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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1900)
4 Til K M0RN1MJ A3TU1UA TIIUS5UA. KKbKlAM , IUUO. 1900 New WE WILL bo ready Monday to show the most complete and best selected stock of cotton, wool and silk fabric ever shown in As toria. Come and see what wo have. Don't think you have to buy. All we ask is just come and look. Hcailinrtcrs for Dry Gouils on the Lover Columbia, THE TRt'ST PROKHiM. Interesting Discussion Before the Coop er I'nton Institute. NEW YORK, Feb. 21 The conference or trusts before the People a Institute in co-operation with the Cooper Union, was continued last night In the hall of the union when "The economic effects of Industrial combination" formed the topic of discuxsion. The first speaker on the eeon.unic customs Involved In Industrial combinations was W. H. Baldwin, Jr., president of the Long Isl and railroad, who elucidated the mean ing of the term "trust." In the first .place, he said. .a. trust ut comolna tlon of capital In order to purchase raw . material; secondly, to pay a high rate of wages, and, thirdly, to sell at a lower .price than could Je offered by any .smaller combination of capital. That, said Mr. Baldwin, was the only kinl .Of trust, eilhi economic or political, that could survive public opinion or the :flnal analysis of the great question of .trusts. Mr. Baldwin drew a i-arallW between the rate of waes paid in the timet of small rallnads. when the average was ?C0 a month, and the present rate, as certified to by Jlr. Arthur, of $150 to 1223 a month for engineers working Ironv seven to eight hours a day, which latter result, he said, was only possible under , the combination of railroad In terests and economies of operation that could be brought aboitt under no other conditions. Mr. Bill wis gave it as his opinion that the onward current to ward combinations could not be stop ped, and that the aim must be .to con trol the trust and to guide it along so as to make it serve for the common ood. Prof. F. YV. Taussig, of Harvard uni versity, drew the distinction between ! public service industries and Industrial combinations, taking the ground In on- : position to Oqurke Cockran that there were such things as partial Monopolies. He said that it was characteristic of : sri-aller combinations that they wtre under single management. .ind-T the watchful eye of .the man whose pocket ' was affected by t;e methods employed, j A test of the large combinations, he said, was whether they could survive ! under hired management, and he con- 1 tended that some of th alleged advan- tages of combinations on a large seal i were lllu.sionary. He defended a tele- ; phone m mopuly and mid that several j competing systems would work as : great harm as If there were several ! competing postal systems. He said the cities could regulate such monopolies I when franchises were to be granted. ; Proi'essor Taussig paid Ihat neither the protective tariff, railway conditions ! that gave advantages to large ship. per, nor the reckless offering of cor porate privileges in some state was to blame for present conditions: but that all together w-re in a large measure re sponsible. Mere prohibition, he said, could accomplish nothing. It led only to legislative hair splitting and evasion. Sacrificed to Blood Poison. Those who have never had Blood Pol ton can not know what a desperate con dition it can produce. This terrible disesSShich the factors aifl totally unable to cure , i coTjtmani'cftte fron) j one generation to another, Innlctijig iti ! ana mberg, also of an alleged secret tVint uponcQtilei.g7nnocentoner-' I W'tion in Chicago which is sup .r!fli1Vailt4witl?p.iMn """ to co-operate with the .onsplra- by a nura why iijfeCl&37 - . rv . k. , i . 1 1 . . a . way jnieciea 1 u uiuw . ouequal .lolnt Jfu"(tRiJr and Its life mTR1'''1 up to Ibefrfa.j2i53r rsr Si vefyi ititj Xdd ulcers Ireffi Madu) Tool, "S33 " laBfTfiK eneitir Br IreUne ot woe durjr.g thone Ionic m. . . L 1, . A t. .. 