, v, t - n. .aw'Mrjn- -An riiK MORNING ASTUK1A. THl!KSL'A DKCKMUKU 7, 18tfb aUj gtototicm JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Tlphon Main WL TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year H M Bent by mall, per moath JO, Served by carrier, per month SEMl-WEEKLT. j Sent by mall, per year. In advanc $100 . Poatage free to ubcrlber. ' All rommunlcaitona Intended for pub lication ahauld b directed to th edi tor. Huslne communication of all kinds and remittance muat be addre ed to "Th Aatorian." Tha Astortan ruaranteea to IU ad- wrtlner tha largeat circulation of any newspaper published on tha Columbia river. Advertising rate) can b bad on ap- altcaUon to the bualneaa managar. Repsbllcan City Ticket. Far Jiaror DR. OSWALD II. BECKMAN. Tor Auditor and Polio Judfro II. F NELSON. For Polio Comn.iesiooer SAMUEL ELMORE. ' . ForCityAttoroey GEORGE F. WELCH. For Treasurer FRANK J. CARNEY. For Surveyor - ALFRED S. TEE. For Superintendent of Street JAMES F. KEARNEY. For Councilman First Ward THOMAS MOKKO. For Councilman Second Ward JOHN SYENSEN. For Conncilnian Third Ward AUSML'S S. BULK. ' j though a magnitio-.-nt fr h water br- That the OrgoTia- Is dawincfly a : without cost or preparation, wait Portland Institution; that It is run ex- : the gxvernm--it at the m..uth "f the Co. clusivvly in the Inter of Portland, ' 'unlb,a- thl 'P,ati-n l' ,unJ regardless of the best Inurest of Oiv- pw has pri.'Uk-d on the eciviry o g.t cr any section of the state not l'e treasury to recotrmwnd an approprl lncluded within the ccrporaw limfu of at.on f .r the absurd contructi,m of the Portland; that It la not frwe to advo- ; L" Wahington canil. The ip-rs cat any proportion, however merl- '' of San Frand.c:.. Taon:a and Seattle torious or ben?ficiil to Uw state at ' have published ciumnn w ithin the large or any community of the state. ' past week or ten Jays In advocacy that doesn t promi. sotmsUting for the of the respective ;nerits of the Phllip aggrandiaeroent of Portland, was never ' Pine cable landing, but not one word more strikingly Illustrated than In its has been said for Oregon or the Colum perfunctory article of yasterday advo- ' bu river except by the Astorian. Now eating the recognition of the Columbia Oivgonian, for the first time In river as a base for naval operations, ' the recollection vf Astoria's oldent in Mn tu. iiiiuim 'mi imr,l,,rv,i habitant, torn- out with a weak sug- the oregontan to use its vast tnnuence to caU the gwernmienfs aotenUon to the matchless advantage of the Columbia river for an Important naval isiablish- meet. During the last ssfi n of con- gr rs the Astoria.i rep?a.dly com- mented on the iec-iity and evl lent purpoee of the government ti incr-osi.- its tiAval facill'iea on the Pacific c.jast. In vain the Amorian asked the aiJ of the Oregonla.i to enow up the advant- agts of the Columbia riv-r as a loca- ticn for one of sevenal new dryd'xks th government cintemilatel bui'.Oirg. The Utegonian completely Ignor l the subject; approprtatli;n were made for a new dry dock at San Francisco, for tin; reconstruction of the buildings thrown down by the lust disastrous earthquake at that point, and fjr con- - - The Future of MI A child's life may be blighted by the diseases oF youth, such as Rickets, which is characterized by weak bones or crooked spine, and inability to stand or walk steadily, or Maras mus, that wasting disease characterized by