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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1900)
I UK MOItNINO AHl'OlllAN. THIJKSIMl, . KEMiiiilti i:2,Jk aJ rtvA-?riw Si7fi) (M, ftS OVERCOAT and MACKINTOSH SALE As ft Hprcinl indtieciinnit (( ri'ilnco nir Murk picvidiiH to H)rin nrri vain wo will nuiko u liii'o reduction on tlm above nolly jjoimIh at U'hm than conk C. H. Cooper The Leading House of Astoria . ,, 4y f.,v rtril (.rt tr-rTH-r.rt, f.,J) r, I ' TODAT'i WEATHER. AROUND TOWN. I'OltTl.ANli, lVli. 22.-ii-Kim, nmt WuMliliiHliMii ruin today, J. II. W'oui) cif Kuliiimi I In tlin tily. lluaioii ir Iifuyeilo U In At- t'lru , ttianln unit Mr. Cunllticr are In TVrtlnl. Ml :yr1 of H'a"l'tc U vlxlilnv In llir illy. V- KiibIIkii i.f Cltttukunli. U at llir ......... ... ,i it . .1,1 II riwlati of rnrtluml U t tli , I urtu-r ni"". I Mr. ttinl Mr. K. I.. llow of Hmnlilo nr In thp t'liy. noml Strict FUh Mrkt Tlephon UlilnTt TillkiT of I.OIIR ll( li I In the fity on iMiMnma. Twrnty-i'litlit ri'tflHtrntlim r tJ iM to tho roll yrtrrilay, t IS-cont meat, nuinf Bun rtitau rant, U Coinmcrclal ttrt. 0. I. Kim"ll of ('ortluml I in th -ty, r gui-Ht at tlio OfflJt'nt. Kl. Ali rut of Hi'imlilK I In th city, Mttrii.lllll! to lillNlnr BIT ulr. T. K KittH. r of Ilrtnco U In t lie city, it iipt nt th Ator hou. Tht loml KiiIkIK of I'ylliln will vliilt ItniihT I'xUo Hntunlity nlRht. 'utility Arnifnor J. A. WihxI of Kalit m I In tlti city, a. Kurt nt Hie (H-cl-I'-ni, Th coiiitltlon of (iiiri(o Crulck Mhiink I tvp irti-il to tx' lirimlnu more crltlial. K. S. Uui'hii'l of I'ortlitml cum down on tin niitl't train and U kuci t lh.- ticcldi-iil. Tlio Hi lilnli lii i k lli-i-chiliilo, In from IioiioIiiIii 'l'u. 'H In y, will lx rp"neil fnm iiiuiuntlu loilny. A tniM'tliiK of tln li) nl Ti'inpornnce l.Klon will be IhIiI In (ho V. f. T. L'. room at 4 o'clock thl nftiTiioon, J H. nml J. v. (hirdonn of Pendleton urrlved In tin. city on the nkht train and tire kiihIn hi I lie Occident. Si I Ull t ii in unled by u cninvrlellt yoiiiiK woiimn to do K'iieral Iiihiha work. Addreii J., Atorlim olllce. Mr. ii n I Mii. H. Nuriulle left on the eveiiliiK triiln for I'm tlund, nfter ppend Ini; u couple of day In the city. Iiiivld A. Itime, u native of (Ireat Iirltuln. wit Kninli'd full cltUi'imhlp paper by Judun Mcllrlde yi'nterduy. Thi ( hlp t'hlle cleared )e terday for the United KliiKdom with ViS.tM buHhel of wiient, valued at $75,- rK). t'lty Surveyor Tee will move hi of fice ' the illy hull today, occupying the ndlcn formerly devoted to the U of the city attorney. Walter Jai'liHon, ono of the beHt known and imHt popular travellnK men out of Portland, I In the city looklnii after the IntcrenU of hi hoiiBC. Cream I'ur Ilye. Amorlra'a flneat whlflkey. The only purt fiod; juur nnti ed rich and mallow. John L. Carl Ron, aole gnt Hoilyn coal hint longer, la cleaner and make leu trouble with itovea and chimney Hue than any other. George W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. The JapnneHo tramp atenmcr Doyo Maru, .from Yokohama via Honolulu, arrived' In the lower harbor yesterday afternoon and wan Immediately placed In quarantine rtoKlyn coal In the belt ana most eco nomical coal for houHehold uie In As toria. Try It once and you will have no other, tleorge VV. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1311. The poKtolIlce will obnerve tho aino hour today n are obaerved on Hun day, tho office being open to the pub lic from 13 to 1 with one delivery In I ho morning. Old Continental I a standard high grade Kentucky wl.lrky. Absolutely pure, and can bu recommended to thone Reeking a ntlmulant for medical and ro clal use. Sold by Aug. DanJelson, As toria, Oregon. Dr. Jay Tuttle has removed his office ono block west on Commercial street to the oillce room recently occupied by Dr. M. M. Walker; entrance next door west of John Hahn's sh:e store, Word has been received from Flor ence to tho effect that both the tug Maugli! and the schooner Berwick have been taken off the rnml-splt at Blus law and that the rescue was due chief ly to the energies of the life saving crew at that point. 