I'M MORNING ASTORIA N Sl'NUA., DECKMBhH II, m. CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers ninrrT vvirfq ta Ncw York stock Exchange DIRECT WIRES TO Qmg0 Boar(j Qf Traje Commtncln oi Tuesday, January 2, I90O. ? FISH! FISH! FISH! v.. f Will liufurite Their First Annual Clearance Sale And continue it for thirty business ua. Fwry article in He hoaxe will bemlncod in price with the following exceptions: Rut trick Patterns aud rubl nations, Ktubroidery, Sih1 Silk and Spool Cotton. . lIcnJqnnrtcrn for Pry (iHJs on the l ower (-oluinbia WAU AND MAKRtAGES. South Af.loan War Ha CiusU a Bouw ill tbi Mafcrlmiirual Market. Freich, subsequently marchtt g upon Bbx'nif.mtein. to capture that pliuv a;'.J draw eft the Boer from Lady smith. To accomplish ihls. It 1 b-lieved that Ktmberley and Mafeklng nwy be sscrilced. Whether General Bu'ler will scoulesce in this arrangement l seriously doubted by many who know him and tbvy ar mther inclined to believe be will attempt to emulate General Gourgh, wbv under similar circumstances, retrieved bia rvers In India while Sir Ch,rles Nspier was coming out to supersede him. The seixur?s uf largoes of American fVur off D.Magu bay. bid fair to ex- The death of tha Puke of Westmin ister, combined with the mourning t.l reedy prevalent on account of -the war kwae. left few of true tttlrd families of Great Britain froa to celebrate ChrWmaa week with the usual festi vities. Tha Gmevenor family has to many ramifications among the nobil ity and such a large number of other ttlled people have recently died that one would almou think the court was In mourning. To tr.u. common a.i-.rs i Cite much popular Interval in England thetic raraiol la found la the society u (j gtwr)klly IookeJ upon a , news columns, wmcn a&jiy wm t a long l.8l of forthcoming man-tag. the bridegrooms, in a majority of tin r cases being soldier. It is a season I short engagements aud sudden deaths. ! Momentarily expecting erd:e to sad , for South Africa, tha British others ; .nn sunt la t If An tru T? t. f f 1 1 '1 1 V ' I J a V i. icilll,' tun v ai ') -..." j j ' ot-'etrlkin.;. while the iron is not ana rniuiy a quiet m.urittre is now f.d lowed within a few .lays by a f rewU at Southampton. For instance, M J r Maxsc. iio l.n'k pstt in the recer.t defeat of the khalifa, returned to E:'- 214-21 5 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. JBLARD IODIDE OF IRON for AN Ml .POORNK5of the Hl.OOl). CO.NSTIU TIONAL li AkNLSi SCKIHX LA. ttc Nooe frnuinrun !-! ncj "Rlancarii" all parr.r.isTM. . FOtUliHA A CO., N. Y. Ats. lor I'. S. Ltconfl.'ld'j i point of international !aw that will be amicably aetlled. So far no nRlcia1 at' P? In the matter nnt Ixfem taker owliijt t the non-arrlviJ of the !! aiy jiaiicrs frm H a hingtof. Tlif ni.ll'ary and inU'roational law nuthor-lt;-s are alri.ist unanimout in dtvlar- t:?ut Urvat Itntaan should not at- cisrv fud stuffs xmtrabaud of war The N.ival and Military KecorJ undr tti! head sa today: "Kully fifty per i-en,t of our food c )ins frmn AnurUa, t,lK coluniea nni' ut-irr e.'Untri-.s. We have erased to :k In the matlir of a new frlght illfcatlon with u view to iu:Un by the attcrney gMTU und r the anti trust tiw :f hl Judgment nhou'd war ra-tt the same. In his lettar to the tmm!lou re fi'fring to the demand ihippr that leir.it action agnint the rallr. ads be taken, the uttornoy Kwa-nl siiya "If the testimony submittal nhwel a combination among railroad dm-pniik- tc re.tr.itn comnierce among , the sewrul states I Mhould n't henlute I to I antitru9i mw. yui o i n.1 sui-.