paleness and emaciation, or Scrofula, a constitutional disease of the glands and neck. Scott's Emulsion of pure Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda will prevent and cure these diseases. It supplies just the material needed to form strong bones, rich red blood and solid flesh. It will also reach the infant through the moth er's milk, and be of the greatest benefit to both. At .11 dnmkti i oc. tad Ji.o 6C0TT A BOWNE, Cbamitu, New York. ea tlnulng work on the Isolated and u lotM dock and navaV motion at Port Orchard, The Columbia river m not mentioned or thought of In connection with any f these vast naval prepara tion. The OrvffonUn know tin' aov ornment could not be IndUiixl to locate a dry dock or navy yard at the imvn I wnlent and far inland p4nt of IVrt- l.viut. It kn.v that ir the Columbia we.iv brought forward prominently tia a location for naval structural of any magnitude public i-ntlmeit elm" where In the country u;d honot men In eoiiK'Vr Hild not counti miuoe tho fully of iK"oi1ng Astoria aa the moat natural ami appr.H'riate plao for ueh Investment of public money. It ik-cm-J. indeed, to be the policy of the Otv g'tnian to dUir.wt tlx attention of the navy department from the Columbia river, out of the fear, probably, that I the unnatural nit tuition maintaining her In the Inters of k-ptnit com merce at PortUnd mlirht become a mat. tT of public noeortey. Not long ajsv the Aort.n called the Oregonian's .men tion to Sectvuary Root nvmmfida Uon c-mceraing the Philippine ble that it mart from AiUUc Inotiad of San Francisco oo the oire of the wiv. Ing In cot of cntruction and distance which might be accomplished. The As tortan pointed out to the Orvgunton tle fact that a greater saving in cvt and distance might be secured by having the cable start at th? nvHith of th Columbia rather than from Seattle. In all these proposed government enter prise the benefit whioh miKht accrue to Oregon and the country l1 were expliclty brought to th atntlon of the Oregon! am. It was sURgested. In the caae of the case of the dry dock and rmvy yard project, that once In terested In that vay in the Columbia, like at League W.ir.d. war Philadel phia, the burden and responsibility of maintaining a pr.per entrance to the nver would tM iargly transferred to the government, but to all th-ee ap- pe-als the Ortplan remained silent, j Pugvt scund p4irT9 were n led with Je i mand? up"n cng-rw f"r increujd ap ' paiprtations for Port OnharJ. Al- i .. , . , . . gion n a svnvinmnn uij u'" j toiumoia nver-i trie uunzauon hy the government of the thousands of aer-.s cf re-rv.' at or n-ar the m .uth "f this niigh;y riv t for a naval sta- tion on ih finest, mMt accessible lAd conv-niMnt fr-h water harbi-r In th V'J!.I.l--No. the orep.nJan recom- i.iends r.on- of th-se great things for Orvg',n. I; concvln to other plac-a tne nlvuntair-s of lr' ducks and turn ly sugir-sta thut something might in J' nt; to induce the government to -iid s-me of ;U imilirr cias of ' tj i'ortUmd for itcasional repaiw and r -fl-ni-hni-rntj A KUppli.-s. Wliat are the people of Astoria, the ieo.!e of Oregon, to exp-cl In the way of upiori a.:il encour.igtaent f.r th-.- -normou. 'Ivelopuents neetkd to i.-.ake '.ir-Km tbe great and lending s'.a.'- in the Northwest h-r n-nour-e .Hi'! V""iir,iihical itlon e;ititle hr to ..- f'i-.jrii thi !--ading nowspap r in t ko:,'.' The fact is, and the sooner ." J'"iia jr'ple .ire brought to iu full !