l 1 1. . 1 (.(! ,1,: M piu:. ;'lH)-i ' V X X A. J mm VOL. L ANTOIIIA. OREGON, Flit DAY. HECKMBEK 8, 18SI9 M If 4 f n i i ir - 9 Now is the Time . . . . .W(iAi TT ffiTif A. THE ECLIPSE IMPORTANT Yi.trr.lay e received notice fnitn the PiiljIUIirr nf the WruNrn Kmthi or rur. K.m nn ci.u ('.iuthmca. Hint nwti( to tht ciionnoiia turri'mx' in I ln price- of arr Willi In iIip paal Irw wk, lliey would lioiilv wilhdrn the aide n( lln'ir Kliivrl(iHilia nt llir present pnre. Our contract m llli the iii(ililii'tii MiiiKIm in Ik Hinkw I tin aame llla-ial of lor ln'iilo(rp. 'I'liirly lfii' vnliniir nl tln Kiiryrliii Iiii, ilin uuliln In SvrIi'IiiuIIo lU'mlllit; of tlie Kliryrlopedi, Oiih Upright Oak fliKiki'imn mnl nc 1 .11 rye WeUtrr'a ku rvrliiMlia Intt of I'lmiift', All Ilia nlmvi will l' delivered ill" ill I lit utiinll (mytiii'iil of ONII DOI-I.AU balance in arnall iiintilliK payment. Cull Mini link into linn UlllT. GRIFFIN 1 lloro In n I-ImI of High Grade Goods at Moderate Prices: Fiincy ('rvtiuiery Putter in Kr ami KoIN. Strictly Fresh V.ffc. w H. II m ,., Now Crt) Maple Syrup. Ittirk wtu'iit mid (irilcll Cake Flour. lVknnl A Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes. New Crop Nut, Fi)s, Minco Mi-at. Ralston I ROSS, HIGGINS &. CO. We Rent Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL, PARLORS Crown unil Hridne Work, $4.r0 per tootli, sunrnntpcil. lifHt net Tct'th, 5.00 lit KinirHiitct'd. HcHt Filling", W'' up, BUiiranttH'd. All Work Positively CiiuruntccJ toulvc Perfect Satisfaction OK X) PAY. WiiHlilngton Iiuililinir, Oorner 4th hihI Waaliington Sta. Fifth Floor, Rootna-47, 48, CO. 51, l2. 'Phom Oreuon, Hrown MIC weather will be jjc-ttinj colder soon. Hctter buy your STOVES now at HARDWARE CO. NOTICE Sr REED. It!) ft" h t 1 ' T i Y i 1 T Breakfast Food. Pancake Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Crack ins, -!--(I-y---QlMy New Typewriters Many Ni-w Imir.iniPiit AJJ.'.I SKK Ol'R LATKST Smith Premier Typewriter NKW AltT CAT.M.niil'K KUKK I., it M. Al.l XANDI K i CO., I'honc .Main 571 Kxolimivn I'lioillf Toiuil mWtt. 'M SUrk St. l'.irtlmul Top floor Wnahlliglnii II it I lit - Columlila gflg 1 AGUINALDO IS STILL RUNNING Supposed to Be Making For His Home In Qvite Province. REBELS ARE MENACING IMUS Americans Active and Vigilant and Natives Prevented from t'ottlog in Hod Its of Any Large Size. M ANILA. I . T.-TIih iiNtijainn nf 1 Mi-hiii AkuItmiJiIii in ili Nurfti twa Imcii innu iii'iillv nlitt'iiJoiKl and lh" linil' il.lluy now I th.il Iv will turn i.lilhr'l. If he 1 1x4 uLr'liy Ihriv. Hh Ma .at in .ti m (Vvlu- I'nvinri, liln luim. wlv-- l'w itinurririiii Ih-kiUi .iinl h n- It uil im grwitt t r'.tit1 h Th Kliiilmi wilillnni In rruit province Ii.ivk 1 nl I ! n nhoM'Ir.K liuriuH(l rtntliiiiilioi unit llUu-f anil caiKunv) li.ini: Kniitii .iy th.it Acii1f)Kllo li riiin ihk in Jnlii ilnni with Uirv army. Tl'- .n:i" n.'ll,-f .'.iwmU iini'ir.ii tlw iimii hi Munil.t tavl rlm-wh'-rv thnt AiiUIn ilil" lot "ii'U In ni.ik.- hi ti'-al-Ull.lil"!" .11 I'llV:!.' ;rvlnr,. iti.'i.- miv i.i"0 liinurgv-iilii brforv hum iiml tiii-r. killing thr Am-r-M an- ali i iilnt; ! thtr umut ami nin'litly ..WHllliiff ut-u-kii. Tin- Flllpl in hiiv- v.'ml riinnnn. Tl firm t ,.r Imiiik iiihIit Anwrtt'iui r-itlm'. win' uUlt'rtt'-lv ,T'vt..l, U thi")r h-n-l- r in all .uw-illlLr iilul 1m nunlntluUll (u Liki- in- nn TlPr ildln if lh K.iiir.li in fit i ry h.n dirt'M urul r? li-. lih ih mvny. M"t i'f th." inh4itillant of Imuii ntv -i MinMiit In tli'ir -.yniinuhy with thr iriMiit K.