The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 30, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    iJ.zz?ZJ.l J. .
Ha vaii tunnr f
iw jvu nmii iv
If ymi da, you can by culling
at (jiii'o hik.1 buying your
Pry (mkwIh it :,' : i" '
Great Closing Out Sale
Jacket ami OuncH Sjxriiil fur
Friday ami Saturday
470 Mint 472 C"in fdwt Mrrfl.
Th ll.tll.V AUTOHMN I. fuuml
n mI In I'orlUiMl ai lh ii.h
ll.marr huuM .if J. r. Ilandi; A .. l
M Ntrl. Orlr fur
ti.ina I. I mHIi iliii Ami aill rl
tri.i Aituii.iii,
PoliTLANl), Nov. 30. Western
Washington and Wealem Oregon, oc
caslonal rain today.
Foot ball today.
A numbr of th leading tura will
cluw U-duy,
Crawfish. ruok4 In Vina, At the Na
lions! Car.
H(h trt.
roN'W Rnajmttabl "4
Tho A. Iuular ro l br eh
All day today.
Foot ball gam today, Called at J
0'iimk. A ImlwI'Mi JJ rent.
Drink K. ti. Cral; Eat Nut nutter
And Health Foods And be happy.
Make yuur u. i mi today's fk4halU
gam befor you go nut to s- It.
Tlinllkaglvtllg a-rvlm A 0 30 till
Morning at th PrbiTln church.
Th Hdmn of Aatorta gave tlHr An
nual tail Ikj( night, it u u-tvful
Felt Itl'.NT Hingtc rvKimi ir a d
MraUl suit. In It Flavel brick. Ap
tly room 17.
Tli- acceptance nf all tli oAixltdui
oti ti'ilh tickets tuv bn Med ami th
city campaign l un
A. it Cyrus has niovnl hia IUaI Es
lu and Insurance office to Hi Com
itwrctal am-l. opposite th Aaturtan
TlvU r niliif Tha.nkKlvliif .rvlc. a I
In tit Hwvllah lojifuug.- will be held In
llw Hw.lih I. iitli. rtin ihunh at 7. IS
All ar
Tun whlalyr Harper Prfct whUky
Htrpr avfry bottl tuarn4d Uu
pr. Sold by Ford 8toka Company,
AatorlA. Orffm.
Our Una of holiday fowl la now In.
Itmtmber ' havo (lie only lino of
Iti kind In tho city. Portland prlc-a. H.
F. AlU-n ft Bon.
""" j growing worn nine and Uitrly him vln-
A atnt aprlug umbrvllA can b -'ii( ,.,)t
a Tngg'a randy atoro m'Xl to J ihtii '
llunnn, wtili li will b (1vn Awuy with The city ach.Hil (. wIm-ik urv pux
a t cnt packag4 of gum. 1I. Th boanl of dlr-tont ordeml
, thi'tn to ln.UI achiMil "Friday, Nov.
A plank walk from Hi aid walk to.
th In 1 1 grounda luui Uim lalil to ac-,
romnimlat tl ladli w ho will Attend
th big footliiill giuna tmluy.
TIkto will be a alo of fanry 04'tli l:
at tho Cnvnt of th Holy Niuu, U-g-innltig
Friday rvoiilng, lwmU-r lat,
and rl.vilng HatUlay evrtilng.
TliiinkHirlvliig arvlci4 tuulght at 7 : .to
ts I. In I In ir..ullHli till. ir. tit v.. i.l II.
V in. ..... ,
Nirwgliui KvaiiKHUviJ I.utJran ,
thurrli, Ppiriwit. All wvloom.
Roalyn cool IA.I. longer. I. clAn,r
And mAkci lew trouble with itovei And!
ohlniny fluei than Any othr. Ooorg
W. Sanborn, AgJnt Ttlephone 1311.
Tli.- congregation of Holy Innonta'
Cliapvl and (Inn-., oliurrh will unite In
their Tlmtikiiglvliig onvliw, wlilch will
brt held ut Oroce church ftt 10:30 this
morning. yn coal It th beat And moat too-
nominal coal for household ua In As
toria. Try li once And you will hava
no other. Oeorga W. Banborn, Agent.
