t T 'I,... 'If I I )'" wmm wmn VOL I j. A8T0K1A. OKK00N, TUESDAY. DECEKBEK 12, 191 NO. 107 h. ... 1 Now is the Time . . . . ff if Af A 4 1' T I T ?' T HI! weather will he getting colder soon. 1 letter huy your i STOVES now at THE ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. IMPORTANT NOTICE FINANCIAL BILL OPENING DEBATE Brilliant Speech by Representa tive Dolllver In Its Ftvor. BRYAN'S PROPHESY UNTRUE YioIiimUv Wi fceeivi'.l notice (nili) llir lillblialii-ra u I I.f WritMiu Ki'tTi" or tiik Km (i'ioimu Iihitnii'a, that ititl In tho riuitiiioiia irit-ri'Mat' In tlin f iricM' nf mXT wild in tlm iMt li't wk, they would aliot ( ly withdraw (beanie of tln-ir r iii-vciiipedla at llin preacnl riiv. Our flotilrat I llli tlu putdialirr M.ulili n II a lu tillike the saint. llUlitl of. (rr an lic ii'lofiire. Thirty Urgit volume of the KjictiioM'- lin, niir iiiiiilp In Hvatrnmlln llradlniJ of I he 1- ni-y r l in. Umk I iri;lit I ink IliHikrutii itin! ilhi' Large Wol.nt. r'n Kn rinM'ilia frn ii( rliait,'!', All Ilia lilw.vt' will Imi ioiiTi-. iihiii I In' ninitll n) tin-ii I of ONI'. lOt. I, Al HuIiiiiv ill atnall monthly inriila. Cull uii.I look into liim niliT. The Gold Standard ba IScen In force for Years Yet Prices are Kislng Instead of Palling. WAJM!NiJT)N. lac. It. That fnt lure i.f (ho 'iaitni( (Uy if I he debwte i ;. j.i.i t.'.i tiii't u"h u raluodm tun 'MIll.y be t'linrKl to a contraction H. il.ii twin equally unexpeitd. Hi pri,i.-r roiiipju-aliin la Istwiwin the amount j.. wiljl.- undor th.- nwnt law "ml ili- ..iriioiiDl pflbl.- under pio- d Ktn.ndrrient, which would m l.ut ii ( n jH'i runt Inir.-.i-, an uti.ot.nt v, lid ii nit Im ,iily alm.iii'.'l by 111" I. ii-Iii.-m i.f ih- cotiniry ainl utilized In ii- iii.'iii) dlffi'iMtil motu-y centers us th"i- r- nnljii'iiil Umks. '1 li ri'iHtil of '.In- tux uxjii null'. mil l.ii.U ii. .in mill ilw sulavtltuiloii i f a Ian upon Istnk fra ii'!ilw, tut Mi-Hjuir-il l.y ii h i-ilul, surplus an 1 undivided prn'liK, nr- iir.H""''! In tt niililt of fair, iii'w aii'l fur tt jum llHlrltiiitli'ii f Uiv lniril' ii of liu- tax Tlu- :.irf-r bmka will my itn' tux In tin mini dicn' the mnill-r In ika, w hilt.- tin- umount of ri-vi'iiui will I- i-rai'tli Hlly un-cliaiiK-'d " In Kiim-liiatui. Mr.' i vi-.p r-tl , ild 'Tli? a.lV'a4.,a of rummy Murm GEN. GATACRE'S SERIOUS DEFEAT Free States' Invasion Delayed In-; til Reinforcements Arrive. NO PARTICULARS RECEIVED Tke Inttnse Aniicty of Kclatives and friends 'reparations for a Long Campaign. GRIFFIN & REED. 1 firmly (UrUrt-.J ',l.at Ui flnaiiol.ij mi th" i'UiMK')f llll in thf hiiua wu ,rl,,l(,, f iu. KVi.f ntm iu ar upon ll.- Wh nf t.IHvir. r rtjth- oM niTUnlxrd, liut that Ju- honjiit w.ia i hir.i Vrt.-l l.y an i-Iihiui rxv fur,., c,,)-.,,.)..-! (y .J..ul.ifut li-Hli-la-wlilih til- .m ui i m ini luul the . ,j,tv. it. allvr fi.lii.i! and th" ni-iiil r f.h u? mKiinl l piirty fir! , Mtn atlat k Um Di alvinilard of mmv thiin mi t.ur. U.ili:. . fully Ju-iufy tin- I. glala'.'. n 1 intil -.-r i. In-A HuU tlv- limt doubt 'a"Ki-l. in llir H'iiililliir irt iui tn On la- To rlrinly Six ..lil its the Bun'Url . ii. ..f ili 4 i'Iuu-IIiik tin- K"l'l wa-iwl- "t vain-, tlif uii 'miiivim al lermh, mad .il l l.m lui.l !