TUN MOKNINO AHl'OUlAN, SUNDAY. MAKCH 4, '900. !j OVERCOAT and ft MACKINTOSH SALE j An a fiicciul itxlucwnent to ruduco our utock J f f jri'vioim to njtrinj,' urrivuln wo will mnko a 1 Inro reduction on the iilxvo nobly rooiIh fl. I ut k'HHthnn font, C. H. Cooper The Leadlnj House ot Astoria ft; i fODAT'H W BATHER. rOllTUANI). Marrli 4.-r-.m. Mil h nml WuithliiKton, ici'almial ruin to day. arounTTtown. f'nplalii lVl-r JnnUn l In rortlmi.l. J. M. Turmy of Havel I In the Ity. t, T. I'loipinon of Tiwoinn in In tho cliy. H. K. Wrrnn of I'urlland l l the Ot ,.nt. Cturlrt Enloi of Ki-uUte I In tUa city. C. '. Clark uf tho Noiunli um la In town. 1 Ji'(t U "i he only" rwuuranl. Whlu C lr. vtrnn f Tti'iima In ut tho Vit lwllt. Mr, II. l. Van luoii m In l'orl lnj yrHttrliiy. Mr. CttiiUIn Iti'hfptJ ha rrltirncd lu Gray river. II. W Itrln will Bv thin morning for Fitu Krani'lK'O. Contractor B. A. Conn cams down from Ciyniilii yvatrrdtiy. Wantml At oiirn, tioat-lnillilrr at th ynnl of It. M. I.eatlHri. T. fl. TuwniM-nd, the rrt-nmnry man, l In the city on bulncM. Ht IJ-cent mral. niilng Sun retau. rant. kU Commercial i tract. rrmhlmt ImxiiIn of tho I. R. & N. Co. u In un ymu-nlay. Durable nfTli-0 room for ront:Fla vl trli k. Imjulro room 17. Wlllliini Johnnon of futlilainct I a Ku-nt ut thn 1'nrkor limine. Thu tux rwi'ltN at the horift' of-1 fir now amount to ovrr $7,HK. Ji-ft't rt-Uiianl. tho lui.vt and bi'.. A 1 1 ml mil convince yiu. Alex M' lkl of Knuia hua gone on a Mult to It l m uriiiu In Nova Scotia. K. I'. Wolf of tho Trvcutt racking . Company lu down from Uoble on a vIhU. Will Younii lias rvturnt'd to Fort Columbia, after a brluf tay In 1 1 la city. Mum Utile Trullliikvr will leave IIiIh inornliiK on the Columbia for Pan Franclm o. Uuoriro Cornwall, editor of tho Co lumbia Klver A Orogon Tltnbermnn, la lit thu city. Thomas Morrl. n native of Orat Ilrltitln, wn lulmiUM to iltlicnnhlp In th county court yestiTduy. Wllllum Chnlmrrs of Stillwater, Minn., la In the city on buslnuea con nected with hli furniture factory, Clitmi, 6o dux., 8 milt, So pound; vog ftubh'a, fruit, milk, bread eto. Now Market, i(0 Duan j Htrcet, near Tenth. The 1000-llmlt wiim r-nchoi yvMtorduy la tho county ulcrk'n otllce, und the rf-Klxtratlon rolla no ghow a total or mo. Cream Turt Rye. America'! flneet whlikey. The only pure foodaj tuar aateed rjoh and mellow. John I Carl en, tole agent ' Mr. and Mrs, K. il. Stronmcyer will be At homo to their frlondi Thuradayi, nt their home, comer of Klghth itreot and Franklin avenue. Koilyn coal liiati longer, li cleaner and mukci lee trouble with itovea and chimney duel than any other. George ' W. Sanborn. Agent. Telephone 1311. Roslyn coal li the beet and moat eco nomical coal for household use In Aa terla. Try It once and you will have no other. George V. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. Old Continental li a alandard high grade Kentucky wUlsky. Absolutely pore, and can be recommended to thone eeklng a atlmulant for medical and ra cial use. Sold by Aug. DanleUon, As ' terla, Oregon. ' tf Tin lt"V. I. It. linker of IMiiw ire. ihlo, will orciipy tint pulpit of the MothodUt church thla uior.ilng and rVelllng. Dr. V. C. lgin hua received no illi.nl inn of liln niliolnttniil II a a liiemtier of the Mule board of ih litul rxiwnlnein. H la reporteel that l.leutennnt H M. IHmnteud, IT. 8. N.. haa een or-di-red from dply at I'ortland to th crulner I'hlhkdelphln. It la uiidernlool thut th JeaaU will leavo for norlhern 1'iu l:l. wulera on her flrnl trip Into tho halibut field aoiuo time during tlw l oininu week. A meeting will be held today nt 1 rf p, in. by the, local rprecntativea of Urn Mormon church, at thu Woodmen' hull. A geiiernl lnvltutli.il to thu pub lie In extended. The American hlp Clamme H. He nieiil t le.imd at tho c-tiatoni houne v.