The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 09, 1899, Image 1

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    ' : , rr.rrTr.i . j.:i . r:.r:'r:r.r..j:;t,..:, ,
' ; ; -i ' ' ,'t " . .
NO. 165
The Credit of Selling
The Best Clothes in Oregon.
TIiuI'm w luil wu'vo luul for y ch rn, awl wu'rc
iiiukin Ktciulmcli dollim inoro popular every
luy. Our HiHTfM is Iho nutiltiitit of (tir jminn
to mil lirxt, last uiul ull tin time, clothe that
linvo lil, FrehliiM'NM of 1'iiHliioii, Ijw Trim anl
Satisfarliini in 'cm.
hmV to uh fur llic iigtit tiling iit Clothe,
Hat ami Kuriiibliin for lioyi mid Mi d
Men's Suits from $10 to $35.
Men's Overcoats from $10 to $45.
Boys' Suits and Reefers at $2.50. $3.50,
$5.00 and up.
ix mi: NoKTinviM
Mull OiiUm SolldleJ.
Cm Merioneth mid M.iiImi
Lint of
High Grade Goods at
Moderate Prices:
Fancy Creamery Itutter in Kep ami KolU.
Strictly Frtwli Kjjr.
New Crop MhIo Syrup.
Hiickwlieat and llriddle Cake Flour,
rackard A KiiiitliH Fancy Italian I'rmifs.
Now Crop Nut", FiRH, Mince Meat.
a? It. It
S Ralston
We Rent
,' ' .'
Largest and Best Equipped
Offices In the Northwest
Cwn ami liiiiltin Work, fl.MO per tooth, guaianteoil.
HkhI Ni-t Teutli. 85.00 fit HiiiirHiitotHl.
lll'Ht FlllillM, Mill up, IfllliriUlttHHl.
m All Work Positively (iiiaiantccd
toulvc rcricct SatiMriutioii
WnHlilngton Dnllilink', Corner 4tli and Wuahiugtou SU.
Kifth Floor, Hoonm-47, 48, C 0, 61, 62.
. i
Plinna Oreuon, llrown 4)j.
Sin., I'OKII.AM). OKI (.ON
i) WI-fli-flMiV)-iiWiHlWMiWlWl)-HV W 1
Breakfast Food,
Pancake Flour,
Whole Wheat Flour,
Whole Wheat C nek ins.
New Typewriters
Many Nrw Iiiiproviymenta AdJM - SKF. Ol'Jt LATKST
Smith Premier Typewriter
I.. It M. AI.I.XANDF.U A CO., I'honc Main 574
Kxclimlve I'ltoille Coat Deakiu. 'M Stark St 1'ortlund
Columbia 569
Communication Has Been Re
stored With Modder Fiver.
Hum Outnumber British, list Dl
kosIop Kcportcd Aaong Tkem
Dispatcli from lad) smith.
iXA'lxi.V, IK lUltt. m.-Ljrl Mi-tiiu-
ii ivtiHtujin uf Hi nUlwtiy M lkll
rvllrvliMf a IiukI if iuuUy w; we
( tit MlUi lib' Ua4ifT Mi II UirvU!iiiiMC
hU tmtr It I trHtlwrnl (rum u brief Jii.: h Ihm t'umiiwniUuit
lilt .' iMmuniT'iK wu ukrii tc
l (! tll IliB'i a Ull flullt ltt'lUMifll
mxl iiiiird frvjiu Mudtlc river.
It. I ri- -ontlnua 1j vmw Cnnn Im) y -mil!
ih thai illMtwUm X1iL among 1
I '-, .mil (i"clmUy tli.u Uh' omnic
Yi'f Sli- lrMiM urtu Uv miujilxl.
Tlfii' ui' ai .ill kliuln of rurnim of
in .v. -in. nil. lul IIm? f.iiH In, Ultlu I
klouu 1iit- fKiinllng ilw u I u a pw
miiiiii f Hi"- litir fitic.i. MoP'.Ai'i,
rumor i.f u ridUlw.. tf I In- lloij- (plitt
Iiim- Im i ii h.-ttrM m irfl-Tii im t:l t
i .iUm.' niU'-lt wiUPi11.-i im.