7 rim II 11 It U iiMiioiiiic.'il rulnlili Hint mil m iw iiiii'Ik wlliilti a i-miil of M-ikN for ull warrant oiiinlumtliiK iiKuliml lh niuiilv limrliiK ilitli' prior t FViiriMry 1, Ih.h, TIioiiui llryct, of Alutkn. tint fnr-ini-rly of tlil rlly, ri-turii'l to 1'itrt I it Ml In! i-vciiliiu. iifn-r mi Him n i'ntiil of iluy Willi frli'iiiU HltfinllriK tin- AiiiiI)Iv iluficlnir party. County Ork Wlii'rliy .ii'lvfil no lllliiul'in il rdity that th urvcy of towimlilii 4 KDUih, r.uiuo 7 cunt, him Im'-h mi riii uml Dip Inml will be ciprn for riitry ufti-r April 1. (nunrllinin I'.rlx. 1'urkir nml IIcIut n it k a u wire iniiiiifil yi-m.riliiy ly Muyi.r llfiiiinitii to confiT with th county cmirt rflntli. to tin- rnll'vilon of ri'iiil poll tuxi In i lir- city limit. Tl'r I'iiIiimI HtHti-R Knvi-rnim'nt I oil v.rllnlhK fr lilu krniili to no to Ma- nuifi-n Kin ruiu'ii ior ami n tmi- rry f ,;i ft ,, , j,,,,,, Nn bin oImt. rump'-liMil men aiv wunt- il. iilln.. Hlntfi-n mo culled for ami n fill The Hon of Hermann will jilve tln lr aniiiMl imtmiuerade ball at Koard A HI iki-s hull tonlKht. A lurtte crowd la eipirtid. The Columbia orrhcHtru, which wa so lilglilv compllment.-d by the AsKembly Club, will furnluh the inulo, A H-lltton wa circulated among the merchant yi terduy afternoon to clove up all place of buslne today at 1:30. Tim movement met with favorable re sponse and the store will oe clned generally throiiKhout the city after the hour named. The l'nlted Htate llchlhoiiKe tender M.inr.inlti, Captain Uregnry, arrived etcnlay morning from Port AngeleH, hay the Victoria, II. ('., Colonlm of Tueduy, and uncborrd for a short turn In Jiunei bay. Hhe I on her resjulnr cmlne In the gulf, tending the light and buoys, Contractor L. l-beck will commence woik on a new slip for It. mi, lllk'i'ln A Coiniinny today. Ill pile dilv. r wa broiiKht over from Harrington point at an curly hour yesterday morning by the lt Hunt. The pile driver wu an chored In the channel and wa In gieai damjer of being swamped with It crew on board. P. II. Page. K. P. Kendall and Wll lliun Krslne were. In the pmbute court nt Portland uppilnlel uppraiMcr In the mutter of the estate of II. II. lloth wlck. d 'enxed, to upprnUe an Interest In the teatiilnnt Jenle Hnrthwlck. All-ttiorl'-atlon was Inmicd to Dan J. Moore. admlnlHirator of the ctnte, to flic n new bond In the sum of t:M.OO0, a bund In the Fidelity A Hiposlt Co. being cancelled. The ten-day' meeting conducted at the Hulvutlon Army by special from Portland and mlnlHter from different churches of this city are Increasing In IntcreHt and the crowd nre steadily growing. Itnt night Adjutant K.van and rnxlKit Morgan led. A idum adiliv4 wa given by the latter. This evening Itcv. Trumbull, the Hupllnt minister, will npeak. Tomorrow evening a Scan dlnavlan service will be held and on Hiiturlny evening Itcv. Curran w III ad iIivk the nudlence. The Jury In the suit of McGregor & Nornille as'tilnst Taylor, Young A Com pany, of Poitlaiid, bMiU'lit In a ver dict at r,.:in hist evening, finding for tlfu plnlntlffs In the sum of J'.HIM). This amount I what was originally prayed for by Mctlregor A Nornille to cover the difference In the amount they were oblUed to pay through a breach of contract In the delvery of cement to the plnlntlffs while they were enguged on a contract at the Yamhill locks. The charter membership lists of th Astoria Amnteur Athletic Club will close Saturday night, by which tlm ;D names will doubtless have been secured. The organlxation of the new club ha been cnthUHlnstlcally re ceived and the names of all the public spirited merchants of the city appear on the roll, Architect IVLtn Is pre paring plans for the clubhouse, which will be erected by Hon. HonJ. Young. The building will be a handHome struc ture and quite as elaborate