The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 12, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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gaily gUtcaimn
Telephone Mala 66L
Stmt by malt, per year &w
Bent by mall, per inoath .i
Served by carrier, per month w
Sent by mall, per year. In advance &0o
Postage free to subscriber.
All communications Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the edi
tor. Huslness communications of all
kinds and remittances must be address
ed to The Astorlan."
The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation ot any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
Our antl-exjMnslontet friends are at
outs. Bryan and Hoar oppose our re
taining the Phdllpplm. but their rea
sons clash.
Tito Kitchen Sink
Should not breed
diseases like
typhoid fever or
It will not if
you use Gold Dust
Said tor fit tckl-''Ool4o lata
for HtMMwvrk.
CUcap St. tool NtwYork Both
fA' .'i ! W---.
continent. The htart of every tru
Anericnn will thrb In unison with
the heart of true Englishmen on the 0:n
outcome of th? grand climax now
approaches In South Africa.
of Astoria's Best Citlxen Advo
cates Municipal Owivj"htp.
The iifTerential asked by the boat
'iros from the railroad Is an advnnt.
ASTORIA. Jan. U. Editor Astorlan
-In conservation with a couple ofi
gentlemen on the street as to the ad.
visabllity of the- city, or the water
commission, nuttlrur In an eLi'tHc
nSe of 30 per cent over the rate ,f?ntng r,an, one of hMn tuggwltrt
charged by the railroad. That to to that I pla.v the matter before the
say, the boat lines ask the railroad public through the medium of your
Bryan says he is again; on h pPer and I ike that Jberty.
the oroDoslUom because the FlllDlnw ........ . .. 1 fhlk a11 aroe tnt when the
arc not capable of having a voice and
representation in the government.
l he Most for :,!,
I am advertising for the Cash
(iivvoty tiudo, for which I off or tho
fullest woigots and lowest, prices,
i:ve!')thit!g cl;u and frh.
1'rompt uttontlon,
tirocorles and Crockery.
I here's SuiUfuctioit
In IniyUig slhvrware wheie tho J
stock is complete ami you have an
assurance as to tjtnilliy. I l-.uve u
larire assortment of sterling silver
ami hollowwatv In latest J -signs
for wvddiujj piVM-nti and holiday
trade. He sure to rvo It b foie you
O. W. SMITH. !
5:5 Commercial street. :
Who Do; Votti l.utuulry .'
AVe claim, and we will prove to ,
every one. that we have the best
and mot-t up-to-date laundry on the,
Coast. A trial order will convince i
the most particular. If you want '
neat, prompt work, try the
R.'J Franklin Avenue.
DeWltt's Little Early Risers purify
the blood, clean the liver. Invigorate
(lis svsteui. Famous Utile pills for run.
Mtlpation and liver troubles, Chas Hog
Fast men don't pay any attention to
the icguKitlot ;st days.
J. H. Clark. Peoria. III., says: "Stir
geons wanted to operate on mo for piles,
but I cured them with IVWItt's Witch
Hasel Salve." It Is Infallible for plica
anil sKin diseases, newam of counter.
felt CllSS Rogers.
! If a man ctiltUatiM bad liald.s, h.'
'apt to r ap earthly miseries.
''One Minute Cough Cure Is the beat
remedy I ever uncd for eeiiglis and Culds
It Is uueUallcii for wliooi'l" cougn.
Chlldivn nil like It," writes II. N. Will
iams, Uontryvllle, I ml. Never falls.
It Is Cie only hartnUvis r-medy that
gives Immediate ivkuU.i, Cures coughs,
colds, luKirsetiess, croup, pneumonia,
hrncl'l(ls and all tliront and lung
troubles Its early use prevents con
sumpllJn. Ctias Rogers.
If ur.gcls fear to li'a I whore- fools
rush In. tluy slum 1 1 use thuir wings.
