The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 10, 1899, Image 1

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    - K-(p - i
ASTORIA. 0KE00N, Kl!i)AY. DECEMBER 10, 1899
NO. 16
i i
Now is the Time . . . .
. A I I i (i) i
iii y i ?'
Fill! wcithr will l K(,tt'ntf toltlcr i
soon. j
Heller Iniy yotir j
now at !
Worst Disaster In the His
tory of the Washington
Coal Regions.
Yotrnlny received notice from llii publisher of I hf
Wrtisrii K.iiitium or tiik Kmii'mukhu i'mitnni', that
on nitf In I lit-1- nor tu xt liicrru.c in lln price of ihmt sitli
ill llir not In cek, tlirv mull. I hoitly withdraw the sale
of their - in-vrli.i-.lm t t tt prrsent ric. Our contract
w illi Ihe pufdmhiT enable Mi In make I ! .inic lils-ial of.
(ir !nM'iiiliir. Thirty large volumes ul i lit- Kncyrloi".
din, oltn guide lo Siati'inntlr Ri'sdihg of the llieyrloprdiii,
(tun I pnghl (k flooki a ainH 'lie Large Wilnti i Kti
r)rloM'iia rct of i lnrjfi'. All the will lie delivered
tiiii llir small ') nifiit nl
, ... ONI1 DOLI.AK
Itntmiiv in mnitll iimnthlv ay iiii-itta. Call and Iih k iiiIh
till lllll'f.
Illilmn! J Jen r. young iiiHIi, leave
widow uml I, lie l-liilil.
John Jul. i h, uyul (4. I ave H widow;
and iiiMtriiil danghlrr, j
Tboiiiu Kilmiriln, aged 40, leave
wilim. !
K'iiii Rii-hiuds, agrd leaves niilow J
Mini ait rliililii-n.
Howell Meredith, ligf'l ), leave
widow uml nii,i' i liiiJrcii.
Jim; '1'IiiiIiihk, aged 11, tingle.
F.van Iwi, inulii.
Wall June. 'M leave mother.
Williuiii Richard. agiJ 48, fmily.
Miilen, aged :W, leave mother,
tiudavc Koult Miid tl. Koull,
Johnson, aged 40, let vii fans-
Hen Zeddler arid I!. Zeddler, father
11(1 Kill.
I). H. Tlmma. sgrd 50, leave a fam
ily. Will mm M. 1'ivi, aged 35, leave
Howell Jf rrwiih. leavt a family.
Nine of I Lie lodir wer at fimt rfCOK-nixalili-,
U-cue the facet of the dead
men i rcclwrted ami b'aikfUfd Ix-yoiid
iili'iitidcktiou. It wa ooly wLi-o tbe
rt rmrrl lo tlie tiioriiae and the
FrcnzieJ Fctitlvci of the Imprlsone)!""!"- tre li-d iLai It could l iid
wliu Kiev were.
Tlii work of Framing tlie living
iuinilrli il at U o'l'lork.
I'.) tlmi tune tbr mm bail Im-ii pnn-
Explosion From Inknowo Source
Happens Without Warning
to Those Below.
Men Push to I hi Scent- Heroic
Work of Rescue Still
Color 0-
f.MtP.oNAIiO. WASH . Dm, !i-Ati
lird by linn to urh an rxtrnt aa to kt
mil frre inrrna ami titrtr.
Tlioac wbo wurr bruUkjIit to tbraurlacr
i ic njiitllcd in mckitiK to protect tlieir
I tu rn nrrimliiiiirtl In a by rtiin
I ..... . -,i,,.i ii .. .....i..
I lore Im n IImI of
m UK
High Grade Goods at
moderate Prices:
Faiwv Crt'niiH'i'y Uultrr in Kv aiul KnlN.
Slriiily KrWi
New Citii Mnjilt' Syrup
lltii 'kwltnit iiml rili It Cnkr Klotir.
I'mkiinl it Smith's Kitncv ttaliiin rrmits.
New ('ioi Nuts, Minrt' Mi-at.