-i ac tion upon faith of thi facta outim t ti wnuM nut only he futile, but ab surd. If there be a tvm.sly for com f.t.aiilnar Mpivn. it 1U In an pp l to your conur.ijwion undor the Intor tate tomnurce law." IM1 TIHH .ViMI tH'I.M PKI'AKf fiom I ortUiut Aimti Tut at ltd p. n Salt lAkt, l'rner. n Worth, Oinli Knu ui t'llv. xk Units, l'hli'ii, mid r ut Malt t H p III Hivkmie wnlla Wll, l",ki,e. Ht-tia rher Mlneill, Si.I'kiiI, ftvrr Chicago and t on AtiM OCEAN STE AM.MIIF5 All Hulling ll.s mb Jrel to ebwuitr. Tor immi r'i.mom-' -mI1 pre. 4 i, tl. l . J4. t CoU-nibla Rlr 8iinira it in " Mm day KMiii.la T. fortlanjt i' I sewral atali-s l nnoui.l not ne,ii.ue 6 t m w(1 jiVVrK K.VfH 1 " " '" Invoke the remedy rovld.l by the.KxM.u u; ,,. . s,-h.-,t. ' S"'"U Mlll'IM A W y I Boston Codfish and Mackerel Common Stockfish Stcllanglcr Stockfish Anchovis, Speelang Holland Horrlng Hauiburf? Smoked and Oannod Eol French Sardines English Bloators Kussian Caviar Kiolor Bueckling Marnirto Horingo At Foard 0 Stokes Co., Astoria, Oregon. I till !!!' V Wlll.m.lla nj Win- , , hlMHIr. M.V.d. " a- in Tur. rtuir SI'KCIAI. fiUAUANTF.K. a.. , lliiilai l.rwutoii. !!! . k . ' " W l ! I I.MHH. lit Kit 4 in. li theater ot.,M of At-rla I am XiW, ,,,, immi,.,,,! t,, .' , v.i, w,-.t pletiwd to call your Jtten'lon to tl"1 , Saturday '"! i I"" i11" Kii.lajr engagement of the Itavs' " ll.t O'd ; . - HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was atwaya so light and well bakrd. Well thrre la a knack In mak ing It. Hut don't forget tha kind of stove or range used makes a difference. Ilia moth.-r used a Jl. 9- Santa Clans ; make any tfTort to be e If supporting. Thu land, marrie-i Lord daughter and i now on hi way to tlx? Cape. The mattlal spirit and unlwrst.1 d -, aire 10 kith me cuurnj, m uc ,-.... nn. , lh. -.i.,), nnA .i. condition Cxistitutes a danger only bearable twanae of our confi dence in the strength of the Bittish 0. W. LOl'NIHCRRT. A(H Astoria W H HURLBCRT. 0m. Paa. Agt. Fsrttaaa. Or. ahowg no signs of abatement. Interest of the l'nlte,i Stales. "Tiw teJ m to Mil our pence and .var. but ac 'Our enemlca on the continent 1 would rejoice If . we . intercepted the ! i.Kfstuffa now pasuing Into the'Triinif i va.il via EMuguti bay. A dangerous "precediii: would lima be created. action of England a prenJ.ir duke, the CJUR 1uke of Norfolk, who is postmaster- - . ... general and by no means a yourg man ; MMn0al American supplies b. Vne u, o"T n i-.., .ow.., . iQ lh&t wt muet (Bke active service la the latest example of M ?te, nMy w kaJ ftn the spirit tvhich prevW all claeaea. j of ,he enMm .uppIy of fo0(J. The Duke, cf Xorfolk'i posl.lon in th? , g(u(r3 caolnet and his tremendous business ; Irterests to say nothing of his pow-?r as Jay head of tho Ca'Jiolic chLMdi in Snslai"' will probably prevent thd eceeptanoe of hla offer. The Duke of Connaught, who-'e ar-;Vhj(h uould aganat Ens,a)a uem miuKf-a 10 ots biwdcu iu ko 'o Sojth Africa have bTi refu.-d, is mentionl aa likely to euccetd Gen.ral Roberts In comma-id of the British forces in Ireland. No r.tli; comment has been caus- d by the war offloe'a tardy recignitiuti of the cng.cetrrs and arUllerr. LTntil General Warren, of the engi neeis, was s-nt out all the general oClce.-fi In ih field were cavalrymen or infantrymen. The country howkd for vlttietal Wamn'H aijpoint.'iit-nt ar.J at last the man who kn.'ws S uth African tc-(ngranhy. belter thart any other general received reogrution , Then fjllow.d in qukk guccoasion, i tS'-r-Tal Roberta, an artilleryman and Gtjner.il Kitchener and Chermsi le, tn- : gineers, urUl the campaign now bids fBir to be chiefly directed by the hitherto n-gieet.'d "gunner and sap pern." ' The impression continuf-s to gaiD ' ground that Oriwral Culler and his 1 subordinates have betn Instructed to ', u.'id-.rtuke no important movement un- ' til Kbe arrival of General Roberta an? that Roberta will amalgamate the guna under iTatarore, Warren and ; Time" Company, wb'cli will be t!'e I uttractloti it Kish-r'.