Hoar bases his opposition on the as
sumed fact that the natives are fully
capable of self government. Ex
tremes meet here. Bryan's premises
are truer than those of the senior
Mjssachusetts senator, but his rea
soning le all the more defective.
England Is gaUant England still.
Her nobles and yeotnen have re.
SFonded to the summons of their
soverign Just -s they did In the days
of the good Queen Bess. He do not
hear that Earls, Marquises or Dukes,
without experience In the field, are
appointed to lead men into battle be
cause of their social positions. The '
noble and the country gentleman
stand shoulder to shoulder in thi!
ranks. Without quibble as to the Jus-'
tice of the war that is thrast upon'
them thty are off to South Africa. I
At Magersfonteln, Lord Winchester, j
the premier Marquis of England, met
his death just as he might have;
taken an accident on the hunting ,
field or led the dance at liis ancient!
than the charge oa the boat lines. It made the best Investment that has
is claimed that this Is the universal ever be-n made for the city. Not
rule throughout the country where onl" nav GlVJn us the best
rail and wat Uhe. compete. The the cot. but t much !
cost thin was paid to a private cor
ooject of the differential is to equalixe poratlo81 and a ,uppVy targe tnoug1,
the boats with tho superior speed and for a town several time the elie of
convenience of rail travel. A percent- j Astorlaa. It has completely done
age of 30 per cent has been Dxed ?Way te flr
i has obtained for us a reduction of
for year, by traffic experts as the lwenty cent ln our ,n9Urance
fair amount which should be conced-j rates, besides. It has also been a pay.
ed io attain this equality. It lsiln" investment, as the report of the
claimed that the fight now going on commission shows, leaving a
,, . , , . . I handsome surplus after paing aU ex-
on the Columbia river is without Mr.' . . . : .
u wiii ""r-lPnses-Including interest on bonds,
allel in the history of modern trans.' etc. The business has bean well man.
portation. It Is said the A. A C.j Sd and much credit 1 due the
road is unwilUn to abide bv thl,rater commission for the mannge-
mont. ow I believe that when you
I For a Holiday (iift
There Is nothing nicer than a pleos
of sllverwiire or cut glasn. I have
a compline assortment of the latest
productions at reasonable prices.
Tn Jeweler.
MO Commercial Street
universally established custom. Is
j unwilling. In fact, to allow the boat
I lines any differential. The boat lin s
resent this attitude of the railroad as
manifesting a determination to drive
them out of business. They insist
thut they had their investments made
and were conducting traffic between
Astoria and Portland long before the
A. & C. road was built. They gee no
reason why they should sell out to
the A. & C. road and retire from
business, thus closing the river to
country seat. And f have died others
of Ugh as well as low degree oa the;nav,"ion and surrendering to that
ramparts of he veldt. The English. ! ' ad a monopoly of tbe transportation
man may have his faults, but his
loyalty to country ennobles him in the
eyes of mankind. Cowardice is not an
Dusineas Oetwe-sn A9taria and Port
land. They argue that it Is not only
unreasonable for the railroad to ask
I them tO RtlSnAml 4ht.lf nnAM.lyw.
attribute of his nature when Uiei ' " u,
Empire is endangered
The O.
the rallroal
to any other
I from tflA IWnVl nt a ntnl n I, n..t.1
He has on pre-
, . . . - w extremely impolitic to allow them
vious occasions underrated his fo as' i""-
. t , .,.k -.-,oit0 De i0Kil out of business.
colonies. Thi, fatal mistake induced ! V Compiny denks that
. . . , , , , , ingnt between it and
him to follow an unwise leader into:
.u. r, relates or can relate
me Dvrf na& niuiuui auciuaic pic-
par.ition. Unlike the Spaniard, the
Englishman has the frank courage to
admit defeat. Nobody can mistake the
import of the last call for milltU,
yeoniar.ry and volunteers. It Is a con
fession of deadly peril: The summons
will yield full 70,000 troops. They
comprise the second, third and fourth
lines of England's defense. This in.
dicates bow sorely the country is
pressed for men. Iut the response
has been prompt and glorious. No
matter for ''.he technicalities of inter
national neutrality. No matter for
the ravings of political demagogues
and the machinations of England's
enemies who find a harbor on this
strike a good thing preLSs it.