- terduy. 8hu hua U0.4A4 bunhela of wheat, valued at and la bound for lCurope. Dr. Jay Tuttle haa removed hi office one block went on Commercial airvet to the oilU room recently occupied by Dr. M. M. Walker; entrance next door went of John Hahn'i ilue atore. Tho teumhlp Columbia will )cav out for Hun KruncUco thla morning Hh currlea a uro comocd prlncl pally of wheul from Portland. At thl port a larKe quantity of nhook were taken on. The necrrt of good living He In w holmome and well-cooked food. When a rcatnurant boa cnUbllxhed a reputa Hon along thla line It I the place to putronlit. The Model ho thla reputa Hon. Near Koard & Btoke. Tin govruor of tho tute of Woah Ington haa rrnppoliited N. C. Kofoed and I. J. Ilrumhuch to the pilot coin mlnnlon. The third inemlxT of the couuiiton choen la D. I. KiikHnIi, of Inig H U' II. Ho good to yournelf and good to your friend. When you treut a friend to whlnkey. give him the beat llarMr whlnk-y la tho beveiago for your friend and for you. Hold by Foard & Nt'ikca Company, Antorla, Oregon. Joaquin Miller' appearance In thl city In one of hi moat fumoua lec ture, under (he uunplcca of the la dle' reading circle, next Thursday evening, will be the moat delightful literary treat that hui bwn offered thla eoaon. The city achool director have nam d the following pernona to conduct the election et for March 12: At poll Ing place No. S, the Olney chool houne, Judge, Thonuia Mokko, Thoman Johnnoii and Oeorge Davldon; clerk, I'eter 8hltad, It I authoiitlvely reported that Harry Ilobnon haa tlnlnhed hi new grid-iron on Young'i river, near the place adjoining hi farm. Frum thl date on all river acowa and eteumer can go to Mr. Hobaon'i dock and be cleaned and otherwise placed In con dition for regular eervlce on the liver. Fear 1 felt that tho steamer Wol cott, which la operated by the I'aclflc Hteam Whaling Company, will nover return to her home port. She left for Unulotika during the latter part of December and no Information haa been received a to her wherahout or con dition since that time. A. A. Cleveland, tho well-known law yer, haa gone to Hot Spring, Col., where he expoot to regain h'.i lout health. After spending leverul wceki at the health resort In Northern Cali fornia, Mr. Cleveland will go to New York with the Intention of having nn operation for the removal of a tumor In his stomach, performed. Mr. Cleve land states that the object of his visit to California resorts Is for the pur pose of gaining tho vitality necessary to withstand tho ordoal of the opera tion. In the last paragraph of the Inter view with Mr. Mohr In yesterduy's As torlan the following statement was made: "Mr. Mohr expressed' the con viction that, should his proposition go through according to expectations, the freight rates on all roads In tho entire Northern Pacific country would be reduced." This Is precisely r.s Mr. Mohr expressed hi nisei ( but In reading the matter In cold type a construction may be placed upon It entirely differ ent from the sense In which the ex pression wai' made. Mr. Mohr, at no time, expressed the slightest doubt that hi proposition would go through, according to the plan and expecta tion of It financial backer. Thl exphuintlon la made purely out of a sen) of Justice lo Mr. Mohr. Tho rooking school, given under the ausplcea of the Udlc' Guild of the Ornc.i KpUeopiil church arid the direc tion of Mia Morey, wh held Fri day afternoon In th W. 0. T. V. hall, A hugs numb.-r of ladl.