THE MORNING ASTORIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER r., m. ENGLAND HAS CONFIDENCE . IN HER FIELD GENERALS Graduates of the Latest Wolseley School and THE NAVY IS Officers Point Oat that the War Office Was Ignorant of Boers' Artillery Strength anl the Situation Was Only Saved by the Naval Guns. NKW YORK, Nov. U A dispatch to the Tribune from London nays: Th w for which Lord Salisbury opened the way m1 ckrd the ground by necret understanding with the German emperor, haa rvachfd the transition twiween a Dutch at tack thwarted by the successful defense of Iadyimith. Mafekinr and Klmber ley and British offensive operations. now opening on a large scale. There was a renewal yesterday of elastic rumors of a disastrous repulsx of the Boers at Ladysmith on Wed needay but these have been deprvclat ed In advance by definite news that General White's array remained Inac tive so late as Friday night There were vatrue report;', that Joubett's force had rateed the siege, gone south and cut of Estoourt from the sea but tbcee lacked confirmation. The siege of Ladysmith had evident ly failed but the resources of Boer craft had not been exhausted and both While and Clery needed to be on their gutrd against being entrapped at the last moment, when the union of their forces only required caution and pa tience. Tills was the undertone of talk at the war office and among the military staff and hope was expressed that White would remain quiet and Clery would not allow himself to be hurried. While the fact of the military situation in lower Natal is carefully concealed. It Is plain .hat Clery will have in the course of a few days a force of K.OuO or 18,000 troops, including the naval bri gale and the battalions which were on the ground before reinforcements began to arrive at Durban These Include thre brigade of th First, Second and Third divisions aJid the Second Somert Mgnt infantry. which left Cape Town yesterday Both Cl:-ry and Hildyard have b-enj connected with the staff college and are considered among the lest tacli tlani of the British army. They have been great favorites with Lord Wolse ley and understand the minutest de tails of the military tactics and esy taught in ;l)e w hni-.U schools. While the campaign In Natal is wrap ped in tny.'P-ry itid dai knefe much light is thrown ill the movement t". waid himberley that sotrie leading mil itary writers p-cline to Ulieve that it will come un. a fr-y advertised. Methuen has tvo brigades, in cluding ihe guards i-eiment f I.a!' I"S, several tialt-ri-s and a nava! coii tinsent and jpKinntly the Highland brigade will Join him. There il! h a body of :ie,iriy l',.Wj(i in-11. Sk-'prics au!rt that 'h" censor would not al-j low the press dtspsri-'nes to g,i thntiEhj ' If Kltnliel ley Wele that the t-eal des'i- ; it will occupy both hanks of the O run pre river Htol draw "ff the Dutch troops from I'an- t'olony. I (Mh.-r wrlt-Tf in tolay's journals urg- j thfit tic advanct- u.inl have gone t o j far to support that tli ory nti ! that Kiinhci ley m iv Ih- in gr-a'e- cai t s ' than th.' pu'.iiic s i',p's.-s, und thai i . i General l'.ull-r k.:iows triit the :-...i-f column :'Ust inarch sp-edily. G-n-rn GatacT'-- evidently exp rt-d to play an irnpor'.ant part in tho upot. nioi'infontein from Hast London in connection with Methu.'ti's operation;: but his force Is now small. Thrw II vislons have l.e.