The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 01, 1899, Image 1

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    i . . .,. ,,,-. .. '? - ' ' 4 " '
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Pf MLbu !' ib f?Vrution.
NO. 13.'i
PfiiEcliDse Hardware Co. ,
t) t' (J) T
(f r i )
W I w
- - - BOND
Yesterday wo received notice from the iiubllnbera of Uie
Wkmhiu F.nmoH or rn Ext-ri'iui Knu iIhtaxkica, that
oaliiK to tli f ii or mom inrirane In tbn ncv of iir itb
In Id l l-w prk, thny woiiIJ ihortly witbdraw lliaalo
o( llirlr Kiu vcloixMlia at tlie .n- ul iric. Our ootilrart
llh the uMilira iiatlra ui to tnako tbn Mm HW-ial of
Irrm boii'tolor. Tbirly lrv volumra of tlm Kncxeloi
ilia, mm titiMn t Hvilnroatlo Itrailltia of tb KnoyoloiHxIla,
Oil" l'rilit Duk ilHiki'ai ami ii lrg WVUlcr'a Kn-r)clox-lm
fr of cbarirn, All lti above wilt x tb liTrn-U
UKn tlm aiuall (njmri)l of
lUlaniv in amall inoiitbly ayniinti, Call and look into
I St a v r, v . !s m . f
A? Hero In n Llal ol
Illli Grade Goods at
Moderate Prices:
Kiuu-y Creninery Buttt-r in Kej;s mid l(olln.
Strii tly Fntili V.k.
Nuw Crop Muil! Syrup.
Iluck vvlinit mill (iriililli C'uku Flour.
PntkiirJ SiiiUIi'b Fmiiov Italian rruiu-K
New Crop Nut, Kijjn, Miiico Moat.
m R.H. to
I Ralston
ncc uiririitvie jl rn
J, .... ,,..J,,wtv-5-
' We Rent
I a tr
I.. A M. AI.F.XANDKK V CO.. Phone Main
trnmm,-?-: V-' Exclusive Paoille Cnasl 1'ealert. 245 Stark St. l'oi
Largest and Best Equipped
Offices In the Northwest
Crown anil liriJj-e Work, $4.50 per tooth, utinrRnteed.
I lent pt TiM'th. 65.01) Tit trunrHtiteed.
Bent FlIlliiKK, f0; up, gnurantocd.
Alt Work 1'oHltlvcly (iiiiiinntecd
toulvv Perfect Sutlsfitctlon
WaHblngton Bniltllni;, Corner 4th and Washington Sta.
Fifth Floor, Kootn 47, 48, CO, 61, 62.
'Phone Oregon, Hrown 493,
Hum Itcinovftl to it New Quartern next
to tlm Giliimltiii Mlcd rinii & Itejuiir Co.,
three iltor form the oM tnnl, where they
will eoiitimiH to curry the linent stock of
Move lit Astoria.
a a y-v -s r ,3v ?V STk TV i
Breakfast Food,
Pancake Flour,
Whole Wheat Flour,
Whole Wheat Crack ins.
New Typewriters
Many New Improvement AdoVik SKE OUR LATEST
Smith Premier Typewriter
Columbia gOg
i II 111 I
Party Llmd Up to Be Shot by
Order of General Luna.
Story tf the Cantare Bad
a Told by the Rsciptd Pris
oner Sunaeflshcla.
, hi-r up to th cruUwr Brooklyn for
' ih fri.t tlmi thrtr om-an rar to
! tht I'hilipplny-a b-f an. Thr Indication!