-i opera h mse to- morrow, (New Veir M, Matinee and evening. I will guarantee the attraction to ir""rt;:r! ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA fir ladies and children. In cae .f tlu attraction not being oa ttpret enled. -,m "m rr " : r, .. a. mortl.ml fmon Depot.iU Mm. money wm oe cnwriuwy niuu.ieo .j. m (ur ,torla and lntn l: p.m. at thir drt opportunity." i A rerresentative of the Associaltd 1 1 r'.-is learns that the wireless tele ; graph instrument recently captutcd ' from the Bo;rs and described a Mar coiUs were not his m&Jiufaotuiv. Ttity re mad by a woil kni; German , f.rm. whom Marcjol once employed to espei in.-nt with pians he afieraaid dicardcd. Marconi declare the Instru ments captured wye not workable, i 5 'me f-vling has been cauvl agal'icl i tlie young inventor by the first report, j the h-Uef spmiiding that he had broken his Bgneemeiit to supply only ; the UriUh during the prea.-nt war. ! Princeis Cliristlar. ;f Schieasulg ; lioIstHn (Priticeii Helena of England) : fer the lift ilrne in tw-stity yearn is sitting for a porinit and to an Ametl , can fainter, W. H. Funk. , During th"? recsit virfit to Windsor of Conyngham Green's form.-r British ag-'.iu at Prioria, tjU'.-en V.ctoria aHk-.J him a lot of questions retro rdlng ifre. Krujir, her hou.-ke-ping and personal chariotrristica. Mr. Greene e:.tertainJ 1i-t nuij-sty with incidents cDowing tlio liiiriilicity of Mra. Krug'-r's holm life and her jrsonal attention o kltchJn dutit, detailing with special z-xii upon the exc-illence cf a certain d-s-.-rt tshlc'a Mrs. Krug(T makes. Rumors re.cuiT-:d tliia we.k of Lord Halisbuiy's rMtiri.nent at the end of the present parliament and the bucc aion of the l-ike -at Devonshire to the ativa luaVirslilp. These seem; ed on nothing stronger than de- liLJkAJ broken down, ""i-'iwii nom ms SSAJfe. forgetting all 1 reavemett. From one of the promfer'a RIVER RAILROAD. al. applying at the box nine. Signed. I.. K. SEL.IO. Manager. TRANSPORT MOVEMENTS. medlat points. ' ASTORIA. I 7.45 a.m. For Portland A in-llMO am. I 10 p.m.termedlate points ia:Mp.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p m ia. rr.. t:W U-.X'hv ....Astoria.... S.H 11:56 Ar Warrenton t-M 12:13 I.v arrenion. I S)l 1:0) Ar ....Sa-'ld.... ia m p m. Ar 7:401 4:i4 I.v! 7:S J a Arl Ul l l Lv1 6:15' t:W SAN FRANCICOO. Dec. SO The transports Tartar and Valencia will probably be sent back t' Manila with freight. There ar nu v lib ut 4.0 v SPECIAL SEABIDK bumjat ikai.n tons of freight waiting nn the govern-j Leaves As'orla at : a m.: arrives at ment dock and no steamers to take It (Seaside I a m. tl- ci,a.i.in I. .l.?.Jv onmKed to' Passengers may return on any train ail from here on Hie 4th for S wire , j to take fuiosje from tl.eio to Maliilu. Ell W. J. BCULI.T, Agent, Ot Bond ftraat. soi.Fii.iNr:. AM. TRAINS to and fnm B-amd run j ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren- , ton. I All trains make close connections at 1 Ooble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the east or Sound points, i At Portland with all trains leaving S'lflllne: Soinilne' tin-. .ii l I S.iintinr'' If VOU have n it go to Peters.! . iirm'ns tmion depot. at once and buy a trial can K-m-m- ' At Astoria with I It. N. Co. s boat bor that long ra.ns and ron.ib!y snow nd rail line to and from Ilwaco ard will follow this mild and dry wr-ath. r, ;uP;h m-ach points. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 2J. