The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ttltt MOKNIM ANJOftlAN, TlItfDA . , DECEMBER 12, '8W.
"' "HUlMl Nl h al.tlWM
)? tM i.rj. r, iianai? u i
Vhiumn irl, Oritur iir
ILIm, .. i Wh nm will rlr
iruMii aiUhIImm,
PoiiTLAND, !... Woirn
Viulitiiirtiiii n,wt NV.wnit Oivifiti, mi.
ii.iiiil ruin tKl&y.
W, F. J.ffrl, of Portlanfl.
I J, M'tfTVf, of OrUy'ii riv-f la rt
lttfrd nl Oiri Ocrldit,
T. (. Hoolhl anil Kit-, of
CHIT, wr In Aabiriii yMtr-rdny.
Il lm Iwxii dn light to my atu iiilon,
IJ't Willi Ui tl.luii of liiiuriua mv
candldm-v fin ili.. ..ttl.u. ..r ....o.... .....i.
iitliwI.iiM'r, ivpurin luivo Ik..ii put lit cir
culation chirglug nio Willi Hip IiiIou
l"li, If i l.-.-lol, of ti.lng my initum.s
M Ikm. liny I lin ppoliitmnt of chief of
l"tlc Um.ii A l.'rllUll Uppua.-d a ll't t -
date. I dcli to meat rinolmtlrally
dny thoan amerlliMia, I nut uibr no
liledgo ajkI will outer Into mum coil
(Mi'tilttir any of my pmiihl futuro ftt
oliil ui'lluli f rlii Uh polli' ('lunula
alum r I pro-ao u apply lh aumo
liml timU to Urn aditiliilatrutliili of llmt
ol1o thai 1 um tit my tiUMimm,
al.all c.'ioniii to ho a p4lilnivlit 1
no nun lu Hit polios fore In any ra
Jity hi., qualin.ailuna. ehamct. r
mill atandlng nru n.rt auch a u rvfUci
cm:t on Uiu iiiy xj Among, and on
inymlf a uim of hia oftlolttl liwirn.
If I am t.l, bjiU l do m.t wish
ottwra-Uo to be, It will U without vii-tangli-menl
m-iUi any Individual or art
of Individual caior-mlng tlio inuimg
tnviil of my office. J jiropnk to be
rrmmiiBiMo ,m)' (o my coIwm:Iiu: itfvl
tlio ti.wl MilrTtnla of tlw nholo i-otnmU-liliy
Antort. ! I do mt v,jA
ami Mill iwtt a'troi the polli coin
nilHiliiix'raltlp or any oiltnr u(tli,
Aaioria. l. f, lsvS.
N. AIIkii Hint wir, of Huknr City. nrr
In lit city th irui-ala of l Jin fi-..i it4,
IKllliail Win" OffclK Kl OVarcikUl
and inuckliit.M-li' m tt nKliiclloii of 20
A marrlogo llcoium ku lamiiil
ltnln to V. K. l-wa ,n I Mr
Mr. Hylvralitr KuilM-l, tli fll kllotift
I'onluinl liiinlnraa man, wua In tlm t ty
Kdlt Itl'.NT-HliiKln rwmia or a d
alruliU null, In tit Flavel brick. Ap
ply room IT.
l(vvMily t t-riit cit intJ.Mi on all
mm klutiw t m rwwl ov.fmla i rr
iiimi WlM-'a mitr.n,
C. Cum. nf Hrvutlito. la In town.
U Iliilimt. of lliro.. U In th city.
Tti Maiiiuitlln mg-l out Hunday.
15. I. Irvlttf, of Oraya rtvor, la at Ilia
J. I Hmlly, ,.f CUftKi, waa In town
ya nly.
Tltr HtniMM'T 1'iilumliln arrivl fnun
Hut F i. in. I, o yetrtr.ay montiiiK .anl
t 'i(.1,m,l
The IimiMi buik Aniym, fnun Cal
luo, .ttli--,l In Hun.lay tin. V.ia towml
l lli river yiiinnlay.
. liowiMt auya Hutl tlio w'pII ai
r.rt Htnvmm U lw : fW and
r k luta not li nriil.
