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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1900)
TlIK MORNING ANl'URlANi KJIIDA, MAKCJi !J, 1900. New Spring . Goods New Goods Arriving Dally C. H. Cooper it The Leading House of Astoria WW- ,Yii - 'J - - YODAT'I W RATHER. liiliTKAND, March M.-Wwhlittoii, iviiin awl Ntrth-rn Malio, fair lo tiny arounITtown. Janu'n H. U-fd. o( Portland, l In th lty. ' R It. Hakrr of McMlnnvllItt li In tho oily. 4 II Jaffa I "tha only" restaurant. Wbtta J. W. llolili of M Mlnnvllla In it tho Orrl.tnnt. J mm H. Il.x"l of Portland I a gurat at Hi O i'ldoiu. A. P. KI1UX t of Hnn KrAi lf. It a (drill at tin IVclili-nl. W. N. Mrwrve, lint Oraya river mr chkiit. li In Hit) rlly un bualm-as. lieu lS ccnt mftl, nuin Bun rtita- rant, III Commercial iimt. Wllllum I.uck of NVImlcm la a, KUvat at ilia Parker liouas. Jeff a reauurantth Urgoat and bval A trial will coovlnca you. Ira. C. A. Harnnlt of Han Francisco la vlmtlng frlenda In AalorU. Kor limit Thn furnlahsd rooma tur bouwkiriln(, on ground floor; 414 Eic-hangr) strool, near Ninth. Clams, la dot.; Bmelt, to pount; veg tablea, fruit, milk, bread ate. Ntw Market, 440 luanj 8trt, ntar Tonth. A amall plnoo at Clatsop for sale or rent. Huttanla for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. Tairg. l'urlor Candy Blora. Herring A x'imk, Commercial street, between Tenth and Klavanth, Is tha only flrat-clajia all-night lunch hooaa la Astoria. Cream Tun Rye. America! flnaat whlakey. Tha only pur foods; guar- antctd rich and mellow. Julia X Carl on, aula agnt The flve-maatud schooner Loula -roaaid In yealerdiy, fourteen days from Honolulu, and anchored In thn lower harbor In ciimpllunca with tha quarantine regulations. Ro'lyn coal lasts longer, la cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other. Oeorge W. Sanborn. Agent. Telephone 1SU. Do good to yourself snd good to your frlenda. When you treat a friend .to whiskey, live him the best. Harper whiskey la tha beverage for your friend and for you. Sold by Foard a Blokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. yesterday H. N. Johnston sells and trunafers to Fred lUatadell and Thomas Floyd all thn timber on the north half of the north half of section 11, town ship 7 north, range i west, at a price of 75 cents per thousand feet. The timber Is to be marketed at once In part fulfillment of a contract. Information has been received by Collector Fox that the Oriental liner Monmouthshire suited - Tuesday from Yokohama and is due here about April 6th. Bho brings 270 passengers, of whom 40 Chinese are for Canada, 204 Japs for the United States and 10 Chi nese for Portland. . . The pilot schooner Joseph rulltser came Into port yesterday afternoon for supplies. The l'ulltior was outside the bar for nearly fifty days without put ting her nose Inside the mouth of .the river. It Is understood that the Pullt ser'wlll soon bo relieved by the Oregon state schooner San Jose arid will under go extensive repairs. The four-musted llrltlsh bark Inver nesHshlre, from Honolulu, crossed In late yesterday afternoon and was Im mediately placed In quarantine In the lower harbor. There Is no sickness on board but the fact that she last left an Infected port will necessitate her de tention by the quarantine olllceri for at least forty-eight hours. A dispatch from Victoria, 0. C, states that the steamer Cottage City arrived from the North yesterday and brinxs news that ends tho uncertainty and anxiety felt for the overdue schooner Marie Screnzen. Bhe Is a total wreck not far from Kllllsnoo, where she was caught while beating out on the 12th Inst. The schooner was one of the largest crafts engaged In Northern fishing. It Is reported tha crew are all safe and well. Our immoiiHo (lock U now almost com ploto in all dopartitionU. I 0(H?I?) - - H? ? The launch Iris Is now on the run between Astoria and Warrenton, pre pared to handle freight and passongers. Hh wilt connect with the Portland strainers. rtoaln coal Is the best and most eco nomical coal for household uaa In As toria. Try It once and you will have no other. Ueorge W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. Tha secret of good living Ilea In wholesome and well-cooked food. When a