1... t , Vlin.l M..l,nai,t U.U. Tn hTa1ift.ii4 ii(,-.r lively treated me. but all". fn.Tn&,ia j to no purpose. .TJiniv .i eery s;id rVj-n Tvlaed to add fuel to awful flame W h!oh ttii devourinf ir.e. I th Wll adTliwd by friend who had set-n wonderful cures niaiie .y tt. to. try Swift' Mueciflc. W got! b two imuwii. ana 1 1 frit h')!,e auain re? ire In my breast h(iie for healtb and haupineti asaln. I ImnroTed from the start, and a con Rlete ami perfect cur wag tiv- ivuit. K. S. 8. i the only blood remedy which reachef des perate caaeg. Mi.. T. W. Lit. f-t ' - 'tr',:" i- Montgomery. Ala. Of the many blood remediegS- S. tithe only one which enn fJScn decii leftted, violent cttses. It never fails tc cure perfectly find permaneritly the musi ui'spcrnie caws hiiicu me uejunu the reacn ot oiner rcmeuies. aaseBiooci Is P'.'fcrJ.Y H.OKTABLK, HlA it the ori'j blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercurv. potash, or other mineral. Valuable booki mailed Treaty- 8wiflf- 6pecinc Cotnuwiy, Atlanta, ueorgia. Spring Goods yet this was the path that the I'nlted Siatt s and the various states had fol lowed with conspicuous failure. He cautioned patience, quiet, the belief in the ultimate triumph of right, and I every effort to Improve the machinery ; of government and explanation as to J the remedies that would work out the general welfare. John S. Crosby, the slngk-taxer, said that the sole business of the gown ment Is to establish justice and not to lem! Its powers for private purposes, In arraigning Wall street and stoc gambling, Mr. Crosby said that the government was responsible for the worst form of gambling, that of stocks, while it iften sought to stop boys from sh xrting craps. OCR ORIENTAL APPRECIATION Dewey Victory Has Given the United States a High Standing Abroad. XEW YORK. Feb. 21,-Oscar C Straus, I'nlted States minister to Tur key, after conferring with state depart ment official, on Monday In Washing ton, returned to New York and Is now- enjoying the beginning of his three months' leare of absence. He said last night that he had no intention of re signing his ttW, although there had been rumors to the effect that he had become somewhat fired of the duties of the post. Asked as to hat progress the Turk Ish government had made with refer enc to Identifying the American own. ers of property destroyed during the Armenian troubles. He said: "Until my arrival there, Turkey had denied liability for those property dam ages, but slnoe then the government's liability has been admitted and the sul tan has not only promised o pay, but he has twice repeated that prom'.se, That he will have to pay the several claims within a reasonably short time I there is no question, and I give the sul tan the credit of the Intention of ful filling his promise. The saim Involved Is l'ss than JICO.OW "Did the Spanish war and the victory of Dewey at Manila bay make us Kiy better known in Turkey?" Mr. Straus was asked. iney certainly ma do Just that very thln and the Oriental world has far better appreciation of the power of this country than l.t had before." POLISH SECRET SOCIETY. Prominent Chicago Poles Deny Kxistence in That City. Its CHICAGO. Feb. 21. Polish citizens of Chicago are divided on the question of the existence of a secret league to free Poland in case of war between Russia and England at any time In the near future. News of the recent ar rests in Leinberg and the statements by prominent Poles in this city, Is the principal topic of 'discussion among Poles. Son.e deny that there exists such a secret society, others say there Is such a league, but that IU purposes are not to secure Poland's freedom by insur rection and the third suport the revo lutlo).ny vl-ws of Frank H. Jublonnkl,'Tt of the Polish National . I llam-e. Alderman John F. SmulskI, a promi nent Pole, sp ike as follows: "I have noticed a number of Items concerning the recent arrests of sup- I' 'mf"J rv"IyH"nlsts Jr, Warsaw 1 1 1 r . in w -i !. , , n .. .1 t . . . - ... aim isciuuvrx, flg one individual I wlh tn iuntr h it... 4 , - y existence lt any secret organization In this city. In saying this I feel