fllK MORNING ASTOK1AN. 8UMA. PcHKI'AKY 4, 11(H) JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main SSL TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per yen r .....M OO Rent by mall, per rro.Uh 80 Berved by carrier, psr month W SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year, In advance JIOO Postage free to subscriber!. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the edi tor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be address, ed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad Tertlsers the largest circulation of any newspUJer jjuuMMiea on me coiumnis r'xer" j Ann" lea. vvhi. h has a beating on mat- . ! tor closely affeetins the Interests of Advertising rates can be had on ap-j the I'mtvd Suites, aitieularly ami im plication to the business manager. j p -chilly the building of the great wat- ' Indcendi'nt of the question of the fiialiln ati.,n of the signers of the peti tion for the "three-roads" Improve ment, as submitted to Mr. Fult-m, it Appears that he concur with Mr. Thomson us to the illegality of the attempt to incorporate three separate and dii-linct road Improvements In the same petition. To quote Mr. Fulton exactly, he says: There are several roasons why thus uniting thj three proposed improve ments in one petition renders It void. It Ik contrary to public policy thus to "pool issues." The rt.Mdents of one part of the county desire a certain 1m pioveinent undertaken by the taxpay ers; the ieople in another part of the county desire a different improvement s. undertaken. One may be a matter ,.f . . . kn. i 61 al 'uu"1 concern. nwe me uner may substan'iaily subserve only pri- vjje interests. They are en bodied in ene peinicn..1" eeme me ,,., ,0 ,h? ft,,,ra, lM of y,ew .. tne of vital ti.tllicV importance a voter ' r L Is compelled to suppoVK oU the i.r.e i TU ls to be more then, in which the public reallyirl no con-: 'l would aeem. cern. The ielitiop can not be granteli,i',''on:bi:i would be attacked simulta in nart and rejected in part. It must-' neouiy-.by Venezuela and Ecau Jor, ia grar.tl or rejected as a whole. In the exse instanced, a Voter could not remonstrate against the t roj.-ct in ' which the public had little or no inter-! est without also retnonsttating against ( that .vhich the public welfare required. can you ooudi tne invalidity or suclt a petition? Every proposition sub - j mitted to the people must be so- framed and so submitted as to permit a full, free and direct answer. This argument is irresistible, and, it- seems to the Astonan, whatever mayj be thought of the intrinsic merits of Jhe "three-roads" proposition, is con-! ciuMve. Aside from the force of Mr. Fulton's opinion, the county court so licited and will have to pav for his ad vice on the theory that its action would be thereby definitely " determined. There is no escajpe, therefore, from the-l horn of the dilemma. Whatever may be the opinion of the county judge and his associate commiskloners, there can be no fjuestion as to their p"blic duty in the premise it is to dilniiss the peti tion as illegal and void of any effect in conferring Jurisdiction upon them to proceed with the enforcement and ex penoiture of the public taxes contem plated in the "three roads" movement. There can be no possible room for doubt (s to the propriety of such action. To proceed othervvi.se would justly entitle them to the condemnation of all con or the The fifty-cent size is just right for the baby. A little cf it in the bottle three or four times a day will supply precisely the fat all thin ba bies need. If your baby does not .gain in weight as fast as you would like, try Scott's Emulsion The result will please you. If the baby nurses, the mother should take the emulsion. It makes the baby's food richer and more abundant; only buy the dollar size-it's more economical. Both mother and child will feel at once lis ttrenthenin. upbuilding and fat-producing properties. J1' lnifiata: Joe. and ioo. SCOTT & bOWfiK, Lfc,uua,le. York. Baby Housework is hard woA wttout GoldDust 1 r:M---.iv.