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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
TUK MORNING ANJ'OItlAN, TliUllSDA, MARCH 16, '900. J! OVERCOAT and MACKINTOSH SALE tv4 '!' An a Hpccial iixluceinout to roduco our stock J f .1 In ro reduction ut Ichh tli an coHt, 1 a C. H. Cooper tIia I 4i.jj jx.; -wv (si TODAY'S WEATHER. rollTI.ANn, Mnnh IB. Wtuililiitnn. Orrtfon ami Idaho, fair weulhnr today. AROUNDTOWN. frank Hour-n of Frankfurt In In tlnj city. O. W, NtiiOT of Warronton I In the cliy. V. It. Parker U In I'orllund on bul ncM. Will Modlmin wa In Portland ytr day, i Jff' I "lh only" rcitaurant Wblu i j m-r of lClfvmttli and llond street. Ilev. J, M. Olllott arc In 1 Mr- ' "art of th M. K. church will de 1 liver the aldniia. Mr. and I'ortlnnd. Mm. J. O. Ilanthoin I'tcrno down from Port Janv ypetxrdny. , f. Klluty of Portland U registered at tin Ocrldcnt. P. It. Ktrong of or.gon City Is at tho Occident. A. M. Kltvhen of Portland, I a guest at the Oo-I(1nt. Mr. and Mr. II .lioughhuid of Oak. dule aro In the rlty. Ut ll cont mvaJ, Rising Sun restau rant, (12 Commercial itreeL Prtitlil-nt Uxii of the I. It. & K. 'Company U In the city. t:. A. Krulit and wife of lloaldiiliurir, 'Colorado, are In the city. Jeft't reetuuntnt the largest and bL A trial will convince you. WuiiIimI-A girl to do gmcral liouee work. Aii'ly at 613 Franklin avenue. Mm. (1. W. lioMllii, uccoiupanlod by Mine Olive owing, of Portland, are In ih city. I. J. ItiKull. the well-known farmer oi MlIIv!II.. hua gone to Corvallli on bUftllH'N. John IC. (.'arlNon, a native of Itunala, van adtultii'd to cltlienehlp In the county court ymterduy, The llii'lii-r of the naval tr nerve will give a emoki-r tomorrow evonlnf In thi-ir now hall. Work on thn fortllltatlona at Fort Utrvcnii U iK'Ing pushed, owing to tho prevailing fine weather. The DleiMitch arrived In from San Krunclitco at H o'clock laat night and left up for Portland at(lt. Clams, &o doa.; Smalt, So pound; veg etables, fruit, milk, bread etc New Market, 460 Duann Street, near Tenth. The funeral of the late 'Indian Ioule' will be held from Pohl's undertaking Parlors at 1 o'clock today. ncrrlng ft Cook, Commercial street, between Tenth and Kleventh, la tlie oaly flrst-rlajis all-night lunch house la Astoria, The Drltlith bark Klnfauna cleared yeaterday for the United Kingdom with 59,600 bushels of wheat, valued at $33, (10. ltoilyn coal lasts longer, Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other. George W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 2311. The steamer Elder departed yester day morning for San Francisco, taking on at Antnrla eeveral tons of shooks from the ClutMop mill. Cream Pure Rye. America's finest whiskey. The only pur goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. John I Carl son, solo agent The UritlHh ihlp Inle of Arran, from Santa Uosullu, urrlved In yesterday. She will take on a cargo of wheat at Portland.. The custom Iiouho was closed yester day afternoon In order to allow the attaches an opportunity to attend the funeral of the Into James Fox, who wa a brothor of Collector Fox. The big Russian steamer Dalny Vos lock left for the Orient yeHterday. Tho total value of her cargo Is 3118,555, the greater part of which Is made up of wheat, flour and cotton. She takes 328,50 worth of flour, $7,880 of wheat, i nd cotton to the value of $103,250. . i V -J li 'US on tho ubovo nobty goods iVt) Vb'K TJ Anr Uniicft nf Ac4nrh '?'; II ;-' (' w ws Carl Irlrkr, a native of Ocrmiiny, wu mlmltM cltlxi-tiiililp In th county court yi'rttyrdny. Itoilvn cool In the but anr moat tco- mimical coal for bouwhold um In A torln. Try It once and you will hav no other. nroig W, Sanborn, Afnt Telrphona 131,1. Mr, Prart'i Bunlny Ikmi c Iimm won entcrlulncl Tuemlny evening by Mlm Mablo Iviwdun. Tint affair wu a da llichtful "no. Onmi's and rfrfhnvnU mad tho evening one of (rest plcai 1 ure. j All are Invltnd to atnd tho 1'nlon ri'mpArani' iwcunjc id ii wia -mum-dny nlKhl at tho W. C. T. V. hall, cor- Tlw auuumhlp Tacoma will leave for China and Japan from Seattle next Hominy. This will be the last run the Ta.