4 witi MounM aStouIAN siixbA, January U, hum..,.. . Thousands of Useful Articles Are offered at LOWER prices now than at auy other tine lo ttie year. DRE5S GOODS, SILKS UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY la fact ALL our stock of first-class wrarire iriiiel it Icwesl prices. FOR THE HOUSEHOLD LINENS Table Linens, Napkiue, Towels, Toweling by the yard, Poil iet. Tea Cloths, etc. All the necestarits tor the Jinii g room and kitchen at most tempting prices. BEDDING Sheets hemmed and hemstitched, rillow Cases, Blank- ets. You cn save many dollars by purchasing now. HOME-FURNISHINGS l ' fc?La Cur 1 tains, Sash Curtaining, Tortiers, Couches, Couch Covers, Tapestry, Denims, Art Draperies, Comforts. Silk alines, etc., at lowest prices. WEST SIDE NEWS. Mrs. S. M. Wirt Is visiting tn Port land. Payday at Fort Stevens this week, and all the boys are happy. Superintendent McGuIre made a trip over the road Wednesday. A little daughter was bom to the wife of Fred Hill last Monday. Rev. Sayer is again very ill. He has been sick for several weeks. A new roof is being put on the little church. St. Thomas by the Sea. J. M. Tuaney, of Flavel, made a trip tQ foreland, returning Thursday. ""Mrs. P. It Warren returned from a short visit to Portland this week. , Owing to the heavy swell on the ocean beach, ciams are very scarce. AN OLD MAN'S QUEER PLIGHT IS FARMER ROOT INSANE To Attempts to Have Him Com mitted 'hich Fail StranQC Story in Which Hints of Attempt cd Fraud Arc Made. George Root, ix decrepit old Gorman of sum-? 60 odd winters, was examined before County Judge Givy --tordy by a lunacy commission composed of Doctors Alfred Kinney and J. A. Ful ton. It developed at the examination that the old man was a victim of a px'ouli.ir kind of mania of the Inter mittent order. Acceding to the state ment of one Harry Cochrun. the prin cipal witness against the accused, it has been Root's chlvf delight to keep up an Incessant and hideous howling during the small dead hours of the night, frequently throwing in a little extra effort in the daytime for good measure. At time. It was stated, the old m.in completely losee c.mtrwl of himself, roaming about the invmists aimlessly for hours at a time. Upon occasions, however, he would appar perfectly rational and talk and act as intelligently as anyone. But of late, so Cochran says, the rational periods have grown to be few and far between until at last he fell obpgvd to report his case to the authorities. Dut there is a story behind thee O. P. Graham returned from Tiila-. nroceedinn which makes Roofs case mook on WewlAy. He hap been of more than ordinary Intetvat. engased there for the last three rt appears that Rn was. In 1S96. monihs In building a dredger for the possessed of a large truct of land In government. I n.irlc.inuij eviimtv About tiv.ntv mi!. E. AT. Lally lost a very valua.! tnv. nivmn rirv iin.m n-hi.-h h rm.t for paralytics In the state of Oregon the old man, neither oraiy nor sound -between the devil and ihe deep sea, as It were filently and with bowed lund, Uft the court room, to return to the sorely tried stid unwelcoming arms of Cochran. Tlie moal amusing feature of the whole affair Is that a third figure Is t!d to appear somewhat promli.eiuly In th; ease In the person of a certain widow, fat and forty, who rvnUo over In Clackamas. The story goes that claim has boon laid to the old man's property by hr, and that whenever ihls thought wWkIis parti. cuUuiy heavy upon ltoot's mind his howling, perl vU .ire snore frequent and prolonged. Iiulxl, It Is asserted that It was not until Root tlrst mot the widow that his peculiar howling maivla flrt developed. Vague hints are also made by Coch ran that othor en Kuis persona are striving after possesion of the prop erty and that a lawyer or two, as well as a wom.Mi, are mixed up In the case Mrs. ble heifer la&t week. The calf found been residing for several yars, eking a broken tack of wheat at the Ham mond station, and death was caused by easing too much. The Russell Family have been giv ing pleasing entertainments at Ham mond, Warrenton and Seaside. At tne close or each performance a