The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Main ML
8nt by mall. pr yar W.0
Kent by mall, per month JO
Served by carrier, per month 90
Sent by mall, per year. In advance U.00
Postage free to subscribers.
that next to .he shallow tA on;vut.
ly shifting mnuCt of thw ' wyunMbw;
Jlhe Minis vt Martin's Hmfl ami tiv
sucwiv liMltvi encountered between
that puJ.n and Itani.'. ths brcud bar
nn I I'ount'.MW ,ii.Ml thrv.igHioiK the
rivitu lil rvnch known a
niM "bay," itMistitutr th. m.vst irur-
inouirnWo MwmiciUwi to navigation
existing betwn Portkufcl and the dp
n.iil "imi ion wat mm r Ai.ri.a nar
b.r. This- men also kih-w, b fvuv the
i ;i id limit if ( hat f.ul in Miter Klsk's
!r ixnt, 1l1.1t tli'1 iimilM: i.r is ut
I sviutely Iiimii.Mi f re navigation
to , cev.lins fx' of water,
'and ihrn only iy taking kdvanti.e of
riodUMl lush Ulw. and this de-pttv
19 Ijr j,
"' tU.i 'Wk
All ivmimunlrAtlona Intended for DUb
tor. Uualneu communication, of al! " 'xp n,!l-.v oy tit p-nnul
klndi and remittance muit be addreaa- s vi rnmont In dredging oiwj.vis of
ed to 'The Astorlan." mi. of mtvv iual to a bonus of
' j J) cents a ton to the- O. K. X. Oom-
The Astorlan guarantees to lt ad- ; ,uy on every ton of nlv.u Uxd-d onto
Tertlwr. the larreat circulation of any shlps SUOtVvU ,
newspaper published on the Columbia i
drugging tlow n the river to deep waw-r
Advertising raiea can be had on ap-j
plication to the business manager, j
a mistak:-: i'orkevTep.
Th Albany Democrat remark:
Vessels continue to sail Into .Woria
and out agutn up to Portland af:ei
tfMsr cargo., all of which Is very
The Interview in yesarAty e Or.go
nian concwmliir the urofrnw and
plana of th CViwral Navigation and j unpleasant, in fact dlagrvvabV. tv the
Construction omp iy -onveyvd no people and p.mlcularly pap of
nexva to Aatiel. NWthr are th p.v- j Aorla. . v
wniTi.i) owr the in- a "" lH,t P"n P w
pie of thlsi clyr
lnuaton, doubil."s8 interpolated by the
but this caivk-sa
show how 'little
fWinlan trrter thai th nrmlnUS Of ( sn
the new company i to be at OOhUimet. j ''" l f M'Vrul papw (dve to
Suoh a ugM-ioi is enUrely of p of dep conrn to thHr r.s.dor.
I If th- Democrat jt;uv1j. this matter
with the ganeii.1 atUtude of the Oiy-
goniaa and of Portland towarda As- 'P ""8 P to Portlsnd
tnrta Th lmnnrtu f the Columbian whent. stulit the matuv
baain, togr-th-f with .a -roiHinually In
creasing firoportion of Its exports, have
i lue not only to the originality and
timplicity f tho omlui:itinn, but also
to the care ami k II I with which it S.
manufactured by sc'-Mititic iiKtws
known to the Cai iki.isi v Fin vhit
Co. only, anil' wv wish to iuiiv.NS upon
all the importance of pHntia.siiiK the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Fijp. Is manufactured
by the Califohnu Km Svbit Co.
oaljr, a know ledire of that fact w ill
assist one in avoiding the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The httfh standing- of the Can
roiutu Fio Stkip Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which th genuine Syrup of Kijp has
ffiren to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company g-uaranly
o! the excellence of its remedy. It u
far to advance of all other laxatives,
as it acta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without lrrltUnu or weaken
tag them, and it doe not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to (ret its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company--
A.i rnajirnc. ri.
LariSTlLLK. B. Nw TBC M. T
The majority of clr-n murr- for
publication only, and not ao a guar
antee of good faith.