Tlu rr Mill Im fiU.ll (ttiim hn
tur-lay llr,.n HUIn.p Hxl Al
my Juitlora nmt A. V. I". Juniom
iNunt Aaloikt. KoirraU-ra of Amrrlr.
liMWitltt at l'un linU at 7.1 AU
lii'tnlxua iv rraitiM in nilvl
Mr. and Mm. (I. V. Hi. himxwl. ,,l
Ali-T..iti. U'ajtlatiirton, are vlxltlnit
frtrnuU In Aalixia. Ilwtlr f.din.T Unu
RiMilyn coal lata ion$r, li eitanar
tnd inakei Iru Iroubl with itovta and
chimney fluai than any otbr. Oor(
W, tanborn, Afont. Tlphcn 1I1L
Hwlyn coal la tht btt and mot aco
nnmL'al coal for houahold um In A
torls. Try U onot and you will hav
no otlwr. Oaoria W. Banborn, Afflrit,
Trlc.hlHI 1311.
THI fUllKTMl of KNI III.ttiihii Mho
(Hl at N'wamVum, ThunwLty, Mill t
burM Uila mnniinii In oiht m
liy, Tim f iirntr i4 .trvln will bv bnl.i
at 1'olil'a iiii'lortakltiK (i.trloiw.
Mul holp Maiilud -H.-IIiiIjIc m.'ii to
handle our 11 iw of h'lf It Ifriulu lulTlcal
liilt olla, r-n -a mid api cltilll., H.ilnry
or 1'i.miiilHHion. Addntoi: Mutual IU-lliilni,-
Coinpiiiy, Civ'l(tml, Ohio.
An.ithrr Inrit.- coih.Uiiihk ?mu c,i1
fltiB aluliMood rM'Wvi'd y-trliiy frotn
Kmippluii Mllla by tin- Aatorla Wood
yurd (ompttny, which llny off.-r for
villi at
Washing Powder.
Woman's Best Friend. Dirt's Worst Enemy.
V If irillllllt tMi-rr n. . -
MACKINAW COATS, Blue only, $2.75
MACKINAW PANTS, Blue or Brown, J.75
MACKINAW PANTS, Yellow only, 1.50
III and U2a u-r furd. do-
tlKira K.
I hp 1'itrk-Ar,
lUdfrr. 1 yulncy. u at
Crawflah. rookad In win, at Ota Na
tlonal Caf. ,
J, W. Thomi-a), of
lh (Hvld4nt.
I'ortland. la at
J.n WWU-r. of W'tort, M' In Aa
tori yi'nd'nKty.
Mr. I.1. It. Wtdt,
rtty on lnwlm-fw.
of r.Mtlund, la In th
I. fJoolhiii, of Kurt CttJiby, ia In
th city ycMtrd.iy.
Tim atrm achoonom Kulton tui.l Ah-wl-nti
arrlvnl ;u Hun.Uy from Han
Ktun. l.c.i and worn on up to lortl.uid,
MrrniMtt WIm offrrw all Ovrcial
and mm klntiH-tu at a p-dui llmi of 10
prr ci-nt.
Mr. ClirTord J. (iin, imuiuulnn !
ILor of tha Td"nim, mui In Antntla on hitjuituT imwuvIci1 with
tlx- ,aprr.
Purt whlaky Harper Turfecl whlaky
Hrpr rvery bottle (uaranteed 1 far
ter . Hold by Ford A 8toka Company,
Ailorla. Ornm.
Our Una of holiday a''! la now in.
lUmomtior w h&va tha only Una of
Ita kind in Inaptly. Tortland prlop. II.
P. Allon & Bon.
In thu prolIi. roi.rt y.tiriluy tin
hftihiii; of ttip II luil urn Hint ,,f Hi,.
rt-utri of tin. of Andrew And.
rraon, dvisnan, waa mit fur Jinu?iry
l,.lh. .
It II. WlUrti, of
lh city yMinnlay.
Tia-tland, woj In
A. j , Wllkliw, of F.irt Cunhy, la rrg.
lat -rrt at tlio rark.T.
