The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 10, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    THK MORNING AHI'OillAN. frUNDA. , DECEMBER 10, '899.
Th IMII.V AMTOKMN will l.a found
m hIi In 1'iirllaml ml Ilia wall known
lunar huuaa i.rj. r. Manilla UI
HaatilniKiM Mraal. Orilura fur ilar
tliliig lait with tltla llrm will rtwalira
rniit AllamhiM.
IHMlTI.ANIt, lO.-WurinnWuali.
liilfi'Hi ami Wmlri'li rifiii, riUn,
CiuiIiiiii WaalniiKtoit ,nl Nmltwtm Ma
tin, liu tvtulng iiniilliMn m4i ruju of
now at night, Kiiatviii (iifm mmI
Mnuuwni lilu', fair, t'ooUr wtt-Uif.
ll luiH Utii !.. unlit In in V aUi'l.tlnll,
11. ut imiIi Hi.' .I.xign of injuring my
1 nn.llilm y for tli ultl.w t'f I'ulUw rom
nilawl'ilM I, lviot'l lovv Iwoll pill III I'll"
tilUlloll i ll tt-fllM ' ll'1""', If i-li-rl.l. f ll"Hil in)' lullil'-li'
to ttoalow llw pHiluUirlll of rll.'-f of
l. lli.. ii(.iii u i'-il.itii Uhmim1
I lU-tlixi iv ni.l (.injih4i'iUI)f
4'iiv tlian nmmt t.a. I tun limit im
pli.lgo ojmI Mill nt'T Jul" nun r.m
tvrnln any of my ixawiliti futui om
ul I tti'H.uia. If iIUh pllr i-nmitiln-hm
r I i.ri' " "I'I'iy
li.rltin.U In Urn tlinliilail"uUii of that
Offli'o Hint I uan III my bunlliran. I
at. all rolwlit to Itir polntim-IK of
mj miin l hi ihiIIiw foi In nuy i
parity wli.nn uuallfh atluti. ilinittCl1 r
ami nlntnllug niv mil audi a In IV ft .f I
( r.i:t oil U i ll) "I Aatoila, !i4 uil
tiiya.lf a mm of Ma oftli Ul i...iUMm.
If I m Hivt-I, and 1 do ix wlaJi
mlKrwIup to la-. II will k HittloUl VII-UnKl"ii'-m
Uh any Individual or mi
of Inlu liluiU iiti-nilng tha niuimtf-'-nu'iit
of my offli-r. t rui In br
r-i.nailla .'! 1. 1 my i -myu li'iirc .in I
IJ10 l.twl nuii(a of (lu wliolu itiiiuuu
nl 1 of Aatotia, nlo 1 du ri d WOJit
an. I will li. it aiipl thr ).ill ioiii inlilp or any nl)iar oltluo.
Aalorla. IK , 18K.
J.u. Irwin of H'uat'to la III Ui- rliy.
i: 1'iit.iio
.iii hi.
r r..niiuiii i n.i iii" uc-
l llmliiuiun
l'.u It. r.
iT I'iii-UiUiiI la at Ui
K M Mulk.y of I'.Ttlan.l la at tin
i fi..-nt.
A. II Ht.inl"-y
.-i. r.l.i) .
Ma lip frtn B4
npl. A Johnaofi of l'..r tl.ui.l U a
thr l ork'W.
I'rawflah, cook4 In wins, at tha Na
tional Caf.
J.ihn Klnlcy of IMrtlAtiil la rvci"l'rt
t tli. I'arkxr.
It. A. Klowart of H..lU woa In tli
rlly ynl-ntjr.
'.T.T Jr.T-T
Rand Pay Us a Visit
If you are
It will pay you to conif to Portland and cxaniino
Hi'sidex the advantage of such a large variety to select
you to ohtain exactly what you want, we save you from
Suit or Overcoat, and to mi Hoys' Suits.
p Men's Suits
Hen's Overcoats $8 to $30.
Boys' Suits $2 to $15.
The Popular Price Clothiers.
V, (', Havair wm III AUrii ti lu.
iiu-w yv-rUy.
Tin' ci.mmladiHU-rir coum ftiilctn-J iti ypvtnnUiy.
K. M I'lillolaium of IVrtliiiiil 1"
Aafmlii yiwl nly.
Mia J.itl OIlKT of Olnry W.I
lit., t It y youluy.