Nearly all water consumers use ar
tificial light, and some of them who
pay two and three dollars for waur
pay ten times that amount for lights,
so I am sure that the income from
lights would exceed that received
from water if the commissioners can
give us electric lights chtaper than a
private corporation can. They did it
with the watv and I have every con
fid?nce they can with the lights. They
have a very substantial power house
alongside of the reservoir. AA'hy Is tt
not used, and the city get the benefit
of the profits from the lights as well
as from the water?
(One whose sole interest is ln
Hotter Than Kvcr
The Bond Street Fish Market Is
better than aver prepared to supply
fresh and salt tlsh of all kinds.
Goods delivered to any part of the
city and satisfaction guaranteed.
U7 Bond StreaC
Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalla, Mo., saved his
child's life by Onn Minute Cougit Curs
Doctor had given tier up to die with
croup. It's an Infallible cure for
coughj, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron
chitis and throat and lung troubles.
Relieves at once. Chaa Rogers,
If a man Uilnka a girl u perfect
vision, soiih. other girl thinks he In
a sight.
Millinery Novelties
1 desire to further call tha atten
tion of tha ladles to my handsome
stock of trimmed millinery. It com
prises the latest creations of the
millinery art, and I am offering re
duced rate for the next M days.
Dr. T.N. Ball
S73 Commercial Street,
Over 8chlussers Clothing Store.
Strangers visiting in the city will find
the Lonvre au attractive resort wherein
to spenJ the evening. The Amine Sisters
Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bilfs ami
presents nibliy a musical pmcrnm of
exceptional merit, iInuclnome pool sud
billiard rooms are a feature iu connection
with the house. Palatable lunches will
be served at all uoars
Visa Annie E.- Gunning. Tyre, Midi.,
sa: "t sunered a long time from dys
pepma; lost tbtilt and became very
weak. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure complete
ly cured me." It digests what you eat
and cures all forma of stomach trouble.
It never fails to give immediate relief in
the worst casr. Cha Rogers.
If Hople didn't have hotdile. the
W'ild would sm coiute- lo revolve.
Mrs. R. Churchill. Berlin, Vt.. aays:
"Our baby was covered with running
sores. DeWltts Witch Haiei Salve
cured her." A specific for pile and
skin diseases. Beware of worthless
counterfeits. Chas Rogers
If a woman is prvity, slie can safe
ly Insujt on Iter own imperfections.
It tak'.w but a minute to overcome
tickling in the throat and to atop a
cough by the uss of One Minuts Cough
Cure. This remedy quickly cures all
forms of throat and lung trouble.
Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre
vents consumption. A famous speclfte
for grippe and Its after effects. Chaa
For the
The fifty-cent size is just
richt for the baby. A little
of it in the bottle three or
four times a day will supply
precisely the fat all thin ba
bies need. If your baby does
not gain in weight as fast as
you would like, try
Scott's Emulsion
The result will please you. If
the baby nurses, the mother
should take the emulsion.
It makes the baby's food
richer and more abundant;
only buy the dollar size-it's
more economical
Both mother and child will feel at
once Ki strengthening, upbuilding
and fat-producing properties.
At all dnutgttti ; foe. ind rxn.
SCOTT akiitac, Cncmuu, Hem York.
j question than this river differential.
(The railroad company intimates the
jiight has to do with some re-j
j mote question, the nature of which!
lit dees not disclose. The dispute
raises an issue which can wi;h the
(utmost propriety be made the sub-
i . ...
ject of full inquiry by Astoria's!
commercial organizations ' or buaisv3se
men. Every business interest in As-!
toria is a sufferer more or less from'
the ridiculous passenger rites charged '
Ibetwee-n Astoria and Portland. If
Astoria Is to be made a suburb of'
Portland it might as well surreider
its independent town organization.
