4 TllK MOIINIM. AST01UAN .Y6.DXK81M, DKCKMIihlt tK IBM. CULLISON & CO. tw haiihay hints! ? Wheat and Stock Brokers y a low lavs loft for Cliri.-tmns roadviiiji. In't li lay. Only Every lay lessens your elnuuvs for prompt attention ami best a selections. A visit to our store will show you much that will I intarost chil.lron nixl crown m rsoiis as well. nmrrT uiccc ta Yoik Stock Exchange DIRECT MKES TO ChCJW Eoard o( ,raje I ! STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS f W Its tv 1 4-2 1 5 Chamber of Commerce, I m tUiul, ( Vcon. Fancy Neckwear for Ladies The new tiling, mul very desirable Holiday gift. New stocks, 2..0 to ti IVIioate, brilliant or tjuiel colors. innumerable ! le. Umtrellas as Presents. We have scores of particularly good ones (or wife. aud nidation two bntHisoruo one. Ladies Umbrella Sa; Ivst twist warp k , i k . pearl handle, with hand- carved tiimtiiiiti:s. Men's Umbrella, be! twist warp Milk, natural wmd handle, I i each. Celluloid Sundries. Toilet Sets. Work B.'Xc. lirnsh aud Couih on tray ; a large variety lo Meet from. Wear shoniuu the finest litice' ever displayed in Astoria ol Men's Smoking- Jacket. Dress ing Gowns. Bath Ko tcs. Pictures. Medallions Handsomely intuit, ted or in beati'i fill frames at very reasonable pnet -? Lad es' and Children's Hiadker.h efs. J. i I:c- Ct tUcnll.VlS OS U So.V mitttvt's Jurisdiction. Lsdies' l.nitidered Initial Hand kerchiefs, Linen I awn. Hand K:n broidere.l, each, I'.'v. Kitr value in Ladies' lVain White Hemstitched Hainlkeivhicis. in 'j. l- and 1-inoh liem, l-v c. IV, Ilk" , iV, ll.V ami ,VV'. Fxtra vaiius in I.n Ins" Vnl. I ace ll ,,,.o...i 1 1 .. . . t L .. r.. t, f- oOo and ;.V. S' WASHlNi.TOV Kxtr vulue in Lu.lics' real S Pilches I.jiiv H.iti.lkeritiicK ll ."'. ; SJ.W) to $.;.u. Children's Hai ilken bids in bu oy hoses. Hi tnsttichtd. Uniitd l'ordirs. ;i'V mid t.Y per !vs. Children's l'iain Wh.le Hem ktiiebe.i Haudki-rvl.icK 'j-iiu'ti liem. l.iyiti. e!ta val.ie. Liv each. CliiM-cu's r'.in. y Uni'i 1 iVnl. r Hemstitched IUi iikri hit .V eai h. l.n.l ' white Kmi'-.-Mered H.u .1 kt-iei.il-!!. S.vtl."! i .i-i-i lit v. Billeted t'.i r iert ; v:i o uiui I .ii'i nikV, leil. il v.i. ne. '.-. pre.tMtiU- In the ll.ill. INI- . . ' rotvtily, I w.uil to m) that I am Roili)! to ttpiHW (th-tnt! the prlvll.-fff i of the imuvimiUoii iKsir to it- y lit tlnuv. if the tiiilriiooillan Tin: i!oiti-:itTs oask. ,f v'ltin- L,my.r Ih.'iA. .4.' t''.fl-1 ( ''14. U1...1; -1ST iV Al-TKU AXl'Ki: S sr.U.1" t hu-ii;.. li.N.U'iia i'..;n.!l I '.mi i l.iK. IUm KihIijIi s niii!h.--. IVe. ! -ML Or Mi!i vas :v An In the lli.Ul'.a , .- i.-i1 t.Uiv. She -,ive htv pnfi-t-i.in as that of v phyWi-.an ut Suli Luke r-:ie s." e leiilll M .1 i nn tne ill t-l- i I 1 H ' At ll ' liv. I t 1.1'.. .1 h I. !'..- h.Mi.