- n ini'Vul by tlif x- fu.ly nTii-h by ail prn-r fafi--,. rlii if :li- tuirtm-wi world during xuiirk". la lii i-:itriil l'l..i of ihf law .....I . . . r II.. ...r.t llrv. Or it.i.-il. It 1-1 c.illfld.'lll Iv b -lltV d " ' - " ' ' . A I i. .. ... ..il.u.-l U..- mu-K d'i'"t ih.- country .t-n. ukU 11. nd that .'"""" i rv...i'r.- .f tla. ita-iiiia'ft.la In 'our a.ll.m nil! !- raUtb-d by llic t-o-l l. Tin- MiiKrl-ra "f 'lit- ir .(urJlioli Miw.,url. ,.. il....'01'' """ w r. public. r ..-in.a nuic aid.-. Mr l, 'r,' P'M'O.V, Ia--. li.-4.ta . m.-No further rM-w hu ln n rwlv;d Vj re move th" ir.ytrry .vrhnglnf G-n- rU ij.uin r?'a pr-t from 8tiirnib--rK. Il ban nut yrt furu-ani-J th pn-ml-d ai'Utiiial in -iauk- and the ouaorahlp tiua ir vnleJ corrivprayV-ntii from ex plaining Ow tna'Uir. It b-oin.. l'bnit th'. fJerwral Oat-Jur-j'H mlafcrtuiu; or ei-ncr vl;l delay the Inviu-lon of tile Kr-T State n--rha aomo f--K. It la .-x:tlirigly probable that he will b cnn.rM-lUd o letlr.; on a", ii ml a -hi tally f .il- pi . ..ti i n 1- . I t ! .ii-iii.-.., ..( It. at V H'l'i mi t I uin. (In. r-pui .ll.-itiii fruii Uk Wi . nor In ll- h-.-i-aIIi-J 'nionty of -outviire an I I ' iiiunt, whl' h in hardly reach hint Uiiill Sir tTharbai Wjrrn'a division ar-riM-iti at ih "a!e. It now in-mB it tuln that tlw Ki;Moth dhlmon which gi-inn nioblllzl at Aldjrhot will l:,t Here Ih n .Mt of ifr.nt ariy lln and aiiffor, unlltitch-1 'lt.l, tlic mUhb; of the party h j . In i 'h.'ii'Kl .tt.d laUiiotli' i ffurtH to uphold !tlie lrteanliy "f the national crvtht ual .make aecur..- trie fnundati.in of in.- vl U.ll High Grade Goods of moderate Prices: Kaiicv Ctfanu'r)' ItuUfi' in Kt-n nl Klk Slrii tly Kituli l!n. New Crti Maple Syrup. ItiH'kwht'iit ninl (tiil(lli Cake Flour. Pmkuril A- SinilliV Funcy Italian I'ruttf. New Crop Nuts, Fij-H, Minn' Meat. hint tb. y i".u,l ii..! i-iv- their c..n,",,,,"MM, ' i it ni(u i h In th.- lomliK (-"lurnis-ii'iiiul ..U.ll. mi- I.) ,lai intuit that tlu-y iwid , ).-l'l.. .. lie- i-.!l.iiii of thi-lr col I b iKti-a In raU' Ut.. I I O.-l t.. of Ili.IlHIRl, ,.tK till 1'-. bill.- 111 Mip.u't i.f the bill iinl Mad'lox, ' of tb- .ritlii, i..1..1 tn lUm. , ,mh b-lbiti. .. N-w V"tk. na tfu- only nli.4- "penki'f o-lay II" aniloutued h.a iptit1in .i vh- bill on tla- ground thai it w.aiM . .annu l ttie curp'tny. I . I w alo U a-nt t.) South Africa. t In Just twj inonrha ince tht Truiisi"iuil ulUnaitum wajt Ueliwried. i Niti I'li-tag.-m-ntu havj be-n fougttt an I the HrtrJh hvtve kat .M killed, 2.0-5 mnded and 1.377 mitliiK or prt.-iora rs. and .-x,.andlnK on,. , of our pie I Tl,e wur offbe la,Ued a notlce ,hat The Am-rl-an - nn.ry in U-. giv.it af,r Jnu.ir,- 1 deduction will be I H. ..1. ft.. ...... . .1.11 1 agrlcultuiul Ib-ida of the country, i- fully awake to the nnportiu.ee of Uie laubjei-t urd apiirxmi" the idom of I the It-glfluUcii. Nnurly ail of fw- :vi waver l In M!4 corr.ct'd their 1 Ralston 1 w T k T ejf (5) T 1 1 tt) T Y Tl' r l wtl HL.i.lk h Kink ti.i'iM i.ij tf.tl.it..'.. , "7 , , : , ,, ' , . eii.T In is:. the value of r.ln ImiiiiIii. He apiul. il ... . . ... , ,, 1 i "While the u-tfitti ih ec.inoinlc atid to thou.