O, W. II.mUoIi tii'1 of I'urtliUKl
ar- nl llw Oi' I'l'irt.
Itnlib Mi of I'lirtlMii) w
Ui urilrl y'.-vily.
J. J.ihliaoii of HmiltUi r-irMor'!
1lii. iiiti-iH y.-al'M.Uy.
Mr "li.u i'. Alya.r of Pnriluvinl 1
viuin fii-n.i in itii fi'y
Mra. T. I! Mluil'! "f Marl'in i-oun-ly
In vlKl'lnir frioti'lo In AMnri.i.
lluy your Xm i In- ornaiiw nt ol
Ida J'arlor. 'h-twr Hum In rrll uil.
A lrl want all H it l'i I ah" 1 r
of I'lilWi'ii. A'Mr-am K. AUrl.ili olil"".
KOK HUNT Hliifl rm or a d
IraUn ull, In th Klavel brick. Ap
ply ruum 17.
The 1'iuikmuii.i.kaliliv y.nU'nUy
auil-l for l'onlan.1 vslili lii turiro o
.Ire ta ii .wl.
Mm J W- '"oim lout fvuni'tl frvm
o, viait i Ix-r iLiuulf-r. M"1 A. K
J,.lin. iii-ir Clilc. i allfmnla.
Knnik ration, of ilv Aiitorln lN-lnK
Uink, ha ivtunwd f"in air ct'il-l
lll In Ka "'"l K-iUtJi.
Tim OlniiluJtn. f Jy fr"'" I'iuii"1".
I i'Mua-0 In ynatnplay nvnulntf hlio In
i niialltiH-.l to Krr, lilfT.inl A Co.
Tli' tv will -i Ji" uUiil rv1( In the
f..niiivfu.i uuil clmrvh uly P which
ilwi iptn.-nl puhll.' ar crJlnlly In
vul. Wlllluin lyitU, u nallve of (lr-:
lirlUln. mu'lo a rliion of t v
I nlu l Hiui in tlw rt'U-y i"Url w-t-r.luy.
Mt I'lina. MhaSui ilhiJ u.t Hvpiwhh
.i.r.l.iy m.'iMliiil .ifi-r u lni-f lUnn.
1 11., (viiialna n til
mi -kiwa.
v Imii 1 ut Hku-
Pur whlaky Harper Torffct whUky
llsrprr fvry txttle fuarantced Hot
por. Bold by Kurd A Btokt Company,
Aatorta, Orvrun.
Our lino of holiday g.NxU la now in.
1 llniia-tiibrr w have the only line of
! Iti klml In the city. Portland pritx II.
j P. AlWti & Hon.
Ci.nMu!.!.' WUkimin f.Ulil im.iln lo
find Tui k In Portliind. Turk la thcr
but tlx- oftlivr could got but. Uttl- hlp
front tin- IVirtUn.l p.illin-.
It w-.ia iprl tluil Fnuik Turk
would Im- ilown on Uuit tUirlii'ii tniln,
lu-i-oinpnnli! by a I'oi' Uind ollli-rr, but
he did not put In n pix-uiint.
JTiTT IT ? i? -T .T X
in need of anything in the
$6 to $25.
Child's Reefers
Money Cheerfully Refunded
If Goods are not Satisfactory
IKmlyn cofti lt Jonfw, U elenT
and makes Im trouble with etovta and
chimney fluei than any other. Oewrfe
W. Banborn, Afent, Telephone 1I1U
Tli alMinu-r Omj. W. Kld-r oiirif
d mn from Pirtland ytTlay iuid tif
U-r taking on otiu fplglil h'-m pro-i-imksl
t Hun KniiKlwo. Hti- hm1'1
mi iniMMtngi'ri,
Itoalyn coal la the beat and moat eco
nomical coal for household oe In Aa
torla. Try ti once and you will have
no othr. Oeorge W. Sanborn, Agent
THi-pliorie 1311.
Main hilp witiill--H'illi4lUj mi-ii to
hninllo our Ilia- of high gruUi lulrlr..t.
lug oil. Km"e and M--Jaltli. Kubiry
or rouiinalon. Addra: Mutunl IU
lining t'omp.iliy, C"U-vlrid, Ohio.