Ui.MhiN, !. imimI Ki.ri-.n-lli
r-W iilknr him m itt lh- fnll'iuliii ln
iiuli. iliiini at i u'rlock Iumi iKrlduy)
i .riiliiB. t.i Ihf ivr nMliv frmn i'iiim--
Ti'l'gruh Miul evn
dil"r rlvr Im Ui-n ruiiinnied. A
A UiUO'iy iT flrlil kuHlk'IV ill" I n Ijiii-
lullia: if Infundry wimv .Ufiui.! h.l
frmn ih MuH'T rtvor hkuIiuh rmii-
miun'jiit 1'iini uiul a fi-rci- of
l.oiw IfcM-ri with .nr gun. lu luul d.n-
tpiyrd the railway.
tur In
M Hill' 14
' Di limnit haa 1mm i airvngtla-iwd l
Inf.uilry and tv.v gun and a cavnJ.'y
i ifliiii-nt and lh- tmi frm Niuiuw
piKrt nccuuivd Arundrl Tu.-mlay.
Tlif wn-my'a .rt nrar li- n. ra;, nrt ih,. .u-my'a c.-ntrv and tlwn. right
(iulm iv are tvpol:id iui rollona. A: j nf i. rtt aid. hW rigltt llink. iMptur-U a
liordivcht im, iminlUiui riinn Jam.-; Ker and four rdiub and ;Wtruy
t .nn In Dorm-ht 70o, with ntx guli: L.d a larRv iun if.y ..f inlli'ary alonn
!il St. rml-rg. lioU; U WalmTjII. Uirg j ,,-d f.M.,lHiuftn. Ii waa a Umely and
f.H-iin, mrt-mrUi ui.d- i M..lln alut I i.rll'umt atnk-- for whli Uit Karrisn
d.-in rved KekHU li-ii'H lliankn In a gvn-
"I.rd MnthtK.ii r.'"iiji Ins canuul-j ,.r onli-r.
II "f iKi-emlKT lith on lilnd duly n.s , rh-p. ,IUi l-ri vignmua fiitnuu-hing MIXMjng, 14 -ul. iuut To yKlaMil Spyifunloln. but Umum-jI Cronle wl'l
und fmir of lite Tueiriti Uiik-.i.-;
wuundvJ, four nu-n."
Sniin InterraUng HglH Jit llu-iwii mi
t'le piMltlun cf uffaJm aking II' at
im friintler by a dJpu.irh iied by tlu
rmr agvncy lnt evviilng In Hurlin
The din patch aa.)-:
"Ci'iiiiiiandum I'liui Lima' Corce Ik
near Jacobftdul. U'tnun Mud.Ui
riv -
rr w.'id Hie KM riwr. (i.iii.raJ t'renje
la mill on tlve nwth Imnk of Hie M.kI-di-r
river, hla ivur btiirg pnwb-d by
firtH'."d pinUUoiui nt Spylfontt'tn and
thixe bHwtiMi Jiu-olxvlaL ajid Ktii riv'-1
it ar occupied by Hm'iK. t'onimiind- 1
ant I nlurelK' fon-e 1st aiaiUuttnl beiwivn
CiruKin 'and Hoiwy NiMt Kloof."
If thin lt.irUn dtUt'h bv iium't
and It Ih t-''lii!ly aiKnlfUnnt when
Jirlged In corvrwcUiMi with tlvivimil
KoiwtlKr-Walk.'ra advayn lo tho ur
ottloc thcrv muni t ini' l."i,0(0 llm-in
urouii! Lord Mvthutui who Is Ixllevi
to htivc only lUMk) men.
" j ;'it.inni mnn for orhM-iitliaw on either
PKETt'ltlA, Thumkiy. Ivi-. 7. The I I'ank or Itull r nxiy be wait
follow Ihr dispatch, d.iteil tmlay has, Inir fur ih.. ;i-oU six ,,f Wie IS puwt lful
I n fci'lviit from nJu' in ad Laajforj hnwiixers which wimv sent out from
near Lady-smith: i Knglaii'l. A .ilngle -art Ion of this but
The PrlUsli Uiv advancing an Co-I .-ry nrrlviil Ml Cap- Town thnv days
Ionic but tost nlR-ht hi.-mi1 without :n ai;u and lis lyddite shellji would 1 a
attack. Th.'iv was dwultm-y cannon-, sotii'i-e of atiwi'h for the ivlief cnl
ade tills morning, the 1mv.1l guns in iron. Cautious vt. who discussed
Liidysmlth ivplylnjr igoiniiHly to our! the situation lam night nfumV to 1h
"I'c. j lieve 'tlmt iAidy-onlth could iv reduced
, to etiemlt!os wh.i so liu-ge a ltritbih
Direct Dlsaton From Ladysmlth J
ilivlng Tial ctiHtialtlcs Since 1
NovA-inbcr 1. j
LA DV SMITH. Thtntakiy, Dec. 7.-vltJ
Wtviuin. Tlu itoLal Hritlsh casualtl.'s 1
hwe since NnwrnU'r 1 are live olllcer
and 26 men kllld and l'i otllceiv and i:t0
iiumi wnimili', with tluve inlsslng, 'Hto 1
Itoer force Is still ariuiul us In large
niunbei-a, but all wlllvln tra- town uiv
well und cheerful.