MANILA, Dtc. l.-t:M a. mW7nnjfcre (nat Nwr 0rUn 1U b th
th Urvllii party of the TnlUxl Blafc an1ve yia.
bauicimp uriron unarr muu-nani ,
I'nmriiiui'liT McCnttkon took tht- town!
of VIkiui. In th iroA-tiu.w of South
Ilrx'o,- lut Mumlay, th.-y found there,
an rtl prlitoiMf, A. L. Sonnm- j;0
ihilii, who funilntvx o rimt auih.-ti-tlc
account of lm rprlin" of Llu
tnant J. 0. Ullm4V, of dw L'n1t.l
rflU gunlnnU Vorklown, who, Willi
a imrly of th Yurktown, wua ctuntl
by thr lnurKmu mur Ilnk-r, 011 tin-
niMt nM of l.ui'n IhnI Anl, white
loukiiiir mi xuiuliuiilon of th in ,uih of
tt-- rlvrr. In an unncl Ut. '
H.rtii.iMililiK' wan lint rliiM-l in Alna
f r a Ioiik limit with Iui-iiiii Oil- ori' will prvvnt vMiu or Krivatlnnal
itfif ikih hit wv.n Kallom, hut out-j (1c.'lonicnt TlmvliM bwn n out-trlvc-t
to hi-iih', c4rryln,j a ( bruk of arnx-d mori In any iiirt of the
notr, rlut-ii In iMival clHwr, dat.-J IIjI. and aa a matu-r of fact the
A lint, ,Nnv. IV. alUrtt-d to "Any naal mi'.,. In the runU (Hxtrlrto bntanl to
o'llivi ' and miylng: . .U.l'h any atti'mil at a rlffing.
"Y'jU my hav l cimfl'l-nce ' The fjrin.Tn whi had to be fortvtl to
In anything thn Utin-r miya." The nut I.Kht Kialn, arv nuw Uirlniitng to rv
waa HlifiKil "(.illiihir." rovw front the fff-u of tlvat atrincule.
Art onlliiK to H"iuH-nBhi In. w hen Th-y know thut th.' Ann-rk-ana are de
I l.-tiu-iiant (illinom-'a lauiuh Pttti'i t.riii1iiitl to maintain tho pioe, and
the river from lUUor Imrlxir. under tln-y know also that rtie Ametiran au
eover of iiMiirn W. II. WuixH.-ya un, Uiorltl. me k.'it'fulty lnfirnwl of eve.-tlo-
Utiiltm tui re.t'lvivl with ihri-e ry U'i tukfii hy men who are (ivInK
volley. Two of thu Anw rirana wvrv i-r entuitv of tlulr aularlm to buy arm '.
killed and two inirtally Tlx- other liiibecll Uie axltatora aJid
Kvry man ww hit. IJi-utenaivt (III-, ifi:ix-hi liter who are untnir the morn-y
mure ovlna' a flih wound in Uw;
leg and bolli hla ft were muek fal t
In the mud. It waa a oholoe te twwn
nurr-mler and bing aluuKhu-r-d.
' IJeutetitnt tlllinore anke.1 th tertim
of releeiw. Tle iuurKtitM proiMM-d
that Iih ahould procure the dolvry t
! them of their arm hik! moi(ttli:m of
j the paitlslt Ki-rt!.iiiii. un.let-tiikliiR, if
..this weie to nend li
I SpuiilunU an I Ann tli linn to the York-
tow n.
'A ml lor of Ijeuut-juit t.ilmore'a
pnitV ciiriHil this inMitim to tlie
giii-nson. Th" Smi lli oinmumlunt
tvpllid Unit It was un Insult to the
Sp.ii.Wi linos, and rxx-U.M llu- sailor.
ii isimnlrh s.ildler ili-lng on him as he
wriv;. '
"The Aiiw-ilrutw wvr thn Imuivl
burnt iuV. foot and tak.-n to 5nn 1.-.I-
ilnv, wlieri- ' J.-u.Trtl I.utiA or l,T--l tie Ir
rx.-ctitlim Ttv-y wetv inarched to the
plain, and In the piv-m-e of u great
crowd were aligned to be txe ut.-d.
"I leulenant (illniorv said: 'As an of
ficer and gentleman I protewt ngnmst
being with my hands tied.'
