TIIK MOitNlKO AHrOUlAN; miOxV, KEWiUAUY 9,. 1900, , V C W OVERCOAT and MACKINTOSH SALE f ) ) 11 ii Ah ii Hjicciitl inducement to roiltico our utock jircvioiiH to taring urrivul wo will ninko a liirge reduction on the nbovo uoy goodn lit Ichn than cost. C. H. Cooper The Leading House of Astoria i r :',ia Vl.V: i- ! rtii) !' I TO ASTORIANS. Th. llAII.V A1TOHIAN will itm twnA li Hli In I'nrtUiiil al hm .llkii ' tluli.rf houwi.f J. r, MmimIUx "l W(liliiliu "lri. ortir tiling Ult ttllh till linn rmil AllantlnM. Will iol TODAY WttATHKR. roltTI.ANO, Feb. .-VesUrn Ora tion ami Wsstern Washington, ocra Mlunal rain. AROUND TOWN. W. V. Willi ila In In I'ortlund. rii,nrr W. I. A. V Is In Portland. II. W ilinine of Hkiimnlmw Ii In ths ty. U M. llilius of qulnrjr I at ths -M.nt. A. A rivrlun'l haa nlurnwd from tenuis. J, 11. Crowley of n Krancmro In In Uif illy. Mi. Uoitkc Hlilriili It visiting In ('. D. H. . t, th liwaeo druggist, I In tlw i lly. M liixiUi, the liuiilrr latmon buyer, I In ilm illy. C'rawnish cooked In wins at th Na (tonal Caf. frank ami i wH'tl (itroy of 8aalde r- In lhi tlty. UoiiU blrA't Klah Market Tolophona imml'tT, 21S3. JhIiii Conway of Tillamook I In th -!( on buslni-s. A. F. li"K'r. tho l'uitland papvr iii.ui, l in ihu Hty. CoiiHiiiblo A. C. Mlllur of Seaside was in town yrsterday. Mmuikr hll, of fisher's opera iiotiKr, la In 1'oniunJ. (. II. 1'ia.l of Portland U visiting III' ii-lutU'-a anil frl-ml. .. l;-st U-c. nt nuiil, ltlnlnf Bun rtiitau rant. Hi Comnn'rclal atrtot. A l?-tunl "on una born unto Mr. uml Mia. J. U Ailiunt of L'lalu on laat Tin-mlay, Mm. A. U IViihc, of i'ortlund, la via Ituig at (lie home of lur thiol. Mra. Jonlnn. F. V. H. Amlifwa of 1'ortlanil viu down yi'ni. nlny ntt'nilln( to hla xhlp plug Intvrcita. A. J. Mi'kI'T la raiildly Improving In ht'iilih and will loon ba at hla old pool In tlila city.. Thomna Oryre hua returned from AIuhU'i, wh.re lie hua bt-en for ai-venil montlia pant. Will Clinton, who recently went to lMWMori City, hua loft those iliRBlngg for Cape Nome. Tin; atoam m hoonor Laifima haa boon auld Into the N,oine trade. The conald vrnllun wua $26,000. j The HrltlHh bnrk Donna Krunclnco, In Ijallimt from Jilo de Janeiro, arrived In port yesterday afternoon. UtniTuI Housework Wuntod Ily a woiiiiin of mltl.llu ago. (loud reforonoes. Call at Srs Conimetclul Htrect, room 114. The ColdHboroiiKh atarted out for the Homul yeattrdny but returned to the O. It. & N. dock breauaa of too heavy weather outslito, II. R. WorthliiBton, William DeHt, F. L. Hunter, W. It. Hunt und Ooorgo K. Burton, of Ban FranolHco, are Biiebts at the Oooklent. FOIl RENT Four good-iled houae keeping rooma, unfurnlahod. Penh able tenant, only, wanted; no children. Ad dress "M," Aatorlan olllce. Itojlyn coal laata longer, la cleaner and makes leu trouble with stoves and chimney Hues than any other. George W, Sanborn, Agont. Telephone lait Be good to yourself and good to your friend. When you treat a friend to whiskey, give him the best. Harper whiskey la the beverace for your friends and for you. Sold by Foard Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. - r i, () Al ii r 17 ft $!'. rf- - Cream I'uii Itye. Aiiieihu'a Durst whlakcy, The niy pure good; uur- anted rich and mellow, John L.Carl son, solo agent. The Hcuiulliiuvliiii double iiiarlette will iriukn Ita first uppourunu. In As toria Ml I he HiuliilllillVllin !e ('lull riiieituiiiioini and dunen at Foard A Hti'kea hall on Haiurtlny night. Ital)n coal la tha beat and most eco iiomlral voul fur huiiNehold use In As toria. Try It once nnd you will. have no o'her. lioiirgo W. Sanborn, Agent Tel. plo.ne 1311. At till) coinllioll colililll meeting tin... Iii, .ti. I . n . ..ll ni...A U'i.m a . u ai..l prohlliil and