Telephone 1311.
Ho linn all you export and aurpanarii
all you Imnglne. For goo.1 thing to
oat try Jon, Ho pays your faro to
1 (.riliind and tho fnMght on your goodn
back. S.-o liln "ad" In this pupor.
Klglil of Multnoniah'i foitball rlevrn
and four of the Oregon Agricultural
college team fought In tho Philippines.
Dotilrtl8H llii-y will all testify Hint
fiHjtliall 1 nioro exciting than war.
There will be an exhibition game or
bowling tonight at tho A. P.. C. alleys
between the champion" of the count,
the Oregon Road Club learn and tlio A
F. C. All members pf the cjub and
ladlca are Invited.
The bowling teams contenting to
night are made up as follow: A. F. C.
IX. Burkbolder, W. C. Law, T. B. So
vey, J. E. Flnlayson, M. 8. Hai-d.ty,
Herman Wine. Oregon Road Club.-
Meiwri. Ackerrruin, Ilosstter, Hull, Mil
ler, Bowie, mi Bmelm&n.
m I
cnvA mrnov f r?
uuiu iiiyiiuj
Vdiili'd -To ilurlT fur th winter;
ga l.iunch, i to t tun currying mini .
Hy. Aly tu Harry llmwfll, Hunwi
M;irkn Cniiipaoy. 161 Kourtli atrH,
loriland. '
Turkryi valor r cIiIMimI at tlx'
varloiu iiiark( y'iiluy iiul thr
buying u tirUk. Tim blrdi arv tin
Ununlly ftiip and fat llil ar and A
ti ria will fvaiN l.1ay.
Th" Incut Klka ar )riarin' an
truUvii t'lMttAia fir iWr memorial rx
nn'lK rictt Sunday, TV manli al jiari
I In I tin hand i.f A!'ifUi' l""l vnJ.
I hi and iruinUr in Im of an unumiully
h'titi oMif. j
Tlil ftmiiiin at ! VI k thr fimi
ball uniiio will Iti-Kln. Thit walk up
il. hill l a rt ilmiwr ilig.'nirr, and
llinri' will l a -rowtl iw.urlno- up Ut
IIik urouint (i m a ixl fxtutritlnn
nf K'-nutiK- TlinnkKlvliig day aixirt.
I'lr ci rdwimd at II !J pr cord lmi(
ojid IJ 60 pr cord fawrd and drllvrd
will In th prtr At th Anuria Wood
Yard aftor Monday, Novmbr IS. Oak.
Ah, Hpruro limb Vln nmple. Hnv
I. .'U.HUIiwrMid and Slab bark Alio, a I
r-n'inallv ralra.
Th Hi-vnUcnrih lrw-t tminviinoiit
la uiidr way. but ill thla wi-atln-r tlm;
wok raiilwH progri-aa Vrry rapidly.
H.vrral tram tartl In amdlnif but
y. a;.-r0uy only .wir waa at and It
waa movlnc riMita, o an. I rubhlah
Tin rtayry gniund luxtvy with wIm
and It la vrry dimvult to handlv.
Th following Or cm f.t ball a aini
for lo'lay nr.' mdlulid: Aatorln, A
F. t". v N-arthwi-at l-nlal Cullr;, v(
r.irtland. IIwm-o, llwa.o va V Ilium
(to Junior, of I'liMliUld; Portland.
MulUtittiittth) v nlyini. f Hun Fran.
