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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1900)
TUB MORNING ANI'OIUAN, SATUJIDAV, KKMIUAKY it, iKOflL ROAD PEOPLE Last Week of Our Annual Sale... IT POSITIVELY CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT FEBRUARY 3 I'l C. H. COOPER ('1 I'll TO AST0RIAN5. IM K.ill.V AKTOKIAN will futrntl on ula In I'nrllanil at Ilia wvll-hnuwn (lunar? hituaa uf J. V. Ilamll.jr .'.. l M'Mhlbgiun Mrt. Oril.t. fnr afr tlalug wllh till. flm will ravrlt iruaii Altaullun. TOOAT'f WltATHKR. 1'uliTLANl). Fob. I.-Orvg Wash- li iil"n and Huh", iH'iiialminl ruin. AROUND TOWN. (i O. Parrot, of I'ortlund, I In the !). !.. II. Wakefield, of KIida, la In the A. Andemon, of Hubert's Island, 11 In tow n. Junius Keating l In Portland on bunlnrai. r. H. Hiuhtel. of Portland, la at (ha Occident. J. 0. Ppem-or, of Tort Townsend, It In l hi- illy. Thi. (. Kooa, of Uray'a river, la at the Occident. W, X. MeOrpgiir, tha contractor, la In Portland. 1. Conk ami wife lira visiting In Portland. I runili rooked In wine at tlia Na tional Cafe, J. W. limk, of MlM.uilu,, la at ihr I'mkcr houat, Mia. It, J. Oucna hna oii to Ban Frnnclaco on a vlalt. J. it. lluntliorn ai down from Port land yrnl.'ril.iy on business. t'lirl. Johnson anil Mia. Johnson haw returned from California. llciny Koo hitaj disposed of hU cigar slnre to Victor llcrguun. W. U. Khlvelcy, of Oregon City, It In the Ity, lht guest of L. K. Bellg. Mim Alice (I ray hna left to attrnd tlio normal sihool at Monmouth. C. K. o riili n and Mre. O'llrlen, of Kalama, are registered at the Aator house. II 11. nn I-insen li lt on the Colum bia yesterndy for Hnn Francisco, to b ii new-rat doye. Mr. and Mia. F. P. Kendall have luft fur Alafnu. hUMftta on a vlalt to Mr. Keud.ill'a old home. Ir. Jny Tuttlo haa returned from a tilt to ltuHMlund and la once more oc cupying Ma uld ollicia. Henator Mairldo's bill for Immediate transportation of dutiable gooda at Astoria passed the aenulo yesterday, For Kent fi-room house; hard tin- Ihh; unfurnished. Rent low to right party. Apply at premises; 422 Irving avenue, Oregon' Admission Day. Feb 14, will b celebrated In Astoria with a grund i uti loilu bull to bo given by tliu organisation of Natlvo Iiuughters. The bnrkontlno Turn O'Shantcr la on her way from Hon Francisco to As toria. Kho will load lumber at Knapp ton for a return trip. Tho sidetrack, which hna been under (instruction from the A. ft C. It, R. Ii-pot to tho CliitHop Mill t'ompany'a yard, la now completed. The Oriimn ahlp Ni reua cleared at ahe ouhtoin hoiiae ycuterduy for (juoi'nittown with 102,907 buahela of whtut, vnliied at $,"iD,000. In the county court yeaterday Carl A. Lindgvlut, a native of Sweden, ana Churltm Vergchueren, a native of Uel Klurn, were admitted to cltUenshlp. Hojlyn coal lavta longer, la cleaner and makea lew trouble with atovea and chimney flue than any other. George W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. 1 t jiiMfni1i'iii.'.iiif'jii'ii Tlii channel at the, mouth of the Ni'linli'iu hua almoat entirely cloned. At hlKh tldn there la only 11 feet of water n the tnr, and It la con atantly brenklng, Itonlyn coal In the beat and moat eco nomical coal for houachold uae In Aa torla. Try It once and you will have no other. Uuorge W. Banborn, Agent Telephone 1311. The trli-photie lino frmu llnaco to Foil I'anby wat I'ompleied yeaterday and the ini)eiueiit of veaaela at the mouth of the river can now be r.-i rived from there. The Norwegian ateamahlp Uucrnacy la due on the Hound from the Orl-nt. Hhe aIII loud IuiiiImt at a llrltlah Co lombia port for tho raolfle Export I.umlter I'oiupmiy of Portland. rreabyierlan church Servlcea aa uaual tomorrow. Theme of the morn ing Mention, "Where Art ThouT" In the evening the puntor will give a lec ture on the 'Uiiap'! of Matthew." Old Continental la a aiandard high grade Kentucky wl.Uky. Absolutely pure, and can be reconiim-ndcd to thoae aeekltig a allniulunt fur mollrul and ro clttl uae. Bold by Aug. D&ulclion, An torla, Oregon. Held Hack, the big Chlnene merchant of I'ortlund, auya that there are about DO native-born Chlneae realdenta In that city, and thut nil of them will have rcgiatercd before the poll hooka cloae. In the CutiKregatlonal church to loot row