The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 22, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Save $10 to 920 on your Suit or Overcoat
K you wish tole well dressed in every particular-Style Cloth -I Jniny Workmanship in fact everything that pertains to a j.,t-rfect Suit or Overcoat at NO MORE EXPENSE than if you wore
Ready Made Clothing, Then let us make your next Suit.
Suits to rder
We inula Hiiilw to onlcr from fi.00 to $1.1 tlirujur
tlniii any oilier litt cIwki tiiiloring eMuMihliiiu-nt
in 1'ortlnml. . . .
THE urcat rusn f jvoph to take advantage ol our extraordin
ary offers in uncalled (or suits and overcoats has been marvel
ous from the very lejinninjj. The popularity of these suits
has lecomc so threat that we have leen compiled to ojen
corres(K)udrnce with over one hundred of the largest Tailoring
concerns throuylxnit the country in onlcr to get these suits
f.tnt enough to supply the enormous demand. These arc
not misfits, but suits made t order on which deposits have
been paid and which for unkown reasons remained uncalled
for. Such things happen to every Tailoring establishment.
It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits
that they find it more advantageoun to consign them to us
than to attempt to dispose of them from their own establish-mcnts.
Uncalled for Garments at Half Price
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats, $12.60
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $15.00
$36.00 Suits and Ovei coats, $17.50
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00
These garments are so tar superior in
style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth
ing that comparisons are od'ous. Call
and examine them and see if we can
fit you. '
We are Tailors,
Bear that in Mind.
Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap
about our suits is the price. Our suits have that
style fit and finish about them that well
dressed gentlemen appreciate. Astorians are
cordially invited to call and inspect our goods
whether they buy or not.
lUpId Progress .Made In Kt furniin
and f'lvillzlos This Distant Pos
session of Tni'lc Sam.
an 1 the Inliiihltiints urc IScimj
Tnuijht to Dccl(i) Its Resources
Ho lugs, lioUKVcr, fur nmr nthVer I"
numst lilm In I'ltrryliiK hl plans
f-ir liniriiviir thi iiulltlifi "f De
population. . wivo h- want" 1111 !
iiiiii'hliii', luiiii' f Uk w jIi r mi lti- ll
unit iii-iiitf of iP'-r (iiin-nniiri' H'
him mnlillHli.-.! ill" nti "f govi nun -in
ill Anna, tx mllK from INti Ij-iiIm
I ' A Il II M llllll IVir UllH lIlHtillH'l' III"
turn Iwivo tiu.l iii liaiil nil llii' innl'"
for th IhiIMIiik ilH-y up- in-riiMi; as
'll .in all mipill.
I lliil tin' Int mvmUiik lnl "f '' f
DISCOS!'. I) r r rli' ! tli reforms Iwgim. t
; whlrh tl. Kivrrtiir Miy.
""" " ' "Muvlnir lt x"1 'f ptl'-t.
Natural Wealth of the Nn.l Is Great ! r,,,",, ,'r"K1"" wUI ""' ""
rurllii'V i.-wlrtl.ino- will In- I'Uiiiiiiiirii'U
II" I'KpliUiiit tlw l iml.-iM .vhlrh
wrrr t 1 ti t In Knisllsh In tin' i-tit. mi
ni y nltli'lal form in tho Hint KiiKllsh
prlntltiK prun In tho IhU.hIh H'nl 'II-
I trlliuttM bniiiili'iutt. Tin- I1tit of th--I
In cnlculiiliil In i'imun-I nu ll iiilull lo
; rolilrUilllo Id llif HUrl uf tin' IT'iv-
1 1 liini'iil 'iy .n,i1"(f In fcKKl M.lur
1 Til In oi.l-r .iih ilutfil M. t,
1 hiuI ri'iiiilr nil who h.ivr no trail.' to
I ilii lit tvtv.ila, vi-tri'tiilili, I'ti'-, iliul'T
iiion or tin avvt'iv MniltliK. Ii In
Mlpntiilol Unit iwh I'ltln'ii ahull liav,'
ill hiiKt twelve tii'HH iiml oik' iwi anil
coin linn In wn wlun of tlii'in Inilell
nltily. Tlu'y iiiiimI brliiK vkk, rhltkrtis
iiml vewtnlile in wll to th Kovrnnr'n
Iiouhi nml (o tlw liurnii'kH at nlali'l
Inli'i viiIh iuuI th.-y iiiuxt ay llwlr tax 'm
and tlhihai'K" olhi'r IiicIi-IiIoiIiumh.
