The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 21, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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The grout piles of softly-tinted cottons, dainty em
broideries, filmy laces, new furnishings and dressy
accessories all proclaim her silent approach.
" ' Our store is in thorough order for the newcomers.
Iargo shipments are coming daily and will continue
to arrive until every line is overflowing with new and
attractive, merchandise. .
Headquarters for Dry Goods on the Lower Columbia.
Eh Stands Uea.iy to Protect Amer
ican Missionaries With Her Troops.
NEW YORK. March JO.-A special to
the Herald from Washington, says: It
developed today that Germany stands
ready with troops to protect American
missionaries In Shan Tyng province. It
wan further ascertained that the Berlin
government, to the gratification of
the I'nlted States recently despatched
an expeditionary force from Klao Chou
to Ichou Fu for the protection of
American missionaries. This force
tippresed the rioters at Ichou Fu, ar
rested the ringleaders who have ben
punished and taught the anti-foreign
crusader a lesson.
The state department has been in
formed that the German government
contemplates another expeditionary
force to the interior of Shan Tung,
where most of the American missions
ta Ivated", but K fully understands
the Willingness of the German authori
ties Jo take such action. In fact, I
learned In a high diplomatic quarter
that the German governor at Klao
Chou has sfandlnqr instructions to take
such measure for the protection of,
hot only German missionaries and other
Interests In Shan Tung province as may
seem necessary, but of American mis
sionaries as well. Because of the pecu
liar relation In which Germany stands to
the province of Shan Tung by reason
of her acquisition of Klao Chou and of
court property rights In the promotory,
she Is partlcutarly desirous of preserv
ing order In the territory. It is for this
reason that her troops are ready for
service at any point within the prov
ince where there is danger of attack
upon foreign interests by Chinese fa
natics. To a certain extent Germany
consequently dominates the province
and she undoubtedly would rather use
her on troops to protect foreigners,
then allow a third government to land
a force to protect its own citizens, when
such action might lead to its remain
ing permanently in the territory, w hich
its forces temporarily occupied.
The fact that Germany dispatched
troops to Ichou Fu to protect American
missionaries has never hitherto been
published The offer of Germany to
send a force to this point was received
with pleasure by the authorities, who
do not contemplate yny designs w hat
ever on Chinese territory and who are
consequently very glad to assent to the
German proposition.
Minister Wu Ting Fang, the diplo
matic representative of China here, is
inclined to look upon the reports of
trouble in China as exaggerated.
Chicago Packers Predict Its Passage
Will React Against That
CHICAGO, March 2. The Chicago
puckers are watching with Interest the
struggle In the German relchstag over
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
Those who have never had Blood Pol
on can not know what a desperate con
dition it can produce. This terrible
disease which the doctors are totally
enable to cure, is communicated from
one generation to another, inflicting iti
taint upon countless innocent ones.
Some yeri ago I was Inoculated with plson
by a nurse who infected my babe with blood
UlnL Tbs little one wu
UBqual to the slrugKle,
and its life wu yielded
up to thefearfui poison.
lor six long years I suf
fered untold taisery. I
wu covered with sores
and ulcers from bead to
foot, and no language
an express my feelings
01 woe aunug iuuk
years. I bad the beet
medical treatment. 8er
eral physicians succes-jjv
lively treated me. but all s
to no purpose, ine mer
ury and potash seemed to add fuel to tbt
awful flame which was devouring me. I wat
adrised by friends who bad seen wonderful
cures made bv 11. to try Swift's Specific. Hi
got two bottle, and I felt hope again revive In
my bream hope for health and happlnesi
again. I Improved from the start, and a com
plete and perfect cure was the result. 9.S. S.
is the only blood remedy which reaches des
perate cases. Mb. T. W. Lie,
Montgomery, Als.