Breakfast Food,
Pancake Flour,
Whole Wheat Flour,
Whole Wheat Crack Ins.
f ., -
() ft
' I?
I (
(f) I
I ('
! w
i npliwioii in intiiiid No. 7 of the CiirUn j bnriiii until they oould brcarrird tu tbe
! Hill i -rn mi v 'm ttiuir at II oVIih k tbi li'ilal.
inrtnttf killil '.VI imii. Y,.lr xlmbiiil' Mirny rari nf Lrroitra ou tbe arl of
tin- iitM-UTM were brougbt to liibt. Men
would ruiiliutii' ut tbv wurk of i. -iue
inriiiil, niul Un d around with blaiirlieil j until inncoiiif by km-. They wi'tild
be enrrird tu the air to revive bmI go
down tgtm.
SbrnU of rlnlhing, torn by the force
of tbe Filoftioi). and the perm Da! effecta
of earb oor were plaifd in a boi and
We Rent New Typewriters
Many New Improvement Added -SKK OI H LATEST
Smith Premier Typewriter
I., ii M. AI.I XANDI U CO.. IMioiic Main 57T
Kxidimive I'Hcille Coiwl Pealv't. :'4.pi Slark St. 1'ortlaiul
Largest and Best Equipped
Offices In the Northwest
Crown ami Hriikn Work, fl.50 per tooth, gtiamnlecd.
UMt net Teotli. 85.00 lit Kuarmittwd.
Kent I'lllitiKH, Wlc up, gtmratiteed. .
All Work Positively (iuurantccd
to kIvc Perfect Satisfaction ,
WiiHliiiiKton Duildin);, Corner 4th and Wii8liin(;tim Sts,
Fifth Floor, Rooms 47, 4, CO, 61, 52.
'Plioria Ortuon, Hrown 4, Columbia gOQ
Tbmr aprrbrtiiioliN f M.uie fvurlu)
diaaalrr were eoi f.rmid ill a little alule
Willi llie inioriiialHUi that the iiioruiiii;
tl.i't in tuiuiel No, 7 bail brrn emiibt in
an riplohion of fire (lump. Seveiity-two
turn wrrtjiit work In tlir mine when the
tildiwmn oorurrrd. A nmli of the in
habitant mada in the dirrvlioti of
the monlh of the tunnel. Wirra of the
tnru anpiMiacd tn be "u nl.ift. ran In and
fro, uti auiiuii and wi intfiiii; Ibeir lntmU
with antuikb, and rrying ebildien weie
rlincuiK to tbrtr akirta. It hm all (bat
I. T. lnviea, a uperitilendei.t of the
mine, eoiild do'.to atop (rieinl of the
donned miner and their wivi (rom
pliiin;iiii; madly into the tunnel' month.
Tbe run I mi 1 hk here are Hiohi' o ihr
I urbnii Hill Coal rompitny, but they
n ul! v UdoiiL- tn the Southern IVH
Krtil 0 ul company.
Tin' rock in of a rod, bituminous vnrie
ty, productive of n large pnKrtion uf
gn, mid Iihn 1 i-eii much uaed in gHn iiihii-
ufiietute. The foreman in charge of the
luft w.ih .loiinli lavi. Foreman I'avik
eiapnl unhurt, together with about
forty ininiTH.
h ri'nr.ied relative ol miiwing men
giitbeted altbr moutb of the mine and
waiteil engerly to catch a gliinpe of the
form 111 they ete biiiried by to the
coroner' oflice.
The work of rescue in being nudini for
urd but it may be aeverul day before
the l.tftt bhicktined form in takeu from
the mine, for many uieu are belirved to
lie buried under a iuiimh of earth and rtM-k.
To extricate them will take time mid
Unix tar the work ol reacue ban 1m en
puhcd at the extreme point of the
norkerx, for black damp ami noxioui
Kiie have driven reaciiera back repent
I he cause ol theexploMoti 1 a 111 n
lerv lo everyone. Not even the miner.
rescued cau give any evplanation.
