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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1900)
a I'HK MORNING ASTOKIAIN. TtlLSDA., JANTAKY , ItOO gaily otoviam JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main (61. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year .....JS.00 Bent by mall, per mo.uh .M 6erveil by carrier, per month SO SEMl-WEEICLT. Ettit by mail, per year. In advance $1.00 Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the edi tor. Huslness communications of all J kinds and remittances must be address- i 3 to "The Astorlan." The Astortan guarantee! to Ua ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising raies can be had on ap plication to the business manager. Sparkling Glaoa Ware Cut glass, or any kind of glass ware, window pauels and mirrors will sparkle if you use Gold Dust. It docs the work your muscle has to do when you use soap. fend for fn booklet "OoMaa, Rajaa for Housawoi a." THEN.K. FA1RBANK COMPANY Okap S(.LmU NaaYark ttt PEACE HATH HER VICTORIES NO LESS THAN WAR, The president and hte secretary of state deserve the congratulations and tharks of the country for thfir suc cess In keeping the door of . China open to the commerce of the world without Indulging in any threats or becoming involved in the partitioning of China. This Is a victory of p.-ace that means very much for our com merce, and when It cornea to be un derstood will be regarded as one of the beet works of the present admin istration. The successful issue of diplomacy correspondence is a sufficient answer to those who have been feaaful that because our administration did i.u bluster and hallow our commerce, would be seriously Injured by the fa cility and rapidity with which Euro pean nations have been carving Chi na. Some think it might have been better for us- to have J.rinud in the division of China, but with the Philippines on our hands we will have ttnough to do to civilize the Filipinos and prepare the people for the enjoy- j merit of our beneficient government. ' "V9 might have sent warships to I Chira. n ftVU in w'.uch the fulled Sliiti-s ha. bivome Increasingly active i the protlt cf our cxpmters atid ii nnufaoturer. A NEW TEAR S GUIDE. There Is one book everyone should make an effort to get. for the new year It contains simple and valuable hints concerning health, many amusing an ecdotes, and much general information. We refer to Hostettex's Almanac, pub lished by The Hostetter Co.. Pitts burgh. Pa. It will prove valuable to any housenou. sixty pn'j , kept at work on this valuable book.' Th Issue for 1W0 will be over e.ght mlUiins, printed in the English. Oer-j man, French. Welsh. Norwegian. Swe-i dlh. Holland. Bohemian and Spanish languages. It contains proof of the ef-. ficacy of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the great remedy prepared by the pub-. Ushers, and is worthy of careful pres ervation. The almanac nuy be ob-( talned free of cost, at any uruSKi or general dealer in we coumrjr. COVORNMENT PROFOSALS WANTED. ' Fort Stevens, Oregon. Jan. 6. 1900. Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received here until 12 tn. February 10, 1JO0, and then opened, for the pur chase of three S-lnch guns and car riages (east Iron); 25 10-Inch guns and earring (cast Iron); five 200-pound Parrott guns and carriages (cast Iron); l.!M iJld shot 8-inch and 10 inch (cast iron); 4.S00 shells, 8-inch and 10-lnci (cast iron); 125 hand spikes (wrought Iron); two 15-tort hydraulic jacks; and many othfr ar ticles of iron, wood and copper. Right to reject any and all bida is reserved. Informantion furnished upon applica tion. W. A. BETHEL, First Lleut-jrant, Third Artillfry, Commanding. GOVERNMENT PROFOSALS WANTED. 'Tort Stevens. Oregon, 6. 