satisfied that the vast majority ol the Polish residents In this city are of the Bame opinion, and the Poles now residents under the governments of Russia, Germany, and Austria wh'j are led by men of mature thought and experience, certainly ap preciate the present situation. "They know that such a nKivefiit-ht would be Impossible and could only re fcult in greater persecution and that a movement to overthrow the govern ments of Russia, Germany and Austria would be madness. , . "We have had tniee Involutions by fwe of arms. They weie nil unsuc cessful. Every one of the Insurrec tions resulted each time in persecu tions and deportation lif thousands of men and families to. Siberia. conllKca- (, n ()f proiyrty. countless executions and tho devastation. of the country. "The thiee. former unsuccessful at tempts have taught the Polish people to be c.iutious. f-lme 1S63 they hare commenced to plan a fourth Insurrec tion nod that is an insurrection which, by a result of thought, energy, en lightenment and education wilj . yield S. moral Influence suftlcient' to force their enemies to recognize In them a nation atom enough In mind, virtu ami Intelligence to govern themselves. We are against nil secret pollth-al conspiracies. It la the Ideal of every Pole to see his country free and to se our Its freedom, not by political con spiracies but by rational, constant and untiring efforts toward the enlighten m nt jand education ot the masses and to brln about this las insurrection of moral and mental power.'' Stephen HarsaYSevskl, editor of Ego da, says: "There is a secret Polish league whli-h t.x oiKanlied for the piiihw of creating and nurturing a patriotic Pol ish uu-rent among Polish youth and to encourage love for Poland. I do not believe, however, th-it they are now planning an Insurrection to free Po land. "' WASHIXGTONS BIRTH PAY. Will Be Celebrated on An Intisuully Elaborate Scale In Chicago, CHICAGO, Feb. 21. Chlcaao- iele bratlon of the anniversary of the birth of George Washington tomorrow wilt surpass all past efforts ol the kind. Plans arranged for the day provide for a large number of patriotic exetclsca and most elaborate prolamines and the suspension of business on account of the occasion It Is predicted, will be more noticeable than usual. In the morning exercises will be held In the public schools; In the aftern.nm a mass meeting at the Auditorium un der the auspices of the I'nion League Club will be the pilnolpal event and at night many clubs and sccletles will huve patriotic banquets and other en tertainments. The Union Club's celebration has been arranged on an unusaliy exten sive scale. Exorcises will be held In fort) -six public schools i!uiin the morning, and at each scool member of the club will preside and speak. Song sheets and small American thins have been provided for the pupils. Recitations and solos by the pupils will vary the programme. The m.iss meeting at the Auditorium will begin at I o'clock. The subject for discussion will be "Discussion." Jacob G. Shurman, president of Cornell i nl versity and president of the commission sent to the Phllipidnes by Pre-dd-uit McKlnley win be the principal s(nak er. Eugene Carey, president of the Union League club, will preslle. The Union League Club will have Its annual Washington banquet at night. Speakers announced are: Eugene Carey. Jacob O. Shurman, General W. L. H. Barnes, f San Fran cisco; the Rev. Wm. MeCaughan. John Maxey Zane. Murray F. Smith, of Vleksburg, and Timothy L. 'Voodruff, lieutenant-governor of New York. VENEZUELA STILL TROUBLED. Her Minister of War Finds It Neces sary to Deny That He Is Against the Government. NEW YORK. Feb. 21.-fteports ca- bled from Trinidad, under date of Feb ruary 5. to the effect that General Jose Ignaiio Pulido, minister of war of Venezuela, was planning a revolution ngains: the administration of Pn-sld.