rlro, Kuf-tM. O. A I', of ('or'alll v
Hiato I'lilvrraJty; rUilrm. Vlllm-t,.r
I'lilvrrnlty va Clinnunn liidlaia
Th IjiIL-h Aid .!!) of tin- Con
(rvffnllonnl rhurrh will hoU li annual
.ilrt on I he' aftcrtiiaili nnd wriiliif nf
HatuMay. Iiimlr li. The faiu-y
work tnl.l with It raiv rxhlblt of
M'-xb un drawn work will Im- a atrotiK
itttrai'llona to many lii.ll- whll lu
chll.ln-n OJi.l tlwlr frl.-ml will p.-rhuMi
lw inor Inlvnvitnl In lh doll ntil toy
(l.-orir ,M WMtn waa ndjildtc-d In
an In th" (Vninly t'oiirt ytTily
and Hh.-rlff Mnvlll atnrtmt up to Salmi
with til in litMt n I if hi Sin- wim a.nt to
til naylum In 1KS6 iin.t wan kpt. th-r
n'rly tn yr. Th.n thin nitnl
lat ahow-liiR frul luiprtivrment li
waa Hi. ha x-n griuluaJly
:il " Tln-y do not
know wIii.Ikt
pnti-h out lh rulnndr or turn buck
th rl.u k. If (Im linl alao ir.lm
m hml for Friday, Ih-c. lt, tho tpurhcru
may have to tvtnuln Hatunlay. Thin
(yndlilon mlghl iUKK't u romiuiulon
aniif for 'Th TnUn Tomorrow."
Tli private numnuiTinl giwn by tti
P. I. Q. rlub lout vvntnjf prov u
moat rnjoyablo -nt. Th party wim
Mi'Mid.-d by a Inrg numlM-r of young
ladloa. and ninny patron nli wr
pr'iit. Th rmitumm of th miuk.Ta
wcrv vrry protty And th party wim
8r"V all. Dainty rfri.h.
""'."'f worr ,'rvTd' ml ,lt lh
ini nour or it mo mrrry-mimr wont
to tltrlr lioinra.
U It. Ilurroughit won the monthly
touriKimrnt At th A. F. C, ally hint
night, with A total of 107. Thin Is the
tlral time PurrioughH hna won any
thing In the medal line, though lie I
on of the beat bowlers In the club.
The Oregon Road t'lub team will W ut
the alleys tonight for a mntch game
with the local players. The contest
promises to bv an Intetntitlng one,
though the visitors will doubt Una !'
easy winners.
The pupils of Mi's. Kratrci's room
were highly entertained this afternoon,
by a program consisting of songs, rec
itations, dlalaguiw, ndilissrs, reudlngs.
rle. The niont enjoyable of all was
this reading of the "Holly Wreath," it
paper edited by Room 8, with J.wle
Johnsoii an editor and Myrtle Dotickn
assUlant editor. This paper was very
Interesting, The rhllrren tiiklng givat
pride In getting it up, each one con
tributing his mite towards ttu success.
Yesterday afternoon the directors
visited the various schools nnd made
an announcement that was not receiv
ed with npplatiMc by teachers or pu
pils. "There will be gchool Friday,"
wild the directors and the atmosphere
In the school room grew strangely cold
and still. Teachers and puplle had
oountod upon a holiday until Monday
and had made arrangements according
ly. One day's school work sandwiched
In between holidays is of but little use
but "orders are orders,"
Tlw I" r'i--rt that th wrt tt
rvr rxix-rl'-ncH ru(fl iuti!iM yrntiT-
Th fiiur-iiiuatrd nlim-r lli.nululu
la coifiili'iln; iw iari f lurnlx-r fur
Clilim at llanliT.
TI- Orriimti lilji A'b'lf lrK'"l Iff
an. lior durliiK tbf h-ivy wiiuU of livl
nlli but drlflnl to tlm run fiu'l.fiy
wliarf wIiitp alw mu'li' fuM whlioirt
liny duniufv.
Th trllluli Klili Alclrwnji n.rtivl
dowr from I'orllan1 ylTday. Tts- H.
It, Tliimia m tow lti.
Thv lhrr-niat biim-r W. K.
J"Wtt i-anw In yri-rday and u tow.
til to Kruii'un wlirtv etic will lnud
with lumLwr.
Th ltoulit Trli KpTl'nrd In
Many Vni.
HAN FltANCIHCO. N v. Z A num.
t-r of llw nvi-nliiw fltt ram Into port
t(la. Th a.ini.iti'T llutlli-mt-r. 4')
dayi from Taoima, wlnVh wiu an
lounly lixikrj for, waa uiik.iik tin tlrat
to import Th- Hiill'r Hoy. 11 dn
from Tariima. and bulk 'lathotvr, so
(luy fpnn tho am plai-, aiv ntorUl
i.ft thr bar. Th fhullrnif.T waa all
but out of provlalmia.