-!. tti mi, the sootier may Aiitorla's i'.' t I o t'l.l advantages le brought to lie ii'-.-.,'ioii if the -vorld. ihe Ore-' !. i ,.: i (i.e to any character of 'le- v .- ipMe-nt or trj.de ,jrogn-a In Or-a- .. !.;.: -lo -ri't includ; the m.iiii '. - ii-'. -it 'I'.- ' re(f n seaport lw inilos u; I. - u:mks of tlw Willamette. The 1 ir. . ii in i-rh-r ix.-li-veji or is ho con I by .- ntim -nt of iu Port-l-i. ! ; a-i-ry .i to iff-'.-t to b'-li'-v that l .o 'i.ii.il -vi,'j. in- di-populal' '1 and n-l- ifiii-l io :h'-- loisitioti of a way nation ji. ill" nuiii ..f commerce if A.Mori i ljt;u U its lu.; n-coifiiitioii uh the chief s'.-itpi.-rt of the Northwest. No 1 h -ijj e;,n (,.. , xi'cU-d or will ever be ! obiaiiiil from the Orfgonlan for the uiiouililiiiK of Oregon through the lc- I vt-lopment of the Astoria tv-aiiorl. I Nothing If left Astoria but depn'liic; uixjn the earne-st, vigorous and Inde- i i oeii'ient cCfortg of her own newspapers. Why, then, should not the united imp port of her bUHineKH nin and property ownws be directed to the end of en couraging and maintaining In AatorU a newspaper fitted to fight her battles and defend her comrmnvlal rtrht gain the horde of Jealou and pow erful rival wb are working Indua irlously and .nceiwantly to hold hr down. TKls Id a queaUon xvhk'h ahould haw earjvtt ivntfcrutkn at tho huml of all Intelligent Amorliwi, THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS U due not only to the originality and implicit? of the eomlnnution, but also to the care and.-skiil with which it U manufactured by so'-ntitio processes known to the C aliform a Km Svmt Co. onljr, ami wu nish to impress upon all the Important of pun-ha-sing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs ta manufactured by the Caufohma Fig Stbcp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in aroiJing the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par tie. The high standing of the Cau roasia Fie Sthi p Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the (renuine Syrup of Fig has girea to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acts on the kidneys, lirer and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. a as rA.mc. Cat LarUTILLE. By. kw tore, n. t It Is said that a Connecticut fact ry tutns out 5.000 rollingr-pine dally; and yet some people wondtr why bachelors don't marry. ITCHING HUMORS Rmbc, snd Irrlutkms Insuntly rcllerwl sad itil7 rurnl by hot toiii. with Cmrraa Soir, to eleuiM th. tkin, gentl sppllcalions of Cl TKTIi Ointment. Iu heal th. iktn, sn mild i loan of t'l'TU i ba Ubkjltkxt, to cool and cIcum Um blood. Sil4tfcMcoi1lhwMl4. Kuril. On. ..Cat. Cu. rratk. H... - UwW M Can laia Uiam" as. The man who lives for himself alone h(un.t mut.jj t0 ve fur Karl's Clover Root Tea Bmutifir th. Compl-ilon, I'urlfn-i Die R'k1, Kivr, a Kmh.Llrarhkin. C.ir-C on ktipatiiin, Iiilif.(ifm, foid all Kr-iplM-n. i1 the Skin. An arrei-ahle T.aiatiM. NVf -. Tonic. Sold kO al-vilul K''ar:.lilee Mi. druKKtat, at 2r,c , and l.0O. S. C. WELLS A CO., LCROV, N. V. tOLr raop.KTO.t Lotr makes time fly, and time fre iiuently makes love fly. KEiivifA Tilts Restore Vitality Lost Vljor and Manhood. i Cure Impotenc", Nicjht KniisskmHar.d wactint; diiieaseB, all eliects ot 8;lf- fZcjfy abuse, or execs and Indis ration. A iktvc tonic and f.hlnoil builder. Brint;8 the pink irlow to pale cheeks and jMNW restores the fire of youth. " ,iy man