TU MOKNIMI ASTOlllAN KKUA.. DRCRMBKK 8, IKmi. 4 CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers iiBFf t uirfq in New York Stock Exchange DIRECT WIPES TO migQ Bwrd of rade 214-il5 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Oregon. Headquarter for Pry Gowda on th Lower Columbia c? A Great Veiling Sale At 19c yd. Thin waek we will Veiling of the 2.V, The Meshes are Tuxedo, Malioe, Brusevls, Spider Web, IMain or with Chenille Dot. GENERAL WOOD'S PROMOTION. Opposition to HU Advancement Hm Developed Among Army Officers. XjJW YORK, Dir. 7. WacusMng the promotion of General Wood to the rank cf major gyneoU. the Washing corres pondent of the Herald says: Though It has been appurent that the president has further reward in store for General Wood, there has b.vn strong feeling in the army In opposition to his appointment as & brigadier gen eral of Ue regular 'rioe, and this opposition has undoubtedly cau-d the president to determine to make Gen eral Wood a tiuijur general of volun tetrs and place him In command of the military divisijfi of Cuba. So opposed are some officers of the service to Gen. Wood's advancement that it Is expected a n.ovemetu wlU : be Inaugurated to prevejit conflrma- lion of the nouiinUtion by the senate. It is claimed by these men that the advano-metit of a captain of the medi- cal corps to the high rank of major f general Is calculued tu subwrt dia l- ; pllne. disturbing exiting meAjd. of j promotion and is aW to nuUte the; younger officer, devote rv time to, getting pouti.tu - puna imui i i-i-. fectlng th"neU- In their special branches. Of course G-ineral Wood's -i.ni.tnir.eil ffn- .rnAP tf Olhjt. U'ill i depend ucon the confirmation of the ! nomination. General Bnke will complete a yer's service In command of Cuba on t January 1. GoneavU Wilson and Gen- ( eral Iee will some time in the near ; future be appointed brigidier gw.erala of the regjlar service and retired wi:h' that rank, and Brigadier General Lud- ' low Vnited Stare, voiuntr. will ber ' -m'-J.md' . . r, : i brought home. General Brooke U . . , . , . . . prvhably be assigned to command the J.. .., r.ia rrvl : Major General Shafter. whan that of- j fcer Is retir.d as a major getwal in; accordance with the reeomrmwilution of Secretary Root. The decision of the prtidiit not to divide Cuba into two departments, as contemplated at one time, placing General Ludlow in command of the wee tern department and General '. of the eastern department, undoubtedly is due In part to the publifdvd inter views with Generai Ludlow, indicating that that offio-T was opposed to ihe viev.s cf thetdmLilstration with re syett to Cuba, and his statements were calculated. It wts belie-e.l, Vj nv-ike the inhabitants of tine island di.ads fied under his adminir.uloi. General Wond was ali opixJ to the establishment 'f a civil govern ment at this time, but he ls very jiopu lar, not only ln the eemern section of the Island, but ln the middle and west ern sections as well, and prominent Cubans have acquainted the prvwlJer.t with their hope that he will be ap pointed their governor. General Wood will not immediately take command of the Island. It is un derstood that "be will return to his pom at Santiago de Cuba, the lar.er part of tlua week, or early next wvk and The carriage f a buzz naw (inesn't move ver fat but if a man s ay-, on it lon(? enough Ik- will presently le -aa asunder. The pro cess of gradual bodily dec line and 'Jl'!"! ,1,11.'