The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 07, 1899, Image 1

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,;J'.; '",,
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' V1
.NO. 16S
Now is the Time ....
WW J TT,,K wcalhcr wil1 be g,:lliniJ coI(lcr I
llj jj noon. j
U I If if Belter Iniy your !
trill! i ST0VES 1
I$!$f$j nowal !
Ymtmday f received mil Ire from llie jitiblUlirra nf tli
NVkhkn Kmtion or tiik lONcrcioi'ri.u lihiTMir, that
owiiiii In Hie miruKiui Incrrmi' in llio prior of inr illi
111 I tin (mat lew rrk,tlirv iiiiM ahottly withdratt the late
ul Itifir KiiiVi'loirli at lh present print'. Our tt.titrnrl
wllli tint fitifiliilini maMi in In make the .iiiif lilx-ml of
lrm limi'lolnrv. Thirty larne volumes of thi Kiicyrni'.
ihn, nun tinl.ln Ui Klrniiillo lU-tt'lnik' lir.fl,lr'li'.
Oiip ( rit;lil Oik i(M'k'ui mill I'm' Large Wflmd-r't Kn
r)rlix'ili (nn of chargo. All llin above will Ui delivered
illNUi llirmimll payment of
Ilulmii in inuiillily payment, (all mi 'I look into
till offer.
More Im n L.Im. of
High Grade Goods at
Moderate Prices:
Fiit icy Creamery Butler in Kegs and Kolk
Strictly Fresh Kgg.
New Crop Maple Syrup.
Buckwheat nnd (iriddlo Cake Flour.
I'wkanl iv. .Smith's Fancy Italian Prune.
New Crop Nut", Figs, Mince Meat.
w ii.ii. m
I Ralston
Vic. Pent
V Many New Improvement Addrd SKK Ol'lt LATKST
k.. - IvJ.' Cmith
Sflt l" M A'XANDFR & CO., Phone Main 57
."trT ' KxeluaivQ I'noitli' (Vrnut IVnlvra. 24B Stark St. l'ortland
Largest and Best Equipped
Offices In the Northwest
Crown und ltiijtfo Work, $4.fi0 iht tooth, gunrantecd.'
ItcHt w Teeth. 85.00 tit Kimrantopd.
Bi'Ht FillingN, fide up, jfiiitriintct'il.
All Work Positively (Juarantecd
touivc Perfect SatlHfactlon
WiiHhinKton ISuildinK, Corner 4th and Winliinuton Sti.
Fifth Floor, Rooina-47, 48, f 0, 61, 52.
'Phon Onion, Brown 493.
Breakfast Food,
Pancake Flour,
Whole Wheat Flour,
Whole Wheat Crackins,
New Tvnpwrlfpf
PpAitilni TtnAtupif ap
Columbia (O9
THE 0. R. &N.
Supplemental Articles of Incorpo
ration Are Filed In Portland.
The Truce Kndcd aod the fight for
New Territory la the Clearwater
Kill Now be 1'ushed oa.
full I.ANI, -8upilmwiUl
.tril l f ln'rMnul'uri of itw Kiiakv
l;ivi i ,ill H-Uln ul C'lrniHwiy were
t.Uni in On- iMi v til th- ruumy rlrk y t.y I. It rn. W U. Ayi-r and W.
H li' A'Hinjj to th.r ar-
till b iti iniuiy iiurjMKM-a t run
Kii It ni-"i:nl. ' a muy Uv ri"cfir.
tmilil nr.l ui r.L!.' (. Kruih llo- and
1n 1'iui I ii 1 id irat. tlw fullowliig
I!nn f ijilnu.1
Prmii l'nni!i:,i vl.i ltiiurtu will
I.l'in 1, 1 1 miUnif m
I"i .1.1 .1 ui:ulil- 'inl i.iur ttir Hiwkfl
r iv.-i tliKHiKh Kur.'k.t Klitt t-i (Intngr
'Ity. W11 . nri.l lirun. h t.) Alio, lat.iii, W;i0i . tu Iiiill".
IV..111 u p.ilM iKiir Dayioii, W.iali..
1.. At")n. W.mli.