ouc per dox, t doxcs for $'J.50; with a written fuaran tee to euro or re I'm id the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson St., CHICAGO, ILL For Bal by Chart Koaiera. Drugglat. Aatada. Oron These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam ot upaiDa,-. Cubebs or Injections andjimy CURE IH 43 HOURSl. the am diseases with out inconvenience. i NOTICE. Notice la herby given that Frank Turk is no liuwr a member of the firm of Kenney, Lynch and Turk, and the ur.di'OlKttcd hor'by notify all pereon that the undernlgited will ivty no bills of the said Turk's contracting, mid all lfn are, notltbM not to truah the said Turk on our account. KKNNKY A LYNCH. It's linp'W-ible for a girl to took un concerned Uw first time alx Wivan her eos-m.-inent rinu In public. J. IV Clark. Peoria. III., say: "Sur psis :ilrtl to operate on me for I'lles, but I cured them with IvWltfa Witch Maiel Salve." It In Itvfalllble for pll and kln illsi)e. It'wut' f counter, fotts. Cha Koiiers. Talk Is cheap, .but the love prattle of a khI Is always dear to tho enam or i (twain. "I was nearly dead with dyspasia, trieil doctors, vlslte.1 mineral springs, and Rtvw worse. I u'd Kinlol ly lHpla Cur-. That rurM me." It dl gottts what you eat. Cunn indlgeatlon, sour stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Chas Koger. A kiss U the mtvtlng of two souls; but wlk'n a thirvl sole on the foH of the girl's father nilxT In, It's more cf a collision. Mr. J. Sheer. Sedallo, Mo,, atved hi c.htld'a life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an Infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron chltla and throat ami lung trouble. Relieves at once. Chaa Hogera. Politeness somotlmea U a man his seat In a crowded car. MIsj Annie E. Ounnlng. Tyre, Mich., says: "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia: loot rlejth and hecamo very wvak. Kodol Iysppta Cuiv complote. ly cured me." It dwsts what you eat and cur all forms cf stomach trouble. It never falls to give Immediate relief In the worst cas-. Chris K-Krs. The father f several marrlag'able daughters should train his clock to strike in sllenc. It tnk but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat irul to stop a cough by the tw of one Minute Cough Cure. This r-tnedy quickly cure a'l forms of throat anl lung trouble, llamdem and pleasant to uke. It pre. ventu consumption. A famous specific for grippe and its after effects, t'has Rogers. I I A ,i, fvllt mi', mi ii ilolt.-kr for n 50-cs.snt article he wants, aiul a woman will give 'JS e-nu for a dollar article that she doeaa't want. IeVltt's I,ltt!- Karly I'l. n purify th.- Mo.l. rlo;ui the liv.r. Invlgorati svit-tii. F.nr.ous IliiU- (nils for ' ii. i titii'atioii JUHl llvi-r tiouM-s. i.'Ii.vh K : em. ! l!i th" iilir-tni makes on-'. .f ov. I Mm. II. rhunhlll. Merlin, Vt., siyt: I "Our biiby u covereil with running ( n-s. IhAVlti'S W'Hrh H.IX.'I Salve ' cutvd h-r." A p'clnV for idle and ikln dls-'njfc-fl. Mewnre of worth! s counterfeits. Chus Uog-rs. Where a man has only night a woman hus inlgtit My son hjis )--n tmuMe.l for years with chronic dlarrhi.-n. Sometime ago I pt-rsuad-ni liltn .o take some of i 'ruimUsiain'A 'ilk Cholira nrul IMarrhsi rvinvly. After iiwlng tw Inittles of the 2j-int sUe h- wiu cur-d. I give this tsitlmonUil hoping I some on - similarly utlllct.si may read It and ! lwn.-ntiMl.