Tin- l-Uctolll holjaj- olllolula 1'Uny
yiiutdity taking tllinny In tlx- caux?
of I .u in hlng, niln.iiii'in wlio la at
IrinptliiK to In Han Kraix l-x; .
ll l a ni' inb-r of tlx- firm "f Kung
Annthi-r Irnrg" roni.Uiiliig ?W onln
flix) rIVf.l yinUTliiy from
KiMpptoil Mill by tho AKtorta Wtaxl
Yonl (.loinpuny, whlr.h tlxy off.-r for
ulo at l: uo and U 2i P-r cord. d.
It oa rprti to ( rough 1 t"f
mouth of the rlvir y-aU-rdjy uiu a
a inuJTly 1nd loowlng
all day mi 'Uubt it will anxxiUi down
c niuid.-rtly bxluy. all 1n the will
ing ahtpe to move.
air. Mi lnloah of Portland liM tit r
I'd Into a oMrtrui to g-n tlx- Columbia
.-ivi-r llghtahlp No. W afbaU and Urllwr
hii at th-t uy at Tongu.'
pant Ho rix- ta U. r"iiiiirt'. op-iu-tione
Tu-wkiy morning.
'jimlliy wlink-t handa with l..w-prl.
ut our plii'v. H 'a ixt oft. n tlx-- two
lin-H bill Jual now th-y'ix' "huiiBlnU
mil" rtgul.irly at J nx' Ciwh St"tv.
You know him- Joixxi? Ili-'a thr linn
that ya thr fright. 1,(hjiU1 a
l'urtiiuid. 105 wnd UU Front.
1 will pay the hlghtt prlo for ev. ry.
thing -ixflttlly hld ujvI old rub
bria. Will pay o'" cnt more pt-r
pound than anyorxs plae offiTi In thli
Into for i-oplxT. braa and zinc. Con
algn all good to M. Human, Aatortu,
Ore. M'Hicy will b paid imtiK-dlauly.
lUvtng a lurgi- Involo" of tJi.-n ar
riving Jan. Ut. and In fJ-r to make
mom for niinf. we will lomm.m.-.- M n
Jiy. 1 . Hi", t.) out our ciitlro; of fine im n'a, boyiT and cldl
dirn'a h.x. M'ti h" .-K olm.i glv
away. PUKD WAl.TKltS. corner lflh and H 'd tr-ta
ttiktity Wid l.'llcl'.us nnd
d:iliity young radl.w to B--rvtf It: Co.ue
with your veirt t k - full of dim.
on Thumday nlirhl for you will want to
int li all In tlx- t.i hnu- awe.e
f. mil" at th candy tabl by Mlaa
Miirganl l!lK1. M'" u,u,a K"x'
ii n.evta lamor.-. Minnie UKh:T
and Klale KVmr. M-th.aUat Fair, In
K.tdolli4 building, Ninth mid Cum
men ial Btmut..
5T 5T T -f iTiT5T7r.T?r
our enormous stock.
from, thus cnaUing
'l to f" on a Man's
$1.50 to $8. ;!
3rd and Oak Streets, Portlard
(rhrlrtimM tlnxf l almat upon
Alrwly "whu ahall I irt tr pre-nl"
Im t'x burning (jm-atlon, Wamh the
Hdvtrtla-tn'fi'e In th Aatorlan. Tou dopii! uixai jfotUiig g'al goo'l
aril mii bargaJn from th r.axl
I.Ut mon hiinta who ua ttxw luiriii
U "ill attfiilim to thWr abxlc
Kr-d Ilh rman, an old and e-irl:
bicMor-ri-eldiint of Nu( uin, died
a f.-w diiya ?ig. In hla ciiWn hofix but
hla d'TUh wai n. dlaovr-d utitll
Tliumduy rvwriliiv, whn nonx-one hap-p'-n-'l
to illl at hla plow. Mix d'-ath
wua evidently fnm. nuw
Copinor I'ohl px'k clurge of tlx- lx!y.
Hi-hool dlrtora, Uu:hra and utlieaj
of nuaip couniy InU-r.ti"! Hi "ie
aim- Hi'luiol law wlw w'lmi a copy of
Hi li.-lou now t4n prlnwd by th
HliH--rm.ui olll will .X'lify HupTln
t. iid -;it !.-. Tli cop'' "a" ,uui
for i-ir eiu-h. Mr. nugK't
Mat .v-iy tj-aih-r Mix.Jld jcfH-a u
" !'
I!. 11
l!onl'iiitilr.', cuiidUTte'l by Mr.