-nl Castro are de-.iared by that official to be without foundation and calculated to do him an lijustl -e In Caracas. Senor E. Jonzalen Est eves, consul neral of Venezuela, in New York, alleges that President Castro Is secure ly seated In power. Is giving the repub lic a clean admlnlstiatlon and that he has the respect and support of a great majority of all Venezuelans. The members of his cabinet are peculiarly ;yal to him. .Senor Esteves has re ceived a cable dispatch of which the following Is u translation: "Consul-General of Venezuela, New' ork: Report from Trinidad dated Sth is inexact. I am in full sympathy with I the iolly of General Castro and with the liberal party. PJease have this statement published In the New York H-rald. (Slgmd) "GEN. JOSE IGNACIO PULIDO, "Minister of War." Seror Esteves insists that consplra ators In other Central American re puollcs are contuntly plotting against the peace of Venezuela and It was probably one of these irresponsible per sons who set afloat the untrue rumor concerning Gen'-ral Pulido. yi.AS to ri;oroan'izi: ; i t. , ip .-j. Avenue Railroad Affairs Adjusted, Third Ihlng NEW YORK, Jeb, 1,-The troubles of the Third Avenue Rallroa-l Com pany Continue the exciting topic In va!l street. The composition of the) syndicate which is to reorganize the road Is not definitely known, but 1;, Is hnown that Vennelye & Cu,, the bankers, are at the head of It. The statement of Treasurer W. U. Curtlss of the Third Avenue, announcing the solution of the 'difficulty. Is as to lows: . t rA"s chairman, of the committee ap pointed by the board of directors for that purpose, I have filtered into an agreement with a, syndicate of eminent bankers, Inclu.ain two very large in ternational "oankiriB houses, and under the terms, Vif he agreement the bankers will furVilhli to the company the sum of i21,5Gfl,W:i at Ave per cent. I have also enteral into an agreement with other parties who will 'furnish to the com jany the sum of $7,000,000 additional. "The terms upon which these ar- "Vve-,-WV-tfvWV',V'V4? Co8 SwSlACH for tho C0WCiS BEECHUdi'S PILLS a 9 9 lO cnfm mnd 28 eentm Pears'' Unless you have used rears' oap you probably do not know what we mean by a soap with DO free fat or alkali in it noth ing but soap. The more purely negative soap Is, the neater docs it approach perfection. raiiKcinc nta ut' In i n noido .ue. In my opinion, very advuntngeous to the com pany IVronnt owning a majority of the capital stock ol the comiau have decided to form a corporation which will lease the proper ilea of the Third Avenue Knit eon I (V, n jvei pet ully and at an nniuml rental Kntllcleiit to .iy Its ttet (hariies and, In adillllon thereto, dividends on Its slock on a s.'iile begin nlng nt four per cent. Immediately, mid reaching five per cent p r aniiuiit nt th. end of four years, and conltnulrg at that rate theieaftcr. "In this connection the stockholders of the Thin! Avenue Co. will actpiliv certain very valuable lights. The leas ing comimny will dcpottlt with a trust company satisfactory to the Third Ave nue Co. a sum In excess of Iim.uoo.ihhi In cash, which shall stand as a guarantee fund for the ixxvmeiU of dividends. ''M.xisr. Ryan A Vreeland. of the Metropolitan Co.. published a Mate lifiil today that the Metropolitan Co. does not want lh Third Av-nue. and n-ver has tonnldered the questl m of t iklng It over. This statement surpris es nio wrv much, beeau within the last thirty days J. Plerpont Morxun IH-rson.itly offered to take uy and thor oughlv rtirg:inlxe the finance of the T!ilrd Avenue Co., on comlitlon that the stockholders consent to a .nse of the Metropolitan on terms which would Kii.trantte to the stockholders four per cent per annum In perpetuity." R. Keene says. In reference to the subj-ct: "I am the holder of a largo amount of the capital stock of the Third Ave R'lllroad C., a portion of which Is In my hands on advunces that I have n-nde to the party owning It, for a very long time and thoroughly secured. The rhiht to vote on any proposition for the Hedged stock In connection with any plan to place the company on it sound basis has been delegated to me by the party to w hom I have loaned the mon ey. "1 am th-refore In sympathy with his Interest and In consideration fur his own, given the Interest of this to any projected si heme that would benefit the romp.tny. I have taken great pains to Inform myself respecting the value of the property of the company. Its present difficulties anil Its future pros lH ts. and after the most thorough In vestlgition, I nai satlsilel that the Third Avenue Railroad Co. will emerge In a few months, whin the full con struction of Im lines is completed. Into one of the Vst paying properties In the J rnui.try. "Whal.