suprens aauiblliig and ..I l . .t.. ,1 a. ..1 I... .. - ... M(iiiH iop iiiitr iur viomiuia i 11 t: t $:c (Mil H. W. Heott of llir ruiitlc Coaat Coin puny, with hrad'tuarters at 8 attic, la In the city as the gut-at of Mr. WIlMin, lh" local repreNeniutlve of the com pany. To in'ooinmoiiuifl thoae who ware un ublu iii take ailvuntiige o( hla clear' a n en mile prk'ta, llvrmuii Wlsu decided to com Inue hla Mile pikes for a few .In looker; don't wait and regret liny now I M-S'lniiu-s I. Iteiginiui, K. Tuliunt. t liu. llellhorn. C. W. Fulion, I. U Cheiry, J. O, Me(,ler, J. W, Welch and It. Canuihcrs will act aa'pfctroneaai-s lor tile griuid Admtsiilun luy bull, Feb ruury 14. Water I'linnini'-rs should bear In mind that tomorrow will be the lust tluy on wlil.ii to pay their vuter r.Llen uml it v iltl llni l-Iliii r'mrirn i,f I '. ..., 1 .....1. u All .1.. W li ! ttlK 1 III.IUB RhliPl ll IM llmiuvnU. Old Continental Is a aiandard high 'riMiIrt Kinfllrktf U'l.lrkv AKmlllteli " ' ' ' I pure, .nid can bo recommended to those seeking a atlmulant for me-Hral and ro- clul uk. Bold by Aug. Diiilelaon, Ak torla, Oregon. 1'a. lil.' hdi!, 1). of II., will glvo a St. Vrflei tine's ball on Monday, Feb ruary 12 K' f.vnliii.cnts free. Cake wall'. The fruit talio will be on ex hibition the laat of the week at the Heualile bakery. Tickets 60 cents. The Astoria Kox Company haa com pleted an order of 40,(00 salmon tases for Hume Hros. & Hume's Aluaka can ncry. The enm-a are being stored In the H.intliorn innn ry building. A chartered vessel will aoon arrive to take the cnnrs north, The old null works ut Port Towummd Is being fitted up as a cannery by. J. W. Cook of this city. It la said that the cannery haa consolidate with the Bueeney Traps on the went side of UlHcnvery ixluinl. These trups will probably funusli all the llah that run be handled there. (looigo & Darker, Columbia liver men, are building a cannery on the west Hide of l'olnt ltoberts. They have an agreement with Puget sound parties w ho own trapa und will probably han dle tho output of these nets. Charles Wudhams Is building a cannery be tween port Angeles and Port Town send. WiiHhliiKton trap men are shortening their traps to comply with the. law. liming tho past season a number of ihem wire running out Into deeper wa ter than the law permits, but the In fraction was not serious enough to In voke the aid of the couits to ston It and now tho trap men, of their own volition, niJ mnkmg the change. Ihe schooner Juntos A. Uartleld pushed through a quantity of pine lum ber on February 2, In latitude 40 de grees 20 minutes north, and longitude 12j degrees 4U minutes west, which Is supposed to huve been part of the deck loud of tho bark Abby Palmer, recently spoken in distress by tho schooner Re porter. A dispatch has been received stating that the following voxels are posted as overdue at Sun FranctNCo: Annie Thomas, 1f2 days from Cardiff for Aca pulco, 20 per cent reinsurance; May Flint, 85 days from Hong Kong for Tact-ma, 8 per cent; Crompton, loS days from Antwerp for Sun Francisco, 10 per cent; Silo, 91 dnys from Hong Kong for Vancouver, 8 per cent. Kd. Qulnu, who Is employed In the Clatsop mill, was badly Injured yester day, although It may not Incapacitate him from doing service, A large splin ter, which vvha flung from a log which was being sawed, entered his m.iuth and penetrated far Into the neck. Qulnn withdrew the splinter and Dr. Kinney Pears5 No other soap in the world is used so much ; or so little of it goes so far. una Immediately summoned. Probably Ihu greatest amount of durnage don was du to the heavy loss of blood. Mallei are pielty tame around the county court now that the toad iietl- tloll hus teen fliiully disposed of. With in ihe