THIS MORNING ASTOillAN K1UUA.. MAjtCU 2, 11)00. We Are Showing a Full Line of 36-Inch PERCALES THAT WILL WASH V Headquarters for Dry Goods SPECIAL MAIL WEIGHING. Report In Dfta.ll of the Quantity of Mall Carried From Each Sec tion of the Country. WASHINGTON, Mer. 1. Second As- assert that if it is found to be the set aistant Postmaster-Oeneral Shallen- i tied purpose of the Gtrm in government bergvr has submitted to the postmas-1 to sanction exclusion of American ter-jfeneral a report showing the result I meats or other products from Germany of the special weighing of mail ! it may be expected that the govern throughout the United States In "4.f$4 j ment of the Ignited States will feel con posto'Tlces from October 3, to Novem-1 strained to use such power us It may ber t, 1899. j possess to impress upon Germany Its This is the first spetial weighing of ; disapproval of the discriminations mails sine ten years nso when, under threatened oirninst the producers of the direction of Postmaster-General Wanamaker, weighing was done for ieven days. The figures obtained at that time hae been found to be mis leading- The mail matt-r originating in the United states durins the time of weighing amounted to lol.132.tOa pounds, as it is estimate I that vpon this basis the total amount of mall.' matter carried during a year is 1.3i. 50S pounds. Revenue is derived from 40.57 per cent of this, while 59.43 per cent yklds no revenue. )1 the total 6.06 ir cent was first class. 25.19 second class. 2.09 second class free, 9.32 third and fourth class; 6.14 government free and 51.20 equip ment. It was found that during the thirty-five days New York furnished by far the largest amount of mall, 15. 440,372 pounds and Chicago the next largest quantity, 9,7S,207 pounds. Bos ton follows with 4,053.532. Philadelphia, 3.S01.364, St. Louis. 3.410.2T3 and Wash ington, O. C, 3.244.211 pounds, i Other cities furnished the following quantities In pounds: San Francisco, 1.123,184; Minneapolis. 3 .017.773 : tt. Paul, S97.S69: Kansas City, 1,171,362; Cincinnati, 3.6S5.S11: Balti more. 911.272; Cleveland, 7M.S07; Pitts burg. 852,810; Milwaukee, 733,912. It la estimated that during a year 1,347,180 pounds of mail, or 86 per cent, is carried by the railroads, the re-,-inainder, 226.869,910 pounds, being local mail. GROWING SOMKYVHAT SERIOUS. Exclusion of Our Meat in Germany Causes Uncle Sam to Figure on Retaliation. NEW YORK, Mar. 1. A special to the Times from Washington says: Although it is out of the question to attempt to obtain any official authority for the assertion that' politics in Ger many are preparing the way for ser ious differences between Germany and the United States in commercial mat ters. Information is obtained here to Justify the statement that in case the law-makers of Germany carry out their declared purpose of excluding Ameri can meat products, such a course will meet with retaliation by the United States. For a long time, several months, in fact, negotiations have been at a stand still on the question of reciprocity with Germany. Undr the conditions face! there by the imperial government It wag regarded as useless to attempt to arrange a reciprocal banls that would Scrofula to Consumption. Any one predisposed to Scrofula ean erar be healthy and vigorous Thii taint in the blood naturally drifts into Consumption. Being such a deep-seated blood diseaae, Swift's Specific is the only known cure for Scrofula, because It is the only remedy which can reach the diseaae. Serofuia speared en the head pj mj little mndchlld whan only 18 months old. Shortly tllar breaking- out It spread rapidly all orer tor bodr- Tb ot ore wo?ld ft"1 H on tfje. littt touoh.and th odor that would arise maoa m m aiojphere of tha room ki eke nlng and unbearable. Toe dmaae nt attacked II, e eyes, and