n that of any other Northwest club. Eurly next wv"k permanent organlxation will be effected, anl work on the building will commence soon thereafter. The suc cess of the new club Is nssured. AGIUOiC NOT TO AOUKK. Assessors' Assembly Results In No Definite Action. A dispatch to tho Astorian from Portland last night says: The fifteen county assessors of Oregon who met here Tuesday to agree upon a uniform basis of valuations for assessment pur poses In Oregon for 1900, tidjourned today without accomplishing anything for the reason that there wns nothing for thorn to do. They agreed not to agroo upon a basis. If any county makes a large cut in valuation this year, It is orob ulile that all others will follow, though A.ssfnior (ircotilcnf's assurance that Multnomah values will show an In cieuso of between $8,000,000 and 17,000, 000 may serve to check any headlong plung. Many excellent recommendations had been made of which probably none wns more Important and original than that made by Assessor Carnahan of Asto ria, In which it whs prop.ised to re organise the state board of equaliza tion by composing Its membership of the assessors of the several counties of the siuto, with the provision that thoy meet once every four years at Salem to equallxe real estate and taxes. Motions that the legislature be re quested to make all taxes payable No vember 1 and that the original assess incut roll be made the lux roll a a method of economy wre passed, A res olution to the effect that county nnK'Nuois should hold olllce for four year was ununlmounly adopted, The following report wu submitted, but not adopted: 'That -Abolish the military roll or the mulling ttier"or by the aesor an uiiiiecesMfi ry requirement. "H md Abolish the collection of u l poll tix, "Tlilnl-lf possible, prr.ld for the collection of a tax on per initl proper ty nt time of assessment. "Fourth Make the term of office for hshcnmoi extend to four years, InMii-.vl of trto, for Hie f'llAull that the er vUcm of two years have only prepared the asesHor for Intelligent work. "Kl th Make the assessors of the several counties the slate board of e'liiiill.iitlon, ' WKDDKD YF.HTKilDA V, Kilrtuid II. Htreumeyer and Mis Mary K. Hmlth United. The marriage of Miss Mary K. Hmlth and Mr, Kduard H. Htreumeyer wa sob iiinlxed yi'Mterday afternoon by tho- Itcv. Wllllum H. Hhort, rector of Orace I'd'ls'-opal church. The ceremony wa performed nt the ri lil. m e of Mr, J. W. Huprenant fcnd was witnessed by about 35 guest, com prising the Immediate relative of the bride and a few chosen friend of the coiitrai-llug pin tic. Ml Juliu Warrior of ( orvalll acted u bridesmaid and Mr, D. A. McLean of tlil city as bi-Hl man. Tnere were many present from ad mli lug friend, some of which were quite COHlly. The young couple lert n tne veiling train for Portland en route for Seattle and llrltish Columbia. Ttn-y will spend about a week In ill H lull Colum bia u gilet of relative of the brld . The bride I a daughter of Mr. 3. II. Hmlth. the wi ll-known .ew der of thl city. For a long time, and until Just recently, she wa Ii uciior at the AiiJer I. rook school. The groom ha for a long lime been connected with the A. Inn. bar Company a heod ralesmun. 1'ion their return from llrltish Co lumbia, MK and Mr. Htreumeyer will take up their resld-nce In thl city, Mr. Htreumeyer resuming his former duties. PYTHIAN IIAVK A !0 ID TIMH. Thlrty-suth Anniversary of the Order Appropriately Celebrated, The member of the local lodge of the KnUhl of Pthla met In their hull In thl city last night to cele brate the thlrty-klxth anniversary of the foundation of the order with fes tivities appropriate to the occasion. The hull wu crowded with members and Invited friends. An excellent lit erary program entertained those pres et during the early part of the even ing. The preliminaries Were begun with an address by Judge A. A. Cleveland, I'.ud Cram! Chancellor of the State of Oregon, In which the speaker reviewed