J. J: Oi.(piry. of Hpokum., la rf
latcrcd at dir. PnxW.
Mr. Hi-Uk Iwim apixilnl'M tuwnt
for the TVI.irnun In AiLnrla.
Jluy your Xm.ta tr. oniami-rtta at
th I'arlor. (;hBxr than In rortlivnd.
A Bill wwiu altuitl.Mi lo Ink car
of t-lilldr.-i. Ad.livrw B. Aatorlan ofilc.
V.oriJny Coll H-tor Koa ui-dua' und-r
liK.tructl.nm front Wiuhliiirton, rajwtl
the pay of I.N-al liuiMH'Utra from 13 to
U M pir day. Thia la a rMuni to tin
viiiry fonm-rly puld.
Ittora nil-livii-d a followa r.
malm'd tlliritllnl for lit tltai Antorlit
pout o-llce IVci-mtmr llth: Mlna Kolma
H.iKtrnm. Kd. Kl nuilicm, llnnry Uroiwl,
II A. lluthway, J. I.. Kimball. l A.
Mrliitoali, J. H. Hiivua.. Foivljn, Tal
mairo and Turner.
Iluvlna n lirif) Inviac of nhrna iir
rlvlnit JaiHinry 1, and In ordi-r U imiko
rmni for inmc, wv Mill coiiinw'no
Monday, IVwmlx-r 11, to clo. out our
cr.llr.' rttmk of ni nn'ii'a lxya' and
clilldmrH ahiva nt mid blow fartory
coata, W havo a apK-inUd Mnn of
nl-liiYli'a Moii'i alio, almoxt
Klvmi AMny. FI-.-J W'ulu-ri. Curm-r 1-th
anil Iloiul atr..
yualliy .tmki hiindit with lnM-prt ft
ui our pliiii-. It la iM ofu-n tli.- two
imirt. but Juat now th.-y'i "hatiKluK
out" rvvul.irly nl J.iiv-a" (,'aah Ktorw.
YoU know hlm-Joiti? lira til linn
thai paya ttw frohl, l;uUA at
rortlund. 1'itv iuid 110 Front.
J lir .'u.lart nvrf-mii li-) lia. If In
tnnnufu. tuilntt cuiiipiUan aufl lat
rwnliiK. A rauH" Dv.wt no-la tho aup-I-m
I f aurh 4.'.y I)Ihk ua tlw r-rn:on
urtliU- cannot In; lu a vi-ry MiijrhlnK
alnlr. Tlm tnlv )r.i,-n(ii.til'in waa !-libiTBtt-.
It Mita a fiatltnh but nu- (lo-U-
ia iii.tllrloua trl k.
Tlf ahlp Ml. Kiux'ti aliowil up
u rd.iy and tix'k on a plM. Kpltr h- r
loiiK lluic out un tin- nmuti wutlr
w,iiiiii)t"t..l, all i Ik ki nl w.-rr h-U but
tin.-., in. , and tluilr llhw-rai la Dot miT
t. u, II.. r prriAiuia urr runnliitf lnu
but nil. Mill i.l,llLl.W N. lmi ;
ll' ,
The uimtiul laixiuir lilv.-n by I hi- I.,
dl w of llw. I'mifibyti-iliui t liur. h. Mill
b- hi-I.J Tuluy cvi-tatiK. iK-t .-tnlx-r II.
Ill tlm lri-mit of Ito- rhurrlt. Ii.v.ia
"p-n nl 7 ii. Hair l-itlna at o'clm k.
Til. r will In- milr tuuvlk.-n-ht -fa.
fa pllloMa, .loll lunl f.ini y artl. l-w,
nt f.irc.-ulna- tl- Motidiiy Uib -o"k
bo-'k " Rfriniim.ita Mill U r-rvpl,
rniiiiiinnrtna; at i o'tltx k.
Mr. Auk-ual KiUU ajul Minn KUI.
Amine, lxith of Una city, M-tv mnrrlid
Huiiday afl-rmiti ut th.. Imixoial h.i:i-l.
