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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1900)
TIIM MORNING AHJ'OItlAN,. TUESDAY JANUARY 9, 1900. C. H. COOPERS n I'lil 1 ElllEIlllIMillE ji h, Commences on Tuesday Morning ! yEi3Iyls3!300E13EjlEil JANUARY 2. Reecham's Pills OURESIOKHCADAQKS unit m t Uk in tie on a weak mlnmiwh ami iltmirtlrreil llvnr, W Multuwl It onuU, aU drug ttorM, TO AST0RIAN5. The I.AII.Y ASTOHIAJI will found nli In I'orllaixl t Ilia ll-nito Iloncrr unuae ( IT. IUmlljf ' ul Waihlnglun IMrt. Order for lr lliliig loft with tli la Itrm will rel iruHil Altaullun. TODAY ' WEATHER. I'OUTLAND, Jut. .-Wwuirn Ore Kn and Wwttorn WwJtingUni, oiea miuiuJ iuln today. AROUND TOWN. The Tjxpy-r evening. League innoU (hi For ltnt Huiiwkeeplng rooms, i:iKliih tr. lit Crawfish, cooked la wlm, at the Na tional Cafe. J. H. Uiw o( OranU Tt was In the oily ywitorday, Quod flrl wanted fur housework. In quire ( thli offloe, Nell Hunt ut Wiwtnort made a busl. ntwi trip ta Oil city yverttunlay. County Tmuiurer II. C. Thompson The pwrved wilt mile for "A Clmer ful llur," whli h Miif riiiit at Fiahcr'a upcrii Iiouku tmiinrmw uvwilng, opens HUn mi. ruing at Grlltln A Ilced's. Tim Urr.ish Hhlp ISiWnbaltymore (ilivivj at tli" t'URtum Iiouho yester day fur Quirntowa4 Kite cmrrrJ 100, Sit bliuM of wheal valwil m $13,167. Iloslyo coal U tha beet and moat eco nomical coal for household use In As toria. Try Ic once and you will have no other. George W. Banborn, Agent Telephone 131L Yesterday tlw un came out from Mil ml the clou J. and showed lilt un familiar fuce to Astorlan. Prom all over town woa hoard the salutations "Howdy do? Nice day, Un't It?" and the galuti-d In every instance imll-xl a yea. Mr. C. II. Uowwy uf Aalurla and Mlaa AiU Trumbo of Shndybrook, Waaltlngton county, ww manvd ifotiirday evening at the home of the brtdv'a pariiUi Mr. and Mr. Ouaiwy arrlvid yesterday In thlg city which will be tlt-Hr home. HI now t lie Ug advance In Irun, the HI . .9 I - I..!!.-, In hs Bon to Callf.Miil whrr he wjl ' lu"" w ," " " tlx! nrlmoner Je.wie rvui bcc-ina val- Tho Young L;fllin' Umfun will give a huxkut x4al, (TvUTliilnmi'iit tuid dtn'-c in rii'h'tr'a hall Tuigtdny evim Iiik, Jiuiuary i. Adnigln 25". H kol will Ixi Mold for Mc, Tlio can lull n o cjn aNUro a Rood time to ft'l tliDxc who atumd. Th amount of awiowa.bU) proMrrty In CluU'ip county, according to th Ntatcinciit funilchid by Courtly Clerk Whirlly and, Uikon from lio flKur -f the JM9 roll, la I2,SC3,SC3. Tho umouiitg wttMn thu llmiu of llite vur- loug oltlM and town w aa followg CHv of An'.wpIh. I1.572.5SI: town of r'Uititop, li;i7.2:H; city of Warrvnton, IM.IM. town of New Autorta, I2S.6S9; town of 8iu.lile, I1M5D; not In ajiy city or town 73'J,517. TUANBVAAL 1.088 IN LIFK. MurjIUI am dUcuxMlng Uie terrible Urm of life brought about by tho Trana- roiil war. Yat here life la iccrlflwd fur a curiK'e for an hnwt principle. It wore bettor to iroih ag.Unt Uie need h-HM aacrlflco of life. Thousand of pimple guccurnb t ailment which nilght Ninlly have bn cluvkod in tho beginiilng. fyapepMla cuxrha oft more P'XipIc than are kllU-d In war. The uie of IloatolVr'g Htomach IMttwa would gave many Uvea. Conciliation nmy wi ni a little thing, but it Invarl ubly di'Velopg Into gomothlng woi', and llw longer tt la allowiH to run, the bvirdrr It la to cure. The Uittcri cun-g InJIgeatton, ccmatlpAtJon, dyxppela and blUiiugiM'va, naturally and permanently, good fur everybody. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let All drugglgta refund the money If It falli to cure. K. W. Orove'g alg nature la on each box. tfic. recreate for couide of wrrka, ' The utruin gcluxmij- lilhiiaeh ar rived In from Han KVanolgeo Humlay evrnlng and proeeild up t.) ortland. W. S. tTivn of CUukiimag county, popullat an I ex-niembur of (Ike leglg lature, a d.Hng Aitiurla )tordjy. The uti-amor State of CallfonUa, af ter taking on her vgual cargo here left for Krunclaco curly y.wtirday morning. Tomorrow 4a tha Umt day on widen wMr ratea run be paid to avoid the; ponalty of 25 centa cliargo In addition to tho regular rate. Pur whisky Harper Perfect whisky Harper every bottle guaranteed Har per, Bold by Ford Btokea Company, Astoria, Oregon. The Germnn chip Aldobaran was towed up to Tortland Sunday. Bal four, Guthrie, & Co. holdg tlw ohurtor and will hud tier with grain. Thero will be union EvangvUxtlo gor mong In the Uuptleh chur-h at 7:30 thia evening to which everybody Invltwl. Itev. Mr. Peiirt of tho M. E. church will preach, Roglyn coal lasts longer, Is oleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other. George W. Sanborn, Agwt, Telephone 1311. ' Tho reglMrullon bomks for Clatsop county will bo opined In the ofllca of tho county clerk tomorrow. CtiJsons must register before May 16th the books clotting on tho 15th or they will not be a bio to vote, Old Continental Is a standard high grade Kentucky wMky. Absolutely pure, and can bo recommended to those Beeklng a stimulant for modlcal and so cial use. Sold by Aug. Danlclson, Ax toiln, Oregon. Clity Trcdiauiw Carney ftlod Ws re port for tho quarter ending Dooombor 31 In tho auditor's office yesterday. Tho amount of cash on hand at the beginning of the quarter was 119, 800.63 The recalpta durtng tlio Quar ter were $5,540.65 and disbursmmts $13,219.65, leaving ciuih on hand at the end of the quarter, $11,631.38. 1 liable, and luu ben removed. Mr. Carruthent will replace tt with kthwI whlih ho aiya 111 servo as well as the Iron. Mr. Mclntivh will wait until the end of the week befoiM muUIng i)uthir attempt to get the llghtithlp out of the bivukcr. If the wtulher moder. atiM he believes the tugs will-bo able to get their huAvsora ntuiulted and Uiat seems to be the only dlfllculty. The chamber of commerce hWl a regular moling lait night. Tho bual- mi trangaoted was largely of a I routine naturo. Owing ot odloers' ro- portg iHit Ik'Iiit ready tills matiter t) giher with tdt-otlon of officer was poKtponed. The dinpatchea do not give the nuimca of tho 19 prloners rescued the other day, except those of tho navy. Thiee members of tho 8cond Oregon, Lawrence, Mills and McCoy, have been nilanLng since April 28, and were sup posed to be prisoners. They to Company M. Among tho Astorlaivs who SiuitUyed In l'ortlund w W, W. Rldehalg, Mr. and Mrs. Q. AV, SojiUmu. S. R. Clinton, K. Miller, J. W. Garner, Mrs. llusy, Mian UUKuy, 8. M. Gaines, J, Jones, J. Pcott, W. L. Whltmore, John Fox, II. C. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Kuettivt-r, M. Golther, E. Hugan, 1:. II. Nichols tuid C. F. Collis. At a meeting of Astoria aerlo, No. 17, order of Uiigles, hold hai Sunday afternoon, the following olltoera wcuv elicted: IYeHldent, M. F. llardejty; yico-prtaldont, F. D. Wltiton; post pr.ldent, C. J. Curtis; chaplain, Jus. O'Coiniell; ti"Uurer, Isaac Bergman; conductor Jumea Keating; Innlde guard Chai. Wla?; trustees, llernmn Wtoe, C. C. Utzlnger and Joe Grobler. E. It. Gi-eenman, supertnitend,.nt of tho Upper Clackamas hatchery, who has been connected with State Fish Commissioner Rood'g oltloe elnco the MHon closed, left Oregon Olty Sun day night for Uie Neconlcum river where he will look for a suitable site for a Bteelhead salmon hatchery. If conditions are favorable the state tlsh oommlaalon, will at once have a building erected and equipped wilh tho proper apparatus. fisher's Opera House L. E. 6LLIQ, Lessee and Mgr. T0 XKiHTS 0I 1T WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JANUARY 1011 WKDNKSDAY the Muoical Farce Comedy Success "A CHEERFUL LIAR" THURSDAY tlie Musical Farce Corumly "THE