- of hi .U-mnrratic collt-agu.B, .... , , . . . , atiould lie at-iurated ftx.m parlmtn de- frjin N w nrii. who It In r-mrled. In- . . jb.iti, vt-t Uie republican tariy will not lend to v.rte f.r trw bill, l.i-t to do n. . ... . attempt edo.ie irt.m tt.mrtltrllliy for White li aliver wiui aavtkin Sltniiu.j . ( y1r,a.j,,, Indu vb thatt it U wis ..f T. iiiieav. ;ik If h- va wUllng! . . ,... -af,. f,-. tiM ,.,-m.Ui that th- nmiLi Hj.uld be oiH-ned to'-nJ ; v,.x,.vX ',.inM'y with th Irani imlvri If an li.t.Miwill.nMl agixnM ,u, j,,,,,, lf . nation." I I have! allv.r. I the llLM . IN TIIK SKNATU Breakfast Food, Pancake Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Crackins. i Large t run .In i Hear Matwn on the j lighting at Modder river yom-.rday : evening Oeneril Cronju roiuntuiiteil his Hi., rs- Ibma-'i Uesolutlons. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. We Rent New Typewriters fVrV Many New liiinrovmiieiita Ail.le.1 1SK.K OfR L AT K.ST w ($1 Smith Premier Typewriter : Tv NKW' 'tT CATAUHit'K HtKK ":M l..M. AI.I'.XANDKK A CO., Numic Main 57t ' Kxi'ltiaiv" l'aclrtc (.Vmat Ihwleii. 245 Stark St. iWtlaud ! . o:il.l be obtuinoi. ! No lt." npU.! Ii.illlver. b.i I m lost whirl with fi-e III IV. It-ell hlUllhtJtCM-ed for I time. J i..llier ivialle.l llr)fcim pioplhx y , j that lli KM utit-'Mliud could mil be . ttia.lti with .til -i. utiivent.il fall 111 Th,. HiitiouiH'tt Intention of Maatml I i . "In tli' iv .i nnui In Una chain- illl i to ..il.li.m ih.- -iuit- imLiv on hia . In ' b- .i.Hk.rl ' hn Kill n.e In Ina re-.iutnin xureiAinv Hie i-yinhathy of',IvLF NATIONS AT LADTSMITH. ! 1 1 ire tun I k.1) lli.t: Hr)un knew what' the it.Miu.u- with the South Africa r -1 LOREN7.0, Marqu"x, lVc. 11. The .be wia talklitii alM.ut?'' Not one dotno-1 tmbllcx in the war with Grout Britain i following dispAttch haa oean reivid W.XSHI.NOT'JX. Det. H.-iSonAte)- j Potion and capture 50 UiltiVh sol- i diiTa. l .il .one. 1o11jvt lmUw.1, relteratevl divw tt bur if e civwil to the tenute gtil U'n.tt. In the tbtiei.ee of PreslvleiU Inn iiiiemiiin ami then ixwumed. !(epivNiitd :iv. t vt rliT.t. who was i rhiii-K" .'t ttw- lull, 111 nm apwn.t ir prettentil resolutions t Uie a'nt.nK olb-r lti!n.- ftUil : j Masf ai-huietts legialatur in favor of a alull liikn the cenMtltuUonal amendment providing for the InUgrtty "V II. II OKI-till!)! .lie ol tbiulil ntl'i i our i t.lll be it rtxtxl aa the honor o'n the t'rtiuVI Scau Krye, I'latl iCotui.) tHVUpied the chair. I Lvdysmith to Estcourt have been cap tured. The Intercvpied metagva show thai! the in-"i and hortwa tn Laily.amilh are now on italf rail) vs. that whisky is a a U't.'.le and that beer Is ex- I hAlmted " i lf, utilfcrm hours of labor In nvanufacture 1 the ii tn. i.i, (hit luktional l-bt ran b-j1 iKli it'ottn.) prtttinuj a roaoluilon i r.vidily reftin.Wl at Uiw-r Interest 1 0f t'h(, legislature of Conmvticut In op j r.r.tv, viii'l new l.Ltiai iiut1tel at low- poaitlun to the admimlon of polyga- ' rate than l f j mlsla to conrgiM. j "I lie n.t pld .It v-KtimuitH of Atnerlciutj ivttlgrew (S. D.) cffereJ a nolution tin U- and li vant t-xpiuuiliMi, bringing . calling on the sieoivtviry of war for all jour people mi.. cUne n-bitloiw-i wlilij0,.,VsS rvlatlng to General Morrlani'a the I.Mdlnif tnnJ i of tlw wurld, mukea .