-nt n trutt It l nt'rrwir' t ur a purl of tlii- r'flrrnnt to pitrJ tin1 iiir-lii unit I" pn-vrni HhliiK from li.iun.-it whfiipvw un ktisi'k l'lrui. Thr Atm-rli Hii for.-" In th North have -p-' aiuli d into fitny immll rnmmiuKhi wvi art- puraulnic Ui?vl iif FlUpln.w. iP'iu-ml MaoAirhur In wia"n-d In ((wring lh moumtatn rnuntry wmt of ih- Manila-1 Mjciipan ralirJ. Ooii on.il iJraiU la moving fnun AtllP'M ti..ii l SiiIiIk w'-ih ion in-n. Colonel llfll li . plnii aouth froin MftiiBU hi.m.1. Thim far tin" AnuMirn rOm in .nih -i tuivr l- n umilil'" to hK-at liny Uuk lnoH-n of tiiHiirc'iit. l thi'iiKh tlii-ri- wt. uN'iit .'.in to Sail I'lrin.'iilln.'. nln.' mll aoiiUi "f Mr. .i.ii. in t.irly in iJu- w,k. (i.l.ni. l Hil. iUi th Slxl. nih rt K. IiihiiiI mid t'uv.iJry and UfM-rnl Ui-tm with it ftiriv fnn Sen Mldro arc op riMtlnK iiK;Ll"t t-H-iK'nil Pilar In the Sun M.it- valll.-y. Mujor Hiitch-lor. wlih i li&ttiillon v( thr- Tfiity-fourih Inf.iim y la nmkiiiK a ilstrtiiK -xx'iliUon. Hi- li ft Ituyunibonc In thr province of Nti.'Vii Vlxeiiy.i, u wt'k aK nmrrh lhiik'li the fiiravan valley to th north cin.-t of t.iuo, lnthlii(j to reach t Apai-rl nt the mounh of Oiiyniren r1v-r, the most northern wu 'i"t of the Inl and. TUB KM IS NOT YKT. Heavy Halna iuv S'rioualy InterreruiK With lh PhlVJppln CiiinpiiiK". NKW YOKK. iHv. 7.-A llpuich lo the Herald from MVuillu khvm Hope of ciiillng the liwurnH-tlon mul hiiltluK military opcralloim In the Phiilpi'lrc which hcciihhI bright u few d.iyx ug-i hiia tiKiiln fadiKl Into the iiih. i i.iIii fu ture. Mmh h.i hii-n iuv iinplislicd. Inn -IllK' the lllit f'kV w k llle iMIIIIMlll lui.x l'-n almost phnwmo:uil. In dre.idful wivit.her. thivtiKh .1 de vaai.Uetl counli-y. iutow siwollen ri-ei-x. iiIoiik tvuda that weiv linpa.'walile for w iK 'H". Artillery and In nome im'm ciivalry. the itdvaiuvti of ihe ti-o-'ps lin- I'.fii so rapid uul In many dU 1-eolUiiiK that they have often lie'ii yond the military t.'V'K'apli lil-H and opeiatlona h.ivi' imrniairlly Im-h Ind"- ' iH-mlelitly cundil.-ted by Hie Held com- ! manil'i-". The army l rightfully proud. The lliUlK"lits havo hud a nerlen of rou'M and disaster. The ulanifhler hiia been Rivat. They have ot a larife ! iiuaiilliy of HiippHvH nnd mniililoiiM of ; war, and moiv than 1.000 of tholr armed 1 men have xurrcnd 'ixM or raptured ilui lim tli'-lr rtVrtiut In l.he lant f w kH. Their ifovvi'iitnunt hm Utui soatuer d or enptiiivd. What of It In at lllony Is In lllKht. A vrton of AKtilnaldo'K family iuv 'n our lines. Asuluuldo , himself In a fug1Mre. NotwIthHlividlnir nil these things tlu-iv la no rrtun for an extiH'tne op 'tomlmli' view of th nltmitloii. Nothing 1 more Is h.iird of having tlu r'l'lllon Mtampid onl In the coin's.' of a few daya. That iort of talk only lamed while the tiiHUrfrent lealor wm ullpplng away lant wvuk. 'Field cominandera ' now think that the end In t1ll afar. ronTi.AND TrtANsportTs aukivk. ; MANILA, Dec. 7. Tho Steninpr lb-, arlo, churterwd by the govern mrit to j bring a load of cattle from the Island of Mainupul'iK in to Il II , left Ih II" Moii'lny arid w cii omooiv ri llw rka ii'-ar MitiiUpiil'JKa.'i- H-r frw an.1 p.iitw-nK'-ra w-rn xivi-d and lik"n o N'-rr'ir. Tli" lr.mnr(.i Olympla and I iiiylvrda arrived y. YOl'Nli'H AltlllVAl. AT VI'SAN. Iiurif-nu Turned ThHr Kpinlnh Prlaiwia nvl Took to the MounlalriB WAHHINGTON, !.. 