19v0. C..lil nnin,U!,L in ,1 linl iiVlTO Will be China, and. Joining with Great Brit- j V(V, w untii ,2 m. Feb. 10. 1JO0, ain, have declared that we would not. and then opened for the purpose of I the following tat Fort Canby. ash pennit Europe to despoil that coun-j lnj?ton. xwo 8-inch guns and car- iw hut that trmiM wiling Kot-a i.. ; rtages (cast tron; 10 lu-incn gui.u f Shiioh7J tougn anu IftnsimiDlion - ' cure TM bevond qiirntlon the tmvt sucvrsitful l'ou;h Mevli cme rvrr known to aciem-e: a trwr vloe Invariiiblv cure the wirt casr of C'liih, lioup ami Hjonchit', while it won drtful am-cra in the cure o( CotiMimtmon U without a par allel tn ihv Utstoi vol mtMicinc. tim- u tii-t i!co-ery it has been U on guarantee, a ttst which no other mrilicine cn Ktand. If ynu have Cough, we earnestly ak yon totrvit. In I'nitrd .iitranj Canii'la e ,&"e. and )!., anJ In KnRland Is. W., S. id. and 4a. M. SOLE PROPRIETORS S.CWells&Co. LEROY, N.Y. (,U k r PS HAMILTON, CAN. , If a wctnan has an hour-glass waist, her sands of life soon run short volved us in embarrassing difficul ties wfrh the other natimnj of Europe aiid nave caused us mem anxiety and trouble thaa was worth whili. In stead of doing any of these things, i inch rifle (cast iron) with carriage i and limber (wood; two 300-pund Parrott ruiu and carriages: two car. riajres for 15-lnch gun (caat iron); four oarriaees for -inch rifle convert ed (cast iron); 1000 shot 8-Inch and in-lnrh lrajt lron: 2.5D0 shell S-inch LhJ l.'i tnnU nist ln) and mOTIV tne aummisira-uon, mrougn tne, em- , othe(. aMjcl?s of lroni wood cp. ciant secretary of sta'.e, has quietly per. Right to reject 'any or all bids ....... . ' is reserved. Information furnished negotiated wjtn in great powers oi upocl apnllcntion W. A. BETHEL. Firrt Lieut-nari, Third Artillery, Commanding. Europe, and with that rising AsiaUe power, Japan, and secured the cons .Tit of Great Britain, Russia, Germany, France and Japan to the continuation of th open door policy in China, All the details of the agreements by which the doors of China are to be open to the commerce of the world have not been perfected, but the spirit of the answers from the great powers is such as to make it c.rtaJn no difficulty will be found In coming to a most satisfactory arrangement thus the United States in the most THE CIRCUIT COURT. In the enrcuit court yesterday the following orders w ere handtd down Susan M. Wirt vs. M. R. A lair, de fault and decree of foreclosure. State of Oregon vs". Joseph Turner, mandate of supreme court ordered en tered. C. G. Palniberg vs. Thomas Wilk inson et. al., settled and dlsmiseed. H. B. Parker vs. Cbas. H. Page eu naa'tifiil fUAhinn niwdHlo hnt JlPlirrtl w Ki. on ,,Bm.n, that ! demurrer ovverruled and defend promises to be of the greatest beceflt to the commerce of the world. It will place all nations on an equality in competinj for the commerce of Weak Luna When your throat and lungs are perfectly healthy you needn't worry about the germs of consumption. They don't attack healthy people. It's the weak, debilitated, in flamed membranes that are first affected. Hard coughs and colds weaken your throat and lungs and make con sumption more easy. If your lungs are weak scon's Emulsion b the best remedy you can take. It soothes and heals and gives tone and strength to these delicate mem branes. In this way you can prevent consumption. And you can cure it also if you haven't had it too long. Keep taking it until your lungs are ' strong and your weight restored. At ill drarritu; joc. and fi oo. SCOTT & HoWtt, Chemiiu, New York. ants allytv.d until February 1 to an swer. Security Savings K Trusrt Co. vs. As torta Strvet Railway Co., demurrer overruled and defendants allowed un til February 1 to answer. Peninsular Land & Trust Company vs. Elizabeth E. Miller et. al., decree of fi reclosur. William Oliver vs. R. R. Marion et. al., order confirming Je. Olatsop Mill Company vs. Brt Hill, same ordr. William Bell vs. Robert ii. Cell, same order. Asturia Iron Works vs. L-an Eros., j ordered that the original exhibhs be at Niched to the transcript to the su preme court John Fc-rry vs. Catherine Ferry, de cree of divorce. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hor-by glvon that the part nershlp heretofore existing between C. W. Rich and Alice May, under the firm name of Rich & May, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Alice May retiring. All the Indebted ness of the Launch Ethel has been as sumed by C. W. Rich and All the bills due the launch Ethel must be paid to the Commercial Collectljn Agflncy, Dalglty & Reed, proprietors. C. W. RICH ALICE MAY. Dated December 28, 1S99. ( ) ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN I lie Most tor Cash, I ant advertlKlrg for DeWltt'a Little Karly purify the blood, cl"iui the liver, Invigorate tho svstein. Fitinoua little ptlla for con. silimtlmi and liver troubles. Chns U'g-crs. 1'Vnt moii doii't ptiy uny attention to the ivNuKitloi ;'.int days. J, n. Clark. Peorltt, III., says: "fur. the Cash JTvons wanitM lo ntinrate on m for plli, Kixvty trade, for whioh I off or tho t but I cursM them with DeWltt's Wltoh rilllosi wolR.US and low.wt pilcex. I 1 Intel Salve." It In Infulllbl for plb'S llvcrythiiig clean uud freh. and skin dlsca.i.n. tlvitr of counter lYo'.npt Uttoivtion. 1 foltS Cllft-1 KoBcrs. cii.via.i:s 1.AKSON. j UiKvri. mid Crvn-kery. i ,f H nimal,w ia.( iaM,, U, H i(t to tviip 1-,'u-tlily ,nli'Un. I 1kics Satisfaction In buying HllvtM'umv the stock !s conip'.eto and you have tin assurance as to ijunlity. I liitvv n lai iro n M tmeii; of sterling silver mui r....owiiiv in i.u.i Hxw umyviil trade. le suro t t-v It l f'te yiu buy. Ct. W. SMITH, 516 strert. Who Do.'s Your Laundry, "One Minute Cough Cure the bvat retiiedy I ever u'd fr coughs and oolda It In iiiH"U!ill', fir wluMtplng coiiith. Chlldivn nil like It." wrltrs II. N. Wld- I ml. Never fill. It In ttu only Iiiii'iiiUks n'mc-dy tllut KiYi'a ttnniivlliito n'liittH. Cures cotigha, cold.-, lniit, ti'., ctMiip, pmU:nnla, , liivm l'ltlH and nil thrill mid lung triMililiK lit early tine prevents con ' (jiiinptl n. t'luis llogers. .1 We claim, and we wlu prove to i i h.ivliv m.iv I every one, that w have the btst and moht up-to-date laundry on the ' 1 Coast. A trial order will convince J the mot particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try the CITY STRAM LAUNDRY, ii3 Franklin Avenue. R. SCHIMPFERMAN. Prop. sin it nvk a IK'IIK', lilt :imil ut ld For a lloliJay (iift There Is nothing nicer Uian a pi"" of sllverw;ire ivr cut gla. 1 have a compleiU; avortment of the latest productions at renaonuble prtiva. H. EK8TROM. The Jeweler. M0 Commercial Street Better I 'liun I'.ver Sir. J. Sheer, SediilU, Mm, miVl hi child's life by one Minute Cough Cure, Doctors hud given her up to die with croup. It's an InfalllbU) cure for coughs, okl.. K'il'le. pneuiiiiviiia, bron chitis .and throat nod lung troubtea. Rellews at once. Chas Roger. Seasonable Goods at r Hit Cotton Rope Cotton Twine Net Floats Boat Sail Drill (diifercm (luaiuios) Dunbarton Salmon Twine W. F. SCHEIBE, saw mill A lull lint ul fft, Tlco. nil mnkri' AilltiM. 