Kti'iit l.:trlmi " t!w lirjilu.-m of
lii. rnl-ium- ilv.-r
Kr. 111 M'i, U!.i . Uj 'nllli. 1 In .
Uli a l i.iiuli In a mmhOflMiy illi
Fr in 'il-t HrtiK.. Cirr.. I i Taiik-".
Krniii Viuh , l u p 4 1 1 1 n
th- Siknii" rlvvr.
Knun tVlfax, '4f h , via IViw wann
ri'-rk. v liu on the Kim k- riv-r In
tli Si.u.- of Wiuittlr.irton.
From '.i K4nl m the O. It & N. b'
m.i'ii Wlnoiui .uid LiiCn-, W.h..
up ih I'nlim flit to !h IiimJ ..f ihi
I nlon Klut.
Knun it 4ut 'fur ih tn lUth ( V- '
KiIiiikii rlV'T, IJuIki t-ouniy, I'lit., (ul- '
Kiwlnit lli vull.-y .J Oh- Sulmou rlv- t
tn thi- influence 0 th HhIiiioii rjer'
with th" IxinliJ rlwr iui1 trteiur atoiiK '
th- vnllry of thr l'tuhl rlvrr to a point
n-r th' mniuiiH of ISaimm k Vn
thiMUKli ll' Ultl'-r ItisH Hi' iunt .1 1 tie in
I.'-mhl rounty. I'l.'i.
Kn'in fink'-r .'lty 1 Kcill'iK, th no
lo Hal!.. Hhiktloii.
Prom Mllln t Klifm. Dif . hik) f r-'tu
I i 1 1 1 K 1 1 1 1 : SphiiKH to Kltrtn.
Supilciii''tual urtlil'n of tiu- I'l.'iir-wali-r
Valli-y Hullrrul ComiMny wry
nlni lll'd, nt'UliiB forth that tli pom
piitiy InlfJitl to bullJ iuid oi'it tlif
.illuinit Ilii'D.
Knun il.i- JuhoJom of th.- i'lirt.-r
11111I SiMkr rlviT, hKipk the ( leurwati
tiv.-r tn 11 point on tli tiouinliii-y lin
ti 'luii'ii M.itki ,iml MorCui.i. l4o
1 iixn. with a iirom h thnwiK i I'aMiH
pi. 111 to Mount Itluho.
From h u4nl m-nr the OiMiutf Hoiult
rlvrr to the mouth of th V!li
From I'lna t'ptk to TowoVr river.
Khun a p.ilnt mi .hv Snake river to
the Sin-in IWllH mining- tirioii, Miiho.
Kroie the mouth of tle Solnion rtvei
to the hettj of th.' tsilniKt river.
Knon Mwc.w, Mil., to aonn xilm mi
the t river.
From in moulh of the Clirwaiei
rlv-r In llho to HuiiUukW'ii. i
A III)"' frim Coltonwoml, I. la., ex
t'MiilinK to the Hiiffilo iliimp nilninK
From a "lnt nwir trw fiiiiliiemv of
the North Fork wtlh OUvuw.Wvr river.
In I'Uiho, to the hiiMlwiiti n tln-p-of
Fiom a ont mitf th Forks of tho
MliMU- Fork of the CIwrv,Uer river,
tlieiue lit a soiiUu'tutlerly itlivtlon
throiirh the Nea IN're.1 I'.ikm and 11
ter lloinl mouittaiim to it point on th.' j
I liter Knot river, Montana.
The illivoloa", wnow name nre toll
ed to the njin:mliM articles, are I'hnrlea .
Slii le and J. C. Havely.
San Francisco Ha to Send North for
Men on Governnnt.t Work. j
Valloo, l 'nl., Dec 6. Ton Mhlpwrighta
from Sisittle i.in1vM at the Mare Isl- !
a id navy yard toAiy. About i0 men J
are now omploy.-d on tho Hartford,
which may not bv ready to mill before:
January 1.
Thi shlpwrlffhta who quit work on 1
tlii Hartford ad wvre prohllltiki from
workliiR In the navy yard fir iwie yinr
will probably lw ivrmllted to rvgtst r
for re-eniploymt'iit In a few days and
will bo put to work whon their ser
vice 11 tv required.