(tui, regarding' the Coeur d'Alene jli ImpeiMilve ilna lJw atandiinl of ntlnen. nlallng the oliargvis against .value In with h wLtlemeiiUt nr.. iimde Merri.mi in his conduct of the aft .ir. xliall Iv- the l!t known to the hlglxtt Chnndler obJivUsl to the Imniodlii u- clvJIitlon. ,unl wliiiU B,itHy iii'al coiiHld-iatlon of the resolution and li Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL PARLORS Tiip floor Wa.hlli((oll frown uml Uridun Work, $4.fk) tier tooth, gitai antectl. ' Ilest aet TtMtth. 85.00 lit RinirHiitttoil. Heat KilliiiKH, Wlc up, tfuurniitootl. f All Work Positively (uiaranteod to kIvc Perfect Sutlnfactioit OK NO PAY. WiiHliinuton BuililiiiK, Corner 4th ami WunhingtoD Sg. Kifth Floor, koomn-47, 4H, 10, 01, .r)2. 'Phont Orauon, Hrow n 493, Colunihla (Og tit it)tell;j,-'-nt .ui.l suivusful exiieri- ence. ' Ti n-lit fVeiiin, Kfiuianl by c 11 use be- , yotld .uif coiiIimI, IwitrliiR oblitMllolis j which national )i...im' i.iiu. shall I Went over. j Mason adiltvtKec! the senate for ail hour and i5 niinu'.e. He was non noe liiterruptetl diifiitK the coui-ae uf his speech. At lis com lusioii. Lodge, ofVr! I .- coiii inf.'oiisly iHt.-harK'l. open new expiv.sslng ,1 w-btli that Mason minht have delivei-d his tiddivsd in Uie Itrtt- I'.clds for Aitn1-iJi sialeinaii(hlp. c'h.innels if ir.ule yl unknown tonH) parliuineiii, said itieiv was a wid. Ainei-ii'iin fiiien.rjKt uiul aventu of culf bet weii privat. opinion uaul pub- cuni.ieice yet to wvboine Ainerktu; ptodiii'ts, will niifUy result. Su.h coil 11 It Ions emphaslte tlvt iuceclly for a nt a tulu ii! of v,Utie which ahall nnialn firm tlnotuhnut th.t vtclsrtitudtn of ciunpetitlve. tnul(" After an elubu.wU- expntlllivll vf Jle feat in t. of the bill uJid llie nieilhod of their opci'.itimi wlttch follnwetl the line of his report on 1hf measurv, heivto fere printed, Mr, OvvrBlrcet said: "The pniivwitlon to allow national banks to issue circulation to tht pur value of the bonds deposited for their security, Is neither new nor iniirtlsiui. "It has bttii. tvmnioned.Hl by four prosld.iUi and fv navreUiitleai of the tieitsury, and bills containing' such provision have boon Intivdueed In coiigtv, and suiported by nienibers of botih political piirtJos, It Is entlivly consistent with tin1 hwmii banking system. The Ame re.i.sonn which Justify th-. ia-tuo of 90 per cent of the bi iiila will Justify am Issue to the par value of the bo ids. "The only objection lulvunceil, a-l.le from thii't of t!eiiiiiK'iKlc iiii.ii k ki'ti it'.illy upon bunk, is that tt petiuii." tcn ktrge an lnor-u' of ilit' volume 01 circulation and thPniteiiH an Intlatloii. l'ut it Is unfair to win pate the .amount possible under the proocd bill with the amount of bank nob now- in cir culation. "The lack of profit upon bunk note circumtlan'g fir Iwlow the amount ever lie ottlclal exprxvtsiiMi. The eXejcutlve di p.it'iniont of the gvvernnunt, he saJd, had .itvstniHsl a neutral altitude towards (he South Afriovin war. The assti of this resolution by . the senate would change lninietiiately that attitude. "If we ane to deiiart from a p.ieiition of neutrality." said Lodge, "It ought to be a subject of the moat serious con shWatlon. The resolution was sent to the com mittee on foivlg.i tvkwlotis. SOMK PKRTlNlON'T gi KSTlONS. Krforts i.f rromitiMXt Demoerats to Ex plain their Luck of Votes at the North. NKW Y:U1C. lv- II. In tvply to tl;cs que.