aervlrea Mill be conducted aa follow a: At 11 In the morning the nub Jut will be "Dlvlnu Work, Man, aa the Hull.lera of the Temple." In the even ing, at 7:30. the auhjeit will he "A rilRiimage Four Thnutwnd Vcara Ago." In a inlnKuldrd moment, the dlatln- KlHhed editor of iho Aatorla Weekly Herald expreaaea the opinion that the Morning Aatorlan haa taken a atand In oppoatilon to the "three roada" mat ter. Thla la utterly untrue. The Aa torlun hna publltihed the facta, the court procccdlnita and the oplnlone of atlorneya, rcmontttrnnta, and petition- era, without blae. Thla la the proper function of a dully newHpapvr. Thero will bo all the uaual aervlcea at iho linptlat church tomorrow. On the following Tueaday at 4:30 p. m there will be a union conference of Biindny M-hool worker, t rcllnilnarv to tho gi'ttnd tiunduy achool rally to be held In tho Presbyterian church In the evening. On Wedneaday, at 7:30, player meeting. On Saturday, at 10 a m. the Huiiday achool Institute, to hold nil d.iy Saturday and Sunday, will lone Ua opening aeaalou. Iat nlght'a Telegram contained the following: F. C. Reed and A. C. Lit tle, atate Huh commlaloner! rcxpec tlvely for Oregon and Washington, niut In I'ortlund yeaterday for a conforence on the auggeatlou of the Aatorla Com mercial Club to arrive at meana for the better enforcement of the fish law of the two atatea. Aa both left town A Wonderful Alctliclna. PILLS For Rllleui and Ncrvom Mmrdtrit, inch wind nd piin in IhcSiomiu h, Sick Hodache, (ilddinot, KuIikm and Srllm after mcilnj Uiiilncut and Drowninrsa.CiiMCIiilla.i'luiih lna ol Heal, l.ona o( Appcliie. Slionnna of DirHui. vunnvrnrim, nxMcnra en me ?iin, uia lurhr.l Sln I. Il,.l..l rtr..n.. ... I dll K:. ....... andTremhllniiji!n4ilon, tic. Tliceailmtnia , ii amc irom a umnrurii?ii or aouacu condition ol the aionuch and liver. Hcecliam'a Tliu will quickly resiore Fcmalra 1 obatrucllonorirrcsularliyof iheayaictn. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Dlnejillon, Sick Headaclic, Dlaordered Liver, etc.. hr ..I M- ,... .,.. A Ml L .... , dera upon the Vital Ui tnna; Ktrcngilirning tlie Muacular Syittm, rrtorin the long Iiim Com. plrlon, brlngieg hma the Iren tiljcolAppr tile. Hfmlth thm whoto physical mtarfjy '"'.'wmn iranTB. w ur anrowina Off tmvmrn than mrt anolally ... naanarf, Thenc are "facta" admitted hv thnmanda, In all claaaaa of aoclely, and one of (he beat itiaraneee to the Nrrvoue and llhllita. 1. L . . Ll b;ll- 1 " ". .iiHi occvnam rum navo ine l.1reeil Sal l9 in, Pal-n, M,0,.nj. I. .1 . orld. Ihla haa been achieved Without tha publication of tcMlnioiilala. Beecham'a PlMa have for many yrara been the popular family medicine whrrever the r nallnh lanaulae Ih aDtiken. an J ihv nn aianrf w i,i,vhi !, 10 eenta and JS cente, it all drug atorea. r ears What a luxury Pears' soap is! The cheapest soap in all the world be sides. early thla morning, the rrault of their ill lilierntlona la not known. A letter waa addreaned to the Aatorla body In reply to the communication received by tho (tiniiiilaalonera. Mr. Reed la In Hiiletn on bualneaa In connection with hla ollice, and will prohubly return by morning. A tilaiiitt'.'li to the AKtorliiu from He atll.t luat night atutea that the iiU Iron collier WubIiI.'Iiu, plying lielweeii Han Kriinclnco and Nuiialnio, la In grnv p"rll nenr Cape Flatti-r. Her miuhlni'iy hua bmken down and i ho ll-a htilideaaly ui anclir off ,-ar- roll Kocka rit the m-rcy of the alono. Toe toga are li.mti-nllig to her aaiilnt am. Thu feat a thnt were expreaaed aomv tew aeeka wilo with reaped to the American achooner UkHiiugan, en route t com Pugi-t aound to Honolulu It be ing auggeated that tho lumber and iiiluor wreckugK reported off farina- liuu might 'belong to hvrhuve been .el at real ot,. lunlvely by an India putable genuine bottle nn-aaagQ thut lina been forwarded to the Victoria Colonial by Mr. W. J. Feker, the ship plug maali-r at KyiliKjuot. Tho buttle with Ita astiurlng ineaugu waa picked up on the beach at Kyuouut m the 17th Inatant. At the Mi'thodial Kolticopul church lirda luy iiV'tnlng ai-rvlcea will be aa fololwa: hjjnduy athiHit at 10 a. in.; pn-bching at 11 a. m. Hub'ect of aer inon, "Our Ureal ludibtedneca to the Work of Many Noble ftnlrlta of the Pant, and our Duty to