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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1900)
t ,1 "' r-' v V,-U:..OI ;.. ' VOL. L. ASTORIA. OKEOON, 'lltJSDAY. JANUARY ,U1900 NO. 1A1 Now is the Time .... WJJy TTHK weather will be getting colder jJlfiW; 1 soon- l I f Hettcr buy your lllllll STOVES 1 THE ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. ENGLAND HAS TAKEN HEART General Wlte Has Succeeded In Keeping the Boers at Bay. BULLER OVER THE TUG FLA Kumor in London That He Is Drhinij the Enemy Before Him and Is Marching on Lmlysinitb. n-i'l It U t bo Imped not Vxi Isle. Th humar uri'l the battery of fliHd artil lery for which h bis been waiting whl!e Lndyamllh wn In deadly peril lire now at Uio frurit an1 he bad now i'i t-ry available mm, gun and horae uikI mule. General Joubi-rt's t.rny U Kinking a le-latcd nnd deap rate at I -tiijit t carry Lndyamlth by rw ii i t bumbai'Jiiii'iit and a d liberate ami prrxlwti-it attack In front (ic'-ord-Ing lo tlu lain; from I,ady- tulth. Whit thn eni'rg-ncy require l u cautious and rapid yit Uir righted plan of oiTitWri like that a'l"ptt-'l I ) Wellington in tin- Pwihiaula. ' Th-re mty bo annhw roverae if the tu-tlc of the previous batr.le ar re peated. Hut a decisive victory muy bo i.-xp'il.M with tonfld'-nce If Gon- BOOK Big Reduction Until February 1, 1900 All 23c Hooks now 20C All :5c Honks now 25C All 50e liiHiks now 40C All ?.H- liimks now 50C ill tl 1MI M....L.I ...... CAl (. nil 'pi." iiifoni i.ov. uvv j LONDON, Jiii, 8. -A rumor la cur.'-1 ,,"ll,r '"' " ! aunipt i d-. a 1 w 'i li't work In a single day, and lata tin n b-ni f and skill for niiinuvi r li'S f'r atldd turning tlii vwmy't iu- t ft-tlo;- uiid rul'.InK off Ilia roni In tlw city tlau flrti' r-'il Hull-r i Iiiin i h.w-mI tti Tu. la river, cailur d li kuii, ai.d In iioiv min'li'.iiK on I.u.l H:iiith. , in rthuurl and l. . No Iirlllnli t''!iTul nine-.' Vu.'--rlo Iiiin rvif had 1-iiNJiuN, Jnn. -Tli- war office " bnllfiiit an o.KirtunJiy r no ire Imji ju-t pulillch tl folU.wiiiK bul- In!,' tw for 0-11 v-rum a iktI.h of ENGLAND AND AMERICA ABUSED Ratid French Organ at Qnetec Openly Advocates Disloyalty. APPEALS TO CATHOLICS Demands Emancipation for French Canadians and Attacks School System of This Country. Xi:W YOltK, Jan. . A epe.1;tl to th Tl;n from WaJhln(fton iy: "Lift up your eyt. Frunch C.r.a ilUt'ii, for thv d;iy of your redemption Ix at liai.d." Tliu.i La H'Mn.ilne Hell-Ri'M-. th.- ors-in of thi- Konun Caih- li . Having faith In Ird HaUxbury to act Juwtly nwftlur th pnniW"nt rmr Wretary H,iy IntetuU o act Lit an unfrimdly manner toward the Londim government. There U no duit that the Onnaii gov. rrmi' r ha urvilfl cUlly 'Hfcuwrd the action of OtvaA lirilaln in j;silr.K AniKrlcan wfp and dvfaininjc U ,rm'in vBei, but, an ruu- lH- n M kti.'d, rut ofiicial reu't fut Joint aotlun hui len rec.-lved nr doe the administration exruct one. "Thrj U ablutfly r r-tun why the L'n,t.-d StaiicH MhouM JMn with any foreign power In nnking- repre enbitiona to Grai BriUIn a a reauh ff th gelzuren already mad-," iiald an official thin aftur l'jon. "tfo tu a the detntl.i of CSarmin shipa Is con cernJ, thviv in iaiparwity jo intuit It the flag-. American vwel huVe not been dvtaiiKd, but American cargot-j in UriU.h and Dutch bottoms on the tharff; thai they tTe Intend ed for the military ue of the pA-n. The Amerk-An Incldcnus can Vrry ll i K-ttlvd by Ameiiian rt-nrciita. ollc in the province of yuc-1 lim H I whii li ix publiihrtl at th? Fran- "StippoH.. thin government werw lo A An other in proportion, hpcciul prlcct (in immm. In nur '.'