Cutlcun Soap
fairly and
without the bane of thi Or"gvkin'
: Influence, It will come to the conclu-
l-n purposely transferred from jflar : "' that th- rSe of tiw Willamette
1 to year f jt some time past by the vey have mure real cau for cm
Iffnoroni and narrjw prejudice of Port- j crn in the common pint port
kuid to Pugat soujid ports, to the Ira-' lu:ion than has Aworia.
mens drawback and injury of Ore-j tona has no l?at to sell. Asto
gons developmt ; lmp!y because ria's Unfit from Mng made a wheat
Portland's chajmel will :h accommo- ""'I'pmg p.a ouu w mairo.: ana
date mod.Tn comm.-rce and to permit oih-r commercial enterprises
Aoria to do the business vould have ; f"Uvwid, As'jria s ain wouKI be
attracted attention thither an.1 (U nion- ve'T limited.
etra-ted the superior advantages of As- T1,e'e ut the ships from As
toria's aeaport liKation. The peile cf r'4 to I'.r.!a vl anl r.-turn and tlv?
Astoria are tboMUrfhly accustomed t' atiem'ar.t arv puid f .r by the
this, Portland i-pirit th-y know innv to farmer. Certainly no il.' .will
talu; It and will kn- how to repay it 1:" the hill. It may he c.iid -tiie
when the light time comes. Cut o "heat g thr.uith PTtlanl. How
far froxn it being ;ne intdnUon of the -s 11 to be tukni :o Astoria, m miles
Motor company to locate its terminal for nothing? Will naking Astoria a
at Caihlame or any other up-river shipping point eliminate by some un
jKint, it may be news to the Orego- natural pr joess th c ..f that rxtri
nian to know thvit the terminals of that n;lul-
company av alrdy bean selected in Tn- answer is nsady. Whwat l-jftded
this city, and that our pvpe waml at Aliiany on e cars should be de
wady to contribute anything else n livered at the mouth of the Columbia
reason, to fat-ilitaw ihe construction ! riv?r at the .ame rate now charged U'
of the nec-nxy buildings and other ' Portland. Gr.uit Portkiiid a differen
Improveroeiaa Is is the company' in- ,ial- but Put the Orfton neaport on
tentkra to locate In this city. Mr. Mohr the fame footing regarding railroad
and his asMocUtes are r.os inve.;lng freight with Seattle and Tacomn. The
their money In any enterprise to down ' Ionian, in an editorial of O.tober
Astoria, as much an the Orvgonian i- and P"iki:ig for the O. R. & N.
would like to make it ajl.rwar so. Tm-y f led g .1 that freight rat-e
have a very diff-rnt spirit from that fr,n th rerI-- have iwn and are
animating the leading ciUzens and ,'M' hi8h- Wh' ban-i't ih owgonian
"business" mea of Portland. The nwn l'r''" w t!u: '''" trine i.M;g g.,?
who are buil lin- ihe new traiwporta-, Hut ,h,'" m M "rs a'" A 11 .' of
Hon Uv are ,-ng-iglng in that enter- ""' AoriA prop rtti .n. The uUimat
pris to make .noy. They are- thor- "f lh'? pr vailing snipping i-n-oughly
familiar with the rivej-. They ,Ut'"'n in Or-g i ft,lls m the farmer.
Tl... i ,11 .
have studied, among Jf.her purees of ",c -'un w "in trans-
Informuion. Maj-w Ki-k's last ..fflciiU v """fai't.-s. if in- ni-tacle : The theatre hat loke Is rather an.
-i,., .,. ... tht brifits tli'-s- f;,-i , minri nr.-i ci,'it. but no man has ev?r been able
nel. They kn'v. and Kiit-w even "'""' l -' ' 'he ia
No More Back Ache
U ..are y
Crave Ln?
I he Most tor Cash,
I am a !voi Lluli g for the ('naIi
Hli-cory limdo. for whloh I offor the
fullest oi(j,ls ami lowtut prtes,
i: ) tllillK t'lnui mi. I frh.
I lo'npt aitooiioii,
CIIAIil.Kri l..USiN.
(litHvrtin and v'ikery.
I licic's Satiofactloii
In Imying ullvorn are wlv.te (he
stuck s t oinpM mi.! you liavw an
.inMimiu'i' as (o itiiillly. I luivo n
In as trttitvitt f Hlerlliiir silver
mid hollow wittv In latrsl doslgtut
for piTK-iw nn I lioli,in
trade. Ito sure lo sv It b foir you
buy. '
fH Commercial stus't.