Tin- Kmmo ItuT. J3 lay fntn tiruyn
llutbor, tlw WVbfi JO dnya from
Wltlupii, th 'Ibm. 23 day fnun Oraya
Harbor, tli Tlllifl1, 24 daya fnim tht
annio irt and th AnwTli-a. 2 day
from H'at t If. put tu uvf tli lr and
n-p'Mtnl th rHiirht inpt tlutt tluHr
rrllv miuttrra hav r-rlu-0
lr Many yrnra.
Tli ci'll tor f th n m-nt the rev.
rnu rutt.T Mi'ullot-h ut llila afwr
n.n In k'-p a lookout fir Uir P"t
that la allll oulaliln aid upH-d to
Iw In nerd uf f"d.
How At.irlan Will OIpmtv,. TluUika
flvlnf I'ay.
Th air a Thanknirlvliif tln'.
ThTt l a anowy "f.vl" In Hk- almoo
plwr. vllhout the miow. Tluinkj'Rlv-
Intf day will l oIumtv.M tn Aaturlii
In th rtfulatlun Tliankuflvltuj atylo
a tyl tluU milt rvrry Uly.
Tlu iii.unlng union oitvIin will bp
hi.l.l in III rntytrtai cliurvh. lUv.
Kdward furrun pi-li tl ak-imon,
1(, Um .piwt),ll ,iolr uu pre
anil sixrlal music for tin.- occasion.
The wervlc promlaiv to be unusually
IlllervtfUt g.
Iilvlue service wt'.h wrmon vikl Holy
I'oiiimunliai wilt be held Hits morning
for tnh lUUy liumrents' and Grot
church rongtvgatloiiH at 10.30 o'clock.
Tli offering will be devoted to til tiood
Hamurllan hoapltal. Portland.
The T han Icsglv lug dliun-r hour In As
toria rangrs all th way fiu 1 o'clock
to 7. Thn dinners today will be ar
ranged In mMt caevai to enable the din
ers to wltmNs'ith f.Klall game.
Many AMorl shot gun devotes will
take to tlx1 lak.a and revel among the
ducks ai.d gie.
Th f.i tvill game ln"ten th
Northwest Ivital lllege of Portland
ami tit Astoria f.w. Iwll club wlllt
played on tlu A. F. C. groumla at 2
o'clock. Th dental uudji4 have
played several guinea this aetisun in
w hich Ihev have demoiwtruted their
ability to play ck-on, skillful Ixill. The
A. F. 'owuii has tss'n practicing da'.ly
nnd th play M-s ore In fine form. The
home boys niv confident of victory.
T! trams will line up iv follows:
Ast. .i-l.i Positions IV-ntlHta
tiirnrd It, K Wilson
fass.-ll L. K t'ol.'Son
Talliint It. T Olmmlck
Kastlanl L. T Lid.l
Painter It. O Cortvtt
Jones L. O Hhauk
Mlnard C Knolt
hiitlMiginn .... Q. R Bam-tt
Attc'Tomble .... L. H Caser
t riiham F. II Wen.lllng
t'iby F. R Watson
Subs. Astoria Wright and Ross.
The A. F. C. has arranged to plank
the road from the walk to th grounds
and Indl nvd not feiir that thA-y will
have to wade 'throiiR'h the mud. The
grandstand tx dry and comfortable.
It Is execte1 thiit a large number ivf
ladie.i will attend the (Tame and the club
wishes to make everything ns pleasant
as possible for them.
The Wehfoot Staito Amatuor Photog
raphers lo Notable Work.
Th; Youth's Comimnlon Is n famous
Journal. For four years It lias been
conducting annual exhibitions of am
ut tier photography, oihni to all ma
tuers of this country.
The prize winners for 1S99 have Just
been announced and Oregon lend." the
The grand piixe, a silver vn-', w-as
awarded Edgar Fellows of Porlland.