vote cares and vicissitudes. tor tne uguest man or laziest man characterized crea:ed much fun. frugality. A letter was received at Fort Stev. out an existence us best he could. But years spent In subduing the ruggwl lands of an Oregon Txirwt be gan to tell on the old man and he was obliged to lay aside the Imple. ments of dally toll and abandon the which had and a life of Industry About this time young Cochran ap- ens recently from Geo. W. Hicks, whojpeared on the horizon. Old man Root is now In Circle City. Alaska, mating took a decided fancy, to the young that he was In good health and doing fellow and before many more days well in the dental business. tl1'lm,t ?is,l An neveemant was maJe ffllt.... r prices are 910 for a silver Mrs. K. A Mason went to Portland ( for a cement and $3 for pulling a Friday to spend a few days with her tooth. children. Mrs. Carlyie, of Locksley Hall, Sea side, made a trip to Portland during the week. Miss Alma Johnson, of Astcria, was a guest of Miss Eva Patker the early- part of the week. Mi's Anne Dawson returned Thurs day from Astoria, where she has been visiting numerous friends. At a recent election held in Skipanon P. P-. Smith was elected reorder and Theodore Cables elected marshal. The masquerade to be given by the A. O. TJ. W. lodge at Warrenton, has been postponed till the 23d Inst. Johnny Juhre is very ill with in flamatory rheumatism, and has been confined to the house for over a we-Mc. Severe colds are very prevalent on the West Side. Many children are unablo to attend their respective schools, , ; Mrs. Fanny Clayton, of Seaside, re turned from Portland Tusday. She accompanied her laughter that far on her return to Monmouth. Mrs. Daniel Relman, who has been visiting her parents at Skipanon for the past month, returned to her home In Portland last Wednesday. Mr. R. C. Herbert, of McMinnvIlle. representing the Haralvah company, was visiting his old friends at Fort Stevens on Tuesday. At one time Mr. Herbert belonged to "Bat. M." His time expired last September and since between the twain under the condi tions of which Rojt was to doeed ell of his property to his new found friend, the young man, In turn, to care and provide-for the old rancher) during the remaining years of his natural life. Matters moved along smoothly for a couple of years or so. the affair coming first to public at-i then he has gone Into business and Is tntion through proceedings brought) doing well. BRYAN IS FLOUNDERING. by Young Cochrun in the courts of Clackamas county to have Root com mitted to the insine asylum. Thi3 attempt resulted In failure and Coch- Seeks to Hedge on Expansion and accompanied by his eccentric pro- Gtts Into Dtep IVaUr, JL El la military prisons an offender is some times sentenced to carry cannon balls from one place to another and pile them up all day long. That is all. Perhaps it does not seem very terrible but it soon wears his life out It is practically a death sentence, and he knows it; he would rather be shot. Many a sick man feels the same way about the burden of disease that he is lugging back and forth from day to day. He would as soon be down with a mortal disease. It will come to that sooner or later. A man's life can be dragged out by dyspepsia and liver complaint The ex perience of Mr. J. T. Cardwell, of Fall Creek Depot, Pittsylvania Co.. Va., shows how Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery saves people from consumption by waking up their nutritive organism and giving it power to supply pure, healthy blood, which drives out blood poisons and dead tissues and builds up sound, whole some flesh and muscle. " I feci it my duty," write Mr. Cardwell in a letter to Dr. Pierce, '' to write you of the lading benefit! derived from the use of Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery and little 4 Pellet.' (seven year ago I contracted a aevere cold, which baffled the stlcill of one of the best phy ticiana in my Btate. It ran on and I continu ally grew worse until I concluded to write to the 'World Dispensary Medical Association.' The answer to iny inquiry advised me to use 'Golden Medical Discovery' aad 'Pellet' for Indigestion and liver complaint ; at this time two months had passed. In two or three days after I had commenced the use of your medi cine my cough had entirely stopped, my diges tion wa better, my low spirit driven away and I felt new life ana vigor in my whole body." This marvelous "Discovery" makes nerve force and rugged power. It is far better than oily emulsions ; it does not make flabby fat, it does not' increase the weight of corpulent people. KANSAS CITY, Jan 13.