-oitia will make to the Orient, as she will bo put on the Cape Nome run up on her return from this trip. The secret nf goad living lira In wholesome and well-cooked food. When a restaurant has establlxhod a reputa tion albng this line It la the place to patronUe. The Model has this reputa tion. Near Foard ft Stokvs. The contracts for supplying wood for Fori Stuvms haa been let to W. M. Sa ward, vt Vancouver, Wash., and C. O. Ilellly, of Portland; the former for GOO cords of hard wood, at $5.13, and the latter for 30 cords of soft wood, at 3.. lie good to youmelf and good to your friends. When you trent a friend to whiskey, give him the bcuL Harper whlnkry li the beverage for your frlendi and for you. Hold by Foard & Ht ikes Company, Astoria, Oregon. The Honing schooner Jessie will leave this ufl.-rnjun at 3 o'clock on her flrt trip Into the Northern halibut waters. KvrrythltiK wan mode snug and fast hint night and all that now remains to be done Is to drift Into the wind and sail out. The UritlHh ship Invirtlydo, from Hamburg lo Seattle with a cargo of remcitt, him arrived at Port Townsend. Several of the sailors were sick and hud to bo carried to the liospltul. The doctor say they were affected with scurvy, but others say It Is berl-berl, or bluvk plague. Tlie Japanese steuiimhlp Nanyo Ma- ru will load flour In Seattle for the Orient. After her thorough fumigation It was though that 'she would be un fitted for carrying flour, as the sul furous fumes would permeate and In jure It, but the entire hold of the ves sel him been washed twice and the gosses have entirely disappeared. The achoonor- James Wilson, from Honolulu for Orays harbor. Is being held In quarantine here. No sickness Is reported on board. Tho Ilrltish khip Poseidon, also from Honolulu and which arrived In yesterday, is also de tained by the quarantine olllcers. There Is no evidence of Infection but they will be put through a thorough course of fumigation before they are released. Tho school board was to have met yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock for the purpose of Installing Mr. Good man, the newly-elected director, who will succeed Mr. Thompson. Not enough members attended, however, to perfect a quorum and the meeting was therefore roetponed to 0 o'clock this morning. Considerable other busi ness is to come up but most of It Is of a routine nature. Only one shipping manifest wag en tered at the custom house yesterday. Tho oxtrcmely pleanant weather and favorable conditions prevulllng the day before having clenrod the harbor of all kinds of craft nblo toleave out, causing the consequent temporary lull In departures. During the forenoon the George W. Elder was the only vessel to leavo out. She carried a miscellan eous cargo and a few. passengers for San Francisco.' The attention of the city authorities Is called to the wretched condition of tho street on Bond, near the corner of Tenth. While the funeral proces sion of the late Mr. Fox was passing that point yesterday afternoon a well known cltlten of this city stepped through one of the numerous holes In the planking and sustained serious In- Jury to an ankle. The street la In a bad condition In many respects and ought to be repaired at once. The most, enjoyable and amusing farce eomedy.of ,h season Is "In Para dise," which will be produced by the Frawley-Btockwell Company at Fish er's opera house next Tuesday ven- Ing. "In Paradise" wan the hit of the Fruwley season at the California thea ter, Han Francisco. The play Is full of ridiculous situations, and the fun Is fust and furious from the tltnw thn uriiiln goes up until the end. 8-at sale npn Monday at Orlllln St Heed's. An uniiMiiul occurence was noted yes terday afternoon tml evening In the wind prevailing during that time. Thn breeze, blowing directly from the Kant, whs of an extremely warm temeia ture. The singular feature lies In tho fail that heretofore the prevailing easterly winds In this section were In variably accompanied by very cold weather, and they occuried only during the months of November, December, January and February, predominating principally during the hiht two