Ho Is llelleved to Have Ample
Mvn to
(Urry Out His Plajis For
Uevlng KlmU-rley and
Lndyctnitli. .
NEW YORK, Dec. S. A dispatch to
the Triliunj from Loudon tU.tsl I-c.
S, says:
Two greiut Uiit'tles aro xndlng In-foiv
ladysmlth and KlmbiM-k-y. and the
hotspur are Imputi-iit to huve them
come. Ono lending English Journal,
Impressed with the conviction that tho
situation of White's army Is critical,
I di prciti J-Iy rwl wull rHiflt fa
i h try t "im to LnlymrHth." Ii liu
km iiulillnhy-d -v1dimu of Urgr rln-foici'mi-mtJi
whkh h?nrrni '('rfinj hum
rvi'olvH frin NwtiU uul Muf 'klm to
nihitU Win .) mik a Cmirif ttand at
TIm war nffljr, mvlnf allmwd Gurv
rrul Uulli-r a fr. ruuid, In cotitont to
I'MVf iri ciunixdifn In W hiuul rul
(vi Ita riirrfHi U trtH nipld dl
luuh of the fifth xnd fUMh dlvUliww
mid th armjirui( f tho d4aJla of ttv;
inublllXaUoii uf Um ncv-'nlh.
Mllltury man outtilde of thw offlo do
my. irusv ihr urvuuny fnrllnf of tbe
Tlm- UiiU Um- t-Lrrimt!) m In a oriU
rul condition urid that the cMfflcultiwi
f lh-i aOun.U i.1 HUi.T on the TugeU
or UyNiJ the ModiW r Increased by
tha IruoUoti of tlve .UrVtlah forcr.
Thity kmurt UmC both Unnl M'-th-ui
and CWr'. bring to vturchllfbt
i,mmuntc4l n tih 'he brlaaf iK-fed
twrrinm know what Im going on nd
wvcLfy how urruin ta m need of I
ivlkf. They ui :nnJitin that the
Luu;h fun-ira have Vk ti (7ln by de
lay Hum the IlrlCUli, trtncf cuncrntra-
IIk i of tm-n in Klng im ki both
camp and th iMcrvm of artllh-ry and !
cury arv a motv Importaait ad van- j
tux f"T tlm i' n-ll.-f columm than
tin- alivngthinic irf the dufviifia of Col-.
n.. :uid 8pytfiU rin U for the nrm) i
Trw 'u.-Kkin, wh-nj vlawed coropw-(
In imiVfly -at nridrriirht, uaa iMntincUy j
fiiv.ti-ilil" in ilw lirithlxh fide ajid ,
ili"iv mum m jpiir.iM ruaion fur
liiirr.uu. i:iu Ii i rutliinK the lum
lulK". O-khtuJ il.-'liuiMi, on n-aumidg
in'inm-tiid i mi Wi1'm-I ly. hud an adiil- J
U"ii.U Urlioid'' "f tiifU dry, anoiru r ; i.f Iuivtm and an Im ri-aa-yl
f.Mi- uf irUII-ri-y an wvll u cavalry. :
II- M.n Iti mui'h tx-tUT HJtlui for
I unni; . Im Uivo'i H and hainuv-rlni; th.-
iitiiy'n work with .in nnlllfry ftrc
an I rii!fcHu.'ViTtHK Altli cavalry.
Thi-r? wi-r' umjU- (ntni-iiuliiii for
III- ilidity In uui'l'liiitc Uin bridg uitd if
I limi'-rU t'rmji- hud b'n rvtlnllrcrd ,
j the Duuh alllm w wxukvr In Nutal
j .uul .M iA klim wu.h ruXcr In cirnw
I 'iuiiih-c uf tlk- ne mtra-lit of their (
i-umm.uMU iinnnid KlmUrU'y.