wefoarad sua would le b alltht. am tiient physician from the mrruundiug aouniry were .inftu'tri. but COUld 00 . .7 ' . i. L it . I lie innocent, and gave it 3fcs?f. s their opinion that the Vfs-?S tag was hopl9 and lm-. mm m -aoaalble to save the child's eyeeight. It wai thin that we decided to try Swift's Specliie. lhat medicine at onee made a speedy and com plete cure, kht i new a young lady, and hat haver had a agn of th diseaae to return. Mm. Ruth Bkkkklkt. baliua, Kan. Scrofula is sn obstinate blood disease, and is beyond the reach of the average blood medicine. Swift's Specific S.aSheBIood ... 1 1 m a a..sU ilnnn II the only rn:eay equ i u uf- aAtri disewM'i: it Koea down to the ' . . ..... a ,,,. Tcry lounutitiMi mm Uiot. It is )ry vegttabU, and is the only hloou remedy guaranteed to ontain no in rcury, potash or other mineral s jbf ta ice whatever. Books mail, d free by Swift Speclfla Company, Atlanta, Georgia. At 10 Cents Per Yard IrtZAsTC) on the Lower Columbia. net include nil American products without prejudice. To tnke any oftlclal steps lit advance would . regarded as a menace. Nothing in the way of menace will be attempted. But there Is reason to this country. bio. 'sm cvr ng u.:a U The Ley land Cimi-mv Absorbs th At- lantic Transport Company's, line 0f t-wwOiip. . new YORK. Mar. J. It has been persistently nniw.vl in shipping lir cles within the past three days end as often denied oy the otllciaia suipod to be most interested that the Ley land steamship line, controlled bv FroVritk Leyland & Co , of Liverpool, li.-.s ac quired absolute contr.d of the Atlantic Transport Co's Nev York London line of st"umers and vill assume ail respon sibility for those interests on May 1. It was only a ttvt weeis aso lhat the Atlantic Transport Co. took over the entire interests of the Wi'son Fvrntss Leyland line, running Ij-Uvcen New York and London and Its fle t now con sists largely of steamships then pur chased. The rumor that :he business is to revert back to the original owners Is inexplicable to shipping men, who ex pected that the Atlantic Transpjrt line would absorb the projected Leyland line, which is to run between Liverpool and New York. It Is rumored now that tegotlations for the absorptl in of the Atlantic Transport line by the Ixylands have been pending since the 'itt-?r decided to come to New York. Colonel Bernard H. Baker, president of the Atlantic Transport company, who has been In Europe f"r several weeks, is said U. be on his way here now with the conti-uct for the purchase of his company's interests. P. F. S. Franklin, general manager of the Atlanil? Transport company, ami Passenger Agent Gibson, of the Leyland line, denied absolutely that there is any truth in the rumors of a deal !etween the two companies. CHICAGO WOMAN'S LUCK. She Will Receive One-Fifth of a J20, 000,000 Estate. CHICAGO, Mar. l.-Mrs. D. B. Ten Eycke, No. 87 North ivitt street, re ceived information yesterday that she will receive probably one-fifth of an estate valued at more that $20,000,000 left by her uncle, who died . twelve years ago in Albany, N. Y. According to the story told by Mrs. Ten Eycke, the uncle's name was Rous ler Wandell. His relatives had not heard from bim in years and had no idea of his whereabouts or his wealth until sometime after his death, whtn tne administrators of the estate bfgan to look up the rightful heirs. The old man never married an.l left no will. Therefore the whole fortune falls to the children of his brothers and sisters, five In number. Three of these 'ive In New York and the other two In Chi cago. They are Mrs. V. B. Ten Eycke and John Wandell, a retired Chleugo & Northwestern engineer. Several years ago a brother of Mrs. Ten Eycke who lived in New York, learned of the existence of the estate, obtained papers from