-ver may be tho proposed plan, j for an acceptable reorsajilxatlon of the company. It will have my earnest anil tl,.n uh support." i TIIK -IRON IIRIGADK." Reunion Held Yesterday at the Home of t'omniander Uraug. CHICAOc, Feb. 21. A s"clul to the Record from Fond du Lac, Wis., says: leneral E. S. Rragg, commander of the "Iron Itrlgude," kept open hous yesterday In honor of his "3rd birthday, and Hags floated from all public build j Ings here In honor of the event. In the evening a delegation of the Iron Krig.tde members, headed by Gen eral Wh'Hcr of Milwaukee, and Colonel C. li. .VcCoi:nell, the former of the Hecond WI..:onsln regiment and the Twenty fourth .Michigan, made the formal ;iilgrlmage to General Itiagg's house, w here rongiatulutlons were ex tended, speeches made and toasts drunk. Scores of telemams Of congratula tions w;re received, ADM Ii'iAt, DEWEY'S OPINION. He f?jys the Nicaragua Canal Should ... 't iO Fortified. - .. NEW YORK, Feb. iURegardlng the that iheUnltedStates should not build tho Nicaragua canal without erecting expensive fortlfh atlons, Ad miral Dewey, in Washington last night, said: - . f wi l.l0"' "fortifications! : Whyj of course not! As I understand it, the canal Is to be and should be, a neutralized commer cial pathway between the two great oeeapD. To fortify It would simply re sult in making It a battleground In case of war. Fortifications would be enorm ously expensive and ought not to be erected. 1 "Our fleets will be a sufficient guar antee of the neutrality and safety of the canal In time of war as well as In peace." TIIK STIMSON FAILl'Rli. Receiver Appointed on the Estate Yes terday. CHICAGO, Feb. 21. H. 8. Ilrlght, of Superior, Wis., was named receiver for the large properties of James Stlm soii, 4,430 Di-exel Houlevard, by Judgo Kohlsaat sitting In the United States ,-lrcuIt court. Mr. Stlmson's assets are not stated. His liabilities are put at SOO,OO0. j ; ' , An Inlimalion that Mr. ht! onion's af fairs were not In satisfactory shape was given recently when his bank at Hamilton, Ont., waa closed. He takes a hopeful view of the situation, how- ever, and says he believes his proper ties will meet all obligations and leave a surplus. , Tho action taken before Judge Kohl saat w on the petition of l:ifus It, Huilth, of Madison, Was., who holds a claim for $,(,'? against tho defendant, PKATll OF JOHN M. HIlKt'K. IUTI.ANP, tr., Feb, SI. -John M. Iticck, a ploiiii-r of I si, and nt one tin o iiiayt r of Portland, died today. UIVI'.US AKH OVi:it'''LiVINt). Idaho ml Eastern WiishltiMton Twns Ar Under atur, Sl'i i KANE, Feb. 2l.-The livers of Northern Idaho mid Eastern Washing ton ai overflowing, In some instances HoodluK to a minor extent the low ly ing streets of towns. Moscow and I'omeroy report that condition. The bridges over the creeks have all he n washed out and some of the new railioad work on the Jull.iette branch of the Northern I'aeltle was washed out. The damage otherw ise Is slight. ROLFIUNE. Botnilnel 8oiniInel It you are sick and tired of rubbers. which protect your feet from wat or cold, ami wish to save continual r sollns of vour shoes: If you Wish to stop greasing your harness and pro lonirlng the life of aome at least fifty per cent. It you wMi to aav sreaslnc our belt In your manu- faetury. go to Petewon llrown, at Astoria, and try a oaae of Soinuno on your shoea and harnesa. Buy your shoe only of those who bare that act Take no other. Adlress. PETERSON A HROWN. General Agents. Aatorla. Oregon. Dr. Mi ohs h Cough and LVnnQiimniinn This is twyond qnrtloti ihe tnodt sucxei.ltit l iuiK'h Mcnti. cin