He also wins the first prize In the
men's class. Mrs. Mym Albert Wlg
Flnti of Salem won the neoond prize In
the Women's class. Mrs. Helen P.
Catch, Salem, and Lola. Tuft, Portpand
r-jcelve honorable mention for their
contributions. The Jmlsv-s had to pass
upon nearly ten thorntond cv imples of
oma'tuer photography and Oregon's
victory Is noteworthy.
Astoria has sever.U amatuers who are
making excellent pictures and some of
thew will probably compete in the
Companion's exhibition next year.
- .. ;
mmm head
' ' ; ' i. V
The Terrible tyes Snapper) Hancrs
and the Tuijh Were rowcrlcus '
to Soe!
MgtHnhlp No. 60 Is iuhirv Just IruMd
Vi Kriixli. bind and th-r Is little hope
that ln r rri.w of Hght citi (un b aav
rd. The HitlriKhlp W'nt Alrlf. Tu.-sday
nln'bt and the tugs IjwM.rt and Wailulu
aiul th.. Manxlnlta wrH out ftr hr
this ( V nn I ay) inoriiliiK. KIk- was
slghol t -li mlb off slvite and hmdlng
in under hr own sail. The Wallula
nai h.-d ln-r first and brought tvr
i.eaily to th nrtraiv wln th haw-a-r
urt'H. Tin. Miutiuurtta trnm took
In -Id of th llghtattlp ami trt(l In
wltn Iwr but th hasT lrtd and
lung!i-. up In h'T pro'llif.
The lightship was In tious dung.-r
whn tn- Kitnirt went to Ut Klance
and the tug put Itself In tII going
In after Ur. Tills was late In the af
ternoon. The lightship was going on
to the rocks whn th Kort managed
tu g a hiiwr to hr. Tin- r fall.
d to holl in th raging n, but It
did n part until th hrll.wn vessel
was pulled iirournl th point. Thi-n th
hawnvr parlixi and th tug could do
no morw than watch the lightship go
ing In toward shore. Thjs was atmut
6 o'clot k.
The Kscort stisul up. urn! until 7 and
whn the l.-fi it wus uncertain whttwr
th lightship iimnaio-il to anchor or
hud gem- hi tin- winds. Ht llgtH wore
show I ng.
The tug Wallula was ready to go out
wh-n the Ksrort cujim. tu th dm k, but
th latter reorted that nothing could
be done In the darkmto. The WallulA
will bave early In the morning.
The light boat went on slu, 1 he
l ashore, on low water ami will have
to weather eight hours xundlng. Khe
luia a steel IhjUoiii and la exo.-iiti.m-e.lly
st.iut and It Is thought that If there
are no rocks under h.-r phe may stund
the l uffettlng. Caplalot Hawes of the
Ks.i.m siieaks h-'ii-fully1 of the llght
slilp's crew's cho.nies but all seamen
agree that the situation a,t tin In-!! Is
e'emwrate. The life-saving crw have
fine to the aslstance;J ' '
On board th JlglUs!Up arn Captain
Jo. II. HarrinuUi, 2ml R-iglneer Lars
H-irnrn. And Ant.w Bliberg, Charles
Carlson, Cus Johnson, Walter Way,
J.v Leonard and Robert Oerlof. AH
are Asioriojis. Capixln Harriman Is a
widower with two chlldrn. Lars Han
sen and Anton Kiibera; aiv married
men. The others are single.
The tuRs today worked heroically.
Hoth the llscort and the Wallula were
In danger tttomaelvce at llme. The
tu' outside was fearfully wild and It
Is almost a miracle that the Escort
succeeded In saving the lightship from
K ing directly on the rocks.
FORT CANITY. Nov. 30.-1:30 a. m.
All hand. on the lightship were saved
bv the life crew, and are now safely
housed in the hooplta at Font Canby.
The resciK' waa accomplished by
means uf the bre-.vix.-s buoy. The flrslt
man ashore was one whose rlbes were
broken In taking a hawser from the
tug Wallula. The last man to leave his
vessel was Captain Harriman.