the interesting history of the organl xation. This was followed by a vocal solo by Charles HoriJaud, which was cry much appreciated. A recitation by Nellie I rikke followed. Fred John son brought down the house with a re'lintlm In (ierman dialect, after whl-h the Hpnn'sh dance was rendered by the Misses Nanette Adiims and Inex Stockton. This feature waa very much appreciated, the dancers giving evl- ileiue of much training and practice. A recitation by Miss Ferchen was Well received. This was followed by a song by Jcrr hulcn, sung In Italian dialect. Mr. Itub-n's effort win exceedingly well recilved. The literary feature of the program was closed by a recita tion rendered bv Judge Cleveland, en titled "The Haven." The reclinl of this clastic called forth Mr. Cleve land's last abilities, and the gentleman nro..t. thoroughly to the occu-sion. It wn a m st brilliant and satisfactory conclusion to an exceptionally Interest ing program. At the conclusion of this part of the entertainment, a luncheon was served to those present, after which the floor was cleared for dancing. This um ti'itn d until an early hour this morning when the nierry-mukers dispersed, very much pleased w ith the evening's enter tainment. During the evening a p-tltlon was circulated for the purpose of obtaining mimes of the wives and daughter of the local knights with a view to the orgai.Uutlon of a lodge of liathbone Hlsters. Knoiigh names were secured to Justify the conclusion that a lodge will be organixed In this city at a very early date, THE MOHK STKAMltOAT;?. Work on Them to He Ilcgun at Port land Soon. The work of construction on the river steamboats for the Puul Mohr Com pany will. It Is slated, be begun in Portland soon. As soon as Captain James Cochran arrives from Chicago the preliminaries of the keel for the first bout wilt be laid. According to a report In the Tele gram, the plans have been completed an 1 Louis Paquct has -mnde a model for ono of tho boats. She will be one of the finest equipped and fastest boats ever constructed In the Northwest, and w ill lie used exclusively as a passenger boat. The other two boats will be adapted to the carrying of both freight unj passengers. They will also com bine speed and comfort and will be equipped In tho latest style. The movements of the Paul Mohr Co! have awakened a deep Interest among all clnsscs of people. Shipper., Hteamboiittnen and people living along the Columbia river from the mouth of the lllamette to Wenutchee are all interested nnd ihcy have great faith in the completion of the enterprise. The upper terminus of the line has not been definitely settled, as near as can be learned. For three months In the year boats can run between I.ewlston and Pusco and It Is probable that the Mohr Company will push Into that country during the g lod boating singe. 1 lot w eon ltlpavla and I.ewlston boats run most of the year, but between Ulpnrla and Tas'o the river can only be nttvli;ated in high water. IN OTH KltS' KYKS. Astoria nnd Us Resources as Viewed by the West Coast Lumberman. In the annual edition of the West Const and Puget Sound Lumberman, which, by tho way, Is one of the finest edition of Its kind ever published on the coast, appear an article on Astoria and Its resources, touching chiefly up on the lumber Industry. The article The Washing Woman's Best Friend. I well worthy of reproduction In thes; column, but owing to Its loiigih, ex tricta only will bo give, a follow: One of thy historic plucei. on the p.Klfic cast Is Aatorlu, Oregon, and by the w'ay, unless you want to be ranked with the tenderfoot, you must call It A-storla. I-els and Clark conic hero In JVKI and camped aoulh of the town. In 1M1 "John Jacob Aster lent a company out and settled here to I rule with the Indiun. Vahingcin Irving has, in his romuntle way, told to thousand the story of Astoria. In 1M1 the Ililtlsh occupied the town for a few month and called it Ht. Oi-orge, l)ii' It wns finally given back