7. -To the n-ll-f of th'i war 4vtitv-M, O'-mrai Young- haa bn Imwd from af;r a wwk'a aljifc-nri. in thr Interior of Lu i'i. OmmihI Otla t ib I'd thla mornlnif lut fiJIowt: 'Manila CnvivM Youn re porta hla arrival at Vlgun on ttn- rv-njng of the tin, having ncuunlnrfd a force of the pturny at Nai Uuvtri, 13 rnllea aouth of trVi rlty, whom In- drove to the rrt ward Into tlu- Ban QiHitln canyon. Truopa are now prvawlng irVm back. Th country la extr-nvly n.ugh and ar.rongly t-rjt ranched. Alxmt tOO prlaon. rr. wh Muuprd, reported the Inaurf enta allowed all but Uie Americjn and priKiilrvnn Hpuilali prlMn r to mw frim ltangui-d. Lau-r, the In- aurr'nt wer driven buck to the; riioiintaliiR. "Will rtend (ruiiHportHilon wlUi gulf j ltein and nie'iloul auppliea tomor row to Vlgan to bring the pritoners to Manila, and to aupply Young'g trap with necvaaary cpjarli-rmuaU-r'a at' cm. i Our OkiHiKilllea v oik- killed and 12, woun k'd, tile wounda bi-liig mont yj alight. The enemy left in the trenchea i 21 ilea.!, a few rlfliai. -verul thouaand rounda of amall ajiiiiiuiuilun, and 40 ali.irpii.-l. Young Ir.ui auffleli-nt irnij lo iiuit till dinicultl.-a." : THF. FINANCIAL HILL. ! LVmia rvila Will Not Agive to Ma K irly I'mirtiU-niiUoi', and lterl Hub a Will U- lnvok"d. WASHINGTON, m-. 7 llefore the houae nut today the republican and donna-ruAa: lead'-rw au.miud to per fect an agrwrneivt for th? delnue cm tti linaiicll bill, whjch la to begin a.-xl MiMiday. but tlie ik-gvitiatiotia failed. The republican loaderi then de- ; elded to tvaort to a apeolaj rule o be brought In tomorrow, overatrsct (In-' dliuia), who la to Iwve charge of the bill, Intniduwd a formal rea-Juilon for' a ap-cKil ordtir, uirmi wiilch the ewn niltuv on ruloa will act. It provide f'r the conaldoratlon or the bill, beginning Monday, and roirtinulug until a date to lie devldtnl uion by the coinmttu on rulea. IiniihHlUtely after the reading of the Journal, the ajaviker announced the ap poliitmont of the iximinlttiv on rule, aa follow a: Tin- aiM-aker. Dalxell (Pa.), and tinwvenor (Ohio), rt publicana. an Hlchardaini (T.nn.). und Hailey (Tex.), d em in' rat a. OverJ".Ht (Ind.), In chary of the finance bill, then ne for tne purpose of rviching an agreoment. If posatible, for cunalderailJon if the meanure. He a.ik"d that an arrantrement be made l commencing the dvbtbe n'Xt Mon day. Itlchardson, minority leader, Jd (he propoaal wua ivost unusual. He tiiMfiod that the bill ahould go to the committee for tirw con.Mdeiutlon, and objeitd to tlu- pivhmlhI arrruigement. NONSKNSK IN THU SENATE. Chandler IwriKlucea a Fool Bill Which Wuatc Valuuble Time. WASHINGTON, tvc. 7.-In the rxn. ate today a bill waa Introduced by chandler to Increase the etllclency of the physlcial trMluliiK at tlie West I'olnt and Auiwpolis uccidemlos and lo pay h-s intention to highr mental training was Ui- subjtrt of an amus iiiK ii'll"iuy l-uv.vn Chandler, of New llainp.-liliv, and Hale, of Maine. Chun i'ler iiskctl that the measure lie referred to the ivnimlti'V on elucatlin and labor. Hup' look it. he said, to be a bill to encoiii'.ttro fooibuU a.nd other sinilllar Kam'W and he could hardly stand as soiisor for such a propoM tli.n. In u lacetloiis kwIi, chandler re plied (hat he th.aitfht athletic contesta .imoiiK ci lleg- men ought to be encour. aged. "The proposition I present Is." he ssiJd, "that athletic contetna shall be reRiilated by law and that Internntl ral and iniercolleirlate contents shall occur alt different Hlnts." The bill Was reforrud. Till: ANTI-Tlil'ST Ql'ESTIOX. Meinlieri of tile House Fortify Ink Themselves by UoadniK the Su-prem-.' Court Decision. WASHINGTON. IVc. 7. in motion of Civs enor t(hlo) a motion was adopted today