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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1900)
THE MORNING ASTORIAN. BATURliAY, MMU'AUY S, 11 00 gaily gtstovictm JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per yrsx ..U.M Kent by mall, per month M 8erved by carrier, per month M SKMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mall, per year. In advance $100 Postage free to subscriber. All communication! intended for pub lication should be directed to the edi tor. Uuslness communications of all kinds and remittances must be address ed to "The Astorian." The AstorUn guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap- plloation to the business manager. Thomas Punn English, the author of 'Ben Bolt," says "no person should write poetry until he shall have reached the age of TO." He doesn't explain, however, why anyone should Wgin thtn. Bourke Cochran says he will sup port Bryan if the latter will drop the silver issue until 19M. It will now re main for Bryan to show whether he values Cochran's support more or loves silver less. The women who got up demonstra tions against Roberts and the con gressmen who voted aginst him might as Well have saved themselves all the trouble they went to in the matter. The New York Journal candidly ad mits that it is solely responsible for the fact that the man with three wives was not seated. The Library Journal prints a list of Andrew Carnegie's library benefac tions during the last year, from which It appears that the total of these gifts Is $3,503,500, and that they have been or are about to be divided among thirty-four institutions. That the money is not all actually bestowed is due to the conditional provisions in those cases where the beneficiaries are tailed upon to raise additional sums from other bources before the donation may be considered secure. There is un doubted wisdom in making the gifts conditional upon the uo -operative ef forts of those who are to receive them. An Institution which expects to be takfn tare of without any endeavor on its own part is sure to be Invaded bv dry rot. There will be no spirit, vneray or thought in the conduct of its affairs, but, like a pampered heir liv ing in luxury upon the fruits of another's labor, it will simply consume and waste while it a'-cuinplishes noth ing for its-lf or mankind. NEW RAILWAY LAW NEEDED. As the Inten sts of the shippers and of the railway corporations are In volved in the controversy over the pro proposed modification of the Interstate commerce law, the arguments pre stnt.d to the senate committee by the How easy It is for young 1 girls to go into the "decline. They eat less and less, become "paler and paler and can ' harldy drag through the day. ' Thev are on the steady down- ward course. Iron does them no good; strychnine and bit- ters all fail. They need a food i that will nourish them better, and a medicine that will cor- rect their disease. Scott's Emulsion : is both of these, elegantly and per- manently combined. The Cod-Liver Oil makes the blood richer, and , this jives better color to the face. The hypophosphites of lime and soda act as a strong tonic to the ' nerves. Soon the weight increases, 1 the digestion improves and health returns. , At all dnunrist j soc and Ji .00. SCOTT A BOWNE, ChcmuU, Ktw York, Young Girls jv Falling Prevented by Warm Shampoos with Cutictra Soap, fol lowed by light dressings of Cutictra, purest of emollient Skin Cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, clears the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irri tated, itching surf aces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow on a clean, wholesome scalp, when all else fails. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor, $1.25, roiultttnff of Cl'TU im Soap (JSe.l, to rleante the .kin of erusuaml m-alm unit foftrn the Uilckmrd ruitcle, Cctuta Ointment ( ShtA to lnntl allnv tu-hlnir, Irritation, ati4 Inflammation, and tootlie ami heal and I'mcciu Rkmilvknt (.vt-.i, to cool ami cleans) the blood. A duple sell often nuffielenl tocure the m.wt torturing. tUrtiirurlnt- okln, ral, and blood humor, raohe, tu-hinx, and Irritation, wtlh lom of hair, when the bert ihy. clan and all other remedies fall. Sold throughout the world. Porn: Ihcu am Chkm. Cor.,l'rop., Button. " How to Preserre, Purify Beautify the Hair, Uaud & Saln,"fr. representatives of the business Inter-, ests ot the country on Friday are worthy of serious consideration. j The business men ho were given a hearing on this question represent