-i were present, to whom were glvon a grcot many useful, practical and common ene Idea and r-clpl In the art of took liu. MIm Morey I thoroughly In ducted l't thl art, onl by practical demonstration mukes good the receipt. The ladles hud the pleasure of amp- ling while sauce, fruit Ice, apple ana cilery suluds. The next meeting will tw l.eld on Monday at 2 30, In the nu inn hall. All who wish to becomo thoro'igh In thl art, and also to en Joy nn ttfl'-niomi, are cordially Invited to Join the class. No more original or comical Idea In a farce comedy vein wu ever created than the lrinan lnglng society In "Who In Who," the luughaMu con celt, to ho sen ut Fisher' opera houn- next Friday night. All the up-io-the iiilnutif '.'hoi iik and rii-tlme du ties are rendered In the Herman Ian KUiige, the singers holding books la beled "First Hiutc," "Wecond Hose," "Third llttJie." Hhort Stop," etc; Hud Hi I.ilm directs the elTona of this comical Kueiigcrfesi with all the serl uiisneH of the old Herman school. En core af'T encore Invariably rcnull and the ludicrous make-up of the sing ers, taken with their nerlous meln. Is the cause of mars of laughter. Reat sale opens Thursday .miming at Orl.' fln & Uwd's. CIKCfIT COUKT. In the circuit court yesterday orde.s wre haii'lcd down a folows: Ah x Gilbert vs. II. F. I, .Logan, cai. No. I, default against defendants who have not answered. Alex Hllbrrt vs. II. F. L. Logan, case No. .', same order. John Klddcli vs. I'hocbo F. Knapp et al., default and deerte. Hwn Wilson et ul vs. II. A. Johnson, order for confirmation of sale. HlU.tr of Oregon VS. Axel Isuknull, churned with iurccny from a dwelling on trlil Irfore the following Jury: W. J. Itlnd.T, A. J. lllll, Jacob Utxlnger, George Kabolh. Fred Hherman. T. L. Noe, 1'utrlck Kearney, Cosmo Frun clscovlch, Alux Gilbert, C. W. Hhlve ly, W. F. Schelbe and Uenjumln Young. The Jury In the case rtturnej a verdict of guilty oa charged In the Indictment and the court set Monday ut 10 , m. an the time for passing JudKmeut. The argument of motion of the de fendant In the cue of Michael Ness . Clatn.ip Mill Compuny to muke coiiiplalnt more definite und certain wa set for Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. KKAL KSTATK T1UNSFKKS. State of Oregon to the Astoria Com puny, eust half of the southwest quar ter;lot 3 and 4, section 19. lots mb ter; lots 2 and 4, section 19, township 4 north of range 9 west; lots 1, 2, 7 and 8. of section 24, township 4 north of rungo Id west, 3:1119 acres; (404.96. lCmlly K. Mlnaker to Llsette Lang hardt. I00.T0 acres In section 33, town ship d north of range 10 west: 3900. United States to Axel Isakson, north- eo.it quarter of section 32, township i north of range 7 west, 160 acres; pat ent. United Slate to Afred Johnson, west half of the northwest quurter and the west half of the southweBt quar ter, of section 35, township 4 north of range west. 16') acres; patent. United State to Charles A. Ander son, eust half of the northwest quarter and tho east half of the southwest quarter of section 35, township 4 north of range 6 west. 160 acres; patent. 1'IONEKIt NOTICK. The member of the Tloneer and His torical Society of Oregon are request ed to attend the funeral of Mr. Ame lia Raymond at City Cemetery, near Sklpanon, on Monday the 5th. Regu lar train leave depot at 11:30 a. m. Hy order of the president R. N. CARNAHAN. Sec. Astoria, Or., March 3, 1900. PENSIONS FOR FARMERS. ASTORIA, Feb. 24. Editor Astorlan: A great man ha spoken a great word: It I cheaper to pay the farmers a pension than to pay taxes for roads." At lust there la a. ray of hope, that something Is to be done for the poor farmer. The suggestion, coming from a man who has done considerable al ready for tho country, It will make It sure to bear fruit The farmer shall have a pension; what a novel thought! Mr. Page Is a great man, probably a greater taxpayer, a man of his word, well versed In economy of administra tion, and maybe he la correct. What a great time we farmers