TIM MUttNlNG A8T0&1AN. .SUNDA., NOVEMBER 8, m JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telphont Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAtLT. Bent by mall, per Jfr H-00 Bent by mall, pr moalh M Served by carrier, per month K SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mall, per year. In advance $100 Postac free to subscribers. All rommunlcatloni intended for pub lication should be directed to the edl tnr. Muslness communication! of all kinds and remittances must be address ed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantee to Its ad rertlsera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. of the nation are the plan for the gov ermwnt of' Hawaii, liuam, Cuba and ort V' The NU divislng a form of govmWimt for Hawaii pr md at tha? last Nwi(rrv-..an.l as It mi-boJle- the work of the prortdeiti'n upei'lal inmialon which visit e.l tln Inland for that purinwo it will diubt M bx pu.hcd throtiRh loth h.u' with Huh illvusrlon. Wint eor.ftv. will do in tlu mattfr of tho Philip pines will ilfpriid Ursrly upon tho dur. atUvi itf th. Filipino Insurtivtuvi anil tht J.'wIorinKntn of thv n.xt few nvkf. Thv pi 'Imm! In i law Is also one of dAV'n,'t, a'thouKh it i vn eraHy lli. v..l th.'.t for t!v n-t year or two it will W allowvd to r.uuin un dor military contiol. at'd he:kv undi r tli ilirwti.-n of thr (x vir.iw. Oth.T nu sti.i.-i that urv svv.wul to tho war pi 'Mom In r.ati.wi.il un to mwft Which ft apvUl ta hi hvn lovll. DMu t waUl amount frxnn !02.o:.j; nd we have thi" nntount "I warrtnt- otiitndln on the kviktaI fund, namoly .Ktl.7s. , RKCAVITIMJVTIQN. Warrant outttvllnr June 50, IS!9 tlrtJ.OilSS: iViluot warnuii.i Jriftit on hrldue fun.t No. 1 1.Y4ST 4; MRU 472.4 Cah in Rt'iittrnl fund tit py wan nut oaVhM Cash In hand of sheriff to puy warrants calUM I'ttch In hiunls of county dork to pay warrant called ji3,ioT..t: I Total uiii unt of warrttiits j ointaniflnir on the .svit'T. al fund June .W. IS;'S. l-s ih In tho trvavuy appll I cable to iho rl nitpuon of general fund warraixa t T 1 . 1 'J 4 .'', In order to arrlv at the tutul debt at that dm tnclu l I l''ilmiit'd inteca: on war- , I ran: lebi due lUlattiv lu stat tax issi If the government Is to have a direct cable line to th Philippines, ewry consideration of convenience and eon- omy dictate that it shall start from the mouth of the Columbia river. Step. should be taken by h? chamber of commerce to aw? that the advantairo- of the Columbia river route are proper ly brought to the attention of confrre The important discivpnncy betw-evn the etliclal figures died by Judge Gray ft.Kl th statement of thv county la debtetlmw so promiscuously circulated by the TutpayvrB League seenis to require some explanation from thai ,w. guiuiatl-iii. While all citix ds n Clatsop county may agree that the present unfortunate state of the public finance calls for mwn effective and drastic remedy. U la hard to iee what can be gained by making out thai con dition worse than it rvally is. The tendency to exaggeration which seem inevitable with all ardent reformers h&s retarded the cure and frustrated prevention in the easy? of many of the world's greatest evils. Vital iz-'neral fund debt nominee .ire the ratitic.itiRi of the ( out-,;n.llin; D.n-lnti i- N:ir- Inu bridge -varrani Ju-v- 30, l:' i"a.h in the brlilge fund :.3!'