II xIIIt, l ni'itropolitan In
iivery p.-l" -t. Th hnM'.tniui display
tula y. ar t aomotblng Ix-yond th oi lt
n.iry and Indl -at-a that Mr ll'a lll r
a. t. ply ib a-rve tlx- rpuutln whl- h
h. enjoyii ua oil- f U' t-'abng .i itf-o-tioix
ra In lb" coiiiitry. anllne ail
purity may be rvll.-l up.jn t thU
A will wif.ti, apMi'lldly UlUBtnited
and Iwnesotix'jy bound voijim? entitled
"Cirnpitlgiung In trx- Plullpplrx-H" hJ
U-eii rvieivcd. A fsrCvx t tix? bok,
I.ti pag-. I d'-vot 1 to a hlntJry ol
tin- iiri-gon rv-glirxriit. Karl Irving
FuukI la ll"' author and the Hlika
Judd c.impany tlx- pubUh.ra. The
b.n k will t r-vljwed ut length In
TUfU'hiy' Aton.i,
Tl:- hlp Klrkcucii.nghij'hiri' suffen-J
nm:e dam.ixv w Uu lying at the P.iri
lai.d louring Mdia d't k. Tlx- Htate of
Caliloiina was g.iiug up uk- rivvr at
u rat; of p-d and ahu tuUl
the liip to nwlng lnl-j tlx- dock. Hhe
ii.i'l inifi atanthioiid brokmi, rail
djiiuig'i and oilur Injur.. done. The
d..iug' ainoiriteU to iM. which Cie
nt.uiii.r will nave u lay.
The meiiib;ra f Mr. T. A. .St jiiilanl'a
i -.ixj-si in "ItalM'Mi i'ny.MKiii cu.turr"
p. i l.-ited llw .irgunu i. l.n lal even
nitf i f a I'al lUl.-1'Hi Club, urKaiuzed
to Hiu't. inisiu and phyaioal
culture. The club ebv'eil a otlUx-ra:
I' j it, Lr. Ilen.l-M.ii and :cre
tiuy. Mi. Stocglon. The oi g.uuxa.lon
Ntaria -ml with n.aj-ly 4'J ii.uibi.-ni on
Ita ilk and rfiv prnmla- ol being a
Very pli-ajiiuaob- .uh woll as b n flclal
.iv of Ho-njini; an cvejung once a
week 111 ilu; prin..-- -f iliis l'puliur
'H.'.-m "f cul uiv aiur Prx.f
.-. '.oil'lar.J Inia t iv
lo i.liel tte.di.
The government him been quick to
reeoifiii' the diuiger to a!Uiping
Lhr.iUCll ill.- ulxeiicv of Hie CouUiubla
river liif.itslilli fP'iu Its uecUfctoiiled
aiu-honute. and the San iVaJioiiko
liKhihouif.' lniNH-Uir ut advvni.-ini for
a m-i.:i wh ner lo tem,Kirarly take
Un- I'l.uo of tin- siraiuk-d vv.v-!, miTi
in., i 'n e mian. Ttie biLi tall for a! i(uiik-1 vviUi ittnuii povvep euf
I in- nt to mer:ilj a wvlv.'-inoh vvlue
lle. Ne.iilj all of tin- available vett
m. I.s on the l'.iaiilo f.u.11 are now
K.ici-.l In jirohuble buiit. and it
siil iiv-t the govvriuintit a int-tty boov
u.ii lo ':uiv a eraft of HUliUUm
sti.'iiKth to take ilu- ii.ioe .f the Co
lumbl.i .So. Ol. I'.M.-tinij ir.Ut hat
all, or nearly all. had ui opportunity
of b. ini! warned of lite aim lice of the
kKhtshii', and will uicxii-vlingly kcev
tiiMi of the danger. In live case of
r.nvliiii shiii.-! eoiulnt; up from tlw
soutii or souihweM, lliviv is faUMe for
unxi.'iy, n.i they huve boen accustom S
f..r 111 my yeuiy to rind the lig-iituhip
on Its stailon, iuid In thick weather
die liable to .sail rlKht ixutt where IV
w.i.h fiiim.illy iiin-hoivtl, and piie up
on the beach. In the event of Colum
bia No. 00 ImI -i if s:ivtl it is prvbible
that she will enutpiH'd with p,vvvr
bcfcie sh.' : ajfiln pKiL-e,! In service.