could have with our pension money. Who would need to work then? All thla we would have to thank Mr. Page for. I seri ously think that we farmer should hold a mass meeting and pass a vote of thanks, and start a subscription to erect him a monument, as, most cer tainly, he Is the first man In all Amer ica possessing such original thought and giving such a splendid suggestion. I myself would start this list, were I not afraid of a remonstrance which Is , bound to appear with every good undertaking. A3 a farmer cannot live from pension checks alone, I presume that they will get their grub delivered free of charge. Of course, Mr. Page will not let hi friends starve or even suffer. Should it happen that a doctor was needed In the country he will know how to get him out; we will have that (o Mr, f'ago. Why do not our public leaden and publlo benefactor get up a law pro hibiting travel on road altogether from the time the first rain fall till the road get dry again, say August or September, tho next year. Under these circumstance the read would not he used very much, alwayi be In good condition, and what would be the nicest of the whole thing, roa4 taxei would be few ond far between, Thl Is where the publlt! benefit would come In. The whole, matter would not appear ridiculous, were It not the eume men. who are always last, when It comes to an Improvement for which they are supposed to put up their share, are the very men who continu ally pray to stranger to come and share thl beautiful rpot of earth with them. We really must Imagine, when we consider the spirit of our people, when we look at our streets and our roads, when wo note the luck of thrift In everything we see, with our com merce slipping away, that we are liv ing n a very Inviting spot on . this earth. A whole decade have we been waiting for some good people to com along and build up our city and inuk our roads; but It Is strange these fools of people do not seem to lie In a hurry to come. liul this Is not the question; It Is economy which seems to be the watch word of thu suggestion. Now there are muny things on which we can save. For Inntance; what Is the use to spend aneh uniirmimi noma for lluhtlntr the city with electricity, when the same can tie done much more cheaply b; hiring Chinamen on such nlghta oi whb h th- moon dei not shine. The Chinamen could lie provided with i lantern each and placed on the street about a hundred yards apart. Ity ex tending the curfew law so a to In elude is-raon of alt ages, I am posi tive that even the poorest mathema tician will find "economy" In ravor the Chinaman. One thing, though. m'ssed In figuring this, that Is: that the Chinaman niusl be called out cv ery night to accommodate the pansen r..r uf the railroad. Kven this can nrolmblv be saved to the taxpayers they will only petition the Portland merchant to stund this part of the expenne. These proceedings may be allghtly 'Illegal"; but surely It will be another step towards "Economy. However. I believe In plenty of light and better roads, and am willing to pay my share for It T1IKO. CHRISTIANS. Hoss Sense and Nonsense t A IHibllo KxpMHlon of Frl- vat Opinion. Iiull'-r has shown the world that he ran cross the Tuxelu Just ubout as often when he wins as when things go the other way. Kitchener seems to have been In such a hurry when lie started for t-'oulli Africa that he forgot to take n supply of armlstl e with him. Colonel Jack Chlnn Is trying to have a law passed making It illegal to carry llreurms In Kentucky. Colonel Jack must be losing faith In his own mark .nanshlp. (!) The Hon. Timothy Woodruff.' who Is credited with possessing a greater number of vests than any living man. (s of the opinion that clothes merely help to make the man. It is said that Judge