.t!l PRINCITON BESTS YALE ELEVEN REMARKABLY CLOSE GAME Decided ty a Lucky Kick at the Last Moment of Wtut Seemed a Tie Contest. treaty with Kngi.tnd and (.Verniar.y f.r the partition of the Smcin Islands ivn the bai of the understanding already remhed by the tvptvwntattve of the power: the lption of measure f r inaugurating wMrk upon an isthmian caiuil; the laying of a Pacific linking th'e Pacific immsi with Hawaii. Guam, the Philippine. TutuiUi and Ja pan; a measure for the promotion of American shipping and the develop ment of an American merchant marlni'; a treaty with Dreat Pritiun and Can ada adjusting the Xla-skan boundary us well as oiIht questions of isKrover.y i:..4: 4 lft.l Outstanding brldg warrint les --ash In the tr.-asuvy Total brldg and county d- b: Jun 3". issj RKCAP1TCI..T1.N. cable! Total deU July 1. 1SS4 Total debt July 1. IW 13.fc:4.S VW.Vd 1? S KM. 329 00 100.5.11 11 between the I nited ftates and Canada., f, nr,.r administntlons ild and the ratification of a new treaty I went al-mg. re-troncriwl. or with Spain. These are some important measures thai will demand early consideration, but in addition to tlh-se scores of bill wlU be presented allecting various in trests and inviting animated discus sion, among them being measures for th? regulation -f trusts, for the modi fication of the tnter-state commerce law and fr railway piling. f,r in X-t reduction of debt I J."? SS Wh.ii the present administration was elected warrants were (h-lllng from vl to cent on the dollar; trey have b--n at par fvr the but threv yearw. Mnce June 30. ISM. to Jum JW. 1W. the county ha imld W5.S3S !M IntereM on the old debt. 'Srvry dollar of this amount would have b-n sjve.l hiul us th-y provldetl I way for raising :he inoney to pay their expense. In other word, we w iuld have i-d ab.mt one year's tat', had the county ben out of debt July 1. 1S'.4. We therefore claim credit f.r Keduotl n -f debt as above $ 2.7 Inter- pai l on old debt :tS.S.tVM, Ct of Young bay bridge special imiro.- 'tneiH 2' si XI-. W Jl.VVKN Conn., Nov. ,M - Ju-I oi-.e short minute U-roi-e the close ot one of the Kiiitst foottvill gainox evT pliiyi betwivn Princeton and Yale, IHtle Arthur l'oe, I'rmo'lon i IkIiI end, a member of the funi-iis lv family, dropprti a KxiuUful goal from the tieid and won the game for the tigers l the munnv margin of II to 10 All the moiv remarkable I the fact thait Piv m-vcr before in practice ,r In a game attempted tv kick gmtl from tlo fleld. To say that Yak' was surprised, dtiin foondeil and charglnel by the kick is to put It very mildly, for up to that time the ltlue was seemingly a aure winner. w NORGARD & PETTERSONa h Merchant Tailors K ne art d m... Portland, Orvjfon t'liiin ttruott lllavli t A TIK ilAMK. PtUTl.AM. Ncv :.1 -The Cnlver sity of Oregon and the Miiltnomah Athletic I'lub pjaved a tie game at f.i.H ball at the Mnlinomah MM ihi- ,if. i -noun, neither Me seoring When the game was c.tlb-d the ! i i ' . -n the Visitor s b-yanl lit e. tSOKKKl. MAi HINi: W'MiKiN.J i A total of J.19.W3.K4 ! 