-n cornplf tely r-ca-it without ivgard to iv-d tape. Naval officers, annoyed by criti cisms of the admiralty for arranging sea transportation by slow ships, now are retorting that the situation has been saved by the navy's guns. They contend that the war office wes Ig norant of the artillery resources of the T!oirs and allowed Ladysmith to be selected as a camp without providing guns equal In range to those mounted against It on the outlying hills, but and Most Technical Favorites of His. CLAIMING CREDIT that the effect of this blunder whs countu acted by the naval 1! pounders sent from the ships In the nick of time, This cannot be denied nor can it be questioned that the naval gui on im provised carriages have transformed the situation at Estoourt and on Orange river. A point which Englishmen not con nected with the rival services perceive is that the resources of the British gov ernment for carrying on war at a long distance Intend are enormously in creased by the active co-operation of the army and navy as In the pmsnt! campaign. The bluejackets now on exhibition at Ladysmith, Estoourt and the Orange river are like the Sepoys dlplayed at Malta by Lord Beacons field as a practical reminder to Russia that there was more than one way of fighting a big campaign. THERE ARE OTHERS. Movement Started to Honor Certain Generals of the rhlllpplne Spanlsh War. CHICAGO. Nov. A mening of thoe interested In honoring General Joseph Wheeler and General Fltzhugh Lee was held In the parlors of the Au ditorium hotel. Miss Asoe, Marie De Beck presided. An appeal, addressed to the women of the country asking them to aid in the project was issued, the resolution embodied therein reading: "Resolved that the people In every section of the country be asked to cir culate, sign and send to their respec tive representatives In congress a let ter praying that body to enact a law creating two additional major-generals for the regular army, with the request that the presid-m appoint to th posi tions Generals Fltzhugh U- and J'Vh Wheeler, so that at the proper time they may be retired with the full rank, honors and pay attached to the exalK-d rank. Resolved that the p.-, pie ,,f .very section be asked to subserlls to a fund to be used In purchasing for each, of the officers named a sword, which will for (p. -n-i atior.s l- h-!d as sacred :ieit! .y the defendants f th--se distinguish-d citizens; the: fun is to foe rais.-d by prp-r!y organiz-d b-?al committers." Th- Illinois Trust & Savings l;atik havin off-red t-i act as etis'.slian, it was i-esoiv'i that ail funds tx- -nt dirt to the li.u.k with the wrds ' The l-e ami Wh-elT movement" written across the upp-r l"f; hand torn, r of the envelop-. Th" app-a; .'ill Ih-simi-1 by Mis Ann- Marl- ! Il-i.-k, pt-esilent; Mrs. I...uis- .h'f),'.l n -.r ary and Mi-s 11. 1.. 'J-ady, Mi.-,, Kdlth a:..l M:ss lil.tti' h- K'-strs m?-r, ai .1 1 'Ta nt ;i:n r:t'. k h staff. I'rospei i r. 'f an ' lli ' a u - a App.l' 'IK NKW Y"I'K, N ,v. th- Tt lhu .e r W A -I a. to says: -sistair f-r re- Major MTlan. J. V acjutat.t g-.-rc-ra: !!- ;p.: d tir-men;, thereby ' . ,,, most dslrable -! ..i:. '..! tha i" of the t has oc my ;'.,r a cur 1 in trie s'ait limg '.trie. Th-.' '.iiS'-rn-si ivli ,ehl;li appoint-; ments to the -clj'i'ar.t g'-i;-ra,'s ' rps are sought is realized wh n It ih stated that over 2'i" applications had been filed for Vo'.kmar's vacancy b-f'ire it liecame generally known In i,e army that any retirement was about du". These applications came not only from captain of the line, hut from majors who could expect no immediate ad vancement In rank under the existing organization. v It si the general conviction In the service, however, that the adjutant peneral's department Is on to -be-ex-j patidd. when the promotion oT officers who are already In -tlw corps will bej rapid and their Influence Increased, j Mo officers In fact are beginning to' Uk on entrance to this corps as their' personal salvation. Major Volkmnr Is' t now attached to the headquarter of the deKirtiin!