-- of Mrs lr. M.m;1e Sh ,. , y (f ,;rM, t,.... M1 .. in iln- rUrt. April :. s:. relative l s u;h A .,., i,..,,, ,,. ,N p 1 1. n i .1 mi n 1 -lie mi.luMi si.-i,-y tiftaipt. i Amtrewi. iitert:i' I, ' lr. Sh:pt'." h.miMi th,. tl:n-st r,.,un;,,iis N-ihk she m .m Mrtipt.sl ;th t.he rt-jony -.. ta-; t la.n "f ' f '' " rs uiini ..r .- l.'..K. .f j " Mm l..'..f-4 M '.'.! .... t.i I e.-Ui'ittlitlt. KihvU.." Mrs. l.'.t.'r:. i.: ..n t', i ; l.uii.'.li.' Mi:n ss .-.i:.l. i hat J-be h.ulj I -:i irar i.il ;.i Mr ll.thrt. for v. ' 11. 1. .i.i -I I'lihiu u .i til.- t'tU' of .- -hi, .-I In the ,!r .-::tiit f 1 h'.t V 1. ! th t..il. FISH! FISH! FISH! Boston Codfish and Mackcral Common Stockfish Stcllanglcr Stockfish Anchovis. SpoolnuR, Holland Horriug Hamburg: Smokocl aud Canned Eel, French Sardines. English Bloaters. Russian Caviar, Kiolor Buockling, Marnirto Horiugo. At Foard & Stolies Co., Astoria, Oregon. It sh u.-K .I t'1.1: ! . e.al! ;t !-.-r n th il as lr I! l r . .b- ANivnil' ,u s. s r:i- IlcaJqii.irtcrs for lry (Ittod mi the I .uivtr 'ultimbi.i Pears' No other soap in the world is used so much ; or so little of it goes so far. WEFT SII'K NEWS. Miss N-Mly Sur.Vy .- v;.-ia: ? st. La:. ill... 11 J. Mrs. W. i-. Hrcwa is visaing fneu 1 Jn Hjtih":i'1. U. C. Oa.n !!!: wju Sii.-H-i' t; In Astoria on M i:iay. The A. ". i:. st.it i.i .-.t F -r: Stewns is u.::n tft -I. yiifi i.iry L'i.'us fi With fri-n.ls in .Skii; Mis- I.. lo-ay is Pistt-r M!. If. in is :n Av- 5. C -.us.- -.'i.l rt:.:...v to Var.' . tiv-r :'. thf -.viti L-un v-..,l:i.Uy fc. A'.'n-tl lt-t ai!'-vl. U in tret 1 1 tip h.s raf; .m;s out of Sik jKUu n i-re k. T!i y wvrv to :h Kr.upttti.iri tr.iils. M-ii!k-i-. ,f the A. ". I". W. have d-cblitt r.. t ki. a jsirty untit the h..'; !.is ar- .0 -r. uun.g to s many .ttli,. r am'js ..'lifia.-. T!-ir poj-ties uiv a! 'Any v.-ry pleasant. line Oay '..L-it .. Mr. John Wllkins with the ajLsta.ni.---- ..J or.'.y a loi. broustt a laty dn.-..- of ho rnmi his im.u-c to Wanvn,..-n. Th-re tiiey irt- shipi-l b r.ti; ' th.- 1' .rtlaol ii yo.us. e.u s . ; 'V I e .1 Ll: s Sh;;- : i t;i.. v. .t n v h.i.t t.-i- ! .1-1! . i: V : ;s fuUm:- ! .:: ' j : ; th- . :!.t this t- : : . it-it t 1 lv, iv !' -.- i.s '. e. .;n 1 ;tti- ll ol e !. v. ei v n.-n pror h.s -.!::::: 1 ::.. :i:' r . ' T i -.1 "l e.t 1 i.l. ' s.i 1 I 1';:. i.i t!i...i T.ivi r. lliat til-' ti-t in .:- .-!. .; ! HU Ml to Mat h. l- 1 .' ' ' I .!..,' ans-.-r.l Mr It ! r'.s ' Th oh! 0 i.ti ti! b. ; .1 .1 te- p"!'dt-l th i-li.i.nniin. i .1 !'.! 1 j 1 1 1 1 - i : i: 11 l: . - VI. T ! I !'. u-t i.i..! .-. : s. .1. - V . fit! ' v,. .i-,! :.- : !.!l. Th' :a 11 .::! tl -V 11, I in .h- S v : 1:1 V n.KK Al't'KllTI SKM KS'T. fiMat.il Prevt H.-lim it A: ": Ap!rati.fis of i.'.i-y .im. Wye sri.iN' ;i- l!..n...s n(.i :n. tr.l:-.l.-. '.it:ii--.t I t-t ! -if.