-: buis asked by the New Vork World: Why Is thi'ie not a donioeiMiio gov ernor In any norrhern state? Why Is tbei. not a dein.Hratic sena tor iron' any north vn wtate? What Is the cuts,, of this? What is the remedy? Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, iy: TpheavaU in, ivnard to the tlnnnces of 'the country and l ho efforts of the demiK'nu'Jc iMrty to press silver as an Issue has Uti:i kwgvly responsilble for Continued on page four. TUK HKVKItSK IS SiCKlOLS. All Um Now Tuned to Buller For lb? Sah-aitJon of the Situation. NEW YOIIK. Pec. 11. A disuch to the Tribune from Ijondon. says: Th' Hri'isli foro In South Africa have met with a sig.wl defeat. This seiiMtlonul news was otliclally an nounced fntn the war office ut mid nlght. tio:vr.il tla'.ictv .tdmltliiiK that lie hid nut with a serious tv ei se in attack y. sierday mornl ig at St. tin bert;, in Xorlhern t'ape t'olony. The lti-ltisii jen-ril says he was mis led by gui.l.M as to the liner position, and foil'id "Impracticable ground." Apparj:i:ly he. 'us c-ui.irht In an am bush, as his c.isual'aos as .tl present know .1 are !..-!iiinff. The nutnleis of il.tid ami wotmdeil o.uinot Iv con sidwd exc-vs-t'vo lu the ciivuinsiani-es. but the enortii.ius nutnlHf ivv.rad missing sUjtKcst that the eng-.i. iiient must 'lot have boon unlike thai of Nicholsons Nek. when GotK'ral While' lost so hearily. Ganeral M: thuen's army is know n to have been heavily ivliiforct .t M.xl- ' der river with infantry, cavalry and axtillnry, w hile tren -nil AVauchop;s HiRhlund brigvtde has largv'y ik-resxy the nuntbef -tf bayoneita available for frontal attta.-k. The necesjlty for this : cosily niethol of warfare has bin' o'ovlalcd by the prince, of v full briKitile of cavalry eommandod by Gen- ; oral Bubtneton. This brlRaile Includes three regiments of cavalry and a sironir body of provincial horse. Two powerful baitterios of horse ar tillery have be" added, with a mob-1 llity nearly omml to that of cavalry. ; Melhuen's army cm not number less than 17,0o0 tn.m and Its iiian -uv.-ring power has boon increiis.il until there; Is slight Justlileatlon for frontal at-1 tacks mud .' without adequate rco:.- nalssance atul scouting. Military pivn ; ass'ime that ho has not lift Modder j river uivil Ui? ctiin of the howitzer , battery with lyditte nniniunitiojv has 1 arrived. General. Buller" s tdmlivrs laugh at the Idea that he will attempt to force the passage of the river at th point where the Boers ane strongest. They tuaert that h will mike the crumtng' Kith htavy arUllery aa amn tu th howitzer are sent up from Durban, but that th nain lKly of ih army will m over Wgh-r up, after a Mat has been mule 'ow.