national and local boards of trade, the National Millers' Association, as well as other flouring Interests, together' with chambers of commerce and bu-' reaus of freight and transportation. These men, who claim to represent the shippers of the country, demand an interstate commerce law that shall enforce the maintenance of uniform rates and to prevent discriminations in the making uf rates. As the pres ent .'omnilsslon has several times con-, fe;?d its inability to prevent rate cut- j ting in favor of big shippers, or to piimsii violators of the law, and as the snipping ana rauroaa interests are ..... , . ....... . . , .. I unuea in tntir aemana tor tne enact- mont of a better law, the only ques- (.... i V. ....-.;! J v.. - 1 : cerr-s the scope and particular prov There seems to be some uncertainty upon the question as to whether the bill now under consideration in the senate will permit the railroads to pool the maintenance of uniform rates. Sone of the shippers who were given a hearing before the senate committee expressed 'themselves as not unfriendly to a law that would allow pooling. In fact, a representative of the National Millers' Association expressed the opinion that the revival of the old Joint Tariff Association and other sim ilar bodiefe would be a benefit to ship pers. , If the shippers are not opposed to a law that will penult pooling under control and direction of the federal cemmission there would seem to be no good reason why the senate commit-! tee should not embody this concession in the measure to be reported to con gress as the proposed measure will secure absolute uniformity In rates and which can be enforced by the interstate commerce commission. It is in the interests of the shippers of the country. Without this provision the interstate commerce law will con tinue to be a farce, as It has been for thirteen years past. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. All fishermen who are fishing now, or who intend to fish the coming sea son, are requested to send in their ap plications for licenses, with the re quired fee, to the fish commissioner without delay. 493 Commercial St., Astoria, Or., O 407, Oregonian Bid., Portland, Or., F. C. REED, Fish Commissioner. NOTICE! Notice is hereby given that til of the assets of the Astoria Football and Athletic Club have been trans ferred to tin undersigned as trust? for the beniflt of aJl of th; crediturs of said club, and that all claims againftl the said club should be pre sented to the undersigned -vlthln ? days from this date. C. J. TUEN CHARD, Trusti. January 11, 1900. All Astoria na who visit Portland and desire spending a pleasant evening In company with polite people and in the enjoyment ot an unexcelled musical program, should go to trw Fredericks burg. Besides vocal and Instrumental selections there are many other at tractions to delight the visitors. The new management is making the Freder icksburg a well-merited success. BROWN ft GRANT. Props. MlW.trtMMIXMHHMMM THE Palace Cafe 1. R WHIPPLE, Tnft- v Firm Intairaat toti if Su FnarMt v OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ! i- t Attentive Service, First-Claw Cuisine, Private Rooms (or Lad iff. 533 Commercial Street, Astoria. "? fir Dr. Shilohs It? II y if) vOUQIl 011(1 11 9 S a Mnsumofion cure This beyond question the tnott successful Cuuk-1 Medi cine ever known to science: a lew dces invariably cure the worst cae of Cmh, Croup and Hrcnchitt-, whiic us won derful sticor-v. in t:c cure of Con-iiimptTon m n par allel in the hist' i-y of me-J-cme. Since it fiit C -.envrry ;t ha been ko1:1 on a f?'.iiranve; a test which no othrr mci'.itine can Mam!. !i y u have a ConRh, we earnfr:Iy uK v'i totryit. In L'n-u-tl '.avs ic Canada iVc. anJ $1."', an-l in Kn!an-i Is. Vd , C1. a: 1 4s. W. 50Lt PROPRIETORS S.CWells&Co. LEBOY, N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN. Sold CHARLES ROGERS. It is easier to point than to plod. 'lnatH why the world is full of human guldeposts. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vljor nd Manhood. Cure Impotence, NicbtEmisHionsandt wasting diseased, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and Indl nerve tonic ana $'f, blood builder. Brines the rVpink elow to pale cheeks and fJJ restores the fire of youth. ft tVviy mail r0c pr r box, O boxes for $'J.50; with a written guaran tee to cjre or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts , CHICAGO, ILt For BJ by Cbariea Roaers. Dru;it Astoria. Ore gon GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL. Tr'-asury Department, Washington, h. C, January 10, 100. Scaled propos als for tl.e purchase of the revenue steamer Corwln will be received by Captain D. F. Tozler. R. O. S., until 12 o'clock 'M., Saturday, .February 10th next. The Corwin is a steamer of 213 gross tons, top-sail schooner rig; with Oregon fir frame and copper and gal vanized iron fastenings; extreme length 14VA feet; bi-am molded 23 feet; draft 9 feet 4 inches forward and 11 feet 5 inches aft; lias one Inverted direct acting engine, and one cylindri cal Scotch return tubular boiler, built in 1S':9, and Is supplied with sails, awn iriBB, anchors, chains, boats, sieam w Indians, etc. The vessel can be seen at Pjrt Townsend, Washington, unon application to either Captain Tozier or AiMvitwm her commanding officer, and will be open for Inspection until the date above named. Proposals should be endorsed on the envelope ''Purchase of Revenue Steamer Corwin," and addressed to Captain D. F. Tozler, R. C. B., Port Townsend, Washington. O. L. 8PATJI,rIN5, Assistant Secretary. ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN I he Most (or Cush, I am alvertltiii'.g for tho Cadi grvvery truU, for whlolt I off or th fullest wvitg.tta and Kwnt price. i:vrything creiut and frveh. I'ronipt atttuktion. CHAHLKS LARSON. Groceries und Crockery. 1 here's Sitistucttoit In buying slhxvwru'e white the stock la compkite and you have an assurance as to quality. I have a larire aasM-tnuutt ot sterling silver ami licllowware In lutitt d.nliis for wedding preits ruul holiday trade. He sure to eee It before you buy. O. W. SMITH. 614 Commercial strwt. Who 1)om Your l.aundr ? We claim, and we wlU prove to ever)' one, that we have the beat and mot up-to-date laundry on the Coast. A trial order will convince the most particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try the CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, 623 Franklin Avenue. R. SCIIIMFFERMAN, Prop. For u Hoi i Jay (uft There la nothing nicer than a ph-oe of sllverw.'ire or cut glasn. I h;ivi( a compliTje aortmMit of the latet productions at renAnuihle priivs, H. EKSTROM. The Jeweler. 40 Commercial Street Better Than I'vcr The Pond Street Fish Market la better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt fish of all kinds. Goods delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. BOND STREET TISH MARKET. 417 Bond Street, Millinery Novelties, I dnslre to further call the atten Hon of the ladle to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises the latest creations of the millinery art. and I am offering re duced ratea for the next SO day. MISS McRAE. Dr. T.N. Bull DENTIST. E7S Commercial 8 tree t, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Bchlussel's Clothing Store. THE LOI YRE. StrRnuerStisitinir In lli rilv will fin.l the IxlllVrfl ill Mttrnntivia r..Hiirl u:linr.iii to spend the eveuinjf. The Ammo Sisters i i , .1. . .... . , .... . L.nues LTciicgira is still mi wie UUIH ami nrpfUitlfn ll!(.lflva umifhui eeeDtionnl merit. llnndHome iwil ami billiard rooms an- a feature in connection witu tne noin-e. ruiatnble lunctus will be served at all oours COVrRNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED. Fort Stevens. Oregon. Jan. S. 1900. St-altd propotMVls In duplicate will be received here until 12 m. February 10. 1000, and tlVn opened, for the pur chase or tnree s-inc-n guns and cor rkages (cast iron): 25 10-Inch guns and carringes (caat iron); five 200-pound farrott guns and caxri.igea (cant iron), 1.H0Q ioUa shot 8-lnch and 10 inch (cast Iron); 4.800 shells. 8-lmh and 10-lnch (caat iron); 126 hiind- spikes (wrought iron); two 15-ton hydraulic jacks; and rruny other ar ticles of iron, wood and copper. Right to reject any and all blda is reservi-d. Informantlon furnished upon applica tion. W. A. BETHEL. First Lieutenant, Third Artillery, Commending. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED. "Fort Stevens, Oregon, Jn. (, 1300. Sealed proposals In duplicate will be received hire until 12 m. Feb. U, 1900. and thon opened for the purchase of the following at Fort Canby, Wasu- lngton: Two g-incn guna ana car riages (cast iron): 13 10-inch gum and carnapi (cast iron); one 4H lnch rifle (cist iron) wHth carriage and limber (wood); two 300-pound Parrott guns and carriagta; two car riages for 15-lnch gun (caat Iron); four carriages for S-lnch rifle convert ed frfult Irani- 10O(l hnt S-lnrh und 10-Inch caat iron); 2,600 shell 8-1 noh ' and 10-Inch (oast iron), and many other articles of Iron, wood asd cop per. Right to reject any or all blda Is reserved. Information furnished upon application. W. A. BETHEL, First Iieut'Jtant, Third Artillery, Commanding." i lHlh HI. and Franklin A. Huffsclimidt &. Lovell, Props X StMI-ttEI.. MSCAXCSr and t I'tlOSI'MOIt CK0NZC a Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS X 'I'hone 2431, Astnrls, Or. W. B. Edwards Every variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber, UoorH. Window, Mouldings and Cedar Shingles. r--vpv Common Blab, Hark, Fir, W UUU Hemlock, Alder.PoleOak Office Seventh StreetDock WHITE COLLAR LINL Columbia River and Tvuvt Bound Navi gation Conipaa7. Bailey datzert leave Astoria dally, except Punday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bun day at 7 a. m. White Collar lis tickets and O. R. Be. N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Oatzert and Hassala A. J. Taylor, Astoria Agt U. B. BCOTT, Telephona 1U. Pnaldeat "I was nearly dead with dysiila, tried dootore, vtalted lirlm-ral sprlnirs, and grew worse. I Hmsl Kodol Dys pepsia Cur. That cnrtM me." It dl gtmta what you eat. Cure IndlgeetUxi, our stomach, heartburn kjuI all form of dyspepsia. Chaa Rogers. Wlit'it a boy gets Ms first watch, lie's t"ver iniuiii'j iiittit ciut jiivve that ine of the imi'H are missing, iVWItt'e Little TArly ltls.-rs purify the IiKkmI, cIihui the liver. Invigorate the svsiiMu, Katnous Utile pills for con. tttlpjvtton and liver trouble. Chaa R"t ers. All the Kood poets may not he dead, but llu- uull.'utlotiH w that ull the bud ones uie still on earth. Mtiu Annl E, Qunnlng, Tyre, Mleh., sa) s: "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia: lost MomIi and became very weak. KikIi Dyspipln Cure coniplola. ly cured tne." It dlg-ets what you eat und cure all forms of stomach trouble. It nver falls to give Immediate relief In the worst caw. Chu lttgr. History spends ittiout half Its time ri'iuntlng ItS'-lf, and the otlwr half In K' tili'u Itself revised. Mrs. R. Chun-hill, llerlin. Vt ay: "Our baby was covered with ruimliig or. DeWltt'a Witch ll.xiel Salve eurvd hi-r." A spvltle fr pile and skin disease. Uewure of wrthlaa counterfeits, t'has Itogi'rs. TMrtiin Is always unlucky for (.onie lixty wlun It consists of u JiulK" and twelve Jurymen. As a cure for rheumiitls-n Chain uerlulu's Pain lUlm is gaining a wide reputation. U. 11, Johnnum of Rich mond, I iid., has been troubled with that ailment since 1S63. In speuklmt of It he says: "I never found any thing that would relieve in- until 1 uued Chamberlain's Pain Hnlm. It ucts Ilk magic with me. My font win swollen and paining rr.e very much but one good application of Pain Nairn relieved me Fof sale by Charles Rogers. Wh'-n it girl sinus IneeNsunily, cne Ithvr has a sweet dNpo-iltloii or a sitnlre against her neighbor. My son has been troubled for years wltt chnuilc duirrtuwa. sometime ago I persuaded him to take some of Chmlxrlaln a lllc. Cholera and Dlarrho" remedy. After urtng two bmtlea of the 25-oent sue he was cured. I give this tettlmonlal hoping some one similarly afflicted may read It and be benrfUrd.-TllOMAS C, HOW ICR. Ottncue, O. nr sale by Charlea Rogers. Mr. J. Sheer, Redalla. Mo nvi'd his child s life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an Infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron chills anil throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. Chaa Rogers. Hy ihi time n loan ri'aclns the Oge li-i v lw ii ally knows souii'tliln?, he has r"i hvd the atje of dUcn-tlon and diN'sn '. I. II It. "One Minute Cough Cure U the brai remedy I ever ud for coughs and colds It Is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like It." wrltee II. N. Will- lams, Oentryvllle, Ind. Never falls. It Is the only harmlena remedy that gives Imrrfedlate results. Curra coughs. colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia. bronchitis and all throat and lung troublea Its early use prevents con- sumptl'Mi. Chaa Rogers. If s-iinooiii' would only drag the sled up the bill for us, llfu would be one Ions d.-llKMIul slide. J. B. Clark. Peoria, III., says: "Sur geons wanted to operate on m for plle, but I cured them with DeWlll's Witch Hazel Salve." It is Infallible for plbs and skin disease. Heware of counter feit! Chas Rogers. A man never riallsi-s bow near d-ath's door he Is until he rends the contents of a patent medicine almanac. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. Twenty-five Tears' Constant Use Without a Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarsness, and in a child subject to that disease tt may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoftnmess is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is given aa the ohlld becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will pre vent the attack. It is used in many thousands of home In this broad land and never disappoints the anx lous mothers. We have yet to iarn of a single instance In which It has not proved effectual. No other prepa ration can show such a record twenty-flve years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Charier Rogers. If a nmn if- out between the acts, he usually comes In with a srnlle but you don't always see It. It tak!a but a minute to overcome tickling In the throat and to atop a cough by the us of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre. vents consumption. A famous speclllr for grippe and Its after effect. Chas Rogers. TO CURE LAQRIPPE IN TWO DAYS Take Laxative Cromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure. 13. W. Groves' signature Is on oach nox. zac. ifTiin NT A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running th "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between Hi. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect trains In ths world " Understand: Connections are made with ill Transcontinental Lines, asnuring to pasnegenrs the best service Known. Lux. urious ooeches, electric light, st'am treat, of a verity equaled by do other line. See that jrour ticket reaas via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United Bute or Canada. All ticket tgents sell tnem. , For rate, pamphlet, or other Informa tlon, 'address, J. W. CA8ET, Trar. Pass. Agt., Portland. Or. C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland, O f We Rent New Typewriters TUjW Mnny now imjiroviMiionU mlilotl, V--" Sco our latest ijC No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter f s New ArtCstslogiieFrt'e... I '" J L n' ALEXANDER A CO. ; "" --' llxoliisive TaoilUi Otwst Annuls "'v-..v..'.. Tfl. Main 674 W Hlark St , I'ortlnml, Or. WEDDING CARDS gjjgS W. 6. SMITH & CO.. BUSINESS CARDS Vi WMiiIiumildliig, COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Seasonable Goods at a n Cotton Rope Cotton Twine Net Floats Boat Sail Drill (different qualities) Dunbartori Salmon Twine W. F. SCHEIBE lite AIwm Hsllsbls A full Him et PIms. TC(e, ss4 5ankrt' AitkUt. 4 7- Commercial Ml. ...The Esmond Hotel... t PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Kir-.(..-ti .n, Vk. l, gi.vt (.r d.y. OSCAR ANDERSON, Mnsrr ' X American .lan.4l.i to i0MrU.y. J, C. HK.tPKU AT, Chlrl C'or ft tt tiruvuuu lAAruwwuvwuvruvvruvj mruwu iiaaaatuvvaaaaaaaj. H OTEL PORTLAND, OR. Tlio Only PlrwfClnMH Hotel In I'ortlottd trUAAAAAAAA UVAAAAAAAAAAAAlAAAfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAl KOPP'S BEST A Delicious unci Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Tbe North Paoiflo Brewer', of which Bottled beer (or family iiho or keg tr.Jobn Kopp it proprietor, tuake borr beer tappliej at any time, delivery Id for domes' io and export trails. I Ilia city tree. Horth Pacific Breuerg Golumbia Eleetfie & Repair Go SucceBor to " COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging Bnglnest Built and lepnlrcd Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ... Contrnctjrs for Electric Light and Power Plants. New Fresh and Seasonable Goods m I fnrrv the I Li Kt m wneac r-iaKes, crano, M A m a Wheat Flakes, Crano, k mi A ? ALLEN Breek?ast Food, Select Mormon Bishopu' Pills ClHirrk "J W" I.IW'U- . mil., at tcil.ibuM, diluilu, !., ot rlnL SHm(il.lM lh Ijf.ia ud mm uaMn. y M, awf Mbuvbd, llk tow. Ciicubn Aat ress, Dotxnev. Lost vnvmr, nipnrkniw. nnimwwi bhur, MndBoh,UnltisM to Marry, ipssol )ry-"J 6mn, Vnrlooal, or ccins inn'lon, st'.ps. Quickni of pis- Irfll phurae, atops Nsr 1.. run.Tl..n. lK.t.r lit T-m-iiI cur. ll l. I I, I. , ,. 4 kr.t.on .mill. unlf..l,4 4th ami Vnsliliiitiin Ms. over Mil's, lMIUl.ANn.OUIlOON. f7r. "Li Belle AstorU" Clear Schelbe'i Optrt Stir Scheldt's SpccUl Anil tf llramt PORTLAND Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock Plun? Pudding, Raisins, M,r?ce MQt, Currants, H cranberries H Citron Squash Etc. n ... ... . W mi pn th Fnnrk it mt I Whole Wheat Crackers, Brap, Yeast Cocoa, Ioffy twi in u mrt yril i,r ,i i-Wrr, , lha i, c.ire, i-i. iuuin Ii. ul. ai,. y, .,,,11, ftm, .KM cU.t(ui.iiii,iia, cur. Lott Manhood, lm- noea insomnin. rams . I" I, ) Mr null. A writ!. tfii.rtntM. tn am Blshon R md Co., tan rranoisoo, Oali Bold DJ CHARLES ROGERS.