-'at'.iiv io:nt i'' 11. i.i' : i.i - N ! Tl. 1 by a l .i iirt' ra:lr. r!' Lui'T. I. D. Hocr, Merchant Tailor lp-to-Datc I" Kuunt M., MKIIUD. r.. .M. V. . I 'liM w 1 I I I 1 t 1 ii I Santa Claus Will liii.l ll t.i l,:s uit. fi.-t tu rn!l in;; i-l- 'i!.. iv. t in . 1I1. 1. iy lio. W ll! 1 1 -1 In- ki I t .ill. I Ni Vt' llti t' t 'I a- l"U ;i- '.. tl.iii'l l l - X ll tl- lir.. to oiivli.ts-I-' .Hi' a'.! li'-iv alid livrrv iluiio jjii;tr:ii. t 1 Y );.;.! Hie 1 i B- F- AIICIl S SOU, 'm Commercial St. 1 nl .1 f th. mil th- fat 1 u-:.: i'!' !:is.; r.ri.i:s The Eastern U.lli.ia l."M'". !-. l.'il--. til.urv. -a h iu-t ;' -r.tlti' t.-vii niai: !'. .-.f t: - Ej-rs "St .r 1 s- ;i ij- t , . ty v. h i, h .s i:. CliFYLNNK. Wy ... p. have Iwn nceeit'l uinl .-infracts have l.e-n sKiu-tl or will b- a .tf-.l in '""i '' '!l within a w k f.r a. .irly thr tialW i ln 1 V'"1V il.ill:ir a-'.nh of Inipr .v ne-i'.t.s ..n .Sherman bill, abt-Ut thirty v.i:- -t tat of Obi . f Chrv.-rif. . .n the m.i'.ii ine- ' tl-'' I'ni.-n F.icitic i-.u!r.iJ. Tne iiir.'r- v -tr-nt con.fi.it.-i "f a tun:-..-l l.-t.vn ar.il two riul-'S L.ns thr. tilth --..'.i 1 granite anJ a lo :g ui. . .'it .lis 1 ir. k'rir.r.e an l mi .ir-!i .i:..l .js. -.iy a.-r .-s Im'u.' i-r-K will -b is ,v- spoj.ti. il !.y a v v uithl n-ni bridit- l.t'i ,.f l-.-.t h!th. Tlie fan : 1 -v. i:i Ir-r-n at luf .r.l, 1'.' 1:1 i ' -s f 'h nti- 1 j:..-;s! ., ;t r to has run - Ai i'.s -rtt -..t.-i-e.. iliirly t-.- art ..f tr.it- cut .vil cmui-n--.- .in.; . ...::i.".'i.- t. ul,.u!.l..i.-d Ti S Th- lei... -i. k .1.- Ii 11... I i'!.- M.ir.;tils .fj , i- f . j,. t 1. ...,. ,11,;.. l)inini-r(Miiii nml Kotaur.int -'1 . -i.il. y.j'.rUr,1 '' 1 ' vi'"pr. I'r.... " 'Ii 1 tii. I'rttt Dioioij-iium fur l.jitic ncjit iv i. THE CIP uF BITTERNESS. iCotainu-.d free. tirt page.) City of T.lslo. Luciui 1 "tit ty. . Frank J. t'henev rnak.-t 0.11 h that he -he --...r part- r ..f !.. lirtn .f F v ,",M, IN.rtlMiiiL Ormmi it- ,.f T i. .l . ' ttimy ana State if. r- -.nl. att.l th-t a: l tlrrn will pay -"I'll -f J'.'W -r c i.-h a. .1 ev-ry "f ' a irrh " it e i".t "t cur-.! Opti all i.Ik i7n mutt) stHrrr bet. M'lriiti.a an.) 1 jmhtll 1. u;-r.ot- f Hi 1 'varrh ('nr' Fit Ni-l J .'IIKNKY. 0- '-.t ru vn run ; -j n 1 n; r. t;u t a uia. i.- AAp JtOiGJ!len8CoM HUNK J i'IIKNKY. t -- Tl ' !-: a.l ulti-rllMM 5. I HP :-v j.i-ti r..-.. t.lis t! 'l-iv ..f I c-m- 5; ' v' ' I llv -. A. I ! ? ri '"TZ A V. .U.i'Asi'N. .V.t.ry Public. i 'V- 'i? T ;'-... , ? t,S-tf ', . Ric Dealers, Manufacturers and Contractors Of AHhCHtoH Boiler iiticl Pipe CovcHiiuh s.,m.i st. ri)i:Ti..M, ii;i:. . ,.........,..)........;! i.i.i.,.,.,.,.,.,. ; DO YOU II ATI 111 '! I NO, ? Su:..i iV A. V. r-zii'-i ha. b.-'V-i faniilv fn.ni Ast.-j.;i t. Jl .ton.. : Mr. 1 H. Win w i. w e-k .'oil h-r ' '.hri.-t ; p..r:.t!.d 1 sh- t I'i ' 1? i- tl" -'...rot.... ...... ... 