pant '.ouple of days nothing of Imiiortun.e bus come un for disposition oi,tl'le ihe reaular blils whit h come In itf.ilnst the county at stated Inter val.. The session yesterday was de voted tntliely to this class of bjsl- liens, Thv dlspliiy of pileB to In- awarded hi the Hone i,l Herman at their iiiiis.um ball Thursday evening, Feb 22, It atlract'lig the atl-nilon of pats- er-by In the windows of the tSreal AiiotI' an Tea Company on Commer cial street. The list Is as follows: Heat wulier, holy and gentleman, clock and miil'.leurltlK set; best suatulned character, gentleman, lamp; ludy, fruit dish; cake-wulk, umbrellas; best dress ed ludy, cape; genii" mail, smoking set. The mUnlonary brig Pltcalrn Is being outlined In Han Fiiintiaco for her an nuil online to the Houth He a and Pit culm Island mlxMoiiary stations. Her i iil'lii Is tu b enlarged and more state rnoiiH put In, us It Is expected that she will rarry a huge party this year, Within a few weeks aim will take on board the usual cat go i f Itlblcs, u acta and stores, and will clear for thu Houth Kia. The Pltcalrn was built several years ugi by the S.'eiilh-Iuy Adv'en Hi-in. She has made svvtral voyuges to Pltcalrn Island. The last repor:s received lioi.i Daw son City from members of the Astoria tolony In that city confirm telegraphic reports to the iffeet that liawson Is piaiil- 'illy growing deserted, owing to the heavy departures for I ape Norn lliuliKhs Iii Dawson Is better and more motny Is In circulation than ever be- fere, but theae udvaitlugt s do not stay the stampede io Caim Nome, cauwd by htorhs of the rvcent rich discoveries gold there. riirco new lauiierlts are being built on the lower Hound and will be In oper ation ttuilng the coming season. Tile Taeoma ledger says that It wus proven lust year thut taero were not enough tunnei lis on the 8 und to Iminlio the IniHlniti il.at was being offered by fish men, and duy ufler day cume reports ut fish !elns; thrown away on this ac count. Muny I'.sh were taken which hud to be thrown off the scows, while other trup men opened their trapa and let the sulmon out into the water again. With the eonsiructlon of the new tan neries and the Improvements elsewhere It is expected no further difficulty will be experienced In caring for the big catch usually made annually on the Sound. W hen Station Agent Smith at Clata Uenle arrived at Ida olllco yesterday morning he found that burglars had entered the A. & C. depot during the night and blown open the company's safe. Nothing of value was secured, however. The section tricycle was found mlsxlng and It Is presumed that the burglars made good their escape by coming down the road on this There are two singular points in con nection with the affair, namely; the (utt thut a railroad safe at an im portant station waa broken into with out anythli.g of value being secured and, second, that there has ben no evidence as to the direction the men look. No trace of the tricycle hua been found and no one hua yet been discov ered who hud seen It puss on the road. Sheriff Unxllle was piompUy notified of tho occurrence and Immediately set a watch for any . suspicious-looking characters In this city. Up to a late hour lust night, however, there waa nothing discovered to Indicate that the burglais had come this way. BOLFIUNB. Solflllne! Solflllnc! If you are sick and tired of rubbers, which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoos; If you Wish to stop greasing your harness and pro longing tho life of same ut least fifty per cent. If you wish to sive greasing your belts In your manu- factury, go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria, and try a oaae of SolfiUne on your shoe and harness. Bur your Bhoea only of those who have