! '. II" loss of energy which eads finally to con sumption is not always vtrv rapid, hut if it isn't stopped it will presently bcgi.i tc saw its way into the tno'.l vit al part of tin body, the lungs. There would be er little consumption if everv family wo.ild keep Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical D. cov cry in the house, and use it whenever f 1 ing "out of sorts.'' It keeps the e:itin body in such a high condition of healtn and forcefulness that wasting diseases liave no chance to get a foot hold. A tcaipuun nil or two before meals, iq a little water, gives the digestive organis'ii power to a?, similate the blood-making ni rvi -loni-ig, strength -building properties of the food. It enables the liver and excretory sysicni to clear the circulation of bilious poison and remove all waste matter fmrn the body. It replaces worn out tissue with hard mus cular flesh, and rhitiges weakness and debility into active power and nerve force. The originator of this great " Discovery. " R. V. Pierce, M. D , is chief consulting phvsician to the great Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y.. at the head of a staff of nearlv a score of eminent associate physicians and surgeons. He has acquired, in his over thirty years of active practice, a reputation second to no living physician in tht treatment of obstinate, I chronic diseases. His prescriptions must not be confounded with the numerous "boom" remedies, "extracts," "com pounds," and "sarsaparillas," which a profit-seeking druggist is often ready to urge as a substitute. Dr. Pierce's medi cines are the product of wide experiencf and deep study. Anr one may consrti Him by mail free of charge. LP I sell oter 100 pi. Novelty Mesh MV ami t'Oo lines t l'.V r.. The Color are lUaok. Brown, Tn, Navy, Ivory, White aiul Rlack, remain there sMiightcnliig up the af- fairs of the deoartmoM luvlimlnary t.l hi. imnKp ll.ivnni fntnt whdh I . a.,1i,o.r",h.. ..fr.,ir, of i the entire Island. A coiifvivnoe wai held between Sevtvtary Hoot and Gen eral Wool at which the futuiv of Cubai niia carefully dscu.'d, and It ! as ! sumed that the secretary communi cated to General Wood the wishes of the administration respv-tiitK th.' vl-li-i' h nh.uil.1 limuiruriitr and tojrsuo. ,.m ....winu.. !.. rivel the Cuban as Urge a metisure of self government umier tne military " : .... -i i... Is; ration a tnev aiv aote to riin.i -- lnrring ttur autlKHlty ,h. y ! t"".Ml the H.ut.-rn pl.o. o tl xan K,ow accustoms t- eertti. the f-d boys stanl ivady to .uopl their functions of ,,dinims:rrtng tho.r own : cfi Ulon-. in that .tafon, a a.Taiis. so that whon the munlciiU , ' P'av " I- Ansob- Ath.-tlo election are held. aft. r April 11 next.; Club at U Ang,-1 . ou i .., .sfn.us ,l,y the Oubar el.vl to oflKv will have! a:,d the Multnomah Athlot t .ub at h .d experience to oon,lu. t r aff.JH. ! Inland on Sea V.ur. U al.rornl i plays Carlisle it will iimI.iM tike " OKUMAN TRADK RKLATIONS ,.Iuim,!U .wakitijr for a K-'. Ipnu ity j Tnaty With This Country, j NKW yoKK . A M WjJhJ j roI4SjJenUlle Mlis(lll.Uin ls Mt ln ! official cir'l'-s at 'h,- uwakenltig of j i Germany to the n-.-d of a reciprocity , j treaty with the t'rutod Stated, l haa. Wn " th, I authorities that this would uffect the; I treaty of reciprocity negotiated wlthi i Frunce. not only uixn Germany, bu , upon all Europe us well. Whn its operition begins the au-j , thorltles say that German Interns i W1" 1rimH,1Uu-v b1n to frt l l:f- cnaracier ana preuminary to iraae ne. gxiatione, t s customary for the Ger- " , ma" government to consult them. Be- f pe ibarWmr upon m-iprooity rwgo. " ' " K jvt-rnnieni uetnrew v o dim in use nms of the several boards of trad which In the past have been hmtile to Amer ican products. ! The dispatch, publish! from B-r!ln .k.. .