Of the many blood remedies, S. S. P.
is the only one which can reach deep
seated, violent cuses. It never fails Us
cure perfectly and permanently the
most desperate cases which are beyom!
the reach of other remedies.
is pcrei.t vegitablr, and is the only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
mercurr, !.&ish', or other mineral.
Valuable books mailed free by Swift
Bpec'tic Company, Atlanta) Georgia.
the bill. Three of them expressed
themselves" on the subject:
'Tbe passing of the law In its present
form," 5ald one packer, "would restrict
our exports to Germany. Uuder the
terms of the bill, lard, hams and bacon
which may be Inspected easily would
1 not he affected much. But canned
J meats and sausages, which cannot b-
J Inspected without being destroyed,
. would be excluded. This would reduce
i our exports of meat products to Ger
1 many 40 to 50 per cent.
! "Germany would be Injured by the
bill as It would raise the prices of fid
and that country would find that there
would be retaliation on some of Its pro
ducts. "There Is no question In regard to
the Injurious effects of the bill," said
another. "It practically would exclude
all our canned meats and sausages
from Germany, where we have had a
fairly good market for these products.
!Sc Question Is not yet decided wiJ
I do not believe that the bill In Jts pres
ent form will Become a law."
"The passing of the bill would be
Just as bad for Germany as it would be
for this couniry,"said a toir! packer.
'ft would prevent us from sending our
canned meats to Germany and it would
cause a serious Increase In the cost of
meats In Germany, thus causing suf
fering and hardship among the poorer
classses of thut country. I don't be
lieve, however, the bill will become a
law." '
Central American States Object to the
Amendment Proposed to the Hay
Pauncefote Treaty.
NEW YORK. March 20. A special
to the Herald from Washington says:
It can be stated authoratlvely that
the state department has been In
formed that all the governments of
Central America are opposed to the
Davis amendment to the Hay-Paunce-fote
In the opinion of the governments
designated, the amendment places an
entirely' new phase upon the designs
of the United States in connection with
the construction of the canal. The
neutrality of the waterway would, to a
certain extent, have deprived the pow
erful republic of the North of an In
centive to acquire their territory.
Since the war with Spain and the
consequent expansion of the United
States some apprehension has been ex
pressed by the southern countries that
the United States would next turn its
attention to them.
The Hay-Pauncefote treaty was con
sequently hailed by the Central Ameri
can nations as a guarantee that they
would not be molested as the Interna
tional neutrality of the canal would
prevent Interference in isthmian af
fairs by oth.T governments. The Davis
amendment however placed In the
hands of this government the right
not only to take measures for its own
defense with reference to the canal but
permits us to use force "for the main
tenance of public order."
Earthquake Has Caused Large Cave
In on Its Surface.
CHICAGO, March 20. A special to
tbe Record from San Jacinto, Califor
nia, says:
Great excitement prevails in San, as It has been dihcovered that
part of the San Jacinto mountain has
clipped into a subterranean cavern. A
territory covering sixty acres at an
elevation of 4,000 feet was dislodged
by the recent earthquake and had slip
ped 150 feet lower than It had previous
ly stood for centuries.
The face of the new valley is thickly
traversed with fissures and cracks.
The great earthquake has been suc
ceeded by dozens of light shocks and
although these are becoming Infre
quent, residents are much alarmed.
Senator Davis Making Strong Efforts
to Secure Its Ratification.
WASHINGTON, March 20.-Senator
Davis, chairman of the senate commit
tee on foreign relations and in charge
of the French reciprocity treaty, said
last night that notwithstanding the
purpose to extend the time for the ex
change of ratifications, he proposed
to do all he could to obtain ratifica
tion during the present session.
The senator is preparing a careful
statement showing the advantages to
American Interests which will attend
the operation of the treaty. He expects
to complete the statement in the course
of a week and will ask that It be print
ed so that each senator may be supplied
with a copy and consider It at his
Senator Davis will set forth that the
To keep the skin clean
is to wash the excretions
from it off; the ikin take
care of itself inside, if not
blocked outside.