to the ; Americans, and Its old name restored, j It ha 10,0 10 inhabitants, and ap I pareutly ll,0c of them are fishermen ' still that bv not se-m possible. Per haps no ki ene Is more beautiful and plcturcnqoe than when hundreds of IlKhlng beat xuil out to sweep the mouth of th. Columbia river for sal mon. For two or three months the trn Is allv.j with flgocrmen and can ning nvn. After It tubridcH for another seas n. The foreign popula tion here Is pivd unlnant, m mtly Finns. Tim town ha its Chl:iee quarter, for wherevr on the coast packing fish I followed, the Chinaman nn be found. It Is at Astoria one finds the "old settler" and his ihlldrvn. The place Is historic, also legendary. Here still stands she first I'nltod Kliit.s postolllce ever mi uplod west of the Itoeky moun tains. Here wns the hunting ground of the Chinook, long since gone to hunt with harps and wings. Here the mouth of Hrynfit's Oregon opens into the sea. Within the past few months the Astoria tc Columbia Hiver railroad has been completed. It is a first-class road, and would be ranked as tuch, even in the Kast. It carries a passen ger from Portland to Astoria or back for twenty-five cents and throws In the scenery. The real Astorian expects gnat things of this road and is count ing many chickens that will yet be hatched nut by It. Next in Importance to the flxhliig Industry Is the lumber in dustry. Across the river in Knappton, Washington, Is one of the mills of the Nortwesl Lumber Company, well man aged by C. II. Cullendtr, In 1M9 It cut 2).0o0.00i feet, most of It going by cargo. In Astoria the Clatsop Mill Company is one of the great industries of tlie city. Last year the mill cut IS.Oio.eno feet of lumber, one-third go ing Into boxes, the rest going into lum- lM-r whli ii was shipped by rail nnd tar go, and sold locally. In nddition the company run a shingle mill during the latter portion of the year. At the present tlcie the compHny Is cutting up Sa.M'i feet of lumber d.illy into boxes. In San Francisco it has a bramh oflioe, -ind there Its box stock Is made up Into boxes. The department Is in charge of J. M. Huddart. one of the stockholders of the company. One thing that strikes a visitor as peculiar. Is to see th idles of lumber anchored to the docks so they will not blow over for Astoria Is a windy place. This null has been known for years as a great spruce producer. Its holdinns It. spruce timbi r are extensive and guarantee n supply for many years of the linest t-pruee limber. The Clatsop Mill Company was or ganixed In 1;. Wm. S. Kinney was Its first and only president and man ager until his death, November 5. 1SK8. Since thnt time Its management has been In the hands of its resident dl reclots Marshal .1. Kinney," Lyman O. Kinney, Herman F. Prael and Mrs. W. S. Kinney. This sketch would hardly be mm-1 plete without a special notice of Mrs. W. S. Kinney. It Is easy to spin out the facts about a business man, but not so with n lady. Met ween honest compliment and flattery, few draw the line. It is no Mattery to say that one must be a poor Judge to claiis Mrs. Kin ney anywhere excepting with those w ho succeed. She has a broad compre hension, nn ability to grasp a repo sition, and when once decided upon, the courage to carry it out. She can be found nt her dek early nnd late, hut still finds time to minister to the cares of four boys, who, mother like, she expects to grow into great men, and they will, by ull the laws of in heritance. The Astoria Box Company, owned nnd operated by W. F. McGregor. Is making mtny improvements and changes. Mr. McGregor is an active, pushing lumberman. He Is also In terested in the Neoonioum Lumber Company, at Seaside, near here, Astoria Is a splendid '.mint for seem-In? lops. A number of first-class losing streams are tributary to it, while ihe timber Is unexcelled. The work being done by the United States on the bnr at the month of the Columbia, Is showing good results. When completed as planned