TUK MOUNINO ANI'ORlAN, 8ATIBDAV. DKCEKBUH 80, I8W. X TO ASTORIANS. The IMII.f ARTOHMN will U found Mia lu I'lirlUiul at wit knuwu ) lrr knuM tif J.. lUnitl.y I'.., 1 Wahla-tuu Blra.l. Itrdera fr atltaf tuiiit Lit with (hi arm will rla rumil AtUulloN. TOOAT'I W BATHER. I'OHTI.ANO, Ic. m-WmiPin Or tmi uiul V whliih-t'in; riUn. AROUND TOWN. (). A. Hthw.tr( of Olymi.la It at Hu C i-l'li'iil, T. J. Oiirtliait of I'urllaiiJ la at tho Ch i-I'l-'llt. Crwnti, cooked In wlna, at ths Na tional Caf. i'Iiiin. M ll'iuiili of HI. r.iui u at l1'. M'Util.ir .f Hu'1'.li li in l was tn tho city .iriUy. (Joint girl wattled fur liiuaork. In- juir nt Ihl utnu. H.r Hid OpfMIt )OU NaaltvllU tllllHI. Htuilnitta at tin- T. II. Lu-u iif ln1Unniotl was at lit iivl.it yvin:iUy, Jinr U. Hiroiil uf Hnattlt Is villi Ing Mallvvw ku Uifa) liy. Many a Im-ol tt'.ttlhnr proph'-t predicting an aury wrw.ra. I Hirtoily pur Ium ma4a nut candy of all kind ax tha UonbuunJora. A. V. Itnflvr of MiMnhfUM was rrg. Utcrixl ( (ha Ocnl.lont yoatorttay. Th (lurnmn Xxuk Hlirn. with a grain rargi, arrival duwn 'ifcijMar. The atmT Buta of Oal!fi.rni n.rj out for Han K(vhki)co yostr. Jay Tha rwitrve -( aila f.ir "A 3 lot Old Ttitio' opens at OrtfTin A IU4'$ this morning. Tha atneuir llomrr arrived In from Nan Frandao yrtrlay ajid want up to 1'urtUiid, The Churvh News far I,winbar SI, it rut an t up to lh Irule p4pBra crrtlilAhlo ar-uiiUrJ. NuHy ftirilnU"d, plrajaiitt room with waiar, gu, bath, etc., for rvnt. Inqiilr at this nitW. Frnh Columbia rtvrr amc-lt; tbt II rat of iltn wraann, ar. now m aal at llw "I'AT" market, Xt; Mni(ar't llliinrali-y of tha Ill.-ii u vwittng In thla rliy,- the gut vt Mlaa AUoo tlray. A I,. K of th AMorta lin Woi k wa a oMtiirr fur Han rraiiolro on thn Huin y'wtrrdny. rur whUky Harper Perfect whUky Harper evary bottle guaranteed liar Pr. Sold by Ford a Btoltaa) Company, Aatorla, Oregon, IVrtland'a aulwciiirnn to thn Law tea fund ytwirdty u 15, and t IhU l!'J0 wvia coiitrlbuti-d by ei Rrwatar CorbolL Our prita 17i organ wtl ba drawn New Year'a v. CInoi given on wr $!M puroluiaa of hoJIdiy (ooda. B. F. ALLICN A BON. The aervhMa at Qrace church Nunday awmlnr will be onrict.id and a n.l.i alght anrvlrv will bo held In Ita atrad, inning at 11:10. Tha 5. B. F. gave orvn of tho nioat uaoearful aoolubhwof (ho mjoii liMt renlng at tlm rnllvve of Fnnl K. Ttung In ICain Aattwta. The Oerm.n ahlp Waiwbek cl?ar l at tha cuntoma houa yvatarday for Qaeenatown with 10.CG6 buxhula of wheat volu.tl l I53.3C3. May KvaiM, a wxtinan In tlto county Jail aorvlng a trm for txtlng drunk, aowa algna of 4iu.intly and tha olJl rura Ir-IIovo that Im la "lucotl," Roilyn coal laata longer, la oleanar and makea I cat trouble with atovea and chimney fluea than any other, Oeorga W. Ranborn, Agint. Talephona 1811. Tlonlyn ooal la tha beat and moat eco nomical ooal for houaehold use In Aa torla. Try It onoe and you will have no other. George W. Banborn, Agent Telephone 1311. with tho view of cloning out my entire stock of lateat Improved a.lr- tl(ht htora, I am now offering thorn for anlo at & dlaoount of 15 por cent, f. J. SCVhVY, 431 Dond Street. Ladles and CMldivu and all othora (ntcreated ahoutd attond Ute Matin" at S p. m. today at Flihor'a opera house by tho