The above telegram Is locking In de
tails but Astoria will ring today with
promises for the life saving crew, for the
the night was dark and very stormy
nnd the rescue ciieaks volumes for the
skill and courage of the life savers. The
thanksgiving of many As tor I ana will
have an unusually earnest ring to lay.
The following notice was sent to the
pilniipnls of the ueveral schools In the
city 'terday:
T! 'tlentlon of live board of .ll.ect
ors li. . b.tin called to Article 114, page
IS of the rules and regulations, where
in the day uft."!- Thanksgiving Is made
a holiday, and owing to the many days
that will e.' no out of the year and the
short i. r (lie Ixuird haw decided to
rescind t' s portion of ttie rule nie-n-tloived
an s.hool will bo continued as
usual on l'iday, November the 31sc In
stant. l!y oni of the board.
U. R. FKllUUSON.per E.
To make It apparent to thousands,
who think themselves 111, that they are
not fttltcti d with any dUr&ae. but that
the system simply needs cleansing, is
to bring comfort home to their hearts,
ns a costive condition Is easily cured by
using Syrup of Figs. Manufactered by
the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and
sold bv all druggists.,
Ouo. NolAnd, RocklAnd, 0., ssyg "Vfy
wlfa bad plia forty yArs, IWltt'i
witcn Harei Haiva cured hr. It is
the best salve In America." It heaui
everything and curs all skin ritaes.
H Hlllliir.
MIS8 McREA Corner Tenth And
ConimerclAl alrewts. '
Improved rAnch, consisting . of 12
act, on Toung-s rlv,. Apply to John
L. Haysath, Wis, Or.
Tak Laxative Rromo Quinine Tab-'
let. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's slf
wsiur un eacn oox. vc.
Why at 'The Eastern .' of e.mra 170
inira Hi., Portland. Tou can get a
good layout for 15 cents here, which
wm satiary your hunger and bring you
uacn acain to tne same DIAce. Remem
br the Eastern.
When you are In Portland and want
a really good home meal. Just give Mr.
Brown a trial, iu Fourth flu near
Wajhlngton. Tou will like It surely.
This rtftAUrant Is open All night.
Ys they do and the style and finish!
they give to mej's aulu, rank these 1
gentlemen as expert Tragical mer-
chant tailors. The mAterlAl they usol
Is Also the very best And you will ail-!
ways mid them busy At 269 Tamhlll
8t., Portland. Get yur next suit there.
snu gei ii now,
It U easier to teach a child to stand
alone than It Is to grt a man to stand
Dr. W. Wlxon. luur Hill. N. T..says:l
"I heartily recommend One Mlnuta
Cough Cure. I: gav. my wife Immedl-t
ate rener in surocating Asthma."
Pleasant to taJce. Nevur falls to quick,
ly cure all cougt olds. throat And
lung troublea.
Tlx- IllitiTAte hid carrier reacru-s th
top nf th ladder -lfte-ner than the man
wlt'.i a college education.
Dr. H. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says,
"I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure la a
splendid medicine. 1 prescribe It, And
my confidence In It grows with contin
ued use." It digests what you eat And
quickly cures dyspepsia And Indigestion.
A girl seldom Ktckg when an old man
lays his fortune at her feet
'T had dyspepsia fifty-seven year
and never found permanent reUef until
I used Kodol dyspepsia Cure. Now I
am well and feel like a new man,"
w rites S. J. Fiemlng, Murray, Neb. It la
the bett dlgestant known. Cures All
forms of Indlgwtlon. Physicians every
where prescribe It. For saie by CHAS.
Misfortune comes in pairs, especially
If the other ."ellow holds three of A
How a Prominent Lady of Portland
Went the Rounds With the
Mrs. Mitchell of Alblna said yester
day: "A little more than 15 months agy
I suffered untold pain from decayed
teeth and was advised by my physician
to have them extracted, so I went to
one of the moat prominent dentists In
Portland and had them out and some
artificial ones made. Well, do you know
I tried for over four months to wear
them but I could not, and so I consulted
another prominent dentist, one of these
high priced on, you know, and he
made me another set and charged me
$24. making 155 in aU for the- two sets.