Ttu WuujU if iho (n.rUi'H l.y Ki ke-
j ivwh'a iarri m funiWhl by the war
ntlliv, lUiu'.-r and
npttlul nirri'j'piin
dfiita prov.-d how fll It ia able to
pi-iiuvt ItA.-lf. TakliiK advantage of
tli.i ix-ukiKii:i f .hi- biyticKing torn
by the wiihdniHMJ f.c lh- defence of
; M. elder rlv.r, K kviloli n iiumi aUatked
! In linngi'r of having hi rvtnut Ait
Hard M JaioUtdal cut off when Lord
Mi'tliuen iidvam-.'S o the iU tack. Mtth
uen'f fun" in nv eHliiimU-d to Ih fully
Pi.'Kii men.
The graven! feature of the KitmaUuo
In N.i rul la thr niarktnl improvemt In
the xrtllUvry iii.utiiv rf the Boer bat-
1 . , , ., .
1 i.'ii.'k annum uiii)iiiiiui. 11 rju.1 me
; 1. aval ku had knock-d out H biff
, t.'reot and a nmvlti.r, two morv tdege
j aim hud ln brought up and. accrd
Init to the Tliixo dliiXchi, three
'rv"oin. four big howltwrs, tv but
teliKd of long raug Held gum und
other heavy oninun'.v nvjv weakening
"Aiilly. The railona, iihuvwiit, had
b' t:i ivdiiccd all siiu:vl in the gttrrl-
I n n. iiencral ltulli-r not only known
I tlvife facts, but has provided ei atrong
relief coliimii that the su'ge will be
nn llrally raistil as wmiii iis l lei v is
ivady In .ilrike tilt' first blow.
Tie lirltlsh forot. in lower Natal
are ni at :ir. WO nifii imd
l.-neral i'Iiiv will hive n less titan
army was Hiiini:Hl ia miles away.
There im tin uncoiillinicd rumor'
during the evening that the Dadysmith '
gnifl-on had made a suecvssiful sortie
1. 11 .Monday. An t.ier bullotln i that
the garrison was saife on Wednesday
and, tinfoi'tunat ly there was a more'
t rust wtu thy report that Mr. George
Lynch, he coi r. p indent of the Ecno '
had lui'ii cnptur il by tlw Hnrs out- :
side of the I'.ri tisji llm-w. He Is a
lir.iiny Journalist, an exceilU'iit artW
1 who did goiwl work In tho Sauting"
campaign and left London lit 24 hours
! notice to rvpr.tvnt three Journals.
The advitiu'e of th Five State rwtd
ers mi Dordrei-ht and .vther towns of ;
! Cape t'olnny is not lvgtirdcil ns a serl- 1
' o'is affair by expert-s in touch with th.
I wnr ollico. ilen.' Gatuciv Is Mlewd
j t.i be under onl-i-s to draw thorn on
and hold them bm k from nlufitrcing
tin' IH11I1 armies in Natal und on tho,
-etii'i honler. He must have over i
. 6.0tH) m'n on the East l.ojidon linn? und i
I General Fixiu-h cannot have bus than
2..VN) available fur oxr.itlng against
Colesburg, with 1.300 triH at Port
1 Elisabeth. Put each general Is play-
(Continued on page 4.)
Financial Bill Debate Commences
Monday For One Week.
Democrats Kill right to I'rcrcnt ftl
fillmeot of tbe Kepabllcia Car
rcacy Keforn Pledge.
WASHINGTON, Ix. -The corn-
1 mitUK on rule of th bouae today de
cided lo bring In a rule fur considera
tion of th flnanoa Ufl, the general de
baU) to begin nr-t Monday and con
tinue until Friday, and with dt-bate un
der a flve-rolntoe mV- on Saturday,
with a provision for vote MuUy, Ix
cembcr H, ImmediuuHy after the read
ing of the JourruU. Twxnty roinuUa
on ich aide win be allowed for debat
ing on the rule.