"Aguinsldo then InU-rfored and pre
vented the execution.
hen Cu vi-iMj Iiwton approached
Sun M.lro lust Jun.-. the Americans ;
were remov-Nl to Abra. where they
Wetv kept KintllkHl In tvlls for two
m nllis. Sulx-o.utvtly they were al
lowed greater liberty. Th AinerU-uns
wet.' glv.-n the same allowance as the
Spin lull pris Htera, llvo tvttts n day
will whl.'h to buy rice and Iwmiuiui,
virtually the only rations.
tieiieiul Mac Arthur Is i-ovv In Buy
nnibnng o-piu-lng to mtwp the coun
try on both nM'tt of tlx- Manila Dug
upun rullcNtd. G.meru.1 Wheaton is nt
Siu. Fahiuii and General Luw'toii at
A compl trt --otMim from Siui Isldro
covtrs all tlh- nii'l and occupies all
towns on the lllne. The Airerlcan po-
l y Is to pr.'vMit any more Insurgents
eN.plng to the north and to force the.n !
towaid the country west of the rail
Condition of Transport Manuense'a
Was Due to the Act of
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30. -The quar
tertttaster general has received a de
.nll.tjl lit, .el.irt-u lh fi-.kin T.I.OI. I
. , 1 U v 7 - 1.. i. -
tenant Colonel O. F. Long, In oluirge of ,
tho transport service at San Francisco,
on the transport Manuenee, which re
cently arrived at Manila after under
going frightful hardst.iliw In a Pucltlo
typhoon. After going Into the detalln
01 ine ineoiiou ot ine veiwi ijoiib 1
"I believe, and all our omVluls con-)
nected with traiwport service have I
coiicui'fed, that when the Manuense !
left here she was lwrfeotly aeaworthy ,
ami fully tnonivd and provisioned." !
Colonel riiilllnger, In charge of the ;
transport service hetx, said It soemoil !
clear that tho utmottt vigilance had
been used and such hardships as hiul
occurred must be attributed to the
MANILA. Nov. 30. Dlspatohes Just
received from Ilo Ilo, Island of Panay,
any that on the evening f Sunday,
j N v. !, tho Nliwtith ri-Klrni'iit n
i counter' il an HMtrrni'bed fun of the
j enemy at Pavla who oixtv-l a havy
j fl r.. Th" Imdlrig batita-'lm replied and
' after a.veral votkya tl Nineteenth
j (la nk el the Filipinos, driving Ovm out
! of their lrvm:h. The n-my r.-treat'vl
t" the mountains.
At tho beginning of li fight one
captain and olio private of 11m- High
t teonth were killed.
Indication la That HI Will Win the
liar ( Manila.
i WASHINGTON, Nov. W.-Th crula
j rr New Orlfana ha arrived at Colom
; bo on hT way to Mantla. TJiU brlngi
CTfIA 18 Ql'IKT.
IlatlfanU'ii With Anvrlrai)
Control, anl the ManiJ ItatiWIy
H.-covrrlm From th War.
HAVANA. Nov. ). 141 Luiha, in "n
.-. M t m it. I on tru llu.ulon in Cutw, ':
"Thi'l- will Ih ty-HlnT revolt nr In-
nunvriloti. MnWi-rt are In a arav con- hut nut al irmlnxly m. The Ju-
illi'lou Ix'hivl.of ail i-rwMui of Influ.
they rec. tve from th l'nltd Htatea tojof.oe through General Foreatfcr-Walk
further .Iuiih which they must knowief at Cape Town:
ar. ,(,m-i.1 U fall are alHo marked:
men. The Amerti-an govenimetit han'a
in t'ulxi an unappmai-hable py iwr
1i-e. l irgely romnWHl of Cubana thenv
Melvtu." '
iteniurkK of thin nature coming ftom
a newi-puiier cl'ljr In touch with thel
fm-t l the situation and initineo to.
show tl-e liriKtiteM side of affairs, have
.i ivrk.(l a gd of dbH-u-stcn i
umkmii; Anu-rlcans her.-, Mapecliilly an
alluin in another irt of th edlto-j
rial to th pnJeit of the rural guard'
to iiw the nrins furnish,-.! them by tlie'
I'nlti-d h:ute. This lut.-t suggestion l. '
thoiiphi by me to ciaiflnn the r.-port'
that thi; rttriil guard will take to ttie
h.kkU in n lnly when called upon by
properly nuihorlied Cuban leud.-rs.