Rousler Wan dell's former housekeeper, ny means of which he proposes having the prop erty transferred to himself and his brothers and his sisters. He ht.d al most concluded the work wnen he died arid until yesterday, Mrs. Ten Ejcke knew nothing of the progress In the case. Mrs. Ten Eycke ik of middle age and has a daughter and son. SAME OLD THING. Utah Democrats Instruct Delegates for Bryan and Declare for Free Silver. - SALT LAKE, Utah, March 1. The democratic state convention today eleetajd six dele-gates to the national convention and the delegates were unanimously Instructed to vote for William J. Bryan for president. The question of the exclusion of B, H. Roberts was brought prominently before the oonVentlon by the following ... resolution "Resolved, That the democratic, par ty of the State of Utah, in convention assembled, solemnly affirms that the people of . this state' have kept faith with the nation and repela upon their behalf all charges to the contrary as false and misleading. Therefore, we deplore the action of th congress of the United States In refusing to ad minister the oath of ottW to the member-elect from this commonwealth." J, R. Letcher opposed the resolu tion and said that he regretted that Mr. Roberta had been brought face to face with the conditions that had confronted him and he believed the same was true of Mr.Koberta. At thl point Robert arose and said, if the gentleman supposed for one mement that he had my regrets on the subject he was entirely mistaken. After a long and exciting discussion the resolution was adopted. The platform demands the free and unlimited coinage of both sliver and gold at the present IcKal ratio of 18 to 1. without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation. Ex-Congressman W. 11. King was nominated for representative in con gress. HOW TO LIVE LONG. Dr. Cyrus IMsm Records Some of His Observations. NKW YORK. Mar. 1. Vddivsslng the Hundred Year Club last night on "The Causes of NaturiM I'eath and How to Attain an Active and Useful Old A;te." Dr. Cyrus Edson said that longevity is due to unusual powers of assimilation. Dr. Edson spoke of the trades and professions in which statistics had shown the fatalities to be earliest. "Among the most fatal of the trades were those of steel polishers and pot ters. Merchants came veil up in the list for early deaths and it had been shown that the mortality anions butch ers afur the as- of 23 Is large. Among physicians, also, he ald, there is a hlsrh mortality rate much above the average, due to Irregularity of living. On the other hand f irnnrs and hunt ers, from their open life, often attalne I old age. "Hut." he added, "if the Intellectual parts of the brain of the fanner had proper activity and exercise, he woul 1 live longer. Rapid thought leads to longevity. Men In the city In this re spect have a distinct advantage over the fanner. Not only is a well balanced mind essential to -ld age, but a well balanced active mind." From this Dr. Edson deduced, "that nature Is a relentless fool killer." Statistics show, he added, lhat men of genius live a remarkably long life. There should not be more than eight hours sleep, as too much sleep makes the sluggard. Exceslve sleep results in degeneration from disuse of the mental faculties. After 35 years of age we never need more than eight hours, unless It Is to "catch up." The cry of doctors ten years ago was to build up the body, but building the mind Is equally if not more Important. THE SOMER3 A FAILURE. Gunboat Purchased From Oermany Unlit for Service. NEW YORK. Mar. 1. A sp tlal to the Herald from Washington says: Secretary Long has leports from the board of Inspection ami survey stating that the torpedo boat Somers Is In ni&ny respects unsatisfactory. The Somers was able to make only lTH knots and the trial showed that she was unfit for sea service. The beard suggests that tn vess.