1 challenge J. F. Hamilton. fntary ! of the Tax L-'ag'.ie. who I am Informed I creas- in naval annam-nt and fortitl- ,okel up" this addt-ss. to show cations and fr the building of dry 'w her- he g'H his flgurn to luw the lock, and for a military organization ''au-m -nt e.mtalne.1 in th - l.ngu. ad-1 .liid -W- "Th ti Ihw l:ii!bftrM-ss of i adapted to th- new national ned and- ."'., "' .... .,.! will noi , I'h.i.'iccs of Yet Figuring oin ,t M.ij r i'y Have not lti-n tilv.-n up by th IMnniuls exigencies. Congress will also be asked to pro vide a better system of gov-mm.-nt und laws for the Territory of Alaska. to reorganize the consular .n,iv on FI.AXKFoltT. Ky. Nov. :'. 1. i.e.. Cl.ltlC leader ll'iW IM-I'I th.ll tK.. -oiinlv h.is inere.isM from I10;t- ; '"" ' (Kisiauir" n ! In ISM t- alsnit $132,357 In lv."jhe is not given .i ,--ctiiicn,. ,.f ,-.-. ii..n Some pHle may le deceived by such ' t. th N,.iri, ,11V, h(.r). S l. stai-Miinta, gof.e.i up solely for !-1 , " . , .. i mdiiy. Taylors manager are In bions litlcal eff o'. but my ordinary man p an see by 'he summary of County lhi I" Int. as the i,nem-nt th.-,: I Clerk Wh-Tity that no credit was given I h - would rnln has not ,. :i , NOT POISONOUS r AC BlUCH Hut n fuc lic.nit ! t 1 ' tin- oii! c ai ul u i o1, iiml ,i ft, mm th it it . -n ' tiaction t!ieie-t ,.. i i oils -.I'tll llli t v l i 1 cc!cbr,tc! - ' 'I: m.iiic -i !, . o'loncn tdn-u i iiin a i: r on -in. leading c'-o n ii-! - WISIW UMOiS t,0!lRl!N It i th itiilt i" i'-n Utir to iriwiu.m Uivthliu - u :,V'."': V I U! 3 M'c.u'd . v,, T. 'I U I J , a. ',4 1 In ciUllli'Mt 1 r :-wt-XiL---''' 1 iioinicvu n -.-.3' Kodaks At 11. it nit ' tit U' 'UtM mttlttl .iiilrthii L. 1 hi. Uu rt In Ukf 1 ,, ..! yt Uttr TH t. UH'YKi: Stnitis.i'rt visilinit in the it y will tlud tint Louvre an attractive reorl w herein to spend the evening. The .Vniine Sisters Ladies' Orchestra I still on (lie bills and present nightly a mttsi.nl program o( exceptional merit, iUtnUonie hI and billiard rooms a"' a feature in connection with the Iioiikc. 1'nlatttble Inn. In will Ik served at all tiotir ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN Cut Rates a The Original and Genuine Eastman Kodaks at olie-llilrd Iim Ibuii In. lory prni- II yoo evet iit. araiuei.t '.Ills Is llie time to i cure the luteal inolel nl a mm lusl puce READ Olli PRICES. ft r i I a r fllvl ritui N't. 'I rdcus kodak f A.imi nmis riHkrt knda i.imi ttsi s nn -r kdt .k t tnns No I rolillsi) r.Kkt HodA 10. 'Mi tstmaa Ko, 'J rnlihsi) l iHkcl Kodk ., I VOD rt-itaits No. 4 hsir-re koda .... i-.'.imi fattSKt i ftstltt kodak H IHI ftotsits o 4 flullrt K.Hia 14 no All other F-aatninii Kixluki nl th nine rivlm tmii. (1st 1st rilff, I ;t ns ;i.4 4111 (1 o4 UIIHI atMl in no V giisrantiKi every lntruuiitit mo ssll to le iteiitilne siid id the latest m slcl. Send for Illustrated catalogue tree Owiiitf lo tlio lie detiMlnl made uitt us for llieae cameras sinct our prices wrtn anuounce-f otue dnv ago, aJvUM liileudlng I'lirchasers to order nl kiiisi slid svold delay and dio'Hjllitnienl. Kvcrvtliiug HI pbnlogrdiy at imlr prices Weodard, Clarke ft Co., V:L":,:.y v.,;.uv-.,,..., I I'kum livparim! !. sn.l 1 17 ruurlh Ufl. rl-e work of Americanizing Culja his begun in a way that should prow popular. Gnvervir-Oeneral Brooke has ihsued a proriainatlon from Ha vat.a calling auntlofit to the custom prevailing in the Jnlted States of set tin? aside a day "for general thanks giving to th-? Supreme Being for the many blessing vouchsafed during the past year," vxl naming Xovember j0 as such a day. to be observed by Cu lans. In addition to this. It i tafrd that the lower part of Havana has bten cleaned and made sanitary. This is an Innovatioi -ntirety to Amer ican occupancy of the city, and iUiie necessary an a preliminary to the .ub-Ih- giving thank, since " l-a.ilii ess is next to godliness!." I the nuTil system, and t adoi.t tne-t- , f,,r the 329.9.