restaurant has established a reputa Hon along thla Una It Is tha place to patronise. Tha Model has this reputa tion. Near Foard 4 Stokes. Men Wanted To learn barber trade Only eight Weeka required; special In ducements this season; Illustrated cata logue, nmp of city and souvenir mail ed free. Motor's Ilarbtr College, Ban Francisco, California. Tho steamer KMer arrived In from fln Francisco yesterday morning shortly before daylight, about fifteen hours overdue. Borne apprehension wns flt for thn Elder when she did not put In an appearance Wednesday night. Hh la temporarily taking the plactf of the Columbia, which has, for so ntitny years, been on the run be twei-n here and Pan Francisco, It Is thn general Impression among business men In this city that Mr. Mohr Is making a mistake In entering Into a controversy concerning his en terprise, recently stirred up by the Portland Telegram. The belief prevails that his course Is not only undignified but foolish. If the so-called Paul Mohr enterprise has any merit whatever and Astorlans believe It has It should be unnecessary to assert and reiterate Its claims and contentions In a wordy con troversy In newptters published outside the liiiuii'dlate territory affected. Mr. Mohr has a tremendous tank on his hands. He has no time, energy nor dignity to waste In a SI wash newspapers controversy. The llrltlxh ship William Law, 108 days from Singapore, crossed In yes terday afternoon. Hhe Is consigned to A. Ilerg A Company of Portland. Her arrival will materially Increase the tonmtgn In port. There are at present In the liver, according to a report In the Telegram, the Bamarltan, Poseidon, lule of Arron, William Law and the big steamship Abergeldle. The Samar itan will probably be the only sailing vessel that will finish In tlmn to clear this month. The Abergeldle will get away tho latter part of this week or the llrst of next. March exports will be considerably lower than was antici pated, but will nevertheless amount up to a respectable figure. The vessels now coming will make a good start for the April fleet. Thn .wonderful discovery which the Astorlan says representatives of the combine made on the "Jim Crow" ands yesterday turns out to have been a portion of tho foundation of an old nctrack. If these sleuths hunt around a little more they may find a piece of net or even a corkllne. Such detective skill should never be allowed to re main unappreciated on a Columbia riv er sand heap; It should be transported to Kentucky at once to ferret out the Goebol assassins. Evening Budget The 'steemed Budget certainly must have a dull axe to grind. The Asto rlan merely gave the ' facta of a discovery of submerged pllea which certainly should have an important bearing on the case now before Judge Mcl.rlde. The Budget seems to have a sore spot somewhere In thla "Jim Crow" sands proposition. It would be of Interest to Astorlans to know the exact whyforeneBS of all this whlchness. The fact that there was one well de veloped and unmistakable case of hu bonlu plague In San Francisco some weeks ago has caused the Dominion government of Canada to establish a rtuyllght quarantine at William's Utad, off Victoria B. C, for all San Francisco steamers and sailing vesels. This Is locking the stable after the horse has been stolen. The fact of the appearance of the plague In Chinatown In San Frunclsco was published at the time and proper Inquiries were made from time to time by every coast port as to the status of the disease. The San Francisco olllclals stamped out the plague with the one case weeks ago. and since then steamers and sailing vesels from that port have landed wherever they wlBhed with only ordi nary Inspection. It Is a certainty that there Is no plague on the Pacific coast at present and the useless detention of ships from coast porta In quaran tine la both aggravating and unneces sary. . CURTIS STANDS ON HIS RECORD HIS W0PK IN LEGISLATURE Whit He Into Say CoBCtrnlnf Sty enl Bills Be Fathercd-Refcr eace to Present Cjfjildicy. C, J. Curtis, the erstwhile candidate for the nomination of representative In the state legislature before the forth coming republican county convention, does not take kindly to tlia criticism on his determination to withdraw