The transportation company reepon- j
eible for I he continuance of the war'
is no friend of Astoria. In order that'
Justice may te done in the discussion'
of the question, and that proper meas-j
ures of retaliation. If necessary, mayj
be brought to bear lo restore normal
trade conditions, steps should be tak-'
Kr life
Karl's Clover Root Tea
RMfitf tl.. t t n. ic si,.
Blood.mvmi FrMh.UMrbkin. CumiCon
ff'('1"n, Jndlipxtlon, and all Eruptlona of
Jiie Skin. An axrmlila Laxative Nerve
i onie. Sold oa a'nolute riaranU bjr ail
druiwieu at 25c, 80c. and1.00.
S. C. WELLS 4 CO., LlPtOV, N. V.
our eaopaicToas
Restore Vitality Lost Vlcor and Maabsod.
en to ascertain the truth of the situ-'1-6 ImPOtencv,Ni?htEnii8sionsan3
atlon and to the blam, where it be-1 all ects of self.
longs. If Aatcria'fi Commercial oreail-t iwrrrtnn li nmafAnlnonrl
These tins Capsules tre superior
to Balsam of Copaiba ."-
Cubebs or Injections and Aifm.
the sam diseases with
out inconvenience.
Ml to all rrt-ritt.
If a man Is happily married, he Is
transported for life.
"Fort Stevens, Oregon, Jan. S, 1S0O.
Sealed proposals in duplicate will be
received here until 12 m. February 19.
1900, and thn opened, for the our-
chase of three 8-Inch guns and car
riages (cast iron); 25 10-Inch guns and
carriages (cast Iron); five 200-pound
Parma guns and carrligs (cat
iron); l.aoo iUd ahot 8-Inch and 10
inch (cast iron); 4,800 shells. 8-lnrh
and 10-lno (cat Iron); 125 hand
spikes (wrought iron); two 15-to.i
hydraulic jacks; and many other ar
ticles of Irjn, wood and copper. Right
to reject any and all bid Is reserved.
Informantion furnished uoon acDllca-
W. A. BETHBJL. KIrst Lleutnant, uma unambsrlain'a Pain Balm. It
Third Artillery, Commanding. I ac' ""e magic with me. My foot
wua BituiKn biiu yauuuK me very muan
but one good application of Pain
Balm relieved m. for sale by
Charles Rogers.
If a nun re-lea a piece of prop
erty, he t-tki-s a frtvh griixm It.
"I was nearly dead with dysiapata,
tried doctors, visited mineral springs,
and grew wnrs. I umsI Kodul Dys
pepsia Cure. That cured me." It di
gests what you eat. Cur indigestion,
sour stomach, heartburn and aU forms
of dyspepsia Chas ilogvrs.
Seasonable Goods at
l,lslelr, iojir
Cotton Rope Cotton Twine Net Floats
Boat Sail Drill (different qualities) Dunbarton Salmon Twine
ManulnvlMrar ol
A full line ol Plpea. Tebaces,
nd moktr' AilltWa.
T CorttttiorclMl SSI,
"La Belle Astoria" Cigar
Schclbe'8 Opera Star
Schcltc'a Special
Anil Oilier llrntxla
...Tho Esmond Hotel...
Kiimi-ti i'n, .Vv 1 1 $t.V) ir day.
Aiiirrlt-uu ilau, 1 1. HO lu t ioo --r day.
hiiripn'ti..vw.ii!.vtir dr. OSCAR ANDERSON. Maunser-
AiurrlfU.U,li.wioti.0UKr.l.y. J, f, I'K.NPKIIAST, Clili'l C'"'
I THo Only PlrMt-CfnMM Hotel In Portlnnd
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
The North Paolflo Brewery, of which Bottled beer fur fumlly use or keg
Slr.John Kopp la proprietor, uakea beer beer mpplied at an lime, dollwy lo
tor domes' lo and export trad. the city free.