Only tuifcly lamp of the F.nglish Chiimey
ami havis pattertia are worn when at
work. Should, however, one of the men
open bia lamp in 11 ti accumulation of coal
gH, an explonion would result. Tbe only
open light known was that of a small
locomotive used tn haul ear in and out
of the canvon 011 the main level. It is
merely theoriritig to any (hat thin was
the cause, although a mule driver named
Jaraea Cowley, now lying wrapped in oil
akin, and fairly covered with a mixture
of boiled linseed oil ami lime juice, aay
he was caught in the shock on the main
gangway. Conway was tbe tirst man to
come out of the mine. Hi slory ia ns
follows :
"I wuii just about ready, when Watt
tloiie halloed out 'let her go, Jim, 'and all
of a sudden I thought a ton of dyuamite
had burnt. The force of (hcMiock threw
me down, and a flame of tire seemed to
anrround me. I crawled out through it
on my hands and knees ns well aa I could
until I reunited the engine, 'lor Clod's
sake pull out quickly,' I begged, for 1
felt ut though I was burning to death
and could hardly breathe. It did not
take much urging, for the black damp
was already beginning lo smother us and
I was hauled out on tbe engine 11 near
as I can renumber."
The liat of dead who could bo identi
fied is aa follows:
Kec Jones, (Ire bos, aged III), unmar
ried. Dan Da via. aged 18.
Evan Iiewis, aged 20.
Committee of Investigation Will Send to for the Testimony of his
Cniawful Wives.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. !i.-It is
tindetttiNHl that th oppositiou to Rob
ert ba suggested tbe wives with whom
be is alleged to have iimintained polyga
mous relations be summoned as witne
e. The tirst wife, it i said, would be
exempt from testifying against her hus
band, as'hc ha a legal status a a wife
bill this exemption would not extend W
yond (he first wife. Chairman Tavlor
said that the cotmmttero was Considering
whi'ther it should go to I tali or have wit
niwH come here ami that no decision
had lieen reached.
rtchroedcr, representing the opposition
to iwilierls. said it could 1 establi.lud
thst Robert ha maintained and is now
maintaining the Hiatus of a polvgumlst.
that in lSS'.l he plvaded guilty to unlaw
ful cohabitation ami has since that time
Conlinusd thai relation.
Specitically, Schroeder said it oould be
established that lhie had recently been
boru children lo bis polygnmotis wives,
among tliciii being twins born to Celia
Dibblee Roln-rts, the reputed seeoud
wife of the congressman elect.
Those rhildieu were represented to be
boru. he said, August II, 18;i7, aud uutil
this morning he had understood tbey
were acknowledgtMl by Roller ts as his.
It could also be shown that he hud been
holding out I'r. Maggie Shipp Itolierts a.
his. if j and is now mniiitainiui! the
statu. of a husband toward her: that
during all these tunes he had a liviug
lawful wile, Louisa Smith Roberts, who
also has borne him children.
SluiMsler said the witnesses who were
iu I'tah were readily accessible if the
committee desired to summon them. He
suggested that Mis Adah Roberts, a
daiiijhter of lioberts.was now iu the city,
might be available as a witness.
Anoihcr One of the Famous C'imw Has
liscoveivl the tVcrut of Her Fite.
NKW YORK, Dec. 9 Commander
Charlt 1. llonvll, chief englnr of the
Culled Statin buttle ship Mill lie, wheji
thin vitwl was blown up In Havana
hui'bcr. Is dead,' at his liomc In this
city. I'c died fiMin an apopleittc
stroke. He waa r0 uti old Hnd was
born In I'oslten, N. V. He was gmdu
iit'il fri m the Uivlleii States naval
mudemy In June, lSSS, fourth In his
I l.iss. Ills apiHtinrment us an n;slst-
II ut innineei- "pom August, 1S70,
und in IS7'i lie wa-i to the grade
of pas iiJi.Hls'.u it. He was promoted
to the pink of chief engineer In ISM.
