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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1900)
rUH JtiiRNlNU AMOIUAN. TU&MiA., MAKCIl 27, MOO f i JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Main Wt. tkkms ok fcunscRiPTtON. DAILY. . Sent by malt, per year .....1100 Sen I by null. ir innth. ........... .51 Vrvtd by carrier, per month,,, W Si:.M l-WKEKLT. aWit by mall, per year. In advance 2.00 Pint&KT free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub' licatlon should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan." Tha Astoriaa guarantee to its ad vertisers the largest circulation ot any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. SOME MISLEADING STATEMENTS, "llr. Lawler. of E. C. Haiard A Co.. ssid: "I believe there will be consld arable trouble with the salmon com bine. Tea, there is dissatisfaction, and even trouble. If you wish to call It that There may be necessity of changing dealers, for. If we cannot get the brand we want from one, we try to get It from another." The outcome will be watched with interest. Just What the result v. Ill be cannot be pre dieted, but, as Mr. Sayre said: "There is always an overproduction of certain goods where there is a combine, and it they cannot sell, then the trouble begins." Three of the largest dealers Jn this city already have discontinued to deal with the association, and more are likely to follow. Those who have taken this step say they will buy their goods from the firms outside the trust. E. H. Sayre, of R. C. Wlllllams Co. said: "There Is no reason why we should push the brand they want us to tsko. The outside packers will be ful ly able to supply the demand, and if e cannot get what we want. hy. e sliuply have to turn packers." New York Commercial, March 10, 1900. . The announcement yesterday In the Commercial that several large whole sale grocers refused to buy from the Columbia River Packing Co, or Sal won Trust, was discussed throughout .the trade. More dealers tald they would discontinue their relations with the combination. Mr. Schuster, of Koe Big & Schuster, said yesterday: "We are not going to buy from the Columbia River Packing Company, because we cannot get the goods packed under our own label. Even if we could, I doubt if we would patronise It. What rea sons? Oh, general principles. Certain ly, some few brands have to be tan- died, but even these will be curtailed, and while I do not think that we can embarrass the 'combine' in a year, I do think that in time to come it will have to shut its doors." S. W. Seeman, of Seeman Bros., said: "We have nev er traded with the trust and shall not. if we can help it," New Tork Com mercial, March 21. 1300. . The high character of the New York Commercial forbids the assumption it would under any circumstances give wanton circulation to reports or infer ences tending to misrepresent or in jure any reputable business concern in the commercial world. For this rea son the Astorian has been to the pains to investigate, the above criticisms on the Columbia River Packers Associa tion and gives space to the matter here in the confident expectation that the Commercial will gladly correct any misapprehensions its unwitting publication of such sentiments may have possibly operated to create. In quiry at the office of the association in this city discloses the fact that none of the firms quoted has ever dune bus iness with the association. It appears that Delaileld, McGovern & Company of New York, whose business standing the Commercial well knows, are exclu sive agents for the product of the as sociation, and no efforts have been made or will be made to sell Its salmon through any other medium in the Uni ted States. The Commercial can see, therefore, how entirely gratuitous and misleading the suggestion Is that any dealer has "refused" to patronize the association, or that its brands hereto fore handled will be "discontinued" out of dissatisfaction with the associa tions' methods of doing business. The charge that the association has refused to pack salmon under any other than its own well-marked labels is true, but when the Commercial understands the reason for this stand we are sure it will agree that if no other feature of the association commends its organ ization to the public this one alone should entitle it to the highest distinc tion wherever business integrity and honest dealing are appreciated and en couraged. The refusal of the associa tion to send out salmon under private labels or to ship it subject to the