from the part), as published In yesterday's Astorlan. Indeed, he declares with characterlt emphasis that he "will not stand for It," and explained himself more fully In the following Interview with an AMtorlun representative. "In view of the artlclij n your Isrue of yesterday, under tho caption, 'Bay Curtis Is No Angel.' Justice to myself and my friends calls for an answer. I have always Ix-en a republican, and am today, a more consistent republi can than some of my alleged friends, whom I have assisted In their political campaigns, knowing that they were a detriment to the best Interests of the psrty. , "'As to my being a candidate In the republican convention I will say noth ing. '1 am In the hands of my friends.' I do not expect to receive the nomina tion for the legislature from the re publican convention. Kxperlence has taught me, that a man must be a tool If ho adheres strictly to party lines In Clatsop county, and no man has ever used me as a tool, Perhaps this Is the cause of the recent unpleasantness. "In the arllclo referred to, somo 'smart Aleck,' who knows It all, ac cuses nie of introducing seventy bills In the Itst legislature and of running away with a certain bill. Your Inform ant Is one of those Ignoramuses, who thinks he knows everything snd Is a politician. I admit, that I am to blame for a certain report that haa gained considerable credence, that I ran away wl'.h the 'Nlckle-ln-the-alot' bill. Peo ple have been In the habit, as a 'Josh,' of accusing me of divers and sundry and I have always allowed them to believe that they were correct in tbelr deductions, but. as a matter of fact, I never ran away with any bill. The bill refered to was given by me to E. H. Flagg of Marlon county, a member of the committee to which the bill was referred, and while I waa ensaged ex- pertlng the books of the deaf mute school, he reported favorably on the bill und It was passed and Is now a law, as appears by the session taws snd the house Journal. "The 'nincompoop' who so gratuitous ly furnished you the information, says that I Introduced seventy bills, none of which became laws, is laboring un der a delusion. In contradiction of this stutcmcnt, I wilt simply refer yo o the session laws. I did Introduce for ty-one bills, but seventeen of these bills were Introduced by me at the request of the ways and means committee, of which I was a member, and which were for private clulms against the state that the committee did not ds sire to .include In the general appro priation bill, but preferred that the legislature pass upon the merits of each bill separately. I Introduced sev eral bllla amending the code, which were referred to the judiciary commit tee, to whom were referred several bills of a similar nature which were all Incorporated In one bill and passed. "I admit that I did not Introduce a bill for the protection of angle worms, nor to provide for the propagation of sot gulls," continued Mr. Curtis. "I did, however, introduce and assist In passing a bill appropriating $15,000 for the propogatlon of salmon. I Intro duced the present fishing . law bill, which had been prepared by the Push Club. I Introduced and passed the dis trict attorney bill, which has saved Clatsop county over $4,000. In Intro duced and passed the bill requiring the sheriff not to levy upon property for delinquent taxes, which haa saved the county $2,700 a year, that being the sum paid Horry Bell for levying upon property for delinquent taxes. Thla was as many bills as any one member of the legislature passed. I was told by my colleagues, and by a large num ber of people In Astoria, that I had made a most excellent record." Continuing, Mr. Curtis said: "There seems to be a general disposition on tho part of unscrupulous ring men, to wash some of the dirty linen of poli tics In Clatsop county. If necessary I can rtart a steam laundry and do more washing than any man In Clatsop coun ty. If this is done, it will require a vast amount of fumigating; matter to clear the political atmosphere. The bu bonic plague will not be a circumstance to tho epidemic that will attack the ring In Clutsop county. Fifteen years of experience in training with the gang puts mo In a position to publish facts and figures that will