that sci entific waterproof leather preparation. Take no other. Address, PETERSON & BROWN, General Agenta. Astoria, Oregon. " OLD MAN ROOT AGAIN. Further Charges of Insanity May Be Made. Still another complaint has been made against Gem-go Root, the old rancher from Clackamas county, on the charge of Insantlty. Roil Is,. Indeed, unfortunate. It was less than a month ago that he was brought up before Judge Gray and a lunacy commission on a charge of In' sanlt) pieftrred, by Harry Cot hi an, who, for the past four y ars, has been serving In the capaity of the Invalid's keeper. Thr court and commissioners decided at the examination that Root waa more simple In mind than Inxane, conclud ing that ho was not yet a proper can didate for the asylum. He was, there- four, returned to the care of Mr, Coch ran. ' Actoroirg to the terms of an agree ment between Hoot and Cochran, the latter assigned i the young man all his title and Interest In a partially Im proved ranch near Oregon City, in re turn for Which Cochran agreed to care for the old man during his remaining years. For some reason, Cochran brought the old man to Astoria a few inonths ago ,and has since occupied a house on the nuuklrts of the city. Letters from Oregon City Insinuate lh.it Cochran's actions have been of a mercenary nature and that he brought the old limn to Astoria In orJer to ob tuln 'a change of venue," a previous attempt lo huve Root sent to the Innune asylum having b-eri made at Oregon City no m (i month axo. Cochiaii, to the "or,trary, says this is pure slander, however. He says Root hits undoubtedly given every evidence of Ii. faulty and that he has grown to be of too much c.r.'. In explanation ( this statement ttie charge has been made th'it there are a' tics In Oreg.iil City who have designs upon the prop erty transferred to (Ychiun and who d.-Klro to discredit the legality of the translr Piade by the old man to Cochran. It is doubtful I hut Hoot will be cor mltttd froi.i Ihlstounty, although there Is no doubt that he Is memully unbal anced. His aillletlon, however, Is not considered sulllci' ntly bad to warrunt his being sent to the asylum. SAYS WE IIAYE A FINE HARBOR SHOULD BE TERMINAL POINT Mr. looker's Ideas of Astoria's Shipping facilities Tort lu nd's Pull Surprising. 8. C. Tooker, who U on the coast In the Intereht of the S. C. Tooker Com pati), the largest Jobbers lu canned goods In Minneapolis, wus in the city yenu-iduy in confeiciiee with the man-SM-rs of the Columbia River Packers Association. Mr. Tooker is pailieu'arly well Im prcvel Allh the m-rlta of Astoria taiiiod hiilmon and cmihus,zed this last year by handling u certain local brund to the extiu.sh n of all others. This was the lirst visit Mr. Tooker ever made to Astoria, und in was not only much pleaded with wha: he taw but much surprised at our n.ttuinl ship ping facilities. "There is no reason on eurth why A-ttoiia shouiii not be a t nnlnul point for shlppeis," raid he. "Indeed, I am very much surprised thut Portland Is dilng any o( this Misinexs. at all, and th. U Astoria Is not doing it all. It is one of the most muguilicent harbors on the coast lines of the I'nlted States." Continuing, Mr. To ker tald regard ing the possibilities for this articular section of the Northwest: "1 am sutlstlod that you have a great future before you. There Is nearly every natuial resource that could be desired. What much surprises me is thut the.)' have not been more llghly developed long lei'ore this. You also nave an enviable climate here for we iC.isterneis. for it Is most congenial oompi.red to what we are obliged to endure." Mr. Tooker, who came here from the Sound, left lust night for Port'and and will leave there at once for San Fran cisco. OREGON'S SENIOR