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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
1MIK MURNLNG ASWKlAiV TllUK8lA. MAKCH J5, liOO pally SloUulmu JOHN T. LIGHTER. EJUor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall, per yeir Hent by mall, per mj.uh Served by carrier, pr month .WW . .M . .40 SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year. In a J vane $100 Postage free to subscribers. All rommunlcailom Intended for pub lication nlKHild be directed to the edi tor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be address ed Jo "The Astorian." Th. Aarnrlan rutranlMa ta III ,j. vertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia; river. Advertising rates can be bad on ap planation to the business manager. THE END OF FREE SILVER. There will be no more agitation for free sliver In this country. The finan cial bill which became a law with the president's approval yesterday settled that question permanently, to the In . tense relief of the democrats, no doubt, as well aa the republicans. For the sake of seeming consistency the next democratic platform will con tain a free coinage plank, but the democratic leaders will not press this issue In the canvass because they rtal lse that It is permanently settled, and settled by the sanction not only of th republican party, but with the entire assent of a large section of the demo , erotic voters as well. Free tilver coin age at the ration of 16 to 1 will not fig ure in the next campaign. ' This Is & clear gain to business sta bility, at least, for which this country Is to be congratulated, and the majority in congress is to be commended. While tht passage of a currency bill which recognises old as the monetary stand ard of the couutry and eliminates the endless chain syrUem of depleting the treasury gold reserve, is only the be lated fulfillment of a campaign promise made nearly four jears ago, It Is an exceptional instance of a campaign promise fulfilled. Many campaign prom isese are made to the car to be broken to the hope, and tha business interests of the country are to be congratulated that Che gold standard promise was not one of this sort. With the coinage question In effect eliminated from the coming presiden- tial contest, the public will be able to J take sides upon some new issues grow- I lug out of conditions which have arisen since the last presidential tlecMon anj j which will not be obscured dv an v serl- ous discussion of the currency question, j States, all pour with a steadily increas If not the wisest bill that could have i lng flood int0 the niarkeU of the East, I been framed upon the subject, it settles the question for years to come. If not for all time, it will be recognized as a final settlement by everybody and j with the cordial acquiescence of nearly everybody. Buinens men can plan for the future with the positive assurance that financial values cannot be disturb ed by unwise tinkering with the mone tary standard for years to come. What the "open door" to the trade of the East, of which we hear nowadays so much, amounts to, is fihown in gen eral and with great abundance of detail In Bulletin 18 of the national depart- l for Infants I Nature planned that infants I should have only milk for at ; least the first year of life. But i thin milk, skimmed milk, will not nourish. It's the milk that is rich in cream, or fat, that does the work. This is be ! cause fat is positively neces j sary for the growing body. scon's Emulsion contains the best fat, in the form of Cod-Liver Oil, for all I delicate children. ' They thrive greatly under its use. I Soon they weigh more, eat more, l play better and look better. Iff just l the right tWiuon to ineir regular I food. The hypophosphitcioflime Ifana soda in it are necessary to the growth and formation of bone and I teeth. I AlI14nitrtl;iaBdiao. t SCOTT A BOW N,ChaaiU, New York. . jrf. a p arm. iLL rf -re av-al onroou f Housework is had vwk without GoldDus t" WASHING WOOLEN BLANKETS The (heart no It, thai