4orth Pacific Brewerg
Golambia Eleetrie & lfepaiF Go
SucceBor tc
Kept la stock
If there '. im: tang in a man. oppor
'ny, he t.ik'n a fr.wh gilp on it.
My son has ben troubled for years
with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime
mti I persuaded him io take som of
Ctmmlierlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea remedy. After using two
bottles of the 25-oent size he was1
cured. I give this testimonial hoping
some one similarly afflicted may read
It and be benefited. THOMAS C. I
BOWER, Olancoe, O. For sale by!
Charles Rogers.
Logging Engines liullt and Mcpnlrcd
Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially
Sole Manufacturers of the I'osurpnsscd
... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ...
Contractors for Electric LigliU nml Townr riunts.
As a cure fr rheumatism Cham
berlain's Pain Balm Is gaining a wide
reputation. D. B. Johnston uf Hlch
mond, Ind., has been troubled with
that ailment since 1862. In speaking
of It he aavs: "I nerver fnuml anv.
thing that would relieve me until I
Izations are under such restraints as
forbid their dealing with the mattT,
let the business men organize and
send a committee to Portland to make
the necc-snary Investigation.
Notice le hereby given that til of
the assets of the AsUrla Football
and Athletic Club have been trans
ferred to tlu undersigned as trust
for the ben?fit of a)l of thi creditors
of said club, and that all claims
against the sulci club should be pre
sented to the undersigned within ?
days from -this date.
January 11, I'M.
I rt ...... UIUIUI . a.,J0 ,Ub
'ninlf flow to rale cheeks and
! I'W restores the fire of youth.
' XT rUy mml Ocperbox, u boxes
for $a.50; w i(lt a written truaran-
tee to cure or refund the money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Stc, CHICAGO, IU
''or Bale by Cbarlsa Kocers. Orusglst.
Astarla. Oregon.
SOUTHAMPTON, Jan. 10. TheCun-
ard liner Umbria, chartered a a
transport by the British government
sailed this afternoon with 2,200 sol.
dlers bound for South Africa,
Stata of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
County, as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is the senior partner of the firm of IT.
J. Cheney & Co., doing busines In the
City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
th sum of $100 for each and every
case of catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence this tth day of Decem
ber, A. D. 1886.
A. W. GLEA80N, Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter
nally, and acta directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Bend for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY k CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat
Charity miv h.-irfn ot h..m l.nt
"Fort Stevens. Oregon. Jan. 6. 1900. ,, " ,. . ...
-Sealed proposals ln duplicate will be ",w vv s. a man ai nis
received Hire until 12 m. Feb. M. 1900. "'''
and then opened for the purcha-te of "
the following at Fort Canby, Wash
ington: Two 8-inch guns and car
riages (cast Iron): 15 10-Inch guns
and carriages (cast Iron); one 4 14
Inch rifle (cast iron) with carriage
and limber (wood); two 300-pund
Paxrott guns and carriages; two car
riages for 15-Inch gun (cast Iron);
four carriages for 8-inch rlne convert
ed (cast Iron); 1000 shot 8-Inch and
10-Inch (cast Iron); 2,500 shell 8-inch
and 10-Inch (curt Iron), and many
other artlclos of Iron, wood and cop
per. lUght lo reject any or all bids
is reserved. Information furnished
upon application.
VV. A. HICTHKL, First Lleut'-nanit,
Third Artillery, Commanding."
Palace Cafe
H. ' WHimr, Prop'r.
Finut Bnlaaranl .fortk i f Kan Franrjsrs
Plurr) Pudding, Roisins,
N6W FrCSll 2nd m'9C Meat, Currants,
H SeaSOnalllC OOOdS pumPk'n Cranberries
P Citron Squash Eto.