Itobvru, the Morrmai rvpreifc-nuiive-plect.
from Utah, waa nut In the huuae
when It convened today. It waa agro d
thai wbtn the nouife adjourned twlay
It be to meet on Monday. Dali.-ll (Pa.)
from the tommittiv on ruloi, then piv-HX-nted
aniendtnuiitit to the ruU-a agreud
upon by the coramLUee the creation
of a oontnlUee on Inaular affalm to
conatm of 17 mumbera to have Juris
diction "ov all mattera excepting
Wiuae affecting the revenue and ap
IMoprtationa," pertaining u the taM'tda
which came to the United Stata
through the treaty of V) with Spain,
a.ij lo Cuba, the membership of the
roinmttteea on foreign affairs, mer
chant, marine und Oaheriea, public
' 4anbt, military affairs, naval affaire,
and DiHlrict of Columbw, from 15 to
. 17 members, and the committee on ter
1 ritorlea from U to 13.
j The resolution for the appointment
of an Insular committee was adopted j
' without divUlon. Dal sell then offered'
, a resolution fur the consideration uf
the currency btU and spoke In It fa
vor. Hlchardson, on behalf of the ml-nto-ity.
distntil emphatically from the
pmpoaitinn adMnred by D:ilzell, tluU
I the bill contained nolhlng radically
new. For tlK tlmt time in the history
of the cuuntry rt waa proposed by utory prorialona to fas tea a gold
standard upon the country.
r.nJley declared the proposed coiirtw
. uf the major v was wiUioul precedent
j or -defense. DalrWl rVed the debate
j for a upeoial order, urul the roll was
' called on rts adopliiai. The special or-di-r
was adopW by a strict party vole
. uf 1(3 to 141 At 1:30 the house ad
journed until Monday.
Cannon, (rep. 111.), tit nponse u a
corum ui i.icnarusoii, iruiimy mma viuuj
hv had voted for the five coinage of j
silver in 1S7X. but ha had done so be-
: cause of tbe iu-.pending reaumpUon of 1
, ap t-le iMiymemui when the democratic J
; party wis howling tr flat money.'
But specie pyimma had bean resumed :
without dlsay, despite democratic !
howls. Since then the country had.
been on the gold standard.
lalxell clositl th. debste by recall
ing some of lh rule und.vr which
di'imK-rats had forced through Import
ant bills in Uii nny-secona and
1 Fifty-Third congresses. He referred I
particularly to t.he adoption of the co.i
f'.'icniv reHrt in tht- Fifty-Seciuid con
gnss upon th-. turlfl" bill, which ' the
SiuUiat democrat since Andrew Jack
son, Grover Clevetand," (dtrisdve
liughter on the democrutii- side) had'
pronounced a plciv of party perfidy
and dishonor. He dosei-ibed tlUs pro
ivdure as a "l-ape of all precedents,"
and cited other casvs where he rtid,
"gag rub." hud employeil.
Itli hnrdson. the U-MiVr of the min
ority u:uned ime of ilx majority
leaders with their change of front in
'coming out llat-fixtiedly for the gold
siandanl, but Gtvavmior and Cannon
giiodaatuivdly replied that they had
leni'id something with the advancing
The former said the democratic iarty
was the only living demonstration of
the survival of a givnt orgunlza Ion
which refused to leant anything.
Tlk? special order was then adopted.
He is Disqualified ft.- Congress by
Criminal Practlcs and Luck of
WASHINGTON. Dei. S.-Tlw an
swer to L. H. Robi-rts' addivss to the
, Anieiicaii ;KMle was maile today by
I the delegation representing the gentile
element in Utah wlw :uv lKfre to op.
poe RoburtA. The a'wwer says:
If at Uie time of tlie passage of tiie
enabling act Uob.-iHs wus. as he seems
In his appeal to admit, disfranchised
I by act of cong-res and therefore not
I a. full citizen of the United Sti'.ju as
by the constitution he must be to be
j come n nimbe,r of congress, tm-n he is
j still in the same uanlitaon, because the
i constitution of L'tali could not restore
j him to federal citizenship and the en-
aiding act did not do it.
Robcrlb says ha has net be mi con-
vlct'd of a crlm since st iaifoood. It
din ikH follow that he U Inmxmt. lit
Is now a fgultlve from juetiod In Halt
Lake crunly on a (hargo of unlaw
ful cohabitation, and In D.ivls county,
Utah, wlx-re rid mm of his polyga
mous wives, wfch her tlU-gitlmaU-t Aliis,
burn Auguat 11, 1S7, a charge of adul
tery (a felony umler the laws of Utah;
has been for two morurw ptgHonhoP'd
by the Mormon jiromcuung attorn, y.
Many nentlrrKintAj peupk are bcl.ig
mlsk-d by some of Itoberta' very lg-n-lous
suggestions, from which It la in
ferred that ho took hU polygamous
wives when it was lawful to do . This
Is a mistake. Adultery was a crime In
Utah when Rooeru was born. His
plea for sympathy, therefore, amounts
only to this, that be should be allowed
to continue his) criminal practices not
withstanding lie took his polygamous
wives in defiance of the taw. We de
mand that b should support hla fam
ines but also demand that he shall
cease the begvttlng of further illegiti
mate offsprings.