-l be ustd for harbor defence and states that she Is not worth .iry great expenditure of money. The Somers was purchased on March 2f, 1838, of the Schichau W irks. Elbing, Germany, for $72,997. It was leported the Spanish government was negotiat ing for her purchase and to prevent her Irom passing into the possesion of the Madrid government th? American attache was authorized to pay the price asked by the Schl:hau Works. COAL FOR RUSSIA. Large Purchases Have Been Made of the American Article. NEW YORK, Mar. 1. Russia Is like ly to become a large - onsumer of American bituminous coal. While no 1 contract has yet been rlgned, represen tatives of the Ruslan Imperial govern ment have been making overtures to the Berwlnd-Whlte Coal Mining Com pany, looking to the purchase Mid shipment of nearly half a million toiu to ports on the Baltic John B'-rivInd, vice-president of the coal company, said last night, the only difficulty consisted in the problem of freights and transportations. Should the pending negotiations end success fully, he naid, he thought likely that Russia would carry the 'oal in her own ships, piobably utilizing the nam. vessels which she will employ to cany the Iron, steel and ore already con tracted for with the Carnegie-Frlck Company. "With this as an opening wedge." said Mr. Berwlnd, "I see no reason why America should not be able to hold up a large export trade with her In clal." CROCKER IS OUT. He Has Resigned All Connection With the Southern Pacific Company. SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. l.-The Ex aminer says: George Crocker has resigned as di rector and second vice-president of the Southern Pacific company and a a director and president of the Southern Pacific, of California. Mr. Crocker, who Is now in New York arranging to go on a prolonged tour of Europe, has sent a telegram to. this city stating that he had Just resigned from the position mentioned. This act on his part Indicates that all the terms of the contract between the Speyers and Crocker for the purchase of the latter Southern Pacific stock holdings by the former have been fully complied with. George Cnnker's successor as a Southern Paclfl j director Is to be John W. MacKay. THE RELKllOUS QUESTION. Now Overshadowing the Plague and Insurtvellon In the Philippines, VICTORIA. H. C Mar. 1. A Hong Kong oorrviond-'nt, acordlug to ad vice reeelv.'d by the steamship Itrec conshire, writes from Honolulu that a religious controversy Is existing there overshadowing the Insurrection ami the plague. The main point of the trouble Is a suggestion to reinstate- the filars In the provinces on the el l basis as un der Spanish rule. The trouble begun with the publication of an alleged in terview with Archbishop tluipelle. telegr.xphei to a Madrid paper. The Interview was secured by a Manila paper coincident with its being tele graphed. Vhii published it raised a storm. Petitions cam- in last ami ninny delegations Interviewed General Otis. AUSTRALIAN HUSH FIRES. M sl Disastrous Known In Victoria in I-nst Kirty Years. VANCOUVER. 15. C, March l.-The steamer Aornnl, from Sidney, today brings ii u uccount of the most disas trous bush tires experienced In Victo ria In tlv hut llfty years. The entire Warnmibool district has been devasl. aled and the damage Is estimated at $.',0iKl.iH0. The tire biok- cut simultaneously In various parts of the colony and burned for two days and three nights, finally burning Itself out. Seven persons per-Ish-'d in th- dailies, which swept over a tract forty miles long and tlility miles wile, consuming l.r"0.iKi acres of Brass, six wool ware'ioiises. 