1, v ' " ' ' " Any c.-.l .v i- r of - 1 1 1... ..... .. v.... ..lor 1 ia .'j-'icwi .0 'j vi.r..- o..i.- s.i'.ji-ii... Mr. in:'! Mrs ii. MlWn." bv th- c.vii:z-l rwi-.f. at prt--i.t. ' i'is - viy wi.i ..v-r !1 " F-.u.i". t!:- l!..-:ts a.- ;..s ...titrl.-M that-, th- en.' i-h. ' ;.-i i-n-ly th-y Tlil 'ST -. 't :ITIi-:s iiiv- y T- th- -truiti?'- w r.h 1.1 .r- -r s; .-;t t. ! : . : :n t is rtif-.r-l ! ... NKW V"i:K. ( I . - A --! y t i-i : -s.! .- T i- K1 i;';.-h t:..'ps -. :n '.b- fa-ti .tl -.tsii.t-'. .. :: -i- 1 1 -t t-- iuv- -;-ht h- y -..-re ,.... ;.iisr e-ti p.i;i ' !:! h -.I'l.- : v-:lu ) ,1 ! i - ;' i -s or -ntir- l.ir- t J'-iay "' -1 f .1- - ' . . :. ti b.:iii;i Ik- I : -.-:!... App.n"- 'tiv !v 't slio'.-i mi-iu . t. -ft ' -i.tiy tl- y 'i. l b"t -x j -t t to h.1.1 nil.:- 1 ' t '" t mi os j.is. fy.. tary -::'lt ,...,. in b.il w ii.--ile fear .nel .iv t...-1 v.h.. h -, . ,s; as-.tiij-t tie;.. a:,.i ... -r- .Jrunk -.vith a f' !t st-cl.iy. l."t oi.ly .( ail tru-t i-'..- - f tl.-.r 1,11. .v-r, Tins is v. i.y ' . tiu-atii.-s. but ail b .lu-tria! cn.- h-y ar- i. ..'-....-i tak-n by surpri.. patn-p. tu. ail l.'.ilus'na. n-u'it-.M is know s thai N-.-v-nl ,.fS, tJi-r- w.is an abiinli:,- ini'v .s tiiut u-iiifh g.j .n of pi-i.a.rJ.tt nr.-l di riniiiMti-i, stv-.:t th- battl- ti-M Ib-1 -.v.th uncei t-.rity. " , !'' 11 v-Uy i liit nmny i.f th..- in- r.ir h ('nr.. Is t i',v. ':'. !:r . ' v -ti 'i- blo. e I .. . , , , . . .1. .... s . . - . ..i' ... n - s-.tnti ! f r ,. ..,- f... .. F .1. riHIN KV ''ii. T-.'-l-.. 0. : I i.v !-.;c,-.s- 7:,,-. f 1 i I' .::..: Fills at- !... b- et ? ' rst "'i Fioc ! WHY? 7 y Sumliiy t tli.- honi- - .f U K. WatT-n. Kev. ll-nry rarcf.-; h .-!! an 't.t-r-wtini; s-rv!-- in Warr-.-i.ton Friday ewriinj,. iustriaLc an.l oic-eially in the placing I I Ai K.' U I (. 111. II A ; ScMI III 1.1:5 f O.l.l Pol U lt-1. l-.k... I in v. r. Ft Wort'., ihi- ilm Kim tre 1 ny, -1 1 1. in I lll .i.'.i .OmI I- iit. hi.: t K M .11 ' r, , 1, 11. .vrsn IV T" 1 iFFKIt MEDITATION ,f M- Tll-' ,"t t i-tabi.. -h- F- The asM- p. v.-lTue has "tit niovt-1 to ,i buil'lli.g ft-p.ii,.f Mr. M-- S'ry f- r th- L 's of Lif'--in th- Tr tn ail. collateral and inon-y tun not .a.-1'y I pr-x.-urril for tin: puipowc of nupp.,r:in tlwin in tie.- mark -t. 10.. il::. l i;i-u--, I . i'. rn. Flv. r CiUif If l-l. XI W Y'P.X If. V.'. A dispatch 1 tli- F-ra!'! fr-en B-ilin, sayn; Mrs. IX K. Warren vlm-l l.er The it-rlin-r T.m -blatt i.s informed datiKht-: Mrs. Thom.s-e:, .he -arly thtt th- Au-..-i-in (,.v-rnme-nt Is tn pa:t of the Week. ciiied to ..ff-r its ne-litatiin in the ' otil.i' t i.-i S.mih Afrii a. Ii , 1 ii:fi-l -it-.l hit the dip!.) nat isis ut I-.ur-f. uho only a f-w montha agj snjn-tl a in-tlncul of p.