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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1900)
TUK MORNING 1ST01UAN Tl'KSDAl, JANUARY , .UOO. mr First Great Annual I Clearance sale Has opened w ith a ruli that shows how well the peo ple of Astoria and vicinity appreciate good values. In our store you do not have to look for bargains They meet your eyes at every turn. BAUBER-DIUCICH. A pretty home wedding occurred Sunday evening mt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. DragxMlrti, on Twenty aeoond sirwK. The chief actors were Mr. Dan BarW and Miss Daisy Dlu clch, the Utter a recent arrival from Austria, (farce comedy "A Cheerful Liar." The cervmooy which was conduct- j There is nothing In the wiM like d by Rev. Fathar McOornMC, was laughter. It la coureHia an.1 health. McLean; u-uataw. J. II. D. Gray. J. E. Young, D.' A McLean, This morning at Grjflln & Red" the advance mvle of swats will ovn for the engagement of Mlm Stella! B.onar, who will make her bow, pre senting the great ami most Kiugtwble beautiful and was witnessed by many fritfnda of the young couple. ful. It takce a peon's mind away from he dull cares it The day. "The The bride and groom entered the : man wh. oanrot laugh," iys Car parlors, the orcheetma, playing the welding march, and took their por tion before the clergyman. Mrs. k)"ie, is not only fit for treasons,! strangles and spoil, hut his life is nUvi,ty H treason, uul stratagem.'The Bart Wall accompanied the bride and j beauty of "A Clworfui Liar" is that Mr. Miller of Vancouver was beat roan. The brdi was becomingly gowned fat white silk, trimmed with lace, while the groom wore the con ventional evening dress. After the service the bridal party enjoyed. a gumptious banquet. The house was artife'cally decorated for the happy occasion and the even ing was one of thorough enjoyment. Busey's orchestra was present and It nv.krs you laugh In sp:te of your lf and there Is nithing said or done at any time to off ?rl the most fasti dious. Such plays as "A Cheerful Liar," says Mr. Allan Dal "are god sends." The company is a strong one and the tirce is el.ilxrately staged and costumed. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Ladles who go to Portland and deelra its delightful musk- contributed to the 1 somethTng re, iall, flne in the w.Tof pleasure of the guests. Many handsome presents testified to the esteem in which the bride and groom are held by their numerous ac quaintances In this city and else where. A number of ladies and gen tlemen from Vancouver came down to attend the wedding. Letter addressed as follows re mained uncalled for at the Astoria poatolRee January S: Alex Anderson, tailor-made suits win An sn her that they can be well fitted at I D. Boyer-s 1"7 Fourth street. In the T. M. C. A. bulldlnr. Not on 1 V rfrwa h Vun m . . unri oiniy nrwi- ciass cutter for mna v.... one exclusively for ladles" work, and ou ran resi assured or fretting not only dui tne oest or materials, as Mr. Hover la an expert on woolen SOLFILINE. Solflllne! Solflllne! jruu inea ssoiniine? If you ,,,.,. I. jvu im soinuner u you Mrs. M. ChrissMilun, James Coulter, J tiave nnt go to Peterson & Brjwn t .....c uuy a mat can. Kemem Iw that long rains and possibly snow Will rnllAn t it iviiKw una miia ana ary weather Samuel Ellwell, Albert L. Grove, Mrs, Johanna Hansen, Mrs. Marguvtt Liv va. K. A. . Johns-jn, Mrs. L. A. Mack, Mrs. S. A. Moore, Mrs. Florence Mor timer, Feteraen Bra., Wm. Slocuin G. G. Smith, Mrs. Sofia Tomsm Jennie Vels. Foreign W. Q. Craw ford. John F. Hagberg, Ole L. Langa- land, Johan I.undgrist, Mrs. Manasse, F. Poole, M. R.xis. ana every man woman and child's shoes should be treated with this great water-proof leather preservative Or send 35c In stamps to Henry Mil. lei- in i r.'i . . ' . . i ireei, rorianct. Mrs. "-T'-so'i. inr a trial can and be con. villCru. in..1 1 Edw. ! 