I'.vrtland, by tin. unt.,r of ihr rnrtluiul
I.iitJi.-nin clnm-li. A nutub.-r of lort
laiid tuid Anliula frl.ii.lri m-hiv priB.-nt
and lli- i. i io-lon m'i n ry It.ippy on.'.
Till- Kil!or of tK. Iur1i- M.Tr IhjUiIJ-
fully il.-cointl anil Hi- -v..iik' illnm r
u ..f tbr rin.wl. Mr and Mr. Knux
r-.iHv-. many li.inibninnr pr.-iita
ltuth Iwivn many warm mIhi rx
toiul IwMrtl.-Kt i-iuiR-tutnlntli.iiH.
nrrif ipi?o tuiml
Curo Sour Stomach.
fanflntfa J.. r,
a i a . .. k1
simple Ariiiimcllc
HuppliAa ua with ninny of our boat imtroim
. . . For Instance
Dr. Kilmer's Swuinproot Im inni kcd unJ
wild hy iiiomI drtiitulnt). for l.(M)pr buttle
While otiiCtit-l'i kcli (15
Lcavlnu a little rciiiMlndcr In your '
rochci oi t ,35
i) Tliia iMii't tint only fxniiipTo; w mdl nil pnlont iiu'dlcinca ntnl drtiHiit
reaMiiidiii price:
rinkliuni'u Conipouml, Gor; IIooiIh Snrsnjuirilla, 7:lo;
Tiiinc's CVlorv ( onipouiul, Tw;
Scdtt's ICiniil.sion, 7.'k; ' Tii'ive's Prpsfription, (!!it;
Pk'ivc'.s (Joldt-n Modifiil )iscovfiy, (iDo.
All llifhii prcpnriitiona are nmrkcil ami moKI ly most ntorea for $1.00.
i ) r
Woodard, Clarke Sr Co.,
Cut-Rnto DruuijlHtH,
PourlH Mud WitMlilnuton HIh., I'ortlotitl. f
t i'Ci ur Kt nii you ourt:ut-J(iite t iilitloiif,
f .- V -K' -K' V -K- V r.- T.--I.- - . , . v ,
Merchant Tailors
Thn wrvltva In tho M.-thlMt church
butt I'V.imnif Mvr In th rtiturv of a rv.
pulillinn Nitlcal m-illtitf an. I nhould
hnvr- IlKiinsl to by ,r niiii-h lawr
crowd (u th.Tt .v.-r- iily 77 pnul
and of tliiU numbi-r only S3 mt m.-n.
tn.. iHiiiin. i' biina; Moim-n and chlldn-n.
ThTf waa an rxc.-ll.-nt choir prtucnt.
b-l by S. Klmorr, tlir ri-tullli-an cin'. for police cotnmlHrdonair, that
mm a very entertaining f.'iturc. A r.
IlKioua aaMTl waa irlvi-ii to the nn tints
by a coii.-rtion hvlnir taken up durlna
Mi i-vrnlnif. Tb. mi-.tinir waa con-dtii-t,-.
by lv. Mr. I'l-art. imHtor of
tne in 11 re li. and hr- ilellvenil a HlH-.h
lut conaumed thnv-iiuiut.ra of nn
hour. He announced no t.-xt but aia
roiiiweil on polltlca. mitloiMi, mate and
municipal. esvla)ly with n f. rvnc to
the el.-ctlon lo be held In Astoria m
next W.Nlm-Mlay. He did not nx-nllon
nnni.-M but tho burden of bin remarks
.ia th. election of the man w ho would
av llmt the million should be oloil
on Suu.lay, all RitmblliiK alopp-d na
Moll aa other vlci-a and Mlio Mould not
IM'nilt the police to wink nl auch vlce
and tlilx man waa one Mho pi1vnt
clMrict.f Miia unnait.Ulablo n would
the Iiim- inrrled out to the U-tl.-r. Mr.
IVnrt apoke i-xlemponih-oualy and ill, I
not aKHk connertoilly, aa be nt Unu
I ran, hi'd off Into a tenipi-Kince Ulure.