to print 5,000 copies of the supreme court doWston in the caae if t'ne Adilyst.me Ple & Steel Com pany. a,ipellint. vs the United States, for the use of lh- housi. This Is the nnti-trust deelsi n of the supr. me ( on. NICAItAGl'A CANAI. HIM.. WASHINGTON, Deo. 7-Repreen-ta.llvo Hepburn, of Iowa. iv-ilntroduivd In the house his bill of Visit eongTvis to appropriate $140,000,000 for the con struction of the Nlcaragmi canal CULLER READY FOR ADYANCE Preparations For Relief of Lady smitb Are Now Complete. GEN. METHUEN IN COMMAND I5attles Kill I'robably Be fought Simultaneously at Xatal and Spytfoatein Shortly. LOoNLmjN, De, t.i a. m OoneraJ Hulli-r'a arrival at Frere la held to Indi cate that all preparation for an ad vance to the relief of L&dyimlih in complete and Umt wtlrrtng new will noon be received. The fa"' that Lord Methuan la an nounced os p-numlng hla command at til moat the avime moment, li InturprXAil In aoni4 ruartera to mean that battl- will be fought dmultaeoUftly In Naial and at Spytfonteln. It apieari v?ry doubtful, however, whithi-r General Methu-n'a force if ye, ready for what will evidently be a heavy tnicounter. CAVALRY FOIl AFRICA. LONDON. Doc. 7. The government haa decided to despatch to South Afrlm at the earliest possible moment a cavulry brigHdu of about 4,000 men. ACOUNTING FOR DELAY. London Military Clrcb Speculating aa to Hull t a Plan of Campaign. NEW YORK. Dec. 7.-A diapatch to the Tribune from Londii, says: Generul Clery U gradually preparing to turn '.he Boer position at Colenao and relieve Ladyamtth, while Lord Melhuen hold General Cronje'e forc at Spytfonteln and JacuraUal, and ! General Gatacre la playing with the Frv State ruidera among the Dutch villages of the disaffected district if Cape Colony. The variation of thece Tlree TTleme continue lo occupy the attention of military rilera for the London preei. Evidence is found of General Buller'sj controlling mind in directing the Brit- j ish campaign for the expulsion of the Free Staters from Cape Colony and the relief of Klmherly. The defeat of Cronje's army would rvk-aae forces of considerable strength from operation remote from Natal and open the wy for the concentration of a Dutch army at Bloemfonu4n, whence rclnforcemanta could be aant to the Boer laagvrs betwean Colenao and' La dysmlth. Premature action either at Moddt-r river or on the southern fron tier" of the Free Stat would tend 10 diminish the pressure now brought to bear upon the enemy's camps around Ladysmlth for withdrawal of a por tion of these comma-. ala to the past of the Drakensbury range. These ar the beet explamtlons of fered by military men in London clubs for the continued Inaction of both Lord Methuen and General Gatacre, and It is always eusy to follow them up with the reflection that time Is on the sj.dtf of the British army, with lis superior discipline and systematic arrangement for supplies, and heavily against Ule li regularly orsnlzed Dutch forces. While 'theuried like the- ar' n poor substitute for war ih ws, tlie v. tcran oMeers (ire glad to accein evidence that the geneiuls are no longer in hot hate to at lack the enemy In strongly foni hed positliuis without maneuvering for protection for the Infantry from a deadly lire directly in front. The oflicial news yesterday included the disunity list in the sortie from Kiir.berly an November 2, when tlie Loer lavigv'r was surprised and cap tuid. Tliis was a serious tis'h:, for 22 were kllltd on the British side, and Si wounded. South Africans readily Identify two mune in