'Continued from first page.) . eisntn, a oart of Whfuu.n'.i clump At a regular meetta of Cyrus Olney ! the e"emy n Ver. rhtn im a u,,, .... ,"'. kliung and woumltn? l.-o. evening, the following otllcera were installed: Past president, J. H. D. Gray; past president, Geo. NoUn; presidont, F. J. Taylor; 1st vice presi dent, John V. Welch; 2nd vice-president, John H. Smith; 3rd vice prtsi- A. M. Smith: mars hall. Chas. dent, McEwan; R?c. Sec, Charlee E. Paster; Fhi. Sec, George F. Welch; Treas., Nathan Schlussel; inside sentinel, G. W. Stevens; outside stsntinel, Robt. A. r i Mr When death fit-AX has laid its cold and re-7- lentless hand upon e kind and loving husband, the wife cannot be blamed for ask ing herself if all ber years of de votion and work and helpfulness were worth the comes so soon to this tragic end. If men would only take the most com mon sense precautions against the en croachments of ill-health, there would be fewer houses of mourning, and fewer women left alone almost helpless before the battle of life is half over. A man's liver and stomach are twin machines that work together, either to make or unmake. If tbey work wrong, they deplete and fioison hit blood. Impure and impover shed blood mean sickness and death. If they work right, they purify and enrich the blood. A man whose blood is rich and pure, and whose liver is active cannot well be unhealthy. Headaches, biliousness, in digestion and costiveness, which men Cen trally disregard, are Nature's warnings that the twio mechanism, stomach and liver, is working against, Instead of fbt him Hr Pi.rr' nttlti Mili'.al flicoio- ery is the best micjne t? use under these circumstances, u creates appetite, cor tecls sll disorders of the digestion, invigor ates the liver and fills the arteries with rich, red, healthy blood. As an invigorat ing, restorative tonic, it is far superior to all the malt extracts. It is the great blood maker and flesh-builder. It does not build ickir, flabby fat as cod liver oil does, but the firm, muscular tissues of health. "For the lart nine yea," writes William Miller, Ksq., of 651 Mulberry Street, Reading, Pi , " I have been vrry poor in health. I suf fend with a running ore leg. I tried man kinil of different mediciues, and doctors with out relirf. Then I used three bottles of ' Golden Medical Discovery sad can my that I am en tf'ty cured. I can now do at good a day' work the next man." Unfailahle Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet (or constipation 'and biliousness. tfirkh 'im-v, wiih a Dattall.m ..f th.: Twenty-eighth, struck the enemy en trenched west of Bacoor yesterday morniiig; the enemy l-ft on the -full 6 In dead and 40 wounded. Our loss thus far la Lieutenant Cheney, Fourth cavalry, four enlist ed men kill, ?A enlisted men wound, ed. It is expootod that Schwan's troops will cut off the retreat of the enemy's Oavlte army. ', VVheaton is moving today on Das j Marinas. Boyd, Thirty-seventh in- fantry, captured General Risal. it I i expf-cted that Cavite and Saman ! ;rus province will lie clired