SENATOR. Portland Telegiam. Senator McHrlde has recommended a military hospital at Vancouver, and also one at Fort Stevens, near the mouth of the Columbia. Ho says he believes that It would be "good military policy to establish hospitals at both places." This Is Senator McBtide's cleasant way to "stand In" with all propositions. But he knows that a gen eral hospital cannot be established at both plai.es, and he also knows that it would not be "Kood military policy" to duplicate two general military hos pitals In the same region. Both ate excellent places for the purpose, but there are advantages at Vancouver that cannot be had at Fort Stevens advantages thai are apparent on the surface. By recommending both Sena tor McBiide neutralizes any influence he might havo in behalf of either. A man In such ti position ought to dJ cide one way or the other, take a stand and stick to it. But all that Mr. Mc Urlde thinks about is to try to please the local politicians of Clatsop county, who want tha hospital established at Fort Stevens, and not antagonize any little interest that Maitnoniah county people might have In the establishment of the hospital at Vancouver. So he recommends both. He might as well recommend neither. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Axatlve ', Brorho Quinine Tab lets. All drugglsta refund tho money if It falli to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. 15c, 1 death of a ; Noted diyihe REV. SAY RE'S SUDDEN DEMISE Pastor of Pirst I'resbyteriao Church West of the Rockies The Funeral. The death of the Rev. Sylvanua Bayre yesterday morning nd?d the life of a life-long exponent of the Protestant Chilstaln faith, as set forth In the creed of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Kayre had oeen engaged In ecclesiasti cal work since his boyhood days, be ginning as a foreign missionary to Chile in South America, Mr. Say re was born In Brldgeton, N. J., In ?A. He graduated from Prince Ion college In 1K03 and from the Prince ton seminary In 1S66. In the month of September, W, he was ordained In the historical North-street church in Phil adelphia and was Immediately com mlssioned as missionary to Chile by the foreign missionary board of the Pres byterian church. His mlssl mary work was most successful but, on acouut of III heuilh. Mr. Fayre returned to the Pulled Stit-s In 1ST, coming to Orr pon r.inc- .v.Mrs later. Shortly after, he accepted the paslorate of the Clat sop Plains Presbyterian church, which was the first church of that denomi nation establlxhed west of the Rockv Mountains. Mr. Sayrv'a death came suddenly and calmly. Although his wife waa near him at the time she did not know that life had flown until a long time after the noted pioneer missionary was no more. The fuural sendees will be held to morow afternoon at 1 o'clock In the Chttsop Plains church, the Rev. Henry Marcotte will deliver the sermon. Mr. Murcotte will be asisted by the Rev. McLane. Both Mr. Marcotte and Mr. McLane are old friends of the deceased pastor, having met In Chile during Mr. .-'uyre's service tlure in the mission cause. pictures of electricity; The photography of lightening Is sci ence's latest achievement These are calhd "elictrographB," and are con sidered of great value in the future knowledge of electricity. It la well- known that a person struck by light ning beers an Impression resemollng a liee. The electrograph has proved that this Is because lightning itself haa a tree-like shape,- which always leaves a vivid Impression wherever It strikes. In this respect it is similar to ine fa mous medicine. Hostctter'a Stomach litter, which also leaves an impres- slon that of health upon every one ; w ho uses It This great specillc is for i.Ul stomach His, such as dyspepsia, con stipation, biliousness, malaria, kidney trouble, and all ailments which arise j from impaired digestion. It will not cnena me weakest stomacn. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. ! Notice is hereby given that the reeu i lar examination fur statA naiwr. will j be held at the county court house, . fnmm.in.'irir At Q s.Vl.irlr a m Woilnm. day, February 14, 1900, continuing four days. J. C. LEE, Sihool Superintendent, Clatsop County bated the 6th day of February, 1900. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. George A. Dorris, et al., to A. E. Mil ler, lota 4 and 9, block 8, First addition to Ocean Grove; $GM. V. E. Bender and wife to A. H. Kllnt, lots 13 and If, block 6, Gearhart Park; tliO. GRAND Masquerade of the SONS OF HERMAN To be given at FOARD & STOKES" HALL February 22, 1900 HANDSOME PRIZES FOR Ikst Sustained Character lkst Cake Walkers Ikst Costume Best altzers Tickets for Maskera Gentlemen, $1; Ladles, 60 cents; Spectators, 50 cents; Children, 25 cents. For sale by any of the members. Seasonable Goods at Cotton Rope Cotton Boat Sail Drill (different qualities) DiMbarton Salmca Twlss KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure TLe North Pacific Brewery, of whu b Bottled tMt for family me or keg Mr John Kopp is pror-Wtor, mska rr beer supplied at any tipif. delivery in for d imcs'ic nnd export trade. tlecityiie. -, Horth Pacific Brewery Golambia Eleetrie & Repair Go Successor tc 1 COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists . Foundrymen Logging Engine Heavy Forging Under Pover Hammer a Specially Sole Manufactortrs of the losnrpassed ... " Harrison Sectcn" Propellor Wheel ... Contractjrs for Electric Lights and Power Tlants. New Fresh and ti p Seasonable Goods -1 Carry the Ralston Health Foods A- V. ALLEN ' f mi i a. s s a, si mt W. F. SCHE1BE, A lull tint el Pipe.. Toteccs. sad 5aHltert' Articles. 47 Commercial St. ...The Esmond Hotel.,. PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. European pin,5oeti$l.V) par dv. American plan, 100 to i00 per day. annuirLrtAnj ixurtinAnuuijmiiJinjuuuin 5 UOTEL I 1 PORTLAND, OR. The Only Flrst-Cls injjiruuinrtnn ;vrtnnnAnfuuviiruuiAruiJiriAruuui We Rent New w nos amim premier lypewriier New Art Catalogue Free r 1 1 Tel. Main 571 WEDDING WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS V ISITI NG CARDS PacificNavigationGompany Steamers-"R. P. Elmore," 'W. II. Harrison Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobsonville. Connuctinfr at Astoria with theOreeon Railroad 4 Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. B, for tian Francisco, Portland nd all points east. For freight and passenger rales ap;ly t -j Sam'iel Elmore & Co. General Ascsts, AsiuiuA, OKE COHN A CO Agents, Oregon Railroad k Naviwtion Co ' TILLAMOOK, Ore. A. k C K K Co. PORTLAND. Ore. O o Twine Ha ri-st? Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock Built and Repaired Plurrj Pudding, Raisins, fj M'nce Meat, Cuirants, A pumPkin crapbeines i Cition Squash Etc. Wheat Flakes, Giano, Whole Wheat Crackers, ft Breakfast pood, Select Bran, Yeast Cocoa, loUa l mS m aif a. ola Siii m,, m m,.i Msnulacturer of the Always Ieliobte 'La Belle Astoria" Clear Scheite's Opera Star Scheite's Special And Othr Brand OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager- j, C- PEX DKaASX( chlel cler PORTLAND Hotel In Portland Typewriters Many new improvements added. See our latest Kt A A 111 Wv w .a. L m. ALtAAriUtK ft CO. Exclusive Pacific Coast Agents 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore. CARDS UJ ft SMITH I Pfl I vim I 11 WW. i ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Bnildinjr, 4th and Washington 8ts. over Litt's. PUIU'LAND, OliEGON.