To wash it often and
clean, without doinjj any
sort of violence to it, re
quires a most gentle soap,
a soap with no free al
kali in it.
Pears', the soap that
clears but not excoriates.
All sorts of stores sell it, especially
druggists; all sort ol people use it.
treaty Is a fair bargain for both pow
ers. Only In eight cases, he points out,
has there been a reduction of twenty
per cent and in no Instance to the det
riment of an Industry and lubor. The
average ad valorem duty remaining
after the several reductions (which ap
ply only to France) are suiflcient. he
says, fully to protect the American
The French treaty will etpiiv In Tour
days unless an extension should be
agreed upon by the two govrnm"nts.
No doubt exists at the French em
bassy of the willingness of the French
government to extend the time of rati
fication for the year proposed.
Marine Hospital Determined to Forc!
the Navy Out of Possession.
NEW YORK. March 2V-A iial to
the Herald from Washington says:
Secretary Long has sent Instructions
to the contractor wno has been engaged
In the construction of a coating nation
at Dry Tortugas, directing him to sus
pend work until next November. This
action has been taken In compliance
with the recommendation of the sur-g-on-general
of the marine hospital
service who lias called the attention of
the department to the necessity for us
ing Dry Tortugas Island between April
1 and November 1, as a quarantine sta
tion and has expressed apprehension
lest, if a large working force were on
the Island It should serve as a means
for the transfer of bubonic plague or
yellow fever to the United States.
The question of the final ownership
of the Island has not been settled.
Under a presidential order It belongs
to the war department which, having
no use for It. permitted the marine hos
pital service to establish a quarantine
station there. The navyl during the
war with Spain regarded the island as
a strong strategic station and obtained
pern.lsslon to establish a coaling sta
tion on it
Considerable money has been expend
ed in the establishment of the station
and the navy department will point out
that the government will lose a great
deal of money If It Is forced perma
nently to surrender the Island to the
manno hospital service.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 20.-Col.
Bird, government Inspector, has begun
examination of the transports now In
this harbor. It Is understood that the
Missouri will not be retained In the
service, but will be replaced by the
Badger, the name of which will be
changed to Lawton. About 1100,000 will
be expended for repairs on this vessel.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 20.-Peter
Jackson will sail today for Sydney,
where he Intends to open a boxing
Total Number of Names on the Roll
to Date.
Astoria Precinct No. 1 117
Astoria Precinct No. 2 127
Astoria Precinct No. 3 117
Astoria Precinct No. 4 154
Astoria Precinct No. 5 150
Astoria Precinct No. 6 87
Astoria Precinct No. 7.. 73
John Day Precinct 20
Svensen 27
Walluskl 19
New Astoria 83
Warrenton 2
Clatsop 28
Seaside 70
Melville 12
Chadwell 27
Youngs River 12
Olney 24
Knappa 34
Clifton st
Westport 17
Vespar 3
Jewell '., g
Mishawaka 13
Elsie 38
Push 6
Total to date 1327
NOTE. The county clerk's office will
remain open each Thursday evening,
from 7 till 9, until the close of the
registration period. This in done for
the accommodation of those who can
not conveniently register during the
day-time, ,
Sweet Is the voice of a sister In the
season of sorrow, and wise is the coun
sel of those who love us.
Manners change with time and cir
cumstances; customs may be observed
everywhere, . ,
Many a prophet Is little honored till
the future proves his inspiration.
And All Forms of Itching. Scaly Humors Arc
Instantly Relieved and Speedily
Cured by CUTICURA.
The Itching nuil burning I sutTcml In my fret suit limb for three ymn
wens torrlt'lo. At ullit (hey went worVe and would keep inn nwnkfl
pitaN, and all else Sold throughout the world. Porr lNl ANU CtlKX.