up In the north, Lyjnhauser, with ! three companies of the Twenty-fifth attacked robber bands on the Arayat mountains, dispersed them end de stroys thfllr barracks and aubslsu ici.L-e. ne iouna tnere five of our prisoners whom they had picked up on the railroad, throe killed and two seriously wounded. If EiMfv J , i mum mm m w MA . X iV if M f 7 Wv y Mm I Eyes I Are those given th best care throughout all periods of one's life. "I used to have the best eyes," la a common expression. These people very likely have bad eyes now because neglectful of the care necessary to keep them good. Let us help kp yours good. If you bavn't good ones let us assist in making mem gooa. Kignt glass toat s wnat we ocer. Northwest Optical The Labbe Bids., Second and Washington Stw Rooms 20-21-33-33 POKTLAND, OKEOON 1.1. uuxnnanjinuiiiruitnniin' aid- Co., I 5 PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Makes nerve fibre, nerve nnrl muscle. The body is made healthy, able to endure the rack unon nervfis from overwork and care, and with stand exposure to severe weather and 1 prevailing disease. Wyan Nelson, of Kansas Citv. Mo.. A ' wnies: "I was nervous, despondent, irritable, had no nnnld nnt aloArt woll Tiori no-Vif sweats. My physician said 1 was threatened with nervous prostration. On the recommend ation of my partner, I commenced using: rame 8 ueierv i nmnm nn. "nrtav t am oa - If m. wvlV V fc iH MhJ sound as a dollar, eat well, sleen otaII. nnri om not at all nervous. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND IS A GREAT RECONSTRUCTANT. All AstOriana Wfin vlrrif Pnvtlan mnA desire snendlnff fl nlMunnt rnlni in company with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program, should go to the Frederlcka- Durg. ceases vocai ana instrumental IO fVf I nn R th.m arm manv aim tractions to delight the visitors. The new management la making the Freder Icksburg a well-merited success. BltUWfl UKAINT, ITOPS. W. C. A. Pohl, coim conom. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director Caskets and Funeral Supplies constant ly on nana. Corner 11th and Duane Sts, Astoria, Ore W. B. Edwards Every variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Windows, Mouldings and Cedar Shingles. Wnri r Common Slab.Bark, Fir, W JJD Hemlock, Alder.I'oleOok Office Seventh St rcet Dock ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. 1:00 a. in. 1M P. ui. T.W im. ( 10 p.n. JHinTULNa" Arrl hoHliin.l IWttwii lit -IS a mnll pnlnta, I ASTORIA. " I Tor Portland A In-Ill loa-in. terminate points 10:N RKAS1PB DIVISION. I p.m. P in. I, m. S:0rtlll:t,v 5:S,Vll:MIAr 13:11 L.V 1 ! MWIAr ...Aalorla.,, .Vrrriion ...Si'ImUU... Ar t.v "Ar I.vl la. m. 7:W lit I:1J p.m. J 1:10 1:90 Sl'Kt'IAl, 8KAS1PR SUNDAY THAIN Leaves A:orla at 1:30 a. m.: arriv at S'l.l I a. m. rauencrra may rttirn on an train liown on tchvilul on Mm dah, ALU TRAINS to and from Brand run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warrn ton. All tralna max eloa connections at Ooble with all North racMo tratnt to and from lb aat or Sound points. At Portland with all train Waving Cnhm depot. At Aftorla with I. R. A N. Co.'i hoal and rail line 0 and from Ilwaea and North I)ch polnta, THROUO' TICKKT8 on sale at Aa. Ejirn a ntv Mil Mai atrvel When You Mnt FINE TEAS AND COFFEES CALL ON.