4 7 Cuitittir fk Inl h. "La Belle Astoria" Cigar Scrielbe'a Opera Star Schclte'i Special Ami (Uir Itrnntla : ...The Esinontl Hotel... POftrLANO, ORK., FRONT AND MOKRISON STS. t KiiMi''i:ii,.Vv. i l,vi.i.rdiv. O.SCAU ANDERSON, Mmur I Aiiirrlomi plmi, I,iH lo iJ.iKt .et dnjr. j, c, n- JdiKtiAI", I'hlut Clr es: The HIkIi ChuiX'hni.iii u o e.itull s, and the lUUt dls. Mla Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., sa: "I suffered a UMig time from dya pepxia; lost flewh and Ixramo very vk KixhJ Dvnik'tuili Cur roniolote- The Pond Street Fish Market Is )y cured me." It what you eat oeiter man ever prepares to suppiy ftn,i curM a rorms of tomach trouble, fresh and salt nh of all kinds. u never falls to give Immediate relief In Goods delivered to any part of the : the worst can-. Chts Rogers. city and satisfaction guaranteed BOND STREET FISH MARKET, 417 Bond PtreeC Millinery Novelties 1 desire to further call the atten tion of the ladles to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises the latest creations of the millinery art. and I am offering re duced rates for the next M days. MISS McRAX. Dr. T. N. Bull DENTIST. 173 Commercial Street, ASTORIA, ORE. Over ScbJussel't Clothing Store. THE LOI YKE. If a man Isn't Motntr, u should never attempt (o walk u tight rope. Mrs. R. Churrhlll. Berlin. Vt., say: "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWltt'a Wltoh lintel Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases, Lieware of worthless counterfeit. Chits Rogers. If you muMt txrt, al.v.iy brt on the tip dog and the button) facts. It tak but & minute to overcome tickling In the throat and to stop a cough by the us? of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forma of throat and lung troubles. Harmlnts and pleasant to take. It pre. vents consumption. A famous speclflo Hor PORTLAND PORTLAND. OR. Tito Only rirNt-CltiMM Hotel In Portlnml ruruvrinrLrvm'iAAAAnvnriAAuvvr KOPP'S BEST A Delicious unci Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Faelflo Brewery, of which Bottled bwr (or futnlly use or ke Mr.Jobn Kopp is proprietor, makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery io (or domes' io anJ export trails. the city tree. 4orth Pacific Brewery Golambia EleetPie & Repair Go Strangers visiting in the city will fin.l a,,J fter frcU- iuc j-aju au nvti o-ii v i rnui n urivi ii NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH But a true beautifier, beinirthe only prep aration sold under a positive guarantee of f 1,000 that it contains not a grain or fractiou thereof of poisonous or deleteri ous substances. Indorsed by the most celebrated artistes of the lyric and dra matic stage; recommended by eminent physicians, and pronounced harmless by leading chemists WISDOM S FAMOUS ROBERTINE. It is the onlv preparation nowiued by fashionable ladies to perpetuate a beautiful complexion 1 Ak your druKK't for Jo not e induced to take auyiniug eiK. mcr no cenui per docuc Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. If a cat scratches you, it's a sign of the Maltese cross. NERVITA PtlLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vlror got MaahsoJ. Cure Impotency.Nicht Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self abuse, or excess and India . . . , -i i J creuon. a nerve- ionic anu r, unnnt uunuci . uuugi vug pint glow to paie cneegg ana VodfAraa Vsk A fa f4 Villtll. !By mall COc per box, 6 boxes for $ J0; with a written guaran tee to core or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson St. CHICAGO. 1U for Sale by Charles nosers. Druggist Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and air Eastern Points. Gives choice of two farorlte routes, yls the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande 8cenlc Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME Days to Salt Lake 2 J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered touft 1st sleeping cars, and Pullman palace sleepers, operated on an trains. For further Information, apply to Or Astoria, Oregon. C. O. TERRT, W. E. COMAN, Tray. Pass Agt. Oen. Agent 124 Third Bt. Portland. Or. O. W. LOUN83ERRT, Agent, OR. N.. to spend the evening. The Amms Sisters Ladies' Orchestra is still nn the bills and presents itinbtiy a mimical program of exceptional merit, llaudsoine pool and billiard rooms are a feature in eoutirx-tion with tho house. 