men tioned, but rarely prevailing ufter the hint of February. When the tempera ture risen tin high as it has been for the past Hires duys, thu prevailing winds nearly alwayg blow from the north or northwest, generally th lat ter, Judge (iray went to Seaside yesterday fur the purpose of Inspecting the fill just constructed acros the mill-race at Stanley lake, which was conmruct-d to take the place, temporarily, of the bridge swept away untie time ago. He found thn work to have been wtli done and satisfactory In evey respect. Judge Gray also delivered the road property tax receipt books to 'he supervisor of district No. 1, 2, 3 and IS and the work of collection will be at once com menced. Among other things, the Judge mid hn found the farmer (till discuss ing th road petition matter, all ex-pp-mtliig much dlsappolntnu-m over Its defeut before the county court. The farmers In the 8canldo district are plowing and are hopeful of a good sea son. ' The Isle of Arran made &n excep tionally fine run up the coast from Suntu Itosalla. She wa known to be at that port a late as January 19, anl had she ronie-d out the next duy she would have been only 53 day en route. The arrival of the Isle of Arran will ave the Sumarltan from being the only sailing vcNM-l in the Portland harbor. fly the lime she dock the Poseidon will undoubtedly be along, to help swell the i tonnage in port. There are several Honolulu vessel not far behind tne Pogfidon, and some of them will prob ably be along by the time the Samari tan clears, and there 1 little pronpect for the tonnage In port to get as low as It Is at present, for some time to come. It Is reK rted thut Dodwell & Co.' local agents hace not been notified of any umngemcnt for the placing of a n'einier on the Oriental run to take the place of the steamMhlp Columbia, which was recently sold to the gov ernment. All arrangement for steam era aro made In London or Hong Kong, and, as the schedule I full for the next three months. It will probably be some time bjrforo another steamer is secured. The Monmouthshire, Hraeinar and A In rgeldie are now on the regular run between this port and tho Orient. The latter steamer is not due in port The Columbia Is well known In this port, having made three trip here for Ori ental cargo. She first came here In December, 1S9S. In a letter to tho AstorUn, A. V. Ilutt, captain and quartermaster of ti; government transport Lcntm cvj: "I have Just een tho statement in your paper that we had on hoard a defective pump. When seen by your reporter lat night I distinctly told him that the pump whs a good one and a new one, but that we needed more pressure only. He failed to quote me exactly and give the statement from some cne else who did not know what he was talking about. I am sorry to have to make this correction, but In Justice to all parties concerned and to myself I take the liberty of sending this by the pilot and urge you to print it. We have three fresh water pumps on board and simply wanted two connected." Captain Butt I now on the bounding main, many mile from Astoria, and It seems hard ly fair to take up the guantlet he has so ruthlessly thrust forth. The Asto rUn is perfectly willing to accede to his request and publish the "correc tion," but In reply must state that Cap tain Butt not only made the state ment substantially as published In the Astorlan, but expressed himself in much stronger term than those used. Not only thiB but Captain Butt made the statement, In the presence' of re liable witnesses who will bear out the Astorlan In every particular. CI11CUIT COURT TRANSACTIONS. Wm. Tarrant vs. Robert Carruthers, ordered that this matter be referred to C .E. Itunyon to take and report the testimony herein. Astoria Savings bank vs. John Hen- drlckson, motion to Btrlke out part of defendant's answer sustained. II. B. Parker vs. Chas. H. Page et al, ordered that plaintiff no allowed to amend his complclnt by Interlineation. Concordia Brown Uolandcr vs. J. W. Brown, on trial before the court and continued till today. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to Henry .A Bloom 1K0 acres In section 1, T 4 N, R 7 W; patent. Columbia Lumber Company to The Oregon Fir Company 200 acre In sec tion 12, T 8 N, R 7 W, and section 7, T I N, R I W; $3,135.95. FI'NKRAL -OF- Mil. FOX. ' Largely Attended by the Many Friends of the Deceased Yesterday, The funeral of the late James Fox took 'place at the family residence on Duane street yesterday afternoon, be tween tho hours of 1 and i o'clock. The attendance whs exceedingly largx ar.d many scores of citizen tendered their lutt respect to a man who wa well and widely known. During the afternoon the customs houo was closed and Judge Mctirtdu adjourned the circuit court during the iHMirs of the funeral out of respect for the deceased. The funeral sermon wa preached by the It'-v. Mr. Peart, of the Methodist church. Tlie sermon was a most pow erftil lefb etlon of th t uncertainty of llle und the great need of preparation for th.; Inevitable end. In r-f'.rrmg to the II fo of the deceased the Rev. Peart said, in substume: "My acquaintance with the deceased was very limited. I called upon him twice during hi sickness. I am In formed Itum all quarter of hi quali ties, A fine husbund, a good father, a man who attended to his own busi ness, lie was possessed with a char itable spirit, and kind to every body, und f as universally liked. Ill me chttiil' al skill wa superb. What takes between God and man at the lost moment we do not always know. May hi spirit rest In peace," TO THE LADIES OF ASTORIA. The Astoria Go Light Company, be lleving that the only proner way to cook I by go, particularly during the summer month which are now ap proaching, and wishing to demonstrate the convenience, quickness and cool ness of thl method, haa engaged Miss Grace Morey to give a series of cooking lessons, covering three or four days, In order thut all who d"lre may have an opportunity of learning how to cook easily and correctly. The first lesson will be k'lven on Fri day, March 16, at 2:30 p. m., at the corner of Eleventh and Bond strets. CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COL'NTT CONVENTION. A republican convention for" Clatsop county Is hereby called to meet at the court house In the City of Astoria, on Saturday, April 7, 1900, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing dele gates to attend the republican state convention to be held at the City of Portland, on Thursday, April 12, 1900, at 10 a. m., and the republican congres slunat convention for the Second Con gressional district to be held In Port land, Oregon, Friday, April 13, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m., and for the purpose of nominating- the following county of ficer to be voted for at the election to be held on Monday, June 4th, 1900, lo-wlt. Two representatives, one commission er, clerk, sheriff, treasurer, surveyor, assessor, superintendent of schools, cor oner, one road supervisor for each pre clnit, one constable for each precinct, one Justice of the peace for each pre cinct. - The committee recommend that the primaries In the various preclnaU be held on Wednesday, March 21, 1900. The following apportionment ha been made, being one delegate at large from each precinct, and one delegate for every twenty-live votes or fraction, last for Governor T. T. Gec-r at the election held in 1S98: Astoria Precinct 43 Warrenton 3 Clatsop 3 Melville 3 Chadwcll 3 Seatlde 5 Olney 2 Youngs, river 2 ' Walluski 3 Sveusen 2 Knnppa 3 West port 4 Vesper 3 Line 2 Push 3 Jewell 2 Clifton 4 Jonn Day 2 New Astoria 2 Mlshawaka 1 Notice Is further given that a pri mary election is hereby called to be held In the City of Astoria for the pre cinct of Astoria, for the purpose of electing 43 delegates to the republican county convention, to be held at the City of Astoria, on Saturday, April 7. 