.' ImmjIci nto ( hn litilc. Hie ivU lirutfil llcnty ImmiIik, Kiplititf, iiml nmny ntlii r pojnilnr miuorn, GRIFFIN & REED ' .1 X! . ... i-w.. 1.. Irit.i from iiniMMl I!u!l.-r: ! r-it.U and eff.vJve b!o by W-h j "". ,( act JnUy w(h GvrmaIiy )n f ..... ,.. lh,. .... .,v mat- U-!vz. ci un.l de. ,u'u ",l Bu",""" unJ r.ym I HIT 11III, tftlll CI. 1 IM- I If JW l ' ' ' l fn.iii White, datol 2 p. m.. ytKter-, m'-iallz-d in llie ("Urv of a dingle day; Wn attiuk wait comment-id on !- V-t the KiikUaI) public la ao i. J.Ji. , Iti L. ur New foods OCH XKW t.tX.S Ji'.T A IC It I V KI KltfiM TIIK V..T ASH NtiW KKAI'V lult nflt MOO (TSToMJIiS A UK: Combination Book Cases Writing Desks, China Closets Music Cabinets Library Cases ,s ,'iV.,.rfiSf,is-,SiY TIhw jjotwl.s vtn bought In forc tlio ri.H1 in prices nnd will be m11 ncctiitliiigly. my t wit Ion, but c hi tly agtin.t un.u u Mom -d lo imp.i!giiM with lurn- C.iraur'a camp and Wagonlnll. The li iii i.i iicmtj and inaneuveiing on en.-iny n In Kri.-al vtrciiKth, and Hi " l-irije w tie, that th re will b- de- piihli-d tlu atta.k with th.' gpntift J-olloi: and claliioi if a complete v!c- couraife and o-iM-rtry. Some of the t-'ry la nt uiinounced a.i a rult of eir.n-iii Inn iitn on Wagunhlll the Hit day' fighting, thtv tiui. t ikon by tin om-inj. .nd Vet. miix at the military .-rvb e i rvtaiivd by um. The attack ciutucued uiul t-lnlta crc lntn-ly suxlous over , until 7..1'' p. in. the new a frum I-udMnllh and some ; " 'One potM In our oc- i f them commented advei-4y up-n ( CpiiiJ by t)u- liiiemy a whole day, but tlie iippan-nt lack of co-oratioii be at duk, In a vory heavy ruiiiM'xni, ten Itull-r uiul White at the crltl , thry were turnl out t f thia pi.-ltim: i.l ntage of ihe capaign although they at th imlnt of tire bay'iiut In a nimt wee r, d.uly cornmunlcatlon Willi j gallant manner by H.e levoiia. led by't-.-u h other, ( White was piia , Colonel 1'ark. Col km -I llnmllton Mve on December 13. when Cieiierul j comnuitidrO on Wagunhlll. und r.n. ):ult.-r utta-ked the 6M'iii In full derel valiMble wnrvlce. The trn f .ice at Col-.-mm and there wan noih have had a very tiylng time, nnd ' fK i, aiiy effKilvc on S iturday h.ive beluv.1 exeeiu-ntly. Tlicy re ,tl the Tu,-.!. nlthoUK-li word was re ; elated at the aorricv liny have r mi- edx-.d at Fi-re (amp as early aa d-.-manding reparation and nn vi.r- of M.1 grace, Archbihhop Bg.n. orn-rL;1 . -n ot policy from Orwt Britain? a long article in thla week's Ihmu on . ., Aa the n:-gJt at ona continual r...r many might go further tlw,n this grnnient originally contemplated and unletis we withdrew, we might THE PLAGUE IN MANILA Advices to War Department Indi cate That Natives Are Infected. QUARANTINE IS NECESSARY important Engagements With the Rebels Are Reported Prom Vari ous Sections of the Island. lUlii; use 9 o'clock that the Boers were nuking i Charles Hcilborn 8 Son. I (Mvil he iUoell. The- enemy wiu repul.1 every- a mit det- rmU.-d uauli uinm Luly when- with heavy ., greatly ex-'nmlth. In anUcipuion of the general U-ee.lliig that mi my aide, which will udviuue of the main bvly of the Brit be rerted the lfcta re army curly in the iA , compleud.' " j Tiieae oinniuenu had a i-tenier, even I I angrier tone toward midnight when I.oN'lxtN, Jan, 9, 3:45 a. m. Central he war otllce gave out another bul ! Whtte Ktill hoUU out, or tlld eo rtxty 1'iliti from riullt-r, with two hours la- Iv'tira ago when the Boera, ouatlecl tel new a from White. It iu brief. I fmm thlr foothold iivilde the works, but terribly to the point. The bt "Angloiminia in Canada.'' Continuing La St-maine a iy. ' Vou, Fr.