1'nlatablo lunches will be served at all nours Ii T OXURIOUS 1 RAVEL THE "North.Wcstern Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both In side and out and atetm heated, are, without exception, the flnett trains In the world. They embody the latest newest and beat ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most com. plete and splendid production of the ear builders' art These 8plendld Trains Connect with The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT BT. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these superior ac commodatlons and all classes of rickets are available for passage on the famous -North-western Limited." All (rains oa this line are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD. W. C. BAVAOE. Oen'l Agent T A. Portland Ore. If i'M '.l tu i' :.i such a gtvat teacher, tli -r, yliniiM Iw io rrfen old ug''. "I was nearly d.-ad with dyisiala. trb-d dwtors. vlslttnl mineral springs, and grew wre. I ust-d Kodul Oys popsla Cuw. That cured me." It di gests what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and all forma of dyspepsia. Chas Rogers. if It Is true thut Duiry runs in the Llo-xl, la iiiunt Ihj In the K-Uval vein. My son lias be-n troubled for years with chnsilc dlarrhot. Sometime ago I persuaded him io take some of Chamlwlaln's Cullo, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. After nng two bottles of the 2i-oent size he was cured. I give lain testimonial hoping some one similarly aflllotrd niay rd It and be benefited. THOMAS C. HOWER, Olwcoe, O. For sale by Charles Rogrs. SticceHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Lowers' Supplies Kept lo stock Blacksmiths BoIlerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging Englnoi Unlit nml Wopnlrecl Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sute Manufacturers of the rnsurpnscl ... " Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric LigliU nntl I'owor 1'lunU. if you want to natter a man. Just tell him that it Is Impossible to flatter him. As a cure for rheumatism Cham berlain's Pain II aim Is gaining a wide reputttlon. D. B. Johnston of Rich mond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 1862. In sDeaklnir of It he says: "I never found any thing that would relieve me until I used Chambsrlaln's Fain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and DaJnlnr me verv muoh but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. rot sale by Charles Rogers. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Guilder. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Wbea peopts are contempt atioc a tri( wnetoer on Dimness or piysfe, tfi) atun. want Qm kest servtes ob. tajbaMe so "far as speed, comfort aad safety is oonoeaned. Bfnplojrss of tht WISCONSIN OEtVTRAL UNEC , are uald to serve the pubHo siid sur trains are operated hu 'u make, Close con nections with diverging lines at all juncvtlon points. Pull Palace Bleeping and 0fcalr Can on fb rough tralrs. , Dining Car serves uoeicelled. Mealt served a la carts. In order to obtain this flst class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over TheWIsconsIo Central Lines. and yon will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points east. For any further information call on asr ticket agent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND, Oen. Pass. Agent, or JAB A CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent SM ft Lark Bt.. TWfTirtf Oe BLANCARD'i II or IODIDE OF IRON ' for ANM I A .POORNESS of the BLOOD, CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS SCROFULA, Etc. Nonegenuloe unlrnn irigntd "Blarcacd" all