He did Kptik with a Kisit deal of
curnetitn.WM but waa hnndlcnpvl by
bavin lived In Ihla city only u frw
v. and not Mig fumilliir with local
con.lllloiwi or th' MraonUty of the
j Tlu iilmve It mi fiim y.ttterday'a cd
I lion of th- loc.U popullut oi-Riin la ro-
publlstuM for the purpon of rhowlnx
i to wh.U d pt.hs of Hlan.l.-r and ml-ii-pivMcntiitlon
tint pnor can lie hlixM
to deacond. ICvory one In tlu Ihiko con
1 rTrepatlon n line Mothmliat church V.inl
j Sunday ' evenlnu know tint there is
not itn. word of truth In tint statement
from Ih'Bliu.liiK to Mid. Tlio word a
l.aui wna not nwtvtlntnM In he bimisc
HtiKiriKt.od nor waa lliorv any exhorta
I tlon iMIv.-red r.wMTlInu the support of
any on Hthor of the cl:y
! li.-k.-ta. It will Ik- n mnivel If
a-iy voter who hoard Dr. P.-art'a
otilotly R-Mienil and non-put tl.un
; aermon can do otherwise than veto
! the at might republican ticket af
' Icr the provorutlon of audi a false and
j maUclous attempt to Injure the candl
; date I'lirulnM whom it i aimed. The
1 U-Mt way to discountenance such coji-
KMiipuoie m.u.nuivs anu nit the Mime
time rebuke tho medium throtiKh which
thoy win 1 Blvn currency is lo anew
tho cnmlldtite In whose lntercat they
were tiUetvtl under nn avakinche of
voti next Wodn-Blny. From tlio tone
of public comnnuvt lout evening there Is
neaaon to believe this la Just what will
lie dune.
$ vonsupauon, cto, J
) I o real aa !. at araadatwtb P
Th b-mKT.illi: face that pci-p from
lh- nnn-irurtlaan mak ajviwa alKna of
i iire. Th.-iv I ao-imthlriK1 of downrla-ht
roM'ardlre tn tlu tion-partiaun dodg
that ir.viL.. diAKuat, and tin- dm
riMiic manliuU.'ra am (inlliiK thla
Two lick-aart iff-irt-il f.-r the ttei'
a. lection t.itn'MTuw. ttra. i the ri-pub
lli-a-'i in k Ml:h ta uliifi.a for It
tiiiiii" -r for Mhat It n-prwntj. Thi
oth.-r la a a-raUc Uck. afrad of
the deinocr.uio UUe ami afraid of di-m
iMiaiic priiiclplea.
Ck caj-lonally th.nv ta a mun who
t-i.ui.ta hlmN-lf a loyul D-publlcan aim
ply b.-cuuMi he vol for the n-publl
can cimdl.lau. fur prldon( f-vrry four
y-: TIr. rvnt of lli time he will
throw dMU hla panty to h-ilp a fri-tid
or hurt an enemy. He la not willing
In even murlrl t ola foluiifa f.- hi
imrty. It la not tlutt aUih
r.-publi.aiui -illl be plentiful tomorrow
Th.- rvi-iilna: wdvaat-i of the fr-wk
Ui ki-t, in i aiiiKulnr moral alx-rratlon
mirtouotiti ix w-rmon prvulnd in one
of our chur.-h -a laat Sunday evuning
and by m,-.oii of thla mlaUotatl(ai at
tempi to a print. S-rniona
r.Mi h-d to tho public art aubj.-ct to, but Un- m.att xealoua non-
christlan will (Miniktun unacrupuloua
mlan-pn-ri rrlntlona In auch criticisms
Tlm ruTti.un in iiu.-xti'm waa Koneral
In lta tr.iilment. and the irrinlsu-r dia-
Unctly a!atel tha,t ho had no party
anl no i-r-m In vl w, ar.d that h
waa pt-raonally ac-iuUnt.l Mith but
on., caiulldal.-. Thla very Ktat-ment
Ikia lwi .id.U.l lo and dfcitoroM by the
TUcne piiiiiiciiU nre n'gulnr mnde 40 oz
Z'oth. Durinrr i he Alaska trude llie sumo"
chivi i, Mflckiimwa HfM for f 10 per suit. Jones
bought Vin tit a una mid is telling them tho
Mime wny. They are bound to f nt thf) price.