rvrr hrewn 1,1 tLirnce: a Irsf liir limtrtal'lv curv tito wort tn-r ef ( mti;h, C'linip anil Hienehitiv whil it wen Irrful iiiiit.i In tho cm n( CnnHiitntuten I without ft par. tlol in thohiMnry of mrilicin. lnc It llitt itiM'ovvry It hs brrn wM nn 11 trnursnlrv, a it it which no otlirr can stand If yti have a Conith, wi rarnrtty ak you to try It. In t'nllMl Mair anil t'anaila iV , We. an1 l and in Knk'luml It. thl., U. W and 4 M. S.CWells & Col LEROY. N.Y jiji HAMILTON. CAN. M CHARLES ROGERS. Ii-ath and the sun locked nt steadily. are not to be NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor tod Manhood. Cure Impotencv, Nijlit Kinlsalonsani wastlnir disease., all effects of self. .5 abuse, or excess and Indl jf Jcrctlnn. A nerve tonic and VA,lnnd lmlldi'r. llrlnirs the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of vouth. Vllu nin It K4a rf KsiT 11 hnvAl .'I 1 ....... . ' V V. I', ,1' , v lor ip-.ou; tviiu ivrltten giiaruna Um) to euro or refuntl the iiiouoy. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackeon St., CHICACO, liX tot Sal by Char last Roatra. Drucrut. Orffon. 0 i50 55rj in (, THE ! Palace Cafe . W HHII'I'IK, Prop'r. hiifit Rulniinnt lorli r .Sag I'raiirisr OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Service, Kirst-CliiM Cuisine, Private Jtrxma fur Ladies. 539 Oooitnerolul Htroet, Astoria c$ 3 4)3 &S) ci HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He aayi waj alwayi iO. 'light, and well baked. ' Well there It a anae'n ln mak. ing It But flo'h't ler'get the kind of , itov'o 'or Vange used makee a rtlfferehce. Hla mother used a Htetr Etoto Range W. J. BCUL.LT, Agent, 411 Band street Sold by ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN I lie Most for Cnali, I am atverllalcg for the Cash grocery trade, for which I uffar thi fullest wWg.ita and lowrat pitces, Evvrythiiig clean and frah. Prompt attntttion, CHARLES LAHHON, Oroceiioa and Crvkery. TIici'c'm iit Kfa:t Iii In buying sllvtM-waro wltere the stock la completa and you have an nssurane aa to quality, I have a largi) airtmit of steiilng allver and hollow-ware In luteal dcwlgiui for welding preseiKa and holiday trade. Ho sure tu It before you buy, O. W. 8MITII. SSI Comiuerolttl street. Who Doaa Your latimdry? We claim, and we will prove to every one, that we have the beet and moMt up-to-date '.aundry on the Coast. A trial order will oonvlnce the ntoat particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try the CITY 8TKAM LAl'NDRT, tli rranklln Avenue, R. BCIIIMPPERUAN. Prop. I or it llollJay (ilft There la notUng nicer than a ile of atlverwiur or cut glass. I have a compUre aawrtm-nt of the lateet productlone at reambl piicea. H. EK8TROU. The Jeweler. (40 Commercial Street Better Than liver The Pond Street Ftih Market la better than ever prepared to supply fresh and aalt fish of all kinds. Good delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. BONO STREET FISH MARKET. (17 Ilond PtreeC Milliner)' Novelties I desire to further call the atten tion of the ladlee to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises the latest creations of the millinery art, and I am offering re duced rat re for the neat 10 daya. MISS McRAB. Dr. T. X. Hull DENTIST. $73 Commercial Street, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Schluaeel'i Clothing Store. THE LOIVKC. Slrnnueri vlsitinif in the city will II ml the Lnnvre an attractive resort wherein to sH'inl the rveiiiiiK. Tho Amine Slaters I.ielic' Urclieslra is still on the bills ami prewnts ninhilv a musical program t( exceptional merit, llinnlaonie pool and billiard nanus a1 a font ore in connection with the liooM. I'nlnUbU Inticlm will lie served at all r cm re Women Wanted. Sixty-seven women wanted suffering from Irregular, painful or stoppage of periods; leucorehora (whites), and all complitatid diseases pertaining to chtnges of life, cured by old I'r. Kesa- lr, ei,rn r j'-cond and Yamhill streets. I'orHnnd. Three hundred and fifteen ui.ineii called Inst month. Consultation fn-e an I private rooms for ladles. If't