Sixty Irtm wivrkem tit Mure Island
were today owing to lack
of orders and fundH.
UOSEM'na, IVo. fi.-D.a die. a
tramp, phndod guilty to horse st'til
Ing and was pent to the Mnltontlary
thin morning for one year. Wm. Por
kli'8, hiiT companion, nltto went fur two
yearg. Mlsg Cole la the tlrst woman
went from Douglas county to the pon-ittmtiary.
The FU'Hnrlul Hill Will II' Ma'le a
Hp't-lul Onk-r ui1 l'ad
Next Wtrk.
WAHlll.NdTON, lc. .-Over'.ri-t,
of Indiana, wh Introduce.!, and who
I In (fifirr! .hrv of the houw; finan
cial Mil, IiiikIT-i will auhrnlt a rewidu
t I'm ankinif that m apedui rule b re
ported I 'f tho Iriiinidlate ooiinld-rtttl'ti
of thta mitiaun.'.
The tertna of thla ipecM rul are
prm-tlcully airr-l upon and provide
' Hm d.-lKtle will t-f)n next Monday
with a final vote at the cl'we of th
' we-k.
Chandler Introduced a bill In the
I '-mle to prJiINt KrnuXiiTn and ST
j rvwnHativm In cr-on from recHv
: Inj free rillnd pvr.
Hale Intr'xluoed hill for the con
. at ruction of Pacific cable by the navy
j d'arimetit to b oieraled by th poat
; oifice departmfliH, and pproprl'itng
j Ill.ouO.Ooo fjr thia purpow. It la to run
I from Van Fmnclwo tu Mxnlla, via
; HiauM-lulu. lite Midway Ulancln, Guam
and Ho IU.
WASHINGTON. Dec. f-Neurly 100
tllla nd Joint rrailuttona, nevrral Im
poitanl concum-nt recolutlona, nd pe.
tltimia numbcrinf hundowla v.ere pre
itemed to the -muj today. A majority
of the bills w.'tv old majp-ia, FVw were
of 1111ll11n.1l liilen-Mt and lmpjrtaJie.
Alilrich hid the hrnior of Introducing
th.- hml rm-uurv In toe vnate. It
Wiw the nmincUl till drawn by th
iK'tiati commltuw tn flnajx-e, of whicb
Alilrieh chHlrm in. and probably tu
thi- iii"t lniXM-tant mitaure tnlndurd
) 1 1 1 the day.
Ml;. llOHEimc PAV.
KueMi .n ..f Whether he Will G. Any
Salary IVp'ndu on Termination
of Mil Ctue.
WASHIN'JTOS. Dec. ( -Wh.htT
ih.- pay ..f Mr. Itibrta, of Utah. U
flopped a a rewult of the action of
the lc 1 11 11 u rvfunlnj him a avut he
i h b.-.'ii mKntl up vi by the house of
Ii. 'lain and will no dltvctly arlte untU
the January lm' oertlflcatoa arv U
(ii.mI by Sp.'kiT lleiidnrn. by which
tliiK il la expeeUNi hht vte will p-r-mni.elilly
lie wttltl.
I;. li-riK drew iila pay to Devmber 1.
the iby b.-fore-ciHiim-w aasembled. on
th" ivrtlltruU' if Clerk McDowell that
Ii.- wim .1 m -inlur el-vt.
I'r. M and MemortaU Aif.ilivst Variouj
iliJi iHlotiuble Senator Will be
Cotmiderv.1 Today.
WASHINGTON. IHc. . A mending
of ihf ai-nuu commltu on privileges
and ckvlloiw has btvn culled for tomor
row to const'iVr the pnwt agalnat
H.-.1II11K Senator Quay upon tho .ap
point imnt of the p'V-rvor of Pennsyl
vania and a memorial urging the ua
aititliiK of Senator Clark, of Montana,
and Senator Scott, of Weat Vlrgtna.
Ivciiist of aJlt'K'l lrr-trularltlai In
their rt sportive ebfllolis.
'it That He Ila Set-uned Enough
l't"s to Iiuonv His S-At.