-i.r v:rT; .-est ggam r.-r- WASHING WOOLEN BLANKETS Til theory aov it, that Manktra mut k aahrd inttrad ol drv clcanej lobe healthy. To have jour blanket is o(l new, matt toar-jr autia ia half tub ol warm water by aim eoe -half cup ol Gold Dust Wishinc Powder and toat a blanket tit li for half in hour: thea imply move ti around and nib the aoileil apo'v J naac id warn rarer 01 me uni temperature at the om ia which you wash It, hang up la warm plav or sunhtnv outdoor air and act vhtt aofi, while blanket ou will hare. TV. iKv. it nlrti f-im pit rr KvlM 'mm au rva notsia' Sat fm mi rt ji u K a'' ' 'n". w Tor. , servatlve and Intelligent taxpayers whether favoring the rends or not. It' Is to Ik Iiojh-J there v ill be in) further j ol.iv or vacillation In tills Important jm.it tor. CASTRO AND THE CANALS. Th,r. t, ... f. ...... c.,,.,1. e'vv::y whkh is to cotin-vt the two) iH'ians Anil shorten the distance for! Amvrui'n fhips ty sontt thiiuand. of miles. It seems that President Castro, who recently "wrested" '.he novernment of enetuela from Senor Andrade, has a great s-chente, that of a 'federal" re public to be composed of the states of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, with its capital at Panama, the main object of whL'b is the "control of the I'.hml;-n Canal route." He is said to have assurances of support from Ecua dor, from Ciovernor Serrano, of Pana ma, and the Liberal party of Colombia, who, by what follows, would seem to be liberal to a fuult, tiuce It Is ad mittcd by the supporters of the scheme tll;it It is "oniv f,v.1ihln Ihrnllyh war ' and Hie invasion of Colombia In order to 'bring the Colombian government I which Tank- her on either side. It Is! Rar" to be woiY'leied that the scheme is "viewed with alarm" by'th'S-forelgn residents in V-n-?xuela. Tfljs .heme mvana the Panama : ci'n'11, ' 1 -ourse- J Jr congress, on the contrary, has : seemed to favor the Nicarngua route lai the more feasible, less costly and. most easily managed. It to a curious ' eoini Idence. perhaps, that Just at this' time a movement should have been I made In Paris to "Americanize" the' f:u.iri1a completion Company by let-! tiny in a number of American rnpltH.!- J iMs, and that it should have been in sisted the change shojld take place be- ' fore congref-s nakes its final decision' between the two routes. That the j United States interests would come out ' second best under ihe Panama pian j may be accepted as certain, for nothing i is to be hoped from a government like that contemplated by Castro, which ' would not hesitate to employ such 1 ' means as aireaJy indicated to carry out what should be regarded as merely a mercantile proposition. If Colombia J should ask for the good offW-s of the' United States In this threatening con- dition of affairs it would seem to be J good policy to grant them, and, if nd needful to Intervene between her a her assailants. AIS3 IX OUK ASIATIC TRADE. , . . The Interesting and important fc.a. ture of the recent report on our Asiatic ' ... fra.ie, compiled by the chief of the Clinton cVJacksin St., CHICACO, IU forcii'n markets sec lion of the agrlcul- For Bale by Charles Racers, prutgiat. turnl department, Is the slow growth! atrl. Oregon of our Imports frrm China and Japan . compared with the rematkablo Increase ! of our exporti to those countries dur ing the last decade. , Our demand lor the product:; of the Orient has caupod an increase of only a little over a million a year in the value of imports since 1M9, w hile there was un average tain of nearly $3,00,009 a year in exports. At- a matter of fact, ' however, the gain In exports in whs greater than that of any previous year, whllo the lmpoits for the last three years ihow an actual falling off. While we are gaining rapidly In ex ports to China and Japan, It is still a fact that we buy of those countries more than we sell to them. Of the $87,305,688 valuation placed jpon our trade with Japan, China and Hong ivong in K,5ti.,uw represent me imports into this country and I39.4&0,- li represented the exports from this country, leaving an excess of imports ' over exports amounting to only $3,324,- ; a f" .' I.' V i i .TT i Jiff-: SX'S- if s;. Tin ears ago this excess of Im- ports amounted to $.,.0!!,lT3. Ar oilier titiportant feature of our A si 1 tic trade diselo.