I tried these and they were no better
than the others. I told Mrs. Collin
about It and she told me that her teeth
cost her only $7.50, Including the ex
tracting of 10 and she said they were
Just lovely and as good as her natural
teeth. I asked her where she got them
and she said at the Portland Dental
Parlors, comer Fourth and Washington
streets. She went down with me next
day and I saw Dr. Jones, the manager,
and made arrangements for this set.
He did not demand a cent until I had
tried them a week and returned and
told him I was perfectly satisfied. As
much as the others? No! He charged
me only 5."
PRESS, for Palem.
i itoaeoui, Asmana,
7:M P.M.ISacramenio, OgOen,
8:00 A.M
can Francisco, tdo-
iave, Loa Angeles,
i Paso, New Or
leans and the East-
Roaeburg passenger
Via Woodburo, for
Mount Augel, Bll
vtrton, Vet Solo,
Hrownvllle Spring
Held and Nation....
1:1. A. M
M: P it
rt: A. M
M:W P. Ml
Corvallls passenger f
tS:iMl A m
Independence pass' A.M
Dally, tDatly except Hunaay.
Connecting ac Son r ranclseu with OcOi
dental A Oriental, Pacltic Mall and Oc
onto steamship lines for
Rtaie tickets on sale daily jnn
Portland, Sacramento, sad San Kiantt.
co. Net rates 117 flrst-clasa. and 111 e
ond-elass, Inclitdlng ('.eeoer
Kate and tickets tn Esme-o points an
Europe, A'.bo Japin. . h,n. Mm
and Australia. Can be obtained from J I
KIRKIAND, Ticket Agent. 134 Ttvr.l
Manoa-i' (i F 4 P
Through tickets iCast for lowest rat
Call on C. J Trenchant, local -B'-WaT.a
ranro Corneas a offloe- Astena
Jones, He Pays the Freight
. Gt oo tho cart or boat sad coma op to Portland,
and get the freight paid bock on your goods. While th"
, preaeot rates of Isr remain in. force we will pay yon r fare;
from Astoria aod relarn, and also psy the freight to AMona on
your pnrcliasei, provided you buy 20 of more No freight
paid on Boor, feed or potatoes If yoo semi ns yonr order bjf '
mail you will re'eive a i-relit of -M) epnls allowance for fsrej
Uth ways. Wa p iv freigbt to all stations on A. Ss C. It. R,
throngh U Hesside.
I OS sad 110 I rnnt Strt, Purtlsnit, Orcgna.
- j g
Of Every Description Male to
Books for 1900. .
V1MH inucil viauci.
Commercial rriatiag is all buscht.
15sT-argt EtabiiahmBt la the wt.
: . .
Holiday Goods
B- F- Allen 8 Son, 363 caM s-
Miss Bertha Hartln's
Boom ttO Dakam Bblldlng, 3 !
Tou never know what form of blood
poison will follow constipation. Keep
the liver clean by using DeWltt'a Lit
tle Early Risers and you will avoid
trouble. They are famous little pllla
for constipation and liver and bowel
troublea. For sale by CHARLES ROG
ERS. The girl who looks killing is the fatal
gift of beauty.
LaGrlppe, with tts after affects, an
nually destroya thousands of people.
It may be quiealy cured by One Min
ute Cough Cure, the only remedy
that produces immediate results In
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneu
monia and throat and lung troublea
It will prevent consumption. For aale
Many a beautiful hat represents an
unpaid milliner's bill.
J. D. Bridges, Editor "DemocrAt,"
Lancaster, N. H.. says: "One Minute
Cough Cure la the best remedy for
croup I ever used." Immediately re
lieves and cures coughs, colds, croup.
asthma, nneumonla, bronchitis, grippe
and all throat anl lung troubles,
prevents consumption. For sale
Tho beauty of the winter girl may
be only seal-skin deep.