Coup., Sol Props., ltoston. " How to Purify and lleaiitify tlio 8kln," ttvn.
l'e only I'lTlcriu Sop fur baby's nkln, sealp, and hair. It la net only th purm,
r'pit, and moM refre.Mnn uf mirwrY .uu. tint II ronfciliw di'llrnle, eimil
If 1LLI0MS Ileal proiwrtle. obtained fnun OTU'lUU.Uie rvM .kin cure, whl. h rvfre,
iiurlty, ami Iwauttlv Hie Hn, acalp, ami lulr. and prevent rtmpln .kill Mfin
OF .hen from lwv.nlii M-rlnua. for dlntrewln lint! rilie, rhaltiiK", Inllnin
titnTUCBC BwtliHia, nd eruption, fir eruted, ttrhlnn irrllallun ut llm wlllt "lr,
RiUI ntna u, ,sn, r, (,ir rvd, nnuU UaiuU, aud haiclo nall, and liul In
fautilo bumor, II W aUolulvly ludlleuaablo.
republican convention for Clatsop
county 18 hereby called to meet at the
court house in the City of Astoria, on
Saturday, April 7, 1900, at 10:30 o'clock
a. m., for the purpose of electing dele
gates to attend the republican state
convention to be held at the City of
Portland, on Thursday, April 12, 1900, at
1C a- m., and the republican congres
sional convention for the Second con
gressional district to be held In Tort
land. Oregon, Friday, April 13, 1900, at
10 o'clock a. m and for the purpose
of nominating the following county of
ficers to be voted for at the election
to be held on Monday, June 4th, 1900,
Two representatives, ono commission
er, clerk, sheriff, treasurer, surveyor,
assessor, superintendent of schools, cor
oner, one road supervisor for each pre
cinct, one constable for each precinct,
one Justice of the peace for each pre
cinct. The committee recommend that the
primaries In the various precln:ta be
held on Wednesday, March 21, 1900.
The following apportlofinfent has
been made, being one delegate at large
from each precinct, and one delegate
for every twenty-rive votes or fraction,
cast for Governor T. T. Geor at the
election held in 1S9S:
Astoria Precinct 43
Warrenton 3
Clatsop I
Melville a
Chad we ll 3
Seaside S
Olny 2
Youngs river 2
Walluskl 3 '
ISvensen J
Knappa 3
Westport 4
Vesper 2
Line S
Push 2
Jewell 2
Clifton 4
Jonn Day 2
New Astoria 2
Mishawaka. 2
Notice Is further given that a pri
mary election Is hereby called to be
held In the City of Astoria for the pre
cinct of Astoria, for the purpose of
electing 43 delegates to the republican
county convention, to be held at the
City of Astoria, on Saturday, April 7.
liKrO, at 10:30 a. m said primary shall
be held Wednesday, March 21, 190,
from the hours of 1 o'clock p. m. to the
hour of 6 o'clock p. m. of said day. The
following polling places in each ward
of eald city have been established,
In ward No. 1, Engine House N. 1;
ward No. 2, at -number 631 Commer
cial street, and ward No. 3, the old
school house.
The following judges have been ap
pointed, to-wit:
Ward No. 1 Grant Trulllnger, II. G.
Smith and Thomas Mokko.
Ward No. 2-F. L. Parker, H. D.
Thing and D. H. Welch.
Ward No. 3 T. K. Cornelius, W. B,
Painter and C. A. Llnenwebbr.
By order of the Central Committee.
Attest: W. F. M'GHEGOR,
F. J. CAUNEY, Chairman.
The fishing season opens at 12 m. on
the 15th day of April, 190. All fisher
men are requested to take out their li
censes before they begin fishing; as no
license will be issued from the patrol
boat this season. Anyone found fish
ing without a license, or not having
their boats and gear numbered as the
law requires, will be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
Licenses may be had at 4G9 Bond
street, Astoria, Oregon, or 407 Oregon
Ian building, Portland, Oregon,
a F. C. ItEED,
-i' Fish Commissioner.