Nah1lla Student. Tho prices: Adults 25 cflnts, children to any part of tho houao 15 cents, Among Astorions rotflrtleirad at rort land yeejtxrday wmt: Albert Dunbar, W. W, WMppIo, Mra. Hunter, Mr. Olaen, James and Mrs. Rocks, D. R. CampbeU, W. O. Howells, H. Bell, H. A. Smith and J. Anderson. """""" There will be tho usual services In tha Congregiitiaruvl church tomorrow. The paator will preach at 11 In the morning cm "a forward movement for tha new year." The regular service Pears' Its least virtue is that it lasts so. Soap is for comfort; the clean are comfortable. a rt 111 ill 1Mb cvniting t 7.10. ,Th I'HIitU'j. and CoiiK'VaU'inullifls w.ll iMiiilUDl uttlo.t wrvl" during tin' w"k of prnyor, Tit" flrU in-tlng will btt hld Moti'luy v mliiK In Ui I'Mptlnt rliun li itt i';3' Th'-ao acrvlca ara oihiii anl fi'.if to all. rn-aliytrlitn cliiin h, i-ivlira ita ti u a! Iniiiitrrtw. Hubjni'i for tin morn ing rnioii "rW'tHilil" for ih- N w Vmtr." KviiiIhk aul'J't "A mii'o lutK" m with for yir rn)."- A -ry coidl il lnvlt4.Uat l rl'ii'li-l to all. For a few days Mily, cr.m-mliJ candy 15 rent a Kunl: plain Anir p an candy 10 centa a pound, f.'ltoco tale crtna SO cna a pottiul, and evoryllilng xlao In proportion, at tin? J'arlor, Tyn gouda am tiuvU ff ah f Chrtatmaa. I'tliu lpal I'tyiio f Oin Aalorla pub lic aclKHila woa aiming lhov taking p4TI in Dm dlMi:UMin )tt'nbty of tit dnpitrtiih'ift of auiMrtntendeins and wraiirn 'Uvuion of tho a:at 11 'U' OMtia'UtJO l IU;W hol'Ung a araaluii at Hal 'in. The torp'do Unit i.tn.)r Qiils borough, recrlltly coinplrted by Wolff A ZIi kr, will mukn hor g'ununat Ul run on thn sound and will tp over In about in da-. It t;ui not yH Im-n driidid who u1 (tike her around, but prolatily an Aalorla ntarttvr will b "on tha brtdif." Tt ordinance nuikhig It a mlw nosiiior to Itilorferv In any way lLh the water ootnmUuilun'a pMpnrty or cut plw or nuku ootutootlnia with niiUna without p.Titr.Un of the row ntlaolon .ta algmt by the nuyor a teivkty, and la now a law. At the Hi.!lt rhurrh fur the flral wm-k In 1W0, srm his on the "clftiel d.hii" and the "ohmi dr," Joint i-r-vires bctvin Llkr- O.Kignrg.iUonal and I'aplUt rsiiKiVKUil'U. durtnii the we. k vt i.iyer. Flrnl invUng at the ll'tp tint rhurrh M itnluy evi-nlng. kd by Itrv. Mr. t'urrui. panttr of t!t- Con- givitUou ibiinh. t'oiim. averylody. At the MilioilUt KH.x'ii4l chitrch. Iird'a l.ty, mirttlng avrvlo.- will be ik follotta: Huu-Uy wlvml 10 a. m., poaching at 11 a. m. PuhJ'Pt of ar mon, "Hihiu- tliotitfVji on the old and the new." In th rv.vilng therv will be a revlviU sorvlcw. Ktibjii; of th.- paator'a dlxo iurao will bo, "Ami I was Ieft." Oii inualc and a In-arty wel come extended to all. The Niuilivlllo Htudoi'j rnlrrUilmd a fair IW uu.Vt--iu-e at FlMvr opera houne loot evening. The (Intrtng wjs firM china In ewry iwp.