2,0oo sheep mid J.isHi tattle and horw's. SUl.ER A'lAIN POSTURING. Wants the United States to Stop Hrit Ish Rarbarlty In Africa,. . WASHINGTON, March I. Repre sentative Sulxer of New Voik today Introduced a resolution in the house extending the sympathy of the United States to the Uoer and protesting against the barbarous war now being waged by .Great Rrltain against the patriots of South Africa. The president of the United Stateg Is called upon to secure and bring about an answerable peace between the con tending parties. AHEAD OF HAMMOND. Company Organized in Portland Hulld a Railroad Into the Nehalem. to PORTLAND. Ore.. ,Mar. 2. Articles of Incorporation of the "olumbla 4 Nehalem Valley Railroad Company wer. filed In the county clerk's olllce today. The incorporators are, George T. Gerllnger. of Vancouver, Washing ton, Earnest C Dalton and E. C. Cov ert, of Portland.. The "aplt il stock of-the company is $1'K),0ki. The obj-.t of the company is to build a railroad from St. Helens, Ore. gun, to the Nehalem at or near the town of Pittsburg, and nls.i branch lines. ANOTHER TRAINING SHIP. Success of the Dixie Results in the Assignment of the Buffalo. NEW YORK, Mar. l.-So Marked has been the success of the navy de partment's experiment in training landsmen, drawn mostly from the In terior of the country, on the auxiliary cruiser Dixie, thit orders have been received at the navy yard to phi -e the Bu'falo In commission by April 1, as a training ship. On that date she will leave the yard for Norfolk, where she will receive a crew of 4."0 landsmen for training, 172 seamen and a marine guard of 27. PUERTO HICO TARIFF TEST. WASHINGTON, Mar. l.-Sult has filed In the United States court of claims by Ludwig Duplace of Puerto Rico to recover JO.';!, which he has paid as customs duties on goods lm norted from the United States. He bases his right to recover on the claim that he Is a citizen of the United States under the treaty of peace with Spain and the constitution of the United States. Puerto Rico, he claims, Is a part of the United States and therefore under the constitution the 'utle were illegally exacted. The petition was filed by John G. Carlisle and John U. Chancy, as counsel. WE.-JT SIDE NOTES. Mrs. F. H. Mudd spent Wedneeday in Astoria. Captain IJownH spent Sunday at the beach, MIhs Reba liobson Is visiting Miss J-Mlth LlawAon. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Wirt spent TueS day in Astoria. Mrs. Carlyle, of Lockaley Hall, was in ABtoria Sunday. Miss Minnie Abrams Is spending the winter in Portland. Alex... Duncan has returned from a trip up the valley, Mrs. Josle Hubbard and son are vis iting In Portland. Mrs. Richard Hobson is a guest of Mrs. D. li. i'oase. J.' S. Delllnger expects to leave War" re n ton this week. ; Miss' Edna! Morrison ' has .' returned frtfmi school 'In Portland. " ' E. M. Lally made a business trip to Portland during the week. mm wm Li lb i f New Zeu.und W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED UAMUTY OF SHAREHOLDERS S-iWribwl CnpitaJ, .... $.1,(MH).000 r.ii.l-ii. Capital, ... l.OOO.WO Asm-Is, '-V I Ml ' Wis in t'iiilc.1 States, .".00,(100 Surplus to IVluy HoMtirs, l,71S,"l2 Has U'lMi Uiulcrw riling on tlu IVilif Coast out twenty-two yours. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Kesiilont Ajjt'iiln, Astoria, Or. -. ij- INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. Miss lkrtha Hartln's Decorative Art Room. ICiem N1U 1 eliu in IOil'lli, .1i I !?V ! C. J TRENCH ARD, Commission. Brokerage, Insurance ar.J hiccintr. Some Interesting Figures. Capital Stock of the l our ircat Banks of the WorlJ. Dec. 31, l!HH). Bank of England, Bank of France, Imperial Bank of Germany, Bank of Russia, Total, . '. $176,372,856 Funds held by the Mutual Insur ance Company for the payment of cjoni Q7i TQ7 its policies, December 31, 1900, .