Int-ivtlng Report of (kraUons Dur
ing the Past Y'ear-A Otid
WASHINGTON. Nov. JO.-The annual
"I1"" sujierlitendent of
the life saving s'r1ce states that at
the clov of the ear the t-wtabUshment
-mbravd 2 stations. 192 b4ng on the
Atlantic and gulf coasts. 5(1 on the
lakes, IS on the Padllc and one at the
falls of the Ohio, Louisville, Ky.
The number of disasters to docu
mente.l vecweln within the Held of op
erutlens et tho service during the year
was I2. There wetv on lsitl these
wsseis a.'K3. and 56 wvre Uwt. The
t4lmated value of tlte vesscL-t involved
was fS.OTI.fcl.'i, and that of their car
gi'es li.OS.OtC, iiiaking a total of prop
erty Imperiled KlW.tUO. Of this
J6.J61.000 was saved. The numbt-r of
vessels lost was "2.
In addition to tl foivgvlng there
w nurin w 2M ' to
email cieu. on mm ih n men iiieix
wero 6T1 ersoiis, 664 of whom were
snvel and seven lost. Of the 63 per
sons perlttlved, 44 were lost In one dis
trict, llw second, on the roast of Mas-saoht'st-tle,
and 40 of the.e In one
stonr. the nvwt unprecedented tempest
of Nnvtmber 26 and 17, 1S98. One-half
of these latter number were on board
ot vessels which were destroyed on
outlying rocks and shoals, where they
could not aeon. The entire loss of life
In all. the other districts was only 19.
.,... .. ' ,
These, with Ihe four lost In the second
district aside from those who perished
In the November hurricane, tnuk." a
total of 23, which number falls below
the annual loss of all the districts In
! recent years.
Suggestion That tho Porcine States
man Tail His Ticket Applauded
by the Populist Leader.
AUSTIN, Texas. Nov. SO. While Wm.
J. Bryan and Ex-Governor Hogg and
other pollilcatis were making rear end
I train speeches at Elgin near this city
. this afternoon, a boom wa started for
Ex-Governor James Hogg for second
place on the national democratic ticket
and-Bryan warmly applauded tlie
Official Report as to Gen. Matb
uens' Condition Issued.
Much Satisfaction Over KotseleT's
Determinatloa to Embark New Di
tlsloa Firing at Ladjtmith.
LONDON, Dee. 1.-4; 40 a. m.-Cyood
a report from itoourt that flrinc waa-j
heard In the direction of Ladytralth
Monday, llv-re la not a ahred ot newa
of any kind from th iU of war. A
arml -official atitenxit haa been laaued
that tiord Metbuon'a wound la not
ertouf and that he la expected to be
ail right In the couroe of a few- day.
It 1a certain, however, that the wound
will prevent hit being In the saddle
and there la great wntk-ty to know
wbvUwT he will be oommpelled to ten
p-jrarlly abandon the periial dl
rejdn of attain.
Aa ninn are newlt-d In ail dlKotlona,
Uirtl Wol4-y's announoeni)nt that
thi nrw dlvlalon wiu be embarked
without delay baa been received with
the greaut awtief action. Tram porta
will toon be rvturnlng from the Cape
and It ia hoped that the men will be
dlnpaJohtd apeedlly.
Reriort Fn.m lladen-Powel Showa That
all it Well and the Boer Bom.
lardment la Ineffectual.
LONDON, Nov. 30. Colonel Baden
Powell, under date of Mafektnir, Nov
ft 1- ....... . V. ,.. I....n ... vav
"All wall here. Cronje haa gone with
commando and with about IS wag-'
ona to Rlortera, Trunavaal. leaving
moat of the guns here with the Marico
and Llcbtenburg ovuttirgenta, with or-
di-nt to nhell ua Into aubmlikn.