Cald.vell of Arkansas, who is talked of as Hryan's running mute, looks like Janus Russell Lowell. This alone ought to defeat him, even for the nomination. Owing to the fact that the nnme of the next president of the United States is already well known, unusual Inter est Is being taken in the matter of Dueling a suitable vice-presidential candidate this year. If this were France we might have some renson for the hope that Bill Chirk and Marc. Daly would retire to the wooded district and settle this senatorial dispute with steel and not Olga Nethersole says she plays nasty parts simply for the purpose of teach ing people that wlckeduess Is bad. Thla ought to be pretty well under stood now without any further dem onstrations, either in real life cr upon the stage. France still regrets that Fashoda was not worth fighting for. This Is In line with tho sentiment recently ex pressed by a French statesman that the Eoer war had proved the French people to be unconscious fools, not to siiv unconscious cowards. A Nehulem statesman asks what objection could be raised to having the fourteenth section of the pending gold bill amended to read as follows: "The provisions of this act are not Intended to preclude the accomplishment of an International railroad to the moon whenever conditions shall make It ex pedient and practicable to secure the same b,y concurrent action of the lead-; lug commercial rations or tne worm. and at a traltln rate which shall Insure permanence of relative rates between Mars and Mercury. SIBERIAN EXILINO TO RE PRO- HIBITED. The thought of exiled Russian crim inals clanging their way over the snows of the Siberian plains to a life of terrible desolation, Is one of horror. It is now rumored that the barbarous custom is to be abolished, and that Siberia, which Is really a fertile coun try, Is to be cultivated. This news will be welcomed as Joyfully by the far away convicts as Is the fact by exiles of health, that Hostettor's Stom ach Bitters cures dyspepsia. Other so called remedies claim to euro. That Is all. The Fitters not only claims to cure, but has done so for fifty years. It cures Indigestion, constipation, bil iousness, malaria, fever nd ague, lWer and kidney troubles. It is the best medicine In the world for Hilt: time of the year, REGISTRATION OF VOTERS, Total Number of Name on tb Roll to Data, Astorlt Precinct No. 1... , W Astoria Prelnct No, 2 105 Astoria Preelnct No, J M Astoria Precinct No. 2'i At'l't )rclnet No. S 127 Astoria Precinct No. M Astoria Precinct No. 7 55 John Day Precinct lit Hvensen 13 Wallunkl 17 New Astoria o Warrenton 1 ('latsop in Seaside 25 Melvlile 7 Chadwell 22 Youngs River I Young Klver 10 Knapi a ...27 Clifton M West port , 3 Veepar 2 J-well Mlnhawaka ,,,, $ Klsle t Push 4 Total to date I'i20 BOLFILINE. Solflllne! SolflllneT If you are sick and tired of rubber. which protect your fec-t from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your choes; If you wish to stop greasing your hsmera and pro longing the life of same at least fifty per cent If you wUh to av creasing your belt In your manu. factury, go to Peterson A Brown, at Astoria, and try a caee of Soil? line on your ihoea and hsmessv Buy your shoe only of those who bare that act. Take no other. Address, PETERSON ft BROWN, General Agent, Astoria. Oregon TO CURE LAORIPPE IN TWO DATS Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the money If it fail to cure. 12, W. Groves' signature Is on each box. 25c. 0 FISHER'S r PERA HOUSE L. E. SELIG, Lessee and Mgr. FRIDAY, MAR. 9 The Great White Czar of all 1'on Shows Third and Best Edition of that rapid, roving and rollicking farce. Who Is Who Introducing those comtt fellows CHAS. BERT Pusey and St. John And an excellent company of twenty- five high class artists. Catchiest and Brightest Specialties. The Newest Things in Musical Farce. ELABORATE SCENERY BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES PRICES Reserved seats. 