un scrupulous marking which any dealer In whose final hands it may turn up shall see fit to place upon it, is designed to protect the consumer against imposi tion and to maintain the reputation of Columbia Hver salmon In competition with the (heap and Inferior fish from outside sources which Is almost in variably sold under Columbia river labels. It Is the purpose. In other words, of the Columbia Ktvvr Packers Association to make its name a posl- tivc guaranty against fraud of this character. That was one of the pri mary motives for its organisation, and In order that there may be no Induce- n ent or opportunity presented any handler of Its product to practice de ception of this character, the associa tion has adhered since its organisa tion and will continue to adhere In future to the rule of packing no sal mon for promiscuous labeling. Its BikhIs are U put up under labels which It owns or absolutely control and the Identification of Its name with any brand of salmon Is a positive guaranty of the grade and quality of the goods it covers. Certainly the Commercial wui not oojeci to wis principle or method ot doing business, and we trust it will feel constrained In the light of this explanation to give as wide publicity to the facts of the case, as it has given to the false impressions con veyed by the extracts reprinted from Its columns. ALGER ON BOEit SYMPATHY. In the March number of the "North American Review," there is a remark able sysposium on the South African war. to which Captain Mahan, the Marquis of Lome, Professor Macvane, Svrtiv Drmk. .nH th ,r,,,iv.... uUl in me onuian array mere is no article more pertinent or interesting just now than the one by ex-Secretary of War General Alger, discussing the attitude of the United States toward the major belligerent. The keynote of General Alger's paper is really the application of fairness or what he calls squareness to the public treat- meot of great International questions nothing more or less. In fact, than the exercise of the Golden Rule. Af- ter pointing out that men naturally iiiTer about the necessity and Justice I of all wars. Instancing the war of 1S70 I between France and Germany, the I Graevo-Turklsh war, and our own con- I flict with Spain, which even some I Americans condemned General Alger re- I marks that It would be stranre In. I leed If the war in South Africa were I .in exception to the rule; but he com-1 Mains that In the United States the expression of opinion on the war "has exceeded ligitimate limits," pointing out the ostentatious judgments of a numoer of public and presumably rep- resentative men, and the numerous I resolutions adopted by meetings of private citizens and even by some of the state legislatures. Then he recalls England's conduct two years ago, when, he says, "Great Britain stood conspicuous among the nations as our friend. Nor was her cordial sympathy valueless. She remained strictly neu- uai, dui ner wnole attitude toward us was so unmistakably friendly that its influence In preventing what might a . I therwlse occurred in the way of Eu- rr.pean intervention will never be ca- pable of full measurement. We owe ner a ueep aeot or gratituue, ana the ery least we can do is to abstain from Interference in her present struggle In Ponth Africa." General Alger severely condemns the recent utterances of Candidate Bryan on this subject, and his worth quoting: words arc It Is greatly to be regretted that a man of Mr. Bryan s position, hoping The Future of ciMrai A child's life may be blighted by the diseases of youth, such as Rickets, which is characterized by weak bones or crooked spine, and inability to stand or walk steadily, or Maras mus, that wasting disease characterized by paleness and emaciation, or Scrofula, a constitutional disease of the glands and neck. Scott's Emulsion of pure Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda will prevent and cure these diseases. It supplies just the material needed to form strong bones, rich red blood and solid flesh. It wifl also reach the infant through the moth er's rrulk, and be of the greatest benefit to both. At all Pretrials; ax. and (i-oa SCOTT BOWNE, Ckaits. Vmm Tort. fHouscwmk is had work Avitkut GoldDusf Care of Lamps Mas bMHKMn riiiek ttier I xtrfclnt to lear abt lb cart ol lamp, km II its Unit lit all brt awaliaaed trt adder lo inert vill bt afreet Ifttrenc la ike llhi. Hrt, a lamp ut b cleaned aad fill' tvr moraine; ibt bwwn should b clctnrd tact ta, and iht otftt vojr l w boll tbta la eater lo which Cold" Dust