Hi ivivi'd on the .Maine from ls;i5
until the Ions of the battleship If-1 then tr.insferriM ti. the Newark
ami l iter wua lutuginnl lo shore duty
ut 1 he liiooklyiii navy yard. Ho wiis
nuide a coinmiiud -r in September, 1891.
lie was sluing tut a tublo by the aide
of Lieutenant Fred V. Jtinklno at the
linn- of the blowing up of the Maine.
That was the hint he saw of the unfor
tunate otllcer who perished iu the
Communication Opened and Dis
patches Are Not InterropteJ.
ISoers Preparing Port Strong fHand!
aad aa Important Action Is ,
Imminent. 1
NEW YORK. Dc. l-ltevlewlria;!
the Anglo-Uir situation, tbe lmil '
cirrenpundi-ru of the Herald, say:: I
tiut'h dl'julit aa was tuanj in Lou- j
don by the nuwa thu OenrfiU Me-
thuen s communicatlora ti bvn rut '
a: Cirss Pan waa tiding, for Inform a- 1
Uon reuuiifd jht war olOte at mid-;
nig-ht that the UrtU-ih ommaml.T at
Modder river hod uguln been btsard
fiorc. It was Aim learru-d thai d-ti- i
eral Labington had arrived a'l Muddt-r
nver to take command of tlie cavalry. '
lirvsumably ukJng up with him the'
major ponl-Mi of the bridge. i
Annosi almuUa'Vuxuly came a bri-f
dispatch indicating that the long ex- i
IM-o.ed advar; fur th rviW of Lady
amlth had beg'jn. This important ivfw t j
w;m eont iintl In an agency teU-gram J
fram I'netoria, saying that an official I
refirt from' t14 llo-r himd laagt-r near
Lad)smlU was in effect that tlv? Urit-1
Ish wer.' id v.uc-ing on CoW-nao. Trom !
the Uat of lhik)tch, Thuroday, it'
w..u!d app-ar that Ue norUiward !
movement from Frurv tx-gaa on Wed-1
The Uoor pooition on the Tugnla bad !
not ben attack 1 up to Wttim-tdajr ,
nignt. .No conflrrmuun of this is
fortuicoiiuiig, ei'.her from tbe war office
or fnm newspaper Jb;a. tehee, but it
Is evident on reading some of the laUec
that the hand of the censor bad bteo !
at work.
On ihe Natal aide there Is good rea
son to betiiv; that an aotioo is immi
nent. The difficult work of bridging
the Tugcla riv r in tha face of the1
enemy must be '.lie first step. The j
b'ers around 1-a.iyanuth arts reported
tu le preparing Strang pomUims, in
which heavy arms arv being -nounted j
t -t-.ird nvuwnry. I
As to Maf king, all kinds of reports
rii'e current, somu of which p-wnt to a'ili-y thai the nuige has already
Ije.'ii ruas'd. The fact .liat from the
end of last nioMh. .itspatehm from
Colomd budcn-PowfU and various cr-iv-spoiHk'nu
haw 1).mi owning through
from the bVs.yuePHl town very much
quicker trawi w juld appir U bir out
the tdlef tha'. the siege became weaker
since Cc'lortel CinJ's fore was enll.d
south to reinforce, tte Boers at Mod
der river and around Klmberly.
A message from Magalapye an
nounoed Uiat pnparatiuna had ixvn
completed for an advance in force for
the purpnee of repairing Che railway
and resiorlng communication w ith Ma
feking. A dlsuuteh from Modu.r ri r
datnl !a.t Monday said Ihut the
w hole Mufeklng cviiMuaiHlo ha.1 joined
the Kimberly forces. Finally a ele
grani from th Orungv riwr under
date of Tuesday says that reports are
current that Mafeklng ha U.en rc-sieved.
f-sHli.n (.f.the 5-r and w ca.ble
of llN(hrKig at long ring"- lyddite
!.!! of fifty pound.