Buy Your Xmas Presents at
Idrcdgc C and Pacific Queen
Howltiu MncltlilCM.
im Bros'. IB47
Sliver Plated Ware
Table Cutlery at all prices; also
CnicKcrH, PIcliH, 13 tc.
stsnulHiilurer of
4' A'llcUf
4Tr t'oiiinicriliil mt
Li Belle AtorU"CIir
Schcltc'sOpr SUr
Schclte's SpecUl
Ami IMIiaf llrMmt
Purlflis the bliod by eliminating all'
poisonous matter, stimulating the se- Who Do.'s Vour l itiuull ),'
vi.-viii4r. ivfiumiiiiK iiii Sjllil miu
Ing nature In throwing oft that which'
makes a yellow skin. The effect on the I
COMPt.KXION Is quite pronounced. I
a few days' use will demonstrate.
All the world's an opera, with
Itrge chirus and but few stars.
TV.U"ll , ' T t?.lto T 1
the bhKxl. cleui the liver Invlirnmta '
the svstem. Famous little pills for con.
slip turn and liver troubles. Chaa Iloff-era.
The th-atrlcal "aiiKil" Is wingless,
but his money il, Just the sumi.
J. B. Clark. Pmrla. III., says: "Sur
gvons wanted to operate on me for piles,
hut I cured them with IVWut's Witch
Hutel Salve." It Is Infallible for pllr
and skin dlms. Iteware of counter
feits. Chas I'.ogers.
An act. lik t have friends, yet h
noyer wants anyone to tak. h part.
We cIkIiu, and w wlU prove to
every one, that we have the best
and most up-to-date '.aundry on the
Ooaat. A trial order will convince
the most particular. If you want
neat, prompt work, try th
lil Franklin Avenue.
Kxtru Fine I'liibrclliu
And at better than Portland prices.
It's a fart. Tbey are the celebrated
Follmsr-Clogg make; handsomn,
durable silk umbrellas. Don't make
the mistake of buying elsewhere.
The Jeweler.
MO Commercial Street
Itvttcr I liun l. cr
The Pond StreA Fish Market Is
better thsn ever prepared to supply j
fresh and salt fish of all kinds.
Jood delivered to any part of th1
cKy and satisfaction guaranteed.
41? Dond Ptreet,
: ...The Esmond Hotel,
S KiM-iii,.VkM.ii.V) OSCAR ANDERSON. M-f X
Aiiwm-aii (ilsii, H.iW to J.o iwr Uj. J, C. ri .Mit'iHST. ('hlvl C" J
"I as nearly deJ with dyiiwia.
tried doctors, visited nutu-rtil spring,
and grew wnro. I us.-d Kodol Uys
p'psia Cure. That cured me." It di
gests what you eat. t'unn Indigestion.
sour stomach, heartburn ami ull f"rnis J
of dyspepsia. Chiu Itogers.
.Millinery Nucltiw.
I driire lo further call the atten
tion of the ladle to my handsome
stock of trimmed millinery. It com-nr1-a
Ihs litrat rreatlnns nf ths
millinery art. and I am offering re- for dunoa'io and eg port trale.
duced rates for the neit SO dsys.
M13S McllAE.
The Only PlrMtClnMM llolvl Im lortlnutl
m rvnnnrunn vvvrwxnnru
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
Tbe North I'sclrio llrrwerjr, of which I llottled Iwrf for family use or keg
Mr.Jotn Kopp is proprietor, mskea bet r Ur apliiHl al an time, delivery In
tbe city Ire.
A th-airical manag-T ?
giat many men go lirok
mike a show.
. that a
lrliiK t'
Cutlcufa Soip
Face Humors
rimples, blackheads, simple rashes,
red, rough hands, falling hair, and
baby blemishes prevented by Clti
cvka Soap, a sure preventive of in
flammation and cloggingof the Pores.
fendeomtfemtO t4. hmi Ptro i Cm.
I Mr. J. Sh-er. Sed.illa. Mo.. sav.M his
child's life by tine Minute tVuirh Cure.