-sed !iy tlio ivpurt Is 1,10 ftu'' t,",t ,,ur Utt',e wltn Japan : shows a greater Increase than our ill- I iv. -t trade vlth China. The gain In i I trade with the former country was veined at $..'.6;S.i. while the Increase In trade "It't China was JU.'AMvi. It is hlshly probable, however, that our tride with Chi'ia was much larger I that; the (Inures would indicate. In f u't,it is hardly possible f'ir the ngrl- i cultural department to secure accurate statist li s of out exports to the Monro i:un empire, for the reason that vast (pa.'intltlts of American-made ijooiU are shipped from Kr-sland through Hong Kong, and such exports are generally irclited in the custom hous- returns to Ureal Britn'n. Our exports to Hong Kong In lSiiS, however, are placed at J7, 732,525, iifre than double those of IS? J. On at as Is this Increase In trade with the Orient, it is only a drop In the bucket compared to what will be ihronlcled ut tile end of the next de cade tf thM natLn makes the most of Its opportunities in the Pacific and will ironed at once with th-? construction ,,f an str,rt,Un canal Karl's Clover Root Tea ft-.nitifiej the Comrl'Tlrm, Purifwa the Blono.lrtvosa r-r-Mi.UiMrs.ion. CiirCon atipattim, lntiii?ti'n, and a!l Kru.ti.ni if the Skin. An i:rc-iMe Iuiii.-- Neu ronic. Sold ori nl-iujliite -rarintee by ail drusiata at S.'k-., BOc. and a 1.00. S. C. WELLS . CO., LCROY, N. Y. son raopaKToas Sold by CnARLES ROGERS. If women A'ere unable to see the flnaj clothes other women wear, they would proVib'y have fewer wrinkles, flERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor tod Manhood. (7lirP Tmnntcnrw KiirVif PmicuiAtiofiN wastir(? '3, all effects of self- x,..a abuse, or excess and indis- fXjf'vL Jcretion. A nerve tonic and 'blood builder. Brings the rpink plow to pale cheeks and .n4,.. il . r H..u By mnil XOc per bog, Cboxes ior if.-.ou; w.tn a written guaran f cure or reftiml the money. Send for circular. Address, ,.-, NEHVITA MEDICAL CO. No More Back Ache nvtL, J Constipation. INFLAMATIONoffHC BLADDER, aid 5 ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . -2 purifles the blood bv eliminating all poisonous matter, stimulating the se- ureiiuui;, regum-img me iwwew ana aju- ing nature in throwing off that which A"? fkln- The effect on the COMPLEXION is ouite pronounced, as few days' use will demonstrate. MAnm m tV Km mi muL m a 1 1 1 a - .tew Till- HI n jr. 1 7 1 ASTORIAN BARGAIN 1 COLUMN lite Most for Cttsh, I am a Ivertlsli g for lli Onuh grcH-ery trade, for whloli I offer the fullest wx-lgats and lowiU pmces, i:-crytlung clean mid frh, rrotupt nttentlon, CHAItl.KS I.AKSON, tJrocertiti nnd Crockery. 1 here's SnlNfactluii In buying sllwrar whi-ie the stock is complete nnl you have nn nssiirunre ns to quality. I have it largo artment of sterling silver mid hollow ware In latest designs for wedding presents an. I lioll.liiy trade, lie sure to see It b-'fore you buy. O. W. SMITH. 126 Commercial strei't. Who Do.-s Your luiiiuli) .' " We clHlm, and we will prove to every one, that we have the best and mont up-to-date laundry on the Coast. A trial order will convince the most particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try the CITY STB AM LAVNDRT. lit Franklin Avenue. R. SCHIMPFEHMAN, Prop. t or a Holiday tiift Titer Is nothing nlcvr tlian a pbtv of silverwiire or cut gUti. 1 have a complete nsmftmcnt of the latest productions ut reuavuvtble prteea. K. EKSTROM. The Jeweler. Commercial Street (letter I him l.ver The Pond Street Fish Market Is better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt fish of all kinds. Ooods delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. HONU STREET FISH MARKET, U7 Ilond Street. Millinery Novelties I desire to further call the atten tion of the ladles to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises the latest creailona of the millinery art, and I am offering re duced rates for the next SO dsys. MISS McRAE. Dr. T. N. Itall DENTIST. 