& .varruiit imII before I ... .... ..., urej, f.- stoi-ping abuj of s-cona- June :. 18SV. or cash on hand. ! uhi.-h -j-- .li.; 1 "e large iiiij.hi.j 01 Vo nemo-." One state upprted William J Rryan's ptvtwisi-ms In the late t lion, and that wa his own. XVbrafka sup ported him becau- ahe seemed to hate to go back on a Xebraskan who is su. h by deliberate choice. Yee Atkinxor, k- In the late elections all over the coun try a cundemnatifi by the Ani-riean people of what he ho.iM.-H to i haract erize as "the atrotities in the I'hllip-pine.-' By 'atr'itie" the Massai hu setts niLgwurnp does not ra.-an th trea h -rous assassination of rivals by order of Aguinaldo, or the killing of natUe friendly to the Americans, and the looting of th"ir proprty by th rebel Tairalogs, but .-f-rs to the i.t teinit to put down arm.-d r-belllon again, t'nipii .State4 authority. Mr. Alklii..:)' i nl-n.s s-.-m to k- as the;.p a.- his i-.i ije- for liv.ns; 0:1 ten c-iits a u.-. U. .Mid ulncjt us nourishing to lll.-lla.! life ;is til-- oth'T ale to ;j"d J!y 1 1 r -. i.i i healthy Am-ncunisrn is no: built on --hh.-r Atkinson;, .n !an. and t her- is no popular ih-v-iii.-i,i in fo-r oi" a ' sriimpim; ' poli-y in thr dtiily lif- "1 the riali.ni. domes je or P"liti-ul, evid-nt in th- land. AlAXl" ;!:i;.T i'K'ir.I.K.MS i-'i'i; (.'' iX'ji:i...-'. The (Uesti:.K "rowing out of tiiL- v.a with Spain at- not the o;iiy m,. ;hai Will enijatre the attention of Ml- F i f t -sixth coi.up ss, which assembles on tli 4tli of n-xt nth. Oth'-r probl-ttis of national an i ir.iernal importance w i 1 demand the serious ennsideratiun - f our national le-i-ilalors. It is not too much to say thai no previous congr-sr in our history was corfront'-d with v many now pcoblems of such great mu mont to the United States. The miu important Questions to ! considered aft-r the gold standard h. s been enacted Into law and has thus been made the fix.-d monetary standard class mail privileges. Yesterday was :he Itirtt day uieb- of the Tax Paver league have un- wnnn ioim.-sis roui.i o,. rn.il ag.iinst IVetlv eh.irc-. hi- ullh th -.nro...: .1 . . ... " " r dtiubteuly ilepenued uM n a tew uesign- tne republican memb'r- l.i t t the Belts in the post ..fllce department, ling men.b-r. .uid are being lmpo1 p.KHhltl... lin,, ,h(. tha, Wilh ctii-K ex x-oo s.r..... . .r . .. tlrv-tn I " " "l , tMt, nM ilgllinHX m..tnu, structive legislation before It, the Fif ty-sixth congres-s Is certain t H i li ' 1 - I ... J " I C.IJAY not fail to make a memorable epoch ' County Judge of Clatsop County in our national progress. ' A'T'. Oregon. .Nov. 24. 1W. up. I At f,ome fufjre late I will show I ii.a n.mniinitlv :iit.- of tnxatliHi now. ' vn aeafn3t t In- hoiiw ami thee be a i L.t..,1 ,-.uH na I ...... n, '... i. I . ""u 3 ,a"- lespecwu.iy, j. ft. w. -.u.ii ,.. ... , ,.miu.rulm nn. I tr..ria Oreir.Ml. .Nov. 24. 