cause a large sized disturbance. I am not disposed to do this. I have made no statements as to being a candidate ,nor have I ever said that the republicans have thrown me down. This has evidently emlnated from Jealous opponents, who If nominated will simply form a kin dergarten contingent to the ring and who will have as much weight In the legislature as a cipher at the end of Mark Hunna's Income." REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. F. A. Fisher and wife to Inga Ras musHen 10 acres In section 16, T N, R 8 W; $5. TMK UODENTi ARB BUT. Chief Hallock Wafts In Vain to Pay i the Bounty. . . Where are all the rats? For two days and nights Chief of Police Hallock and two assistants bave been on duty almost continuously at the central station waiting not for thieves and thugs, becnuse the city Is rid of them, but for rats, common, or dinary, long-tailed rats, such as are prescribed by the common council, and nary a rat has shown up. When the council offered a bonus of S cents a scalp for rati, living or dead, everybody supposed that the chief of police would be busy from early morn until dewey eve embalming dead rats or .caging live ones brought In by the populace of Astoria. ' Hardware stores sent rush ordtrs to central supply points for rat traps, drug stores sent rush orders for rat poison to the whole salers and every preparation was made for a "rund-up" of rats that would make the pled jdper of Hamelln ashamed of himself. Alas for the hopes of men, but Joy for tho rats. The rat traps hang rusting In the fogs from the, bar and the poison labels are gradually losing their ghoul like grin In the drug store windows, while Chief Huliock ill disconsolately In his ofllec with his embalming . fluid and traps stored away. "I'll wait one more day," raid the chief yesterd-iy, "and If there are no rats brought In I shall call In my de tectives and turn them loose on the case. There are rats In Astoria beyond a doubt, big rat.), old residents, to say noihln it the Immigrants off ships and new comers from the woods, But they run at large In defiance of the proclamation of the board of health and the common council. ' Hhull the citizens of neighboring vll lages, such as Portland, cry 'rats' at the police department of Astoria and we with never a rat to answer? Death, no, Huts there are, running loose In violation of the taw and they shall be takon Into custody if It takes every man on the force. One more day I will wait and then unless the rats come In, voluntarily or otherw ise, I'll go af ter them. The law shall be enforced.' Thla should be su'Mclent warning to persons harboring rats and It Is con fidently expected that the chief will be .kept busy drawing on the city treasurer for the next day or two. THEY WANT THE BOAT. Astoria Naval Reserve Men Ask for a Competitive Drill to Locate Training Ship. It haa been suggested that when the government gets good and ready to send to the waters of the Northwest a vessel for the use of the naval re serve, that Its location or headquar ters be based upon the ability of the division of naval reserves In any given locality, to receive and handle the ship: The naval reserves of Astoria have shown their superiority to the com Panics from other ports on any and every occasion offered them and should a ship be Intrusted to their care they will undoubtedly keep up their good record. All the Astoria division of the naval reserve asks Is a competitive drill, on sea or shore, without an hour'a warn lng, and If the percentage of the divis ion here does not exceed, not equal but exceed, that of any other division of the naval reserve In the Northwest, then the boys are willing the training ship should go elsewhere. But If it Is shown beyond all doubt that the Astoria division of the naval reserve, In work on land and water, Is superior In efficiency, in discipline and In physical perfection, to the other contending divisions, then the boys want the boat. It is probable that the members of the reserve In Astoria will call the atten tlon of the Oregon congressmen to their claims In the near future and ask that they be given an opportunity to show whether or not they have worked hard enough to secure a fight lng chance for the government