I5ett r order ut once.
Elite Chinaware
It' Vorth Your
ComltiK Jutt to See.
Great American Importiiiii Tea Cx
571 Commercial St., Aatorla.
269,'H Yamhill Street
Between ord ind 4th...
Portland, Oregon
T.l.plion. Ortuon Ulnck qs.1
Has found that her tittle ones are Im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup
of FIb, when In need of the laxative
ofTeci of a gentle remedy, than by any
other. Children enjoy It and It lione
flti them. The true remedy, Syrup of
Flgn, la manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co. only.
First National Bank
At Att.Tta. in the Sc.ite of Orvgon, at
the i lose of liUMin.-.. DeeemWr 2, 1$;9.
lioiny and discounts fl'22,79S 83
Divixlr.ifia, aivuivM and un- 10.22S 8s
i . . bonds to vuis ciiivu-
l:'tion 12,500 00
Premium on V. S. bonds.. sort 00
Slocks., wvurltl "S, tc W.X'S 24
K.'iil Kstt.ute H.J17 01
Li.i fiMiu banks (not
r.vierve airtnts) 2.679 67
Hue. from state U.vnks and
hanker . 24.396 30
I'm- from tipprtvod reserve
ileriHa ruje. pSU,4im wIk bhal.-rl
HuniMclva all day y...r.tiy .pn-ad-inif
the rpoi-t. travel faaw than
truth, but Xhry rvlaaind.
The di-mixTata have mv In view
In making Uwr prt-nt (Wjrat.
fight than Uu? mor holdlrnf of munlcl
pl olllcea. Tlu-y ar hing
Ihj-maelven t lh flfht nrxt June.
TWr aueiyaa trnTif,w will rh,t only
Blv them ui effe-tlve working f.jrc
kupported by Oi public, but they hop
that republican d--f,t wlU ctvate anl-
nuMitlr In the r.-publlcan ranka that)
will llnd expnerailon In the county elec
tion I
R.-publlcan g-irn-rally thoroughly un-
(Vraiand thla, n.l will allow th.-m-'lvia
U n sid.racktd by tUe ap-rtij
pUnut of the d" ciiting.-ncy.
While the republicin huve a clear
majitrity in the t-Hy Mctnry cannot be
tak.i for R-nuit?iJ and evry n-puUi-oan
who wlshea hi airty well huld
K"') on tne wutch, tuvl n-aily f.
IO .nrt I to rrnnl atrr.t. fortl.nrt, Or.,a.
I the place to boy yoor
Christmas Candles.
Pnre Home Made Mixed
Cau.liea I.Va pound and op.
Lowney's Famcas
All ihapea, then and HaToro.
A proluee display of .
Fancy Baskets,
and b-.'xee. Juat the thing i
tor a aainty present.
Y-aterilay'a New.
At th Methodist church laat vning
Rev. Peart deliver! a very good aer
mon on the subject of tha duty of
voter. Mr. Peart did not puk
any imrty In partlcuUr, nor did he
ataus while idmluing that rw had prvf
orvntea, to wha. party hla inclinations
tended, but he urged all voters to gi to
the poll and vote oxcorVlIng to the die.
ttit.a of c nsclenoe. The sermon waa
llatoned to with close attention
throughinit, .nd waa replete with good
Holiday Goods Galore
? -is
For the young and old,
Everything in the Japanese line,.
Toys to please the yougsters.
B- F- Allen 0 Son, 365 Commercial St.
Mrs. A. V. pMwlIetjn. asbed by
Mr. UremntT, Mrs Clarence Crown
and Miss Brow n wilt have in charge the
l .bU of fancy artiefca at the Methodist
f,i!r. Pretty things of every sise and
prtw will be on sale
Mr. V. Wright, Mm. A. M. Smith
and Mrs. M. B. R.ttorth will sell you j W
your handkerchiefs, f.a- use and for
show, and all at rv.isunj.ble prlct.