-ct and tlie apeelitlthi were, all bxvhI. It would x unfair to Mingle out fu prulw any particular nuinbm- its thy wwe all Woll rtndird. A m.vliwv will be given this afternoon at LIh .ikui! hour and the mig-igmnt will conclude with this evimlng's ptrfnniuiov A friend of tl Hoya flub presented the organlsiillon with 15 to aid tn the purchAnj of appiratu. Tt Is hordly nnceentry 1o mark that the boyj vwy much ppre4atAd tha gift. The boy are nnthUAktatic over the club which Is quk'o 1nteieHlng aitd well at-teiuli-d, now nicmbiT having been prenentnd at moat of tho tm:lnx since tho tMiya orgnnlsnil. Tho byn ghtdly acknowUslgv gifts of games from Mrs. C. P. 7-lgler, Mr. Win. Wood, ring fur the gymntiHum from M. G. PUrmtn and alxo Che gratuitous servlco rnden,d by Mr, Woel In flu Ing up the gymnnalum. Church News. At the ChrJ.tm.s exirolioii of tie Congregational church held last Sun day evenhig the following loutmr, ad- divKKcd b tho wife of tli pastor wioa read: "Mrs. E. M. Curran, Congrega tional Church Piw Madam: En clocetl I titko pl-i.tflure In handing you 10 to buy ChrtNtnuut ppent for your Sundity school cHlMivtn, Kindly nc- ccpt 'the a.uno which Is ch tearfully glvnn. Your, vary roxpcctfully, S. SCI i M IDT." Accompanying tho lat ter v. era thrtw ton dollnr bills, it hna not been fully decided, says the Church News, how Che money will bo (I Up ised of but It will bo uaed In a manner whereby the school will derive from It 1he target possible, bonertt. Next Monday night will bo laugh lug night and Monday afternoon aUo at the matinee. "A Hot Old Time" will be the cause. Unlike moatt no called faroM, "A Hot Old Hme" poa BeHftes a plot, the story of which Is a pleasing one, prettily 'told and de lightfully ooncludod, It overflows with bright dlaloguo and mlrth-provoklng situations, Is made up of dlmlnct, Im ptwslvo characters and moves with umotardad aotlvlty. Throughout the piece are introduced a numbor of the latest musical numbers, anaomblpa and high class vaudeville acts. The company Include such well-known fun makers as John Joas, Wil liam McRoble, John C. Leach, Wil liam Dluck, John Oleeson, William Finley, Jack Darlington, Ada Hamry, Ada Mnlnsri, l'aart lUvarw, JlyWia I'ryins, llertha OUnnon an1 Annie lit. TI, the InlnrlCibUi darioer. Tha muslo Is In the hands of that popular compowr and director, Frank Hodge. The company will be splendidly mount si with spu'lal aomery rnd the new est loVas In mechanical t.nd alectrleal effect. TIIFlll HILVKIt WKDIJINO. TIm; frleiida of Mr. nd Mrs. August Olaen vt Upperlown gava litem a aur-pel- parly Uutt Wednnaday flTnoon at th'-lr r'Sl'loiiie in honor f the 75;h aiiiiivetaury of tlflr winding. The nflnJr hol Ueit tul'ttly goltz-n up am) w.t a i-iiiipl"t urp:W, but v.iry flitlngly irhrni4 the .lvir wcxlling of thn couplo. An Hitlwrate illiiio-r had lxiii pr"pur"l by the gm-Nia and luring It the couple r' (olved ttni ronirriutulull'itM f nil pro ent, Insior J. A. IMIund mldp-sd the i.til couple with a vm-y ai propel it" apivch nnd wv.ic.il tiiaful pcsimla vicr' priin-nUnl in thoin. Among lluitw proit w-rn Mr. and Mr. J. A. I.vaon, Mr and Mr. Jolm I'otiraoit, Mr. and Mr John N r I airom, Mr. and Mr. (Jimtaf H'tanutn, Mr. and Mri. Chas. Fr V. Mr. r. W. Twrsun. Mr. I. A- Haglund, Mrs. Asp, Mr. John 0n will Mr. J. E. I'eterncn. MPHJlATION NVTICK, Notice la hof -by glvon that the part nernhlp hrofire exlatlng l-tween C. v, Itu h attd Alice May, un.U r the firm mime of Rich May, lut this day bewt dtalvnl by mutual canaent, Alice Muy reUrlng. All tho rvlebt-d-nrn of the launch Etlw-I ha Ix-en as aunu'd by C. W. Rlrh and all the bill due the liuneh IVIx-l tnuat bo paid to the CvmnKfvloJ C'llvti n Ag nicy, D.ilglty a n.