1V. I " """? , (oirv a mi majority In txh houses, in th- event that a ontmt i determined AX OFFICIAL .sTATElinNT. , . , . . r C-. Tkld , . 1 1 n . Aumnan r.""io-. -i- .Severn! tli..uan.l ii.ile from oin I.. j the nut- will to- h-r? at the inn-IIng f j the . lection committee. Covi-raor Itnul j ley still maintain guard at th" Mint 1'KAI.SE FOR AMERICAS STIWDK try' F.xc-ls in Manufaeture. To the Tat-pay-rs of i-!at.s.,p County. iir-gon. My ait-ntlon ha Wn eall-il to an rhieago Chronicle, al'iivss cireulat-l throughout c.i.,, within a neriod of fifteen yeum th County by the Tax Papers lagu of . Cuiteil States w ill not nel to iip)--t at nal and It Is said the war depart, this city, -iatej Sep,. iv Th H.,.a d.jiar- ttorth of textile g.l." said j ., Was ,.v,,. fuy 1.l111., w,() dre. i inrorr.-ct, and unf-iir a to th-; Maximilian j. Sonnen. hetn. -xixirter, . f cutsop's finaneia! ."n-iof Prairue.. Auxtrla. at the Palrneri ' ire.-"tsj ror trouble "-t-m lo b.- siat-nnnt ditimi. It says; Notwit'-mriiriditnr i house Thurlay night. "AmerCa Is uomU-rful stride In m In in the ,a'e of f ixation, our rnu -lii-ipal. ! ,iumrie. American have the advant iti s I'.fiv- not Utn u,ble to pay ih-ir Hge of g.J machinery ar.d original ilt -cutr -nt exp.-is". fr-nn th- tax-s raise I un?n Th--v make certain classe of silk better than any other country In th- world. The old w-rWI formerly had the advantage of industrial museums, wher designer) obtained their nh-aa while American genius wan f.rcd to ly on it own Intentions, ann in.' iii-ien). in- irnl-l.t-ln.s -,f th county has in. r-iis-d ft-..m $l'i.; :;."."p.' in to fbon, j!:;:-.:;',: m i:o." m,v. ineon-'t. unfair .m.) de,-ivini!. sur-h a s'at'in-iit is. ai s--n by ;(,,. f.,. lo ing. as shown by -x 'o-i t r-p.,its Tli- total . ou-ity d-br !. 1,,.., .; lv.'v. vsas "U'etamjmg .... arri.it.- k-ti'; f'd j K-o!in:ii- .:it -r -st Alfl-.ll!:t i f te.u.. t;i v. 1 r r-toilt will le of great advantage to this country." .;o it., '.t.'.illl IMl Total l-l.l jt C.ish in L'-n'l I I. -f :;. .;, ''as!, in iia.-els of f . . . j . i ; v- el h Cash .ii YoO'igs I. ay !ri.'g.- f.j 1 'ih n -I ai : -mid f . ,.... " " ' 1 I -' 'ash m ti.. rreuMurv A man mimt Jiave a lot of bravery in his make-up to enable him u listen calmly to the whistling of bullets. hi. t!w l.'Kt'l.l'l W I ''!'.'' ,'s It '111 Jlltl irrams ; from Juti' a i v.i nt s i I ' 1 2"ii-n! fund 1 :.. .In--- :,ii yei -lll'l rp -i ! i! i ml f', ' ' i ii I un- .; I -le. 1 No. 1 t'r.Mi .lui..- 1 I., June ,;.i , Total iiiioim; ,f '.'.;ur-i,,s outataiidiii',' -lune Z'l, I102 0W27 In thin amount is Included $).V4T.4!i waiTa:iti liaivn on bride;,. fund So. 1, Children How sad it is to see weak children-boys and girls who are pale and thin. They can not enjoy the sports of child hood, neither are they able to profit by school life. They are indeed to be pitied. But there is hope for them. 0 Scott's Emulsion has helped such children for over a quarter of a century. Your doctor will tell you it is both food and medicine to them. They begin to pick up at once under its use. Their color improves, the flesh becomes more firm, the weight increases and all the full life and vigor of childhood returns again. 