- Pure 5piccs Extracts Baking Powder Foard Stokes Co. Antorln, Or. . COLUMBIA STEAM LAUNDRY CORNER NINTH AND A ST OR STS-. ASTORIA ft 1)1 " i n if lria for ' .aownto. Ban franciaco. all Astern and XJurupran points. HIV lli-kel offlc Astoria U4 Onmnurw n J. C. MA TO. Qnl Tr't and faaa. Atnt. LKAVB PORTLAND OVERLAND EX I'KKSri. fm- Baliu, Uoebur. Aahland. CW r.M. Bacramon .v iw.i.i. Ban mnclsco, trfo 1 A. H Dally xept Sunday tT A. M M:W P. U Jnva Loa Anatlea, -! i uu, ntv ur lans and tba Eait. Roaburg paawnfer Via Woikttiura, for Hpunt) Anal. Hll wton. Wot 8clo, ftrownvllle, Sprlna flol J and Nation.... rorvallla paasnir Indoptndiiuca paas' AltRIVI 11:00 A. la. . y Call' MonJij 'i.W A JM TiH A M .1 1 i J 4 .1 FI ill Wo itro now jirt'imrtnl to do nit kinds of laundry work on !iort m. lice, tlio jdaiit linvinj; lipt-n rt nutd. ded tlirounliout mid new inncliincry oddt'd. Wt run n.Miro ytni of tho It'fit cIiism of work t'Vtr luriiid out u tlio Cmift. A trial onlcr imUviU tl. J. W. Da LT0N, Prcpilctor '1'IIOM: tisl in Yrara Erlfrc Jt 0, GlUcn 8 Co., Dealers, Manufacturers.and Contractors Of AHbCMtoH Boiler mid Pipe CovcHnjxH 2-ji) Sm.ii.i st, roKTi..Ni, oi;k. Dally. IDalljr ticrpt Bunaay. tonpet-Una- at San Franolro with Otot dntal Oriental. Pacitf Mall and 09 anlo atramahlp llnra fur JAHAN. CHINA. Al'STRAI.IA HAWAII AND THE PHILII'HINES. Rebata tkketa on aala dally btw.r Portland. Saoramnto and San Krancla- ond-claaa, lncliMlln gloatx. Pata and ticket to Eaatarn polnU and Bu!ut nimi wom, inma. Honolulu M 1 11J 4 ui utralla. Can ba obialnnl from J. B kfni, 1M Third at.. H. MARKHAM. KIRK t AND. Tlckat Aawit, IM Th' IV IVUMILIK, LL If. HARM aunaa-er. o. r. a p a Thrauah ticketa Kat for lowaat rat HI i. lTTOrnaro iooai aa Waf.a ranio Comxnajr offlr. Aatotia, WHITE COLLAR UNI Columbta Rlvr and rUKt S"und Ntrl ration Company. lialley flatsert Iiava Aitorla dally, except Punday, at 7 p. m. Ieavea Portland dally exwpt 8un dny at 7 a. m. Whit Collar Una tlcketa and O. It. & N. tlckfta lntonhang.:abl on Rallcy Uatzert and Hanala A. J. Taylor, Aitorla Aft U. R SCOTT, Telephone 11L Prealdent. I DO YOU BATHE? NO. WHY? Mi llreuuxvi at mir hoiiito wo Iimvp nciilicr a Imthtiih, luir hut watn lminly. . , . Tlu-n ki U) tlia ItiiMlnti llutlii al :17 Anlor HU v 2.'j cental la Ilia prltw. l'rlvalu aparlnitnta for liidlfi. Only Iho liotlir ohtna of patronaito I rtilnrnl to. Try one nnJ you will conio ri'uularly. Pacific Navigation Company Stcauu-rs - 'K. I, Illmoi c," "V. II Harrison ' Only line - Astoria to Tillamook, (JarihalJI, Hay City, llobsonvillc. Omtifotinif nt Anuria with tlioOnvon Itailnal A Naviirnllnn Co, nml tileo th Aatorin A I'uliiuiliiit Uivi r It, It. Inr Sati Franflwo, l'orlluiul ml nil imiIiiIj rati, hir freight inn I icwTtfir rutin apply I . HntiiMd Hfitioro Co. (It ihthI Atfi-nla. AHTOlilA, OKK. COHN A ('() At'i'iil, Ori'urn ldillrimil A Nnvipitiou Co., TII.UMlKJb Ore. A. A C. II 11 l'. roltTLAND, Or. , L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAISINO AND MOVINO A SPECIALTY n COME and Pay Us a Visit! If you are in need of anything in the i CLOTHING LINE It will pay you to como to Portland ami oxnmiiio our enormous stock. Besides tho udvnntago of such a largo variety to select from, thus enabling you to obtain exactly wbat you want, wo save you from $2 to $ on n Man's Suit or Overcoat, and $1 to $3 on Hoys' Suits. Men's Suits $6 to $25. Hen's Overcoats $8 to $30. Boys' Suits $2 to $15. Child's Reefers $1.50 to $8. M M Money Cheerfully Refunded If Goods are not Satisfactory MOYER CLOTHING CO The Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Manager. ' ' 3rd and Oak Streota, Portland 9