IVxnor-s hurl given her up to ill- with
croup. It's an laf.ililli'e cure f.-i
couich, col. Is. Kf-Pl1. pnnim.iii'.a. It .n
! chltis and throat nn. Iiiiik tio til .
I ltelievog at once. Chas Itog- r
Dr. T. N Hall
ST3 Commercial Street,
Over Sehlussel's Clothlni 8tore.
i I
r s iiak''-c! ir iot
he st:ire.
i t
I iri. 11! Hi
pugilist . : a
bi'X-r nay
und irtaker.
ei I
ur- f y rheuinallsni Cham
I'.i n I! i tin i khI.'iImk a wl lo
.i. 1 II. J.ihist.oi ..f Hirh-
, it -1 -i
f It
toil.. Imi '.-,-ii trm,lii with
i.' i - it Kind 1m2. In si kinij
li N.iy " I U.V.T fnund any
I hat w nilM trlleve Hie Ullttl I
; u'd i 'hanili rlaln's 1'uln Halm. It
j u i.ik out n minute to overcome 1 an lik,. nuu'i.- with me. My
I tlckllnir in tho throat an.l to stop a was wii'..-ii ntel ialninic n.e very much
"" " "7 "i "i- .M.uuir i.uuifM mil oil. IT,'l itppileuilfill ol fain
Cure. This r-m-My oulekly cures a'.l Halm relieved in.. P,.r .ile ,v
JMorth Pacific Brewery
Golambia Eleetrie & Repair Go
SueoeHHor tr
Art Is km?, especially when
drawn out through a Wnetoscope.
Kestore Vitality Last Vltor ssd Mssbeod.
Cure Impotencv, Nlpht Emiaslonsand
wasting dUeaaes, all effects of self
rJjabudc, or excess and India
I Jcretlon. A nene tonic and
T,blood builder. Brings the
. lyplnlc glow to pale cheeks and
kaNter restores .the fire of youth.
tNrBy ma 11 flOc per box, 6 boxes
for $'2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton eY Jackson St.. CHICACO, IU
for ftai by Charles Rvia DruiiUt.
l-ogglng ltialncM Itnllt nn cl Mopnlrect
Kept (A Stock
rorms or tnroat ana lunir troubles, rh.u-i
Harmleas and pleasant to take. It pre. I
vecit consumption. A famous specific
for ftrippe and Its after effects. Chas
It isn't .ilways the U-Ht thut
r 'U the haniUimest IjoU(U.-.
MIsj Antile B. Gunning. Tyre, Mich.,
says: "I suffered a ions; time from dys
pepsia; lost flenh and became very
weak. Kodol Iyspepsia Cure complete,
ly cured m." It digests what you eat
and cure all forms of stomach trouble.
It never fails to Rive Immediate relief In
the worst ca.-jt. Chxs Rogers,
Sn ail hyusii and a p'T show
...n hr-nk the cumblnat!-i).
v. Ill
Mrs. It. Churehlll, Jterlln. Vt., says:
"Our baby wis covered with running;
ir-i. iJi-Wltt's Witch Hasei Salve
rur'tl her." A sp'Clllc for pile anil
skin Ileware of worthl-ss
counterfeits. Chas Itoirein.
(U:r l-t frioivln i.ftMti iipiur hud In
niuateur tlteiitrlcals.
a srm: cl'hk foh t novp.
Twenty-five Years'
Without a
Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty
Sole Manufacturers of tbe UtMurpavtcd
... " Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ...
Oontructjrs for Electric LighU and Tower riunU
Mu.'iial dire ! ia
thi' 'inh tin- worUI ly the
The urn i liidicitftloti of
hoftrnnes. and in a child
that disease It mny lie taken as kj
sure sign of tlie approach of an at- K
nun. riii"wiiii nun iXKimiKus is a,j
iM-culiur rouKh cough. If chamber- ri
lulu's Couuh Remedy is given as the !
child become hoarse, or even after 'Pj
tin- croupy cough upiars, It will pre- 1'!
vein the attack. It Is used In many,
tli'iusnii'ls of In this broad!
land an. I never disappoint the anx-;
lous mothers. We have yet to learn1
nf a slnifle instance In which It has,
riot proved etTi-ctutl. No other prepa
ration can show such a record
twi nt y -five years constant use with
out a failure. For siile by 'liurle
subject to K
Majtr Fisk's
to see through it.
poit, that the bar
above Tongue juint, and th? phixtls
near Hilar R" k u h re u'.'-ong the m't
iiitrjctuhle f .'Uii'l in tV river b'-tw-.-n
Astoria and 1'oiiU id. Th. y kiiow
it i" .