-r down, and that the enemy's position will be tun.d, Iidysmlth n-lleve at;d the n tr-at cf th Frt B'.atsis to the mountain ( paai-s cut off. N.ithlng can be aim pi r. than, "ttrutegy In a cmfrtaWe -rvloe tlul wltlwiut int-rruptlon fr nn the un munneily Uint. AGUINALDO IS STILL FLEEING Many New Towns Occupied by the American Troops. :t:hio'.-s aim.nky Maiixet. YOUNG'S SEVERE CAMPAIGN NKW YOIIK. I-c. il.-There was ai great rVnrand for murw-y to-iay, 15 pr u...i. wi.t..uu ,. t. o..i. . rent ruling for some early trai.aucUom. i 'ar'lBJ KlcbDCSS of (be Regloas Tnroogb wbkh the Rebels ire Now Being Chased. made from ttvj pay of soldi -rs r-ing in boutb Afiiu; In the case of privates four jM-nct p-r .fciy for wlies. jr. pen 11 y for euch i-hiid, In the case of sxinraktita elifhl pence for w1v .tnd two ponny for eai.h child. Thvtv sums have thus far been p.uu by thi government. ' The ord-r indlottes a belief that the caiupaigl will be a long un-.. THli BKIT1SU KKI't.'LSK. 1 I Over Seven Tlioutund PrtoIlers Were J Captun-tl at the Second Modder I River Battle. I rnirroniA. Dec. u.-six hun.iieti , jar.d m-venty-two British pr'.s.n -rs I were taken at Stonnsburg. In the frcm the Ir lnager twar Ladi'. smith. "Sevr-U Kaffir runners from One Wall atrer.t bank requlrwl from 20 to Zj per cet.t margin, besi.bs 10 to 15 points to spare on slock for $100,000 loans. In all from J7,000,000 to tW). otiO v;h caJltl and paid off, then two or three mil lions were Ivanetl at 6 and 7. Ijirge supplies were then lottud tlown to J pi-r owit. While banker were pux- MANILA, Dec 11. -Th advance guard of General Grant's command un tied over the money aituadon ivere and ; d.- Major Sjxmou arrived at Olangape, abroad, the prediction ws mad, that gul)if oember 9. which plaos demand Wlls) wald rule higher: . . . t throughout the wk, with no prospect, I " M 000111,1 wlth UlU stanoe. th however, jf touching expiring point, i enemy a&'tng. I Tbirday morning ch Baltimore and ItK A'AftDS TOR SAMPSON MKN. Oreg m arrival at OkingMpo from Maa- Ila. The navy was disappointed to J'resiilent Pr-p'iri'iK a Mewage on t.iej find ttu army In poaatMBjon of the placs Valor and Value .f Th-tlr Services. wWrt .y naJ h.,ped to .-apture. A ,, . . detachnwni of niarin, under Captain NI W YORK. O.-c. 11 A special t) the Herald from Washington says: jMjrert- um-d :he nary yard atOlatu ft is expected rtiat the (.resident will : Spo and will huid and occugy It as A soon send to ciaitgr a spiecial m s- j naval sWJu l The town of Subig. flvs sage regarding rew aria for oflletTs and men from the Atlarntic !b who dis tinguished themselves during the war w Ifh Spain and whowe gallantry hus n. A yet been rec isrtiixed. Pr.sldent McKlnU-y has the same Sampson-Schley matter under serious eonsideratloi. He is understood to be villli.g that a WU sh- uld be passed au- nilleu llgLajvt, wh occupied December 10th. The AmM-icaos found the place aband jnod by tnu re'.r-atlng enemy, who fired a few shots The America as kilt.