the list of killed. Major Scott Tur.ier was a gullant rough rliior ho had seen much hard service In Matabel land and Uhmlesln, under Forbes md CarrtngUMi. He was a flue horseman and a man utterly fearless, with an inborn love of adven ture. Ll-'Uto.iant WritrhJt was famous as one of the co1m; and mist expert riflemen In South Africa, and a match tor the best hunters among the l;ofs. An ofttclal bulletJii tulso came fmn General puller rvtipectlng the losses of the enemy, which he ettinuitcd at S00 killed and wount-yl befon- Ladysmiili j on Novendit-r J. and K10 in llildyard's tiht at Willow Crantte. Thse c.--il-mates were accompanied ny a gvneral chaiffe that the enemy did not admit more than one-tenth of the Iosms suf fered. As General Metha-n ha 1 telegraph?.! In similar way i sHi-tii.fr the Boer losses t Mod l.r river, it w is evident that the war office had suggested that sometiilng should bo said by him and Goner.il Buller to counteract the effect of the publication -t the heavy casual ty lists on the British side. Cues for the reports had come from London, where the officials were an noyed by Leyd's Brussels bulletins, ah';utn InalKnlllcarit I)uth locate aa nn "ffmH to the terrible hivor nr u(lu Hrri'riir thr f!rttlh laitialli. HOIiKItT S (;ALf In Hplte of Hla ExclU'flm From the Oath of OfTir he Oi'-uppf a 8-nt In the Houe WAKHINGTO.V. iJer. 7 . Kobtru. tha llornion reprwrntiUve, d.-ipit- the adoption of Tayhv'a rvolutl n w hlrh In termn deprivea him of hla wat dur Ing the penJency f hla cane In the commltt", wu In th- hall tfiday throughout trv; artwlon and oreuiied 1 a-.t he aeleoted Monday. HOI'EKTS ISSCES AN ADDRES3. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Brlgha-n H. Roberts, of Utah, who waa not allowed to be sworn (n aa a representative in congress from that state ha issued an addra to the American people. It contains much that was naid by Rob erts on the floor of the houa ar,d by Richardson, who oppowed the re4u tlcn. FOR PURCHASE OF HOLLAND. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. Stewart to day Introduced a Mil In the nmute ap propriating $175,000 for the purchase of the aubniarine bout Holland. REVOLUTION IN COLUMBIA. Report Received by the State Depart ment of a Naval Engagement on . the Magdalemt River. , WASHINGTON. Dec. 7.-Tbe yovern nient has received through, one of Its agents a most IntereMtlng account, tau I ed the latter part of November, of th ; Inception and growth of the prr-aent i revolutionary movement in Colombia. The revolution, according to this ; statement, Is an attempt on the part ' of tne liberals to oust the citfiserw-' tivea who have been in power for many j years. The principal en gugemerrt so; tar has bn a naval one. It took place i on the night of October 24. at Losoblspo some 300 miles up the Magdulena river, ! below Puerto Nacconal. j The revolutionists were embarklrur ' on seven river steamers which they hai seized and were coming down the river. The goveiwnenrt troops were on ; two side whel steamers which had ; been protecte.1 by plating and railway Iron snd were armed with catlings and one Hotchklsa gun. The two ilerta mm j In the dark. The government veaseU. ! Hercules and Colombia, were chargvd ; by the Helen and others of the Ineurg- , ent force, and the Hercules was nam 1 rr.ed by the Helena, but the blow did no material damage. The gviu-ral on the Helena then ordered his pili to ram another veasel. which the pilot aa- . sured him was one of his own squad ron, but with a revolver to the man's httid, the gemral Insisted on his com- i mand being objyed. 