-TIIO.MA8 lioWKM. liltM'f. ii. y-r s.ile by t'hurU-s lingers. It tiik- thps to rmike n pull ing In the clergyman. ount- "On Minute Cough Cure la th beat remedy I ever ud for cough and cold It Is un"uallerl for whooping cough. Children all like If." write II. N. Will lama, Oentryville, Ind. Never f.illa. It la the only harmlwa remedy that gives Immediate n-aulta. Cure rougha, coll., hoapK-nejw, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis tind nil throat and lung troubled. Its early u pr-v-nis con sumpti m. Chan Ilogers. I'-fils throw klrtW-M, but wl- non il--llv-r tvi-rn In -rsnn. NOTrCE. I. Amlerson, the rhirnp'idjHt, hoa re turneii to AHtorla. Any p"rm wlh Ing corns removed can havo It dom- by calling ut or telephoning to I'.-t.-nvm & lirown's nhoe store. 1'rlcea will by ''i c-ntK cr corn for thrv d.iyn only. TO CL'RK LAOrtlPPK IN TWO DAVS Take Lixiitivc Br-imo Quinine Tabl-4a. All OrugglHts refunrl tlw; money If It falls to cure. R. W. droves' blgnature Ih in) -ach box. 2'm. Il Millinery. MISS McMKA-Corner Tenth anil Commercial ntreta. No More Back Ache QJ Constipation. INFLAMATIONofTc BLADDER, aid a ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . s Purifies the blood by eliminating all polaonou matter, stimulating tha -cratlon, regulating the bowel and aid ing nature In throwing off that which make a yellow kln. The effect on the COMPLEXION la quite pronounced, aa a few day' uk will demonstrate. 1 mm VM Mi m VrMR 11 FAVV r i a u r i a. -v -41 1W ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN I'hc Most for ( null, I am ndvnrunli g for i!w iudt gniery tinde, fm- ahloh I off or the fullest voC.Urt and ot o1i'. Hwryihing eh-an rm, frsh. 1 I'O'lipt clt taltXiOtl CMAKi.KS LARSON. tlrssrt and Cixkery. I ricrc'n nii(.ctliii In buying mlviTttare- Uerrt th stock l ioiulto aivl yiu have an assurance :m to .imlliy. I have a Invito o.hm rtmelit of stiS'llliK silver and hollow wiuv In lat.t d'SiIgn for wvddtng pn'si-ntu an I hollilay rade. lie mite to It b fore yoti buv. Ci. V SMITH. 134 t'olllUMMVi.ll street. Wliu Dow's Your I .mi ii J r .' Wi claim, and w will prov to every one, that we have the beat and moat up-to-date laundry on th Coast. A trial order will convince the moat particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try th CITY 8TKAM LAl'NDRT. Ul Franklin Avenu. R. SCHIMPFERMAN. Prop. F.xtra Fine I'mhrclliis And at better than Portland prloes. It' a fact. Thay are the celebrated rollmer-Clogg make; bandaomo. durxble silk umbrvllaa. Don't make th mistake of buying elsewhere, H. EK8TROM. Th Jwlf. M0 Commercial BtretL Better I 'hint Fcr The Pood Street Fish Warkat 1 better than erer prpar4 to upply frrsh and salt fish of all kinds. Ooods delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. BOND STREET F18H MARKET. UT Dond tret. Milliner) No cities I desire to further call th atten tion of th ladle to my bandtom stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises th latest creation nf lh millinery art. and I am offtrtng re duced rate for the neat M day. afisa McRAE. Dr. T. N Hull PF.NTIBT. 573 Commercial 8treet, ASTORIA. OP.K. Over t5chlussel'a Clothing fltor. "ir-- f-r rhetimailam Cham - - i nn . I'.i n H i'ih m rhIuIhk a wide ' O'l! 'II !' It Jolltl.Oll of Itlch- "i I. !'! . h-ia t'ii tr uilileil with ' ll 111 .: 'It Mill.V IHSJ. Ill Hjlellklllg ' it ! i.ivh ' t iw-ver fou:n any ' i-ir i1' , "ii! I relieve me until I u--d i 'lminl i hitn's 1'alu llnlin. It aitn Ilk.