1900. at 10:30 a. ni., said primary shall be held Wednesday. March 21, 1900, from the hours of 1 o'clock p. m. to the hour of 6 o'clock p. m. of said day. The following polling place In each ward of said city have been established, namely: In ward No. 1, Engine House N. lj ward No. 2, at number 654 Commer cial street, and ward No. 3, Engine House No. 3. The following Judges have been ap pointed, to-wlt: Ward No. 1 Grant Tiullinger. H. G. Smith and Thomas Mokko. Ward No. 2 F. L. Parker, H. D. Thing and D. H. Welch. Ward No. 3 T. S. Cornelius, W. B. Fainter and C. A. Llnenweber. By order of the Central Committee. Attest: W. F. M'GREGOR, F. J. CARNEY, Chairman. Secretary. TO CURE LAGRIPPE IN TWO DATS Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fall to cure. E, W. Groves' algnatur la on each box. 25c. Men Wanted To learn barber trade. Only eight weeks required; special In ducements this season; Illustrated cata logue, may of city and souvenir mail ed free. Moler's Barber College, San Francisco, California. . WW v Karl's Clover Root Tea I(-aiitlf h Cnmplntnn, Pnrlfii tlie III'mmI, KJvr 1 l"'eli,4-.irrStin. .nr-C'.i, lrclirl"n, il Kr,pO"" .f lti hkln. An ?r,-!ti I,aiativ Nrvf T'mle. Sold or, '..i)nl mirautM by ill druKxioU t 2'x , (Oc. w tl.OO. 8. C. WELL 4 CO., LCROY, N. V. ot? eiitfo Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Total Number of Names on the T, to Pta, Astoria Precinct No. I lOw Astoria Precinct No. 2 119 Astoria Precinct No. 3 108 Astoria Precinct No. 4 14S Astoria Precinct No. 5 144 Astoria Precinct No. ( 79 Astoria Precinct No. 7 65 John Day Precinct 20 Svensen 27 Walluski 19 New Astoria D3 Warenton 22 Clatsop 25 Melville 8 i 'had well 28 Youngs River 12 Knappa 32 Olney 22 Clifton 6J Westport X7 Vespar 3 Jewell 3 Mlshawaka 13 Elsie 18 Push 4 ioiai io aaie i COLO! COLD! GOLD! The latest El Dorado 1 reported to be on Nome City beach, Alaska. Thou. and of people are hastening there, many of whom will return broken In health. Ot what avail is gold when health 1 gone? Guard your health with the btst of all medicine Hostet ter's Stomach Litters, and you will al ways have true wealth. The Bitters are for people who have abused their stomachs, or are naturally weak. It will regulate the bowels, stir up the liver, invigorate the kidneys, and abso lutely cure indigestion, constipation. malaria, chills and fever. It Is a natur al tonic, absolutely free from danger ous narcotic. It should be taken at the present season, to protect the ays tern from sudden colds and malaria at tacks, it s good medicine to keep on nana. PEACE DECLARED. Why devote all your time reading about the Boer war and the gold fields of Alaska? There are other matters of vital importance; you may make a trip East, and will want to know how to travel. In order to have the best ser vice, use the Wisconsin Central Rail way, between St. Paul and Chicago, For rates and other information write JAMES A. CLOCK. General Agent, Portland, Oregon. SEVENTH STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notlc Is Hereby Given. That the Common Council of the City of Astoria intend to improve all that portion of Seventh street In that part of the City of Astoria a laid out and recorded by John Mctiure, in Clatsop county, Ore gon, from the north line of Bond street to the south line of Astor street, to tne run wuin thereor, and on tne es tablished grade, by planking the earns with sound flr plank 4x13 inches laid upon stringers, and the construction of sidewalks and gutter on both sides of said portion of said street. Said Improvement as to its construction in matter of detail and the material used, except a hereinbefore mentioned, shall be in accordance with the pro visions of ordinance No. 1901 of the city of Astoria, entitled "An Ordinance in relation to the improvement of streets" approved the third day of January, 1S95, except the lumber may be of any color of good sound flr lumber, and said Improvement shall be made strict ly in accordiince with the specifica tions therefor to be deposited with the auditor and police Judge of said city by the city surveyor. That the costs and expenses of said improvement shall be defrayed by special assess ment upon the lots, lands and prem ises fronting upon, adjacent to and otherwise benefited by said Improve ment, wmcn said lots, lands and prem ise fronting upon, adjacent to and specially benefited by said improve ment are hereby included within a special assessment district hereby es tablished for said improvement, con sisting of