-el, proprietors. C. W. RICH A LICK MAY. Dated December IK LAND CHANCE. I have a hummfiul UUe to 160 tcr of land In the forwt rv"rve, whb h ran bei exchitngU tvr lo acre's any. where In the l'ntd Htate without any exfa expense or duties ahttt rver. Price H iMtr acre. Wrlt to box 313. Corvallla, Ong-m. Come Just to See Elegant Premiums Given Free. Great AmericaQlmportliiiLTea Ci PTORE8 1M IN NUMBER PRICES A WAT UNDEIt t;i Commercial St., Astoria. W. B. Edwards I'.vcry variety of Ruk' J DrcHKcd l.ntiihcr. Doors. WlndowN, .MotilJh:nt "J Ccdur Shinnies. lf f T Common Rlh,Rrk. Fir, W UU U Hemlock, Alder.l'olcOnk Office Seventh Street Dock The Eastern Dining-room and Kcstaurant J. V. Wanner, I:,ro. rrlvate Dislsg-roosis tor lidlcs Heats I5t l Opes all Nlyht. 170 THIRD STREET. ..,.Btt. Morrisos tod Yamhill Portland, Orearon.... HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always ao light and well baked. Well there Is a knack In mak ing It But don't forget tha kind of stove or range used snakes a difference. His mother used Rntige W. J. BCtJLLT, Agent, iSl Bond itre" H.F.Prael Transferee Telephone 2S. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No, R33 Duane St, W. J. COOK, Mgr Reav Tel. US. Astoria, or, Mtnr Eatnte ffiff ; irj i i Ono-Halt Gold Dust cleans everything about the house better, with half the effort, in half the time and at half the cost of soap or any other cleanser. aaa for tim bwkltW Oolfea aaka for Doaatvork " THE N.K.FAIRBANK COMPANY .LmI HrvTwt I'l.ACLE AT HONOLULU. No New Case Have Developed and 1'rrpare.llona Hive llwn Made for lis Control. BAN MtANCIHCO. r.c. 2.-Th ateainvr Uaelic arrived till afternoon frvtn the Orlenr, yU Honolulu. Th fjuellc was a4nt to luwantlno owing to the putga scure, but b'T Q'bl'i pnvenaers wtre allowed V land. Thm havt been no .w co-s of the plague at Honjlulu since the laxt ad vices. On the 19ih the quarantina over Chinatown wits lifed and busi ness Is now going on as usual In that dlaulct. The council of the state wlU be k td to appropriate 1100,000 at once W.th ahlch to carry out the present p'aa of altering and Improving Chliatowp, In cviifvrpilty wl:l) thf saqlury pr0 gram of th boanl of huJth. COU-NEL ALBERT EDWARD. l)NION. Dec. .-The iMnce of Wabs has accepted th chief colonelcy of the London yeomanry and has con tributed 105 for .be use of the or ganization. PACIFIC SHEET METAL WORKS Manufacturers of Sulmon, Fruit, Vegetable, Spice anJ Syrup. 1 X! X' Llthograhlng on Tin a Specialty. Pan Froncineo, C'sl., Astoria, Ore. Fairliaven, 'ssli. WRITE US FOR PRICES. J. A. Fastabend, Gcncrnl Cotitrnctor find Builder. (Vr. ri n nni n r 1 1 a jj lA'' n riruxririru. Tlic ''F Best Eyes Are those given the beat pare throughout all periods of one's life. "I used to have the best eyes," is a common expression. These people very Ukely have bail eyee now because neglectful c of the cane necessary to keep 5 them good. Lot ua help keep 5 yours good. If you havn't good ones let ua assist In making ? them gxl. Right glass aid r that's what we otter. I Northwest Optical Co., S TIo Litlc HU1i.. R-cnir1 nnd Wnttlilngton 8ta LrttKTLANIi. OKEHON. S urn WW 1 UU- aC Now is the Time . . . . trOTnm f iflflflfi soon. ECLIPSE llltL Better buy your $11 ST0VES llflfl?;; now at C. J TRENCH ARD, Commis-wJ, Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping. Agent Saved. I THE Palace Cafe H, HBIITLK, rr.iV. htt iMlinriit J,rik f Ut fraafU OPEN DAY AND N OHT Attentive Service, Kimt-CiHM Cuisine, Private lbx)iiis lor Ladies. 