'f A
all that
If th-
it . ttrt
y teil- j
II1T11H '
. n i.- :'."t
that th j. .; ... ... ,
tn- i 1,1;. and .
ships on ii.-. r ; ' .j., ;
i rat is uni 'iiK.-roed
ur:iy 'iy fio
h luln.i; tiime
i-i I duv.-n the
Doctors Can't
Cure It!
M -mi ban b-n Iniubled fur years
Witn chn-nic dlarrhin-n. Sometime
! ago I re rsuadini him to take some of
I'liii.'iibitlaln'.s I'ollc, rhobra and
I 1 ilaiThir-a, n-iri'ily. After iilng two
I l-i'tli-.i of the I.l-rvnt size he was
I ' Hi -d. ! give this testimonial hoping
I .-'Hue in,, ulnilliirly nllllct.'d may rend
jit and In- b-nellled THOMAS (!.
ll'iWKl:. i;i-ii-oe, (i. F,,r rile by
"Marie 1;..s;t4.
The th'titrlral prooeriv mini isn't ill
vays n man of property,
wait- on th.-i.-j'Mh
in tin
'!'' tli'- ii': i
:n - hi- baid
. tr- -ii th-lr
When your throat and lungs
arc perfectly hcalihy you
needn't worry about the
germs of consumption. They
don't attack health' people.
It's the weak, debilitated, in
flamed membranes that are
first affected. Hard coughs
and colds weaken your throat
and lungs and make con-
If your lungs are weak. f
scon's Emulsion
is the best remedy you can take. It
soothes and heals and gives tone
and strength to these delicate mem
branes. In this way you can prevent
consumption. And you can cure it
also if you haven't had it too long.
Keep taking it until your lungs are
strong and your weight restored.
At ill irerHsti! toe. and Si no
SCOTT & Ho W M E. Chemuu. N tm York. .1.
( at-ij.-..
c li
--i a ', i. r
ill my or S'-r;' .-
i. :!. A. I. W.K.
A V. Or.KA'-t.i.V W
lliiil's I'aiar.h '.'ure ;
naliy, rind lies 'iii--t';-and
rnueoi -n. ; i- .--j
Send fir t '--ti f.-i
f. J. ciii:xi;i' u Co
Sold by -iruR?'.-.:s. 7'c.
Jiair'j Fai;i::y l'il,s are th best
All Astorlans who visit Portland and
desire spending a pleasant evening in
company with polite people and in the
enjoyment of an unexcelled musical
program, should go to the Fredericks
burg. Beside vocal and Instrumental
selections there are many other at
tractions to d-?llght the visitors. The
new management is making the Freder
icksburg a well-merited success.
Contngious Wood poison !i absolute! j
lxyoiid the skill of the doctors. Thej
t-.v-rs. may ioe a patient for years on their
p i- vinty ,t. 1 mercurial and iotanh remedies, but he
nth of ' " never be rid of the disease : on the
i .her hand, his condition will trrow
..-.iiiily worw;. S. H. S. is the only cure
''r this terrible affliction, because it is
tin' only remedy which tfoea direct to
the cause of the disease und forces it
from the system.
1 u afflicted with Blood Polion. and the
Vn'. doctor did mo no pood, tliiiii!i I tirii.
their trtmnit f al tli
fuiiy. In fnllt, I Kl-enieil
'. o h e t worun nil the
while. I took a! mos I
every m rail ed Id no il
remedy, but they did not
c;ii to resell the Oih
fa"-. r.d had no tffci-i
wlinteTf-r. i w as d I f
heartened, for it sei-in'-ii
tbat I wiiuld nver I
cured, t the advle ol
a friend I then t'.'.k
H. S. B.,and )-iin to in,
iirore. I continued II,'l It cured me completely, build
Intr up my helth and Iscreaninj; my appMlte
Although tills was fin yearn ago, I have nevei
yet had a elgacl the diaease to return.