-d one if th emmy. General GriiU and the reminder of his command arrived at Olangupo yes-b-rday af-.noou. rjeneral tir.knt will movj north along the coat and will ef- th.. rising thu revival of the gwde it : feet a Juncture wltn the Twtmiy-flfth vlee-admlml fr die Vneflt of Reur Admlral Sampson and Schley, the for mer to be givn seniority ovar the lat- lnfa,ntry under Outaioi Andrew S. Burt. The enemy wtcounlering In GtwriA Grant's advance !led to the mountains ter. It Is bell?ved Secretary Long will ; and scttvred. Gnnerai Grant is not Join In endorsing this solution of the controversy. What will probably cause conslder- garrisMdag the towns he occupies. rispatch- dat .d Concepclon, Decetn br 2, from a corrwpnndjnt of the As- able criticism amjng the friends of : soci'tted Prei, with the detachment Hear-AdnWnU Schley, is ihe daterml- j pursuing Agulnaldo, have Just reached nation of SecMUry Long to name Ad mira.1 tampsoi In .he measure he is preparing, giving the thanks of con Eie3 to tha co:ntna-j.U-r in chief of the North Atlantic squadron and the officii- vind mn under ;-.is command. It is mn bellewV hexe. however, thai the pivideiit will transmit such a resolu ti' H to congress, knowing what deter mined oppoetiUoa it will meet and the l-rt'b ibili'y that friefttls of Schley would have his nam- substituted for that of Sampsi-n and pass the resolu tion In thai for.n. PRIZE MONEY CASKS. Seizure of Stdanvr Buena Ventur Held Illegal, by Supreme Court. WASHINGTON. Dic. U.-The su pren:e court of the United States to day decided In the naval prixe-money case growing out of the capture of the Spanish steamer Buena Ventua during the Spanish wwr, that the condemna tion jof the vessel was contrary to the terms of the pr.stident's proclamation govs on to say and ordered the vessel to be tunied . the richest the AmTlcans have en ovei to the owners. In the ca.es of counter-d in iha nortliern campaign, the veeseU Pro and Guldo. also own-d Several towns reo lv?d ttie troops with by the Spaniards, the condemnation! wss iffirmed, ( (Continued on page 1) 1 iiiil.t by a mesaeing"r. According to tlnse advices Gemeral Young- was at Cund-m November 29th," th.? iiornirul atrmth of his command beinj , reduo-d awe-tliird by oickneas. HiT.i were worn out and handicapped by a la.-k of shn. The infantry were sh.iele3, and all were living on the coiintiy. The troops had no tammuni tl m except .vhaX xhey oarried in their Nit. ' Having received informaxlon that Insnrg'.nt General Tlno, with a thousand men, was some where to the potth and that Agtilnaldo, with Gen-er-i! I liar, .ive wonvjn and 400 soldlera was in the mountains to the east, Gen-. oral Young dec i led November SO ts divide his force. He proo-jjded himself towjrd' Ylgan, hoping to attack "Pino and to prevent him joining Agulnaldo. Major March, with his bat ballon and Cunningham.' a scouts, started over the mountains toward Cervantes after Af ulrialdo who wis reported to have been there November 29. This . columi marched 4S hours without food. The Associated Press correspondent The Ttooos region Is i The Credit of Selling t The Best Clothes in Oregon. That's what we've hail for years, ami we're niakiiij: Steinhach clothes more jmpuhu' every day. Our success is the resultant of our pains to sell first, last and all the time, clothes that have tit, Freshness of Fashion, Low Price and Satisfaction in 'em. 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