It w.-i worth win! - for both G.-iK-rU
Mulhr and ;-v.ral M ithuim u. wait
for th-i- pm-ifful gurm. with t'leir
ammuiiltli.n, i-Vi-n If thore wrv terloas
rUks l thi- saf.-'y of lie hi-UMgiiered
guriicorw from th rW-lny. nc- the
IT'C-i of the HrtUrih artillery lira
agairst both tMvnmt arid Spytfont in
would be greatly intr-a-d by lyddkt
sh -II Tlu- exoil.,ney of delay do thv
part of bi.tb g-nrila dow m alter tile
f.u t that some one blund ivd In the
w rr office in not aemling out ibe howit-z-r
batterlea oa one of the earlliW. ami
fiiHtest ship.
Lyddite ahull were u-il with tre
mendous tffect at the batti of Orndur
man. (Jn-rtl tlulb-r was rs.iaJly
n-bporiwl)ln tor lYuit Introduction Id
the llrltish military servk when he
was adjutant general. He coriaidV-rvd
It nothing Vem ikixn a scandal that th
Itritlsh army ahouM not be supplied
with high exploelv" sheila, wbich Ger
many and France bad adopted.
f)wng to some retumn which rvmuirui
an otliirlal mrrvt. theae howitz-r bat-u-r.i,
wi-ri- held ba. lt In England until
th. I;H-r had drigifwl very h-avy
hi (,f arillliry to the battle fields
and pig gura wcr oiitclasMng the
Hiillsh guna. Th? hoAitzer luttni-)
start fd ab.ut the lime whn Cii.-nerwl
JouU rt's "I'Kig tm" was throwing In
to I-adyamtr'l al t h shot a wvight of
mi tai eiiai to 'Je discharge of a tom
p!i te rounl of ..f Uonerul Whlti-'s
i gun tuttn-rl'M of 15 puumlera.
Ird Methueii's Infantry would have
b-i-n greatly prx-lt-l against mm tn
tlii Ir three bat t lea if the howitzer had
be.'.i .idded to his artillery force for.
uniike the navy guns, which are tied to
s'.'.Kinid truck, they are almoHt as
movable as ordinary field artillery.
Tierieral liuller has boun wailing fir
tr-m day Jay w-hun Ladymrth
was exposed to a mo si'intifie Hie
from the Boer artill -ry.
Rebel Leader.Gen. del Pilar. Killed
With Seventy of His Men.
Rebels Demoralized on All Sides and
the American Troops Keep Tusk
ing Up Every Advantage.
NKW YORK. Dec. 9.-A difpaUh to
the Herald from Ladysmith, saya:
Thursday ai Fri lay paeJ fuirly
quie. The bombardment is now only
The Boers are mounting numerous
new guns tn commanding positions.
Tlw-y evidently InWnd making a big
-fi'orc lo reduce Ladysmith after the
return of Cwneril Jouhert and his
I .ns from ColJ'iso. Ttu.- town tan not
be iirried by a-ault, but the new
K'in.-i will render the pUuv very tin-
mfortable. All is well so far..
Poors Are Making Preparations for
Inevitable Retreat.
NKW YORK. n.-e. H.-A dispatch lo
the Herald from IVterm.u'.tzbuig.
Kvidenily the B-j.-rw itv
Ing their attention in provisioning f"r
thi'ir even to ihe ,xtent f
comniiinding uni oxen of th
natlvos. which huve bein taken lo
From other tvpop-.s there is little
doubt that the Bvra are prvaring fr
tllght, although resists nee is expected
to be offered to the RdvMnce of the re
lief column from the heights com
manding Colenno, on which earthworks
have been constructed. Tlie Colenso
road bridge is Intact, but is be!lv. d
to have been mined. The construction
of the Frepe bridge Is complete.
The W ir Still Absorbing tlve Main At
temion of All i"1h.- of Eng
lish Peop'".
I Copyrighted 1899 by Associated Pr.'ss.)
Lf'N'IiON. D-H-. 9 A repreMoiktaiive
of the AssoclatJd Pres has disetvnd
the wheretibouts of Mr. Montague
White, the former Boer agent here,
who, after spending the revent weeks
with Dr. Leyds at Brussels baa re
turned to his home tn England, w here
he is living quietly. Whilj he has no
cfticlal connection with the Transvaal.
Mr. White keeps in touch with thoje
w ho sympathize with the B'ir8. He
has beefl Invited lo locturv in the
United States, but has declined. Mr.