MENT. Notice is Hereby Given, . That the
Common CounVill of the City of Astoria
ha determined to and Intends to im- j
nrnvn nil thar nortlon of fVmmflrrln.l '
. . ... . . ,. . . I
street In that part of the city of As-1
renter pun or urn mum. 1 coiisuiiihi
doctor utter doctor, a I win travelling
on the rout! most of my llino, sluo one
of our city doctor. None of tlio doc
tor knew what tlio trouMo was, I got
n lot of the illili'iYiit un!ilt' of the medi
cines I hud been using. I found them
of so ninny dlllcrent kinds that I con
cluded ilmt I would have to go to 11
Cliuititiiitl litiKiltnl be for I would get
relief, 1 had frequently Imv ii urged to
try UrritTiu Kkmkdik, hut I Imd no
faith lu tlit'in, M v wife Dually prevailed
tion me to try Uiein. I'lettol What
change! I am now cured, tind It Is h
permanent cure, 1 feel Ilka kicking
some dixior or myself for suffering three
years when 1 could have used I'l'THTKA
II. JENKINS, Mlddlohoro, Ky.
Consisting of Cirriri'iu Boat CiV ), to
cleanse the skin of trusts and wain and
often the thickened cuticle. t'lTtctia
Ointment (c., to timUnlly allay Itching.
Irritation, and liill.iiiitnulloii, and xmthe ami
heal, and CuTicrm Kkioi.vkxt (!H), to
cool and rlinii (ha blond, l often surhVlntit
to cure the mwl torturing, illMltfiirlnil "Mil,
sealp, anil blood liumon, null, mul Irrita
tion with low of hair when iihysli'liins, ho.
torla, Clatsop county, state of Ore
gon, as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, from the west It it of Tenth
street to the west line of EUhth street
to the full width thereof and
on the established grade there
of, by removing all the old sills and
plnnUIng nnl replacing with new
stringers and flunking .he same with
sound fir planking 412 Inches, and
with the construction of sidewalks and
gutters on bth sides of said portion of
street. The said Improvement as to Its
construction In matters of detail and
the material to be used, except as
hereinbefore stated, shall bs In ac
cordance with the provisions of Ordi
nance No. 111. of the city of Antorla,
entitled "An Ordinance In relation to
the Improvements of streets," ap
proved the 3rd day of January, 1S95,
except that the lumber to b bsed
therein may be of any color of good
sound fir lumber, and said Improvement
to be made strictly In accordance with
the specifications therefor to be de
posited with the auditor and police
judge of said city by the city sur
veyor. The costs and expenses of raid Im
provement shall be defrayed by special
assessment upon the lots, lands and
premises fronting upon and adjacent
to said portion of suld street proposed
to be Improved and t:uch other lands
as In the opinion of the council will
be benefited by said proposed improve
ment which saiil lots, lands and prem
ises so fronting upon, adjneent to and
benellieil by said promised Improve
merit, which constitute all the lands
biictlted by said proposed Improve
ment, are hereby Included within a
special assessment district hereby es
tablished for said Improvement and
to be assessed to defray the costs
mid expense of making the same as
speclnlly benefited by the same and
described as follows to-wit: Beginning
at the northenst corner of lot rive (5)
In block number twenty-live (25) and
running thence west on a straight line
to the northwest corner of lot eight
(S) In block twenty-four t2l), thence
south on the west line of blinks
twenty-four (21) and twenty
seven (27) to the southwest cornep of
lot number one (1) In block twenty
seven (27), thence east on a straight
line to the southeast comer of lot
four (4) In block twenty-six (28) thence
north on the east line of block! 2 and
25 to the point of beginning and con
taining lots 6, 6, 7 and 8 In block 24,
lots 5, (. 7 and 8, In block 25, lots 1, 2.
3 and 4 In block 29, and lots 1, 2, 3 and 4
In block 27.
