go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria, and try a oaae of SolflUne on your shoes and harness. Buy your shoes only of those who have that act- Take no other. Address, PETERSON St BROWN, General Agents. Astoria. Oregon. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants en dorsed prior to February 25, 1898, to present the same to the county treas urer at his office at 164 Tenth street for payment Interest ceases after this date. H. C. THOMPSON, County Treasurer. Dated Astoria, Or., this l'Jth day of March, 1900. Th. Fredeiikson PIANO TUNER INSTRUCTION ON 'CELLO AND VIOLIN Phono XB4. r.lotiicr'sS Of a Most Distressing Humor by the Cuticura Remedies. When our baby waa a week old, eczema appeared on the top of bcr iili .1 & Ik yvL4yL -traecfl ' tf'e eczema disappeared, the j, 7 kin and Bcalp were left perfectly clear S nd Kw art. J wv-v Mjr oldest boy, age nine years, was troubled with lores on different parts f the bod v,ejeciiill v on the lejr, about twentr-four In all. They were about the size of a five-cent piece, and would fester very much ana eject a pus. 'I hey were very painful. After my above experience with the cure of my ; little (rirl with ( LTtrt RA Kemeoifj, I did not bother with the doctor In this cai. but fjnve him the O.'TICtra treatment which completely enred him in four week. Mrs. E. BL'TLEI 129 3d Are., 8. Brooklyn, N. Y. Sleep for Skin-Tortured Babies A so Rmi rou Tired MirrugRS In s warm bath with Cctictsa Soir, snd a (Ingle sppS fjtion of Li TITi.A ii.ntinent, (treated of emollient kln eures. This treatment, unlaid In Cm . vp:rr r.w by Lt Ti i n Kmolvekt, to cool snd eleanietne blood, affords la t ,t.l rrhrf, permits rent (or parent and iileep forrhUd.and point to a speedy, permanent, ..! C'owmli.leura of torturing, dlnOfftirtiig, ttrhlng, burning, bleeding, araly, pimply, in. I rru-t-.d tkln and uralp humori with Iom of hair, wnen all elae fall. Sold throughout U.eft.i.ld. Complete ETTEBSALAsnlSTRasAL TKEaTsssT. Price, Thb Sbt, SJ1.S5: or, ( i ni t'RA 8oap, iV., CI'TICUKA Ointment. CUTICVSA Eksoltsst, 90s. rorm Vkvh axi tuu Coar, Prop-, lioitoa. " ilow to Curs Ettry Kind of II amor," free. Rao Yur Hair with warn ah-mpooa of CortcciA Ssat, and tight d ma in of CtrricuaA, pveat of ttaollleau aad gnauat of akla anraa, Tbla aioipla, refrtahlng, and liwipcnatro troatawot will dear Uw aealp and hair of arnita aealaa, and dandruff, sooth Irritated and Itching aarfae, sthaaUta tb hatf follicle, soppljr Um roots with anargr aad SMriahnMOt, sad auk lb hats fro ; oa s class, wbolaaofa stale whoa, all is fail. THE BEE Best Boat Specially Prepared for Fishing Boats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS, Fancy and Staple Groceries IN ADDITION Feather and Paper Dusters, Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Telescopes, and Lunch Baskets. Brooms, Whisps, Scrub Brushes, etc. Crockery and Glassware. A V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Mrcets Golambia Eleetrie & Hepaif Go Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boilermakers Machinists Logging Engine Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Section" Prcpellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Tower Plants. W. F. SCHEIBE, A hill Him st PIpm. , aad 5sMksrs' Artlclas. 474 Commarclal mt. toryofOabfs Guro head and ttpreod all over ber scalp, face, tnd forehead, forming one mass of gores. Yon can realize how much ha must have suffered, when she scratched at times tilt the blood ran intermingled with water. Our family doctor's' treatment proved ineffectual, as the disorder, instead of abating, developed more. We then stopped all medical treatment, and com , menced with Clticira Remedies. We used the Cl'ticur Eeaolvkst, Cirri . - 1 "I . r.. 11 smooth, and she was entirely cured. MRS. K., LUXURIOUS CLUBMEN are always fastidious about the flavor and smoking qualities of their cigars), and our choice brands are general far orites with them everywhere. Ton, cau'l And a cigar on the market that can begin to compare with the Ver Dad for the money in flavor or manufacture. It Is the best medium-priced lgar est the market today. WILL MADISON HIVE The very best gaarso-' teed shoe on tue mar- 50 LADIES' PERCALE SHIRTWAISTS A Hue line of 5fio waists, ties, collars and new belts. THE fl'LLY BELT.... 48c Paint IN THE ...MARKET Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock Built and Repaired Manufacture. of th Always WailMKi. "Is Belle Astoria" Cljjr .Scheme's Opera Star . Scnelfce's Special And OtbM BniuJ.