533 Commercial Street, Astoria. avg Scow Bay Iron and Brass Works, IStb HI. and rraaklln At. Huff schmidt & Lovell, Props SEMI-STEEL. .MtNGANCSE ssd mosrnOK DKONZC a Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS 'Phone X4SI, Astoria, Or. Uie' lulor. Ct.U'Tiiltr. I. D. Boyer, I Merchant Tailor lp-tc-Date ' l'nrlk St., MTL11D. CEL. Y. M. C. A. Build'g. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor MOUSE RAISING AND MOVING! A SPECIALTY THE PROOF of the pudding Is tn tha eating and tha proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's aa argoment tbat'a clualve-a demonstration. Ours will stand tha test coo. HUGHES & CO. BROWN'S RESTAURANT A first-class place at moderate prunes Booms for ladies and private parties Open nil Nlglit... 108 Fourth St.. near Washington I'OKTUND, 0KEG0S. I'HONK BLACK 1835 n 1 HE weather will be getting colder HARDWARE CO. Custom House Uroker, ASTORIA, OREGON v H. A .Mir - (o'i INSTRUCTIOMS 6IVCM. Miss Bertha ilartin's Decorative Art Room. C KKra 20 llakara IllilldlDf, 31 Telephone 981;'" Isimple Arithmetic 0 Supplies tu with many X? For Instance I Dr. Kilmer's Swamproot i.s markeJ an J solJ by most druggists for Whlltf nnr Tut-Prl.-.. iu K Lcavina a little remainder in hj pocket 01 , ,35 Li This isn't tbe only example; we sell all patent medioines and dragsat eor fj . reaponding prices: sYl Pinl-rinm'a rnmnniinrl (ira- 11 nyA'a C To.. Paine's Celery Compound, 75c; Scott's Emulsion, 73c; Pierce's Prescription, 69c; Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, 69c. All these preparations are marked and sold by most stores for f 1.00. a wooaara, Clarke cc l;o,. n Out-Rate Drtsgslsts, VI Fourth and Washltigtoti St., Portland. f Let us find you our WEDDING WEDDIN5 CARDS VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS V ISITING CARDS mm Si NORGARD & Merchant 260 ls Yamhill Street Between 3rd sad 4th... 1 Telephone Onion Black S953 - 1 FOR 9 H Blank Books, Miscellaneous Books. Diaries, Calendar Pads. GRIFFIN & REED. i) 1 OROERJ tOLICIUO. Till Use of (ttacst Calroid ery Materials. ; Initials a Specialty. Choice Selectlos of S ssiplsg Desigsa. Stampiag Itally Doss. . and Washington Nla.( Portland, Or. Nice Work. I can warh and iron, but can not do it as nice as tbs New Columbia iuuuiiui j m I am young and tbey are old hands at tbe business, you know ill call for your wash and 70a will be J. W. D1LT0N. Proprietor. of our best patrons ...$1.00 per bottU ... .65 " " your Cut - Rate Catalogue. Ri CARDS UJ MITM 4 m IS, VI. W III I I II U ENGRAVERS. 22 and 23 Washington Building, a ir nautun'u &j UliUillfi Washington 8ta. over Litt's. 4th and R)KTLAJSD. OKEGOX. A Happy New Year! B I What oould be more conducive H to happiness than a box of m llocfflcr's Sweets?! If von overlooked anybody on El Christmas now ia the time to make anieuds. Choice mixed candies 15o and up, Lowney's Famous Choc olates. The Bontonierre. B PETTERSON, Tailors- - Portland, Oregon 9 El eoos !-sMir--0HSHS--0----0-d