Mrs. C. S. Turner, Mis PoMell and
Miss Lottie P-erum will h.ive dolls and
tht-lr wardrobes at prices to tempt you.
Tne -apron table, where all sorts and
kinds of aprons will be roady for the
buyer, is In the care of Mrs. Tuttle and
Mrs. M. J. Fox.
Misa Can-la Bozorth and Mlse Annie
Nolan will have lovely things in paper,
flowers as real almost as naituiv and
other devlivs in paper.
P Miss Bertha Hartin's
rail Mae of Setest Cnbroid
ery fliterlals. .
Iitits a Specialty.
Ckniee Sctectiua ol S imping
Stamping Neatly Done.
Koom 830 Drkam Bblldlng, 31 and Wa.hlntfton 8U., Fortlaad, Or. f
I hecKS and othOr cnli li.ui.a
Notos of other nn.tlo.i,il banks
Nickels and cents
Lawful money rerve in
bank, viz:
Spivle i:li3"S0.0O
I.cgnl tender notes.. 6:'0 00
105.371 01
860 05
lio On
SS 17
Redemption fund with P.
t re i surer ,r, nor com
cli-i ulatlon)
97.200 tW
563 50
Total J5S6.410 71
t'apllal st'H'k paid in J 50.000 00
Mil plus fund 25.000 00
I'ndlvliied prollts, losa rx-
IKMis. s and taxes paid 2S,5ii.l S5
N'ltlotml bank notes out
Huiiiiiuig 4,auo no
Due to st.ita i.uik and is 1,609 07
Individual dcp.vsits
su'iject to ch."-k..$;!S6,306 00
Demand certltlcatea
of d.-poslt 00.204 52
Certltied clicks .... 227 27
476.737 79
Total Jav5,410 7t
State of Oivgon, County of Cl.itsp, as.
I, S. S. trordon, c.ishior of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear, that
the above sUUiement Is true to the
bsJt of my knowledge and belief.
S. S. UDRDON, Ciudiler.
Subscribod and sworn lo before me
this 7th day of December, 1899.
,-C. R- THOMSON. Notary Public.
J. Andorson. the chlivnolist. Ikia re
turned to Astoria. Any penin wiah
Ing corns imo-ed can have it done by
(til ling at or telephoning to Peterson
Brown's arae atone. Prlc.-s will be
com n-r omti.
Notice Is hereby givvn to all purtiea
h..UUng Clatsop County warrants en
dorsed prior to Sopu-uibor 1, 1897. to
proMont the same 'to the County Treaa
uivr at his otllce, 164 Tenth strett, for
Payment. Inteivpt ihi after this
Dated, Astoria, Oivgon, this twelfth
day of Decemler, 1899.
County Treasurer.
1 1 .j7.-
Nice work.
I van waph ami iron, but
can not do it as nice aa the
New Golumbia
Steam Laundry.
I am young and tboy aro
old hands at the business,
you know
I Scow Bay
I 18th St anil Franklin Av.
X Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props
I I'MOSniOlt pKOSZC Specialty t
'Phone 43l, Akluria. Or.
TplPnhfinP Qftl ni they willcall for yonr wssh and you will be
ititpiiuiit yoi f)Ieased w DUT0N Proprfetor.
J. A. Fastabend,
and Builder.
The Eastern
Dining-room ami Restaurant
J. U. Wanner, Wop.
Private Dining-rooms lor Ladies
Seals 15t tp Opea all Night.
......Bet. Morrison and Timhill
Portland, Oretton....
Because at our house we Lave Deitber a bathtub,
nor hot water handy. ...
Then go to the Russian Baths at 217 Astor St.
25 cents is the price. ' Private apartments for
indies. Only the better class of patronsue Is
catered to. Try one and you will come regularly.
BUSINESS CRRDS . on . V.H,inLrtnn Bnil.lino.
4th aud Washington Nts. over I.itt'a,
Commission, Brokerage, cMBtom House Brokr
insurance anl Snipping:. F.Aco,aDdracinctxDrMCo'..