Wishing Powder hot beta added. Pot ttupoonful Ian quirt ol vattr tod boll trn alaiitte. Tht fin ahwld bt out lato na ol cold witer tad heated aloarly tit the boil, the takt off tad allow to cool gradually; Id it louibtaa Iht ilaae. T S. al ffwo mt frm Kwatit a.i aiLu rua hoiuooks SltraaaraMilto tni a, a. ramatM coaeaav. Mm Ve. as he 4vs (I trust and believe In vain) that he will some day be president of the t'nlud States, should go about the country trying to create a difference b?tefn America and Great Prltsln. He is the spokesman of a great party. a-;d It would not be surprising It, speaking In that rapacity, he placed the country In a false position before the world In Its relations to the South African situation by passing from place to place, attempting to further his political ambitions by fanning Into flam' whatever antl-Rrltlsh sentiment he may find among our heterogeneous population. Here, where he Is known. the object of his endeavor to Inslte the American people against the Brit ish will be understood, and his state ments will be valued at their true worth. So far as I am aware he has never contributed anything that has J,ded Xa ,he uhstantlal growth of cviimry, euner u, ri..v.u.B ion, ' I or doing anything to develop our In dusUle.. To use a little slang, he seems to produce nothing but "wind nd nol?e.' But abroad, where he Is "lrded o"1' " I"tlcI leader. it-itK sa to i-craa fnI1rvfnir h i a tk-frH oa ti .... . have greater weight and effect than I thty ought to have. I It is a very good thing to mentally I Put yourself In the other fellow's place I when a serious controversy arises to I try and see the matter from your op I ponent's standpoint General Alger I forcibly Illustrates this Idea. If, he says, during our war with Spain, the leader of one of the great political parties in Great Britain had Indulged in frequent denunciations of the Uni- ted States and of the motives which animated us In our determination to free Cuba from S Danish control, his conduct would have aroused the most bitter resentment In the minds of our people. "If In the house of commons or In the house of lords prominent British statemen had Introduced reso lutions condemning our government and expressing sympathy with the weaker power against which, under a senile of duty, we had turned the vast resources of our country, the act would have excited Just Indignation In the breast of every American patriot. But we had no such experience. And I hold that we should treat Great Britain in ijo as squarely as she treated us In ISM." These wise words may be profitably pondered by some of the exuberant g-ntlemen in both houses of congress, if they wish to be esteemed as some- thing better than mere demagogues, as well as by that great body of think- ng Americans who are always anrlnna to be fair and just In their treatment of others. PEACE DECLARED. Why devote all your time reading about the Boer war and the gold fields of Alaska? There are other matters of vltal ""P01"2: V n7 ke & P '. w w travel, in oraer lo nave tne nest ser vice, use the Wisconsin Central Rail way, between St. Paul and Chicago. For rates and other Information write JAMES A- CLOCK. General Agent, Portland, Oregon. "One Minute Cough Cure Is the best remedy I ever used for couichs and colds. It Is uneoualed for whoonlne cough, children all like it," writes H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fulls. It Is the only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneu monia, Droncnitls and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Charles Rogers. Christianity teaches us to love our neighbors as ourself: modern society acknowledges no neighbor. DeWltts Little Early Risers nurifv the blood, clean the liver, Invigorate the synu-m. Famous little Dills for con. stipatlon and liver troubles. Charles Rogers. Sympathy Is the solace of the t,oor: but for the rich there is compensation. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalla. Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given her up to die with croup. Its an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron chitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once, Charles Rogers. The action of woman on our deutinv Ik unceasing. "I was nearly dead with dysDecsla. tried doctors, visited mineral springs, aud grew worse. I used Kodol dys pepsia Cure. That cured me." It di gests what you eat. Cures Indigestion. sour stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. v-vit; H S U 1 El 'J 1 M Nj iTiulanGu I y cbNSTIPATION. 