-a-;, & t. . " Bciuty and Pwer." The 'crft of a -m,-in' power is in hi-rruniplt-te .. . T A . . I I . ' "V 'i 2; ' 1,'-t"u."i' . both phv-H. -- 0f'4?'fraical m''"ti'1 Tl'i: ' c & V.Jmm-Jl"r- 'i'""1 n'jt I"'' j : ..in , Ik-'X'-I'' ,f'cl'"n "' ""time KS'in..u t, ! (iA'SF if'iH-k n"r rutularitr I W mWW. off.H,rc It I . XV J' It t t . 1 it JjCF physical at . 1 does ngt mean s. wit, nor talents nor a c c o m - Miss ."lalrl Me '1u itv. who h.Xs lf-n Vlstt1t.it 01 Portland and Cm valKf. !.-t'Jn.-d l,.st Friday. in- in v cn.r ..r tin.- uammonu. rann-t ndioit U.at th- prent bew of unib-r tie- t..l TPhip of Ve. Sklwi'-r. p.f.. ..,i,l-h ,.-.iy In th- -nd, will end in is tr.u.h .-.ppi--t-iat.d. favor of th- Mai k population shou.d Mrs. JohiiFoii, Mr.s. Ston- itnd Mrs. continue. Hansen, . f Hammond, w-i- .siioppln Th- l- rlin-r Taireblutt, however, in Astoria on Maura. y. co.iPiu-rs trut iniiUiUiwi wouia tt I j bodily condi Tle e-lio.s.- of Hi.-, moon .Saturday W'""'ire. 'i--rnnny at Jit for "e tion and the evening ,a, ,.bmd by the a.iron- ' has no intention of taking1 oiny entliti-..is-s 011 this side. ' '" ' fl"' sl-l'.- "t the oi l. 1 . woman with a bright eye, ch ar itum Sc'VelH I III- .10 Hll'l Klt.t. K .(in Attoroi OCIiAN STHAV.SMII-3 VI -HIH114 In. l.-a mil, .-l I t.i 1 liiilik..-. f or -Hii I ra r ic Sail , 11, ll. f l. .' loli"nbl Hlvtr H tea men l"ir'lnd a4 y Lemllnite. 1 . in. p .r. lhs- fc'lv- n th- l- ti. tur c !hroii,tlii''it a.l t-i-'. 1 1 . f im-'n q llf- -I i-il to 1.1... tb- U-st 5 ." I- a !: ti Ml . 1 : l-'i-ioo. 5 Tie", j.-' ;!- I'-ry ,.k-iv I1.1t e J bit -s-i i,..v I.i in-.- t,e;. etful C ' f t '1- 1 r --tu y lo ke P 1 C t hi-in it""! L't in h-lp kp 5 Votirs kihcI. If y u h.ivn't K1 ol ; 5 "in.-s -t us ustNt l:i making I ? th-rii if.l. HiFht gin 'in aid I 3 thiit'u wtuit we offt-r. Northwest Optical Co., Tliv I. ,il. I c. I llittf., Hvcornl it. I WitMltiniitoii Hl W.I.III1M JieJOJi. rollTI.AM). OKMION. b liec.ui-. i.t our I1..11111. wi bate lit libel 11 batlilu1', I.-i hoi w,ili 1 loimh .... Then o to tli.' linsxinn LhiIi nt -.'7 Asi.T M. . "Jo cel. Is h lint puce I'rnitte ai iiilnu .I f..r lieli' 1 inly Hi- betid elawi of j ulroinit- lit Cllleli- I In. Ill nil- mil oil I I'l.iin. I . m," I ' I a r I . ' .rr.(.i.i. .1.... .,. ... . . ... ... .,...:,,.,. x.,. ..,, I 1. Ill Y bi. .lay Fmrn l'i.ri;,m. WII,,MH- K KiVKH 4 II n. 111 3 that comrs 1 from pirrrt " . bodilv condi 1 a at M .11.11 ' r- "I ' r... y t rtiln.lny . r' i''Mi ' 10 , .ewiH-rj lali'iii A W.i.,ntiil t7 T a. rn. W",,!',V ,nd v,m- v: p rr. Tile.,Thui Mon..Wiit ami Hat. iwn cm, 1114yn.11, a nrl Frl WaylnilliiK. I Dlcxion. Ill.Hltlinlf color 111 the rlit-i-lrs anil cait-.s of irieaiili are I' - . I I,,,,,.. ,,,, , ,.,i . ported in the neighbor!-..! of F .rt : nalnrid attractivene-H tiiat no artiftuJ Stevens and New Astoria. . . . fifency can counter.. -it The council of New Astoria 1s Im proving Some of the sUte. This little 1o,vn I.s growing very rapidly. i'l! I f. M M-IM'HIA. I,-c. IS.