-W. J. Dry an pissed through Kansas City this morning for Columbia, Mo. Asked about his interview In which he was reported a3 expressing views favor able, to expansion, Bryan said: "I have not seen the Interview as sent out by the Asoeiated Press. I saw it as it appeared in one of the Minneapolis pipers and It contains some things I did not say. I have for one year been discussing imper. lalism and I have tried to distinguish between such extension of the na-l tion's limits as would not change the! character of the government and the expansion which converts a homo- geneous republic into a heterogeneous empire. "When the annexation of any givvn territory is under consideration the question is first, whether the people are capable of sharing in the govern ment and destiny of the nation. I believe that all people are capable of governing themselves and that the Filipinos should he allowed to govern themselves, but I do not think thy are sufficiently advanced to share with us In the government of the Nation. "If the Philippine islands are an nexed the people there must either be citizens or subjects. I am not willing to admit them as citizens and do not believe that a republic can have subjects, therefore I want this nation to give them independence and then protect them from outside Interference." j tege, returned to his lonely abode in : the hills. NVhlng further was heard ; cf the case until Friday evening when ; the old man, howling and raving with ; his greatest might, was turned int .the county Jail, charged, for the; .second time, wi h Insanity. I When P.jt was brought into court for examination yesterday forenoon he was himself or. at any rate, rational once more. The physicians, after considerable deliberation, deter mined upon the following order. which was approved by Judge Gray. "We find that he Is not Insane, butj Is a paralytic, unable to care for him self. He is not mentally hound, but cannot te classed as Insane. He should be cared for, but not In an asylum; preferably In a hospital for paralytics." As there Is no hospital ANOTHER FIGHT REPORTED. Number of Filipinos Killed and Their Arms Captured. MANILA. Jan. 13. Advices from Cebu report a sharp fight on Janu ary 8. between a battalion of the Nineteenth infantry and a body of insurgents occupying a strung posi tion In the Sudlon mountains. The enemy was routed, the Americans capturing a smooth bore cannon, some rifles and destroying the fortifica tions. Four Americans were wounded. The Insurgent general, Flores, hav ing established a rendezvous wfth 100 men at Humingan, province of Nueva Viscaya, Captain Benson, with two troops of the Fourth cavalry was sent to dislodge them. The Insurgents were scattered, their horses captured and the position was burned, the Americans sustaining no losses. The American forces yesterday oc cupied Magallanes, province of Ca vlte, capturing 20 insurgents, includ ing a coloneL Copper Colored Splotches. There it only one cure for Contagious Blood Poison the disease which has completely baffled the dooton. They are totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poison op in the blood and concealing it from view. 8. 8. 