-., . -u I ill in.' iirutiu wii uiuiiane,, nnvniiiR i the necessity for Germany of a com mircLal arraigMnont with the tnlted .States, lmliia. to the itlirials that tlie boards of trade are U-ginmnn to. appiuciate the rfTett of live wmm r cial agre-'me-nt with France and f ar the injury which will be d'n- by th , treaty, ar.d instead of oppoflng ciitic.---sions will now V willing thai the kov. ernm-nt should 'ake action. While r-.tsfals have be-n exi-h;inip-l between '.he two governments, 1 wus t"!d today til it tie- Berlin nuthonti s, have been waiting for favorable puoliol opinion b-forv pushing the n (PAl i- ! tions to a completion. The presi 1-nt's r-c.jTimidatjnin th'it congress HUth'irize hji invitation to1 Grrmar. fur the constitution of a Joint. comndsHii n of scientific ext-n and' practical men of affaire to conduct aj s- aichintr lnvitlg itinn of food pro-, ductlon and exrxir.ati'i in both c-un- tries and re;i rt r-m-illal m-sur- ti no: to arf-ct the r-.-Jlpror-ity negotu-! tlons with tr-rm"iny, prr.'l bd that ' 'eTinmy is willing to pu.h trw-m, though the iipnii'.it sw;iflfal!y stat'-s th.it su h inv-etig.iti'.ii should - maile i'i conn-rtiu-i ,vuh tin? ndin r-' i f.p.t itv negotiations. The ;:dminiilr'!tion ,j.?. not prup.se: t , 'i-l;; v th-? .l'.ifo-i;t:.iorkS h- n tlK-v . are run-.-tly 'omm nc-d by Invtrtjga- tiun, provid-l lh- G-rmw government ; shows a .liso.iMition to a i- inclusion. hiovwi th- m ' i'AKIrf PLEAHKU. SfcKinl-ys MeKcage Glv- Sait-fac'lon I In France. SKW VOitK. !ee. t.-a dispatch to j Special in Wednesday's Or.-gonUn. the Tribune from Paris, says: CdH'MIiUS, Wash., !?. 5. M?ssrs. .Nearly all th Paris paper today j winters and f.'hapman, coiitrtictor.', are I'cc-oid the? pla-- of hoi.or on thi-lr . jiusliing the conwt ruction of the Paul from wiges to comments on I'resld- nt F. Mohr jvirtage rrtliwny, and It Is ex Mt Kinl.-ys ruessag. which has caus- d p-ctv that tin? work would be so far a rre.s, favorable and friendly Impr'-H- j advanced within 30 days that boat si'in. All the Mpt!W pay trlbuvj to connection could rx-.naiU-?rom I-ewiB-Prcwi lent MeKmh-y's alluh-im ti the ' ton to the wa. i-haie the ('nit,-. States s- taking In j the exhibition of l'joo, an allusion u:ian- , SKW DEPAItTl'UK lmously soken of as mst timely and ! ' giat.-ful, corning as it do1, so clo.vly ujion thf heels ,f .Mr. Chamberlain's aggressive 1s-U-mmt Bpex.-h. Hut It is In government c-ircl'., anl "S-eially at the foreign ollic-e, that the mopt marked eatisfaction Is f -Jt at Mr. McKinley's mc-sisage. At the Quai d'Orsay. the conviction is ex pressed that today ln no part of the world Is there any possible point of friction between the two republic. In. China the Uniu?d Stab w II find io j power more aixl u heartily and loy ally to co-operate ln the maintenance of the "open door" than France Is. There Is also a community of Inter ests between the two republic In the Trans-Isthmian canal, for it is now ab solutely Immaterial to the French gov- eminent wlv-thor the IXiniinlt or Nica ragua or any other roiito be vldod upon. The only !ttivK of Kiamv in ll--' mutter Is lluvt the republic of K' uhiVt -hall not Iv tit liberty to ell or de