call, write, Incloslmr 10 I-cent tninis. Hundreds treated at home by his new system of home treat ment. J GRAND Masquerade BALlL of the SONS OF HERMAN To 1 e given nt FOARD S STOKES' HALL February 22, 1900 HANDSOME PRIZES FOR Hirst Sustiiincl I'hiiruittr lSct Cuke Kiilhcrs j Ikst Costume Ikst KultKrs Tlckela ior MaskerjQentiemen, tU Ladles, 60 eehti Spectatora, 60 centa; Children, 2 c,nt., yor sale by any Of tilC I'iomhprs. NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH But a trim beautifier, bcinjf the only prep aration soM under a positive j;iuiniiitrc of f 1,000 that it contiiins not a Krniit or fraction tliercof of poisonous or deleteri ous substances. Indorsed by the most celebrated articles of the lyric anil dra matic stiiL'e : recommended by eminent sicinns, and pronounce iiaruness ny adinj; chcmist.i-t ' WISDOM'S FAMOUS fiOBERTINE. It la the only prpiiratloii now used by fnnlilnmilile ladirt to pri-tiiutc a iM-nutlfiil complexion f Auk your druKxini fur it ami to not be indiictU to lake anything clue, trite fio ceuta prr bottla. L. LEUECK Crpenle)r nntl llMltdar CJMrnl Contrncior HOUSO KAI5INU AM) MOVINO A 81'LtlALTY " W. C. A. Polil," (01 ITI I'WOUI. Undertaker, Embalmer and l:unernl Director. Ciirket mill 1'uiicikI Ni',:iilti ronitant ly on liHml. Coiner 11th ami Ihmne His, Antorli, Or H.F.Prael Transfer Co TelephoM It DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Ooode Shipped to Our Cane Will Receive 8poolaJ AttenUun. No. Mi Duane St., Astoria. Or. W, J. COOK. Mfr 1V Ti III, J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor mid Builder. THE PROOF of the ptMtdtng la and the proof of tfce eatieai IS IN SAMPLING That's an arcemeni rhat'e eluelve-a owHmetratloa. Ours will etaad the teat HUGHES & CO. W. B. Edwards lA ct y variety of Kottuh aitJ DiCHicd l.iiinbcr, lloors. Windows. .MouIJImk Mit J Ccdiir MiIiikIcs. IArr'"m"Hlsli,l!rk.Fir, W UUU HemlockiAl.ler.roleOak Office Seventh Streclllnci Th. Fredeiikson PIANO TUNER INHTRmiON ON flCI.I.O ASU VIOLIN, rhne2)7. ItFl'OIlT OF TIIK CONDITION OF TIIK First National Bank (K ASTORIA. At Antoilu, In the Miito of Oregon, th.) loae of IniKllless, Krb- ' ruary 13, imo. at IlKMit'iiri,. Isiuiia mill iliconiils iili.: Ovcrilrslls, seciiied iiiul mist- '." Ill cored jj l'. S. i'xilnU lo sel'iue t'l rill la 17 , '" li.'.IO ID) rrriiiiiiina on l'.,.. l) d( Stoclis, siciirilles, eie .'AH'i Ileal t-Ktuf ji.4i7 m One from Niitmiiiil :mik iimt reserve ngeiils! 4 sil (jj I'ue from slnte luinkx in,i Umkers , ."l.s.Vi (i.'l Hue from lipproVfil ren'ive 'K'ins WW, !1 Clii-cks anil other Hi iuh. m.;i 5 Notes ol oilier Niilioiml IiiiiiIs Nit kclx mill trills LhvIii iihhicv rii rve ip liimk, viz; tV'O tKH'.lUll P(l I.l','Ml telnlei liotis SJ HO !( 7o( () Iieilt'iuption treiisiirer, lulion fueiil null V. H. per i i iil, cireii- M T0I11I .:.!ir,7!ii ijo MMUhlTII N, Ciipiliil slock paid in oli.IKi) l0 Hurpliisrnnd L'S.UOO KI I'tidivideil prollts, li-ci ex penses unit tsxis puid '.'7,111.' 70 Niitioiial bunk noil's out stitndiiitf fSOOOO Duv (0 Mute biink mill bunk ers 1,'.'I5 2'J' Individual depoH ila subject to clieck 407,H'i3 47 Dutnsml curl ill Oates ofdtipoait, 7l,i;i;'j ('4 Certilled ehei ks.. 'J7 2? 47 (iKt IlJ Tnlnl tno.",7fl STATU OV OHKGOM. fount v of f .15 gon-SS: I, B. S. Gordon, cashC Jr the above-named bank, do so' er of swear that the above statement .emily to the best of my knowlclno ar . Is true S. B. GORDON, ,"' belle'. Subscribed and sworn to CMlller this lllth duy of February. before me V U? , 1!K)0. Correct Attest: V JffiLMNO, Jncob Kamm, otnry Public. W. F. McGregor, J. O. Jlunthoin, Hired Hri TO Tiira TOUACCO TRAD (3, The Wholf ni,.H. i ., ' . ' Fianclsco 'h' r 'ortland and San set prlco 'fiVr ln C ml'lnf,1 charge a fron, the ;''''ut(i0' 1 b,uy direct same pf ice hl t'.'r1, an,J ,or the uhle air d wll 1 hi u , ",?' t,l,!rtor 1 land rn? if ( ""H exactly tit port at les V Hy. r-titroniseinsr nui you call uan trtU to0.,mleht fl1 Pchase l t rlc Jn?i L ult y.our tr,(;- Compare Pnc-s and be convinced. Respectfully, ' a,. "AUKl'Jlt, .ommarciai Btreet