This notice Is published In the Dally
Astorlnn for eight days In pursuance
to a resolution duly adopted by the
common council of the City of Asto
ria on the 5th day of March, 1900. the
first publication of this notice being
on Thursday, March 14, 1900.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
Scow Bay
Iron and Bf asorks,
Ittth Ml. and Franklin Av.
Huff schmidt & Lovell, Props
rnOSrnOK DHONZE a Specialty
X 'Prion 24SI, Astoria, Or.
Restore Vitality. Lost Vljor sod Manhood.
Cure Impotency, Nlfht Kmlsslonaand
waHtlntr d incase, all effects of self-
abune, or excess and India
cretlon. A nerve tonic and
Mood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
:Bv mall ROc rer box. G boxes
for $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or rclund the money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Bts,, CHICAGO, ILL
for by Charts! Bocera, Drus fist
fZZm n,0t
Salrlncatrlplolh i
ft mfctiftnlrtl or Invantlva mind
I'arii KxponltioOf tTltbgooi
Salary sad eirmi-plij. ili'iulil wrln
Xh tAitMX iu:cou. itaitimore.
"Tlic World
Owes Every Man
a Living"
Hilt mIiiiI sort f living Is It you yl
wiili a poor stove or raiiuu iu your
kitclifu? liny a
Star Estate Range
Tliey insure uxl llvliitf
W. J. Scully, AH:nt m
t.ll IIONl)
Mis Ikrtha nartfn's
s a I
Koiiim MO tknm BUIIllr.f. 8-1
i uvAAnAruuvriruvuAj uuu
Tlio Only Plrst-Clnn
irvrvtAAAruvt -nnnnnnAAnAnAAAnrvAvrmAAjAAAAAAnnAAAt
We Rent New
TT "''; Many
Sec our latest
P-: -(jP No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter
. New Art Catalogue reo ,. ,
- ' Tel. Main 674 ,
m wm hue mm com
Of New Zealand
W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco,
Subscribed CiipiUJ,
I'uid'Up Capital,
Asuets in United StnteK,
Surplus to Policy Holder, -
Iln.s been Underwriting on tlio Pacific Const over twenty-two years-..
Resident Ai-iits, Astoria, Or.
Some Interesting Figures.
Cupital Stock of the Tour Crcitt Banks of the World. Dec. 31, 1IHKI.
Bank of England, . .
Bank of France,
Imperial Bank of Germany,
Bank of Russia,
Funds held by the Mutual Insur
ance Company for the payment of qa qjj rn
Its policies, Decemfcer 31, 1900, ipoUl, (m,00 (
Or, 1125,471,682 more, than the combined capital of these- famous
Tlio new form of policy of the Mutual Life Insurance- Company of
New York, Kichard A. McCurdy, President, provides:
First The SECURITY of $301,844,537 of assets.
Extended term insurance in case of lapse. .
Automatic paid-up insurance without exchange of policy.
Ono month's grace in payment of premiums.
For further information apply, to ,
WILLIAM S. POND, State Manager, Portland.
B. VAN DUSEN, Resident Manager, Astoria, Ore,
Consignments of
New Lumber
for building purposes -re belie:
I'onatarilty received Irom the beat
producing formats of tha country,
tiur supply of yellow fir, spruce,
and red oak hardwoods, shlnilas,
lath, and miliums are never al
lowed to run low, and we tan al
ways nil lame or small orders
promptly with the best seasoned,)
lumber at prices that defy com
petition. ,
rill Use ol Neit tsibruid.
try Materials.
laitleis s apuiaiiy.
Choice Sclcctins nl "Vitiplsq
StiStplog Neatly Dnac.
4 Wsthlulu SU. JI'uHIil, Or.
m nnnm uviwaaaaj tnvrwwuvi
Hotel In Porttnncl
imirovcinoiit3 ftJJotl
Kxclualvn I'acillc Cimt Audita
215 Hints Si , l'..rtl.inil, Ore.
1,7 18,7J2
11 !
i.' " i a.
V v i