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped W our Care Will Receive Sp-rtaJ Attention. f r Will 1 1 1 1 I it (o Itis interest to cult mi ih In Curo ptin Ima- iiitr i 'ulii'iv. I )tir Iluliilnv ( IihhIh net' all tirtv ninl I will imt lo kept a ft i r Nfw Vrar I'.vcrvlliiti i;iiitrnii- 1 i, w i X f tnl Hi l"W at Portliiiul ditf B F- Alien G Son. 365 Ccmmerclal St. J. 0. Glllcn 8 Co., Dealers, Manufacturers and Contractors Of AHbCMtoH Boiler itd Pipe CovcHmuh Sir.m.l St, I'();TI.ANI, OHE. .it(iiltitiai' .' 11. I ltXXtXXiltli .t!,llill4'i:ti.lltlxljilio.ltl ) DO YOU BATHE? NO. No. W Pimne St., Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr ! Kn. Tel. 113. I r WHY? and every man woman an: c.'iild s ; sliovs fhoul.l be treated with tins great TIIROCCT torji for i k kcis on sio i - mnrn R.in Praini' tBi-fi. aill . vit- poi;i irainer iiiese; ioo. i,. Or send 35c In stamps to H-.try Mil. Eastern and turop-an polnu ler t- V. 312 First street. Portland, City ticket office Astoria. 624 Commer. ttA. VV. B. Hd wards llernilse nt our lumae i liavn tii-llher a batlililb, nor toil wati i Iimnly. . . . Then tin to (lie Kosslnn Hallis at '.'17 Astor St. '.!' rents is tlm 1'iii'e. l'tiviitr nparltneiits fur lndii (Inly I lie better dim of utroiiutte Is entered to. Tr) ni.e mid )tl ill Coino rrgiilarlr. Oregon, for a trial can and he convinced. The nittr. Many a man with his whole soul immersed in business and money get ting is like the miser whose spring door Miut to and locked bim in for- ever. II e n !' 1 work and siave !consorv I and worry and . tonn,u6 it . 1 get sick and I , JUAJ bruken. down' ! U(;tIon the time health is worth i jf i m o r e than that a happy, borne ia rather en than great il fhv ti9r door of disease I pantamine, though ,n the stalls and boxes there era nwny gad little faces ! and black frocks. The other theatres have drawn good intimates, a repreinta,tive of the As ! aociatf-d Pr-f larns he lias not min- tloned any Inclination to retire. The usual crowd of youngstera flocked to Drury Lana far the annual gold, and cheerful to be cbos rickta, gn the tiao- sprint; to and shut tbem off from all the Vriglit hopes they labored for. A ftick man cannot be happy; he cannot accomtilish the work he has to do in this f woi Id; he loses the very money he is striv. ; gall'i ies, but the bilterr part of 'the ing for ; bis ambition defeats itself. Any ; hoUf.ea were not so well filled aa Uiual man who discovers that Ins strength and t , . ,, . , energy yre giving way has an. unfailing i during holiday Week. Few Changes meant of regaining his physical health and j have been made. kiamina in the simple yet all-potent restor- j Madame Patti heada the list of etive power of that wonderful "Golden I ,. ,,,. lV, ,(,, aa Medical Discovery " originated by Dr. K. V. Prominent artists who will ring at Pierce, of oiifTalo. N. Y., the world-famous Covert Gardon, Februairy 22, undea the i r.mr o lie in A i ci.i.s sis" Um n n ri i a AT. I . U . iT ait,tn, r.mm tit Oj vnann J ui"vn.a va taai. i'UUIvit w- LIU L I Ke- ejl lilQ ili l till UilCBfl Of Lnndadowne, In aid of th wives ant) families of officers killed during the war. On the same occasion, the Ducheas of Marlborougrn will recite a patriotic poem. esr grrw. lMiially in April when I was buy The JJUK9 ana Ulicne-s 01 aiaiiuw- un inr utim w 117 iic4im km w mu , i rougn fnteriaineQ a i.re,e vunwmiaw gunistn. Arnni(the thousands who have consulted him by null tht case of Mr. Newtou B. Blake, of TiplciAville, Tippah Co.. Miss., as shown in the following letter indicates the remarkable efficacy of hi trcnimeut r " lu Uecember il5 my htallh beei to fail, I tri'sd many dirTerent kiuda of lucdicinrsand the more I took the worse the dis- THE REMEDT. couia vol hold out to work one hour. My breath I ... . became short and I was weak and nervous, tnd house party at Blanh'dm tills WOCK. oftentimes would spit blood. , I was unable to work. I tried one of the doctors in the vicinity but failed to olitaio relief. I seemed to grow worse. My father received a book from Dr. Pierce in which I read of a case similar ta mine, nd decided to write to Dr. Pierce. He recoin niriiJrtl mr to mVc his '."