craft. COMMERCIAL TIE THAT BINDS. The Dalles Tlmes-Mountalneer. The people of Astoria are preparing for an excursion to The Dalles on March 26, and it certainly will be to our Interest to give them a cordial reception. Tho Dalles and Astoria have many Interests In common, and it Is desirable that they come In closer con tactthat a bond of friendship be formed that will be perpetual. The Dalles has products to send into the markets of the world. The natural gateway for Its products Is through Astoria, or at least some point at the mouth of the river. We want the cheapest and best shipping point for our products, and the Mouth of the river seems to offer it. On the other hand, Astoria, Warrenton and Flavel seek to become the shipping center of the Northwest. To become this they must come In closer touch with the In terior. The visit of the Astorlans to this city Is of more than passing Im portance. It therefore behooves us to give the visiters the "glud hand" and a hearty welcome. IN DARKEST CLATSOP. Evening Budget. As nearly as we can learn from the latest hellograms Commandant Curtis has reconnoltered In force and occupied the Clatsop county kopje as a prelim inary to a general movement, horse, foot and baggage, against the enemy, which he will soon lead In person. In the meantime Commandant Fulton Is pursuing his customary policy, throwing up intrenchments, lying In vast stores of ammunition and encour aging his troops to dally devotions. The signs of a fearful and sanguinary conflict between the erstwhile Damon and Phythlaa of Clatsop republicanism causes the moon to appear crimson hued whenever It ahows Itself. VICTIM OF THE "BLACK BALL" INQUEST OK RIVER SUICIDE Be Is Identified as an Eafloeer oa tbe Southern-Could Get No Work ' Because of a Boycott- An Inquest waa held yesterday after noon on the body of tbe man found floating In the river near the round house of the Astoria railroad on Wed nesday morning' J. Hympson, a witness, established the Identity of the dead man as R. W. Lovelace, formerly a locomotive en gineer on the Southern Pacific railway. The witness had known the deceased for many years and testified, In sub stance, as follows: Lovelace came to Portland with his wife, after losing his position on the Southern l'acltlc, his last employment being as locomotive engineer on the Sacramento division under Master Mechanic J. W. Wright Arriving in Portland Lovelace found work on all the railroads closed to him, he believing and It being gener ally understood, that he bad been black balled by the Southern Pacific on ac count of bis drinking habits. Lovelace sought work In Portland ai an engineer on river boats but waa unsuccessful and frequently. In his des pondent moods In that city, declared "everybody would be better off if be wre deau," adding "my wife will be cared for no matter what happens to me." Finally, according lo Mr. Sympson, Lovelace, accompanied by his wife, left Portland and came to Astoria, where the witness met him. Falling to find work here Lovelace pawned a valuable watch and with the money thus obtained sent his wif: back to Sac ramento, w here she had well-to-do rela lives who would take care of her. Simpson paid room rent for Love' lace after his wife's, departure and loaned him money but the deceased seemed to be. unable to rally from the despondency caused by having to send his wife home and began drinking hard. Some three weeks ago Sympson was called out of town on business. He left Lovelace here but could find no trace of him upon him return. He supposed, however, that Lovelace had secured work on some outgoing steam er and thought no more about him until he read of the finding of the body, The vtrdict of the coroner's Jury was that of suicide without alleging cause for the act. ' Coroner Poht will bury the remains today at the county's ex pensc, it being impossible to longer keep the body without hermetically sealing It in a casket. The wffe of the deceased will be notified by letter of her husbands' death. From what Love' lace said to Acquaintances In Portland and here, bis wife. comes from a good family, abundantly able to care for her. So far as known the deceased left no messages for anyone. Lovelace worked for the Southern Pacific company for