Ni: YtMlK. IVv. S-A ajieclul to
the lli'ial.l rin Washlniftim, a,tya:
As the ivsuli of a citnvHM made by
.Mr. 'Juay's tiiejid's since the anat
eonv"ti'd yesterday. It Is asserted that
Ii. of the S."i senaloi's will vote to teat
Ii i 1 11 as senator finni Pennsylvania.
Tln'ie tlKiires aii ohtulned by CoUnt
1 11 K the thirty ir:itrs now In the sei'i
ate who voted itlier for t'orbett or
Muntle. and Hi oiheix from whom II
Is assorted that promlxesi have b n
obltilnod favorable to Mr. Quay.
Senator I'hondler has called a aps
olal mootlni; of th commit tn on elec
tions to consider the casv of Mr. Quay
on Thursday.
toitay contlnned
lecN'iMry of war.
Dllhu Hixit to be
oils' Inttt easu ilty list
Manila. D.v. "i.-Klllol
6. General
In action
1, M. Fletch.
Ilo llo, Panay. Nov em tier
or. KlfthUvnth Infantry. Wounded In
action lie llo. November H. Heorgo
1'. Dobb'. Nlnot.'o.itli Infantry, ubdo
nii'ii,. severe; skirmish road to San
1 Nicholas. Novomh -r Third iMValry.
; Joseph P. Manjrvild, hg. nllKht; John J.
Falls, elbow, slight; Donnis WtHid,
1 back, slight: Uiifus A. J.uksim, leg,
! sliKlit: Ii. A. Mai-.lil, buttiH-k, slljrlit.
Alston. Inius, NovoniUr 25, August
' Hoik. Fifth artlll-ry, shoulder, slight.
i Actl.m, near Nosnrlo, Novemb.'!- 14.
Tlilrlivnlh Infantry
ci'Voral. leg, slljrli!
Albert tMptick.
Ch irl.-s White,
abdomen, severe; John G. Fritz, anus,
sowrv; IT. H. Grinn, loss, slight. Ac
tion, near San Pedro, Magulan, Bur
ton Wilt. seiRMitiit, Soveivteienth Infan
try, thumb, sllijiU: Novomlnr 3, C. M.
Manst'icld, Fourth wvalry, foot, slight.
Negro Draped Through Streets
and Finally Burned Alive.
Frightful feaalty Paid for the Usual
Crime U the South Womea
aa Cblldrei I'articlpate.
MARTHVILLE, Ky., Dec. l.-DJck
Cokman, the rv-ro murdener of Mr.'.
Laahbrook, wris taken from the offlcirn
by a mob of 1000 mn totay and burn
ed at the atake The mob led by the
huaband of tho negro's victim, dragged
the shrieking criminal through the prin
cipal ntrcexj of Ue town, bound him
to a small tr:, et fire to brtsh heap
ed about hint and atood guard until
he was dead, before the roating be
gan, Coleman wvta aJmom aoaa. 1 lie
rope had torn md htoerated Ms neck
and hia fUr was U.-rrlbly beaten.
Ail was done thut was possible by
thf sheriff and guard to prvvtn u
lyiK-hlng, but In the face of auch a mob
of people, IrrewpjcUve of color, t was
usoWms to attempt tu do anything.
The crime for which Coleman wa
burned wia the murder of Mr. Jam-s
I.iatibroik, who had glvw him a home
and food. She was entioed by him to
cntr a 1k1 to soe about some work,
when he knock 1 her down with a club
and assaulted her. The blow did nH
kill her. and Coleman, notwithstanding
her cries for mercy, procured a ra'r
and cut her thruai. At Covington Jail,
where hi was pliod to escape mob
violence, ''.m.m madu a full confes
sion of the crime.
Blue vltrol and cayenne pepper wett
thrown Into Colaman's eyes and his
fat- was mashdd In with a club. Prior;
to being set afire, Coleman said he had
nothing to say. His death was alow
and, writhing In ttrrlbU agony, he
was booted and glared ax by thousands
of people. Many women were preit.