the lots, lands and premises benefited by said Improvement and to be assessed for the purpose of defray ing the costs and expenses of said im provement, and described particularly as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the southwest cor ner of lot six (6) In block eleven (11) and running thence north to the north west corner of lot three (3) In said block eleven (11), thence east along the north line of blocks eleven (11) and ten (10) to tie northeast corner of lot two (2) in block ten (10), thence south to the southeast corner of lot seven (7) in block ten (10), thence west along the south line f said block ten (10) and eleven (11) ;o the place of begin ning and containing lota numbered 1. 2, 7 and 8 in block ten (10), and lots numbered 3, 4, 5 and 6 in block number eleven (11), all In that part of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure. This notice is published in the Dally Astorlan for eight days In pursuance to a resolution duly adopted by the common council of the city of Astoria on the 5th day of March, 1900. the first publication of this notice being on Thursday. March 8. 1900. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Pollc Judge of the City of Astoria. Best Boat Specially Prepared fcr Hshlna Coats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. Fancy and Staple Groceries IN ADDITION Feather and Taper Dusters, " Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Telescopes, awl Lunch Baskets. Brooms, Whisps, Scrub Brushes, etc. Crockery and Glassware. 'A. V ALLrEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Tbfl North Pacific Brewery, of which f Bottled beer for family use or keg ilrJobn Kopp is pror-ietor, make beer beer supplied at any time, delivery hi tor domestic end export trade. the city free. florth Pacific Brewerg Columbia EleetFie & Repair Go Successor tc COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Machinists Foondrymen i l-ogslna Engine Built and Repaired Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of tne Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractjrs for Electric Lights and Power Plants. W. R SCHEIBE, ess A hill Um oi Pipe. an 5Mkers' Article. 474 Commercial HI. ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Kump9 pin,5octnlt,WpwdT; OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager- X American plan, 1.00 to 100 per dj. j, c, pen D EGA3T, Chief CUh QArunAruiru' w in ivinnvvnxiuruvinxtfirinju OTEL n PORTLAND, OR. The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland ruririnnjxruin'xiruvuruwinru We Rent New WEDDING weodins crros VISIT1HG CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS PacificNavigationCompany Steamer's "R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, liobsonvllle. Connecting at Astoria with the Oreiron Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. B. for San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply Xj Somiet Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN A CO Agents, TILLAMUUn. Ure. VaT?rm7?prfya Mormon BIshODS Ptlla Church anil la.i L.tuwci Pm.cijf cure, lit. w- Ctoe tu .no y ,mi.r ,.sin um rwM of clf-buM, dmipattoa, .xccscs. w citf ee-wno..v. Cure, LOt Manhood, I ... Lnt Pnumr. Nlrht-LossM, 8termatorrhoa Iniomnu, , r- KXZi' rJil K.mlna bllltr, lo Marry, less Cl or cons' Ipatlon, Stops Quicjinet. of uis "ou. Twitching Of Eyelid. . !'' I."" funcZii. ii,r t ititi.t. cur. to M. luM. mr, fwKuuir i.r 4ii.i. Sttmhta. th bm ua .err. cam. K U. Mbntad, via tM. Uicuttn kM, Mraa, UM. Paint IN THE Lexers Kept In Stock ' icturer of ays Rl labia "La Belle Astoria" Cigar Schetbe's Opera Star Scheie's Special Afld Other Brand PORTLAND Typewriters Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L M. ALEXANDER & CO. Exclusive Pacific Coaat Agent TeL Main 674 243 Stark 8t, Portland, Ore, CARDS UJ fi SMITH f.n ' ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Building, PORTLAND, OREGON. . Oregon Railroad A Navifwtion Co., A. u. li. is. vo. rvniuAnv, ure. " tn ' 5 " i u M.m KmlSSlOnfc ;HO, Kri, 104, KANI.'x pnar, fetor. cut. u . i- .- w.n, l P " wrmm t aisnoi riwiwy vo., rmrmwx t Bold fcr cajtu