almost a score of years and until drink overcame him wns a trusted empleyee. . In Portland he practically asserted that he had been "black balled" by the California "Octo pus," .and that it was useless for him to seek work on any railroad, no mat ter how much he reformed. While in Astoria Lovelace roomed at the Oriel house and he was last seen there on February 23rd. It 1s presumed he com mitted suicide the night of that day. IN THE "OLLOW OF 'IS "AND. Evening News. Mr. Curtis says he has had several chances to "down" the republican par ty, and this time be will "down" it Such an Intention upon the part of a man who, ever since he Joined the ranks of the party, has been continu ally the recipient of honors and favors. Is far from pralsworthy. The party Is not however, responsible for Mr. Cur tis' ingratitude. But there is another side to the question. L e., the threat to beat the party at the coming election and the Implied boast that he holds the fate of the republican ticket "In the hollow of his hand," as It were. It has been well said that "the pen la mightier than the sword," but the late Mr. Caxton had In mind a different weapon than that wielded by the edi tor of the Herald. It Is, of course, to be regretted that the ticket must meet defeat as the price or tne reiusai to accede to Mr. Curtis' demands, but if the price of success Is subserviency to his (Mr. Curtis') will, It is full time the party met with inglorious defeat 18th St. snd Franklin At. Huffscfimdt & Lovell, Props t SCNI-STCEl, MANGANESE and rnOSrtlOR BRONZE a Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS 'Phone 8431, Aatorla, Or. Th. Fredeiikson PIANO TUNER INSTRUCTION ON CELLO AND VIOLIN Phone 1074. I Scow Bay i THE BEE Best Boat Specially Prepared for FlshlnS Boats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. Fancy and Staple Groceries IN ADDITION Feather und Paper Dusters, . Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Telescopes, and Lunch Baskets. Brooms, Whisps, Scrub Brushes, etc. Crockery and Glassware. As V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for family use or keg Mr John Eopp is pror-ietor, makes beer beer supplied at an time, delirerj in for domeeio and export trade. tbe city free. florth Pacific Brewerg Golumbia Eleetrie & Repair Go Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Logging Engine Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... Harrison Section" Propeller Wheel ... Contract jrs for Electric Lights and Power Plants. W. F. SCHEIBE, A fall Moe f Plow, TebMca, ul Aawiura' Artlctea. 174 Commercial Bt. ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. European p an, Soc tj ll.W par day. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager- American plao, X.0O to a.00 per day. WEDDING CARDS EDDI3 Cflgs W. G. SMITH & CO.. VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Pacific N avigation Company Steamers-"R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobnonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. and altto the Astoria & Columbia River K. R. for San Francisco, Portland and all pointa east. For freight and passenger rates apply t- SartiMCI Elmore & Co. General Amenta, ASTORIA, ORS. COIIN k CO., Agents, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., TILLAMO0& Ore. A. k C. R. R Co. PORTLAND. Ore. loioi Mormon Biahoos' PHIS Chwck tuS Uu." Mnci. rvw-ty or co .III. gthnlilH tha bma and Mrra ceatm. yc a - icy.Loat Power, H ent-komii Bnnrmaiu.."uM wis . Haadachi.Unfln.Mto.Marry.ios.of f-ST! ?mi v.m. naMp.tion, etoD. ot.; Mil fvMzypj:. r HIVE Tha vary best (tnaran- teed itioe on tbe tnsr- rt f A ket.. ,$40U LADIES' PERCALE SHIRT WAISTS A floe line of 0o waists, ties, collars and new belts. THE fl'UY BELT.... 48c Paint IK THE ...MARKET Loggers Supplies Kept Is Stock Built and Repaired Manufacturer of the. Always Reliable) "La Belle Astoria" Cigar Scheite's Opera Star Scnelfce's Special . And Otbr Brand j, c. PENDKGAST, Chief Olar ENGRAVERS, 22 aod 23 Washington Building. 4th and Washington 8t8, over Lltt'a. PORTLAND, OREGON. 4 i"1 m r V '"' u cum Ui w tsl ii. on na ,.,un aii.ln( h,m . W H o Of mil 1 mtr fwrartte. Itnoo Htmwy vi van rranc t Bold by CHARLES ROQE..J. a Cum U at- Aau I i - mmu, .,,,.. ' , .