'J IS... , ,. ,. n r AIL K1DHFY OSfASrS . " -- 'wm3ajsis i W Iln Shilohs Cough and Consumption cure This is bevwn J naeatlon the moat tucceuful lnuich Medi cine ever known to acimoe: a lew d itr invarmbly cure the ort caaee o( I'uuifh, Ctoup nd Hicnihitl. while It won derful amvraa In the cur o( ,1 on.umnti.iB fa without s pet allcllnlbr tmtnryof medicine, fcince) its fitt dicnvery It has been auld un a guarantee, a Itit which no other medicine cm Hand. 1 r. u have a lough, we erietlv at ya to try it. In I'mted States and yCl t'ana.laV.Nt andl.ii, and - in k'n..Wn.t 1. At V !Lt B In Knland la. IUU Xa.1 a. w. ETORS 5.C.WELLS&CO. LEROY. HX HAMILTON, Sold by CHARLES ROUER3. ap;olntment of " dental surgeon, to Lti'vrjnber and his reached that stage men a generation ago. As a cure for rheumatism Cham certain's Puln Ralm Is gaining a wide reputation. P. E. Johnston, of Rich nond. Ind., has been troubled with tlm aliment since Mti. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything mat would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Tain Balm. It acts like music with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Halm relieved me. i or sale by Charles Rogers. The conversation of lovers Is Inex hntiFtiMe. It takes but a minute to overcome tickling In the throat and to stop cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous specific fur grippe and its after effects. Chas. Rogers. In these days a great capitalist has deeper roots than a sovereign prince, utiles ne is very legitimate. Art Is order, method, harmonious re suits, obtained by fine and powerful principles. My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime bko I persuaded him to take some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlitrrhoea remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent sice he was cured. I give this testimonial hoping some one similarly atlllcted may read it anl be benefited. THOMAS C, BOWER, Glencoe, O. For sale by v-naries ttogers. How full of adventure Is life! It Is monotonous only to the monotonous. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin. Vt. says: 'Our baby was covered with running sores. UeWltt's Witch Hazel Halve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Iware of worthless counterfeits. Charles Rogers. Theie few things more gloomy than the recollection of a youth that has not been enjoyed. I. C. Clark, Peoria. III., says: "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles but I cured them with Dewltt's Witch Hazel Halve." It Is Infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counter its. Charles Rogers. Wealth Is power, and In youth, of all aeasons of life, we require power, be cause we can enjoy everything that we command. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich.. says: "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; ioki nesn ani became very weaK. Koaoi dyspepsia cure complete ly cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never falls to give Immediate relief In the worst cases. Charles Rogers. ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS Astoria, Or., March 22, 1900. Sealed proposals will be received at this building until 2 o'clock p. m., April laoo, for furnishing fuel, lights, wa- t'-r, miscellaneous supplies, washing towels, hauling ashes, and sprinkling streets for this building during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. or such portion of the year as may be deemed advisable. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved by the treasury de partment. JOHN FOX, ThM tiny Captulet are superior to Balsam of Copaiba, ivU&euior 1 1) i duuri ino g vj CURE IN 49 HOUUlfUJJl the tarns cfiaetaet with-XI Owt IOWlweninr. .UHtflDffrttt,. in p HAM 1 LT (Mill I III I "I "I II I I kl. UhKM DllkK tflllft I rlUKL DAVrx ftLnfc . rurlfltfa ths blood by eliminating all poUonous matter, stimulating the se cretion, regulating the bowvla and aid Ing nature in throwing off that which makes a yellow skin. Ths effect on the COMPLEXION Is quite pronounced, as a few days um will demonstrate. A SURB Cl'RS FOR CUQUP. Tweuty-IWe Years' Constant Uss Without a Failure. The first Indication of croup Is hourceneea, and In a child subject to that disease It may be taken as a rune stun of the approach of an attack. Fol lowing this hoarseness If a peculiar rougo. cougn. it Chamberlains tough Kerned y Is given as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears. It will prevent the attack. It Is daed In many thousands ot homes In this broad land and never disap points the anxious mothers. W's have have yet to learn of a single Instance. In which It has not proved effectual, No other preparation can show such a record twenty-nve years constant use without a failure. For sale by Charles Rogers. THE PROOF of the ptxidlng Is la the aod the proof of ftquofw IS IN SAMPLING That's as argtsmen that's ClualTe deaoftaxiwUram. Ours will stand the teat HUGHES & CO. G S) 0 0 -S ii TI1E f Palace Cafe J. W WlirrLE, rrsi'r. Flint lUirnt Jrti f 811 fa! OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Servioe, . 