Ills eyes. afUT the pepper and vltrol
wrc thrown into them, were gouged
out, and some say he was horribly mu
tilated. Coleman arrived at Marysvtlle from
Covington this morning under a special
guard to be put on trial. When they
arrived at the courthouse they were
met by a mob of fully 1.000 people,
headed by James Lftrhbrouk, the hus
band of the murdered woman, and who
wept Immediately vp Second street
through the central portion of the
city to a bill, followed by a mob
of fully 5,000 persons.
The mob grubbed Coleman and threw
a rope over his heud Mid took Miii up
above the city. Coleman could be
heard above the ?rtea of the mob plead
ing for his life.
The place of execution bad been se
lected weeks ago In acocrdnjioe with
alt other arranged dotails of the pro
gram, mapped out by tho leaders of the
The prisoner was dragged to a sap
lin and stropiK-d against the tree, fac
ing the husband of his viotlm. Large
quantities of dry brush and large bits
of wood wera piled around him while
he was praying for a spoody deuth.
Jamex Lashbrjok, tlie husbiuid of the
victim applied the fir match to the
brushwood. A brother of the victim
Irilelf tht w.oll,1 nultoh Som,'Otle,l
with a knife was vlolouly slapuig at
the prisoners cht:.
A3 the Humes ane his horrors In
cieused. He made a vain effort to
withdraw his limbs from the encroach
In flies and his tyes rolled tn a frenxy
of guttering. The ropes securing him
to the tiw were burned and his body
finally fell forwird on the burning pile.
Even tint'., although it was not certain
whether he was living or dead, the
vengeful purpose of the crowd led them
to use rails and long poiee to push his
body back into the tlamea. At the end
of three hours the body was practically
During all that time members of the
family of Mrs. Laahbrook had remained
to keep up tlu fire aJid to kei?p the body
In a position where it would continue to
burn. In all the thousands who con
stituted the mob th?re wus not a alngle
effort to disguise or roncital identity.
No man wore a mask. All the leaders
of the mob are well known. They in
clude loading ine-u In all lines of bus
iness and many are members of the
church. , I
A statement fivm Frankfort lluit
the ifovornor pipiwes to offer a r.'ward
for the upptvhonsiun cf the momliors
of mob don not ox.'ite much four that
tho rnvard will bo claimed.
Itelte. hunters took away teeth and
bones and llenh and every fragment of
the body that they could lay hand.-! on.
All tho mfte-moon childrvn, ttome of
then not more than six years old, k; pt
up the fires on the blackened body by
throwing on them grass, kindling wood
and everything combustible that theyl
could gather. " I
If I;obr4 la Thrn Out of the Ilotiiw
He Will Try for thf H na.
NFW YOKK, I. .-A alal to:
the Herald frimi Wadhlngtim, ya: j
If Mr. Kobirta la finally rej-led by
the n.ri4. as ,.s in.-vnui,ie, ther.
l m iwswlbllliy that he may come for- '
v ard a. a fur a seat in the
llin reJeCkm, by the house, Il Is tl-
'X? wZZZ 17
Cuiy is sealed by the teoate, .h dem-
ocratlc governor of t'tah nay appoint
Mr. Jlobwts 10 fill the vacancy that
Money Paid Yeaterday and a New Set ; -of
Men Take Charge. i
LONDON, Dec. 7.-4:20 a. m. Again
SEATTLE. Dec. I.-The Post-Intel- complete lull in war new.
Ugencer formally changed bands to- Ladyvnith bus established heliograph
day. It is understood tte purcbasert
are E. C. Hughe and Maurice McMlck
en, leading republican and members of
the law Arm of vo, Allen Hughes
McMlcken. E. B. Piper, .lltorial
head of the paper and Geo. I. Piper,
bualneafe mamger, announce Mr re
tirement. 8. P. Weston wan today
made business manager.
The purchase price is und r.tood to
be ii0,000, Jie bulk of which w paid '
in cash today.
j munition, the British were unable to
FRANKFOKT. Dec 1-The argu-1 follow up the attack,
ment will be concluded before the elec. i T1 Tans were engaged almuitafKvua
tlon commission tomorrow on the cn- ; ly and viewed from the conning tower
test for governor. j the artillery duel seemed to be prooeed.