White Intends to ivturn to Joiiannes
Hire, where he has nuch property,
when the war Is over. But he doubus if
MANILA. Dec 1 OanarJ Ontario
del Pilar, commanding Ajruin&ldo'a
body guard, wui Itllkid by Major Pey
ton March's battalion of the Thirty
third infantry In in fight U milesi
northeast f CervariL., Dec. J.
According t report which Outeltel
Yung obtained from escaped Spaniah
pruMmers at Vigvui. several days ago,
Vajor March left the coast whie he
was pursuing Agulnaiiln and mcoun
treJ Oneral d-H Ptlur ou a fortified
train. They fought for four hour,
during which tlma 70 Filipino wr
KlUed and wouraled. Th American
h w wui orue kilbrd and six wounded.
The Spajviarda report that Mijor
March is t'J pursuing thei Insur
gents. DH Pilar was rne of the leaders of
n-volutlon. He was a, mere youth and
wiis reK.rted to have gridu.Ued at a
European university. PiMfTesor Schur
mao met him aa a member of the
first peace commliwiin and rated him
as remarkably clever.
The Americjj have occupied Itan
gued. province of A bra.
General Grant' expedition has vis
tted Orani and several weatern towns,
meeting small bamia. He killed sev
eral rebels amd captuml a qiwirity ot
munitiocs of war.
Bishop Henry putter of New York
has arrived here on a brief vi.slt to
atudy the Philippine.
WASHINGTON. Dec. .-The nar
'U-painmrnt has recdved. the following
from Gentrai Otis:
"Manila, Ic. 9. A ditM'tfch fnm
General Young, at Vlgan yertterday,
snys that escaped Spanish prisiHiwrai
report a tour 'vvjpv engagemtnH on
the 3d last, betwoen his tns;)S ami
Aguinaldo's guard, near Cervantes, 50
miles souh-Mst f Vlgan. with a heavy
loss to the enny, who is b-ing pur
sued. Our loss wts one killed and tix
wounded. The inhabitants of their
own accuri. Joined the troiis in re
pairing the tnail and currying sub
sistence. "Dave pushed the column to San
Jose, south of Bangued. Howe's ool
uiiv. Is on the ivar trail; Bait-heller's
hattalior. of the Twenty-fourth is out
of reach, iwwth of Buyombong, evi
dently iK-sc-mding the riwr. The i,a
tiws report lighting 20 miles north.
The navy reaches Apirri tomorrow.
A column of Mat-Arthur's itruop., the
Twenty-fifth Infantry. Is reported near
Iba. on the west ZambaUs.
Gnanf's column is aear Sublg buy
"Lawton is in Bulacan province to
day, with sufficient troops to overcome
(Continued on page 4.)
(Continued on page 4.)
The Credit of Selling
The Best Clothes in Oregon.
British Now Better Prepared Than the,
l.oers WUh, Heavy Guiv.
NEW YnRK. Dee. 9. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says:
The tirst six ff the eighteen howit
zers sent from England after an Inex
plicable delay on alow transports, ar
rived several days ago t Cupe Town
and ns there Is no iveord of these
transshipments to Durban, It is prob
able that they have gone up the coun
try to Lord Methuen, although it Is
not known whot.her they passed Grus
Pan before the railways was cut by
the raiders.
Tlie remaining twelve have gone to
Durban where they will probably be
landed on Tuesday. These guna are
euual to the boat artillery In the pos-
That's what we've hail for years, and we're
liiakiiie- Steinhach elutlies niore poinilar every
day. Our success is tlie resultant of our ains
to sell first, last and all the time, clothes that
have fit, Freshness of Fashion, Low Trice and
Satisfaction in 'em.
Look to us for the right things in Clothes,
Hats and Furnishings for lioys and Men.
Men's Suits from $10 to $35.
Men's Overcoats from $10 to $45.
Boys' Suits and Reefers at $2.50, $3.50,
$5.00 and up-
.Mail Orders Solicited. v
Coi ner Fourth and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, ORFGOX.