8. cures the disease posi tively and permanently by forelng Mt erery trace of the taint. I was aflUetad with a terrible Woo dlaaaaa, whloh wa Id spots at first, kat Aarwmrds Tbso broksontlslo tor, and It Is easy to imagia ta aaflariof I ndar4.;Bf or I be came eonVlnMd that the doctor could do ao good. J had speil a handrrd oliars, whlah was really thrown away. I Ilia a tril various ytDt medicine, but they did I W' Whan I bad flalshed my US S rat hottla of . B. 8. I f was sreatly tarprored and was SeflKbtbd with the rasnlt. Ths large red splotcbas in my eaest began to go Plr ajid maltar. and Deiora lona uisappearaa cqhrix. raau.u my lost walght, becania strong, and At ap atito greauy lmprovtd. I was Soon ntmlj wall, ad my skin a claar as a slaee of (laws. H. L. Hrta, 100 Mulberry 6Cf wk. M. J. Don't destroy all possible ohanoe of a otne by taking tne doctor's treatment of mereury ana potash. These mineral" oause the hair to iau out, ana wiu rreck the entire system. &&&Blood Is pttret.t vanpTiBLB. and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no Dotash. mercury, or other rnlnwaL Books on the disease and its treat ment mailed free by Bwift BpOino Oca t&y, lCa&tft, Georgia. CHOYNSXl IS tUSSATlSFIHP. Claims He Was RUibvd of the Flht by Tlmek.-vper Dunn. NCW YORK, Jan. 13.-The decls. Ion of Jonncy While In awarding the bout at the Pivdway Athletic Club last night to McCoy, la quite g'iu-r-aliy upheld by the murimig paivr her although two of them claim that Choynskl was treated unfairly. All the papers a'gue that the mis t:ike of the tlmektcrwr was d 'pluruble and that in thu respect the Calif. r nian did not receive hla Just dues, Time-Keep-r Dunn rvfus.-d to illfcuMS the fight. He closed his natch and left the building. Rut he was seen to protest to the referee at the end of the second round that he ' was right. Choynkl, In an tntvrview wl h a World representative, said: "I was robbed of the flfiht. t knocked McCoy out In the secnd round with a right swing on the Jiw and he as down twvlve or hfuvn seconds. Both timekeepers, the club's and my own, agree.! " that and Dunn rarg the bell to Indicate that the fight was over. It was called a round but McCoy had one minute and forty seconds to recover. "In the third round McCoy knocked me down after the bell rang. I am a little deaf, but I henrd the bell. McCoy did not. It knocked me out and I was unable to come up for the pext round. I was robbed." McCoy said: "I am surry truTO was any misun derstanding about the time. I waji not out although I was pretty wiak. I was careless and got a punch on the Jaw In the second round that daz ed n. The fourth lime Choynskl knocked me down I took my time and listened to the referee's count. I got up Just as he counted ten and then the bell rang. "I showed that I had conslderab'e strength left by landing on Choyn. ski's Jaw and stopping him. "The punch I knocked him out with was started before the bell rang In the third round. "1 fought fairly and If a mistake was made, It was not mi-w. "I thought I could whip Choynskl. I dil and I rlil nk I can afftln." Referee White paid: "McCoy was knocked out. I count ed nine and McCoy got up Ju.it as 1 counted ten. Then the bell rang and I and the fighters thought the round was over. "It seenis there was a miaunder standing. The timekeeper had taken it upon himself to count McCoy and he rang the bell. He had no business to do It. It was my place and I say McCoy was not out. He was up be. fore I finished counting tm. "The punch McCoy struck Choyn skl as the bell rang wis unpremedi tated and While It knocked Choynskl down did not affect the result. Cho ynskl was very sick from a punch In the stomach when the bell rang for the fourth. He refused to come from his corner and I was compelled to give the fight to McCoy." Many of the spectators when seen around the up-town hotels late lant night declared that Choynskl should lave been given more consideration and there were not a few who hinted at "Jobbery." On the other hand the managers of the club and McCoy's followers aver that everything wan fair and that Referee White could, under the clrcumrtsance, have ren dered no other decision. WKrCWf M'V-- 'fV'WfSvl - WSmM vfe. Iffe;. pip v!l Jill Goipon Strengthens Racked Nerves Adjt S. W. Groomes, 140 East Jones St., Dayton. Ohio, writes: "I had groat relief from Paine's Celery Compound last December. While Irving in Columbus I took a heavy cold that resulted in the grip. I suffered intense pain with my head for three months. No medicine seemed to do me any gocd until I began using Paine's Celery Com pound. All the suifering in my head was soon gone, and I have Celoiy Compound alone to thank lor my cure;" Suffering has its first effect upon the nerves. When the body is not sustained by nerve energy; indigestion, slow circulation of the blood, and an im poverished system result. ENGLISH BACK FIRING. Colonial Editor Denounces the War and Joseph Chamberlain. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 13. Accord- Ins to J. F. Archibald, editor and proprietor of the Sydney Bulletin, who arrived .here yesterday from Aus tralia, there is a growing fueling in Australia that the British colonies are making a serious mistake In aiding England to urge war aga1nt the Transvaal. "It was a grave mistake for Australia to send our troops to South Africa," he said, "It amounts to an abandonment of our Indepen dence." Personally Mr. Archibald considers the war with the Transvaal mom strous, unjustifiable and entirely un provoked. He said: "Jnsenh Chamberltan Is a Judas who has betrayed all panties and In ranwai with which he has been iden tlned. He betrayed the radicals; he Hz.,.a t a A AlfltatmiA iLnrt now he has betrayed his country for the benefit of the people with whom he was In communication at the time of the Jameson raid. England deserve to lose the fight because of Its manifest unjustness.' A NEW YEAR'S GUIDE. There Is one book everyone should make an effort to get, for the now year It contains simple and valuable hints concerning health, many amusing an ecdotcs. and much general Information. We refer to Hosteller's Almanac, pub lished hy The IloHtetter Co., I'ltU- burgh, t'a. It will prove valuable to any household. Slrty employes are kept at work on this valuublo book. Tho Issue for 1300 will be over eight millions, printed In the KngllHh, Ger man, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swe dish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages. Il contains prouf of the ef ficacy of Ho9tetter"s Stomach Bittsrs, the great remedy prepared by the pub. Ushers, and Is worthy of careful pres ervation. The almanac may be ob tained free of cost, at any druggist or general dealer in the country. gr, TICKKTS YUFRH to all &AILP0INTS EAST Through palace and tourist sleepers, dining and library observation cars. ELEGANT VESTIBULE THAINS. No. 4, "Flyer" leaves Portland at 3.45 p. m. d. m. No, 8, "Flyer," arrives Portland at I 00 a. m. For rates, etc, call or address O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N., Astoria. or A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. it T. A., Portland, Ore. Does Not Belong to the Trust COURTRAI IRISH FLAX GILL NET TWINE Foard & Stokes Co., Agents COLUMBIA STEAM1 LAUNDRY CORNER NINTH AND ASTOR STS-, ASTORIA Luxurious Travel THE "North.Western Limited" trains, electrlo lighted throughout, both In side and out, and steim heated, are, without exception! the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most com plete and splendid production of the oar builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior ae. commodatlons and all ol asses of tickets are available for passage on the famous "North-western Limited." All trains oa this line are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD. F. O. SAVAGE. Gen'l Agent,' T- A. Portland Ore. iM MSI! Wo nre new jrjifirtl to do nil kiiuls of lnumlrv woik tn short no tice, tlio jiliint linving been remod eled tlirougbout and new machinery added. Wo enn tiFMire you of tbo best class of work ever tunud out on tbo Count. A trial order solicited. J.W. D HON, Prcpiletor THONE 981 18 Yt'Hii Fxjh rienre HO (IIINKKR IWll.OVil) J. 0. Glllen 8 Co Dealers, Manufacturers: Contractors Of AsbestoB.BolIcr and Pipe Coverings 229 Second St, TORTLAND, ORE. Pacific Navigation Company Steamers "R. P, Elmore," "W. II. Karrlum'' Only line Astoria to Tillamook, f jarlhaldl, liay City, llobflonvllle. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia Kiver It. R, (or San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For (reiglit and passenger rates apply t j Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. OOnN A CO Agents, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK Ore. A. k 0. R. R. Co. PORTLAND, Ore.