-The :iu judge McGuire and wife w.-re in ditoiium in th- main buiUlir.K of the KiparU Imw di 5nke Klver. I 20 a. rn. , Klarl tu l.ewni.jn. I.t Uwlstn . n in dully 1 hil..d-l,h: 1 That i.'.-t-. '.VIII Tak- Place. A woman who is alflu t.-d w ith the morti. fyinK misfortune of a dn!!, sclow pimplf complexion or that htli ss movement and attitude wlin h provoke, only disgust and revul-ion in th'- opposite sex. ouijht to avail herself of tin- punfviriK lnviioratine nower AMor,:, Saturday, buying a Christmas r,.wt natiotia. -xp.,,,UW. is proaounc J rZ.'S S dinner f-r the p-ople of Stuside. by Chairman J. II. ManU-y and H. C and diitestive oriranism ; purifies thf blood Rev. Hail. -y Ls linprov-int' and was I'aym, ef the sub-cornnilLbw.- of the j and imparts a natural Mimultn to the tx . . . Cretorv funrtinil insure lieulthw jj.inl.t able ti) 1111 his pulpit Sunday, but he nati.ti! republican contrtwlon as 'be' clear skin, brivio -tcs and thr inimated' will carries hi.? arm in a sling. Mrs. Jiayn was vlfciting lier 8-n JoJinny at Flav.d. Mrs. Frank Kiich-n returned to Portland with her for th-: holidays. Mr. Fliilo Elxtrnmn, who has Ifa in the hmspl'al ait Astoria, returned to her home In Souside, and is much improved. Iinet-L hull -v.-- s -ll-d for a national, manner and bra: ,nu of oerfect health convention i A ;"'' hviiiz 1,1 wst virginn, Mist Anm Cullow. of Kyz'.r. Foarie Co. writes - It i. ii a:i in- avaliatil- Hpaoe IS uunzisj witn picn'iire I wra- you niter usm few the convent!. .11 hall will provide 30,0 s.'iuare f-.-et of r.jin. For the a.-om-odHion of n-'A,air men it is pro posed to -iv-t a platform capable of holding alevjt VuO fieople, half wtay betwi.-n tlie llo.r anl the level of the stage. This will irfve the aewsoauer The light drama given by the young lr(.n ,.v,.ry pilrullVy ,0 hear and people of Seaai le Saturday evening gCje passisl off very smnuthly, much to the ;r Manley, In speaking of the ar- w-edit of all. rangc-metils for the representatives of Mr. and MM. Lewis, of Clatsop the pres;?, Ud: Oardtms, ntunnied from Portland on "There were too many nwpaper Thuisdny mid are neooiivelng the con- men at St Louis. Every country gmtulatlona of their frtemda. n-vffipaper for SftO milea around had bittlen of Ur. l'ii m s Favorite Preacrinlu.n and ' Golden Mi-.Ii. al lii-rf-ovtry.' mid 1 think tiiem valuable in ili..