1 .11 rfnirrfst ! (DC. Snd ll -OO. SCOTT HOWNK, Chemitu, New York. r.w inir as the lay a pi p.aeli.s. f final s-ttl-m- it NAVV f'KI'AltTMK.NT ItKKnIt.MJt S . r.'t.ii y ,.,i, win It. i omiii-nd the c.msi li latlon of Thr.s- Hiir-inis n; ii:k'. Nov. a ithI d:- p.itdl to 'he He-raid from Washington, says; There Is reason to MW-ve that He( re. t'ary I.iig will r-comim-nd In hi an nual report that legislation be emir-teil f.utl.orlzing the ennsolldailon of the bur-iiu of ciKiHtru-tlf.n rind repair, s'-iirn .-nirin.s'ring and ciiilpment. In plai.e of th.- three bureaus, ac cording to tl s-ivtary plan then will be one department uhb-h will iiiss upon the various iiiesinH which arls in . onriec tl.pri with the various con firm Hon and repair ships. It u po s-i ret th it the H-er-tiiry's l otmld ra ti. ns in this mattj-r . ip-the direct result ol 'lir-tion c.-iimianily iscurring In the relation l.-tc-'n the bur-ati iiam-d, grow ing out of the effort on Hie pan ,,( one t extend ltd authority In lln- do main of the other. The w-retary leeveH that the inter est of tho rvce demand harmony li the conduct of the work iiti better bus Ines prim II h. Kothfriff r tf arifli ki tiv . h J l the tjiriuor tn !rnwm 1 fn will rwitri.mtf iror in tli it If hUtrtim- of llio luti. h..(.i. mjV for th Nimplfnt or Um t ciairrit pint-iion ror rot or niDilon. Marltt in all , narm I tha mnnt ttetfrAtn tinfn ) MTANUAMU OIL O, , od told werrwher. It Will Pat Von To look up th burf&lni I At offer-; Int in my crockery stock. Iwy IhltiK Is included at ret dlsoount from rjular price. Evcrytbln In plain and decorated wax; th fam ous l.ustlo I rand. Ktifllsh make. It will j)y you lo lnk it ovr. t ClfA8. LAItitON. til Commercial HtrwH. They're I'opular Now Have you cn try aaortmnt of rbony brushT Thry were pur- cham.t direct from New Yoik. and are very inipulnr. Am constantly r.-. el lee new jiHids. Com and tli.-m. O. W. SMITH. Th Leadlnf Jeweler. Commercial Street. i Who lin- uiir . ii ii nd r .' j We clltn, and w will pruv to ; every one, that we hav th brst : and mmt up-to-date laundry on the Coast. A trial order will oonvlno the most particular. If you want ; neat, prompt work, try th j CITY STKAM LAUNDRY, in mnklln Avnu. i R. 8CH1M I'KCHMAN, J'rop. j Our Special HarKaiilH We have torn broken line of Un war which w will ck out at bar am pticea. We ar also maklruj special priori on torn broktn line of canned frulla and relishes, pick els. table delicacies and aauoaa. These ar A No. 1 foods, and can be had at low prlcaa. ROSS. HIOOINB CO. Kxtra Fine t'mhrellu And at better than Portland price. It's a fach Thy ar th celebrated Pollmer-Clof-f mak; handsome, d'rrtble silk umbrellas. Don't mak the mtstak of buylnt elsewhere. H. EK8TR0M, Th Jeweler. MO Commercial Street. Better lliai) I ter The Pond Street Fish Market U better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt fish of all kinds. Joods delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. POND STREET FISH MARKET. 