blanket null tt va.hcd instead of dry-ctraiKil tube healthy. To havt your Hanker. ofi at ntv, make oejy tm in hilt a rub of vara water tf ainf one-hilt cup el Gold Dust Wishing Powder and soak a blanket la il for half hour, the simplr move it aroand and nib tht toiled apota; rinae in warm wairrof (he tame temperature aa tha on ia which yon aih it, han up In warm place or aunthtnv outdixir air and ace what a aoft, vhilt blanket oa will hare. TV .Nov. ( lm t-n aw fr Kv4M viiHv Ktui rua Noi'stauka.' Saai fiaa aa ttMl u tm a, a. ramaAMK company, Mm Tar. mcnt of agriculture, Just Issued from It .. . , . .... m. .... ,,""" ","'rr'' .... ! (1SS9-1S99) are covered by the report. and during that time the commerce with Japan, China and Hong Kong j that the Boers would be glad to consld about doubled, slightly exceeding in thejer pace on the basis of entire Indc last year eighty-seven nllllons of dol- remletice 0f their two republics. Thm lars. Imports und exports were about Is to say, they would like to be made equal, though the parity is not likely better off than they were before they much longer to continue, since export! besan the war. It Is altogether during the ten years increased j6 per cent, and imports only CO per cent. In the last three years the inequality is even greater, exports having more than doubled, w hlle the Imports of 1S99 were a n ililou less than those of the year before. Exports to the East are so far principally of five items cotton, of which before 1SSJ none was sent to either of the three countries, none to China until 1592. and none to Hong Kong until 1S9S; cotton manufactures, kero sene, wheat flour and iron and steel manufactures the combined value In 1S93 amounting to J-S.S59.635, or about SO per cent of the total. Of the Imports, as would be expected, silk and tea form the principal part, or about "0 per cent of the total, silk for last year being valued at twenty-four millions and tea, at nine. Among the detailed tables, I which occupy more than one hundred I pages of the Bulletin, carrying the stat istics to the last degree of refinement. It is possibly interesting to note that we toon irom cnina last year roriy i million pounds of tea, valued at 16,000, 000, or an average of about 18 2-3 cents a pound, showing a great profit some- where between the grower and the con sumer, and JH0.0C0 worth of firecrack- ers, less than one-third as many as the ' ante- Dut mu81 have !ome material year before, and 1 ss than half the!Palns 48 fruil8 of victory full Inde- averase for the last five vears. Indlcat. I ing perhaps that the Fourth of July : proscriptive ordinance of our city fath-, ers is at last becoming effective. The Bullln. "Bh overladen with a mass of statistical details, clearly shows, . however, that the "open door" is a fact, anu that tne flour ' the Western cofc8t the cotton of the South, the cotton goods o( New England, and the . ... ... . Sleel anu ,ro" me great Middle if the laws of commerce are allowed to have their natural way. Senator Mason has introduced In the senate a resolution calling upon the state department for all the correspon dence between the government of th United States und the government of Great Britain relative to the Isthmian i canal authorized by the late Secretary J. O. Blaine and also "a chronological recapitulation of the contentions made by the various secretaries of state since the signing of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty as to the validity of this treaty, tins replies by the ,;overnment of Great Britain and the violations of the terms of the treaty on the part of Great Britain which have been held by the government of the United State to have operated as an abroga- Hon of the treatv " The. nunviv nf tho tlon of the treaty. The purpose of the resolution Is announced in the body of It to be to "fiecure from the state de partment a complete explanation as to the attitude of the various secretaries of state relative to the Clayton-Bulwer treaty." In the preamble Gen eral Lew Wallace is quoted as saying Mr. Blaine had told him while secre tary of state that he had written a note to the American minister to Great Britain instructing him to take the position that Great Britain had by her own acts rendered the treaty void, j This statement is contrasted with the statement attributed to the state de partment that Secretary Frelinghuysr.