-- 1 Ing In every direction except toward
STICK RIVER ON RAMPAGE. j Kenilworth. thi furilade being terrific.
At I o'clock, having no force sufficient
TACOMA. Dec t-PracUtaUy the ; to twld the position he had atonmed,
whole of the Stick river valley Is one , Major Scott-Turner began gradually
vast sheet of water. The river Itself Is retiring his nun. He had a horse shot
a raging flood, destroying tbouaands of ; from under him and a bullet went
acres of the most productive bum! in
the state and threatening some sub
stantial dwellings. It Is higher than
ever known since the valley was set
tled by white men. Families in the vi
cinity of Sumner have been compelled
to move to escape the torrent.
LADYSMITH. Dec 1-Skiturday. , -'
The hottest bombardtneot of the aeige BOER3 OCCUPYING STEINSBUltG.
took place last Thursday. The Boers j " "
got a new big gun In positi.m on Im- ; QUEENSTOWN, Cape Colony. Satur.
bardskop compMely commanding the d-v. l--The Bwrs have become
town and shelled our camp that day ' active tn the country around
and yesterday, planting shells with Stormberg Junction, to w-hlch Gemral
gra accuracy In the camp of the Gor. ' Gatacre was to make hb next move,
don Highlanders and Manchester i gi- i telegraph lines have ben cut In
ment. where there w.-re many narrow . Various places and communication with
ecax. Today the nemy VsuriKd ; Stelneburg, Dordrecht and Maroisburg
the bombardment, doln some very f- .' ha vere.l. It Is believed here
fective shooting. Seventl of our guns ; the Boers have occupied Steynsburg.
have Uej shattered by the big Boor,
guns. .
CHICAGO. Dec. l-The national
council of the G. A. R. decided today
that the next reunion will be bold dur
ing the last week In August, 1900. in
MILLER. S. D., Dec. .-An earth
quake shock was feK here this morn
ing, tho first ever noticed in this sec
tion. FAULKLAND. S. D.. Dec. .-An
earthquake shock was plainly felt in
this vicinity this morning.
Tho fppHit Af
The Best Clothes in Oregon,
That's what we've Iiad for years, ami we're
making Steinlmcli elotlies nitue popular every
tlav. Our success is tlie resultant of our imins
to sell tirst, last and all the time, clothes that
have lit, Freshness of Fashion, Low Price and
iNitifuction in 'em.
Look to us for the right things in Clothes,
Hats and Furnishings for Boys and Men.
Men's Suits from $10 to $35.
Men's Overcoats from $10 to $45.
Boys Suits and Reefers at $2.50, $3-50,
$5.00 and up.
Mail Orders Solicited.
Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON.
. n , - ,, . ,
News Received Up to Sunday
Shows tbat All Was Well.
' mon -! Hi.. Pr P.r.n
Boers Drlvei Back bat Not Par-
saed by the British.
communication wtt! Fruere and It Is
! reported tbat all was well up to Sun
day. I The sortie from Klmberty on Not. S
j appear to have bum much more sertotta
than bad been supposed. Finding eh
6wr pickets asleep, M.J. Scott-Tur-;
ner proceeded lig the ridge under
; cover and rushed the Boer redoubts at
S-25 a. m.. In the face of a hell of
bullets. The Boers hoisted a white flag
and fired at the Briton under it pro
tection before surrendering. Owing
possibly to the exhaustion of ihedr am-
through the fleshy part of his shoulder.
Several men had terrific wounds. It it
alleged the Boers frequently fired at
the British ambulance, wagons. The
British captured 28 of the enemy.
There appears to be some doubt as
to whether tbls was the reconnnissance
! In which Major Scott -Turner M klll-
1 ed. or whether that officer met hU fate
In a subse-tueot sortie.
Situation of Oplnkn of Military Critics
Growing Very Serious.
NEW YORK. Dec. I A dispatch to
the Tribune from London, gtys:
While the war offloe hs received in
telligence that Maf.'king was sufe on
November 20. R is admitted that the
Investment theire was closer than ever
before. This la owiflrmed by the Pall
Mall Gaxette correspondent, but the
Reuttr'J dispatches, one day later show
that the Boers 'are using new shells
(Continued on page 1)