The bombardment and sniping con
tinue with very smaK results. I am
dully pushing out our advance work
with good result.
AnU'iritel 1'roUeft. Against Ooebel
Klectlon In the Cor.srresdldinai
Ccnventkm Did Not Occur.
FRANKFORT. Ky., Nov. 30.-The
seventh district of the congressional
convontton which was expected to
sound the antl-elecUon key mte for the
Goebc! democracy aa well as to noml
na a candidate to succeed Even Set
tie, deceased, conwned this afternoon,
tut owing to a tie up in the committee
on revolutions it accomplished nothing.
The hitch In the convention arose
over the question of reaffirming the
platform of the Louisville convention,
at which Goebel was nominated.
It Is understood that J. R. Allen, the
leading candidate for the coriRrewlotiHj
nomination, while he supported Q iebel,
Is a dissenter of tlie platform as
to the Indorsement of the Goebe-1 elec
tion law. -
At 10:30 o'clock 47 ballots had been
itaketi but 110 nomlnaltlon had been
Crews of the Various Trains Involved
Endeavoring to Fix the Blame on
Each Other.
NEW YORK. Nov. 30. Six persons
were killed almost Instantly and twenty
seriously injured in the train wreck
at Paterson. N. J., last night, when
an accommodation train on the Lacka
wanna railroad crashed Into he roar
of the Buffalo express standing near
the station. The engineer on the ac
commodation train was John Rlordan.
He tUick to hla poat. The fireman Is
said to have Jumped Just before the
locomotive struck the end of the smok
er. Rlord.ut escaped practically unhurt.
He sold that he had seen no danger sig
nal and did not know that tlte Buffalo
train was on the other side of the curv?.
as It was an hour behind its regular
time. Superintendent Rustell, of the
LackHwanna road, said 'that the flag
man near the station should have giv
en warning to the approaching train,
and that Rlordan should have seen the
red lights on the end of the Buffalo
train In time to avoid the accident,
Riot-dan says that 'the sharp curve
or th-? road at that point hid tho rear
red lights on the Buffalo train from
vi.w. Whether the station flagman
signalled the train was not absolutely
cImiiM up but night. Rlonlan ass-TU
he saw no signals. It seems to be a
certainty that no one thought of send
ing a man down the road beyond the
curve to Hag the approaching accom
modation train which was running on
Its usual schedule, and the people at
the utwtlon must have krsiwrn It wiii
tUxTlrrtni-iit rtuwsellof the Ivo ka
wanna, made this Btat'-rnent last night:
Train No. M, the Phlllrburi coni
modatlon, overtook train No. , the
Buffalo express, at Dover and pleked
up a llai;riiaji who had bexm aetit b-u k.
''It overtook No, again ax Lincoln
Park, a pla.-e a f'.w mllee weat of Pat
terjion, and tho No. ( flagman rmurn-U
to his train. Thme In charge of train
No. H were thua fully cognizant of
the proximity of train No. f.
"Notwlthxtanding tH knowledge,
train No. V8 aeema to have enterd Pat
miwt at a careless rate of arwed and
to have run Into No. C
"I understand that tho bead of No.
C, which wu a long train, waa at the
station, and that the pasaengera who
were to leave the train at that point
were about to be discharged.
"Under the circumstances tboee In
charge of train No. N eeem (o be whol
ly culpable. All of the crew of that
train have been suspended."
CHICAGO, Nov. 30. The eleven of
the University of Wiaconain defeated
the University of Michigan eleven to
day by a score of 17 to 5. The mighty
right leg of Pat O'Dea, the Wlseotwln'i
full back, waa a big faotor n the one
aide score, as he' waa responsible for
10 of the points scored by the Badgers.
Once he lifted the ball to the goal posts
from the IS yard line.
PORTLAND, Nov. JO.-The Olympic
Club football team of San Francisco
played a tie game today with the Mult,
nomah Athletic club, neither aide scor
ing. The, ball was In Olympic's ter
ritory most of the time and when time
was called Multnomah had the ball.