$jUl,On:,0O( Or, $125,471,682 more than tlie Knnlf.4. Tho new form of ilicy of tho New York, Kicliard A. Jct'urtly, 1 rcHHlont, provitieu: First The SECUUITY of $301,841,837 of nssvU Second-PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. Third MBEKAL LOANS TO HE INSURED. Extended term insurance in case of lapse. Automatic paid-tip insurance without cxehango of policy. One month's grace in payment of premium.. For further information apply to ', SMI KWOOI) (ilLI.ICSI'Y, (Jeneral Aneiif. WILLIAMS I'UNI), Stutc ManuKcr, Portland, B. VAN DL'SEN, KaiHidcnt Manacr. Astoria, Ore. Th.. n.'W round h()UM- of th. A. c. It. at HeaMlde 1m nearly t ompU'tcd. ; It. K. Turk and wlfo have gone to Svennon to rornaln two months. uiu. I.'. .,..11,... lliiiishton has rrcov- ,T.-d from a llifht attack of mtimlfH. Mrs. A. Countrymen and chlldrrn. 1 of Portland, ar vlsltlnn Mrs. H. M. Lally. 1 Iir IteuKl'", f Vaiii'oiiver, arrived Ti"k lay. and will lake Pr. Hklnner's place. Mm. K. A. Mnton Knve a candy pull' for some of her 'Utile folks'' Monday evening. Mr. U Harmon lia opened a rentaiii- , ant at Warrenton In the Id postolllee . building. County Superintendent I-ee vlnited th.; vurloim kcIioiiU on the West Hide this week. j Itev. J. V). Wa.HHon will conduct re. vlval services on this fide for the next few weeks. The cozy reading room in the 'Trib une" building Is a pleasant I lace to spend an evening. Dr. Oeore A. Hklnner leaves for Ban FianclHCi Monday. He expects to be ordered to the Philippines. Kvry Tuesday evening the young and old tieoplu of Plilpnnon have an old-iashloneu upenuiK schuui. Itev Wm. 8. Hhort will have services at Ht. Thomiw on Thursday evening Instead of Wednesday, during Lent. J. T. Johnson and family have gone to Haini'-r to live. Mr. Johnson has a position In the sash ami door factory. Mr. J. Martin and wife will make i...i. h.,mu In Klirmta countv tn the future. They I'-ave for their new home soon. m .....i Un V U I'errln lire ex- ... i . mi. ....... . - per ted from Han Francisco on rrlday to vlHlt Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Oay, of Hkipanon. Mr. Halferty will start Ids cannery up early this month. This gives em ployment to ab'it seventy-five people, Including the clam dlKgcrs. TO PARIS IN 1900. The passenger department of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul railway has taken advantage of the current In terest In tho Paris Kxposltlon and has printed for free distribution one of the most charming pooka of the season, en titled, "Glimpses Across tho Hea.' Its contents describe a recent voyage across the Atlantic mode by Sam T. Clover, Journalist and author, and In clude his diversified experiences in London and. Paris. The "dllmpses" are entertaining and instrucilve to the prospective western jiatrons of the Chl cago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul railway, who may be contemplating a trip to Europe.,. The enterprise of the railway company In auguratlng such a happy departure from the ordinary methods of advertising Is commendable. KlClllDlVPIc NaUlAMEi !"3 vi &3 &3 S S3 ORDERS SOLICITED 1 rll Line of NratM tsibmld. try MattiUW, Initial s specialty. Choitc Sclccllu ol Sisisis l)cl(t. M,miilnt Neatly Done. d M Ria.l'uillHl.ili Or. Climtont llniiao llroker. ASTORIA, .OREGON vrn W K. A To.. Ill 1 I'urllV II'IihOoI $80,045,703 30,060,000 28,560,000 25.714.020 combined capital of thcue famoua Mutual Life Insurance Company of I Scow Bay Iron and Brass Works, ISlh Ml. and franklin A. Huffsclimidt Lovell, Props, MNc;mse sod l"t10rM)l( nilOXZe s Specially IRON and BRASS CASTINGS I'hmia tt, Aatnrla, Or. 7 VS I NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH But a true tieiiiitifier, beiiiK the only prep aration solil under a positive guarantee of J1.000 that it contains not a grain or fraction thereof of poisonous or deleteri ous substances. Indorsed by the wioht celebrated artistes of the Ivric and dra nintic stage; reconimeiidca by cmiiiciil physicians, and pronounced harmless !y lending chemists WISDOM'S FAMOUS ROBERTINE. It l thconlv prrpiirntkm mw wwd liy riialiloiwhlr ladlen to pcViK linile a brniilifiil comp ralmi Ak your driiisi"! for II and do not lie Induced to tuke oytliliu !, Hriie fin cenU per bottla. Dr. T. N. Hall ' DENTIST. 