-n was the only secretary of state who had held the view that the Clayton Bulwer treaty had been cancelled. TERMS FOR THE BOERS. New Tork Tribune. Discussion Is already rife of the set tlement that Is to be made In South Africa at the end of the present war. ft seems to be Imagined by some that the war is near It end, and that the 222 l'it "nlii'' '...h"-bY.i - 5 i . - il ..' v i l v'..', 3 Th niir ine ru" Uiltlsh will be triumphant .......i ... i.. H..t. thnir.iM hit Ihev - - should be magnanimous In their trat- :ncnt of the Boers, and It Is intimated probable that they will be made better oil. but It will not be throuh'h the J granting of Independence. The British government has not yet Indicated the form of settlement It will Impose upon the Boers. There Is no doubt that it will act with generosity and klndnesi, as Lord Roberts Is do ing at tho present moment. But neith er is there any doubt that it will es tablish, ome and for all time, its sov ereign authority over the whol-; of South Africa. The government will not be more lenient toward the Boers than Lord Rosebery would, and Lord Uii8ebLry r.aa said emphatically that tbcre can be no repetition of the Ma Jjba surrender. The terms of peace will be dictated by the victor, not by the vanquished. That If the common I ,h.,, -o-n. ,, k, , and there seem to bc no rule of war, reason for departing from It In this "axel Salve." It Is Infallible for piles I and skin diseases. Beware of couater I felts Cba Rogers. Nor will the Boers have cause to murmur. They themselves have set the i " ai-iuciiinn j""o I v. etks aifo. when thn tl.i of war uai ,, . . , . . , . ! lluwlnq stronsly in their favor, they , suEgested peace on their own terms. 1 , . ,. They would not be satisfied, ihey said, with a mere return to the ttatu quo 1 Perdence for the, and a sea- I Prt- a,ld tlle wincxatlon of son:e counties .if Natal and the Cape. Such were the terms they demanded, and empha-sized their earnestness .in utnanoina; tnem Dy formally "annex- ing" lar?t tracts of British territory. They thus have debarred thtmselves from effective protest against a aim- 1 i liar course on tne part of ureat Urit- ln if th.v n.,.i.i k .... ' - - " , Jf they would not with a return to the status quo ante, why should the British be? If they de- ! man ifcd such '"dependence as they had not had before, who should not the Britifh require them to surrender even that which they have? If they were justified in annexing British territory, why may not the Britltih annex Boer territory? But all these questions will be for the British government to settle when Lord Roberts gets to Pretoria. They are no business of the outside world. There are only a few points of settle ment which concern the world at large, even In an academic sense. One is that the settlement shall be final, and there shall be no loophole left for a renewal of the wretched controversy , that has vexed the land for the last ' quarter of a century. Another Is that j there shall be no race proscription, but j every facility shall be offered for a ' growth of amity and good fellowship " i & , is that South Africa shall be put and arate from the other portion of the Irn kept In line and In touch with clvlllza- j '"",1". Is rencrved to reject any tl-rn and progress and enlightened frei and all bids. government. If thse things are assur- J ed, the war will not have been in vain. I If they are not aHsured, It will have ; been In vain, and there is no war more I deplorable and more detestable than one which Is in vain. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. Twenty-five Tears' Without a Conntajit Failure. Use The first Indication of croup la hoaraness, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarsness Is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is given as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will pre vent the attack. It Is used in many thousands of homes In this broad land and never disappoints the anx ious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single Instance In which It has not proved effectual. No other prepa ration can show such a record-twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Charier Rogers. My son has bivn troubled for year witi chronic diarrhoea. Sometime iiko I prnmadod him to take soma of Clutmlxilain's Colic, Cholera and Uiitnho-'a jvmiMy. After lining two bottled of th 85-cent also he war" cur-.Hl. I give this tetlmonll hoping soma one similarly fillet ml may read It and bo b,-notUod.-TltOMA3 C. HOW Kit. Gl'neoo, O. l'Vr sale by Charles Rogers. Some persons are very retentive for- KVttl'I'IOH. MIkj Annl.i K. Gunning. Tyre. Mich.. as: "I suffered a long time front dys pepsia; limt flesh and became very weak. Kodoi ryppla Cur complete ly cutvd mo." It digests what you eat and cure all forms of aioitiaoh trouble. It never falls to give Immediate relief In the worst com-. Clvis Itocvra, If you would not be Known to do n thing, don't do It. It tak. but a minute to overcome ttckllnr In the throat and to stop a cough by the us-i of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures au . forms of throat and lung trouble ' Harmleraj and pleasant to take. It pre. ve:ts CAnsunutln. A famous speclllc ! Tr grlpiM ajid Its after effects, Chiu Itogvra. The man who buys a doughnut pects to eat the hole in it. DeWitt'a Little Karly Ulsrs purify the blood, clean the liver, lnvlgorat the svstem. Famous little pills for con. Htipatioa and liver trouble. Chat Rog ers. Wrinkle on the face are not marly so bud aa wrinkles on the heart. "One Minute Couch Cure Is the beat remedy I ever usd for coughs and colds It Is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like It." writes it. N. Will iams, Qentryvtlle, Ind. Never falls. It is the only harmless remedy that give Immediate results. Cure coughs, colds, hoarseneos, croup, pneumonia. bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Its early use prevents con sumptlxi. Chas Rogers. A dog may not be able to talk but he Is usually able to tell his own tail. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt.. says: "Our baby was covered with running sores. DoWltt's Wlich Haael Salve cured her." A specific for pile and skin diseases. Heware of worthless counterfeits. Chas Rogers. Some people talk about killing time, but It only takes time for time to kill us. J. B. Clark. Peoria. III., sava "Bur- '&eons wanted to operate on me for piles, but t cllm, th;m.ull D(.Witfs Wlich You rnn zen'-r.illy tell whether a wo- ' man has on torn proves bv th nv sue ojius oe nanus. Mr. J. Sheer. Redalla. Mo., aiived hif child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. t'octors had given her up to die with croup. It s an Infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron- ?,hl,Vs an1. ,hro,lt !!d l?,n ,r0UDl,!" IfU (- ( a t nniu Phaa It Aiauiaa I Relieves at once. Chas Rogvrs. Th reason moat women find It dlffl cult to engineer through a crowd is be cause they have a train in tow. As a cure f.r rheumatism Cham berlain's I'aln B.ilm Is gaining a wide npu'ation. D. U. Johnston of Rich rnond. Ind.. tin been troubled with that ailment since 1S62. In sneaklnK f It he says: "I never found any- mine mat wouia relieve me until UMed Chamb-rlaln's Tain Uulm. Il acts like limbic with me. My foot w' swollen and paining me very much but one good appllcstlon of I'aln llalm relieved tne Fof sale by ' -nanes lingers. . The person who refuses to attend to the workings of conscience soon gels hi moral machinery out of order. I "I was nearly dead with dyspasia, i tried doctors, vlnltd mineral springs, ' and grew wonte. I used Kodol Dys j pepsia Cure. That cured me." It dl- . gests what you eat. Cures Indigestion, sour siomacn, nefiriotirn and all forms of dyspepsia. Chas Rogers. The proverbial way for two people to make love Is In the dark, but they are usually trying hard to strike a match. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is Hereby Given, That the committee on streets, and public way of the common council of the city of Astoria, will receive scaled bids at the otllce of the uu'litor und police judtfe of said city, until Tuesday, 1 V, M on March 13. 1!hM. for the lmnrovement of Franklin avenue In Shlveley's As toria, from Thlrty-Ilrt street to the east line of the said Khlveley donation land clalrn, aecordlnj? to the provls- ions of Ordinance No. 2.103, approved March 6, 19;0, and th'; plans and specl fkittions on (lie with the auditor and police Julsre. The bids must specify '"'r won n uie iniui'cuiiii of ,,, IVanklln a mle wltn Th)rtjr. the amount for which the Intersection second street will b; constructed seo- 1;. C. IJT.INUJill, V. ACRKN. W. J. COOK. Committee on KfrcclR ami Pnhlln Ways. NOTIC13 TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is Hereby Given, That the committee on streets and public wayn of the common council of the clly of Antoria, will receive scaled bids at the ollica of tb auditor und pollee Judge of said city until 2 o'clock I. M on Tuesday, March 13, lti'Jf), for the con struction of street croHsdngs at the in tersections of Taylor avenue with Col umbia avenue and Melbourne avenue In Taylor's Astoria, according to J provisions of Ordinance No, WSfT, ap proved March 6, 1900, and the p ans and specifk'utionH for said crossings on file with the auditor an l police judge. The right Is reserve! to reject any and all bids, C. C. UTZINGER, F. AGREN, W. .1. COOK, Committee on Streets and Public Ways. A carpenter Is a man of plane ways. The easiest of all languages to learn is the language of love. The gate of success to more than one actor hinges on a well posted fence. l)r. T. N. Hull DENTIST. (73 Commercial Street, ASTORIA, ORB. Over ftchlussel's Clothing Store, THE PROOF e-f th pudding and the proof of e-f th pudding U to tha atiim and the proof of Kquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argiimaot that's cexia elusive-a dernonatrattoai Our will stand the tawt. HUGHES & CO. aj) (tj) glj) 1f al if' THE S IllaV Palace Cafe I I - k VI. K HnirrLK. rr-i-r. i til Kritiirtit Wti f Sal htvu .1 OPEN DAY S AND NIQHT Attoiit! Service, r'lrnt-l'liiM Cuinine, Private liooma (or Ladies, whiiiis lor lisoirs, Q Slrecl, AitorUa k 5W iVnu'iieroiiil a ?5 Th. Fredeiikson PIANO TUNER INSTUIWION ON VKl.I.O AND VIOLIN rhne 107t THE LOI VKC. Strangers vin'tinjf in the city will flml tlio Ixiuvre an attractive resort wherein to rhmii1 the L'vmiinit. The Amine Sisters Lndicv Urclicslra Is still ou the bills and presents nililiv a niimii al prottrHin tf except lotnil merit, lliindsomo pool and billiard room ni' a festure in connection with the lioiife. 1'nliitnblo luiielirf will be served at all nours L. LGBECK Carpenter nnd Hitlltlcr Cicncriil Contractor HOUSH RAI5IN0 AND .MOVINU A SPECIALTY H.F.Prael Transfer Co Tlepbooe 21. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive hp-claJ AltenUon. No. K3$ Duane St., Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mrr R-av TaL 111 VV. C. A. Pohl, fOlHI COEOHB. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Caskets nnd FiimTnl Siiiiplie constant ly 011 lianil. Corner 11 th and liuaneKls, Astorin, Ore J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builders NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH But a true beaiitifier, bcinjr the only prep aration sold under a positive guarantee of 1,000 that it contains not a grnin or fraction thereof ol poisonous or deleteri ous substances. Indorsed by the most celebrated artistes of the lyric and drn nintic stnc ; recommended by eminent physicians, and pronounced harmless by leading chemists WISDOM'S FAMOUS ROBERTINE. It lalheonly preparation now nacd by fnahinrwhle Indira to prrirtuiitr u limulidil complexion Aak your tlriiKgial lur il hii'I do not lie IimIiictiI tu lukc anything clue. I'ricr no ccnta per botUa. fVHIFE COLLAR UNI Columbia River and rutret Bound Navi gation Company. Bailey Gatzert leaves Astoria dally, except Punday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun: day at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets and O. R. ft N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Oatzert and Hassalo. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Act V. B. SCTT Telephone lit President. "XT' ,ill 11 Mil 5CIIIIIKI1.I15 rum, lurllaiiil 1KI" ART AaaiTS Halt lake, Hrii.r.K Fail Mall I i. in. Kail Mali tiSt 111 Wurth. Omaha. Kan-; aa City, hi. mu; I hl(mt and Hpokit riw lane Walla Walla. Hixikalia, Hmihana in. ........... i .. ai ii... i ... Klrvr I p. m. Pulullt, Milwaukw, t-i i ii,,,'nt in , n.ii. la M. t'lileaso and Kaat, I r'tum Anuria l OCI1AN TIIAM5MIP All Hailing Hata aiil Jn t In rliniiao. Kor nan Kianeiaen-Kall 1.4,11. U, .'I,IM Colcmlila Rlvvr 7 a III HtMitiers 4a in 't Mo day Kirtmiiliiy T; I'Driland an4 j Way Landing. rnn" .riaiiii ' J i mi ," rt lUMKITK KiVKIl At.V.'J!'. tf . I,..., t . ...i K Sim my (,, KaMillirlay 'flit! I liv, wowiwrs, haluin A r-l.aud a. 7 a, m Tui-a.Tliur and Hal. .... g...'Wd. V)re..i t'Ujr, liaytnu, a and M. Way Umiuia. ( Klparla lava dljf I Hut. iu. Jnaka Rlf. HIiarlaU lwlaton. ;ju a in dally a in Tuia. Thin Saturday WII.I.AMKTIK HIVKII 4: 0 p.m. I'lirtlauil to fiiriralll . Mod, Wed and ay landing;. Krlday Q, W. LOUNSMCRRT. Agont, Astoria. W. II. HL'RLUURT, tlen. l'ass. Agt., Portland, Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people arc eoMamplatlng a tni whether on bustrwaa or pleasure, tha) naturally want the beet service Ob. tajxvaol so far as srtt comfort tm safety Is concerned. Employ of tk WISCONSIN CENTRAL LIN El are uald to serve the public and our trains are operated to ss to make close oos nvotlmi tIUi diverging iae st all Juncviloo points. Puiimaa Palace Bleeptag aod CbeJr Cars on through tralra. blnitut Car servv uatioeilad. MaeJa served A k carte. In order to obtain this d.-st class terries, ask the ticket ax ant to sell you a ticket The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you wtli mass direct oonoactloos at St. Paul for Chlcamo, alitweukac and all points east ror any further inforavattoa call on aai ticket scent, or corraarpood with JAB. C POND, Oen. Pass. Ant, or JAS A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. ueneraj A fat) I M Stauk IL. rorcuvnC Or 1 11 A famllktr name for the Cnioaco, UUa sraukee A 81. Tsui Railway, known all over the Union as tits Oraau Railway running the "Plonoor Limited" trains very day and night between BU Paul and Chloaco, and Omaha and Chloaco. The only perfoot trains tn the world." Understand: Cocvneottons are made wtta til TranaoorKtnental Lines, sjsurtnc to pasawiwirs ttis bast semoe knoam. Lux urtuua oonohes, sleotrlo llcht, steam treat, of a verity equaled by no other line. flee that your ticket reauts vU "The Milwaukee" when cow to tnr point in Uie United States or Canads. All ticket tgente sell tnem. For rates, pamphlets, or otner Infoman- Uon, (address, J. W. CA8ET, C. I. EDDT. Trav. Pass. Act, Oeneral Acent, Portland, Or. Portland, O.r Luxurious Travel THE "North.Western Limited" trains, elaotrtn HarhtA4 IhrAtiarhAiil twifk In. Ids and out, and stetm basted, sre. without exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest newest and beet Ideas for comfoit. convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling publlo, and altogether are the most com. plets snd splendid production of the ear builders' art These Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northers , The Northers Pacific anil The Canadian 1'aciFlc AT ST. PAUL 70R CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these superior so. (.