73c; gallery. 50c Seat sale opens Thursday morn ing at Griffin & Reed's. Quick Service on Transient Work Packages turned out In from 6 to 8 hours at the Columbia Steam Laundry and the best washing to be had on this coast. If you will send your laundry there. and It does not please you, I will pay the bill. J. W. Daltcn, Prop. Telephone, 981, Work called for and delivered. Best Boat Specially Prepared fcr Fishing Coats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. Hammond's Coin Special Breakfast Bacon Hammond's Calumet Breakfast Bacon Hammond's Salt Bacon and Hams Boiled Ham, Groceries, etc., etc. A. V. ALLIEN Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paciflo Brewery, of which Bottled beer for family use or keg Mr John Kopp is pror-ietor, makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery in for domes ic and export trade. the city free. florth Pacific Brewery Golumbia Electric & Repair Go Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists LrOgglng Enginet Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contract jrs for Electric lights and Power Plants. W. F. SCHEIBE, 1pm. aa5aokrs' Article. 474 Commercial St. a:: ;:;: k ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Kurop-u pn, Soe ti $l,W pw df. American plan, 11.00 to $2.00 per df. PORTLAND, OR. rne Kjnty r irHi'iuHH nuiei in foninnu p ruuwinnnn ijxnnnnnnnnnnnnjxnniwnruwnnfxnn We Rent New WEDDING iimmjms VISIT"S BUSINESS CARDS , ,.,.,. COPPER PLATE PRlflTEtiS VISITING CARDS Pacific N ayigation Company Steamers-'!. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Uobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oretron Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for San Francisco, Portland nd all poiuta east. For freight and passenger rates apply Ij Samuel Elmore & Co. General Aeenta, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN A CO Agents, XlLLAMUUtk ure. nrrno . irrrR allUiehorrnmudmpoivncT. X,FID:EcleauttieUver, tut gtruni imatun k iJneys and the urinary orainolaiiunj.uiiiaJ I rplnvvl! ,tnm,ih0nillntl iMliiriwm,li wuk nrBlDL Tii. reaouu sufferer are not cur4 by l)lnra Is because ninety per cent are trz&'.ci Pretalalltla. CDP1DKN E Is the only-known remedy to cor. wlihout an operation. tuuoienitm.HiW is. A written jrunrante. f iv.n and money relumed II six boxea does not effect a pnnauitou )1 40 a box, six fiir (3.00, by wail. Bend for rack circular aud teauiaooiils, AddramlDAVOt JiKICI3lCP.O,BoxmtaFriicico,rBj, tar Salt UoU h? CHARLES BOG EE 3. Paint IN THE ...MARKET Loggers' SDJpHCS Kept la Stock Built and Repaired Manufacturer ot the Always Reliable "La Belle Astoria" Clfar Scheite's Opera Star Scneite's Special And Oth.r Brand. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manaer- J. C. PE.NDEGA3T, Cblel Clef Typewriters Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L- ft. ALEXANDER & CO. Exclusive Pacific Coast Agents Tel. Main 574 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore. CARDS W. G. SMITH S CO., ENGRAVERS. 22 sod 23 Washington Bnildiue, 4th and Washington 8t. otpi Em's, PORTLAND, OREGOK. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., a. u. n. iv jo, runiuAau.ure, MANHOOD RESTOREDSS Hon ol a (aoiou.i French physician, will quickly cure you of ail ner vous or clisa uvs of Ibe gemrabve uncaii., auca m IkatManhixxi, Insomnia, r.ius in tbeiliick.tieaiiiial Ktuueinaf Nervous itouiLy, Pimple. Uniiuiess to Mirry, txliaiutin Dmiiu, Varkimi. .,'4 Constipation. It stop all lonsn br ay or rilght Prevent qi,kk of ss of diacimree. W hich if not eheolc M leads to Sperroaiorrtioa ai f.l