to l'.ngUml. or l. any KuriMii power, the i;ala.lgT. tsianos ium In the opinion f Ktvtu h miul author!. t!ii. would give l'ai;laiul strul-'gic "" i kmiM of tho futu.v at.s-l-thmun . j lull similar to union piews-sion of Ade'll ecutvs for hor In regard to the - siTANKl!P NOT AKK.Ul" , I II, r Koottull T.miii Will M'vt Any aiul . I All Kastm Comers. I'.KKKKl.KY. Cal . IV, -Th. fain- i ous v'arllale liult.in football leant lx" expiv'd 1 1 wllUngm-4 to come to . t'.ie I'.tiltiv co tat a:M iu jbvimui, . .v ..n h.r ,i:l L ririy ll ur uo- , iif.,rna .-(v.-ii d I Iim not the U-s AnseU-s club l-r -e i - a J;''- FIRE AT RFADD. tContlnued frpm first page.) " ' ' What was at first suiiil to ! the ,.,.,(. ,,., t,r.,v.,! toidght ' to le the septrw:l paits of ot' ' . I body. It !s thvu of Miss l'iiisa t lay, I acM 4S Vrtirs, wh() WiU, the only ,,-n,.n kilU-d. All Uie oth.-r been accounted for. employes have 'f 5: persons injured. 31 are badly rIiE -sorth.Wfttrn Limited" trains, hutt. Several hundn-d rlrl mule a I J electric lighted throughout, both In rush for the winlo-vs and apiMkyl to and out, and striro beated, ara. thixw in th.j stnvt to wve them. Lad- without ticeptlon. tht fintt trains In tha i..re were brought Into a and many ! igtrli were takn frv.m the burning J bunding saMy. of them h-ev-r Jumpl anj wre sfriously Injured. For a few mlnut' from .-very win- ; dow in the svvcmd and third flntnj the girls Kiiwd otv aft.-r the othfT. Some lodged In th - -arms of tho be low but many struck the ground. STYLISH HOTEL l'. I!RERS. SAX FKAXCISt'n. I. T.-SVilllnm j Marvin ana ms wile, u-itn st).i-iiy lrsed, have ben iirrt. d and Mged In the city prison, ehug'-d ith rob bing nrVetal hotels of vaiu.ibU- af lel.-n. A AU' hel tlll.-i with valuable J-w-Iry , was found in Marvin's je -ttl. .ri. He fought desic-r.tte.ly and almmt i.ver-p.w-ivl lh- arrwtlni: ollli- r. The pair :t ro sai l to ! !! known l:i th Kat. THE liKYi I.E KA'T.. SKW YOKK, !". :. The leader In . the six day M.ycie nif- at Madi.-em Square gar-V-n at mMnlght tmiight were "i mil ahernl of the rt.-ord made when individual soor. and al- : moat continuous riding were ihe rulp. i The score at 1 o'clock sin-id for the four leaders: Wall.T-Mlller, V.f'1-i. Maya-McEach-rn, 100-3; Girnm-I1ercc, jy.s; Klsi h-r-'.'hev tiler, lfiOO-6. IXCKEASIXG WAGES, MAXCHEriTEIt, S. H., Ie. T-The Mar,', h?ster colton mills will grant an Increase of 10 r o-rt on Ix-ceriib" r is. In all, nearly l."o hands arc -af-f-c-t. l by tho n.?w s" h-lule here, mean ing an Iru P'H.- of u airly ti'..jO a y ar . ... .. . I t.KWlSTON. .f.?.. Dec. T.-Tlu? m, Ills' of this state, will grant tl.e. general In I crease in wagj now Is.'ing arrang d In the cotton rimriu.'acturinK towns of i N"w Kngland TO THE SKA IX XIXKTY DAYS. WASillXOTOX, Dec. 7.-The post master general has IssU'-d a gen ral oi b r Announcing the determination of the department to provide? for the reg istration of valuable letters or first class matter, by letter curlers on th' Ir routes in the free delivery cities. A B"Vivi Christmns DispUy Limoges Chin, ImptrUl Crvom Cf ttu. AustrUn Chin, Royd BttArltn Chint, COME JUST 10 LOOK Qria: xneritin importing 7ir Co L. LEBliCK Cnrpenier nnil HnlUlcr tlcncrnl Conlrncior MOUSE HAI5IMI AM) MOYIMI A SI'I'CI AL'I Y ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA D,,,rn n i 1 1 DA 1 l HI V Cn rvAILIAVAU, L-re. PORTLAND. Arrlr VtM i. m Portland I'nlon Depot. :U:U m T:W p. m.jfr Astoria and Inters D wp.oi mediate points. I I ASTORIA. I 7 4S a.m.ror Portland A In-JU Ma.ni. i 10 p m.ltermedlate points l:Wp.tn. 4KA8IDK DIVISION. . m. p. m. Ar 7:40i 4:ftl i.v : s'l i a Arl I U S 10 Lr 1:14' I ki it J5 I.v ...Aatorl.... S II.S4 Ar . s ;-i i: u i.v I -., I, I t yv j ,w Ar ... 