673 Commercial Street, ASTORIA, ORE. Over Schluaeel'i Clothing Store. UnllaMa pcrxina of a mchiinlral or lnnllre Dilnd lilrlniatrtpto lbs Paris Kipoaltlon, ultbguetf mmtrj ami nnrnwt paid, ihnjild wrlm. . Xha tJLtLUt UJDCOAO. UaJtlmore. M4 L LEBECK Carponter wnd IImIUI! Clertorisl Contractor HOUSU RAI5INU AND MOVING A SPECIALTY V. C. A. Polil, " COUTT COIUtl. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Cimlo'ls Mnl Fitnersl Suiillis const imp ly on liniiil. CViror 1 1th mid 1 Miuno His, Aslorln, Or H.F.Prael Transfer Co TUphoM U, DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car lll IlooUva HpjcloJ AlUnUon. No. Ml Duan Bt., W. 3, COOK. Mfr Astoria, Os. TL 111 J. A. Frastabend, Ocncrnl Coittrnctor niul Builder. VV. B. Edwards I very variety of KuiikIi uhJ liHcd l.iinrH.r, l)oor. WIihIiiwn, Monldlnti' and CcUar SIiIukIch. WUUU lleinU-k, Abler. I'olr (hk OlTIo) Seventh Mr vet !ek Th. Fredeilkson PIANO TUNER lNSHU't 1 1ON US I Kl lO ASI Vlul.IN THE LUI'VKR. fltrsnfc'eni isiting In the city will flml the lmvra su sttraotive rewirt wherein to sp4ml I bo cTciinig. The Amni Hlatera U.lic' Orcbealrs is still mi the bills anil presents niulillv a tntiilisl pnrsiii ol execpiHUiul merit, Hsnilwune ool toil bllliurd nKiina s'e a feature In couniH'tloii with tlie Iiiiiimi. I'alalslili lunclirs will be aerte.1 at all noiir Women Wanted. Hlxiy-seven women wanted suffering from Irregular, painful or stoppage of b uroreheea (whites), and alt i Kiniiln atrd dlseai'S pertaining to i lunges of life, cured hy old ir, Kss I. r, corner Sn'.md and Yamhill streets, I'oriland. Three hundred and fifteen women called last month. Consultation fne an I private rooms for ladles. If can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2-cent stumps, llundieda treated at home by his new system of home treat ment. UK POUT iK TIIK CONDITION OF TIIK first National Bank OF ASTORIA. At Astoria. In tho Bute of Oregon, at the closo of business, Feb ruary 13, 1900. IlKMOtlll'M. Ixiatii mnl (Iihi ills 21l..l'1'' 'M Overdralls, si-i'iucil slid Ulist- cured U. H. Iliiml to senile cirt illa Lit 47 tion la.nimoo I'rfiniume on U. s. llonds. . . . IkK) til) Slocks, si rarities, etc im.fiM 04 Real i Mlate . 9.1117 U Pun from Natiuuiil Ranks l imt reserve ngenls) 4, Nil Ul hue Irom sliile batiks nod bunkers :U,sr,IJ ttU I Hie from approved reheive iigenls r.'O.HIHi HI Clucks in d other rush items. Htln ,Vt Notes ol other National bunks i.r IMI Nickels and cents Ml 10 Lawful money reserve In bank, vi.: HiKsle KHl.isil HO Letful-teudei nobs llU 00 UK) TiHl CO Redemption fund with U. H. treasurer. B per ceul. circu lation 512 M Total ' f:!l!i,7ul :i.r Lumi.iriKh, Capital stock paid in .'id.lK'O (Kl Hurpl us fund Sfl.OOil (HI Undivided profits, leris ex penses uiiil tuxes paid "7,41- 7ft National bank notes out standing '. '4,500 dO Duo to state batiks and bank ers U'45 i'l Individ mil ilepos- ' its subject to check 407,S23 47 Domatid certifi cates of deposit. ft),(iii2 01 i Certified checks. . l'J7. '21 487 tll.'l !17 Total fWijm r,r STATE OF OREGON, County of Ore Ron B8: I, 8. B. Gordon, cashier of the .above-named bank,, do .solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8. 8. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lth day of February, 1900. ;y, BOfJLLINCL.,, Correct Attest: Notary Public. Jacob Kamm, W. F. McGregor, J. O. Hanthorn, Directors. .