417 Bond Ptreet Millinery Novelties I d-lr to further call the atten tion of the ladles to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prise the latest creations of th millinery art, and I am offering re duced rates for the nest SO day. MISS McRAE. Dr. T. N Hull DENTIST. hit Commercial Street, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Bchlussel's Clothlns; Store. P. fl. Sharpie's Cream Separators I,UM ni.il I lent '?fflm"y Groceries Builders' Heavy and Shelf Harduiare.ShipChandlery.Etc. Pacific Sheet Metal Works 'Ulmorj Vegetable Fnit MANUFACTURERS OF CANS spice ... - Synp Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cat. Astoria. Ore. Falrbaven. Wasn. Write Usi for Prison mm (lemZealand fire Insurance Go Of New Zealand. W. P ThomnH, Mgr., San KrcmctHco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OP SMARRH0LDI:R5 SabscribiU'niital . . f.'i.OOO.OOO ruifl-Up Cnj.itul - . . 1,000,000 Awls WUH Asflt-Ls in United Stntcs . . .'100,000 Surplus to Policy Holders . 1,718,792 Has been Undcrwritinp on tho rucific ( 'an over Twt iitv-two yours. SAnUEL ELMORE & CO., Rceldent AgentH, Astorio, Oregon SOUTH LEAVE I'OKTLAND 2 I2L1 :' ii lfft77 urn OVEHLAND EX I'ltKHH. for U.l.m 7-wi p u i"""1""". Ashlsnd,' V.N P.M.IHnoramento, Ovden, nan Francisco, -Mo-Jav. Urn AnKelea, El f'sso, New Or leans and the East IH A. Mi DaU except 8unJjr fl 10 A. M M:W P. M Roseburg passenfer vfa Woodhiim, for Mount Angel, Hl. verton, West gelo, Ilrownvllle, Hprlnc Del) and Nation.... i'V"'; P"ner f:M A. tt Mucireiiuciict pass tl:B Jk.M ARHIVI 8:00 A. M W P. M Dally except Hands; LOOK HERE, YOUNG MAN! Tour laoki oil on rnu. la keep It Mint hli lltfur li s laa Uls to mil or write lo this old toe tor. IU rtaa bean Irtstlnf mteh na.M r.ir or VUi ytara, anil la perremlr rallalila. Kumlaiiaa hli own mJ e'n and lain no lair. DR. KESSLER t Hi u, si Imji, Madlrsl ana Hiimii-al ll.in.ary, Vaml.lll irrii, I'urtlaii.l. nr., puelllveljr ur ani.pi iu cura. PRIVATE l,',J"" This d KM.ir i.nranlMf to nir an raw ..t Sytihllli. cln.,rrhra, IllMl. T ctlll'.l rurrl. no .lirrn-n.-e hoar iimg in.l!m Hiwrniaiurrioa. I.".f' Miinii.aul nr Nlirhtly Rmlaaiima. curi.il Mrm.ii.nl- ly Tha hjljli ot Xalf Aum .rr.cluallv cured In aiort I. ma YOUNG MtN v""r n Winn ''' ri.ina.tlM,.and ihla old diH-uir will rive ou whiliamn advlra and cure ou- irik you parfaatly air. n snd l.-aliriy. Yu will ha arnni.! al hia aur,-a m curing Hjiarrnaiiirrhors. Hemlrial l...n, Nightly Kmiulont, an3 oilier eltacia Patli-nta traiad In any part of Ih country by hit boms yatirn. VNrlfa full parllrulara, Inol.M lo 2o mm,, and ha olli anawar you proinpily. Hundreds ir.alad al torus who are unaui to own to tiie ally. READ THIS Take AIM, hAlIU al K-4i I ... i . . . . . . ----- - - -- urinate n in nmiie, (at atlde snd loon at It In Ih. morning. If II la cloudy or aXi.- .5 I ..V" " '""hart aume sldnay cr bladdae llaaaae, and thould he atlendrd lo b.f.a you gat as ;rur- pally. tDail, except Biinoay. Cunnuctlnir ar Han i.Vnn, dental & Oriental, pacific Hall and Oae- ' anlc steamship lines for I ui'tfm-iWZ' AIJ8TRAMA. I fiSiUilS ul'kel" on ,al- J"i bwtwseo ond-class, In.Hmiln, SST '"U " "f nf , tk f to tastern poInU and UrOD. Alaii la ... r. cli . Manaaer. O F V P A. TJjrausrh ticket, n.,, t ,0WJt Call on C. J PMTUmm.A 1.1 Wr.e ranro Comcnjr i aAwAgtorlaV, llfffTI, 3 IlilMll "CUPIOENf Thla creel Vnjauhlo 1 , nui. nri K rn ii'aua uinnrnia orrhma and CrOSt N0 AFTER J , "'"'n...lenry. IPID;t:cl..uUi.Uy.f, ul! i&:isW!a Addreas DA VOL HEPiC 1BIK CO- P. O. Box atffg. Han irrsufllaro?!. ArAH 6y '"" -riiii'ii r,.,!,,.: moMKiemvi fr m tr chaxubb roquu.