- miigle with mo. My f- 11 x.l!eii und iiilitlng me very much but one ifi. application of Tain Halm relleveil me. K,,r aule by t'li.-irle lt 'g-'n. The next (Iny aft'f a man wed an anvl "Ik- benin t' het her wing. STOCKHOLDERS' MKKTING. Ncitli-u U hereby glvm that tha an mi.il rmv'tlng cf tho stockholder at the iVilumbla HUi-r Packer ojMnrlatlon will be held ut the principal oflloe of the ajmtM'latlon In the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, on Monday, the 11th day of Deoember, at the hour of 11 o'clock a m.. for th pur pose of eleclng director and for tha truiwiiotlon of auch oiher bualtr aa1 may properly come before lh metlng liy order of tho board of dlrnvtori. OKOHOK H. OKOHGK, 8-'y. Ait-irwi, Iecemlx-r 1. 19. Tlw ml-IJIe bridal path. alide In a church I th LADIEB' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Ladle who go to Portland and daalr gomethlng eapeclally fin In th way of tailor-made aulta will do well to remem ber that they can b wall fitted at t D. Hoyer'a IT Fourth atroet. In tha T. U C. A. building. Not only dor he keen a alrlc-tlr flrat- uiug cuiier lor men wear, dui aiaojkv on exclusively for ladle' work, and K I all can reat assured of r-ttlng not only gooa worg, nut the bet or material, a. Mr. Iloyer I an expert on Th man In the hnwymoun la not a myth. A NICW YKAIl'S GUIDE. Th'-re Ih one book evc-ryone ahould make an effort to g-t. for th new year.) It coot, 'i i o hI in pi.- ami valuable hlnta concerning heaUh, ir.any um lining an eciiniesi, ami mm li general information. We r -fer to HoHtetter' Almanac, pub-llnhi-'l by The M'Htelter Co., PlttH- liiiricli, I'a. It. will prove valuable to1 any lioii.mhoM. .Sixty employe urc: k'-pt at work on thla valuable book.1 Th" lull" for llfil will lie over eight; inlllloMK, irini--l In the HngllHh, ller-l nun, Kremh. SV' Uh, Nnrweglan, Hwe.j i'l.--h. J folia ml. Itoheinlan anil Hpanlid), lani?u iif'-H. It contalna proof of the cf-1 licacy of II'iMtetu-r' .Stomach II, tier, l the trr-at r'-merly prepare 1 by the pub- ll-iherM, nn) In worthy of careful pn-H. erciilliiti 1'hr .'illiuinoe miv ! ,,l.' I tulned ff'e of c.ot, at any (iruggit or general ileahr In tlw country. Whin a man inurrle a mute wife he tak-n In a Hllenit partner. a srm-: curtM von .:koi:p. Tw.'nty-five Yeant' Contttiuit Un Without a'Knllun', The flrm Indlriutlmi of r-roup Ih lioni-HrieHH, anl In a chlhl Hiibject to that disease ll may Ik; taken an a Hiire Hlgn of the approach of an at tack. Following thla hoaraiKUM Ih a peeullur rough cough. If Chamber laln'a Cough Iteniedy Ih given as the nhlld bccomcH bourne, or even after the croupy cough appear, It will pre vent the attack. It la uned In many Ihnu.sand of horni-H In thla broad land anil never dlaappolnta the anx Ioiih mothera. We have yet to learn of a alngle Inxtance In which It ha not proved effectual. No other prepa ration can Hhow auch a record twenty-five year' constant use with out a failure. For aal by Charles Roger. P. H. Sharpie's Lntawt Builders' Heavy and Shelf W. F. SCH El A hill IIh l Plp, Tsbsvc. 