57! Commercial Street, ASTORIA, ORE. Over Schlussel's Clothing 8 tore. THE LOIYKE. Oirangers visiting in Hie city will tin.l the Iinvre it n attrsliv r. s irt wlieiem to spend lliu evening, 'f ho Ainini' Siiei I.nilict Orclicslr.i is till on ilie bills mi l presents mgliiiv n unisi'iil inyrHi fX'H-piional merit, HniiiUi.tne niol h . Li i 1 1 i a r . 1 riMiiuss'i-a f-:t it i e in eiitiiii ctioii will) the hou.e. I'aintiihle Inn Ins will be served lit nil i:ours COVI'HNMRN'T PROPOSALS WANTKL). "i'orf jst'.-ns. Or"g-o, jan.'fi, moo. Settled proposals In duplicate will be received here until 12 m. February 10. ISO', and th-n op--ned, for the pur chase of thre 8-liich guns and car rkages (cat Iron); 2"i 10-Inch guns and eruri'iges (cast Iron); five 200-pound Parivtt guns and carrl ig. (caM Iron), l.JuO !Ud shot 8-Inch and 10 Inch (cast Iron); 4.8W shells, M:h and 10-inch (cast Iron); 1J5 hand spikes (wrought Iron); two 15-ton hydraulic Jacks; and m.uty other ar ticles of Irjn, wood and copper. Klght to rejct any and all bids Is rcrv d. Infoi-mantlon furnished upon applica tion. W. A. BETHEL. Plrst Ueutenant. Third Artillery, Commending. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED. "Fort Stevens, Oregon, Jan. 6. 130. Sealed proposals In duplicate will be received hire until 12 m. Feb. 10, 1300, and thon opened for the purchase of the following at Fort Canby, Wash ington: Two 8-Inch guns and car riages (cast Iron); 15 10-inch guns and carriage (ca.st iron); one 4 'fl inch rifle (cist Iron) with carriage and limber (wood); two 300-pjUnd I'arrntt guns and carriages; two car riages for 15-Inch gun (coat iron); four parrlnirpa tn fi.inrh rlfla fvtrivert. ed (cast iron); 1000 shot 8-Inch and 10-inch (cast Iron); 2.500 shell S-lnch and 10-Inch (cast Iron), nnd many other article of Iron, wood and cop. pr. Light to reject any or all bids is reserved, information furnisiietti upon application. W. A. BETHEL, First Lleuti nant, Third Artillery, Commanding." GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL. Treasury Department, Washington, . C, January 10, 1900. Sealed propos als for tl.e purchase of the revenue steamer Corwln will be received by Captain 1. F. Tozler, R. C. 8., until 12 o'clock M., Hoturday, February 10th n -xt. The Corwln Is a steamer of 213 gross tons, top-gall schooner rig; with Oregon fir frame and copper and gal vanized Iron fastenings;, extreme length 14.1 feet; beam molded 23 feet; draft 9 feet 4 Inches forward and 11 feci ." Inches alt; hus one Inverted direct acting engine, and one cylindri cal Scotch return tubular boiler, built in liMJ, and is supplied with sails, awn ings, anchors, ch-ilns, boats, steam vvindlai fi, etc. The vessel can be seen at Pirl Townsend, Washington, upon iippllcution to either Captain Tozler or her commanding officer, and will be open for inspection until the date above named. Proposals should be endorsed on the envelope "Purchase of Revenue Hleami-r Corwln," and addressed to Captain D. F. Tozler, R. C. 8., Port Townsend, Washington. O. L. 8PAULDINO, Assistant Secretary. NOTICE: Notice is hereby given that ell of the assets of the Astoria Football and Athletic Club have been trans ferred to ths undersigned as trusts for the benefit of all of tho creditors of said club, and tbat all claims i against the said club should be pre sented to the undersigned vithln it days from this date. C. J. TRENCHARD, Trusta-j. January 11, 1900. "I was nearly dead with dyaiiwls, tried doctors, visited mlm-ml springs, and grew wora. I iwod Kodoi Dys pepsia Cum. That cured me," It dl gita what you eat. Cure Indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and all forma of dyvpcpsla, ChM Rogers, When h boy (jets Ms first watch, he's n-vvr xniutled mlil he can jrove that M.iino of the port- are inlsMltig, lVWIit'a I.litle Early Rlsent purify the blood, i-lcnit the liver, invluornt the svateni, Famous little pills for con. stlpatiou and liver troubles. Clms Rog ers. II every mint could believe every, thing lie beam about everybody vise, h.ivv much belter he would think him self i dun his uelshhors. Mlsi Annl.v B. dunning. Tyre, Mich,, not: "I sufTetvd a lng time from dys pepsia: lost twit nn.l b.vame very weak. Kodol Pyspepsla Cure complete, ly cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never fulls to give Immediate relief In the worst eawn. Cht R-gvrs. If a man Intends to drown It'.msclf, he hIiouM remove nil his clothes; thv mUht (it hit wife's ectoii.l Inil'iiinl. Mrs. It. ChtitrhlH. Iieilln, vt siys: "(Hir baby was covered with running ores. IVWIti'a WUch llanel Salve cured her." A specific for pilec anl skin diseases, llevvare of worthbss counterfeits. Clms Itoitvtu. If hiindvv i ItliiK Is a true Index to chancier, but few men need expect to Inherit a golden hup nnd crown. . As . cure for rheumatlsni t.'liain. Ix-i Iain's I'll in Ilalm Is galnlnR a wide reputation. l. II. Johnston of Itlch taond. tud., has been troubled with Unit ailment since lilj. In spenkliiK of it he says: "I never found any thing that would irlleve me until I u.'d Chanib.rliiln's t'nln Ilalm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen nnd paining n,e very much hut one good upplli-stlon of Pain Halm relieved tne rof sale by Charles U.'g.-r. It the waiter spills soup ihoMi your back, kick til id ; he ixpecls everything to come to him because he waits. My son has been troubled for years with chmnle dlarrhin-a. Soinellme ago I persuaded him :o take some of Cham)-! Iain's Colic. Cholera and lnrrho-?a remedy. After iislng two bntle of the Ltf-cetit size he was cured. I give this leatlmonlal hoping some one similarly ailllcted may read It and be benefited. THOMAS C HOW Kit. OIneoe. O. Kor sale by Chnrles linger. Mr. J. Sheer. Sedalla, Mo., sav"d hll child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. iKiptors had given her up to die with croup. It's an laf.illibie cure for -.Hii-hia ....l.lj irplniM tn., II im.nt a t...tt- I elmn an. I tl.roat tin I lung troubhu. j itelleves at once. Chos linger, j . , - if vmi would know what your friends I ,:il itf .el Ii..ii iilii.nt IImI.ii In 11 lull ! tl'ey s.i) of others in your pr-eiice. "One Minute Cough Cure Is the beat remedy I ever usd for coughs and colds It Is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like It." writes II. N. Will iams, (ienlryvllle, Ind. Never fall. It Is the only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Cures roughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Its enrly us prevents con sumption. Chas lingers. If someone would only drag the sled up ttv bill lor us. life would be one long ilcllhhlful slide. J. C. Clark, Peoria. III., says: "Sur geons wanted to openilo on m) for pllfs, but I cured them with DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve." It Is Infallible for plies and skin diseases. PJewaro of counter felts Chas Rogers. If ihe foolhardy n.an was only fool Ish, it wou'dn't matter so miuli; but he Is always hardy and lives lo a ripe old age. A SCRE CURE FOR CROUP. Twenty-five Tears' Constant Use Without a Failure. The first Indication of crouD Is hoarsness, and In a child subject to mai disease u may be taknn as sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarsnes Is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber lain' Cough Remedy Is given as the oniia becomes hoarse, or even after tho croupy cough appears, It will pre nt the attack. It Is used n many thousand of homes In this broad 11,1,1 and never disappoints the anx- nythcrs. We have yet to barn of,a tnstance In which It hiu "7" i'ie.