8. UI a la FECIAL SEABIPK Sl'ND AT TRAIN Ix-vci A:erl at I 3U a m rrivM at SeM 1:44 a. IB. Pjn;rr may return on any train non on i-hr,lui on Htm J(. .VI. I. TRAIN'S to n.l fr.m 8ra!dtf run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton All trains niak dote conn-t!in at fi.b wl:h all Northrm Tictflo tralnt to nnd from the vast or Sound pomu At Portland with all tra'.na Irarln :VnKn depot. At A.torla lth I RAN Co.'. boat nj rail line to and from Twaeo and North Reach pvilms. THIU'CUII TICKETS on tale at A iora for facramento, San rranois-o, all Eastern and Eurup.an points. City tlckt office AMorta. &14 Commr. .i.i tret. J. C. MATO. Qen'l YYi and PaM. Agent. Ii T UXURIOUS I RAVEL world. Tbey .mbody th. latast. i..wat - ivr w 7 ' traVin. ; public, and altogether ar th most com. piste and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northern The Northern I'acif ic and The Canadian I'acific AT T. PAUL FOR LHICAC.O and the KAST. No extra charge for theee euperlor ac coinmoilitlone and ill clseees of tlrketi ere available for paaeace on the famoua "North-wenern Limited." All trains oa this line are protected by the Interlocking Hlick tmtem. W !I MEAL). F. C. SAVAOE. Oen'l Agent, T A Portland Ore. LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIV1 OVERLAND EX PREH8, fur Salem, Roeebura. Ashland. 7:M P.H.iSacramento, Ogden, t.W A.M. Ban rrancisco, mo. iave, Los Angeles, SI Paso. New Or leans and th East. t-M A. M Rose burg passenger iMM P. U Via Woodburo. for DaHy except Sunday Mount Angel, HII- Dally erton, Wwt Hclo, exceul Brownvllle, Spring- I Banday uoei ana jauun. tf:K A. M Corrallls passenger fl:M A. M Inca a. ii M:W P. 11 inaepenaence pass Dally, tDaily except tjunday. Connecting at Baa Francisco with Oacl- i dental ft Oriental, PaclHc Mall and Oce anic steamship lines Tur JAPAN, CHINA, ACHTRALIA. HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rebate tickets on sale dally between Portland, Uatrrameinto, and Han Francis co. Net rate 117 nrst-claes, and til sec ond-claas, Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points ano Europe. Aleo Japan, China, Honolulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B KIRKIAND, Ticket Agent. 1X4 Third St.. H. KOKHLER, C. if. MARKHA4I Manager O. F. ft P. A Through tickets iCaat for loweet rates Call on C. J Trenchard local agent. Wel.e Farto Coiboaiura ufflce. Astoria. A familiar name for the Chleago, Mil waukee ft St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway Running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every oay ana tuiu iwiweon oi. r&ui and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfexjt trains In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all Transcontinental Lines, assuring to ipassegenrs the best service Known. Lux. urlous coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reaeis via "The 'Milwaukee" when going to any point In Ithe United States or Canada. All ticket igervts sell tftem. For rates, pamphlets, or other Inform,, tlon.waddress, J. W. CASET, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt, General Agent, Portland, Or. Portland, O.r rl SOUTH FISH! FISH! FISH! Boston Codfish and Rlackcral Common Stockfish Stcllanglcr Stockfish