We disclaim any detare to Have him
declared Ineligible betteuse Im Is at
Mormon, but solely because he is Vio
lating und defying the laws of our
state, the United State and of common
As evident- that the compact be-j
twwn thr Urabud SCaus end the state
of Utah has been broken, the answer!
points out that in Utah 100 Illc-ariUrnato
chiklim have b.-an bom to piHjgamouf
wives sitioe statehood. And that about
2.KJ0 polygamous households now extt
in Utah and thut attempt to secure the
punishment, of them offender Is de
nounced by the rrfajialty of Utah'i cit
They Resent the Purp-we of the Repub
lican to Assume Orwiff Rp
resentaUon on Senate Com
mittee. WASHINGTON, Dec. S.-The demo-
rraOc caucus committee of the senate
today considered the re-organisation
of the senate committees. A disposi
tion waj manifested to resist the de
mand of the republican senators for
Increased reprwenturlor. upon the lead
ing committees, but no definite con
clusion was reached. The democrats
are especially displeased with the pros
pect of not being able to fill one of the
vacancies on the finance committee.
iton of a Prominent Railroad Prwddent
Among Others Who Have Given
up Their Uvea.
DETROIT. Dec. Lieutenant Aug
unus C. Led yard, who wa killed la
the Negros. Philippine Islands, Wed
nesday, was the son of Henry B. Led
yard. president of the Michigan Central
Lieutenant Lad yard, was at Yale at
the outbreak of the Spanish war. and
had outlined for himself a railroad
caieer. Joining the patriotic rush of
students, he enlisted in a New- Tork
tattery. Afterward he entered the reg
ular army as second UeutenanL He
was a grandson of the famous Genera)
Lewis Cass.
It is the high
quality of Royal
Baking Powder
that has estab
lished its great
and world-wide
Every house
wife knows she
can rely upon
it; that it makes
the bread and
biscuit more delicious and whole
some alwavs the finest that can
be baked.
It is economy and every way
better to use the Royal, whose
work is always certain, never
1 There arc many iniitatiim bakiiiir
powders, made inmi alum. Th-.-y
may ctwt less K.r K,imi!, but
their use is .d the tout ui I.c.dih.
Kentucky Board Finds Entire ft
intllcan Ticket Wis Elected.
Could Not Go Bcaiod tbe Cosoty Re
tirss-TijIor Kilt Be (sang
anted Xeit Taesdiy.
FRANKFORT, Ky.. Je. t-Th
state board of election tonlfht ft
out their official report:
The f ndlns; la that W. i. Taylor for
governor and the rrst of the reaubtinan
Hcket has been elected on the fact of
the returns. Commda-aooer HTIlla ami
Prror signed the rrajority report. In
ch th-y hold that aaa D-iard of can
viiasers, they have no right to go be
hind the returns as received by them
from the counties wtlch show the lec
tion of the republic ut afeut? ticket. Ac
cordingly, the repirt says, certificates)
of election were orlrs-Bd issued to each
candidate thereon.
Commissioner Puyr.U pnamnts Um
minority report which he cIiskv by say
ing: ' I am unwitMne to certify to
fraud and to turn Kentucky ovtar to the
control of the bayonet, gutUng gun and
fraudulent tissue ballots."
Extensive pr.fwratioiw are brtna;
made to Inaugurate Taylor next Tues
Llggast Shipnx!nt of Canned Baef Ever
Known Sent TesKerday to the
UriUsh Army.
CHICAGO, Dec. t Llbby. Neal k.
Libby have shipped 750,000 pounds of
canned beef to the British army-la
South Africa. Tw-itfy-four cars were
required to carry It. This is the larg
est shipment of camrad beef ever made
from this city.
NEW YORK. Dec. 8. The leaders of
the great sis day bicycle race at Mad
ison Square garden were 395 miles
ahead of the record at midnight to
night. At 2 a. m. Millar and Waller
had covered miles. Walt hour, the
Southern champion, had a lead of sev
eral miles for the Individual prise.
SPOKANE. Dec. . Ex-Senator
Warner Miller, of New York, and Jaa,
F. McNaught. of SaattLe, have takes
an option on the water power at Kettle
Falls on the Columbia river, north of
Spokane, and contemplate building an
electric railroad from the Spokane
Falls and Northern road to Republic
with so
an article
as the