( of lake ut ChlcagOt Me served In th Fifth cavalry until' appointed mayor and assistant aIJu-' UMl iteneMl In 1SJ. i'OIOH LINK IN l.lUVKLYN. Court IvU That Black Chlldivit 1 Have no Kls'ot to Atton.l White Schoola. NKW YOKK. Nov. The aiqvltnte divNion "f the supmne inrt f lti ok ly n was denied the itppistl of KlU.ibvt h i'lsci, colore!, fivm trw il.visuwi of a special term rrfualng a peremptory by the CaI.Uohma Km SvHl'P to. writ of mandamus to compel the school only. knowledge of that fact will , , . i assist one iu avoidiuir the worthless lva:d of Queen s borough to admit hr mttlon mam. fact byotherpar chlluren to the public school on Hren- ties. The hijth standing of the Cam- ton avenue, Jamaica, and make distinction on account of color. Justice Goodrich, writing the opinion. ys the provlaion it the coiuultutton which provide that equal school faclll-1 . . .. .. ' tie, shall be furnish,! to all children . cannot he held to mean that the white children and the black chlldtvn muM . . . ,i be permitted to attend the same school. ' As to th quewtlorm of excellence of the instruction In the school for colore! children In comparison with the. schools for white children. Justic Goodrich does nt find that there Is any difference. AMERICAN TRADE RIGHTS IX CHINA AGREEMENT WITH ENGLAND Written Assurances Kill Be forwarded to Secretary Hay un Conclusion of Period of Mourning for Lady Salisbury. NEW YORK, Nov. 22. A special to tne nerata rrom nasningum sa,a. , In consequence of the bereavement! suffered by Lord Salisbury the settle-, ment of several diplomatic matters' penaing oeiwren -,ne Gree.t Britain Is expected to d'" layed. Among thene are the Chinese and Sa moan questions. Great Britain's atti tude with respect to the request of Secretary Hay for a written assurance looking to the preservation of Ameri-. cm commercial rights In her spheres of Influence In China seems to have b;en Anally settled to the satisfaction of the ofliclais who have rvceiv-d oral assurances of the nt-ntlns of the, London government to reply favorably' to Ambassailor Choate's nte, but It I is not believed that the arwwer will b-; submitted until threw welis. ; The several powers approached have undoubtedly bc-n exchanging notes respecting the character of the replies j and It H stated by diplomatists her- that If one would take the leail the ' others would ojilckly follow. For this' reason Great Britain's apparent heslta-i tinn has causxl considerable diplomatic circle. It was rerxftd this morning hat l China had conceded the rdairn ofj France to the ponsesion of two islands which command the (-"trance to Kwing Chao Wan bay. Nc Inf .rma-i to confirm this report has yet b-n ! revived at the sta' department but oir.clals say that if this report be true it Is another Indication of the gradual ,.n.,r.f hmnt of the powers upon Chi - n'' territory. In order that It may defend its corn- ial rights in China they say thatj I this goveronv-iit should have writt'ii ' assurance from tin powers occupying! terri'ory that they v. ill be rcp-i ted. j Secretary Hay made It plain to j : the power.! that the United S'at-s l.nsl no Intention of s izing Chines terri-j i tory but he prop' to to Insist that j ! American trade rights shall not dis puted by the aci'tlsition or extension! cf spheres of Influence of In China FIGHTING AGAINST THE BKI.I. CO. Scheme; to Force It Into a Combination M Alive and Active. NEW YORK, Nov. 22. The Times says: The negotiations which the Tele phone, Telegraph & Cable Company of America have been for the last few weeks carrying on In an effort to bring together the Independent or anti-Bell concerns of the country have not come TMEXCaLENCF OF SVKIP OF FIGS is due not only to fie oripnulity and simplicity nf the cmilin.ition, but also to the care tiut -.i-ill with which it !. manufactured by .sc'eutitlc uroocHM' known to the t'.