47 CoiiiMcrilsl Ml. FISHER BROS. ...The Esmond Hotel.,. PORTLANO, OHE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Kiimiiii iiii, 1 1 at ,vi imr iiv Aiurrimn l.n. M ilo fiOCi wr il)f. c V WO H PORTLAND, OR. Ttio Only rirtClnn 1 CUAAAAAAATt'AAAAAAriAAAAAAAAAArvrtAAArAnAAAAAAAAAA l KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Pulutxible Drink Absolutely Pure Th North 1'aoiflo llrevery.of blch Ikittlnl bnrr for family um or keg Mr.Johu Kopp is proprietor, make berr I brer toppllcd al uy time, delivery iu for domea'lo aud Xir( trad. I lb city tree. Horth Paci?ic Breuerg Columbia Eleetrie & Repair Go SueeeHrtor tr COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths j Loners' gssr Fonndrymen Mar Logging lnglnok lUitlt nnd Repaired Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole .Hanufictirtrs of the I'nurpaiwcd ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractjrn for El w trio I jglitu and Tower rianU. New Fresh and Seasonable Goods 1 1 Carry the Ralston Health foods A- V. ALLEN kJ r yjyjt PRIVATE J-'"; Thlt of Hvohllla. rur1, fa 'lirri-r.nca iiow lon 1.. rr Munh'nid or NlRhlly Emlaaliifta, euraa parmananl ir "h. halill of ItaK-AbuM ft.clually oura4 In ti-vrt lima. YOllVfi MFN Your arrort and folllaa of voulh ran ht ou.iu nii.li r,mm,iM ,n) ,h, 4 doctor will aiva ou all iliioim advlra and cura you niaka you parfaolly u- n and livalihr You will ba amaaad al hla au-cM in curing 4iirinaiirrhora. Hamtnal ljumat, Niglilly Umlaaloiia, ao Oltiar llcu. Pallmila trraiad In any pari of tha oounin by hla noma ytnn. Write full panlrulan, Inolnaa IU Jo ilaro.ia, and ha will tnawar you prompily. Hundroila truM U Btaw who art uiuiult lo ootn lo M ally. READ THIS Taka a ilw botila al badtlma and artnata m UM bnUka, al aaida and look al II In Uit morning. M H ll vloudy ar haa a rlouiy latlllnf In It. you hava aomo a Id nay cr tlMdar llaaaaa, and ahould ba allandad lo bafort rou awl aa laran. abla uuwaaa, aa baodraoa dla alary yaaf fraotalrltat' ! aaao 4 Xidaaya. nritr lywat KAIL Mormon Blanopa' "ill i" Cnurrh UM- I ...UI. ii aayaaa, frlsaUtN tf brala ana rMrv. Mtilan. inr i Ini, mm tuimOml, wHk Uaua, Uioiian hm. Adiroaa, - . . I WIH, iu.-.'1'.viun, '.:i. in ii eur vii". .' (,ur COtt lH fl nOOOi !! potanoy, Lott Powar, NJ ght-Loaa, Bnirmatorrho InaorrinTa. ajn fn Back, fi-ll poalr, 8,mlni. I K rhlailo-i, Lnmw itnok, Nervou Dr blllty. Handnnha.Unfltneaa to 'rr,i pt of tqwf amn. Vnrlooonlo, or Cdna.lpriilon, etopn Qulokm-a of Ol- lrfI Phargo, topa Nor vou Twltehlng of valtdi. I " ' lmm.ilii. p JL 1 Im""" ihvcT (a Riy rumlnm. u-inr art Unin nl. a rurn ll 11 h'mt, f j !-, , 1 M..l"m im.ll. unilrraluaad Cream Separators n1 I lent General Supply House for Family Groceries Hardware, ShipCha.idlery, Etc. BE, sss Mrar ol HatlMhla "Li Belle Astoria" Cl if Schclbe'i Optra SUr Scheltc's Special Ami IHliM t1rml flSPAH ANDEHSflN. MniiiH.r J. I'. l'K,NIK(IAir, t'lilul C'f j PORTLAND Hotel In Portlnnd PIurr? Pudding, Roisins, M'nce Mot, Currants, pumPkin u Citron Squash Etc. Wheat F'okes, Crano, Whole Wheat Crackers, Breakfast pood, Select Bran, Yeast Cocoa Koffy LOOK HERE, YOUNG MAN! Tour lank tail on you. fan kaav It acrai a Il.fora ira loo lata (o anil m or writ to thla old 4n lur. Ila haa ban iraallng aura oaaao (or ov.r ini yaara, ai4 la Darfaoilr raiialiia. "urnun.a bit own owJ elno nil lalla do Ulaa. DR. KESSLER i Of tha old Ht Insula Mnllral tni UurgUal Ll.pnrary, tMV, Yaml.lll imi, I'oni.D.I. or., potlvaljr guar anlt.i lo curt. aiM - lor rutrtntaM u Bin tnf (lonorrhiM. UimH. I r cluint aiandlng. Hoarmalorrioaa. ?m n " tc -m r i".1 m.ioe i mmi in n 1 1 i'n ' v y'i iy "r i-.i.kn i in. Mofmo ( .rr, in. w r-1 L,.r ., ,n I ini y.,,,,, .o-lnf Iff a r r I) lo ! in ll. tafta4 A written iwiirih, tocaia r O" mad Knn rranolaoo, Oak VM H kv mAlTJ HOQBIUI.