Has found that her little ones are Im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup
of KiB. vvhtu in need of the laxative
effeci of a Rentle remctly, than by any
other. Children enjoy It and It bene
tits them. The true remedy, Syrup of
FlK. Is man u fact ured by the Califor
nia !Tls Syrup Co. only.
Notice Is hereby given that Frank
Turk if no U:ikt a memlnT of the firm
of KentK.y, Lynch and Turk, and the
ur.d.M Mtied inivby notify all
that the und-Tslirnod will pay no bills
of the said Turk's contracting, and till
l. rsoiiH are notified not to trush the
siiul Turk on our nivount.
UANiv NOTK'li.
The fourteenth annual meeting of th '
st ckiiolders .if the National
l: ink cf Astoria, I'i r the election of
directors and transaction of other bu.--Iness.
will be held at the banking otlice,
Tin-sd.iv, January ihh. l'JOn, at 4 p. m.
S. S. GOltnOX,
lieeember Sth, 1S'J'..
AlUAstorlans who visit Portland and
desire spending a pleasant evening In
company with polite people and In the
enjoyment of an unexcelled musical
program, should go to the Fredericks
burg. Itesldes vocal and Instrumental
selections there are many other at
tractions to delight the visitors. The
new management Is making the Freder
icksburg a well-merited success.
lii-llaole pt-roiiR uf a ni'M htnti-al or Inventive mlud
Inlrlnn atrip to the I'nrla Kxpnaltluu, wilt good
aaatrr anil f xp.-na.-a pnl.l. ihnu 1.1 write
the 1'AIU.T lU.COlU. UalUmorej. ltd
first Nalional Bank
At Aatcria, fcn lh rtcite of Oregon, at
the (.lv of btiajivea, Ix-f.eniber 2. 18J9.
I;ni and dlwfiintji XM.'Vi 15
oviiHrafta, e.url and, un-
a-cun-l 10.J2H Id
P. H. lxnda to a ur arru-
l.'iUor 12.600 (a)
I'r-mium on 1'. H. burnm.. VA V)'
Ht'.cka, w-i urltl. irtr '.?,.3 21
ll -al r.alai V.:iI7 01
l .' fr 'i'i national hank (nut
riw-rve atrnui; i n, t it,
I'oe from a!at- liriku and
bauki-t? Zi.'-Ji '.',')
line from U;prV-l rem-rve
iiif-m l'iJ.371 01
l h" K and othor 'iih U-rn
Noii-a of otln-r ixvlo ral bank
N'li kl and :'iit
lawful rnomy rwrv'e In
bank, viz-
Hpii l.. XA i)j
Legal lender nil:.. t.'O 00
I ' M I
H7.2') Hi
li'demptlon fund with 1,'. H.
Ir-miir-T 15 xt cfnt of
52 50
Totul lil.410 n
f apltal mock paid In I 'Ji.m
hurplua fund
I'ndlvlded pfiflta, ! fx-
(leiiH" and lax-i iyl bank rxiU-e cmt
Hwanouig I Mie to atat; ;ank and
lavllKer i
Individual d--pH
au'ij-t to che'-k. .VM.Z'A 00
Demand calfleaf
of d"p'tt V).y 12
(.'ertllied ch'cka i2
2SM 00
m or
Total poj.UO 71 ! ,
Ste'v- of On-gon, County of 1aij,
I. S. S, CJoT'l-m, ci.hi-:r of the alv-
rmm-d bank, do nole-nnly avar tha,t
the cfinve ata-iiu nt U true lo Ihel
beift of mv know l.-liri- and l. llcf I
8. 8. U jUDoN. Ca-ihier.
Suharrlb-d and worn to before me
thlx 7th day of rw-emb-r. IV.
C. It. THOMSON. Notary PubUc.
W. F M'fJRKi 50R,
culTlTloAL wtAKNtss
NoaefeDuinuiilriii;tird Bl!cad''
. FOCQCRA CO.. N. V. Aft, lor I . S.
Scoundrel Add to Mrs. Treinbath'B
Trouble by Stealing Her Pn.p'nv
A roblery. di.strswng under the eir
ruiiuitanc.K, orcurrvd In Astoria more
th in 11 w-vk ago, hut it has b-en kept
iiilrt by the polkv d.-par;msnt and
' facts of the nibbing were not
learned until yealenlay.