SOUTHERN ROSE" Interpreted ly a capable company of comedians of reoottnized merits. Latest songs and dances and numerous special ties. Opera burlesiue farce oomedy in terwoven Into a'refiucd evening's enter tainment. PRICES Reserved scats, 75c; KBllory, 60o. Seat sale opeus ruexday inoruiug at Orifllu & KeeJs. FCdl b It is a wonderful soap that takes hold quick and docs no harm. No harm 1 It leaves the skin soft like a baby's; no alkali in it, nothing but soap. The harm is done by alkali. Still more harm is done by not washing. So, bad soap is better than none. What is bad soap? Im perfectly made; the fat and alkali not well bal anced or not combined. What is good soap? Pears'. All toru of ttore el! It, peciIly druggftU; gtl xrrii ul people UK 11. Ho Cheap Goods But Good Goods Cheap A Llftit Store to Set In A Heavy Stock to Bay From READ If yur enemy It t" bi,r to whip, you rh'iuld forgive lit ni. i 8tat of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney make oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. 3. Cheney A Co., doing buslnea In the City of Toledo, County and State aforenald, and that said firm will pay the um of $100 for each and every coiio of catarrh that cannot be cured: by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FKANK J. CHENEY. I Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this tth day of Decern-! bcr, A. T). 1886. I A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public friEAL.) j Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter nally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 75a Hall's Family Pills are the best. A Cut That Hurts Competitors 8.00 Men's Overcoatior Suits $6.25 $10.00 Mtii's Overcoats or Suite $7.50 $12.50 Men's Overcoats or Suits $9.50 $15.00 Men's Overcoats or Suite $11.75 $17.50 Men's Ovcrcoate or Suite $14 00 $20.00 Men's Ovcrcoate or Suite $15.50 A Cut That Pleases the People $2.50 1'ante . . . $1.90 $3.00 Pants . . . $2.35 $3.50 Pants . . . $2.75 $4.00 Pants . . , $3.00 $1.50 Pants . . . $3.50 5.00 Pants . $4.00 $5.50 Pants . . $4.40 $5.00 Pants . .' . $4.80 $7.00 Pants . . . $5.60 HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light and well baked. Well thera Is a knack In mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. His mother used a Htor Eatate Ranee DEEP CUT on Underwear DEEP CUT on Ovcrshirts DEEP CUT on Umbrellas DEEP CUT on EVERYTHING BOYS' CLOTHING Slaughtered HATS cut way down FANCY SHIRTS, great reduction EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED 7 limine Mwy iji m mi' HI- J 'cq V , . . "s c-r-fj ; C5.ta J Rubber Mackintoshes Must Go at NET COST ! IF YOU DONT BUY FROM WISE YOU LOSE MONEY HERMAN WISE He Does the Business i1 THE W. J. SCULLY, Agent. ill Bond street Palace Cafe K. W WDlrPLE, Trop'r. Flint Irstannnt Wti of Siti fnw'm OPEN DAY. AND NIGHT Udits' Tailor. tents' Tailor. Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood troubles, aad g often the result of an Inherited tltnt in the blood. S. S. S. Is the only remedy which goes deep nough to reach Scrofula; it forces out very trnee of tha disease, and cures tha worst cases. My son, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy Kith Scrofula, and he iuffrl to that II was Impowlbl to divas htm (or three yriri. Mis hud and body were a mans of tores, and his yealght alto bream ancld. Mo tr;mont was apared lloU thouulit Koulil rullove blm. but he grew worseM Y until hit eonilUlon wai.tei. movea rumtiia, i tinna; Tr being cureil, when y th advle ot a frlond we rave lilm 8. 8. 8. (Swltt'a BlMfllllnl. A Am. third Improvement vaa tlio rwult.aiid atti be had taken a ilnreii bottles, no one who knew t hlH former dreadful condition would hav reeogHliod him, All th lore on bis body have healed, hi Un ! perfeotlv clear and imootn, and he ha been rentorod to perfvol health. M. 8. 