-ittonMt Kio St kit Co. only, and we w ish to iinpivM upon all the lmvrtaniv of pnrciiuMiii; the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of r'i" i iiuinufnctured no Kio Svki p Co. with the medi cal profession, mid the satisfaction : which the ffcnuiue Svrun of Kiir has gUta ,0 milliou, o( faljiiM, mUes the name of the Company guaranty fn ot Its remedy. It la far ia adrance of all other laxatiTes, u u tcU on M kUmjt ,ir tnd bowels without irrita'inif or weaken- lng" them, and it does not (jrlpe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial . , f . sffects, please remember the name of y,e Company-- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. s r."rMv,ea UCUTILLK. 'W TeHK. H. T. ; ; ; - ! to im enj a- far a. this city Is eon cerned In splt- of previous announce ments to the contrary. This c Mtcern ha renewed Itk ad I vancest toward the IWpl. Telephone Corporation and there Is still u chance that th- latter may le nbsorlied. Mean while the 1'evples Telephone Corpora-' Hon has taken active .-.tei t. put Its system In operation down town and , will begin strlngltiK wire In about a Tha ,.,.,,th.ti,,s win on lust1 the same. ' For the lt few .lays Wall street has i Nn Interested in a rumor thut th, Telephone. Teleirr.inh & Cable C ,m put.y was rvully a scli'-me to play into the hands of the Hell i-ple, and t lint it aimed to bring ail the antl-lM! cum. j rtf.nies under Its control t,nd thon turn I them over to the Itcll lnt"tvnis. w- J ' LaUa wh() ha n (l)X.,u,y lu ,vf (n ,jrganllin( K.,., Telegraph .Ahw ,.iimMinyi .p,..,, M story, . ,, . ... . ... ..... Jllllle J. Illl, ouurw-i ,. lie- Ti.plni. , ,M-ponitl.m announces 1 1K..1 ih. e..n.H.rn h:m ili'tde,! to (D In- i. ... , . ....,...., 1 ,t,nJCatton. Bell & Co. n-oney enough to go without going !- yor.d the men now in control f It. The Bell people are said U be organ ising In New Jersey to light their rivals and It has Wn rumored that a Hell concern, the New York ft New J.-rsi-y Telephone Company had ob tained control ..f the Newark Tele phone 'ompiny, a newly organized ccneern. IT.' i.M INF.NT INVKNT"II lKAI NKW Y d.K. Nov. Hni' h -r. mv -ntor of 22.-TliotnaH XV. thlrtv different1 Ip4es or macninei y aoo .u ,n i-j . i.ect.d wi'h an, iis-1 In the hatters trade. Is dead at his horn- In this city, age, j: MANrFA"ni;Kii fails. talk In: NKW YI;K. Nov 22. -Adolph Hoff ' -t;vdt, formerly a lace manuf.ictiirer, hits filed a petition In bankruptcy Llabillii'K ll.".,i. Id;' .WNING AT ALASKA. V1CTOU1A, 1! C Nov g-rr on the steamer T 22 - I'a.isen- whlih ar Alaska rejiort rlved last night fr mi ,u, UIlinif ,)f tl .m,., iminhleton, ,,,,,, her woman .uni three unknown ! men. They w -n carried under the In a small boat. Fancy Glassware Bargains. Worth Your Coming Just to Ace. Great American IfflDortfniE Tea Go. HTOIlKH 100 TN NUMHRIt PRICKS AWAY UNOKH .j;i Oornmerilal Ht., Astoria. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALU OpM rrtry ar from I oeioek to l:H aad I.M to l:M p. m. Snbscrlptlon ratoa II par annum. Woat Cor. EH rr vi til and Ouaao StrooU A. ftv, tink ci-.v '.vi r - . . - jFsS t ;-',.