-ine for female troubles ami w akiu- s' I lould liarilly go about my work I h:.'l --jrh in v. aril wi-akli':,i arid coiiaial.l riiiviv 1:1 lii- womb It worried me w that I would give out in walkiui; a short illnlatite I had a bad coiih and my luriyi. hurt me all the time 1 col very thin, my complexion waa bad and my eyes would i;. t v, h-avy in tin tveniiiK they heni(il 'Off in the lids. I could hardly move ihi-ni. Many rr,ns were alarmed about me I i'ol:'-d v. ii'l anil had sm.h uKh , I hey were an .et would i;o into co motion I felt o 1,-nily everv dav that I had no Itfi about nie I u.v-d only five lyHll-a in all I -hall ever Hnk in prau of your grand mdlioea. They are bl-bsirix ro i-ili'i-rinjf femalea." Another good thing to havt in tht house is a vial of Ur Pierte'i Pleasant Pellets. They cure biliousness and constipMion and never gripe. 0 '.am WII.I.A.MF'I IK ItlVK 4:U.,in. Tilca, Ihin 1 Portland to 1: .rvaJiia Mod, Wed Saiurduy and way !:iin'iuK Krldav JO 'rrwieJ 1T iry 1f) xunanuiH u m tuoirr tuslw 'xuuaHiNaoT a, o a ft st i!,..'. A im A W. A A . ,! I THE Palace Cafe M. W WBiri'LK, Prop'r. Fnifsl BnUurant ortb if San Fraiiritra OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Alil.ntlTo Hnr.-ii... First-C'laas C'uiHine, Private Itoung for Lniliea. i KW Commroial Street, Astoria. ! 5 .'.'!"!' V, fff V'. ".' v V.' v !"" '' '? t. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He May was always so light and well baked. Well there ll a knack In mak ing It. But don't fnrget the kind of ttove or range used make a difference. Ills mother used a Star Kntnte RnnKe imuiiumi W. J. SCULLT. Agent, 431 Bond itmt WIN These tiny Capiules tre superior to Balsam of Copaibay- Cubebs or Injections andiirm CURE IN 48 HOURSl the am diseases wiuV out inconvenience. Pacific NayigationCompany McaiiKTH U.l. I Inline,' "V II ll.iiiisiin' Only line AMm i.i tu I ill.iiiiiiuk. (.111 ib.ildi. liny ( it , llnbtunx illc. ( tiiinrctintt nl Astoiiii with the t bi'troii llailtou.l A- Nuvitfntion ('. and hlmi tbe AhIitIh Coliiinliiii Kivi r It. It. (or Sun Frnn. im o, 1'ortliiinl mid nil points eiiil. l or fieigbt slid pHHBi'infer rnlea apply I , HniTtMcl liltttorc Co. leiieml A-enU. AMlOKI.t, tiRK. C'OIIN A CO., Aeiits, Oi-kmi Kiiiiiond ,v Niivitoitioii Co., TIl.l.AMU.ir. tire. A. ,V t . ll 11 Co, Ft IIIILAND, Or... New Zealand Fire Insurance Co of New Zealand W. P ThonifiH, Mki., Snn KrcuiciHCo. Hun Iwitn unilei wriliinr mi flm I'm illc ('onl over twenty -two vriiiH. SAMUEL ELMORE CO., Il-MiiUiit Agents, ASToltlA, OltK. P ' 5:..'r ..- '.X '" IVe Rent New Typewriters. Miiiiy Nuw IiiiprnnuiieiitH Added nKM OL'It LATKMT Smith Premier Typewriter NKW AltT CATAI ' MII'K. Fit KK I.. A.M. AI.I'XANDKK It CO., I'honc Main S71 Kxcliisive 1'ficiflc Const hculers. 'M Stark Ht. I'ortlauJ C. A. WHALE, Wholesale am retail dealer in Pianos K mni cli and lineli, Sctlmller, Hnhillcr, and ninny others. 1 12-111. 1 Hi Union Avenue and IIHil luiMt Alder Struct losaajll" Organs Sclniltz and Co. Miller, Ann Arbor lientley and ntliers PORTLAND OREGON. Instruments Sold on Easy Terms. M. C. MATTIIIELL, Manager. Head offlee 142 Btate Ht. Salem. Ore.