8. MasSt. SMKImBt., Macou.Q. For 'real blood troubles it is a waste of time to einict a cure from the doc tors. Blood uinonses are beyond their kill. Swift's ttyeoiflo, S.S.S.rfneBlood reaches all deep-seated cases which bther reined ies have no effect upon. It Is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no pot sh, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by swift Speoiflo Oo., Atlanta, Oa. I. D. Boyer. I Merchant Tailor Ip-to-Date 1" t'oortk St., rotTLlVD, OKE. Y. M. C. A, Build'g. Attentive Service, Firet-Cluss Cuisine, Private Booms for Ladies. 53S Commercial Street, Astoria. W,IMIIWIMIWWIIWIIWI.,V H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 23. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Gooda Shipped to Our Care Will Kecelve Spida) Attention. "i eei i No. MS Duane St., Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr Re. TeL 113. THE PROOF of the pudding and the proof of IS IN SAMPLING of the pudding U In the eating and the proof of liquors That's an argument that's con elusive a demonetratton. Ours will stand the test. HUGHES & CO. Scowjjay t 18th St. ami Franklin At. T Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props 4 SEMI-STEEl, MANGANESE and e rtlOSrtlOlt BKOXZC a Specialty J IRON and BRASS CASTINGS 'I'hone 51, Astoria, Or. Through Tickets EAST AND SOUTHEAST e Simple Arithmetic h r Supplies us with many of our best patrons Fcr Instance . . .$1.00 per bottle fj Dr. Kilmer's Swamproot is marked and K sold by most druggists for r While our Cut-Priiie i ft Leaving a little remainder in your ' I rociieioi 35 I This isn't tha only example; we sell all patent medicines and"drug8at cor ) responding prices: Pinkham's Compound, 60c; Hood's Sarsaparilla, 73c; Paine's Celery Compound, 75c; Scott's Emulsion, 73c; Pierce's Prescription, 69c; Pierce'6 Golden Medical Discovery, 69c. All these preparations are marked and sold by most stores for $1.00. $ Woodard, Clarke 6k Co., Cut-Rate Druggists, Fourth and Washington Sts., Portland. Let U9 send you our Cut-Eate Catalogue. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS, TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern cities. Bagrage checked tnroug-n to aestlnatloa. union uenots, raat time, lowest rates, Plntach IlKht In all cars. For rates and other Information call oa or addresa O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Ajent, O. R, & N. Co. Astoria. Oreeon. or J. II. LOTHROP, Gen. Agent, in rnira bu oor. Alder. Portland. Or. eg TIC'lE:TS BAIIPOINTS EAST Through palace and tourist sleepers, lining and library observation cars. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4, "Flyer leaves Portland at 2:10 p. m. No. S, "Flyer," arrives Portland at 8:30 a, m. For rates, etc , call or address Q. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. & N., Astoria, or A. B. C. DENNISTON. C. P. & T. A., Portland, Ore. . Big Smith Premier Typewriter Sale The Washington Agricultural College of Pullman, Wash., has just purchased four new-model Smith Prem ier Typewriters of L. & M. Alexander & Co., 215 Stark St., Portland. Other so called standard typewriters were in competition, but owing to the superiority of the Smith Premier the college decided in its favor. mm sjtassVv - WEDDING CARDS EiEiHLs W, G. SMITH & CO.. SSSE ENGRAVERS, BUSINESS CBRDS 22 arid 23 Washington Building r, ,.,,.,. 4th and Wnshineton Sts. over Litt's. COPPER PLATE PRINTERS Portland, oklgon. V ISITI NG CARDS til INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. ORDERS SOLICITED. l j Miss Bertha Hartin's fj Decorative r VT tM a j Initials s Specialty. Ij All Choice Selection of Stampisg jj nAftm . DesisBS- j iCv Villi Stamping Neatly Done, j t'i Koiiiu 820 Dakuiu Blilldlng, 3.1 and Wakhiugton KU., TuitlaiiU, Or. Ci 1