1 1 Carry the Ralston Health foods
Wheat Flakes, Crano,
Whole Wheat Crackers,
Breakfast pood, Select
Brar?, Yeast Cocoa, Koffy
A v.
s E. FOUQEKA & CO. , N. V. A gti.
3D. I
J. A. Fastabend,
and Builders
Take Laxative Bremo Quinine Tab
leu. All druggists refund the money
If tt falls to cure. EL W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. Ko.
Attentive Service,
First-CliiM Cuisine,
Private Ilooma for Indies.
i 638 Commercial 8tr-, Astoria. .
J l M. f , I ,l , ,' , y .. , y . , 4, 4, 4,
A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil
waukee ft St. Paul Railway, known all
over the Union as the Great Railway
.running the "Pioneer Limited" trains
every day and night between St. Paul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago.
"The only perfect trains In the world."
Understand; Connections are mads with
sll Transcontinental Lines, assuring to
passegenrs the best service xnown. Lui
urlous ooaches, eieotrlo light, steam hes-t,
of a verity equaled by do other Una.
Be that your ticket reads n "The
'Milwaukee" when going to any point in
tthe United SUtes or Canada. All ticket
tgents sell then
For rates, pamphlets, or other Informa
tion, address,
J. W. CASBY, C. i. EDDY.
Trar. Pass. Agt, General Agent,
Portland, Or. Portland, 0
Tour leoha Ull on ros. Ou kMa H
Mont a whli. Ixfor ir too Uto
o wis m or wmt to tua,ois soo.
tar, II hu bn UMtlnt; unh bum
far ovmt k) vmiil wiS It DortodUr
rllbl. FurnUiiM bis ews bkJMos
mis ions 00 iuos.
Of tho old 81. IMili Mwllcol M
SurilcAl Dlxnnry, 10 ml.lll
trail, forUtad, Or., pooltivolr Sr-
ntMi 10 our.
PPIVATF ni. Thi dttotor rutmnlof to our soy
rnivmi. . of Hvphin, Uanorrhoo. UImi. S tctui
ourxl, no (lirrariio now Imi otoiidLn;. KpornuturrooM.
Low of Mnhoud or Kit hUy JtmUilon. surtd MrmananU
ly. lh hbll A Holf-Abuo rrrtujl our4 lo s t'ort
V0UN0 MEN 7L,!TV. '"7 S
w...v..., sih. ' . WWW. Wll, J"
and hHllhr. You will b
SucrmaiurrhoM, Smlntl 1 pools. Klfnur KmbasVas,
otnr iiroi.
PiUnt trot4 la nr port of tho oountrr or hi homo
7tm. Writ full portlculora, Inalan 10 So lUunj. n4
irh iltnom tdrlco nd cur fan auk ruS ptftif nniif
moots ot bis McoM M curlno
h olll unif you promptly. Hundrod tnotod
woo art oaooi 10 oomo to in oit,
TU s olou bottl si fcodtlmo sad artnot tho totw.
ot otld ond took M It In tho mornlii. If H Is Uudy of
M rkwly orttllns la It, yoa h ma tUmf trhkMm
lioio, Ond thould ttnd u bafor raMu imemt.
Jj JA boodroo. tio OTory jrw jrtiIi'rV
ft ttt arm yya d . i a i d .
Mormon BUhups' Pills In um mr y, ,m t, h. l.l... "
. Stra
VOua T Mitunlnti of Lvnilfj
V UR MinnOAII. Irai
utorrhOtta IntomnlB. r in
Hill, immltfm tha bnta svo4 wrt ccii'm.
m mntfmntmata, wtu 1mm.
Hro4rta mR, nolor1bUsl
rJiL. I.imslIb ia Inimtvl
Iitt, k cur (a fit liittd.
y Im, (--7 U lF mall. ohossksfl A wrinmm uarM(M taM