unui.i.ran. , E. FOUOLlcA CO., N. V. Agts. lor U. 8. , A SUGGESTION TO THE LADIES. If you are In doubt as to what to give HIM for Christmas or New Tears, you will mafke no Offtake by selecting something from the large stock of Theodore Rraoker, the pioneer tobacco merchant. Mr. Bracker's stock com prises all the leading brands In for eign and domestic cigars, elegant meerschaum and briar plpta, clirar holders, in fact everything to d flight the heart of the most fastidious smoker. Plurt) Pudding, Raisins, U N6W FrCSh dlld Mirpce Meat, Currants, W r LI. r i. , Vm easonan e noons wmPKiri wor?Dernes Citron Squash Etc. I Carry the Ralston Health Foods Wheat Flakes, Crano, Whole Wheat Crackers, Break?ast pood, Select Bran, Yeast Cocoa, Ko?fy A. V. ALLEN CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop County warrants en dorsed prior to 8eptembrr 1, 1H97, to prcaont the same to the County Trt-as-urer at his olllce, 184 Tenth street, for payment Interoflt ceanes aft'-r this date. Dated, Astoria, Or.gon, this twelfth diy of December, 1899. H. C. THOMPSON, County TrrajiUrtT. If the pockets ara big enough a 'b'y's first pair of trou?rs ahrayu fit. A SURE CUItE FOR CROUP. Use Twenty-five Tears' Without a Constant Failure. The first Indication of croup la hoantness, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken us a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarsncss is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is given as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will pre vent the attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anx ious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance In which It has not proved effectual. No other prepa ration can show such a record twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Charles Rogers. iMM DR. KES ffJSi -YJi-fK nt ,h 0,i I" 'l,Vx.,.li I'ottland. Or., 'WMk'Vlf' anlii lo cura. LOOK HERE, YOUNG MAN! Tour look! tall on Ton. Oaa kaa II Mint a whin. Iiafur H'a too tat to and aw or wrllo to IhJa, 14 too tor. Ma haa bMn trtallnf audi eaaaa for ovar !w vaara. and la narraoila rtllabla. rurnlanaa bla owa a4 taa ana una no lalaa. DR. KESSLER tooli MHIral in4 rami, III poalilval; guar- PRIVATE !" Thla doctor fuaraniaM to enra any f - of Hyphliu, (Jnwriir., uixt. S-rcluKw eurM, no i1lfrrn. how lnn nanilins. Muarmaiorriuaa, lx. cf Manhood or Nlstitly Emliulotia. eurad parmnanL. Ir Iht habit of Balf-AbuM antcluallr eurad In a ii-ort tlma. YOUNG MEN Tour. rTon ,na tm- vouth can be T . " rnia.Ild, and this old dootor will rtva eu wt i )lorna adloa and euro you-maka you parraoll nr i n and hatltnr. You will ba amain) at hla aunwaa m curlni rtuarmatorrhoaa, Bamlnal lmin. Nightly Enilaalona and othar trtfota Patlants truatad In any part of tha oountrr by hla kani ayatam. Vrlft full partlmilan, Innloaa 10 tta ilaJuja. iod ha will anawar you promptly. Hundroda Uaatad ai kaima who are unable to oom to uia olty, READ THIS Tabs a slaar bottla at badtlma and artnau Is tke bnirla M aalda and lor at It In tha morning. If it to dila Kaa a cloudy adding la It, you hart aomo sldaav u VuMm fbaaaoa, and aliould ba atlandad to baton rwugot s Xmt. mo 2 MAMHOODRESTORED "CUPIDENS ThlnaraatVtJatahla VIUIIr,lliaiirnKln- ni a voua or dla-ua of ilw H lU'tiuvi , iZl .Zh, ..m, u ' "T Inwminla l', ! 11,7,'l u . . V r "' ,"tn M Manhood, BtrORl snb AFTER ld,.MdK.,nIrhK,M'r rVnK"K'l"""S Tha rraaon aufrarara are not our by i-inra In bfratiM, nlnaty pay rant are trrnihM with Prsatalllla. CUI'MiKNKIathaoniyjknown wniHU1ciir.wlihoulanTp..ratlo ala A wriuansuarantni given and money rturnad If ,,, not aUoul a cmauntTuna pilaboi,alifur,5.(,bymalL Sandforrninclrtnilaraiid 1101001 W ,W4aasAY0talKDICIIIlCO.P.O.BoiJ,saaFrai.olaco,t'al firH.Uhi .. . ... 8dd by CHARLES ROQER8.