Tlu olhor onliT Iw.hsl Srit. IS, n
more radical. It (liHiininU ttuU con
('iil)lna(fi', which wiu iriicrally nil over
tilt IxlaiulM, iihall lop linm.i)liK"l.v. In
till order (lovcrnor I-ary monillzi'n ji
foliouii to tlu native.:
The cxlHtliiK cimloiu of ralHlnu fa.u-
lllin of llli-KlMtnatp chlldiiMi lh repul-1
Jerald Tailoring Companv,
250 Washington Street,
Ni:V YoliK. N.v. SI. -A mifilal to
l ln Trillium from WuhIiIukIiUI unyii:
(lovcriuir I'iiry. uf Utlain or "Th
Ixli of iliiin,'" ii h It In 1-ji.IIiiI on the
oll'i-lal KUU'i'iinlotliil hhiI, h havliiK
iimcl i-xiirrli'iucM for an Aiucrti'iui In
an alli.Ki-t Iiim uiiliti coiiuiiiiiUly, lnu
the Infiinuvncy of coMuniuili-iitlniv with
the oiilnlde world rnilt llttl. Infor
niatlon tn reitch WuHhlnirtitii reirardliiir
this InnoviMliii. In colonlnl eHlahllHh
ineiitH and tlu Ilt'lle that (linn euni In
irouiitly Diet) away In llu m'ivt iir
i Ilk-en of the navy .U-imrl nii'iit iih If It
were the a looted x ilU-y to Rinrvo out
the curlofilty that i-xlxtri reKarilltiK af
falrn there.
One rrHrt, dated (I.-IoImt II, (flven a
Irrne reminie of affalrn In the niplaln'n
ll Ulllllloll Hlnce I III- lllMt lllllll It HllllWH
that the lul'indem nee Inoiillnnlely
la.y, havliiK aciiilred the linhltn of
their iiimk-hIoi-h of ralKliiK mich 'cropn
, mm will kiyp fhelr bodlen ii.nd hoIiIm ti
K ether and thai !lu-y rninnt lv enidly
Induced to value money or pxerclw
their enrnlnif power. With a inlnlmum
of exei-tloli, they ,ip HiillHtled If they
do not Htarve. The whole IhImiiiI lit full
of exampl' of neglected opportunltleM
which are ) dlnt.utt'eful to American.
The K''V"rnor Iuim Hot out to brlnn
th neiiplu of Ounm to ft renlJEatlon
of the natural wealth ct the IhIhiwI anil
to niiike nil under hlH Jqrlndlctlon an
prihlnetlve s jh)hI1iI. H tell the
navy deportment that ho dm' not wa.nt
any more marl lien nent lo him. an he
cannot provldu fiwid for thorn and doe
not need them for hi Hetmm nn h
ho nothing to fi-ar from the natives.
LuiriiiNl. Them w.ui u rush to uliey
Hi- oidi-i. .uid In fu.M. lh" M-ip.- have
kIi-iau a dl!poltlou to h- oIhiII. nt to
iinv .!( I o-i fioiu lle1r ifovernor,
Stipi-o.ii-d to ! H"ichliiK t'ut For N
Territory In I'nllfornla.
SAN FltANCISCO. Nov. "I. -The Kx
.mini, r nay:
The Siijkh FV I till I it. id Im i-u'hlii!
nil", for the tniile for the Norlheru eoam
of t'ullfoi nla. It hai reoiitly
the Kulaiuath ltallroad, the lt.-lt Line
iiIkiiu Kiirekit hailr and Immifiw
tiiu In of tlmhtT land.
In pofiHfmliiK tlu' Klamath riul ;!
iiiII'-h In lenrth uid the new hnrlior l-lt
line, the Santa Fv ol)talm eumtiol of
the entire water front of Kutvk.i. It N
iiiiU'mtoiHl ihnt lu'iintliUloiiH have Ix'i-u
i n' rli', I with 'he IioliollUe road, now
eonipleled from Tllitiroii to I'klah.
whereiiy In thv nNir futuiv lhai rond
will tie exleiidl to Kuivka and S.mta
Solano rill- and iniunil Ki-rnan-
' d i riv w "iindoJ.