SEATTLE. Nov. JO.-The University
of Washington football team won the
championship of Washington and Ida
ho today by defeating Whitman colltga
by a score of I to S. The gridiron waa
a sea of mud.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. SO.-Penn-aylvania
football eleven defeated Cor
nell on the Franklin field today by a
score of 19 to 0. Cornell was lament
ably week and especially Vn the line.
NEW YORK. Nov. SO.-The foo;ball
eleven of the Columbia was beaten by
the Carlisle Indians at Manhattan
Odd today by a score of 45 to i.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30.-Univer-slty
of California, 30; Stanford Uni
versity, 0.
Transport Victoria Ordered to Load
at a Port From Which Cargo
can be Carried Safely. , ,
1 1
SEATTLE. Nov. 30. The transport
Victoria will sail tomorrow for San
Francisco under orders to load live
stock there for Manila. The loss of
animals to dabs Is 94, the value ot
which Is estimated at 125,000. The t
tal loss to the government on the
Victoria charter will be about 140,000.
The Credit of Selling
The Best Clothes in Oregon.
That's what we've had for vcars, ami we're
makino; Steinbnch clotlies more popular every
tiny. Our success is the resultant of our pains
to st II first, last and all the time, clothes that
have tit, Freshness of Fashion, Low Trice and
Satisfaction in 'cm.
Look to us for the right things in Clothe,
Hats and Furnishings for Roys and Men.
Men's Suits from $10 to $35
Men's Overcoats from $10 to $45.
Boys' Suits and Reefers at $2.50, $3.50,
$5 00 and up.
Mail Orders SoticiteJ.
Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts.. FOKTLAN'U, OREGON.
Dubois Invites Atk'nson, Boat
well and Koar to His Party.
By Coming Over to free Silver. Ex
pansion las be Ikates and the
Democrat hit la I'ohtr.
CHICAGO, Nov. lO.-The silver .
publicans In conference her Tuesday
and Wednesday planned. It Is an
nounced, to ally themselves with and
t make una of the anil-lmpertaliara
agitation especially 4a the eastera
Utea, where silver Issue does not at
tract. Co-operation with Edward At
kinaan'a following will be sought. The
purpose of the silver republicans Is t
gain. If possible, with this new fcaue,
a foothold in the eastern states, so
that thdr party can truly claim to be a
national organization and thus be
come a more effective whip for holding
ch democrats to Bryan and the U to 1
line. This hi one reason why the silver
republicans desire to hold a big na
tional convention of 1,000 delegate
next year. Confirmation of this plan
came today from Fred Dubois, the
fcrmer senator from Idaho, and chair
man of the silver republican executive
"There la no place for the republican
anti-imperialists of New England and
the coast to go except to our party"
said Dubois. "The. assured composi
tion of the United States annate for
several years convinces them that sil
ver legislation cannot be paed for
many years. On antl-lmperUllm and
kindred questions they are one with us.
I am satisfied they will come to ua. I
expect to see former governor Bout
well, of Massachusetts; Edward At
kinson and men like thern sitting a
delegates in our convention.
"We have planned a big convention
of 2,000 or more. Our convention, If held
at the same place and time as the
democratic convention will be a pow
erful stimulus aguinnt any concession
by that party to the forces of un-rigbti-ousness.
We 'have not much to
gam on this score, however. We are
I pretty well satisfied that the democrats
j wilt re-ar?:rm the platform of ISM and
re-nominate Bryan. That will be
enough. If. however, they should Berk
to evade or subordinate the silver Is
sue, we'll cot be their allies. In such
case we will do what many silver re
iubl leans wanted to do tn 1S9S nomi-
J nate' a separate ticket."
1 SEATTLE. Nov. 30.-The weather
bureau has announced an extensive
st-yji off the Washington coast today.
Th? h'gh winds aw-ept Puget sound and
th strejts.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 30. Only
once In tlie past has there been a fall
ot rain here equal to that of the past
two weeks. Thirteen Inches have fall
en during the month.