W. K. Nkwmav -Staunton,
It is like self-destruction to continue
to take potash and mercury; besidei
totally destroying the digestion, they
dry up the marrow in tho bones, pro
ducing a stiffness and swelling of th"
joints, causing the hair to fall out, and
completely wrecking the system.
is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and id
the only blood remedy free from these
darigeroui minerals.
Book on self-treatment sent free by
lit flpwclflo Oempsny, Atlanta, Ga.
u -If-adinli'tlli,,! , tin-re Is i.i
f sum.- a. tors
iirrnuntlnir f .r
y o! T d-do, Lucas
' ;r !... f -a ' h that he
: ' linn of F.
- i .' "'i.-;: --s in the
livv and State
':-n will pay
o 'i :i vi every
' ' i .i ', -.ot be cureil
f.''-arr':, Cure.
I K 'iN'i: ). '.'HENKY.
' 'lb"erlbel
: ..f D cm-
"One Minute Cough Cure Is the b--nt
remedy I ever used for t oughs ;md c dds
It is urie'imilled for whooping cough.
Children nil like It," writes II. S. Wl.l
Inms, Ce!itryville, Ind. Never f.ills.
It Is the only harmless remedy that
gives Immediate results, Cun-s coughs.
I colds, hoanvTiesH croup, pneumonia.
bronchitis and nil throat und lung
troubles. Its early use pr-vms con
Kurnrrtlon. Chas Kog-;rs.
nry Public,
nken Inter-
on i
, Toledo, O.
e blood
There is one b.e.k everyone should
iiiiike an . iTort lo gi-t, for the new year.1
Jt contains simple und valuable hints
concerning heaUk, ti nny iiiiiuwIiik an-eidoli-.i,
and much g.-tn-ral Information.!
We r -f'T lo Hosteller's Almanac, pub
lished by The Host. -it. t Co, I'itts
oinnh, ). It will prove valuable to'
any household. Sixty employes are
kept rtt will; mi this valuable book.
Tl.- Nsti for IH'ii will Im' over e.ght
mlll!ori, priiit -d in i In K'lgiNh, rji-r-i
mm, French. V Ish, Noi u.-i-liin, Hive.
iM-h. ilolliiiiil, lloheinlan and Spanish
Iiiiiku ip'm. Ii coin. litis pro.f of ihe ef-j
licacy of Most' tter s Stomach II, tiers,
the great remedy prepare I by t lie pub.i
Ushers, nn ! Is worthy or careful r-s-
rvutlon. Th. aliuan n uny b- ub
laii'id fie of cit, lit otiy druggist or
g-rieral ib-ahr in the country.
Plurp Pudding, Raisins,
N6W FfCSh dlld t M'nce Meat. Cunants,
SeaSOnabiB GOOdS PP Cranberries
Citron Squash Etc.
I Carry the Ralston Health foods
Wheat Flakes,, Crano,
Whole Wheat Crackers,
Breakfast Food, Select
. Bra.?, Yeast Cocoa, offy
A V.
Take Laxative liroino Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to cure. R. w. Orove's Hlg
nsture Is on each box. 2Sc.
Si ri lt ii I.i r
Ink'- iliii:e
it rical pel f'iriiiaiii"
' iilg-u .'.1 it ti Ih.
THI l.0r'KK.
Htrnfit'ers vihiling in the i-iiy will linil
the Louvre nn nltriictiv" ri nt wli'-ieiu
lo Hpeml the evening. The Atnme Kisl. is
Lmlie.' Orclii-stru isslill op the bills und
presents hiolitiv u munii ul profrniii of
PYeepiional merit, IIiiiiiIminic p(,i, hih!
billmril rooms arc a fci,iui( ii, connection
ilh the Iioiim. I'nliihfliii lunches will
be served at nil nours
W. B. Edwards
Kvcry variety of loii"li and
Dressed Lumber, Doors,
Windows, .Mouldings und
Cedar Shingle
Xrr r Common Hlab, I'.srk, Fir,
TV JJU Hemlock, Alder.l'oleOak
Office Seventh Street Dock
Lndbs who go to Portland and desire
poniethlng eiii..diilly fine In tin way of
tailor-made suits will do well i remem
l r that i hy ran be well fitted at I. I),
rtoyer s P7 Fourth street, In the Y. m.
c. A. building.