the Future tii'iiciutlone." In tht evening the pax tor will devote hla aeruion to a dlacua ilon of tho fulloH'lug edltorlul aentl- mint i-xpreaaed In the Aatorla Herald "TIiomc young unn who did the pilfer lug .it the public arhool will be found to le the dillilivn of mothera who make atocklnga for mlalonurlea. For- elk'n inla.Hloua have been a greater cjitte io America than whlaky." The eople of Tillamook county are i.rglng the ext-nMon of the Aatorla & Columbia Itlv-r railroad from Pea- nl le to tl-.clr county, but Prettldent Hammond, rn the St. Hcl-na Mint, lina xtuted tint work will not be com ment cd until litic, when It la hla pjr poae to exten.l the line down the count and connect with the Corvallla ft Kuatern nt Ya.iilna bay. The road will he built acroaa the atate, thus furnish In a trn.porntion line from the Ureal Inland Kmplre to the mouth of the Columbia river. Mr. Ilunupond and hla naxot-iatoa arc nciiultiiiK tim ber In nil h ull along the line of the proHiacd road down the coast. The Identity of the man who waa drovi tied nt Ranter Wedneaday even ing Htlll retiming unsolved. An earnest effort Ih being made to recover the body, but up to the prvaent lime It has been unauvueaaful. The only per ton who la missing from Itanler or vl cinity Is an unknown man who arrived In the town Wednesday afternoon and applied for work. He was engaged at the mill, but fulled to come around Tuesday nioinlng. It la generally eop posed It waa ho who fell from the dock. Tho man la described aa a orippie, anout 35 years ot age, wore glasses and was dressed In working man a clothes. He appeared to be In earnest In his appeal for work, and was, to nil appearances, well sntlslled when tuld to be on hand the next morning. Some light will probably be inrown upon the mystery within a lew days. Tho Chinese New Venr, with all Its cracking and screeching, ts once more nt an ond. The ocaslon was kept by our Celestial neighbors with the cus tomury amount of quiet ' enjoyment that characterises Its observance In (heir native land. H is the only festl val In the year In which every "son of Heaven" participates with all his heart and soul. An Important function on New Year's day Is the round of visits mado by every Chinese on his friends and acquaintances. In every house and more delicate refreshments are offered to every caller, a morsel of which Is consumed amid mutual con gratulatlons and expressions of Rood will. Thus the day Is spent, terml nut I iifj tn a hearty meal of the moBt pulntablu dishes that Chinese culinary art can devise. The absence of drunk' cn riot must strike the white man as a phasing and commendable feature. The Chlneso shop-keepers had other visitors besides their Mongolian friends white children, boys and girls, and not. a few full-grown men. These taking advantage of the Inher ent politeness and good-wilt ot the Chinese, raided the tables of sweet meats, nuts and cakes, the men help ing themselves Immoderately to cigars and otherwise behaved themselves In an unworthy manner. TO RENT FURNISHED. The tower story ot the cottage next door to the Holdcn .House. All furn ished for house-keeping. Rent rea sonable. Inquire of Mrs. E. C. Holden, next door. STILL HOPEFUL Peterson anl Fulton Now tbe Men of the Hour. ALL RESTS ON THEIR DECISION "Three Komls" Question Still Hang fire before the County Court More Names Added. It la Ind ed .t "pretty kettle of fish" thut bus riaiilled from the proceeding In tho "three-nad'' mutter, which la mill pending before the county com iiiUhIoiuts. A Phlludc lohla lawyer uouldu'l be I. me IiIkIi to a (ruaahop per In the legal contiiig m ,ea that little d'.-vvlopvl and much of the out come of th? pr-Heidlng -I'-w leiiiuiiis to be dei IJ.?d y Int.-rprcUra of lllack alonv und Pin on In thla city. All day yiMli-rdav the nitiint nem Ix'ra of tho county court struggled ay In a faithful cnd.'aor to de cipher aoioe ot the uulntelll.jible hero giyi'Mcs hl h go to rcprem-nt many of the individual attempts at approval of the petition. Magnifying glasses and undaunted perseverance were v.on.ed from morning until night and even then re"oure to '.cgul Unlit was ri-aort.-U to In the moin.