It will not be a surprise to any who
are at all familiar with the good quali
ties of Chamberlain a Cough Remedy to
know that people everywhere take
pleasure In relating their experience In
the use of that splendid medicine and
In telling of the benefit they have re
ceived from It. of bad colds It haa
cured, of threatened attacks of pneu
monia it has averted and of tne children
It has saved from attacks of croup and
whooping cough. It Is a grand, good
medicine. For sale by Chas. Rogers.
Cupid Is an excellent shot, but he
bags some mighty poor game.
- I
All Astorlans who visit Portland and
desire spending a pleasant evening In
company with polite people and In the
enjoyment of an unexcelled musical
program, should go to the FredericKs-
burg. Besides vocal and Instrumental
selections there are many other at
tractions to delight the visitors. The
new management Is making the Freder
icksburg a well-merited sucoess.
Spinsterhood Is oftfn the flirt's pun
ishment for contempt of court.
Ladles who go to Portland and desire
something especially fine In the way of
tailor-made suits will do well to remem
ber that they can be well fitted at L D.
Boyer'a IT Fourth street. In the Y. M.
C. A. building.
Not only does he keep a strictly first-
class cutter for men's wear, but also
one exclusively for ladles' work, and
all can rest assured of getting not only
good work, but the best of materials,
as Mr. Royer Is an expert on woolen
Order. Urg Line of Stock
Attractive Prices.
tuc muirj.unncftH rn
. Mil III SB III "II 11 LJillIlI
First and Salmon St., Fobturd.
For the young and old,
Everything in the Jupaueso line,
Toys to please the yougsters.
Till Lite of Nc(st Cnbroid.
try Materials.
tiitials a Specialty.
Ckeiee Selectioa of S asipiag
Stiispiag Neatly Doot.
and Waahlaglon IU., Purtlund, Or.
There Is still hope In the Natural
Body Brace. This wonderful contriv- '
nice, when adjusted to the body, sup
ports it In such a way that nature la .
assisted In recovering Itself. By call- '
Ing at J. A. Clemenson'a drug store, 227 .
Yamhill street, between First and Sec
ond, Portland, Ore., a person can get '
the book, which explains every partlcu- ..
lar. The Brace coots $5, and gives lm- ,
mediate relief. At the same drug store
you can get free samples of the wonder. .
tul cure for eczema. Mr. Clemenson Is
also the manufacturer of Century Lin
iment, the beat and cheapest liniment
in the world, curing corns, swellings,
rheumatism and soreness of any dis
cretion. A good artist sticks to his colors.
Some wonvn are good artists.
Capt. C. G. Dennlson Is well known all
over Africa as the commander of ths
forces that captured the famous rebel
Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4. 1S&7.
from Yryburg, Bechuanaland, he
writes: "Bofore starting on the last
It campaign I bought a quantity of Cham-
herlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, wnicn I used myself when
troubled with bowel complaint, and had
given to my men, and In every case It
proved most beneficial." For sale by
Chas. Rogers.
Tims Is always represented by man.
Woman Is shy of the calendar.
My wife has been UBlng Chamber
lain's Pain Balm Balm, with good re
sults, for a lame shoulder that has
pained her contlnualy for nine years.
We have tried all kinds of medicines
and doctors without receiving any ben
efit from any of them. One day we aw
an advertisement of this medicine and
thought of trying it, which we did, with
the best of satisfaction. She has used
only one bottle and her shoulder Is al
most well. Adolph L. vllllett, Man
chester, N. H. For sale by Chaa. Rog
ers. Some )retty girls do their fMphlng
in January and .heir blaylnjj in June,
Another expedition Is going in quest
of "tlie secret of the strait." For 00
years tho secret has remained unsolv
ed. Nowadays, geologists and geogra
phers do not think water connections
exis: between the Atlantic and Pacific.
Tim: the time was w hen the two conti
nents were apart, these scionttflo peo
ple believe. Tnere are people who tlnd
the secret of liealih a hard to find.
Three words tell the way a healthy
stomach. The secret Is Hoetotter's
Stomach Bitters. It cures constipation,
indigestion, dyspep-da and all liver and
kidney ailments. It cures them per
manently. And it brings relief at once.
All druggists keep It, and a private
Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the