-rieh Canadian. conu-Ted by England, ever hated and oppresaed by the rao which bt yM'ar enemy. wnor children are forced to icak the l-mguige of their oppr8ora In the ycluilb of the United States and Mani toba; you thall at last gee the star of your libicty nxe f.H- you and your right. by thxiv who have o long violated thm." The developments of the war in South Africa, lead Li Uuliguse to ajx-ak In Ma train of what it refers U as the approaching emancipation of the French-Canadians. The aialcle la an exce.nlingly inteivating one aa eprecilng the wntlmeflts of the French-Canadian clergy rtganVing the loyalty of French-Canadians to Great Britain. The attitude of the church in Canada towards the possible an- be drawn into a war In tlv; causes of which we were not partjcuUrly Interested. Appivciating this poei- jbiHIy, the presilurt proposes to act , alono it, nwtters tha.t may develop in ju sice of action takn by the BiHish cruiser in South African wa ter and thus, avoid the dangers of! entangling alliances." CLl'VKLAXD OX HIS PAKTY. CHICAGO, Jan. 8. The Tribune to morrow will print the following letter WASHINGTON, Jan. g.-The plagua has broken out in Manila beyond a d-mbt, as appears from the following ctiblegram reotived by Surgeon-Gen-eral Sternberg: "Alanlla, Jan. . -Threw buboic na-l-vm. Greynleaf." The signer is . Colonel Greonlenf, aanlmant surgeon gemfpal and chief aurg.eon tn the Philippines. The first officer dowrar mhtmmf m The ftret effect will probably be to have quarantine laid upon the most rigid sanitary regulations. THE RESCUED PKISONliltS. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-The follow ing cablegram has been received from Gonervtl Otis untkir date of Manila, Jxnukiry 7: Admiral Watson has cabled the nanus of the r avy rescued prisoners, 5rw officer and eleven men. The re maining prljiner, fourteen in num ber, are a follows: Civilian C. W. Langford, Manila; David Brown, St. Paul; J. W. O'Brten, LtK'don; aoWiers, Geo. T. HaUhc-tt.Hf A. h. Gordon, K, Third infr-try; V.'m. Bruce. Elmer Honeyman, Fiit to Jackson .(sunieiulcti their ajmault a-t nightfall. Engrand lias taken heart nttiiek had bee-n reiiewvd on Saturday t Hero I m n Lint of High Grade Goods at Moderate Prices: Fancy Creamery Hutter in Kegs and Rolls. Strictly Fresh Kjjfp. New Crop Maple Syrup. Huckwlieut ami Griddle Cnko Flour, rackiird it Smith's Fancy Italian Trimcs. Now Crop Nuts, Fijs, Minco Moat. Breakfast Food, Pancake Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Crackins. m K. II. Halston y aSaaaaVVWW ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. tfTiim'giairii.imrKiftsgTgggiirq: ..Hoeffler's Candies. The nam is a , . ,. . guarantee of purity. Ei Thl situ- aftermmn aa General White hid ap- atlon, however, is won-. The be- pivhentlinl and he was very hard i pj-'B'iiHi iorce iniini Uave cxpoiitletl pupsvu. I large itiuounts of ammunition which Tin use weiv the wore words which i cannot be oplenUhed and must have had yet flashed out of the diirknoeai ;lct a nunitwr of ntileers uid men, of I.adyymith. The veterans at the I which ijt counterbalanced, so far as clubs -shook their heado oniini usly 'the garriaoii la concameel, by thej'ind bluntly declared that General : greater bws of the ovi. j Buller had put oft the great battle J Geneivil White still .nueds relh f and : too long. Jthe difficulties eoiifrontlng Getveral j Geiu.ral Fivnch reinirted the sltua- ! former's vinndor.ied tontenctt, as read unlay, but General Forestier-Walker, : ana re-rcaa, suggtt clotiu.