the pas sage In nnd out of the river will be safe nt any time. This work involves a larne enpcndlture, but the great vol ume of shipping Justifies it. What the future commerce on the river may be, Is onlv speculative, but the most op timistic citizen may fall below a con ception of Its future. JAPAN'S TORTEDO ROATS. Six tornedo-bont destroyer built for Japan by Yarrow, England, have been completed and delivered within the past eighteen months and have come up fully to the requirements. The bivats are Identical as to hull and ma chinery; they are 120 feet In length, 20V4 feet beam and displace 360 tons on a draught aft of 9 feet. The en gines, calculated to develop 6,000 horse power, have averaged nearly 7,000, and the guaranteed speed of 31 knots dur ing a continuous run of three hours has been exceeded, as will be seen from the following results: Ikadsucht S1.S2 knots. Inadsuma 31.037, Akelmno 81.0. Sazaiiumi 31. to:!. Oboro 31.263 and Niji 31.15. The latter boat made six runs over the measured course on Decem ber 21 last, giving an average speed of Best Powder. Dirt's Worst Enemy. 31 knots, the bet run. No. , being at the ratf of ;'.:f.77 knot, and the slow i -hi. No, 3, being ZH.wa knot. The tiat. however, wii Hvtriir licl.t ilr., u in. r feet j0 Inches ait and 4 fe'et 11 Inch- lorwarn. 'j n armarn. nt of these boat I In One. 1 ') lutu rwli.r fli-a ..l..- " -- -i"uiiinn mm -. two t'irrefn folM.a UroSI,.hau. c T-n.i : seg an 1 Thorneycroft, Kngland, are imriiw supplying a numoer or boats oi ai out me rame size to JB nn . : CIKCL'IT COUHT. In the circuit court yesterday formal ord. r wvr handed down by Judge Mc I. role as follows: Security Savings & Trust Company vs. Astoria h'treet Hallway Company, m itlon to strike out part of answer aigue.l and defendant allowed until Kuturday to amend his answer. btate of Oregon vs. Joseph Richie, (hurged with assault with a dang-rous weapon, the prosecuting attorney re turned not a true bill and ordtd that the defendant be discharged. Hoa, Hingin ft Company vs. T. K. Johnson and Hlchard Kearns. judg ment for want of an answer and order for sa'e of attached property. . Anna M. Fulton, administratrix, vs. 1 W. J. Berry et al.. Judgment. I K. Z. Ferguson vs. Ju (iuy, settled i and dlsmlHvd and attachment dis missed. '. H. Page vs. Ju Guy, settled and i uismisHeo ana attainment uissnivea. it. L. Sabln vs. Ii. L. Ward et al.. or dered that Clarence Thompson be al lowed to make F. I. Dunbar, receiver, a party to foreclosure of mortgage. McGregor A Normile vs. George Tay lor, ventiot for plaintiff. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Total Number of Names on the Roll to Date. Aseofia Precinct No. 1. Altoria Precinct No. 2.. Astoria Precinct No. 3... Astoria Precinct No. 4.. Astoria Precinct No. 5.. Astoria Pr?cinct No. 6... Astoria Precinct No. 7.. John Day Precinct Svensen Waliuski N-w Astoria Warrenton Clatsop Seaside Melvllee Chad well Young's River Olney Knappa Clifton West port Vesper Jiwvll Mlshawaka Klsle Push Total to date . 4S . 90 . 83 .115 .111 . 49 . 44 . 1J . 10 . 1 ..77 . 15 . 15 . 19 .. 6 . 16 . 7 . 17 . 10 .. 4S . 2 . 3 . 8 . 9 ... 4 ,M2 U'CAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kd:ia Peterson and husband to R. Livingston, bl.xk 5, Adair's: $5. M. S. Warren to C. R. Thomson, un divided half of lot 4, block 100, Mo Clure's; $100. ANOTHER BIG OCEAN LINER. It Is rumored that another big ocean liher is to be built, which will rival evn tne famous Oceanic in size. As usual, American enterprise is at the neaa or the project. America seems determined to have the greatest, wheth er it be steamships, art. Inventions or medicine. Take Hostetters Stomach Hitters as an example of what has been accomplished in riiedlcine. It has proved its worth by over fifty years of cures of stomnch diseases. There Is nothing like this famous remedy for indigestion, biliousness, constipation and nervousness It also cures liver and kidney trouble, and prevents ma laria, tever and ague. He sure you get the genuine, with Private Revenue btamj) over the neck of the bottle, or you win not oe benefited. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. Come, See. Big Presents. With Coffee TUh Tea With Spice With Making Powder Come Just to See. Great Ao2fihjoiiiiii Tea Ci STORES 100 TN NUMBER ' PRICES AWAY UNDER oil Commercial St.. Astoria. I Scow Bay I i lSlh St. and Franklin At. J i Huffsclimtdt & Lovell, Props SE.II-STm. fUNGAXKSC nnd 1 t rnOSI'tlOH BRONZE Specialty I IRON arj BRASS CASTINGS X 'Phone I4R1, Astoria, Or. 4 Best Boat Specially Prepared fcr flsh!n Beats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. Hammonrl's Coin Special Hrcakfast Bacon Hammond's Calumet Breakfast Bacon Hammond's Salt Bacon and Hams Boiled Hum, Groceries, etc., etc. A. V. ALLEN Tenth and Commercial Street KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of whiih Bottled rer for family use or keg Mr.John Kopp is profietor, makes br beer supplied at au time, delivery in for domes'ic and export trade, the city free. Ntarth Pacific Brewery Columbia Eleetrie & Repair Go Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boilermakers Machinists Logging Engine Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Mannfactnrers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. W. F. SCHEIBE, 1PM. ... 3awk.r' Articles 4T4 Commercial fit. J .. Trie RsmntiH Hotel . I PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Euro-n p'n, Soc ti $l.p-r d. American plan, 11 00 to $'2.(10 per day. Qirunruvtu v in OTBL PORTLAND, OR. The Only Plrst-Closs Hotel In Portland We .Rent New Typewriters i W m i i: New Art Catalogue Free . . . ;if? J L. M. ALEXANDER 4 CO. V" Exclusive Pacific Coast Ageuta w' Tel. Main 574 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore, WEDDING CARDS WE0D'CBROS W. G. SMITH ft CO.. VlSlTlNGCRKDS BUSINESS CARDS " """ COPPER PLRTE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Pacific Navigation Company Stcamer9-"R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobsonville. Counwjting at Astoria with theOreeon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River K. B. for 8an Franciaoo, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply t j Samuel Elmore & Co. General Acrents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN k CO Agents, TILLAMOOli. Ore.. 11; iwrnwrn-ifmrn m 3 ti IarrnR mi irrrn I' I'll :'. rliajiscUuiUmr, afcrup wurifcn itj.i-vii and thi urinary oriraMSol aii iniuuriuea. nTPffnRWK fftn.nrthnn.and imtbramTnall weak orrana. 1 he rraaun auflcrcru are rot eureii by iMietora In txnuini. nlnply ppr cent ar. ticbl"d with Proat.tltla. cm Dr.N K ia tlirihiwknuM-ii r .Iv i...-ui w i nh f-i-rt:!'jri. -M:.r".;,:.t mil A wrmwi fruamntH given aiiil ninn.y return wl it ux boxea dnea not eilwi a pruuct'bt cur I'DOaboi.sIx (urJ.lXi, by mull. tend for fk.b circular and Ifaiirconiaim, Addrn. DATOli MEDIC IHE CO, P. a Box 3K. 8ao Praiiobiro. PaL Frw -t fe7ill-Iw.w4viV!it- ;Jf Bold by CHAJtl.ra KOOER3. Paint IN ...MARKET Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock Built and Repaired Manufacturer of the Always Reliable "La Belle Astoria" Cigar Scheme's Opera Star Schelte's Special And Oinr Brand. OSCAR ANDERSON, Munaner- J. PKNDEf.AST. fihlnf f!lf PORTLAND Many new improvements added. See our latest fia. 2 Smith Premier Tvfiftwrlter aa mm mm waaawa j gr w wa ENOPAVERS. 22 and 23 Washington Buildinjr. UK W,.ul.;,. (o niu. f ttf' PuRiiXxD obeoon. Oregon Railroad A Navieation Co., A. (J. U. It Co. fUUTLiAIU Ore. WOOD RESTOREDSS tionot famous yrencli plivsu bn, will quickly cure youpf all rn-r. voua or tlia-asf. of tlie geucruuv. ofimin, nucu u LiMlManhcKHl, Inwimnia, riiiualn the itack.beminal Jt.aiissloiic Jiervoua IwbUitv, pimple. I;nflinca9 to Warry, tilunistinit iJruhiB, Varkvuoin and ConsiiPHtion. 1 1 moi all lnwim bv day or nluliL PrcMiiiquk k. Iif ssof diwbiinrii, lik'h if nolchwkp.l Wrt to Hnrmntnrrl.o-i. anil