...Men Medical Discov ery.1 After taking ais bottles of this remedy I can recommend it as one of the best medicines to build up tbe system. I am now enjoying ; good health." Torpid lier and comtipatioB are surely and speedily cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They never gripe. They regulate, tone up and invigorate tbe liver, stomach and bowels. No substitute urged by mer cenary dealers ia aa good. The Attorney Gemc-ra Cannot Act Up on Ineufncient Evidence. WASHINGTON, Dec. - SO.-Attorney General Grigga today returned to the interataite commerce commission the transcript of evidence taken at the heating before the commtoeloa last LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Ladles who go to Portland and desire something especlaDy fine in the way of tailor-made suits will do well tin remem ber that they can be well fitted at t D. Boyer's IT Fourth atroet, in tie T. M. C. A. building. Not only does he keep a strictly first class cutter for men'a wear, tSut also one exclusively for ladles' work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the best of materials, as Mr. Jtoyer is an expert on woolen cloths. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Jn the County Court of the State of Or'.-gon for Multnomah County. In the matter of the estate of Ken neth Macleay, deceased. Notice Is horiby given that the un dorslgned will on the 20th day of Jan uary, laoo, at tho hour of 1 p. m. at the door of the court hou of Clat sop county In A si or) o In fa Id county and state, offer fur wale at public auc tion to the' hlghem bid'lur fur cash the Interest of the estate of Kenneth Mac leay, deceased, Use sarne being an un divided fractional tntorest enual to 67a!4-JOflC8tha of the following de scrlbed real property situated In the county of Clatsop and State of Ore gon, to wit: All of biocK wo. o in tne town oi Upper Astoria In Clabsou County, Or egon, m laJd out by Jobn Adair, and also all and singular the tide land ly ing wdtihin arnl north of and in fr'rtit of said block No. 6 in the town of Up per Astoria a laid out by John Adair, Including all wharflng rights, privll eees and eafsemonts north of the aald block to the ablpplng channel of the Columbia River In Clatsop county, Oregon. The said sale will be made subject to the confirmation of the above en titled count. R. LIVINGSTONE. Admlnlrtrator of the Ealalo of Kn- rwrth Mac leay, deceased. Dated December 27th, 18?9. tlal street. J. C. MAYO. Oen'l FVt and Past. Afnt. iAriOT Ii aurtjt , Til LEAVE PORTLAND OVERLAND EX i'REHH. for Salem, flriBAlittrv Aahlan 7:N P.M.8acraDiento, Ogden,' uan Francisco, tio lave. Lot Angeles, El Paso, New Or leans and tha East t:H A. uj DaHy except Bunday m a v t4:M P. H Rotwburg passenger Via Woodbursi, for Mount Angel, BII yerton, West Bclo, Brown vllle, Spring Held and Nation.... Corvallla paaaenger t:lO Independence pass' J ft: at ARRIV1 8:00 A. la. M:M If. U Dally except Sunday i:K A. M i A.ai WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and rusref Sound Navi gation Company. Bailey Gatzert leaves) Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bap day at 7 a. m. White Collar Una ticket and O. R. A N. tickets interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo, A. J. Taylor, Astoria Art TJ. B. SCOTT, Telephone) 111 President Dally, tDailr except Sunday. Connecting at Bao Franolsoo with Osnt dwtal Oriental, pacific MaU and Oee anlo steamship