-.Yr..v A. ' V;-: THE PROOF at tlM nwddlac U la tb and the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an artusBol that's ro pIvmIvs a dsnonaumuoe. Oars will stand ths test. HUGHES & CO. ION AHE S0C1ET, OF LONDON. Established during the rcn of Qin I Anne. A. D. 17l PI RE AND LIFE. pUi-r.ou l apttaj I ixw.isw uc asu it n.M m Surpl' s to policy holders 4.0n.M tt Ki 'luilr ot paid up eat4lal Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. I Bubscrtbsd or guiraotsed sap- . 1 7m paid up IMM H ' so 0m 1 AfMa. taa Traaotoss. Oal Samuel Elmore & Co. Ibaldwt Agsota, Astorta. Ors. L. LEBECK Carpenter nnd UullUcr CJenernl Conirnctor MOUSE KAISlNd AND I MOVING A SPECIALTY J. A. Fastabend Generol Contractor and Builder HousiHiioving TooIh lor Kent, HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light and well baked. Well there Is a knack In mak ing It. But don't forget the kind of stove or ranee us.-d makes a difference. Ills mother used a Stnr ICstnte Ifnnjre Tf. 3. 8CULLT, 'Aftnt, 4S1 Bond itntt, f1" Mill's MM Wilson Improved Air Tight Heaters ...FOR COAL... This lioutiT is 'snt'iully udiijitt d Sufi Ctml uiitl I,iiuilo. I'lio litxty is imtdo df iMiiiitM Htot'l, Mxtra lit'iny nliak in; itmi tluni.iiijr uruto. l''iro iot t'xlm lu'itvy willi null it. litis a nickel inn, nitkrl iiuinc pluto uinl two liu kt'l idalcil (mil mils. The Iml li;ist ilnil'l is Mi.t'iiiistnii'tctl tlmt tht t'S( iiiino :ti's aiv all I'lHisiiintMl, wliieli inukcs a Kivat saving in 1 1 u niisiimjtiin nf fuel. Price, $12.00 to $25.00. Ail Varieties of Wood Air Tights at FOARD 6 STOKES. Books Nought, Sold and Kxclmngwl at t!it Old Book Store History, Uioersnliy, Mccluhloal, lU'lorriicr, Tot-try, Mistical, ! la. lUllglotit, Hclfhtillo All tUndaril works. j ond Imiid school IsMiki, Urga stock j rep SH'(iud baud iniijsnlnrs. Li-1 Ill'Htl runt's Ixitiiflit irg- piock oi novels, , 10,'HMI lit t. HYLAND BROS.!? Northwest Optical Co., rOBTUNP. OH. j i Mt-lSil Yamhill Ht., llow Hiiond. j Trlrpliotit. IUs 'JHS3. R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 WasliinKton St., corner Fifth! ()puait Hotel Perkins ! Lmlies Hair Dreeing a Sjiecialty I .Hi lies m(rat)c to bath on Fifth etrwl. PORTLANh, UF.O(N. Columbia Eleetrie & Repair Go SticceHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BollerMakers Machinists Foundrymen t-eogglriK RMglncss llullt nnd lcpnlrocl Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers tif the Insurpnsscd ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Coiitructors for Klfctric Lights itntl Power I'laiitH. ft J ...The Esmond Hotel.., J POHTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. t w Kunip -! i'n, 1 1 i.-hi i-r cbiv. OSCAR ANDERSON, A rir..n,,iK, li'M,2.ii'M.rily. .1. r. li.N AST, 1,'hli'f Cli'r k J ', CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In nil n' rHJlOrWU IAAAAAAAJ UXnUVlAAUlAAAAAAA lAArtAAAnUtrtAAAAAJAAfl PORTLAND, OH. oi runumariAnrinAnrLriAAriAAAAAAAAA I'M AAAAAAAA VTU I A' tAAAAAAAi I Tiiui s wiiut Vi nr trying 10 Jo- catch Ihevyr o( Ih tiblu'. We are dojnu it. too. This Is shown by the ntimoor of the tuibltd who coins to mm u sUmt thrlr Individ tml rrra Skill, rnre nj honesty 11 (xmibionliou (list must win. Tll l.itilx llhlg . Himil nml NVnalili1, Hl C roHTLAXD. OMKIIOM. CriAVAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAUV 1 W. C. A. Pohl, fMUl ClttUI. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director I Caakrta and Funeral Suppllre cotntnnl I ly on hand. Corner 11th ami Ihiane HI, Astoria, Or a MxllMilt Mriol Rwhantrtl or Initollx mlo inai tins loth rrl r.spuiltiua, Iikui4 ; li fAiKNt idolX, lllllmar, U4. LogRers Supplies Kept In Stock iiihI HlylcN. Vn hIiiiII coiitlniin to noil Iron nml lirnxH IIimImIi-hiIm at tlid Him in Low I'rlco ri'KiirillfH of llienilHoln IIhi price of iron und hrnaa