Not only does he keep a strictly first
class cutter for men's wear, but also
one exclusively for ladles' work, and
nil can rest assured of getting not only
good work, but the best of materials,
as Mr. Jtoyer Is an expert on woolen
A nether larg. invoice ,,f
i(i ods Just rocHvcd. (ii'.ind
for Inspect Ion Monday 11th.
The annual m.sdlng of 'the stock
holders of th. Alaska, lamermuns
f'o:klng Company will be held at 2
o'clisk on Monday, January 8, 1900, at
Hartshorn hall. a. O. MOHN,
Tmir lfw'k irll on you Can ksi it
Mcrti a hii. Hrfura li'i i.o ai
to an.l im or wrlia lo ihlt oid 4 H hat b.n irfatlng aui-h emit
for OVfir 211 vur. anil nrf.l.
rml,;. I urn I. hlf oa mJc!n
FJS rnl I'll! nil lalra.
Of ih oM SI 1njli MMIral ret
ynr.'-.l I .1. u . u n-..,. , ...
. . i '-p-iiai f, ,Hff IHmillll
ao-M, I'urllallil. Ur., puilllvtly uf.
anirri lo iut.
H'M-!. Thi iliiiiur ruAraniMi to ?ura anr
of Sviihllll. liinirrlnd. Olh4il fl-r i Im,..
furM, e3 itnrMi.a Imw Ions iiaivjina. Strinalor--inaa,
li if Sl.inhca.1 or Niichily Kmliiioni, cured prmjnnl
ly 'int halm of Hlf-AbiiM tncciually eurad In a i orl
YOUNG MLN 'ou, ,rTV" tni 'ol" f """i1 h
rri""tlM. and Ihl. old .lo.-Kr will rlv. ou
wh ni4oni ailvira and cura you-miilia u parfNlly air. nf
and lalihy. Vou will lit amatd al hia am-ema in curtna
-iii-nniorihora Hrnilnal limri, Niflilly Kiiiliiloiia, and
oiher rtfoi
I'aiinnta Iruiad In any pari of lha country by hla noma
ayaitm. Wnra full parllcuiara, in.loiM lo la iiarnia, and
ha Kill aniwar you prompiiy. llundrvda traatad at buna
ho art unablt lo ooina to lha ally.
Taka a alrar boll la si badtlmt and artnats 'a tha boil.
lal aiida and look al It In Ilia morning. If It la cloud or
t,aa a rloudy aanllns In It, you hava aoma cldnay ir bladdar
1laaaM, and ahnuld ba allandad Ui bafora you gat as inrar
abla ulanaaa, aa bundrads dla tlwj raar from UrlgM'g
aaaa of Klilnays.
swinsirumiMiii -iia.-j.m-i w tr :m,f, 1 1 t nr:TtTjiwji-jimiBa
iraiisi7arTQOixjirafiTOV'.vrtHSf;H ,
Mormon oi'iopr rilll iwn lu u,a m
Il Hul In i' i'i.itiK.ty t urt 1ls) w (-.ifit
Msi1".!.':':".":. .'':""::".i'. r r - '" 1 v - . .
" r - "" ;a uurni k.on MMnhAifi. i-
!' Ml,
bllltv. Mandncha Unfli
i-ona iDnoon, rtnoa oii ckiil.
ja Tw tchlns of Ida. l-ii m h '.ion,
y luniuim. Umir al ou.inro.l. i,f, a cura It tl. Ii .ml.
t L-n at u.nhM
owir. Night-Losses, Soarmatorrhoan Inanmnln.
'.'".Ii Bamlnil emissions, Inmi ino. Narvoua
", ipua of r-VHf,yHrlcooaJ,
Salld. tiliKi. in h f.iui,. rjllj fini.iii" .i,Yiiici TC
ndncha Unfitness to Marry, t oua of
a Of Ula-
i Valna
us Da
at naay Mfuwlad, wtta 4 boaat. Clf (.uhf t If.
k-.l'if imitll. untlivilnttM
wrinen funrinttt, tocaft)
orraaa. Srimulfetat Utt brtla and aRrvt crnton, ilm. a I It o lir mill
'a. Adirsss. sniioa Ittmad Co.. Ban rnnniun. n.i