1' - . 1..T -. V.U. II,, , Private Itooms for Ladies. 533 Commercial Street, Astoria . THE 101VKE. Strangers visiting in tbe city will And the Lonvre au attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amine Hiatus LikIil' Orchestra is still on the bills an J presents nightly a musit sl pmuram of exceptional merit, lIsndMime pool and billiard rooms are a feature la ouunectlon itli the hone. Palatable lutn lies will be served at all nonrs L LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSe RAISING! AND MOVINO A SPECIALTY HI.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 23. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Bhlpped to Our Care W ill Receive BpectsJ Attention. No. Mt Duane Bt,, W. J. COOK, Mgr R" TeL 111. Astoria. Or. W. C. A. Pohl, (01 III C0B0.UB. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Caskets and Funeral 8uiplie conitam ly ou hand. Corner lltb aud Duane Sis, Astoria, Ore J. A. Fastabend, Gcticral Contractor . and Builder WHITE COLLAR UNI Columbia River and Puget Bound Nay- lgation Company. Bailey Oatzert leaves Astoria dallr except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bun day at 7 a. m. Whit Collar Line tickets and O. R k N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Oatzert and Hassalo. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Agt V. B. SCOTT, Telephone UX President. oMolrJc TIMI1 MHIH)IU.D5 Ktoiti tiirtUml PKI'IRT Aiaiva Halt Uke, Denver, Ft 1 Wnrth, Omaha, Kan- r.i Mall I p, to, Kl MiUl tlljr, hi, Umla, t.'lileagu anil Kut Walla Wall. Ht-ikane, Mlnneapdlla. ht.l'mil, iHihiln, Milwaukee, I'liicaaeaiut Kmi, Crata Aitnria i it) i m Hiknn . Cher Hiokan Klror I a. m. OCHAN TUAM5HIP5 J All Hailing HaU eub I J l Ui rhatiae. "or nan fntiieiaeK-Kall Mur. 4. ,!. ,'Ji, ft Coli'tiMa Rlvr lam 1 "leemers KkKii.uU, T. I'orilaad a4 lH III M (lay , way Laoaia liaga Knim 1'iirtlaii.l i . M IUAMnitK,VKU ; lam KSuu if Vreeua t'l, Neeberg, wImu a Wee-lAne a. Wlllaaieiu aal Vast , tan Tuea.lhur aua Hal. lOregiia flty, Imyuio, and fri. naiuutaa. Itlparta jav dly I a. in. 5ak River. Hlrlalo Lewtalen. I.v Uwlata : l;S a IQ 1 laly larn Tuea, Vhui tj.turJar WIII.aVITiK niVKIl 4:0p.m. uruaiiu ii virvaill 1 mail, weu aud way Itmllng. Krlilay 0. W. LOUNBDKRRT, Agent. Astoria. W. II. HURLDURT. Uen. l'asa, AgC Portland. Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on bualneas or pleasure, they naturally want the beat aervlce obtainable as far as speed, comfort and surety is cnnrernril. Employes of the W ISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paM to serve the publlo and our trains ur oiieiaiod so as to make close eon nectlnn with dlveralnar line at all Junction points. , I'ullnian i'alnt-e Bleeping Tuid Chair Car on through trains. Ilnlng rar service uneicelled. Meals ervri a la carte. In order to obtain the flrst-clasa r vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you m uiRci over rtieWisconsln Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at Ht. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and ail points f.aat. For any further Information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with J AS. C. I-ONI). den. Pass. Agt. or JA3. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis, Ueneral Agent, Hi Htark BL, Portland. Or. IiuxuRious Travel THH ' Northwestern IJmlted" train. vlctrlo llcbted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the world. They imbody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the moat complete and splendid producton of tbe car Duiiuers art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern Tbe .Northern I'aclflc and The Canadian I'aciric AT 0T. PAUL FOR ! CHICAGO and the BAST. No extra rharge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick et are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Vtlock system. W. II. MKAD, F.C. 8AVAQB, General Agent, Ticket Agt. Portland, Ore. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee 4 8t. Taul Railway, known all oer the I'nlon a the Great Rall wuy running the "1'loneer Limited" trains every day and night vetween Bt. I'aul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perf.-ct train in the world." Understand: Connec tions nre mode with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to passengers the best srvlce known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. Hce that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United Htates or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphluts or other Infor mation, address, J. W. CAS IS V, C. J. EDDY, ; Trav. Tass. Agt., Oon. Agt., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Or. Great tickets BAP"1 poijlTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Bleep, ers dining and library observation cars. KLKOANT VE8TIBULB TRAINS. No. 4, "Flyer," leaves Portland at 3:45 p. m. No, i, "Flyer," arrlveg Portland at 8:00 a. m. For rates, etc., call or address O. W. LOUN8BKRRT, Agent O. R. & N., Astoria, Or. or A. B, C. DENNISTON, C, P. & T. A., Portland, Ore. Dr. T.N, Ball . . DENTIST. . ,,. 171 Commercial Street, ASTORIA, ORB. Over Soblwael'i CloUkinf Store. Depot Fifth aaa I Hireeta, Overland lOipresa Traina for Palem, Knemburg, Ash In nd, baciameiito, Ogden. Man Kran rlwo, Klniave, Los Angnles, IJI Paao, New OrUtang and the Kaat Uavi 7:30 p.m ao a.nii 7:00 p.m At Vfoodbarn (daily except Hun day , morning train connects with train for Mt. An gel, giUcriun, lirownavllle, Hprlng field, and Nation, and even Ing train for ML Angel and Bllvtr- Inn 117.10 Corvallls paaaen I gor, 4:t9 p.m tJherldaa paasen ! IH.Mp.m lil:.m Dally. ;Dally eacept Buoday. Rebate tl. kets on sale between Port land. Baeramentn and Han wvan..4 Net rate 117 first class and tU seooad t la, Iniludlnc sleeoer. Rate and llvket to EaaUrn polata and Kurou. Alan J a nan. chin itn. lulu and Australia. Can be obtained rrom J. U. Klrkland, Ticket AgL IM Third street YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot fot of Jrrro n Iave for Oswego dally at l;M, t.U m.: 1J.30. 1:15, 1 11, 4:11, t li, liflf, 11:30 p. in.; and 1:00 a, m. en Hunday only. Arrlv t I'nrtlanil rfalla .1 M J 1:30, M0 W a. m.; I ll, las, 4 30, t:tS, i. iv, iv. w p. ra ; ii w a. ax aaiiy sa le l t Mouday; :I0 and 10 (4 a. m, ea Sundnyg only. Leave fur Dalai dally, l.-ept ffuft day. at 4:30 d. m. Arrive at V.nt.A at 5 J3 a. r.i. t'aaaeneee train Irawu rwita Airile Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri unjr m.i .w p. m. iteiurns TusXUaya. Thursdays and Saturdays. -cicepi ounuay. R. KOEIIi.KR, Manager. C. II. MARKnAX Qen. Frt and Paae, Agl Oregon Short Line Railroad. THH DTRBCT ItOOTa TO Montana, Utah, Colorado ind all Eastern Points. Olvee choir of two favorite reuaae, te the Veto raotfle Feet Mall Ltae. e the Rle Oraade aWrae Use LOOK AT Till T1MB 1J Duyato Suit Lake 2J Duys to tVnver 3 J Days to Chicago 41 Days to Now York. Free reclining eheire. tagtolataraa t let slpBc care, and IMIlraaa passes Maepers, optd en an train. For further loformaitoa, apply I Or Astoria. Orwon. C a TKRRT, W. B. OOMAJI, Tree. Feee Agt, Oea. Ageot. IM Third BL. rortlaM. Or. a W. LOUN8TJBRRT, Ageot. a K 4 N ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. " " PORTLAND. ArHve," 1:00 a. m. Portland ITnlut rwvi' lihll i IM p. m. for Astoria and InteH lie) p.m. t Ul. la i jwi aim. i P astoria: 7.46 a.m. Foe'Pnrln4 a u'.hi'T I 10 p.m. termedlat points I10:M&bb BKABIDB DIVISION. p.m.a.m. ""Uvta.llt'aTa" K,? Atorla.. Ar 7:eJ l.fl:OoUr....Seald..... Lvj lilt! SPE5CIAL SRARIDB SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Aston at 180 a. ra t arrtvaa ai Seaald : a. a. Pa a angers may return an ia showa oo sohedul on tarn, date. ALL TRAINS (b and frn AaaalAa rum ot Flavel and Hammond tU WarreaH toa. All trains nak do Oobl whb all Northern Paotno trata to and from the east or Soond pototm At Portland wtth all train) leaving Union depot , At Astoria with I. R A N. Co.' boat and rail line to and from iisraoo and North Baaob points. THROUO' TICKETS on sale ftt A. wla for ' .amento. Saa rraocleoo, ail Eastern and European point. City ticket office Astoria. IM Corncaer Hal "treM. j. c. MAIO. 0n 1 KVt and Paaa. Ageai Through Tickets EAST AND SOUTHEAST PULLMAN PALACE) SLEEPERS, TUURISTS SLEEPERS and FREB RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha. Chlcaeo, Kansas City aad other Bastera ettlae. nntscn llgrit In all care. rV." '" ther laxormatloa oa9 oa IMP MAA lBfaSl O. W. LOUNBBBnaT, Atol7 O. R. H. f I ArHve 1