-nts of greater drspalr. Hut withal; n definite ac tion could be arrived at and public curiosity must remain hanging In the balance for another day. It Is tho cat nt nt inter Hon of the ccmiiilsHloners, however, to come to final action today. It Is c nciuded that with u liberal consumption of mldnlkht oil, the attorneys, who pinions have been sUKhl In the mat ter, will be enabled to enlighten the cenrt at un early hour this morning us to the legal phases of the points ju controversy and tlun there ouht to be easy sulllnx When the commlrslonerfc adjiuin.d Thursday night the petition lucked 14 names of the lequlred number, ac ccidlng to Deputy Pra'd's tally list and the conclusion of the county court. Shortly after the court Con don wus submitted containing- t-ven was submitted which contained twenty-three mimes. So'iio dlspiile as to tin- U guilty of admitting Ui.-fe t'um B to the main pull Ion uus raised among the commissioners but it was finally tided, upon the advice of Attorney Harrison Alien, that Ihei would be piilti'tty valid. (o tne twenty-three new nanus went. A com parihon of iho :ld with '.li ; poll l.ool;a, however, resulted in thirteen of the uuiiilxr being titricken olf as in-legible, U'HVint; the M'tititii still a few name shy. Hut the point upon whlrh now hinges the baluncv-welght v.:il be decided, as far as the iegul phiiM-s are concerned, by Attorney Clius. V. Fulton today. I pon the tesult ot his d.t Ssion really depends the competency of the peti tion as the elegiblllty of nenrly fifty slKnatures will have been determined. Tnese signatures represent those who, by virtue of various statutory reasons, appnr on the poll lists as elate and I st ilct voteri-tl at is, who were de prived" of the opportunity of voting for city und county i.'indidates be cause of having removed from the par ticular precincts In which their vot ing right.'t l.nd been acquired. Hit should the petition bo finally deemed competent, the fato ot the mutter will not yet have been deter mined, for favorable action will yet remain to be taken by the commis sioners to put the prayer in force through the necessary tax levy. Judge Gray Is known to have a warm spot In Ms heart for the petition and Com-ii.issioivi- Ia wis makes no bones to de clare his opposition. It isC on'mlsslon er Peterson who Is the man of the hour. He is besieged alike by friend and foo of the measure, none of whom vojld be willing to bet a farthing as to what action he may dnally take. It Is suspecteJ, however, that, every thing being equul, Coinn.issiotii.'r Lewis would cast a favorable vote cn a showdown. There Is Mill a large number of per ohis who continue discussing, pro and con, the alleged invalidity of the pe tition us a whole, Uy request, the Astorinn herewith publishes the par ticular sections of Hie statutes tiding direct bearing on the matter. Section 2"41 Any Incorporated town or city, or any organized county of this state, be and the same are hereby au thorized and empowered to aid In the construction und repair of any public highways or river improvements in the manner herein named. Section Whenever the .major ity of Hie K'rtal voters of any such town, city or county, as shown by the poll books of the last preceding elec tion, shull petition the municipal au thorities of such town or city, or the commlssioneis of such county, In favor of uuy proposition to aid in the con struction or repair ot any such public works, at any special or regular elec tion U'ider the direction of such au thorities, then it shall b lawful and competent for the municipal authori ties of such town and city, or the com-1 nilssloners of such county, as the case may be, to enact, order, and levy an annual tax running through one or more years, providing a separate fund tor tho purpose of aiding and con-1 structlng the public work petitioned ' for by such voters, und providing, by sue h annual taxi to luako annual pay ment for such purpose, and ordering ana appropriating the fund or money of such an annual tax for such annual payment, in pursuunce of the propo sition petitioned for or decided In favor of by said voters; provided, that all f j, WHAT WE S4Y WE'LL DO WE DO DO TO US.... Because Because TO OUR CUSTOMERS Because our low prices are money savers. Because our stock consists of good honest goods. ; such Improvements so aided shall be I i f ir the use of all the citizens