- iiluuii can nnuw nucn a recoro twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Charier Rogers. AH Astorlan who visit Portland and desire spending a pleasant evening In company with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program, should go to the Fredericks burg. Resides vocal and Instrumental selections there are many other at tractions to delight the visitor. The new managoment Is making the Freder icksburg a well-merited success. IJROWN & GRANT, Props. r It take but a minute to overcome tickling In the throat and to stirp a cough by the uss of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and plnsant to take. It pre. vents consumption. A famoua specific for grippe and Its after effects. Chas Rogers. TO CURE LAORIPPE IN TWO DAYS Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tahb-t. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Groves' signature Is nn each box. 25c. H0! POINTS EBS1 Through palace and tourist sleepers, dining and library observation cars. ELKGANT VRSTIBULB TRAINS. No. 4, "Flyer" leaves Portland at 3.45 p. m P-.J" No. 1, "Flyer." arrives Portland at 8 00 a. in. For rates, etc., call or adc"r O. W. LOUN8BERRT, Agent O. R. A N., Astoria, or A. B. C. DENNIBTON. C. P. A T. A., Portland, Ore. We Rent New Typewriters No. 2 v i t i li''5':'T;-l Tel. Main r7l WEDDING CARDS WEDDIM CARDS Vlj P, Z P( VISITING CRRDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITI NG CARDS Seasoniible Goods at Si isiiier Cotton Rope Cotton Twine Net Floats Boat Sail Drill (different finalities) Dunbarton Salmon Twine WC CLl H PI RP rtaniMl-lMrtr tl Is Owl I 4 1 Lf ' A lull Una ol Plpaa, Tabacca. anil olnr' Aillcla. 7- Cetttnacrclfil Ml. J 1 ... i nkj m PORTLAND. ORE.. FRONT AND MORRISON STS 2 KuM,an'aii..N.iii.v)nirdv. Anicraan plan, II UMoX00wr .lay. tin jnj-inAAAAJLrilAAAAAiUUVrUVVt HMt PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. ? Tlio Only IlrMt-CloMM llotolln lortli.ncl di ntruxnruxnnn .nnnvvuirtivrinjvum KOPP'S BEST A Delicious nnd Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North I'aclUo l!-cwery, of winch I Mottled beer (or family use or keg Ir.Johu Kopp is profictor, ninkes le. r I Ixi-r supplied at miy tinif. delivery in for domes'ic find export trade. I Ihe city free, JMorth Pacific Brewery Columbia EleetFie & Repair Go SucceHHor tr COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists aaaaaafaaaa-4at-taf.a..at,aata Foundrymen iBa.aaSaas,a..aaa.'aa-,i L.OKlnji Bnglnc liullt nnd Repaired Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Insurpasscd ... " Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ... Conlractjra for Electric Lights nnd Tower Plants. Plurt? Pudding, Poisins, N6W FrCSll fllld fvilnce Meat, Currants, SCaS0tiabl6 OOOdS PP Cranberries Citron Squash Etc. Carry the Ralston Health Foods A- V. ALLEN MAfJIIQQS RESTORED ii fiCfORC and AFTER U r Pinr V V) atronirthanaaiiil n-Kturraianiall Tlia rtt-ir i roalatlllla. l A wrlttoa UoOaboi.alz AOdraai P va V" - . ... . w-vv.amia. . ' . . t. r Miiny now iiiiprovcniciito ruMeil. See our latest Smith Premier Typewriter L. to. ALEXANDER A CO. lXxoliialvo Piitillle CmiHt Agenls 215 Si in k St , I'ortliind, Ore, I va villi v WW, I:NQKAVI:KS, ii nu I WK-liinnion iiiiiiiilug, 4tll Hllil Vnlillilon Hi n.-over I.ltl's. l'ulUI.AND.OIMXlDN. "La Belle Astoria" Clfir Schelbc'a Optra Star Scheie's Special An. I Otlr llraaiiclat It 1 unu riuiuii OSCAR ANDERSON. Mnnaer J. ('. I'KNPKHAHT, Chlof Clr Loggers Supplies Kept In Stock Wheat Flakes, Crano, Whole Wheat Crackers, J Break?ast pood, Select Bran, Yeast Cocoa, Kofiy IZ3 VCUPIDENE Thla iroal Vi),.ll.l VIUiilSHMIinilfiiai'rlt. weak muana. n n, . .. ' . Ins'iiniila. I'nliialn tlio llnrk.Mnaiwi J.;,iE,, rSrv ,T,, Tiii m t uitlt,u loa. 1 1MU nil I..MM hr.lnr in tilirhw I'rr waVniil.iV miW dlarliant., i.i, liif n,,tel,VH U.lab,ljiWmatorrWianil al I the liorriirB nt I mrinienev. i l'i'inVs i; rlcLuaua Uiu Uv CrJuu kKlmivaand thiiiriniirv.Uu.,.i -li ' ui mi, oao rranoiaco, iTal, FrTrHileb Bold by CnARLEB nOOERS.