-ntly the in a bulletin i.tsueti iat nignt by tne I peril In which the town wus for H war oflitv guve an unpleasant account j hours, and how b.irtly hia 9,000 men of what was deA-rlbed with oflloial I were able to keep from being over- j euphemism as an "accident" Four enme. I c mipanies of the F irnt Suffolk were The chief concern for General White 'wt at nlg'.t to nttnek the enemy Is In pepect of lamnuinitlon. Sixty- n a long hill one mile from their elglilt days ago, at the beginning of , camp. Colonel Watson who waa In the aedge, his small umniunttion was command waa wounded after ordering TOguely desorlbed as "plority." His'1'"' 'roopa to oharge, and the bugle artillery then had S00 rounds per gun. ' e-tll tor a. reitreat was soundkd, ap Some of the batteitlcs have beien In ' parently by the Boers themselves, a action frequently' since then and all triok which has been played before were probably engaged lat Saturday, during the campaign. Three compan- Hls stock of sholls, consequently, must ' 'ea rotreatetl to the oanip In good be low afld this will make It dltr.cuM ! orJel' DUt ,ne rourt was caught be- for Geiveiul White to co-opetute In nlm'' surrounded by the einemy and soveikty men, including seven oflloers, were taken prisoners. The HrltiMi warship Thkrtis, It Is reported, has arrived at Durbwn with a senoiiumt approi'nate dav. Cleveland says: ". am only able, on acount of my nine., to ait up occasionally for a nexatlon of this country to the United "'e only, arl must forego a States is also set forth with consider- crtntrib,lti"n io 'our supplement corn- able emphaals. After speaking of '"emoraine cr the splendid ca:er of what It calls the rabid hostility of ht An,,,uw JatKS""- I wish h was to English rroUtants in Canada to the!1 l,uWifhed at a time when sense French-Canadians, the article contln-! "un'!t,s Plled In. the party. It seems to me that an inconsist ency of reasoning and false party leadership is Impressively exhibl.el when the claim Is made tnat Jack anian democracy sanctions depreda tions cf the peopktj' currency and a reckless disivgard of rejtrait: of law and order." from ex-President Cleveland. It wus cavtll,T: s". I S. recWVtJ in n to a request for! S,nith' sisrnal ' Albert BlhoP. M. ttnrd aitillery; Sergeanit Fmnk McDonald, L, Twenty-first Infamry; ; HOME-MADE NUT CANDY and tafl of all kinds. Lowney'a FAMOUS CHOCOLATE The Bonbonierre. 1 the movement by General Bullec. The entrench memta at Ladysmlth, as de scribed in a message that left a day or two gefbre the fight uul lias Just oome through, are fortified hills, well Wl German liner Henog In tow. The covered with rifle pits ami trenches, hitter ves.l according to a Brussels down which tlie lnfarvtry move in a 'telegram, conv'ey'lng Qermarn, single file to various posts In absolute safety. Full rations are ttll served, but no whisky or tobacco. C. J. TRBNCHARD Commission, Brokerage. Insurance ani Snipping. Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, .OREGON Agent W. F. A Co and Faelflo Kxpreii Co's. IM DEADLY PER.IL. Ladysmlth Hard Pneed and No Way to Help Her. NEW YORK, Jan. 8. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: General Buller's opportunity for an Dutih anl Belgian ambulances for the Boers. HANGED HEUSELF. SPOKANE, Jan. 8.-Mrs. Loui3 Fil bert, a pioneer woman and wife of one of the most prominent citizens, hanged herself In her home here this evening. She had been sick and despondent. Her brother Is sher iff of this county. If a vess-il is a, a blood-vessel eTectlve display of strategy has come must be a life-boat. "The situatkm would become much more critical for the French-Canadian race If the Argtomaniacs of On tario and of Canada, instead of being little gyrepiuhutic with the Yankees and their republic, as they ore Just at present, should become reconciled with them and undertake to bring about the annexation of Cunada to the. United Statu). Such a reconcil iation la quite posible fjr the hatred of the Catholic religion and the Freuch-Ca:adian . nice is prcfound among a very great number of English Protestants in the country;- it may Wad them to forget the secondary diflCerences Which divide Uiem and unite them in a firm alliance agaijust the religion and the race which thev have. "unce annexed to the United States Canada would become rapidly and wholly KngUsii. Engulfed in the turbulcnt sea. of American life, swtil- lowed up In the mire of national schools, Immersed in the" great swirl of Yankee business, could we long retain our French-Canadian traits and characteristics? What Indexed, would there be left of us at the end of fifty years or so? Would not ours oe tne rate wnicn was tnat or our former compatriots of New Orleans? We believe that if Canada became a part of the United States, another century would see us without a trace of the spirit, the language or the cus toms of our fathers." NASH INAUGURATED. COLUMBUS, O.. Jan. S.-At noon txliy Hon. Geo. Naeh was Inaugurat ed governor of Ohio. Harry If. Huber, hospital corps; M. Breunun and J. P. Curran, Sixteauh infantry. PURSUING THE REBELS. Americans) Victorious in a Number of Important Battles. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. The war depaMme-nt has received the f' llowlng form General Otis: Manila, Jan. 8. Baites is pursuing the enemy in the south with vigor; Schwan's column Is moving along the shore of Laguna de Bay, ajid struck: : Sno Insurreetors undor General Norlel . at Binen. the 6th Inst. He drova them westward on SUang and cap-, tured the place. Two battalions ef the Twen.y- (Contlnued on page 4.) WILL. NOT JOIN GERMANY. The United Staites to Aot Alone Re. gardiing Seizures. NEW YORK, Jan. 8. A special to the Herald from Washington says: It is the expectation of the admin istration that Great Britain in her answer to Ambassador Choate'a rep resentations relative to the seizure of American cargoes will Indicate ner general policy with respect to neutral trade In South Africa. Suggestions ft to Astoriaiis v I'D 6 FOR BOYS. Sr. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft TO ft This great store large, airy aud elegant abounds with many Novelties in Boys' and Young Men's Clothes There is not a style in any article of Man's wear that is not shown here in miniature for Boys. Suits "3 Underwear Neckwear . Reefers" ; ' Hosiery Cloves Overcoats Shirts Leggins Hats and Caps Sweaters - Fancy Vests . SPLENDID TOYS GIVEN WITH SUITS. OVERCOATS OR REEFERS- A D STEIMUCH 8 CO , LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST Mail Orders Solicited. Corner Fourth aud Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. Us it: w Hi