! Th" P itoeentn coiuinatided ! Oetier-;
all IloliiUln and I.ujan are ri-lrt-tl to
I have occupied Huraranwuigii.ii N'or. IS. '
Tie- place had In-h held by tho rcvo-1
I iHtioniHtu .-i in-.- the civil war of a month i
I :Ko. !
i (
J The Manavia. an Knit'lfh mvHmer, .
I arrived here y,-terl.iy wl'h ft.Ki recruit!
I from Hnena Ventuni About 4'Hi more.
J !- r 11 i t aw oxivtisl 'n ami on thcli
I arrival all will proceed ti the Atlaniie;
! the niovoiiK'iit bcKlmiliiK nvxt i
Nn news ha.i yel Ui-n rcwlviM frum,
the oil holds It Is believed higher flgUrvs
will reoched.
The advancing murkK has stipulated)
"wIldcattlnK'' an the dritling of ttet
wells In new territory Is called. All
over the regions of the West VlrgtnU.
Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, sup
posed to lie oil hsiring. hundreds of
wells are being put In.
pive 10 men 111 iicccucy, niiiagoui"iie
to moral lulvHUcemciiH, liveixnpailbln
with the Ifenerally recognU'-d ciiHtonis
of clvlllted Moclely, n violation of the
accepted principle!! of C'lniHtliuiliy and
a mo.Ht degrading InJUHthv lo the In
nocent offspring, who l not resimnsl-
blo for th conditions of his imfm-to-.
nate exlutence. I
The governor In conclusion, com-1
manded ImnwKllato wello-k for thej
whole adult population mid mnde thej
llcenjie and civil ceremony free until
Nov. 3. A a reault, thw offlcers Inj
charge of HoenHen and marrlaget were j
woiked half to death until nearly i
everybody on the Inland was legally!
lint tic Ik-1 ween liiMiiicnt anil Gov
ernment I'orees Kesult In tin Over
whelmint) Victory For the Latter.
NF.W YOKK, Nov. 21. A dlsimlih to
the Herald fixmi ranamn says:
oiticlal adviecH from Kogota dated
Nov. IS ii'iMHtn that a terrible battle
between the governmonl. forces and
the revolutlonlstti won fought near Hue
aiamanga, capital of the department
of Santnnder, In which the government
forirs were vlctorlmis.
It Is stated that the battle lasted two
days ending a.t noon on Nov. 1.
More than 1,000 rebel were killed and
2,lWi wounded.
About 10,000 men on both sides were
engaged In the fight. General T.Trlbe
and General Juan Francisco (Imnrs,
pr.wlneot lenders of the revolutionists,
weiv wounded and It la reported that
fieneral I'ablo Emllo Valller wna killed.
On the government side General Pena
sinn i.i) roMi: to hiikuon.
Wejihlngion Vaita to go
to Canada for Ig?.
TAlMMA Nov. 2t I'ongrewman
loseph W. Foixl'iey, of Sa.jinaw, Mich.,
who, with the H'oii; estate of Pe-
tiMlt. Mii'h,, owns 25,tiiW acl"s of Umber!
near Grays Harbor and almut S.OtHl
;u of i"., i.l foi'i in IlumNilt
county, Cat., dlsciisHil luditical niles
tlon of intent to lumlx-r men gen
enilly while her t.vlav.
He says ho hop -s c ngivss at its
reining session will take step to In
duce the Canadian government to le
Nim Its Maliatorv nieusures agiiituM
American lunib'ninM). Lops are free
of duty, but the Onadlans require
American mi ll m of Canadian timber
to pledge th'tusHves to miumfivture
Cin.iiliiii logs Into lumber In that
country, as a ' condition of licensing
timber to them. There Is a tariff of
on lumber.
Vug-t Sound INhhIiiu-s to Grow In
Commerce .it Or.'gvi's Kxpense.
TAC'OMA Nov. :i. The North Amer
ican Mall Ste.umhip Company'
steamer Saint Itviv otie of the new
tbvt of six vessels eh.irier-d by the
company, leaves today wiih a cargo of
7.000 tons for China and Jaui. Cotton
forms the prlncipU part of her cargo.