Auchovia, Spoolang, Holland Herring Hamburg Sinokod and Canned Eel, French Sardinos. English Bloators. Russian Caviar. Kielor Bueckling, Marnirto Heringe. At Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria, Oregon. W. B. Edwards I cry wu id i UohkIi aiul )-jhcJ I ii m be r. IKm-k. WinJow.. MotilJIiiK". and tletlar Miinnlen. m f "V fx ('.Miitni'ii Slal'.lUrk, Fir, VV UU iJ Hemlock, Al.lrr.ri.lcOiik tHHcc Scciitli Street Dock aaaaaaaa lidiM Tailr. I'uli'TaiUr. I. D. Boyer, Merchant Tailor : lp-to-Date i;; 1'a.rtn m.. roRUUD. m. Y. M.C. A. HuiM'ir. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor find Builder. ! W. C. A. Pohl, niiui nmouR. Undertaker. Embalmer j ind Puneral Director i Caskets Mini Kuneril Sut'plies conatntit ' I.v on ) ill io 1 . Corner llth ami luiatie Sts, Astorin, Ore t-fe-tM THE Palace Cafe W. H. WUirriK. Prp'r. r'm.el Kestaurant nrlk f Sai Ynntw OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Service, First-Class Cuisine, i'miiie Kooiiih for Ladies. . .'IM Coiniuerrial .Street, Astoria, j. V V v . y v v v v .. y ; V V VV VV V , HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light arid well baked. Well there Is a knack tn mak ing It. But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. His mother used a Stnr ICntnte Kan fe 1Mb 6 W. J. BCTJLLT, Agent. . tn Bona iir . .-"--vV-oi--c---- II AsTIIJ A1U At a jiriic which is over 40 per CCflt lower than present wholesale cost. COATS, imuM.i.iy) $2.75 PANTS, (Hlucor Hrown - - .75 PANTS, vVcilow )..!) 1.50 This Is the Season the Prices are Right. AilJrcon iih SuJdcnly, Wltlioiit Not lev. aJOINES' CASH STORE, las it 11 J ) l imit Street. I'oillunJ. Oickoii. J. 0. Glllen G Co, Dealers. Manufacturers ard Contractors OI AHbCHtoH Boiler nnd Pipe C ovcr1ti km "2!l Smiinl St, rOKTI.ANI), OHK. Pacific NavigationCompanv McanicrH "H. V. I lunu v," " II HariUon ' Only line Astoria to 1 1 1 lit 1111 m ik . (iiiilhaldl, lluvt it , Hnbsnin illc. (ViiiuiTltnit st Aston i t n the Oretoti lUllioad ,t Nvintloii Co, nnd ulwi the lslor,i t nluiuliin Hirer It. It. (or Sun r'tmicixco, l'ortlitml and all tsiints enl. ror Ireihl mid iiaaaei-ger rates sp;dy Mntt'Mcl l!ltiorc At C. (leneralA , AHTOH1A. t'KK. COMN A COM Ai;eiit, ()'i-gi 11 lUilroii.l A N11 vigutimi Co., I II.I.AMO i ure. A. .v C. It R Co. COKn.A.ND, Or. New Zealand Fire Insurance Co of New Zealand W. P Thoiufm, Myr Snn WrunelHCo. Hits lS'n lliolei wriliiikt oil fits I'siitic Cmist over tweiilvlo venra. SAMUEL ELMORE 5ir CO., liesjilsnt Agents, CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In nil ei.ci C. A. WHALE, Wli ilusiiln Mini Pianos Krunicli nnd lined, HrlinmT, Hchiller, and ninny others. U21tiA"r" InstrumentsSollii M. C. MAT'I IIIKI.L. MamiKur. Holmes' English AND Business College 414 Yamhill rt., Portluinl, Oregon. SIX DKI'ARTMKNTS FngliHli, HookkccpinK. ShortlmnJ, TypuwrltiiiK, I'enniuiihlilp, Art. Send for circulars'. eteglggCT I V ijeKWiHNt - cv-i-e-t- -v. I SIT 111 US 1 AST0IU1, om: iiml styles. Wtl Ft 1 1 IL 1 1 CCIllillllK to cell Iron and jtriioM I'.eiletende at Ihe hiiiiik Low l'rieea rek'iirilless of llie rnlse iu the price ii( ironiiml limns ri'tuil tlntlrr in Organs Sclmltz niul Co, Miller, Ann Arbor licntlev rt ml others PORTLAND OREGON. Terms. IIviul olllce U2 Hlale Ht. Snlcni.ore. THE PROOF of the pudding la In the eating and tha proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's cona otuslve a demonatrattoa. Ours will stand ttis taat. HUGHES & CO. t I f T