1 The result was that the Crltsobal Colon, a steam dredge and his bt ship, waa struck amid ships and went down, carrying wlch her 250 men. This loss so Jiaheartened the insurg ent tbat they put about tuid ran their w&sels al.wg the shore ttul desertwid thrn.. Tie general's lilot was prompt ly hot to cover the mistake of hla superior. END OF N. P. RECEIVERSHIP. M1I.KAUKEE. Dec. 7. The retviver ship of the Northern Pacific railroad company was formally clxjed up in th United States court here today. The Credit of Selling The Best Clothes in Oregon. 'Hint's what we've hail for vcurs, anl we're niiikino Steinlmcli tint lies niuie popular every dav. Our success is tlie resultant of our pains to 'sell tirt. last ami all the time, clothes thnt have tit, Freshness of Fashion, Low Price ami Satisfaction in 'em. Look to us for the right things in Clothes, Hats ami Furnishings for Poys and Men. Men's Suits frcm $10 to $35. Men's Overcoats from $10 to $45. Boys' Suits and Reefers at $2.50, $3-50, $5.00 and up. ft ft ft ft ft ft ': A B STEINBACH 8 CO. LARGEST CI.OTIIIFRS IN THE NORTHWEST Mail Orders Solicited. iM-ncr Fourth nnd Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. KENTUCKY BOARD FAVORS TAYLOR Protatle Tbat He Will Be Given Certificate of Election. THE DECISION ON SATURDAY Got he I Exerts Tremendous fressare oa Commissioa and Kill Contest ia the Legislature. FRANKFORT. Ky., Dee. 7.-The de cision of the state board of election, commlsalonen, covering- the guberna torial contest, will be handed down Saturday miming. There is a strong probability tht the certificate of elec tion will be g1vn to William 3. Taylor, the republican candidate for governor and lo the other republican candidates for ether offices on the state ticket. Th vcte will probably be two for th re publican and one Tut the democratic tau ticket. The three members of the commld"n have been placed ;n a moat unenviable poeitlon. Thr beat friends, even their relative have pleaded with them on both side of the question, some fr Taylor, some for Go?be4. No matter which way they decide the case It nutans much to tlrtr W cauls. Th Presure ag'iiiwt thTi has been some thing' stupendous throughout th en tire canvas and during the argument. It is possible. In case the dec Won Is given to Taylor, that the democrat may secure an Injunction restraining him from taking his seat, and in this manner Inaugurate a tight that will b carried into H he legislature and fought out there to the bitter end. CUBAN INCENDIARIES. Attempt Mad at Tampi to Start An other Insurrection in the Un happy Isle. TAMPA. Fla., Dec. 7 The. Cuban here are much ex.vIted over certain speeches which were made In cigar fac torys today by Cubans whose names will not be reveal.-d. The speaker were bitter and incendiary In their fan. Rinse regarding the American occupa tion of Cuba and advacued the use of force and dynamite to fid the Island of all Amencms. There are evrU thousand Cubans in Tampa, and it is believed the- or ators have come rom Cuba to rxclta the colony and raise money fciter on to carry out some plan of insurrection. FATAL FIRE AT READING. One Factory Girl Burned to Death and Many Injur.nl by Jumping From Windows. a READING. Pa., Dec. 7. One of the m st appalling flres that ha ever vis ited this city occurred today when the extensive hosiery mill of the Nellie & Horsrt Company took fire, destroying the plant, causing the dith of on person and Injuring 57 employes of the company. (Continued on page 4.)