Wall Paper and
Room Mouldings
G rinc, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, etc.
Plain and Decorative Paper
House and Fresco Painters, Etc.
343 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Telephone Red 1955.
J. 0. Gillen 8 Co.,
- .... .1. ii ,. . ,. i
XwXi Y Owt It to Mr." 1
" V A'Vv'l mother of a young k
S7iWl preaching the ft
" time whm girl- A
hood merges int jj
womanhood do S
not hesitate to W
-K rvlr frrrlT and r
StandaiM Oil Company Takes Another
Reef In the Consumer's Noose.
21. The Tribune
The Standard OH Company yesterday
advanced the price of crude petroleum
two cents In the Pennsylvania Held and
one cent In the Lima Hold, making the ,
quotation for the Pennsylvania product
$1.58 per barrel and for Ohio $1 07. J
The advance was the latent of a ser-
lea extending over a iierlod of three!
months, during which time the Stand-1
nrd has Increased the price nearly 40
cents a bnrel. The present prices are
the highest In four years. Throughout
VouOwc It to Hr."
If tou are the
mother of a young
girl who is .'.p
r machine the
time when girl
hood merges int
womanhood do
not hesitate to
speak freely and
fianklv with het
about the things which most closely con
cern her future happiness. If she is sub
ject to any weakness of the delicate, spe
cial organism of womanhood, make it your
business to see that this is properly cor
rected, and that she starts upon woman
hood's career with full womanly strength
and capacity. She will bless you for it all
her life.
There is no need of "examinations and
w local applications." Sound professional
advice mar be ohtained free of charge, by
writing tot)r. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting
puvsu-ian to the Invalids' Hotel and Surg
ical Institute, of Hiinalo, N Y.. whose
thirty years occupancy of this position
has made him recognised among the most
eminent of living specialists in the treat
ment of woman's diseases.
Every case submitted to him by mail re
ceives careful consideration. Efficient and
inexpensive home-treatment is prescribed
whereby d.-'.icate, feminine complaints may
be promptly alleviated and cured. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only
proprietary medicine in the world designed
for this special purpose by a regular physi
cian an educated, exnenenced expert.
Mini Cora 1, Rii.scl, ot Leemont, Acconmc Co ,
Ti . in n letter to Dr. Pierr- -vs: " From April,
ItkjA, until the lollowinif i -r. 1 suffered
Terelv from painful men lion. For about
twelve hours before the appcurance of the meusei
1 would il cMilv. hai t a severe headache, pain
In mv lack in fact fell as If every bone tn mr was lirmkini!. Nothing dill me any good.
I wfole lo Dr. Pierce and he recommended nla
Fiooritr Preiicription,' and after uainr tare
bottle of it I am glad to aay I am cured."
Dealers, Manufacturers ard Contractors
Of Asbestos Boiler
and Pipe Coverings
229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE.
Because nt our house we have neither a bathtub,
nor hot water handy. .
Then go to the Russian Baths at L'l7 Astor St.
25 cents is the price. Private apartments for
ladies. Only the better class of patronage Is
catered to. Try one and you will come regularly.
The Silverf ield Fur Manufacturing Co.,
283-28B Morrison St., Portland, Ore.
To the Ladles of Astoria:
We will save yon one-fourth on every garment vou purohase from ns, be
cause we are direct manufacturers, ami you will save the middleman's
Fur Collurettes, hum - - H' up
Kur N ck Hous. from 7(ic up
1 .allies' Klne Tiillnr- Mmlf Siiltx Innn 12.U0 up
Ijulles' Fine i allur .Mmlc Clnlli Jurkcts, from St') up
IjoII.'s' Fine Frcm-h Fliinm-I Waists, fnnn f 1.75 up
Alaska si I Skln.liickcts. iJimlon Hye, inutle
espi'clull.v tn onlcr tnnn $150.00 up
Kemnili-llnii of Fur (iarniiMils Into the Latest Hlyle at very
low fliiiin's.
Semi lOr illiisiniti'd i-Htalnguc, whtch wewlll gladly mail
Highest frke Paid for Kaw furs.
Yours Risiectfully,
The Silverf ield Fur Manufacturing Co.