of this, si ne witnout cnarge. Ycsterady'a Oregnnlan says that ' tnroush the kindness of Dr. O. B. I Estes, of Astoria, the Oregon Hlstorl-i cal Society has become the custodian of the medicine chest of the old ship Sllvle de Grasse, which he has owned for a number of years. It will be re membered that the vessel was an old New York packet, built of live oak and locust. Considerable historic interest Is attached to her, from the fact that she was the vessel which brought to the United States the first news of the French revolution. In 1847 she salted fiom New York to San Francisco, ar riving In 1S48, via Cape Horn. In 1S49 she came up to the Columbia river for lumber, loading at Oregon City, St Helens and Hunt's mill (about one and one-half miles above the Clifton cannery). On her way to sea she struck a sunken rock a short distance above old Astoria, and was completely wrecked. When dismantled the chest became the property of James Welch, a pioneer of 1S44, who built the first frame house in Astoria, and whose wife was the first American woman to become a resident of the place. When Welch died his son. John W.. fell heir to it, and he gave It to Dr. Estes. The chest Ih eighteen inches long by twelve Inches in width and depth, and Is made of rosewood. SOLFILINE. Sotnilne! Solflllne! If you are sick and tired of rubbers, which protect your foot froin wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoes; If you wish to stop greasing your harness and pro longing the life of same at least fifty per cent. If you wish to W greasing your belts In your manu factory, go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria, and try a case of Solflllne on your shoes and harness.- Buy your shoes only of those who have that sci- entlflc waterproof leather preparation. Take no other. Address, PETERSON & BROWN, General Agents. Astoria, Oregon. PflfAT . TICKETS 11 RAllAY POINTS ERST Through palace and tourist sleepers, dining and library observation cars. ELROANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. . "Flyer" leaves Portland at 3.45 p. m. p. m. No. S, "Flyer," arrives Portland at S 00 a. m. For rates, etc., call or adOma Q. W. LOUN8BERRT. Agent O. R. & N., Aatorla. or A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. A T. A, Portland, Ore. Highly Satisfactory OUR CLEARANCE SALE Is satisfactory to our customers and to us. we sell lots of goods. it pleaees our customers. Herman Wise RELIABLE MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTER INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. Miss Bertha Hartin's Decorative Art Room. V",' I Room 820 Deknra tiblldlng, 3d PacificNayigationCompany Steamcps-"R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, liobsonvillo. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River K, R. for San Francisco, Portland sod all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply tj Sattmel Elmore a Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COIIN k CO Agents, Oregcn Railroad & Navigation Co TILLA MOOc. Ore. A. 4 C. R. R. Co, PORTLAND. Ore. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light and well baked. Well there la a knack In mak ing it But don't forget the kind of atove or range used makes a difference. His mother used a Btnr Estate Range W. J. SCULLY, Agent, 431 Bond street H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 23. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. 533 Duane St. W. J. COOK, Mfr Astoria, Or. Ra. TeL 111 IfBll t 'MimmU THE LIGHTEST STORE TO SEE IN THE LARGEST STOCK TO PICK FROM ORDERS SOLICITED Tall line ol Newest Embroid ery .literlals. Initials Specialty, Choice Selection ot Si imping Designs. Stamping Neatly Done. and Washington 8ti.,Porlland, Or. Th. Frederikson PIANO TUNER ' INSTRUCTION ON 'CELLO AND VIOLIN Phone 2071 L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAI5INQ AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY W. C. A7ohl7 COUTT COKOXER. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director Caskets and Funeral Supplies constant ly on hand. Corner 11th and Duane Sts, Astoria, Ore THE PROOF of the pudding m tha eating and tha proof of liquors IS HI SAMPLING That's an argmneivt that's caoa . elusive demonstraUoa. Ours will sUad the tat. HUGHES CO.