-ommodatlons and all classes of tickets ar available for paaasce on tbs famous "North-western Limited." All trains os this Una are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVAGE, Oen'l Agent T- A Portland Ore. GnEALu tickets i.HTHr. h j HDpVPOlNTS EAST Through palace and tourist sleepers. dining and library observation cars. KLiGOANT VESTIBULE TRAINS, No.' I. "Fiver" leaves Portland at 3.4S p. m. m. No. 1. "Fiver." arrives Portland at 8 00 a, m. For rates, etc, call or adOrasrs O. W. LOUNSBERRT. Acent O. R, aV N., Astoria. ar A. a a KNNISTON, , a P. A T. A- Portland, Ore. Through Tickets GAST AND SOUTH GAST fiSffl rULL-IAN I'ALACH) SI.EKl'KllsX TOimiBTS flLRKrRltH and FHKtC ItKC'I.ININO CHAIR CAIU -Dally law Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City aod olhar Eaalsra elites. Ilaae r hack ad tnrousti to OMtlnatla, 1'iiion, fast tuna, lowest rales, lliuaoh llht In all ear. For raiaa and otnar Inrormatlun rail e or addrea U. W. LOUNBllBItlir, Afoi. O. It. H. Co. Astoria. Oraa. or J II. IXJTJinOP, (Jan. Aspt, IM Third Ml., eor. Aider. I'ortland. Or. I -wk I ' 111 Arrlvs Overland Eipress it...-...- . tiauua iur camm, KOai'lillria 1 . 1. m, land, bacram.ntn. 7:30 p.m Ogilen, nn Krnii. .m iAiigeies, 1,1 I'aso, 1 New Orloaus and 7:N tvm the kkii S At Wood burn (osily sxcrpt uii "y. mornlnc tralu conjjircuwlth I.mIk t ... . . 'ii ior an. An gel. Btlverion, lirownsvills, Hpilngriald, and Natron, and even Ing train fur ML Ansel nnd Bllvtr 1 ion. Hi. JO CorvsJIls passcn- Il:50 p.m Bherldan puasen- I l:s,ia Dally. IIDnlly sscrpt Sundsy. Rebate tlrlmia n ..i. t... ... land. BttcrsniKnta snd fan Kranclsoo, Net rates 117 first class and 111 second claw. Including sleeper. Rates ami tit ki t. 1.. tr..t.. and Kurope. Also Japan. Chins., llone- uniriiii. in De obtains from J. II. Klrthi.wl hlrd street H YAMHILL DIVI8ION. Isss. ngrr depot foot of Jelterson Bt Iave for Oaweiro dallv at T M eiii a. in.: 13.30. 1 K.V .1 A m a .' '. 1130 p in.; and :00 a. in, 'on Htinday i,.".ny .rv Bl 'urtl'"l '"ny t 'IU, :30, 10. to a, m.; 1:34, f.lS. 4.30 I 20 7:10. 10.00 n m n in'- ..L.' ' " te. Its. UST Vs cept Monday; :J0 and 10. US a. m, eq rHiiiiiiiyi only, Inve for 1 mliis dully, except Bun day nt 4:30 p. in. Arrive at Portland at io a. m. Passencer train haves DsJlss fsr Alrlle Mondava. Wdnalaif .... wv. days at 2:44 p. m. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Haturdays. -r.ntcjii ounuay. R. KOKIII.ER. Manser. C. H. MARKIIAM, ' Gen. Frt nnd Pass. Act Oregon Short Line Railroad. TUB DIRECT ROUTS TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Olvee choice of two favorite routes, rts tne union I'acino Fast Mall line, er the RIO OrantU Boenle lAnam. LOOK AT THE TIME 1J Days to Knit Luke 2J Days to Denver 3 1 Days to Chicago 4J Duya to New York, Free reollnlnc chairs. nDholstareai im. 1st sleepinc oars, snd PuIlmsJa paJtvoe eieepers, operated on sV trains. ror rurtfier Information, apply te Or Astoria. Orcaron. C. a TERRT, W. B. OOMAN. Trav. Pass Act Oen. AceM. 1M Third St. Port and. Or. O. W. LOUN83BRRY, Acent, a R. N ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leeve. 1:00 a. m. 7:00 p. m. PORTLANii. lrfn 'Portland Union Depot.lllilf a.m7 t.lll :11a.m. iral 1:40 P.BL iur Aiona ana inter imeoiate points. A9TORIA7 7.4S.m For Portland A in-llf:) termedlate points 1:M 110 p.m p.m. SEA8IDB DIVISION p. m. a. m. a.m. P m. o:ojn:WL,v ....Astoria.... Ar 7:40 7:W 4:00 tm l:M 1:10 &:wi I IZ:1.1 I.v '' """" Ar 6:S0 l:00Ar ....Seaside.... Lv 4:61 :lt SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:80 a. m.; arrives at Seaside 9:46 a, m. Posncers may return on any tram shown on sohedule on same flats. ALL TRAINS to and from Soaslde run ot Flavel and Hammond Tin Warren. ton. AU trains make closs connections at Ooble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the east or Bound points. At Portland with all trains leavlnc Union depot At Astoria with I. R. A N. Oo.'s boat and rail line to and from Jlwaoo and North Beach points. THROUO7 TICKETS on sals St As. toris, for ' ,a.mnfA Rn FTauvnlaoa all Eastern and European points. i-ity tioicet omoe Astori. U4 uonvroar. Hal street j. C. MAYO, Oen'l Fr't and Pees. Acent