It vvBl oe Mti.'niln'ied that J. Trm
bcth of this city wus sent to the asy
lum about ten d.iys ago. after a severe
illness. His wife had started to pack
the household off-vis at theJr residence
at 2H Commercial str.vt. but Friday,
1. e. 1. uvo!iiiii!l"d hor husliand t-
Early the next day her little daugh
ter went to tho and found ev.ry
thing had beon Stolen. Divsts-s, under
el ithlng, hats, gloves, jewelry", heil-
cU.theo. prra rvetl fruit everything
was gone. The Dolice were notified
but no steps wene taken toward hunt
ing up the thieves until Mrs. Trembalh
ThU new trouble fills heavily upon
lit little wom:ui. To roturn fism a
peculiarly sU errand to fiiui her.'lf
and children stripped of their personal
belongings, not even a clvuige of cloth
Ins left, would be a strain uin the
bravest n-aturo.
The iblhr- mui have
by imeon with the
neighborhood and who knew that Mrs.
Trembath was away that evening. A
wheelbarrow or some otlnir voliicle was
evidently ustnl to carry the goods avv.iy
for ther was such a lot of it Unit with
the dor.on .vit of fruit it could not
have tieon wvll o.irrkil awuy in the
Mrs. Trmbaih w".u seen hurt evening
and s.ild that as far as hho knew the
rolhe had found no clue, but she sup
posed they trow at work on the case.
Dinner Sets
It's Worth Your
Coming Just to Sec.
Great Americaa Ifflportini Tea D3.
ail Commercial St., Astoria.
: Scow Bay
Iron and Brass Works,
I Hth St ami Franklin
Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props
rnUSVnOK BltONZC a Specialty J
I'huita Aatorla, Or. a
MACKINAW COATS, Blue only, $2.75
MACKINAW PANTS, Blue or Brown, 1.75
MACKINAW PANTS, Vellow only, 1.50
Tlics gHrniciita ure rtgtilnr made 40 oz
g'Txl-i. Ihiiin die Alaska trade the Hume
cIii.ih ( Mackiiuiws koM fur $10 per suit. Jones
ijouglit 'tin ut n siiup and is telling them the
name way. Thty are lotind to go at the price,
littler order at once
i JJ
fp ION and 110 Kront atraaf,
j I
Holiday Goods Galore .
B- F Allen 8 Son, 365 0031 a
Miss Bertha martin's
Ko. raHiO Dtkan Bblldlnr. 31
TolonhnnO 0R1 nd they
I tltpilUlll yOl pleased.
' WHY?
Y. C. A. Polil,
101 TY I'OMIVK.It.
Undertaker, Embalmer
and Funeral Director
Caskets nud Funeral Supplies constant
ly on hand. 11th and Dunne Sis, Astoria, Ore
w R. Gdwards
Every vuricty of Kouli and
Dressed Lumber, Doors.
Windows, Mouldings and
Cedar Shingles.
7Yrr Common Slab, Bark, Fir,
VV UULJ Hemlock, Alder.l'ole Oak
Office Seventh Street Dock
Pnrtland, Oracna.
It the place to lay your
Christmas Candles.
Pore Home Marie Mixed
Camliee Ifc a ponod and np.
Lowney's Famous
All ihapea, and flsTorf.
A profuse display of
Fancy Baskets,
and boiee, Jast the thing
for a dainty present,
For the young and old,
Everything in the Japanese line,
.Toys to please the yougsters.
rill Line ot Settest tnbroid
try ftattrlils.
Initials Specialty.
Choice Selection of S impiog
Stamping Neatly Done.
aad Waablnfton SU., Portlaad, Or.
Nice Work.
I can wash and iron, but
can not do it a nice as tbe
New Golumbia
Steam Laundry.
I sin young and tbey are
old hand at tuo business,
you know-
will call for yonr wash and you will be
j. W. DALT0N. Proprietor.
Because at our house we bave neither a bathtub,
nor hot water handy. . . .
Then go to the Rusiau Baths at 217 Alitor St
25 cents is the price. Private apartments for
ladies. Only the better class of patronaae is
catered lo. Try one and you will come regularly.
J. A. Fastabend,
ptid Builder.
The Eastern
Dining-room nml Kestaurant
J. U. Wanner, Frop
frivatc Dining-roomi for Ladies
Meals lot tp Opel til Kight.
..Det. Morrlsot tod Taohlll
Portland, Oreaon....