linns for JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rebate tickets on sale dally between Portland, Baoramento, and Ban Franols oo. Net rates $17 Urst-class, and U seo-ond-class, including trieeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points ana Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKIAND, Ticket Agemt, 18s Third St., R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAJf, Uanacer1. O. F. A RA. Through tickets East for lowwst rates. Call on C. J Trench ard, local agent, Wst.s rarco Conwsara offloa. Astoria. TICKETS YOffiH to all MlStfpOlHTS EAST Through palace and tourist sleepers, dining and library observation cars. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4, "Flyer leavea Portland at J:10 p. m. No. , "Flyer," arrives Portland at 1:30 a. m. For rates, etc., call or addresn O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. & N., Astoria. A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. k T. A., Portland, Ore. livery variety ' Kmiult J t lircsscu I.IIIIIPCI, iniiiis, ViiidoVH, MiiiilJinni mid Cedar Sliinnlcn. . (.'''''!'t .(.ia a'a.a 11TAAI Comtmin Hint". Hark, r ir, WUUsJll.iiil.Mk.Alder.l'olcOHk Office Seventh Street Dock The Eastern l)inini-rootji imd Kcstnurtint J. l.t. Wnnner, 1'r.ip. frlvate Dininq-ronms Inr l.silies Meals 1 5c l Opcu nil Niilit. 1711 THIHI) STItr.tT, net. florrison snd Yamhill Portland, Oreifon Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Olves choice of two favorits routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grind Soenlo Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 J Duys to Salt Luke 2J Days to Denver 3 J Days to Chicago 4J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered toura 1st sleeping oars, and Pullman palace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information, apply to Or Astoria, Oregon. C. O. TERRT, W. E. COM AN, Trav. Pass Agt. Oen. Agent 124 Third St.. Portland. Or. O. W. LOUNSTJBRRT, Agent, O. R. ft N All Aslorlana who visit Portland and desire spending a pleasant evening in company with polite people and in the enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program, should go to the Fredericks burg. Besides vocal and instrumental selections there are many other' at tractions to delight the visitors. The new management is making the Freder icksburg a well-merited success. BROWN GRANT. Propa. Pacific NavigationCompany Sicamei-H "It. . I limnc," "W. II UiiiTl,oir Only line Astoria to I illiinionk, tiiu IhnMi, liny City, llobooin Hie. (Vnni'Ctiiiif nt Astoria with tin' Oregim IbiilruH'l A Navigation Co. ami also the Aatorlii Culiiiiibiii Kiver It, 11, for flixn FrHin-isi'ii, Portland ami all iMiints east. For freight ami paswiger rales ap;ly t. HnrttMcl P.litiorc 6i Co. (lenrrul AkciiIh, AHTOlll A, OHE. (JOHN ('() Agents, Oregi n ltailnaiil A Navigation Co., TH.l.AMOUh (ire. A. AC. H It. Co. t'OKILAND, Ore. New Zealand Fire Insurance Co of New Zealand W. IJ ThomoHi Mgf.i Sn KrnnciHCo. II lis Is-on tuiilerwrilitiu on fho I'aclllc Camst over twenty-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., Iti'Miileiit Agents, ASTORIA, OUK. Vie Rent New Typewriters. Many Naw IwprovomenU Added - SHE OUR LATEST Smith Premier Typewriter NKW AIIT CATAItMltlK MtKK L.AM. AI.HXANDI.K & CO., Phono Main A74 Kxoltisive I'ftoiflo Coast Dealers. 245 Stark St. l'ortlnnd C. A. WHALE, Wholciiile and retail dealer in Pianos Krnnicu mid linen, ScliafTur, Hohlller and mnny otlntra. 112-nt.IIO Union Avenue and ;W.i IvitHt Alder Street Vi r tvi' I SaaSSssserSsrSW(k Organs RoliiiHz and Co. Millor, Ann Arbor liontluy and others PORTLAND OREGON. Instruments Sold on Easy! Terras. M. C. MATTI1IELL, Manaer. Head office 142 State StSalem, Ore.